33 £tt&£X*30n THiirriKTH ykar lTms-,;v skkvi.i HKXPKRSOX, XOIIT11 CAKOl.INA, SATURDAY Al-TKKXOOX, DIXTvMBKK 11. 194:* 1 \ i i: v ai"m:icn< K1VK CKXTS ('()1»V Draft Plans 01 Hershey Questioned Committee Expects Ictcnt of Congress T«> Be Carried Out Washington. Dec. 11 — (Al') in his new role as head man ,,l' ilective service, responsible .>!■'* »<> tin- President, Major t, m nil Lewis I». Itershey was called before a congressional , • ii f»«it tee today to toll what ii. >;'itposes to do about tin- c< o 1,'Hi.tl drafting of prewar i'aih< i . I . were ordered put ;il the j the (lr;il( li.urcl under j just signed l>y I!• ■ 1'rts:- I I In- >ame law diwiri's I'a.il \ .1 X ill limn any authority in lia'mn i J selective service. ; all the power to llershiy ay .. post heretofore Miiiord; i to MeN'utt's war inanpiwo i ami.:...ion. ( hairntan May 11>.. Ky.i. nf i lie llausc Military t'oniniittrs' in aitnoilliciiii; ttiat llcrshey w.-ald In- i|iiestii:ncd at a closed 0 sstou lutlay. said the eomnii; t• «- c\|U'ds "tile intent td' t'linto tie followed and is rrad.v to write a regulation for 1 In-hey to send In local draft to ii ds it lie shows an iiuliuatiint to kcI around that intent." • 11 :ui csm« nal intent .on. W.i\ i it.eil. "is that pn war I ;.:!i i • indlieied 11r tit all ava.laol. ' .'her- have been tuUeu tin uliiitit the whole country." •selective scrvlee officials v.iid lui-anwhile that only a ih.mucin physical standards for inductees could materially reduce the present rate of iuduc>>•'11 el' fathers. hi iv rcnulation provides i l' "navt oi a I '. i'-(|. eti r boa If I a*w present phy-iral ret| meIf tin y di'h riniue tiiat stanre too high. it may result n ; a col siderhale pool o; w clnsKcri a> physically un• l-K) available for induction. Chinese Near Hankow, Jap i Supply Base .su. I)<•<•. 11 - (AIM — A ■ i t • • 1.11111.. apparently ;ri«! <-i; .lapanc i' i cmtorecmc;it.; I eiichin.; rcc.iptured (.'hanjtch f .Icrlaied liv tin* Chinese high i , •n uul {••day t<> haw di'• v «•/1 • !• - •! ilankoW*. the iiU'iny';. ' , • ' ccnlr.il sapply ij.ise. , central China activity \v.i> • si iii a innim niii .<• v.!' . ) , • i the i »liimn \va« 30 miles l»el »v .eg, which is aero-- the Yantf• river from tliinkow. Ail nigh {111- c< im m.. ft. que (it- , • I llii1 acti ii ..s ail ad\ m.v • U ichang. there see i e(l little t .1 was a pari ••! diversion:.J • •.itions to prevent reinforce- [ lr.»ni reaching the HHt.tiOO | nee Ircops w hich tile Chlneje ' engaged in the fighting area •'i ..| Challgtch. I' .-aid the column h id broken :'i i I u itang. on till' Cant •: -Ham.aw .i>. and had destroyed enemy i nl.s and other establishments. I' • • battles still raced norlhues'. • 'I ii irtheast of Changtch and j ''• : city t'. the Yangtze. Kml\i;: I ("l'a'i!leh w a.- recaptured I' :n !!'• 1 p.iik >i lasl Thursday I II' (oniimini'i'ie .-aid that eimnv ; •'u' west ot l.inli. 2.'» miles n »itTi < 'Ii.mutch. were "dealt knock i! l»|o\\s Iiy our force-, and tlici" '*v I" alt.irk (••■II.ip cil !h;s nwiii\'"i 111\« e ol Cliaimlch. it < "it ' ' iei|. Japanese troops continued •• offer xiiff iiattle.