ASSOCIATED AND CKNTIiAL I'K'KSS Hrnxtrrsmt Daily Btspafrfj THURSDAY. iNOVEMBKR 25, li>43 ThanksgivingQuiet Occasion For City, ^4s Business Halts WeMlter Is Ideal tor tl;e Entire Day; Kel'jji«us Services l III \ ,11; I ».!> w;i.< .1 <i • ••• . < • i iti lli'lultTM*!) tu(i;iy, wilt) ium .1II :• i « -s tiiilitly for il IV . I; Moi a- V.i ; i:u •t»" ' <>!1 ll. IV! TheSTEVENSON Mat. - Ni;lit •'!•*» < tiil Irrii 11 < Tixl.iv Onh A BRAND M SKELETON TO HANG IN MOTHERS CLOSET' PETERS MARSHALL ASTOR rind Richard Carlson ( \i I. M!H\I(.IIT VXI) \T'\V> -! riii.iv -Salurdn v DON BARRY ' RIO GRANDE" t.atc Show Sot. Nile 11:30 Citizens Realty & Loan Company c„,»i>!ih ixsi i; wet: Si rrirr l.i .iI I -i.iip I'Mipcrtv 'M.iii.icriiirnt ■IOI I. r. ( III \TIIAM. I'rrs. IMkmip r>2ft-G29 CALL 3 6 6 MM <; If I .IN (ITV TAXI 21 llimr Nrrvlrr in link s;: \\ ,\. • Pi! • .• :i : i \! . < !; i' . i 2 ■ KJ R K S . \ • • i- U r-i £ R A L l!? i '.t ' i) w . TUESDAY Kunr. ,.! • • wi-iv lu-M ;.? ! 1 .1. :•!, v for Mt'.- <» T. < •; i . k !•: •| Ik r <•(!<; Mi Hi-: !• n\-t ills.. : ;u INDIAN PROGRAM AT HIGH SCHOOL , : . r. I. <*'-i . •; I he till. IH , • , ■ < ■ " With trie 11 Ifl I. <11 'it ,,| Ciliidyy Wiyat; , W t< i Rea tu.!:i. 1":t'.111»I..i \'. . i) Thi* A. C. A. WANTS TRUCKERS' BIL)| V >i <• <• .(lilt; \ ,\\ t. \\ | ll >' ' »>'■» :< II I I i• }>;• ii< ' II .11 i i iv t. 'I i Hi.) *11• .• .i litd I • . \ •! i 11 'I I lot lit hutMin'4 MI l-i'i .. .. ■ •! 1 • i., !»,■- | • MM I" i h" - i ■ * i■ 'I the • • • * • rail in Vncounty ,.h>i «(<•. nvei ii i'i l!i • «« I!<• \. :ii fur* III. Il II II < . , . I[Mi ' III. 11, .U'l e v tee.-, fiiui l;ii • . it. cnjiary. Tin Imi il i :: |X'II'«I i < t by the con'• ' -i" ■ •' 1 I . 1 !• I I. ill 1(1 i nil .I,Mi;..ii \ I. 1.11. | MOTICES MR. FARMER— WE WILL BUY YOUR SCRAP TOBACCO And pay prices according to quality Delivered Our Factory j. P. Taylor Co., Inc. Henderson, N. C. MBBBMW ."IW" 1 ■ 1 1 LW——or>— k Christians End Annual Meeting Here Altc 10 »livsmu ;ill o!tut'i> for ■ mitlii! vim.. 'In- 11 Noilli Ci — oltlia I'.tit. iiuv ol tlio 1'oiikiv>4>«tioiuil I'll. 1 .1 .111 I'llliu h Clllllisii'd 1111 tin- rsivnlix »■ renin iU.i- lh«" tfs|>>'tisie !:ty i'I sok.'tiliK next .>c,4i \» • lion i'f .iiki .iiliounu d ,iU Wei: it > I'tio I'oiift i. iuv lii-Iil .. l\\. -ii..\ n with Knst I'lunrh in Itimii . -Untiiii; Tui': il.iv moini'ii;. lii \ s ! \l : i n. oi Kranklinl •». i> |M. - i piv.Milcit o\t*r the I'OllllTt'll"! Iii \ ..II' \p|jl«'. |m lor -.if ilir '• i i! rluuvii. ..iii i .,'o inwidtnl <>t Ihi i > ' > .iul loti.i>- .itii il • I'll'. 'IV U'.l- |>l i .iMi .till ii . «t inu v. - oi* • ■ *:*;:. ; * in i*i I* iiwiil yi*ir ui* .11.i I., . • it i I it*', i * . ill .1*1,1 . ' " \ I II ■! - III 1*1 I. .i.ii. : \ •• l»c« ii r* in. iii i l.i'M III llli' i :<• ! i il IjciK'liciiirics Ol (>i!t H.islxCts Musi Sunciulcr Points I.—VV: t'l. «l It I group . ii u ill i«-.| o| obtai in : ■ i< (i t n'..y oy it It ic. ii i Wilt which i luctant -.1 •t's I I'll: id. i<< . -it ..ii m: . !•"»f 1 tl ! 1 t Dili mi::." i .ii- iMVi-r.iu t.'.eir " I: .\v.i..!i • \ ctttoix c\..ct!y :i tlst* ,-a. e manner .is a ! . >d merchant "pen.