Society News i nr. r,«u ur 1IIK PLAY. By William M. Cluckcruu. The play is done; the curtain drops Slow fulling, to the prompter's oeil; A moment yet the actor slops And looks around to say farewell It is an irksome word and task. And when lie's laughed and sait his say, »l«- shows as he roiuoves the mask, A facc that's anything but gay. v it- word, ere yet the evening ends U-t's close it with a parting j-nymc, And pledge a hand to all young friends, \> fits the merry Christinas time i, Life's wide scene you, too, havi pa i ts. That Fate ere long shall bid yoii play; i, idnight! with honest, gentle hearts A kindly greeting go alwav. C ine wealth or want, come good **i II. Let young ami old accept their part. \J bow before the Awful Will. And bear it with an honest heart, Who misses, or who wins the pn/.c. llii, lose or conquer, it you can. if you fail or it you rise, lie each, pray God, a gonliciiian. A r.entlenum or old or young! , i Hoar kindly wilh my humble lays), |'| o sacred chorus fins* was sung I'pon the liisi hi Christina- day.-. ; • )(■ shepherds heard i' overhead— The joyful angels raised H then; til' iy to heaven mi high, it said, And peace on earth to gentle men. My song, same this, it little worth: I lay the weary pen a>ide. And wish you health and love and on th. A tits the holy Christmas-tide A in- Hie holy Christinas birtlt. lie this, good friends, our carol .till — ];. peace on earth, be peace on •arth. I'd men of gentle will. To New York Mrs. W. P. Ghulson and Miss Vir .iiia Hunt left yesterday for .1 cek's visit in New York City. Arrives From Pract Miss Grace Bryan has arrived ' > >!ii I'eaee college to spend the Christmas holidays here with her iamily. J To Spend Holidays Tie re .lensen Yow. student at Das idsoii • •liege, has arrived to spend the h< lidavs with his parent-. Dr. and Mrs A. C. Y-»w. Spends Holidays Here T. II. Weldoti, Jr.. ot Oak ISidgc Military Institute, lias arrived Iti spend the holidays with hi- parents. Mrs. T. H. Weldon. ot Epsom. Home fi>r llalidays Mis K. F. Fenner. who has been living at Fort Hi . ning. (ja.. has ar med in Henderson to spend the Christmas holidays at her home en C. u nett street. The Fenners have : eertly mov ed t" F<>rt Benning. where Col. Fenner stationed, F.astern Star To Meet The \\'i lion's chapter «>i the* Order ' Eastern Star will hold its .'egnla.' ■cling Wedne-.lay night. Oocenibe:1 at eight o'clock, il was alilKiunK'd '••day. After the meeting a >ocal • •if and Christin - program will i><- held. All members are urged to attend. Shocco News By Mrs. .1. Al. AMon Miss l.oui-c Alston is home fo» n I'eace college !•> -pend tile CI11 i.-t:: a <»lidavs with her parents, Mi. and Mrs. j. M. Ahton. Miss Annie l.oti AUtou has arrived oni Zebttlon to spend the holidays th her mother. Mrs. K. C>. Alston, Sr. Congratulations to Mr. and Mi". F.ugene Ayscue upon the arrival • >! a son. Hilly Gene. December 13, at M risi Parhaiu hospital. The \V. S. C. S. of Shocco Metho dist church will hold its regulai meeting on Thursday. December 23. n the home of Mrs. T. .1. Harrington. All members are urged t<> attend as ' ew officers will be elected for the coming year. Meredith Al.-ton is expected to arrive Sunday from Mew port News t" spend a few (lavs with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Alston. We wish to extend our sympathy to Mrs. F. O. Robertson in tiie death <>f her husband on last Sunday. Mr. nd Mrs. Robertson lived in our community for several years where made it host of friends. AT FIRST M vov° Oust* 666 M» TAHITI iAIVL NOSE DROP! FLOWERS FOR EVERY OCCASION Ptann* 3K0 Ddf or NUht BRIDGERS rb> ——■mm—1 ■111 1 Marian Martin —Pattern— Sprightly apph.pioil bulton-l ront >IiP into eharmingiy lor breaU iast »r lunch. Tin- sell-nil ding at shouMet> and sleeve* ,.f Pattern !).'{.r>7 is a delightfully youthlul but optional touch. A pattern lor thai t in ci v applique is included. Fabric for it is m your sci ap bag. Pattern !i.»57 comes in wninen s ami mi.