HsnSteraon Baily Btspairlt THIRTIETH YEAR HENDERSON, NORTH CAROLINA, THURSDAY AFTERNOON, DECEMBER 10, 1«4« '-uu^wiki;FIVE CENT.< ."opy 75 DEAD IN ACL WRECK ************ ********1 4 W i •—ohips Sunk By Germans AFTER RAF CALL ON JAP EMBASSY IN BERLIN ggHBB mmmm—— ■ lEANiiNtj ON HIS CANE for some needed support. Jap nmba-ador to Germany C: him.i look ; over the damage to ljis embassy atlei the iv< i nt li.M-' hht/. on the German eapitiit. Two Nazi soldiers l>e!p to remove some <•! the shattered masonry a- :i military attache lends what moral support lie call to iliroliilu'* harassed helper. This is an exclusive i>hoto radioed from Stockholm to New York. (Iiitcr/uitioiiul) Fight Upon Service Vote Issue May Rail Wages Enter In 1944 Campaign 1 is Kenewed liill Major Threat I o Stabilization, Vinson I ells Group Washington. !)«•<. Hi—t.\l"> - i ( oiimnic Slaiiili/a'ion liirreMr I i rd M. VitiMin today rcilcrateri hi" hcliel thai the proposed sen (Till cii;lil cciils an hour pay hoist ior (he nation's iinii~ii|><-i atiiiK railroad workers »(insti tute;! ;i major threat tin* war time wa::e and prier slaiiiiji tiou urogram. II' I 'i•! |>r ul«»n» si«•!«•?■ • • . 'i . !'. • lie c|»sir. i!■ >ii !»ini >. ^■ 11 (•nil l( j;i-lji! i. (• policy. •< i r.. l !i: 11• ti.11 ji• (■).! icty. i I' c( r • 'ir v. .s d«in iii'ii. . -m.\c .il'. Hi ci(lliil .Ills! i.ikIi i liivv. die ..Ics the rcjci ti"*i <•' II' unprecedented pi »j.«• I." .ii 'i ; dded: • Only ii n.. iirdeniliiiKling ■»! ,lh< itiiii 11 on l\i;;c Tliice) Dealings For Stocks Slov/ Nc " V(»r!„ I»( • Hi i M't I)r • i •• piii.. 11,11-1 i.in!., rmiitiiiied l ■ '•!■> i.l Hit* I.ii . : iii :.c! t•. I i• •jcnci .i!!v In,VIM telllll lli i |> (" ' ii'cfl ;.f I lie .|,irt ml It u m •. >\ • . i vcrr mi e\ idcvcr lie ii . • lli •niiir. I toolings were relat t-lv !•. Aiik l iciin DMillinj,' ;ir• I I'm . t. I ilioni i .iii nil ii- ii Ui ii .i i . |mi ir idler the (ipciuii^, hut Hie !•• cr eventually slipped. C'.i iiiiltics iiiellideil I' S SI• « i. Aineric;m Teleplinne, I"• *1 ,\ i •'liilt find Chrysler. (' nad. IHy ii i oiir papers to have a more enjovalile Christmas season anil will he rrciitly .it-pieel.itvd hy the ran if* uiitaiii/alioii. War Casualties Now Arc 131.09S. Statistics Show \\ .isliinclon, Hit. Hi—(AIM — llir latest casualty total ol tin* armed liirm ol' thr lulled Slates >lan«ls at i:;i,0!IK. Secretary of War Sline-on sai.l today I ha 1 trom the stall ol' the war la November 30. Armv cas ii.lilies in all theatres totalrd !IK.."»!II. Ol those. 15.331 were killed. 111!) wonndcl. '25.7'i.» missini; ami °!I.IKI> were pris oners of war. The latest Navy iulil. cover ing reimrls received up to today, is 3'J.all1. divided as follows: I3.»S3 killed. .VXliX wounded. K.lllli missing and I.'! 17 prison ers. Of the 3.V0I!) Arni.v" wounded, SliniMin said. IX.011 have heen reli.'rneil lo duly or released I rum hospitals. Churchill ill Of Pneumonia in Mid-East l.iiilil'in Hoe. |l>. — C ,\I* i — I'linte Minister Churchill. \\"io inn kill his ii!Hii 11 i 11 • i' 11,\ while allemliiii; the three-power 'I'elir ■ an conference, is sttlIcriii!