btaay or frogram Y For Negro Schools Asked by Governor Detailed Report Is P.cquestcd for Next Trim of Legislature inh. IH'C. 1) — (AP) — (;,i\.rii"r liroujrhton rccomm« -11 • I • : i" t lii? Slati' School '"Ki:i/ed • , ■ "I i-piat pay I• >r while •' t< MfhtTS." till' (it vcriim ■ i ill another yeai .v.ih ,.k; ' 1 !i will In* equalized." In1 continued, we iinil lo consider the consolidalihi i l Negro schools. In only .ilmiit unc-lciirth of the counties li,is lliis liccn done. There arc Inn iimii.x small anil inelfirient Nrsm schools in the State. We must consider a program of vl.ili \> Hie consolidation and of licti-i physleal eiiuipinent for \i-:iws," N ' are sticii step:; necessity til "I in lice, lie said. !•••! ti 'Utinued harmony II' hi In.-; .study nl In.j-i. t | • 11 -anil clcmcncv cases. i .iclieil out* conclusion. I' u .Ni'KIik's i- bled in finned on I'ajie Four) Sumtr;i Dcclarcd I iitit for Scr\ ice X. Dec. SI—(At')— W ii n i nirls can continue in ;111.1v. fur the I'nited States •\' ' ■ '• iy declared FranUic Cllie V n.ilia. 4-F, physically unii iMary service, ny disappointment, the i :-ell announced the outi■ Ins selective service prei \:iniin:ilioii today at the N< ■ i iction station. "1 ... ■> hole in njy It'll car's -I Sinatra, \vhos«- sir.^ins H. i and theatre st.ijje is r.ifie of Hie fi inniinc sex. Hi';irin<£ Charges Inefficiency of 1'airchikl Plant i ii. Due. 9— (AP)— ' ■ >l "general wastage. inciikI extravagance" in opcr'in Kaireliild Aircratt I'iaiit • ' 1 11. X. Were laid i»«**<•!■< |K.'ciu1 Hi huh? Military Afmmittce yesterday. IV IHackburn. a e miit'i:;ator. testified that livre imhi.ihiii had been -pent >• l»llt mily one acecp'cl !' • 1 been produced .-- lice !li" .•el was awarded it October :r MM |. Cotton Is Down at Noon V..ii;. lire. D.-(AP)—Cotton •("•lied ten cents a bale lii^lie cents lower. allies were 2a to .'{n cents a ! er. March 19.211, May MUM! 18.115. Previous cine Open' 'er 19.11 Ml l.i I ii :;:! M».:ir>! 19.11 19.HS Ki.Di 'new) lil.70 1«.(>9 I and .i lie,, M;m M v Jul V Ol ! ■ Bliss in a Foxhole The must pleasant moment lie ever spent in a foxhole is lienis enjoyed here l».v 1'vt. Don | inholm of I.ettiiiKloii. Mieli. this photo, wliieh just arrived, show > him eating a turkey leg id Italy on Thanksgiving l>ay. His Knee, serve as a table for his nie.v, kit I'latc. (International) Magistrates Restricted By Opinion Daily Distiateli Itureau. In tile Sir Walter llotel, 11V I.YN.N MSUIIT Itaieiuli. I'll1. !' M« st s.^niticaii. :i .1 ol ;i dozen opinions fiivon iy the .ill iih.v general (hiring recent weeks .ilKI released I• • tne s. Thursday, was one lurther lie itin.; jurisdiction "l justices hi lhe peace. •Iicticcs til the peace, ai eni r'nj; tu Attorney Harry McMullii!.. have tin .. Ith'illtv tu try a person ai i used n! viulat n.U .1 pri clamatii'ii "t the governor under h.:. war power-. unless tin- proelamaliou exprcssl)' provides tiiat the punislimeiit !••! .■ violation is with.11 the jni isii.c:ion !•• a .11'. tn-\vit: A lino 1.: not 11 • e .S."»n or imprisonment 1 . not !!i iii that) thirty ve...s i.t am are charged vv til then • •I itoin iiuli . This rating based .11 tin s and 1 i nc;ple thai l.ireony 0! ail atlt' tin ;•:!» 