-sc.-' sizes 12. 14. Hi. lit. 20. 311, :<2. :i4. .{n.;{«. 411. si,v u; taUi^ 1 .-j yards .'tr>-mch labric. Send SIXTEEN" CENTS in c..ins tor this pattern. Write plainly SIZE. NAME. A DDK ESS. STYLE. NT.MKKH. Send your order to the Henderson Daily Dispatch. Pattern Department, 232 West 8th St., New York ' 1. N. Y. J.irlh (H Son Mr ;,iui Ml- K II. K.;ilrr. ol Al bt'cmiirlo, antioLince tin* birth <•! :i mhi wn p«.u i|-. ::: «. «nrrs. on I )rrrnu>r Hi Mrs. F .•Hri - tin* l"i»r int'i M - Kl.iiiii* Wi'lilon «»! iIriuicr m»ii. WITH THE SICK < niiliiied With I III Mi.- W W. Paii;« . Jr.. .Mid sun. Kobi»rt. confined , > i . m< on t licslmit st nt'l Willi imm ■ • 1 1 inllucn I Christmas Party For Butner Group Miss Anne Stainback and Miss Virginia Lassiter were joint host esses at an informal Christmas par ty for a itroup of Camp liutner sol diers Saturday night at the home of Mi.-s Stainback. Hells were suspended from the archway between the two living rooms by red and green streamers. Cells were also used on the door t ■ announce the arrival <>t guests. Mistletoe, holly and other t hrist tnas foliage were used in decorat ing. Cluests enjoyed dancing to musie from a pick-up. A large Christma tree filled one end of tin- room on whieh were hung characteristic Kit!;, for the soldiers. | The hostisscs served hot < hoco I !ate. cookies, nuts :nul candies t > i about thirty guests who eame in I during the evening. I Baptist W. M. S. In (hristmas Meeting I A distinct ( hristmas season sen j timent was imparted to the monthly I meeting ot (lie Woman's Missionary j Society of the First ISapt st cluireii < Monday afternoon. It \vn the la-t ' meeting of tin- call dar and the ' society ye r. and was held in the i ladies' parlor of the elmrch. I 15eports were given by olficir and I (ircleleadi rs. and a number ot let ; ters were read from soldiers ox er seas thanking the society foi Chri-t ; mas boxes sent them. The society I -cut Christmas boxes to nil men | from the church who are overseas, and tin society and the general Sun day school likewise sent boxes to boys from the chirch n camps id training centers in the I'nite I States. Th«' .-ocietv voted to ci.nt'liue ' •ontributions t support ol two J! |,le I mien ir. China. Funds will be sent to the Southern I'aptst Foreign Mi • ion Board i l!:ct.iuoud to be t'or warde.l a- mm.;i .is Hie money can be gotten through. Mrs K A. l.atta was in charge ot the program, and her small tin ighter. Lillie Tapp 1, tta, read Christinas Scripture selections. Mrs. M. C. Miles dosed tile meet ng with a prayer. Tin- meeting w as pre- ided over by Mrs. Henry A. Denn s. the pre-uicnt. Miss Lillie Allen Weds J. I). Jackson In a simple but impressive cere mony. Miss I.dhe Allen the bride ot John I). Jackson, on Satur day. November lit. at K:3u p. in., at the Methodist church at Micidlehtirg. with the pastor. Hew T. \V. Lee, of ' ieiat ing. The church was decorated with long leaf pine, candelabra bearing red candles, and floor basket-- filltd with holly. Mrs. Henrietta Cawthome, organ ist. and Mrs. Mary iSennetI, soloist, i presented a program ol nuptiai' music. Josh I'rown and William Al- i len, of Warrentun lighted the can ities. The couple entered together. The bride wore a power blue dress of Sand's tvepe with accessories «»t brown. A >ingle orchid termed her -boulder cor age. She al-o wore string ol pearls. ^i!t of the gr.iout. Mrs. Jackson, daughter ■•! An -. • Minnie .Allen and the late S !>. \l i |c it. o! W'.irrellton. receiv eii. son ol Mi .-no Mi .1. M Jack-oil. «'t Mid.llebure.- grao uateil troll' Middlcburg ''tgh bool and attended Wake Foic-l Ci>IIckc. ||.