AROUND TOWN C IO SI'PPKk l.ocal 598 I i<> gave a cliickf-t sup. „,»i Thursday nigh I at u,e Union 1. I! Montgomery street tor tin- color ed employee.- of the Harriet cotton mill. marriagk LK'KXSK One iiiui i uihc licence Was issued yesterday in the register ot deeds i >11 ice, going to George Fin man Les ter and Olive Laurel Abbott, white imtii ol Henderson. (OI.ORKD DRAI I' <\\LL Notices have been mailed for a lo ..i I tn,A T.i ,',U!"'y •' lur «-.\;iniina n» .need imiay1'a,','V ,tv1b"i">' •he X tt. "' • hel Sunday school. A small admission tee will be ehatRcd OAVVVAVM: VV\>AV?VA>^v\< & I Merry Cliristmas § With Every Happiness Every Cheer Everything Worthwhile All Through the Year May the bright candles as they glow this say season remind you of the warmth and sincerity of our wish. We will appreciate your pationaiiv (luring 1!M1. BRIDGER'S, The Florist Weather For Christmas Is To Be Mild 1 Weather prospects for Christ inas day and the week-eml improve)! today, with promise of the weather bureau for modera ting temperature, hut with over east skie.s. Christinas Eve today saw hit ter eold sweep in from out the north and last-minute shoppers found the going uncomfortable, to sa.v the least. It was fair and the sun shincd most of the time, but the thermometer was well under freezing:. ★ WITH THE COLORS** ★ ★★★*★ I.ands in Kuglund Word been I'm .•«•• j Mr. and .Mr.--. A. A. StanihaeU «>! the ; safe an ival <"i their on. Sjjl. AtUin j Slainhiicl;, Jr.. s i ncwhcir in Kid;- i land. Oil Christmas Leave Charles Fleming Watkin:. seaman I second class. from Maypoit. Klorida, i i: spe-dull* till' Ctiii Una inilul.iv .! with In |i rents. Mr. and Ms . (K. Walkin-. of I)n-.vry. Here for ( hristm:is Willi-; lilacUnall. Jr . an nviatio i 'Indent al Km man imi\«i-itv. (lafii- ■ \ ille, S. ('., will spend I "hn tmas I ).iy j hi ii- with In- |#aunt . Mr. ami Mi W. II lllaeknall. I hrcc Ken I l\st;ite Papers Are I'lnced On Oh in t\ Record Three deeds I.»r properly change; | were recorded ye-te.! v .11 the regi.-tcr of deeds oil ice . Kdward Johnson et a I sold to Joe | Htir! two I >:.- in I lender-on town- | ship for Sin and other 1 onsiderntions. I Joseph Hamme et a! conveyed to Haile Ciold Mi .e-. Inc.. lor sitl and other considerations two tracts «fj land in Towum ille town-hip. K. O. Falkner et al *>ld n k. 1 Wiggins 21.5 acre- of land ::i Hen- | derson township tor SKI and ot'ner j considerations. I .eaves Hospital Mr-. James Y. Paris, who lias been ill at Maria I'.irham ho>pilal tor sometime, was able to leave yester day and is now at the Little Hotel. Confined With Flue Mrs. T. II. Lee, of Middleburg i-i still confined to her bed with influen za. it is reported. & With Friendly Greetings for Christmas and Best Wishes For The New Year This is tlu» hi»h tide of ihe year, Christmas, steeping every heart in the benevolent spirit of Mini \vh< >e birthday it is. May the day find you bl'»ssed with all the fulfillment of your desires—and may the New Year ahead provide you with an ever iiureasinj*' share of all the yoo'i things of lifj. M. G. Evans Henderson, N. C. & & To Mistletoe, Holly, Gay and Sparkling; colors ad,I the bright glow of a S'ule log and you have all the signs for a Cheery Christmas. May your Christmas be thus and your New Year Happy. IK & We anticipate a renewal of friendly busi ness relations in 1944. & & & V' & H. B. NEWMAN & WHOLESALE A Ynietide WISH For You Personally Win .'rex er \ «>11 mux be ;11 litis iime wc extend our <.»teetnirou brighter one l>\ one. I his occasion brings to our atten tion the lact that we can express openlx our appreciation <»t the kindness xou ha\e shown us during the past xear. llianks :\ lot. We promise to merit your continued loyaltx in the s to come and s in this respect. W. B. Might's Livestock Market N. Henderson Telephone 157 '■» £ " & & & & & & & GREETINGS WITH THE A CCENT ON PEACE "Peace on Kiirth" w ns the son<* hen rc! on the Judean hillside lon- a<*o. For those around our fireside this Christmas and lor those whomi^ht he absent w e extend our <;rcetin<»s and best wishes. May Your New Year Be Happy We Appreciate Your Kindness And Your Patronage 230-232 S. Garnett St. Henderson, N. C.