1 .1 \j_jlati"n of the Ki'i ri al nal "sTatutcs. and 110! spent 11 ally o! tin inot'T vehicle laws. There is 110 .- ich thing as an'. •matic d v oree under North C'aroli .1 1 ills. Some one had (|tict'icd the alloiney general to know if seven yens separation automatically guvt di'.oiee. |)\'ii 1 are granted ill tli-.- state ( nly in evil action; in courts ot pioper jurisdiction, wrutu Mc.Mullan. • •• Ad v ilnreni ta\c:. do not const:, lute a lit 11 on pt-i .. al pi operl.V III al'sencc •.! a levy. It Hie ",'.1111 01 pet:1 ilia I properly trunstei. it vv (Continued on I'ajje I-'our) Statement Expected Oil Policy oi Turkey » J '<■ 11, l»< « u j ■ vi sterday to lind ;m enthu11 welcome ownltlnK lum. From | 1' c ;d train he tlcppnl down "i"!i red carpet. A waiting crowd ''"•'nil wined wildly. '' ' I'veis whir hud seen the nrcM' ;d many public functions Mi I " v ivvei had been such ii hro id .,i| |,is fiU.0 IiKidc (he st;ition ln«»nw sh '"k r»T1 ris ""r by one with a lone line 0 diplomats, deputies and olfx-'i-j I mill in t hi- Til' >- hiii' iircliy. The |ii••■.-iilriil v. . |I I • ihnlr i !•>:: 'I 'V I" i oilli I clue-, wi'll Irs imIikic'l hi* 1111h•: s .i>irl party IinkI<-i . ,m i'kIci t<> jjive tin-in ;i first IkiihI .i<- -<- nit "f what nrriiM-cd all I \vlial ilfci i "ii' were i imcIii'iI Cairo. <9 I'lesiilentV llionn's tin> still generally inlel-|ti rlivl here «'ii<* n. tin- 11ii.ii itc\ i I'i niriits h< .ulini: I'mkey int'i lull sr.ilc war as a parliifr nl tile t"flll'vl .Vilnius n:ainst («••"many. (In l.(iiif|"li. however. I'.rit h »•< mmcntatois mafic il rlciir dial Tmi.rv's rh.iimf in»tn i Ixm-vuli-n' iirtn ln'll iific-tKy t'> i itfiuhi assistance *i• Hi" 1'inlcii Nal "lis ii .• ;■>ti<-111.iilv ;a!i>l.viii4 Pi tin- Chinese in that, by i It ri:il calcul ilioti. milv lew nunc tIi:rii :tllll iiiimi i>! 1c .Villi «11\ i -n-11 .survived when Ilu* i ty was .ii>aiidii|icd In tin." .lapam-.-e .. Ii i* a 15-day sum*. 1S\ hiildsiiK Clianiili'li. the Japanese iiinlri Hi*,I lln* "Hire I5«ml" M'uiini and s(m:d astridi* tin* tic nauS/i-rhw an supply line, cm* nl ihr Chinese army's principal -curccs ol supply. \ ; | ii i *. *1J Clint.-... c ii)iinuni(|!io Hi;:- ii.«uti.• itt ..1111< allied recapture: ! til* «*it>. "N'i-w.s li.i. ui.; been n*tt*ivi'd." ' "that Chin'm' li mps iii northern Mima , reoeeupieii Ch.mulch at I 't'ciin*l\ this iii>it'lliim. *1 h< y cuiss• 'I tin- Yttait :vrr In' t*\ i 11I11R aial :n"nlii* into tin* cily till'mch lis ca*.' mil we.--l caily llr- ni'ii'iiini'.." j Ami s ic in . ii i; .iii. which played a ■ In tilt pari in the ilcleii-e nl Iii.* cily. wen :..iui In Lave had a hand ! in it.- rccapture. DuriiiK ilu* Imt; •ciyc w hile Ilu- ">7lli Chi i .-.i* divi- j | si'm was liiililiiiLi In Hit* List ditch ! 'hi* Yankee llicrs in several oiv 1- j [ mis dropped food and ammunition; I and dispersed enemy planes. Smith Favors New Party Of Democrats U'.i>hitu:'o!i, liir. !