• i at pic cut engaged in tanning. InniiMli.itely following the wed ding ceremony the couple left nn a wedding trip to unannoiiiueii poinls tollow'tig which the v. ill I c at home ;il >l!l year. Ilylton T. Webb, chairman of the dance committee, with Mr. and Mrs. Sain Peace, Jr.. Mr. and Mrs. Hieh ard Harwell, Mr. and Mrs. John ' Church, and Dr. and Mrs. Howard Allen as bis assistants, is making plan." expected to in. Ue litis dance in keeping with the popular holiday dances of ixist seasons. Mrs. W. W. Parker j Presents Students In Music Recital I An appreciative audience of pat - j .in and Irieiids gathered m the j ..1 Mrs. \V. W. Parker. Sr.. on , Sillmday evening. December 111, to I iiijov the I list recital of Hie year given by the great majority ol her piano pupils. I The heme was attractively deco rated with colorful poinsettas. On tin table in the dining room, Santa l I..ii . and bis eight reindeer were planied in the snow, and a beautiful Chr.-tma< iree .-bone Irom the liv iii" room. Under Ibe tree \\eie icd lockings with candy, nuts, and latsins for the pupils. The program was well iierlornied, after wlueii all joined in singing iT.ri-tmas carols, Gloiia \ an Dyke .a c< .ii,p.lined on the piano, while Mis. I'arker led in the singing. lVggy I'arker, a student at Mere dith C ollege who is home lor the Otri tnias holidays, played the piano Polichincllc" bv Haclmianiu .11. which she bad recently rendered in the student recital at Meredith. Pupils <>l Mrs. I'arker who parti i ip:ited 111 the recital were: Martha lane Ncwcoinb, Lucy Ann Vat km*. \liii v Malalas, Kay Beckwith. Kveiyn Adams, Jean links. Canclla R^,u" with, I'atsy Glenn. Grace Bo>d Hicks. Mishew Cooper. Laura 1 Walter I'arker. Melissa Glenn. Alice Kuth Gardner. Carolyn King. Itoi..v l ippett. Myrtle Alston. Virginia Sa - lei white, Kuth Denni-. Rertba \. ]l Am. Koy.-ter. Hull, Parks. Sal he .'tcne Kei ner. and Gloria \ an iJy.u*. Miss Lewis Bride Of Captain Harris In Baltimore Rites \ti-,~ Harriett Jean Lewis, daugh ter ol Mr. ad Mrs. M. John William Lewis. '. n'iink 'llarri#, ol Henderson, in Grace church. Hall in,ore. at eight .-.•lock ii the evening oil Decern,>n ; Dr. William Andrew Keefe per formed the ceremony. (liven in marriage bv her tathei. h. bride wore a gown ot ivory \ el , !. !;,si,lolled Willi sweelIleal t neck line. titled basque, long sleeves and lull skirt extending into •' tram. > eil ol tulle extended the length „ the train. She carried a white ,lVer book and while orchid-. \'i,_ Kh/al>eil; Thompson wa ol honoi. and tlu bnde>n.a.jls ncliuled Mi - Mary Lh/auc h Lai h ,lU Mi-- Lam.. George lliss. AH. Uolx-rt B. Green. and Mrs. Lny Mw Already interest has been mani fested among members who are ex pecting .1 larjje attendance from out-of-town guests. As usual, the dance will be formal and out-of-town guests should have invitation cards for admittance. Those desiring these cards are asked to see any member of the dance com mittee. The Christmas dance s ulway- o.ic of festivity and frolic. Members ol the younger set ret u riling 110:11 school join with older members in making this dance the outstanding dance of tiie >ear. some. Their dic.>sos were lasliiot.i-t: • •I 1 >111U slipper satin with which they wore .luuet caps of matching tulle They carried arm bouquets ol pmu roses and blue iris. Little Sally .let! was flower gii I She wore a Victorian Irocl; ol 'gg shell velvet and carried a miniature bouquet ol pink roses and swcolpca . I.I. George Itaymiind. of Washing ton. D. 1*., was best man. and ti.