- I«» Chinese h i:* attcmptinu to sm.eh tiie .lap- i a • i third di\ igion. ' itlier Chinese forces were att n'-*I rom the west iii an attempt 1 ' '•" k'Ii the .l.ipatie-e flanks anil '"it i '•!' n escape route from Changl'.'l*. ■ the announcement said that "our '•ii".- advancing on cemy pusi'' i along different routes have .ill ' iiade headway." I2n-mile I rout e\tendin^ point north ol that Kav CLOSE-UP OF NAZI SKY TRAIN /' * THIS PHOTO from Lisbon shows a cnmoul1:>;4cd slider used bv the Nazii to carry troops and supplies to the front. Unlike their six-engincd transports which shuttled troops across tlie Mediterranean during tiie hattlc (or Afrira. this is a Elider towed bv a Diane. (International) Yanks Hit Targets in North G ermany After RAF Raids Farm Program Is Presented By Griswold Sail I...l;e City. Ih'i. 1 ! f AIM — \ larm pn^riiiu which its : utii •! laid is ~in many iu.-i.iinr.. diumct■.callj op|>oscd till' pi..11 ».I .\i I)cul administration" v. piwiitra oday tn .1 ivm ii il c n'evnee i ! Aestern Republican W.iueis "To be oi i" .during n.-c to Ununited S'ate-." said Utivcnu-:' Divight liriswold of I^ebrasUa, arm and ranch program miisl .e.-ompl.sh t'.vi lli.MKs. It must pronote tin' production Hi all tlitr I« • i. at and tibre needed and .1 n si ellder unto the fiirmi . .:n i siint;natl .i let mi conmem urate* U.til he value ol hi.- products.*' lo achieve thai goal, he sal<i ' i in address, the tarin program liould: 1. "Survive : < >:• abundance; not carcity." v. '2 "Place tiie few prod • ° • .. iri> ] uxtmcnli it needs on marketing*; >ot acirancs." :? Protect the iiatur.il \ .1 le oi he earht "against v\a:te. a:ni.se ami •xploitatiun." 4 l\no>ur.igc discovery of :.ow ndiis'.i i.il uses lor agricultural : re- ( lucls; ."i IVrnit till' t11"111 "lo iiaijiiii ■quitably with industry" "ti>r man- i •ov. (! Include a "pound, sin pie : n. I itiainl'iliou-" credit sy-ti-m; "relace -i ,1'sing lii»in a r - . rtime: ; . ml tie."1 Urge Paying State Debt With Surplus K Irish, Dec. II —Within the pa i ■•<■(•1. there ha.t lifi'ii .-eveiiil inijMi:• ■lit new > Inric- 1>11>! ; /in.; itic t uition with re-peel to ucic. ! u eVCIIlie fnl* I lie State ©I North f'.imiiiii. iiti ever p ow inn .surplus. ;i■ irl wUHcstiotis th.il this surplus ir n -ed or |>;•>"!i f!it lit the bunded debt ot he Slate. Three State oil,nils made short ;pecc!ie.« oii tin1 same tliiy I.■ t week mi this genci I topic. 15c". i niii- l'«i:iin;ssi<e CI I-'.IUVUI C •: 11 11 ; • ted I'.i.i! HI' the |> 1st ten ve .;the e r . I iceit <i steady rise in general ItlM't cceipis I»y the State, lie illustr.it•d the point hv (|in<tini: t olleclio; s 'or the lisial ve.ir endns .June :>". !i:M. as S24.nr><i,00}, while loi the ist'iil veiir ending .tune .HI, !!>':' he to'. 11 w.i $70, Ma, 137 inure t!,an wo and .i hall' times a» :i ie' . ■'.veil more pheni mci al w.>.- th« i•.i*n:> n ilH'on e taxes, the IH.7T! ' i;en hist ve.' being itmre than tl'iee inn- the lot ill fen 10.10 nit'l five ime the 'en v<'.'i> ;mo sum. Sales ,i\ receipts showed ilmost Ie ■;iiiv 'imp- from sli.nl 1.7(io j;i 11> i t t*• I7..'»:«i.:»!t.'