- a .etaii I! >' -4 :)• :.rd> w:l! issue coupons ••••>• «'iR the anticipated purchase .vhich m;i} be m dc from any whole* -• ' 1 eta.ter. The organization | then exchange their "inventory" 1 it. ;••• lit.- tot the food Ii g.ft> I •' • tr.Iv. v. .til i a. it t ' >ltiainit:g ■ '■ i - "t . .tn'fl t . k| John in -tig... tel tit : ! would he simple to t 4 <■ .eh picoagc with 11it* not lit in 1 •aii and !i! green point.." In any case. In- -a:d. it Will In- t ic 'liity a tiio.-i n .. . ng the dixtribut • I • c '• i t the act ,.i! point value lr»»nt 'he nily ration ImniIcs •»* the iwiII.C'II' I: -c -• ||> Will lie til; II'I iito • o hi .d'i '•' > o. tin orga: • •t .ii con i ■ • 'it: tiie gilt di.-ti i> 'I •: 1 .'.hi:, ri I II. Will .-III : eii'lt i Ihei'i to • .<• ' .< | |-;i111>t1.11 :• lio.n :i from which ' •• original "invenloi •• .tit.-" .'.lie g en. • T: c |. .lie it winding ti|> tin* • •: ' atlU' "'lit-. said, ".•■ill he •:>' the .».illlt a- .vlieit i retail . ••• •• goes out ol busiiies ' »P.\ •:: r al at tempi i d to antic itc .. tiie <|aestions lit t might il -»• 11::cl«• the g:lt ha.-kct distribif Here are amie ol the a- sv.ct A person may give iiwav hour ptoce .-ed toods which they has < limed themselves tip to 511 iju iit •. 'iiont the .-in ri'iider ol points. Tltcy inn"* give away coinmcrci Jly |. • ed food:, without the exilian: •f points. Member ol a church congregation •i S itidav School may not pool the tiinips individually t > hoy ration" foods a:.d give the loud away, point I rce. They can. however. pool the .t mp- to liny proct»-.-ecl toods 'hose iiv to he consumed at a common table. Generally -peals tig, OI'A explain-] ■d. the .-ante rules for the c-.chair ■ I ration stamp- which apply hi retail store- will al.-o apply in the distribution ol gift p ekages. Industrial hygiene s<-r\ ict. u i given to more than l!.tl'>»i.'mo woll.ct in more than fi.tittf! cst.iiil: hment, in 1912. How's Your I.Q.? I lo wh it ' ' try dot . Vai.-lril Albert Kc.-eliing (ommatid German ol c< > ? 2. Front what i< coke mode 3. What Was the fllll name o) the • dent !(• i-c i'll's uiotht •" •I. How many pounds o| linlcy lid th< govci ninnit a.-seinblc l"t the roi'.'l lo'i • lor Than'; giving ilay" 5. In wh it year d <1 the first pe icetime mil'taiy manpower tiial' occur n the history of the t' S.7 (i What is liirgely made of chicle? 7. Nam" the ship in which llettiy Hudson sailed up the Hudson Hiver m won. 8. A xylophonist makes plastics, ear phones, or music? f). Japan's most populous city is Tokyo. Yokohama. or Osaka? 10. From "'hat pljnt is inuff nHiiutdctuieU.' i 1621 --TIIANKSGIVIN G DAY -1943 I k— —— ' THIS YEAR all Americans should I be also thankful to this young American soldier, depicted us though gazing at J. I G Ferr'»/ famous painting of the first Thanksgiving festival of the New England colonists in 1621 Through the courage and sacrifice of this soldier and his millions of comrades-in-arms tyranny is being destroyed and the world once again' being made into a decent place in which to live and worship God. l>i caJ G >sts I . S. . Four Ceiu> Pound ! <> I* cvd Soldiers IJii!>. Tt <<•,; Ji'.r l li.1v 1 S .'.