>—(AIM—With lilt.' ,'sm i ! on th;il "now. it's lime 1 l<»r i • '• • >1 • m'Iik- |iinninn." Senator , Kllis« u I). iC' ti Mi Kd) Smith sought, speaking tunc in tin* Senate today to wan1 am a the banner ot an independent Southern Democratic1 paitv. I he S • ,th Carolina Democrat, dean o| tin- Senate hy \ irtue ol his , 35 years' service, told a reporter ho I thinks the S..utli is "ripe" lor the l'orm..ti in ot a new political party of its own a threat voieeil oariicr .11 the week l>v Smator Jiailev (I).. N. C ). ••'riu- Si nth i> siek and tired ol • beam kicked . '-'iliul in the Demoeratic party." Smith miid. "I bo-1 lifVC Si nojitr Itailcy has hit the nail on the head when he says we could form our own Democratic party and hold the balance of power in the electoral college." Smith, one ot senators the administration unsuccessfully marked for delcat in the 1 !•;«}» primary , elect it ns. said he thought it was time M'inc chanat s were made in I the controlling t;ictio|i "I the Democratic parly. "Ilurry Hopkins seems to be the 1 chief cook ard liottlcwasher of the party and I ilVi't like his cooking," Smith declared. ! I)t •nson Is Gi\ cn I ,ilc Sentence tor Shotgun Sliiyinjj I.'alciijh. Dec. !) IAIM- [{timiilus S. Deiisoii. I!!', ol Kaleiuh. plead-, i d fin 111y today to accessory i>efor.* j 'lie tael in connection with the shot- 1 u 'ii ' ivinu September 1!'> of C.'ilvin I .ester Ktlwards. Jr.. ol Newport \ew>. V 1.. and J1 idee \V. ('. Harris sentenced hiio I > lile imnris' ninen!. Soli • to Will .1111 Y. I'.ickett sail he a»rcpt <1 tin* plea because c\ itlcnce indie ated the si ivitis was committed i *v 1 t' 1 11 til My incii|)ahlc pe ■ s"*i 'i I ii"l by ii cold-blooded ' murderer. The Brand itny indicted Dc"S"'i n October I.a'er. Judge Harris dimii/cd Solicit 1: Hickett to ii e «• Dell oil c\ IM 'lied by ii psveh! 1 V v.t when coiirt vImivciI he nrt*\ io 'sly had been .'in imitate of the .-tate hospitid lor the insane he.tI'.ickett said the cxioiiination had been made l* be did not make public its lintliniis. WFA1MFR FO't NORTH CARDI.INA I'.Ttlv rloKitv mid miltl this , a'tvijiovn ,uk1 Frirt.iv. Clark's Troops Take Heights In Advance Toward Capital PLANE BREAKS IN TWO AFTER TARAWA ATTACK ^ i" *" ■" v — THE CRASH CREW aboard a U. S. carrier cle;irs aw.iv the wrerkage of a plar.e that had cr.ic',. i n t vo on the flight deck. The craft, piloted hy LI. Charles I.. Mmmtenot, Edgewator, N. J., was liit I.v . whdo attacking Tarawa and tlie hydraulic .system wa.-. ^11. tu-.eil. As it was bet down on ti:o can a r d< • n i-i <>na wheel the Umdiiu: hook caught and the plane tore tut j two *cctio:is. ti..[/rj;iiti(/nai) Russians Threaten Sustained Encirclement Of Bombing of Nazis On Dnieper Britain Reds Outflunk Rail Center of Znamenka And Sever Railroad Moscow. I)e<-. !>—(AIM— j Smashing Kcil army guile. which outilaiikrd lllr slraleuir Dnieper bend rail center ol Znami'iika anil snernl tlx* important /.iiaincnka-Nikolaev railroad ; threatened (In- encirclement today ol' tens ol lliousaiuls ol' ! Germans concentrated on the west hank ol' ilia- limrr dniriH-r ] river. J!. sm..ii tank t "J'. i spoaihcaiiii^ j infantry column.- .iil.iiilic'd Zna-j menka by t'vpltii i: „ :lii' town ol Shai'avka. la inn t > the s" 'h. alter a sw :!l 1.1-111.'.<• advar.ce irom I'antaex !;a. a S>\iet comnunii.ili.' aimoiinced. S<>\ a t troops also cui a hi iiu'Ii m tnc '/.'■> tneiika-Xikoiam mad nuin'mu eastward to the ir-nt and manganese rente. Krtvoj lion, which t!i, (mi nails have been tenaciously li 'ldnm i weeks afjjiu st I repeated li .sm.iii tin ;-ts. Tile (Iii n .iiis held that l-Mie rai! 1 escape I" le Iroin Znauioiika. a lin •• ; running v.