* a "patch of pneumonia in liie left Iiiiik". Deputy Prime Minister t lenient \llee told the House of < .iiiuieiiis lodav. A|hi* iiidiealcd tli'ii C'liturhill i> iniw M«i!i'iv'iiTi' ill Hie Middle K;is'. A bulletin i oilixi nl Nil. in l)»\vtlilil( struct, Churchill's offlciol ivsiifiiicc, : i 4.1 \ r till- lll'-l I1ilini.il mi <>; 111. II I I I- lllUll-li'l'\s illness, . aid. '•|l genera I coildilioil i- • silis l.ictnl\ i all lie CN|H'< ltd. Thtit i- the svciind iillnck »l iwii* • nil.a siiflt.«•»! ■ »>' Chinch;!! . |e»s tli.m a year. The priini n iiiisier w is ;o|nirto(l ■ ! lei 'ii.': I'1 «* heavy euhl, w.'ii lompciiiture nun c lliiin ion. when ho sa led 11«•:it laindnn I" attend liii c. ulei'ctiei' witii Pre if'Mil lii>o.se\ ell. Marshal Sliilin and Mar.sii I Chi.in: Ka- fiel; and ('resident litmui i>. Tiirkev. < )n In- an ill in < 'a i". li - inai i>e ca i w«ir i' and the |ii in u -.it |,ad I" I I'.- voice, hnl hi , tcil mi Co tai iin4 i - al dni- . • I tHHV fo.e'Uii Sei r"lii y Anlliii-> Krli'ii eoiniiienled llial lit1 ha.'l never .-t'ov in en liie har;dd he the signal lor .in appeal direct to the voters. "Tliis is goi:g to be one ol_ tiv j ieggi-.-'. cs i>l the 1!M4 campaign. | Lucas ti Id a reporter. "If the sol- | dieis don't get the right to \otei linde.- a systi ::i that will work, i'lll certi. ily -:I v tii.it Uciiblicans who joined I v tli -i'tillii rn Democrats in forcing 1 pa i- of .1 substitute "Stale's 1 i;i!" ill (I I not want service ' n i-n i.< vii|<-. lie niaI• »t i aid i i yiimly wat ted tin1 j:ol Iitr-enllcelllig in.lcllill i cry He uiiitendeil that President i•• "MU elt. a If ssible fonrlh f! hi flicse '''ii a.'■ i .. : 111 Iiioiii I )ccem b.-r I. .; and H Attacks On Convey In Italy Harbor One of Worst Blows Yet by the Germans On Allied Shipping Wasliiiijfli.n. !). i\ 1(5—(AIM —Ahmit (icrman limtdiers. making a surprise raid mi lite Allied supply port of l!;iri. It aly. sank a total of 17 I'tutcd Nations merchant ships within a few minutes. I'lie story el tin* Allied I' s. one n: the \vi r.it single blows tal;« it «n t'liitcrl Nations shi;> \> eslablish od today on inH|ut':; i'lticd auth -nty. 'I h< raid occurred about. 1W0 weeks ago. Tin- (irrman Immtiers came flying very lew and very fast, over the I Sari ar:v. .inst at dawn. Thr.v caught the citv's defenses cntircl'. Iiv surprise as fre ■I ur 1111.v happens in an air attack mailt' a' dangerously low I 'vels. The rudiers wee not interested ii in it ins!.illaliv. 11s as miieir""ii the ships in harbor. A <• nivoy atipa: enlly h;al arrived < illy ;• day or s lielore a.'.d the work of unloniifiv; ship- had been g' ing lorw.ud .it l< spied, thus, some ot the vessels lost v.eie i-oinpleti'ly empty, others hat! discharged portions ot tin r cargoes In all. there wi-re about I'll i>ii; merchant ships in harbor, possibly a lev more or a leu loss. Tin- attack lasted only a few minutes. When it was over, harhnr shipping was a wreck and 17 ne-rcliant vusrls lay useless on thr hiittom «>f Bari liarlior. The raid. si> tar as could he j established here, did nut have any extremely disruptive effects on Allied strategy in Italy. The Kighth Army suffered badly in supplies for two or three days, but rapidly recouped it- s.ipplv po- 1 sition. The more significant was in I the loss in shipping and the harb >:■ i clearance work made necessary at ] Uari. One i! the main diflieultics with the defenses at ISiiri ap|>eaied ' > have been that they were weak ill i fighter planes. The British air (Contineed on Paso Three) Cotton Prices Rather Mixed New York. Dec. I(i.