« ushers wi re Knsign ISichard •li'mniig. Watts, USNR. II rrition Lee Winter. Donald K. f.stes. 1 >1 >i 1 D. Myrick. and Cole Allen Lewis. Mrs. l.ewis, mother ol tlie bride. a m e blue crepe with an orchid cur sago. Thi' bridegroom's mother won black veivel, and her corsage ■ it orchids. Follownig the eoreinonv a n-iiy ti<>n was held at the Baltimore Cmii tiy Club. Mrs. Harris was educated 111 pu - In sehool> ■ I Ualtunore and at < (In - 1111 university. Captain Main v.. graduated limn N. C. Slate inlli^f With a degree in eiiemieal engine 1 ii:g. and I t-lore esileriug the arm) was connected with liallimore Con solidated Cias and Klectric Co. He now stationed ;.i Camp Sibert, Al - bania. Twenty-two million pieces of mail are now shipped eaeli week In 1'. S ovcr ea.s forces. Miss I* attcrson Has Y. \Y. A. Meet Mi*»s tJt-.'illiv was host ess to the Yuuii>! Woman's Auxiliary ol the Kn>t Baptist cnuch .it its i Christina- incetiiiK last niuht. During •lie business session varl- l oils reports were uivi'li and the tol iowini: ollicers ivi'iv clt'i'li'd lor ttic I cimiinK .veal : I'ri-.-idciit: Kdna l-'aulk- ! ner; vice-pi e-idctit, Mildred Conn, secretary. Ann Kli/alxth llaithcock: Lelia Ii.ti dnci Mi>s .hinic Conn was in chaise of the program and read tin- Christina-* stor.v lroni l.uke as ihc Script tr while Mi>.- Doro'liyr Patterson plav ed Christ ma* niu.-ic soltly ' l-'roni Kvery Tongue ami Nation" was the topic ot the program and tin- l• ■ 11 >\\ - iiik parts were given: "Christ num, A Christian Wit lies in China". Mi l-'ianees SaUervvlnte; ••Brazil". Ali Marjorie Vanl•> "Japan". Mi.- I.elui (>a:dliei. "I! mania". Mj-- .1. :ia- Conn. Mi Conn conclndi d her pi obtain with .1 poei 1 entitled "Mo-• -• Ct:;i*'i The 111*1 ilier than iAi li.inu''nd 'In host"- s • - \ed cut lev, i '«'kn'*, lint *. aiii| can d 1 *•> din -tig ' cial lloui From 15 15 diiyn arc need <1 t cure ham 1 •«*• 'tv oUn y. and li ■ 17 to liu day. :• bacon. Milk Mixture For Stomach Ulcers A iwin mcdical cli-luM'ry now bt-illK u-td bv doctors and hospitals I'vui vwlitri! lias proven iiiillsuallV HIVfSSlul lit tllC treatment of stom ach ulcer- caused It• tn excess iirid. It is a harmless preparation vol so eflcctivc that in inanv ca cs tile puiiu >•1 stomach ulcers disappear almost immediatclv alter il is used Also ivc ommcnded for tias nain.s. iudiiiesUon and heartburn duo to hvperaciditv. Sallcici . mav mw li v this at home hv obtiiimnu a bottle of l.urin Iroin their dnm^i t. l.urin t-oi.tams this j new disco wry in it- purest form. Kasv In take, .lust mix two teaspoon I lul in ii.i!' likes i>! milk. Costs but I little. Try a bottle, it miisl satisfy or iiniiiiv refunded. I.ui.n for sale bv l'arker's ami dnm .stoic.- everywhere. —Adv. DR. SADIE C. JOHNSON C HlltOIMi A(TOR " 1ii ■:Iiif cnuil ■ .1- 1 lllllW? . Mi T: i-Ml iy — St..'in ll' :io i,m| •_» ) Wcdnt^duy — 12:30-5:31) and 7 9 Thursdaiy - C'l<>t>«-d ;il! day Friday - 11:30-12:30 and 2 5:30 Saturday — 9:30-12:30 and 2-5:30 \o hoi sj: ( AI.I.S I'lraso M.iki- Apiiiiinlninits Arooi (linclv. FALSE TEETH owners CAN LOOK YOUNGER —BY WEARING YOUR PIATES [V[RY DAY —HELD COMFORTABLY SNUG THIS WAY wrinkle f .-m <' worn. Avoiil ihfa. ;hnt,l,Jau* tlrmlv ,!l .lay. frf"i,V/7.a rt«h this coinfori-cusiuon, a •fcnti.-?' ... ». .. j'j. »» • l«. ; plat,. f •rtlH comf.irt-ctisliioii" Ih-uo.,, Plato .mil li.t l y»„ s,,!,,! , *• "V,"' , |nl»»rr;usKiii«.in of Inoso |»iut«>s. It« !|»s prevent sore cum*. 2. \\ orld'slurgt'stsellingplatopowilor. •sf..r:[iiVi- ir* 3. Mr W. rr..- |j :i vi-ry xmull am tunt 1.1 t. l n.OT. 4. i„ t ,ll«rv.|..-nt. l>ur.- J..IJ IJI it ill cream. I Irasant tasting. d'uggnti—30i. Money back if not delighted Dr. Wernet's Powder RECOMMENCED BY MORE-DENTISTS fHAN ANY OThERf*. '4 rJI • More popular than ever before is the Camel Christmas carton (right) with its special holiday design. Inside are ten packages of 20's— in all, 200 Camels with their famous extra flavor and extra mildness. Come With An Open Mind - Plenty of Gifts For Every One gr Pearl Neeklaees $4.95 jjjj* Lapel Pins $1.00 Sewing Boxes .... $1.00 a? Flowers for the hair .50 up Pictures florals ami : ceues $1.50 up Candles dripless, red, while 5c •SI < IIMl I l.ooi; # uowns ~ tscautu ul lacc trimmed $5.95 i>|> ^ Slips—Tailored and ^ lace trimmed $1.01) to $6.95 ■ ■t 9 SwoaUrrs A!1 wuol $3.1?5 U» $7.1)5 Skirl:, VhVnh and solitU $3.95 to $5.95 % Many More Practical Gills 7 9 | £ G. Davis & Sons Company