< i t .veal. Cemniissiotiei (I'll did not ^retime t •' prophesy al» > it '< Me rend-: he was merely |N jilting «itll hat has happened. The Mill .• flay Stole Ti ■ - • • • 'hiirles M Johnson clis-c s*-"d eni ral fir d ^ ruin- : ti• I <le i .i (I 'll, ret'oi! U a siiri-l •- n evess of .S"!l.oftlM»on at '-lose ol th<» ist fiscal year, which has all'-idy loivn ■itib.stiintially by ubse»i'ieiit ollertions. and which is predicted . lefch sfls.noo.noo by the end o« ei-c-c' t blcnnUtm Yn June of 'j ti. IV"d i t e m n c .1 n - B a s c c! ! :!):'"atov3 tvike at L ui j- a ;• i i. n C ap i la 1 ii-lnn. IT . i ! — (.\!'( !<!f! V !h nisei's t'Si*'• ft« 1 '>y 1'ijrireis atlaeluil iarjfi't> in nurlIswi'slci'ii tii rinany, KijL'lilh Air !°nn heniiiiunrler* ; 1 < 1111 it* J. l:i\m;ti»le wi"iliter ;»1 Iv i jiiicd I he respite jrvi-M Hitler's war industries. The da vie.-lit Ami-man lilow I'nlloueti III) a I'linv ineiim ! t hour ili-inoiistralinii of Allied aerial supremacy liy It AT Mo.s•inito raitls lasl niuli 1 on northwest (iermany ami by I". S. \ledi terra ncan-hiscd l.iiirrators yesterday on Sofia, Ituh'.aria's capital. Al'if.'l hi i ill.n il . Algiers ili'M l iiial Jin- attai U . ii Si ti:i as "accurate and I'Kii'tivo" and nHiil !l:o l.iix'i'.itms v. ere aivunpnaied by lohli-r.i: K«' lighters. the tapital • II !lei's wave 1'. ill; ,11 b.ilfi 1::<., lucked !•> e\| i '-he> In: 103 minutes \r.-ti i ii iv - w ivi' alter wave <>. Ml diiell; 'u*.iII- ■. -ed hell iiel's lmised rrunl inn hluv ;.t the railway yards and lri"i|i- iiarnrks iirran. I I: > ia :;iil|". v. ii.i !i ua\e sumo <i« ::11?t li • :t..i-i.. sa;d ureal de!\'eu.l>i - I the lluli;; tail |> itliasitructioa .i ii ninny deaths rmultcd. mi nt. v. 11 -*1 ii.: u.th an internal war !.ervos ei .-i • .. inile awji.v front! fh't r ■: 11 ■ i»•:11 railway tiirgct. wnre fiwwl t» «l» ndon tho session audi ei>\er. the broadcast went on.] As i i In I u- ■ ii onitistratiim I «il A I'll- i > :n :h' i r. the German air f«nw 1..1 night lost one I it'll 'lie lust radim* furi"' it • i 1 I i M'ltd over Hut;.ill in eubt cays. Demand Continues I* or Sonic Stocks j . Xew Vol-!;. I». II l.\l')-l»i'ii and enni ii ii-il if selected -tneUs ! .ii Iml l'i i : >i ;.i t hilt many leader, were neglected. The .■ ..'I hesitancy in extending I cienm.'nielli al tin* .i|i|i .i.u ii n| a ui'd. end -ervi d s reeo- oi v lirai.e a- d a Utile m Me prnM taking mi tlie rei elil i se u.i. .i m,Id hand cap. Fractional vai ilions eithei u iy rilled the i>|ieii im; and. \vh le .-Ii ill;; S|)nt. in evidenre near the el I.e. the mill't.mi > were 1 l.v u 1 I •populated Dealings iiiiicliciii'ri id ilt-l tervalx nd Ira -for lor tin- tw.• | hum were aioiind ItMi.linii .hares. 1 Cherkasy Expanded Reds Push Forward In Dnieper Bend, but Fall Bark V »!