<>; ol Ki/ovngrari. and! this Was !::reateiU'i >v yesterday's capture i*l Kl » t„ra(ika. 1 "t mile.- . northeast o /• ,.i enka and ti\e north '>i the K • >\ .. d spur. Attains', the. i lit i a niv successes, gained in tli,. i. ;'ii i >ld of the U: - j M.yi winter, tr (ielle d Nik- ! < > I a i Valium's !i- I Y.rainian army in the K e\ !• "I.;e • •• lit ol ( hern- | yakho\ were ' ' back :>etor |w.\vi red o\ I upwards ot 2.(MM hi nvy tanks. i; l was the see- :i i K i i m retreat In tins scch'f in two d The (lermai:. were paying tor their a ihis. ; " ■■ ' i The lleil army i war hii'leiiu . i in t at lca«t '! n"o German* weir . I aid I! I tall destroyed in yi i lav's li^htin;: ai this area. 10,000 Troops I'ave ' W;i\ tor ln\ asion In Mancuscr Area, Camp M .1; ill. I!»—(AIM Approxii' aielv lu.iinn ltoo!i> >i bloc altaekaiu f":ce ferried In an into a • i uietivcr ..r«M here v • • cliliaccd ' >day in paving the way a in.vlhif il ". ••a" Invi-inn toi< which, tindi" eondit'ons of the problem. is ti- land later Tli'- opeiiiti 'tt is to c iftinue to-I morrow It is ' twirl »f (hit c imhinrtl m i* neuvci >f ('••■• last lro>:> cat ci mm.aid ■ ' • •• Am y Air (•' ire and t'i" aul'OMie command. wh>c'i were launched Tuesday niulit wi'h Die I rues! I' lili' i l i'oino ln\ asi >'i ii'aneuvei c er conducted its tli country. In a seou« ' •" el der and pnt;>troop l indi' ;_* ■ <• li.illiti tvi.eis 'luesdav niuht, nvue wcr dropped and fen <-d dile, representing the N:lo River country. 'I lie rev er.-o jhIo (bottom) shows the S'.r.i tika and Italian fUinkiiu; the arch Mussolini built I ! Aylulia to ninrk Libya's comiucst. (liiU-nialiona') Stocks Have Lower Trends N.-v V..1 . 1) !l (\r> SI<«!l l:ni4 in I .ib 'Hi ranreHol i)~ . rv (• pii nt ■ n p «•! J11<■ ■■■ ■- >•- I'M | '•!«*! s inel iiU-rl I'.rlhlehe m. Suit. Kc. .\im Telephone. »>b■ i-i Kin n. t'n'ert Anvitt. Sear* I « •< .. I Jim- Chpii nil ml t'hiys\"<■ 1 I "'i i'Iv were ,1n!in> Abmv • Ii• \ev\ Vm i; Cenl; i|. 1' S. Hitbiir American ('.in, We.-tinjtu -a. v, Wooi -.oiti) J. C. Penney. Jap Shore Defenses Are Being Leveled By Heavy Pounding Soul Invest Pacific Allied Headquarters. Dec. !• — (AP) — One of the mo.-t sustained air boniliardnii ut> «.f tin- soul Invest Pacific war i- leveling Japanese slioiv defenses on New llrilain i.-laml in this very area uiieiv i-. it ii|ifii to iovasi ■!! by (ieiieral l)<>u>rla> .MacArthui'I roups mi Xew Guinea. ■ Hie . wifl; ..I N'.i. i inbi'i ! pprd ill gun po.-ition.- and i \ VI) ;it A.iStialiail? iit -cl the |mtenti;,l .1 ii'n pilii* <»!■ ill i,. it Nov (i'.iipcn ii h;t: J :ii{htu !'if lllii II |»'ililisiil:i. 'I'hc bombardments urrr ii|>ened auainst (iasin.ila. an air base anil plantation area un the MMilli-cenlral i oast which Has hit with more than 100 lolls in si\ raids at a rust of on I > mir i aider. It also was shelled hy destroyers nl Vice Admiral Thomas ('. Kink.titl. T: I'll tin i>"tlliu : -u '. lied ti> ti'.i r.i|'< (5 |i>uiv>ti r .. »•• > nstiiii eimiwici llw . 'oporto f««W o< Atuwio* CVonii -:u the i Imlci al< 'i^ tile fo ist north of Flnwhhafen while in t!w inland juiiales overground ftww» appeared n the verse »t e.ipti'ring the :i . ' i .