—(AIM—(.'ol io:; future-- opened five lo ten cents a bale higher. Noon values were 2a ' [•cuts a bale lower to 20 vents higher, llecenibcr I1I..V.I. March 1U.6-I. Mav 1 !).4:5. Previous Close < )pcn ' I)ecenii>er l!»t;i Mill'vh . ... 1 !MS!I I'.Uil Mav 10.12 I!•.-! I j July . Ill 21 1 !».2:t Ovtobvr (newt ... 111.02 I'.l.OK 7S//0PP/W Mysterr /„ > eds Again Go On Offensive A!'>-tu\v. Doc. Hi. (AIM — Oi'liciiii X'ikol i Vii(ii(in'> firs! ('krainiiin i ,'n'iiiy lias iionp over In Hie offpiiMvo for (he Mlltll time |||M week in (ho l>»tUp nf IliC Ktrv I>111ilt*. ;• 11 cI in .1 M !•- «.| swill <•'tinier attacks h;i« I fit* c Die (icniian- from .-pvpral I strong i«>inl ■ alun;; the Tpipv river' alioni. i.ii|iv< west ol (hp (.TU111 in- i .1111 <■ ipiiiil M;n Mai Mannstcin's |nnvc'i'liil armored divisions were nn iilp in '.villi,-i:i 1 id the concent ratc>l; a■ } 111«• 1 >• fin' from (lip f'li.vann |>o. 1 I 1.101. I irl'l .il< hp* -aid. „ 11 .liilv.l l\« 'jloiniocii. I May Wed Sooh PRINCESS Elizabeth of Ent*!nrif1, heiress lo the throne, who will l>e lii ill April, may have a husband chosen tor her whan she reaches her ollicial majority within a few months', according to wcll-in formci! persons in London. It is rumored that the future king con sort may be either Hugh Kilzroy, 24. Karl of Huston, or Charles Man ners. also 24. the tenth Duke of Rutland. < International) Brenner Is Hit By U. S. Big Bombers Smashing Blows Upon Com.munications Lines Reported by Allies Allied Headquarters. Algiers, Pec. lt>—(AI *)—Strong forces til' American 15th Air Force I m mi I nr.- struck three smjtsh injj li|i>\v> yesterday at (rennan !»rentier I'a-- cmnninnicat ions, i•in* 'if them a lieavy attack •■■)< Inn.-dirnck. in Austria, it was [innsniiiced today. An air communique >:i ti torccs i'l heavy bombers. escorted i y light ers. made an "accurate .iiul con centrated attack" ":i the railway junction al Inn imiek. • nii'e- s nth ot Munich IS..I/.in . 4C> ni'les below Iho Uremic! !'. •.i an Ac isci * i\. i* viaduct near I5«.lzaiu>. The c i ii"i ■ d . : c at tacks V Ct C "VI • >' ' I . ' : • • III '.he iTt'imd '••-, II I' itv. the FIHIi Army cap? :••«« an import ant hi'l. \\ I: I IS III-':! Klghth Army made |ir uress in stilt fight ing n the ■. i. :tiity • iii-"^".i. sonic 15 mile* nland Iro the Adriutie. Homy field na u • .■ iil i" i>e still in pf.^ie , 11; '.una i iu-i 'i led • a dispatch to l.ond ••; It ll 'Me Kljjl til V • y lllld reac! wn 'I Itiiriidi. •••.pi Km I.<*otiardo, north of tin- AI • rarr. had been cap lured 1 !■' Ith A •• y patrols captured a limnlx-i ol wise nor*. the "Ifini' allli' le'eilleti! • d. arid 1114 thai vjil uablt inloriilatc.n \\a- oitaitied. Headquarters announced that sinci tie- -i :i 1 • •• S tnur«• ' cr i'alI!e \ 1 . •••!