•i ,• ... • <•: .. : 'til ... %• • C I • • I ... . .t • I. .1 lite pn.-t bakury. am liny ! . rcI'.'i t i.. • ■ - if! : • ■ >\ V;.r. Am.,.! . f.HKi - i ,-v The ivpurt. i-m. m • tlie >|icr(iUi» i .'! tin ('llllip lltl'IKM* IV. : 1. ) A s til..! ovor lit •«. • !!<. H- .iii1 i-'i'il ill ;tn ;ivr. .i;'.c n. •n'.".- Kjvrat'oH. The bakery hero :» one oi t!ie •.! . Tcrma-te. Linker.e* constnicu-l : t::i v ii.his camps in the m. :t.i< I !> in>ure thai the soldier- r. ' • ina have sufficient bread with- ; ti putti g too groat a load on tin* ' i i' inreial bakeries serving c '• > The enlisted men in charge ■ >: • h plant are graduate:- of the 1; iier.» a il Cooks Schools estublihed ; cert.; nil posts t > train men as ba.>. - and cooks lor the army. The report for the month sho v> ' the Camp H.ikery used 21ti>.!i«iii i o .<d- i>i '.lour and produced'JT pounds of bread, or 1 in pounds ot bread for every 100 pounds ot Hour used, at a cost of four : d three tenths cents per pound of bread produced. Army bread is baked :n two •ounri loaves while the ordinary C«>nuiioivi;i! !<>:■: \\ • . : l - about ;i pound. RED CROSS MEETING IS TOMORROW NIGHT Kli I'Mi-n "t i-> v. lit hi" the prinri;;:i! hn pn - i i inii' ilu* anti.iai IIH.lll.4 >i tlx- \ . in »• I J! •. 1 > ciiapii-i i»t tin- Ai, . . H .11 H. d t" ■ . ; i In' llt'ld lullli l lnV. < \ i-li.l..: :;t "• uVlnck ill llio police e .till ch.lll hi nl till' Municipal iluildiii'j Sam cii:u. ii. hi. - In pivand all ir.i- .lii r i.l llu» chajitt'l" ..IV in\ it:•»I !n at M ini. Reports are tu ho -ubinitl -ii by v;Vious rniiii'iitlO'.*~. and activities nl tho lucal chapti t during tin- yt ar will l;o (iiitl tud i>>' llio.-i; who have been in charge. JOB OFFICE HAS FIREMAN OPENINGS Tlir VaiM-c fimnty Emui,,*... (M'tiiv iuis announced ii,;, lor thi-co firemen salai v ,,r K(!i) per year and a senior * lii-,.,,..'* I-.i- $2,040 a year. Tito .ml, ,«,u " 4J! hours a week with tin,,. boinK paid fur overtime. IV«,i,i,' l their highest skill iM essonthl (.', f-latcd°S ,M!Cd 1,1,1 i,P,,ly• t,W ■Friday-Saturday THE RANGE BUSTERS —in— "BLACK MARKET RUSTLERS" SIIIIAI. — ('OMKI)V i EMBASSY Pimm* -ina Adults 30o - tOr Cllihlivu It, Wi'd.-Tliurs.-Kri \ » -.«• Fay BAINTER * Reginald OWEN * l Ray COLLINS * Keye LUKE * / Also—LATEST WAR NIAVS MS? FOOD ENERALLY we think of cotton as a textile, but as wo feel the pinch of food rationing, enterprising business men are making us appreciate more and moro the importance of cottonseed as food. The meat in cottonseed makes an oil used for salad dressing, margarine, baking compounds, mayonnaise, shortening. It also provides a flour from which bread, cakes and crackers are baked. And cottonseed in various forms is used for fertilizer and as feed for animals, coming back to \is in the form of milk and moat. Many cottonseed mills are located in the Carolinas and arc now busily at work processing the 1943 crop. Their increased use of electricity is being met at low prewar rates and service is alv/ays ready at tha flick of a switch, just as it is in your home. IS WAR MATERIAL — PLENTY TO USE . . . NONE XO WASTEI

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