-i, t re \ ill»s< a •! Wono l:i the 1 n Sol tm • s. Amen' I'M • - o: > Fifth Army Captures Mt. Croce Advance Southwest Of the Break-Through In Mignano Sector Allit'ii'Urs, A!;:.' Dec. !>—(AIM •Stfjulily valuing Kitth Army !'>>r Italy have captured stratej; Mount i i'"e«. a tin!'- ;r< ni . i (■ai'i^rlj;iiiii river, in ii; ;»; < near th> west coast, it \va a noitiuvd iniiay. Tlir ailvamr \\a> irsisti'I'nl siiutliw rsl liic iimtiM' l>i'i':ik-tliniiuli ni (In- nn.iinl.iiu liarrii-r wlii«li l.s. (irn. Mirk \V. Clark's trtmi's liavt in tIk- .Miitsiallii scctnr. In ar*M. ViiK-rii in .mil t'.iitisii tair siiia-'iiiiu ili'wn ttic \\rstt*rii ■- Mi .iitl Alas;ciiirr ami Mninit < amino an«l liavt* now i Irarrd all ■>! tin I.liter i-Mi-pt mil' \ i I l.i u •- on 11 itniirtliw r*l;*ni 11 ■ ■ ":t< s-\ rral inr* i :«*ni\ «• :>nntcr-iillarks. Ml:-.1 In ailiiiiai t< : . ;n t - saiil. Iliuiix .'iii.i from «.i I'. I i ll >11 111 IIII villi (iciicral sir Bernard I.. M»ntKu lurry's turn's were loekcd in lie.iv.\ battle in tin- Oi-sokiiu area, some ten miles inland from the Adriatic, and had iuiiimvi'd their liusitioiis. Thf Fifth Army« Hi .'.•••■{ iu vnnpwi mi its i nk bv ttljt OltCtny |-i!1 Went .it Kim and nurthuwl "t Venafro American heav * homlicrs took the lilt-traveled mute In (ireeer attain yesterday. attacking enemy airfields at lllevsis and Tatni. west and north nl Milens. rrspeetivelx. Itoth Fortresses and I.iherators cngaitcd in thr operations. silsu r;mi,i'(i f;ii* J..I-I; hurlxit instil l>i»S ;i! S . S:i-fai v. est .1 K' nif The n.r i ni. buth the ranis ;»irtit-i(i- ami l.iiui I'lVll. Mill; im boil ! Isit tin- rnilwuv ct land .• Horr p. .rt 4.". U-s n V i.m capital. ;i!id ' • ii Sp . Hi' Rome. Light rri SI.' Illli l.. ! Ilv ii - in t-.e !. it'll (;I. !•: 11 K»\ Tl|i!r J//OPP//VP p/iysiefr )aps Lose Six Ships And 12 Planes at Marshalls p. iirl 11 >im> r Hw (AT) ■' i 7.111'• h.'ii'i hi* ' > i 'rcc. I:> 1 "ft 'lu* M h i slaiuU ai!iii:i: ; | «»—■; :i|«- nr. i .1 II v .\ 11 i Imc .. i»" the a«il.ict'lil li I i"'t islaltld.v. )l.. • • !«•>' !• \ II '! ( >'l p.« ilM<( 72 !1'"IT ' «. Artm v.ii \V. v mil nmiMi fi! S ir'.-'; « lake! "lie i-iti "i> 'ic 1 ! .-ill ui'M .1 l.i-t Siiluivlny 111 .1 K'wnlliilil at I tick, rank t\Vi» licli' i 'iimv -. .'•••■ .1 tnfvU 11 nil I! ii'r (.111:0 Iral . I"\vnr-H 72 .tftpiinom* plnttn which i vc t > Inlcncpt 'he 'llnckcrs ;tnvpcrti> hmnbi'i' .is the task Icrcc lei' ' It sec: v. ''lie \iii«-! imii ship vv.i> -lialillv cKui <-t'i Nmi.ta.-1. and ' li^h*. nriiv iM !• • • v. •• sn.-tfi "c'i Tlif |« >nd n.i Ihv Mat-Hhnllii re» co \ <-ri li ■ ' " • (I • ! .t Aiuet iratt (urcra nuiy Ik* iit(z fltrip dri\o t .>.•.•< • <• i lu'Uiv ''II Mmnpnmling mi • ]'■•> i' Muntlutltn l ist a» lin y M s their wiiy i >t<> p.r , (: ' i« :»"ii mlkw tn tit s i» .vf> 1I1.111 llirtf week* ;n!ii. In ndil lion ; • t| >■ ■ \ JtiiNtncM nhipf ii';. Nhiiilz >.>nt .1 lr<>0)1 ii 'itspii-t -id 1 \>.i. im ,:<> worn tliiivUiH-fi I'M-scut ii 'he tr»op ship intlifiitfri tli< oik'm v in,ly lie ,ittcill|lllnk! to M Ml! I flu- .1,11' l!1C»0 Kot!K "ii (he tslntiri«. Nlmtt/. did not siiy. tvuvcvf'i'. whollirr Hie ti'juii ilnp v.-ii,, lvacitd i