>••• Lull .Ion, Woe. II — ( AI *) — Clt feral Ivan Konev's second | I krainian army lias expanded I its ("herkasy bridgehead in ilie: great Dnieper bend and lias] driv< 11 into <'herkasy itself: where "violent lighting is taking place in the town. ' a DNL»| broadcast said today. To the southeast, the Germans s:«;«l. Soviet troops were makintl: -ni«n <n:s attacks in heavy smnv:■ ri! s jn the area southwest i>! Ki r; eiK'hUK where the Soviet." >• h:enmcrii:g al ilie approaches •l K • . •{•»}» and Krivograd. Moscow admitted seriiius reverses. Iioweverv, in flic" Kiev bulge '!00 miles to the northwest. where massed German arnuir lias driven Russian fortes hack to lite area south of Malin, :;<) miles cast of Koro/<-»i and only 5.1 miles west of tiic great t krainian capital. Tl • I II <>1 Ziiainciika. central rail i m 1 < n l.>»• German supply i : the I in >:u r I'fiul. to K"ilev 's veterans ;tlii three days ol man killing !'i<:hntig w;is announced lust niuht Tie 'Willi.his had dim their tanks ■ I at. • the u round :uid I. iim'iit to Pi" death. 11*. • I dispatches reported. h; .in t :-der of the day. Premier Sell 'I d< .-Moid the city as "a po\vi . 1. 11 rt.oiiK i o.nl" and "..ii import: m rail iiu eti.iii." More than 1 .."><»■ • Germans v ere kilte.i. 2:! tanks destroyed :■:id many pr;.-i n«*rs were taki n in the liinl as-aull, the Moscow bullet said. G<>\crnor Brieker Is (Juest Speaker At GOP Meeting Ww Y.iri.. I:/:-. 11—{API—Governor Johi! \V. I!; ckci oi Ohio goes IhMi.iv the powerful Pennsylvania Republican «ir^:ini/.-,* ion U/ninht with u chance t ' c mrt luv<>r for his presidential candidacy. The Pc: rsyh ania Society nj \ev. York, traditional goititdinj; board fur Kvvst''iif St .I(i()P political aspirants. invited liit- Ohioan sis guest speaker f«• i its 4ath annual s;athcrin« exported t > attract l.oiio. Nazi Forces Press Tito's Guerillas Louden. I 11 -(AP>—Marshal Tito"- i cc.-.-t..i . I'd guerilla!: arc* hoin.; pressed superior Gorman forces tlr""'i!i>h" it ea>tcrn i'.'snia in Vujti sla\ ia. ail army "f liberation «■<ii:11!;i;* ai .e broadcast today by radio said. Farther v.t ■ t in Rnsnia 'I was iisini' e.n ah \ ti bolster his land to;v<> •) it- engagement they Killed "'n Get and wounded :t:5. In nnrthv c Ji•.n Croatia. Yugoslav - amine iu il .i column '>1 Germans. Killina 3" more. Cotton Futures Are I p 30-45c ;it Close New Vol . Pre. 1 |.— < \|») -folti.ii Hit.ire- < !o..» d ISO 1 , la cents a hale hiijhc: . 1 )|ii*ii C*lo>e December 1!».."»1 March .. I!M7 1 !».."*I May I!i.:i2 .Inlv 1 !• o I 1!» 111 Mitotic Cievi ... w.r.i IH.ilO Middl :• •' WHETHER i oi: \oi; i ii < .\i:<h.iv\ I. ■ 11 .iimI consi tcr.ililv cold *r I Oil iu Ii I Willi trllipcratlllcs inn I'rn /iny mi mast and "!li to in lie- interim. l air and onnliiiiird rallii'i ciilil Smidav. Gives \epcit To Eisenhower al Carifc <> (f: ILCll'Xs \V Inn:;' I >< ■ . 11 i AIM I'll hIciiI \ c|| (Mvr (icncr.il I >\\ !> I- ■ ciili"\\< i, .i di't.i '.'(I. ' i111 i in r* mi iiic AUit'X ir'v"" j l.v \ it • 'i.ilcuy cli7i*•i 'J :i I!!