• I .. tin* I -''.tii Three) hninhcrs. I.ii'ickod mil .it |o;i>: l<; (Iit Injltl t: il i k ~ ; i»* * I !(V tirt1MM*C(l C'lir 'n vcslii (t;i\'> liuhlmu. I {; I sm , 111 - muiiif llv li -r. ,»oo s.nv tinik iind jj!in i) Hi >i | v\ i> tindocdcd. I ho fiirt 1h;ii \ .ii 1,: r - line luid in IH firm jiujiin ! tho cncniv's -iisliiiid triplo ;is- .nil. s Ko.-lod lli;il 'hi* Cicriu.'iiis h I shut their hull, ,it liist lor ®hi* thin* ill Ihoil drive In t <-(-;i|)t lire K rv Smith ol thr I"!,i;nni;in <■ pil.tl, lied iitiiiy Imri", I it w !<•■' fJcnci.il Ix.in K«'iic " ri r i ''|mii 1ri| mpidlv r\p i:n|. iiii lii':n ! 'witi'iu weil ol Uip Diuppiv nvor lii lnu iiil; tin- in inni> ol the Isi ivi i-ii-him .11111 ('hiitoi-ky i>r;djjo lii'.id- yo>tord;i.v. I"h;il Ml'ft ii! mi:i ;i\ <• the llll.v-l;ill.~ control i>i the wist bunk tor u m;io •-(rol'.-h hrlwoon tho two oitio-. ii I if I Kmirv il- (|ll «'i. t" l'\|»ln I Ills !«>ry. II". Irmi|i. wopt into tlii i.i l\< v Iou'm ni I»iilo/oi'r. five in.lid iioi ilic. si nf Sini'l.ih. | > II (■ 111Dcit iin• "i hint i .iil I'lnct nn w ithin oasy • il l lloi'V riling, "t Soviol gull*. (Ai'lu.illv the I{11 -'.in- iiro ii'iw ill rmiti'.*) *»I .i 2.">n-null' .stif'lrh ;il.— (AC)—A re cord :!!()-ton bombing which da casted the .lapanese base at Arawe. on the southwest coast of New Britain, was reported by General Douglas Mac Arthur to day. For -even hours Tuesday morel 1i)iin 1 (m Liber l'>ishea\> .mil inert - iiin bumbviv and tin ton till ick plane* , blasted :< 1 two points u the himje-i Allied aer.al attack c\i staged in tiir southwest Pac tie Without nterferenre ill the air aiui hut little from tin1 mound tire, tin-j planes also -wept the enemy \\ ,th ' 17-1.nil machine jun bullets The Mow- -.vere ci« cent rated n mi Amu- ; ! it plant I .on, wc-t ot Arawe x lla^ and on isliiralu lit llw harlim entrance.! Many ;,r<. wi re o'>-er\i I and tin deviis'at a;im'~. •■! .'oris, and > among t'lwiny personnel was wide* spread AH our planes i • -t irned Tuesday's l aid on Aim •. e. th t ie absi fc n! e: e-tiv ,nte: i eption. ivliieli h 'I been widely noted ol tnte. em phasized claims •! Allied air s ipre- i freed" ■ Hit a \ • i! hmv of A I ii ral i \v :i s llalseyV. commander ill the S' t!; P.ieil r. po 'ndi I .laoaiu -«• , supply points and icmuntl defenses mi P.o.i;' i'nviill* ' nrl "i tlu- So'ti ii ions. wile e A i ' i- lis h.i\» e-t.ili- • lishert .ii a i sit ■ on Knipress \• i gtisfa bar, onl.v 2*»0 miles witillwiisl ot i: i mil III :' Ml I'll- Solum Ills lliers •hot I ai t "is ..I in'l>-. ma iilv on the lion s ;;■ i■ ■ rea nn the north . 111 i*t !:.• ■ " lie The .t.ipanix did nol send up oven n e plane A poUesm n I II i■!■>•' head* (piarti i dei ' i < I that the .latiaiie.-e posit on o i I'll ::.riivil|e. which v, i s reporled gun sotier! In pi.nun enemy troop*, s deteriorating -teadily. WEATIIHI FOK NOISTII t'AKOMNA I'alr .mil lonliiiiieil cold tn nicbt: lo« rst temper.il ill r I ' tn tt in •••M j'v) •.'■ill d jwirlion: ■ I'udar lair and Ttntinui'd cold Tin- streamliner Taniiami. vest ciiasl chamiiiiiii, south bound I'ruin New Vork to Taiu |ia. partialb derailed at ahoul I a. in., fasterII war time. \ur vivois reported. \ few minutes later, the "Ta miaiiii" east euast eliamiiimi. hound from Miami t*i New Vork, plow ell tlirimcli the wreekase which hail spilled over on the parallel doiililetraek line. Meagre rrp'H.s v.iro made In Ol(l M.MllidsU.IU < ''l l y v. .Iik-.