-*.it iiliecm ( • i l 11; l!i ir " 11 i i (l-iiiic I: mil Teller 'ii :i||f! (' m> Till* v. tl* 'I: 1*1 •« 'I l»> III!' Wh I • ■ IlllllfC lodiiy III till- IllU'Sl "! .1 I.I rlis'i-ilflU'- rriwi I hr |iM'si(leiltl.i! parly Ik'IhI((II,v (filing of ptnrci Mr. j clt visitprl i>:i Ii ■- hislo' i 'OII'IU'V * t i uU'aK do UtC .Kot 0* Cit.'iV" • •' •! I M»nl» vor. Allied e tnimdel in - < i i • -; •> \i i,„ Hfilv. Mi I'm w\ ell hived in ii • 11 i ■ ' i ll'li lv < .iticil "Tl . Whi '«• IIoiifo" si sii|ii ri-iy furnished : iyf !v;insi >n ... crlmikliift the I MKiiti . • 1'I itlliiliiU'd liv l|i( \,V ... until 1h<> 11iiiilly \u-rc di" i -i ■ \ll"IC.I Isigt Jfpftf, {»<" d I-; M'lih 'hci |ii• ■ . \ liiid nil tin- I' i ndent jit iii,in ni' I :icciiiiiii.uii( d hi " In Tunis n !rs wny (ji Chiiii The gcncrnl .it" hi i l>i>rti('i|inf<'d Ml ^.IIIIO .if Ihf si: IrtfV <f.issi.M .. Ml j; , . . »«•. •.i...|.o iieJ u pltine (o AllitJ \ Ho hud l)»f. hilV/WM*, J-"4:: I ■. I in \Vhit<* II .11. I< , I • itiu v. Hi 1 lie Pn-^dictil. 1('|»<»i*I'mI i it dimtiitcb I'clciwil by llip p • ■ dent's ollicc Ih'IC II) it M: I?|> -;• * veil ii ii>- '.i mlc<l i I mi.iI find cmtipMf plt'1 iv Kt 'k'Ii »\i<>r .it C*iir» I'mifc .11»t»• ,ii-(tin linn .if tlir mvi ui dol.il- ii^iccd ii|»'ii i»v lite • , Sinn in ii,.- t*wtblr I'xwtil on ol ■111! 11; <!'> tl'ilii > 11 *1* & .< • .'ill III.lie int: v •< % M I mi inn in n Fifth Army Gains Important ¥ W « la® * Height m Drive on tassmo FIRST DESTROY, THEN REBUILD 1 -ft «. U. S. ENGINEERS blast a 1 ighway ob !: in Ita'y rebuild a culvert that the retreating Nazis dc^nyed. M:ch ,V.!i« I energy has to be jpent in this way, merely in order to £<'t thn> " !i ami hit the enemy again. OWXradiophoto. (Interna:tonal) Jap Resistance in Air Disappears at Pacific Outposts Nazi U-Boats Sunk After Convoy Fight I olllioll. I In . I I — i \ i" I i' i <•t-1'lii.ili t -Im.lls hitc ilrslrn* i-«l .mil three iillii'tA were il.imaiiril nlien a 'Mrmu ronrenlr.ttiim til' .11 least "III hi ilir underw.ilei marantic:--* >nii:hl U> ittai k two \ .1111.1;ili- \llie:l emi\o\n. Ilir ailiiin.ilU .ii hi in1::isli \ aiiiliiuiirt'il Iml.i- . I he I -lio.its wi ll incven'e.i Ironi " 1.1II11 all ■ II ' .iii\ i «• :n i-1" 1« -i all;.el.s' .hi.I hi< • i- li..tsi ihtrent ill Ilir tnl.il iiiiiiiIk : »l • •>ecrleil -.liip - n:lnil "nil -ile. . I Ik- .• ii i: i I'liri'inrnl • till Nu »I'M rr !li.in *sii'nn iriK • ui'li' • stiiii.iteil |>i In- i.i I n1 iiI'ili li ni the romni- wlli'it till* liiilltr (link place iM'lurrn ii'*' wnll |i.m 1% .iikI lliile.h n.si il fmi-i ~ .mil .iirer.il I. I lii' li.illlr. li i> lit ":.ii i »i.- 11' II11 \ llll' III.I l!,l\» iltrl HI-; 11 , t ill. |i|.ii i' ill III.' S.ii III \il i . lie. I-:111 c Interception In New Britain and Marshnlls Bombings l*a< rl i!:iri«<ir. I>ec. I 1 < AIM Air n-.-i.-tiiM |i;,> c„mplelcly liisappeareil over New Hritaiu anil appear." to Ih» wuiiinjf in the Marsha Is, two vital Japanese I'aeific • iit posts now I 111 eat elieil with .. ■ .u5:. Tn •meat • .kiii >' IV.i ifit \v nil Httlrv I,'ill ■ <" .1 I»rriinl i •' iuo «w!.» ,i 111-ij>**iii<h liwiri1 I!- in .,'•<> inn "t liixnbs havp I' pi • i> ,i. (iriiprul 111! ! 1 - V <■ \ • j.. Mill Mill*'illt ' 1 I V I III \ I lili Wll \i'« 1 • ' • ' i hIi- i ni'iitjiin til .'in ■ -in* mtr' i • ■ »»f -ii• 1 tth it. I!i : ( '■< i V "N. i lit it y. in • i i I'.i'luii i>: i *•. rr|p,i«p ' • if-1 t • It llir. i i in w r.iiils I'* 'i \.M l j i'imIhis MM ,| i. ' 'M ' *!i'i 'it t In* '! i' -Ii.i IN mill ' ''n 1 . ail i • -< :il tin ii i in in- • . i i||"» ill 11-1 erf ilvir*-llM- «11.1 ill.'II In |p|| /.«•■ iv ■ jH' ;t pi- i?i«' .1 >iim»»' »•' HP sii f'tl 'I Al.-Ii ktiji!!. ' *11 #. | ■ > n(ti (<H Mi • LllwraI' '< iritdi'il *i» *• . .i-r 1 Thplr i.'iris ucir ninrtf nti fiii <! •••■ '! stvns 'Iri rnfl i ,i . t in IrW fllw llttilrltfll Willi ii '111 I1! 'rl gun* (i r fncmy's |>t 1 r*^• li'o*i t t , .'it OiiCti.'.i. Eighth Af my Takes Town Near Mere Clark's I rocps Drive Forward for Cue Mile, Battle at San Pietro Allied Headquarters. \lvi< i.-, I>«'C. I! (Al'l—Sliiwinv. I*»rwai'ti 1 i' ■'<iv !i t In ill"•,m' a.it west of Kilijrnano in a drive >11 i Ca>-:!ii> ' ■ i! 1 ii .1-'. A m i'iean t !*«■'• l• - «>;' !. 11' ii. < 'lark' > Fifth \i it \ ha\e Uut#<-i ft»r« Ual'ii <•: •:i'.• *.•:ii!;• • I an imiNirt i •« . lu-adquarli r.s aniiMiii.' . < m i;i y. (Mh:*r I i lli \rn»° Irimp* tlriviu • i'.\iiril » .issiim Inim tile Mitllli i -i< U«r Mi.:!:.inn arr.i Ii:iii!i1 .i |ifi < i- ! :t'll« lt>r tinfi i tili l \ i• i i I > iii I'irlrii, M-vrll iriU s •■ii;! hcii»l id ( i*silln. ;••» : ,il I!t:• 1 •»:iI l'l lliu mnunta• i, inc i i. * <ifii: i ;l' v nr;< rs Oil 1'ic Itl ills',i I itr)i(i) \t*lii\ lr«nl. It In •• •, t„.,| ;l I'ili It :t» lli: < •cri'V.itis llirrn liiiik* »i:.i ii ' inlrs into .i sii*.i(|\ M-rii's ii) (''•uiilcrall.icUN. Iml (•I'licral Alum-nmrrv \ |i'iiii|ts I ll'lllllll 111!' limil niilf on |In* mu-tli si«It* it| |)n* .Muni rivrr. I iur mile* MMilliwost "l Oi'Iiiim. i i:c .\ 1!'('<I <• ' r y;i'i "U ««•«• >iul i ridgelK'ntl I us Invn < ■In i I!.. t: «• M i • ' i «ls::i!»'t• ■;> - n (Till" I-"" .n icU'ivni-i t i • .1 "Mfoncl hridjsi ho -ti" v;.s not .1111 mcdiiitdy rliiritiifl, Allied I I atiartco dUimlcliN 1.Tuesday sa:tl : Eighth Army nrn «»r Itnd iwwd *h«> I M nwl rc|Hirlc(! yostcrduy that fail.at ,tn l . | <irii iit« tr> :n<- VI' ' •. li. :ips>.i tiitly 11m m i »nd thrust this river. IViduyV I i< -ct mod '.i indicate th< * M i«t» f > wyV mi'i had lxv:i thrown :-:rk after first en >xlns the #lro.iiu.l 'llii' ni v. 'pi <1i:<'1h\,c1 v.;i< 'is 'Ik; viritiily (»1 Priiw. :«•.i:■ and a h«»1£ imI mil. . i: . i v. .is fieri a ■ <• I 1 i: • i> 1 y ti ■ • «•<I .it ria'vn yostr ri iv 1 I' . .11 1' I:' jlst : ". T t>i> firp'ians. '.r. thi-i:- !'ni i-•.i-< ■ • ■ . • _ ■ "l.f ' . In !i:«-: ji'r Tit w t'hitiri t • ■ . ',i: thrift. <!i • n« .i - 1 •• ,'ii| ■ <ri> s a : ' ' ■ ' ' • |\ n M ' • >'-! '.i Monty Tells 'Em EMPHASIZING ;i point, Con. Sir l.cmaut I,. M<>nl;:cMMcry, conimiindcr ot the I'.i itisli K.nlith Army In Italy, IclN w.tr corrc;-|)on«lcntj tlir piOKK s In. !••;<•(■- arc making. rtpfirls state th.it his tanks and infantry me on fins the Mori , K ver. OA'] j'.-oto. (lntcrnaJionalJt

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