-m- w Ini t:111;* I *• survivors. Highways t.i the scene were shealhed ill mi.iV. anil ic. .mil Atlantic Coast 1. ?:>■ ngvnt said ilia', !im s ni e mmuiii' ation \\ < < d>.vn. First » ii . that the t: roe ia»! I'* a Ik- ' •.lie : n 1'. |!m Mil trail! wore derailed. precipitating the while accident. i'assengOl ■ I till' !r !it cwhiV* .-..id ".'lev did not even know shrrn hiul 11*» :i an ricnt until nortl b« und train crushcd int«i the derailed cars The Atlantie Coast I.in:' ollie< at lloeky Blount. 10*1 miles from !>ilic. said it was informed thai about 75 persons were killed on one train and one person on the other. Atlant c Coast line general head n. tin- office said. Dr. S. \V. Fleming, of lliglismith hospital. Fayetteville. who arrlt ed al the scene at a. m.. and admin istered first aid lor i> i* hours. ..aid lie believed there were "at lens*, fifty dead." lie said re.-cue work ers > 1 ill liaii not entered one • :«r when he lell the seene at 8:30 a m. He declined to estimate the number of injured. About fifty injured were adnvl ted V 1 liuhsinith ho.-p.tal. twelve «•,' them civilians. 151i>od plasma was wiven some of those ir.ost serimsly hurt. The conductor ot the norihb neul train said travel was heavy, that he had 2.>0 pa.-scnuors in three eiae!"i\. Or. Fleming said I nth were !< n.; trains, estimating each had al 'cast la ears. The Hii.'Uv M 'linl oliiee (I scIom-iI the enuiieei on the northbound l . m \o was Frank Itelknap. and that William Myi rs was the engin eer 'ii souihlioiind \'o. !>l Roth are Irom Kockv Mount. One witness al the seen" at " a. m.. said "scores" were killed. Twenty-live inii.red were pa■ i%-•»I into two l.umlierli n hospitals at !» a. m. In a "t iV out 'i tin- cause of ti e wreck. (' (I Siblov. vice nrexi d**!it. s.i (I at the railw ay's head f|ii.'i-i|.r> i". Wilm n-ton "Investigation «leve|i»|M*t that the cai.se of the derailment ~ the three (for.t lined on Page Three) Eye Witness Tells About Rail Tragedy I n ee. S Dec Hi —(A! * > - A p.-s-ingci oil one ol the lw" «-rack Atlantic ('••••■-! Line trains tniuvhrd to-elhi r at II e. N. l"d iv. In'il how an expectant inolher with both h maimlcd held , |> bravely u.i'il aid i \ eii and liov. > tuny cnpla u did heri'.i' icsrue work. I was a imsrenifer • n the T»n - ■ aim \ves| CO..si Chainpi'M. soulll l> auid to Tairpa. Fla.. whn h «!»• i.. lid at about I in a. n>.." -ail \. 11 ■; i in W ' id. publisher ol Sin ill Ii es (Suirle Magazine. unlirt I ri the wreck. ■(•..plain P. W Allen, "i the N:n\v, V.'. shittglon. I> C\. and I Innk charge of helping the injnrcri and trying lo reach the deaf? V.V g- t 'I'ankels Irom tin P llman i ar» .nd In coffee nd wh'skv t..)rn h" 'Ii er and then r>ade lir'".< oil |he > >w covered gio,:nd. "r*aplaln Allen d'd some heroic x* • i"K. Through Stale higkw.i/ na trol i arlio mi- icaelte'l IJoberl Samel a i annl'i'i ton. w-lio brought le cly '• "«• ' J . lit: U.Vl «•? I'lit ' it tl.o cl'.rld. '