Bmltj THIRTY-FIRST year l.KASKI> \V||(K 8KHVICK <\u> THK A8HCICIATBD 1*RE8S. HhNDERSON, N. C., FRIDAY AFTERNOON, JANUARY 2N, I'M 1 l'UHLISIIKIi KVKIIV A KTIiUNoON KXCKIT SCNIiA V. FIVE CENTS COPY PRISONERS JAPS UNLIKELY Amendment Proposed In Vote Issue Opposition to Bill Split by Vandenbcrg In Announced Change Washington, Jan. "2S—(AP) Sinator Vandonberjj, Michi gan llepubliean, split the Re publican opposition to the ul niiiii-tration - supported war ballot l»ill with an announce ment today he would vote >'or tin measure in order to assure participation of service person nel in the November election. Y ilenbcrg told a reporter ho I; I in olfer an amendment t<> tai i to the handling of .state as wt. Federal absentee ballots. V. ii ■ut the guiding hand of Mi iv i . I <■.• nate Itepiihhcaus foimil I: ■ >:• thrown 011 tin- defensive li\ I •• •»)• .1 ratie charges that theil ipj 11 n to the pending measure i- ; .1 c .d lather than eunstitu t •• I V Iil>ln;tr-.. prcp:acd to turn tn 'In • iiprnnii i- tai'lics til it Me. Nary n •'I mi i Hi ii in the past I i |i.i| |i::im t iuliI mi the tln n i • In- felt were packed with I i Ion iiamlti'. > hi if ready to oiler at least t'.v ''i-i native:;. ( •• • wnlld permit use hi the pi'n i" »»l 1-ederal war li;itlnt only tnr ir «>| overseas, with tin- Hepubli t ;«ii 11• i mitlu n I )ciiiorrat-la\urt'ii M.ilr losentec ballots being fur II- li'l t i service personnel m this <-(>ii: tiy. In r. ollererl iiy Senator Hall, M il' "tii Kcpiihlican. would sper ly ' l Ihe Federal war hallot (>•• li'- * 'I only tn personnel from :• N which had not arranged to ' • eittce h.i I lot > 4."i days before tin' >.'«• 1'iiilior general eleetion. Is* I laicas, Illinois Democrat. 'I 'either ot these com promises •'♦PI' eil acceplablc to administra tion leaders. Treasury Asks Early Income Tax .Returns v. ; t^f.n, .fan. 2}!. — (AI"—The »y i>i»eiilotl !.> wage earners ■ ' 1 I'fUHi filling i.n! their in— '■■■"• returns ;i> soon as llii'.v ii' cc..e w.i«e and tax receipts liom Hi-: 'nploycr.s. M ' ■ in t->t iiimtfct 5(1,000.1100 re ' ■ • ^before the March 15 ®'■' '• the department is seeking lo «i\" I :hf la.-l mintite rush. "■ -'ever, Harold N. (Sr.ives, acting intci revenue commissioner, s (I "Mr i,i lno most important reasons lor t'.ni.v u-tion is to determine how "in* li i.: must be pnid. Fhe fact that taxes have Ix'en de oil* i lit mi pay check.- undei the |w.v- i -ymi-Ho system lines not ex '' ! — llnnilri'ds or ItAK heavy night hoiiihrrs touched off fields ol ll.iinc in Iteiliu again last night hi a possible coil pi- dc Brace to ? "'«• N'ais nerve center. prc\ Inusly described hy General II. II. Ar nold as three-fourths destroyed. Other HAF liomhers hit at Helgoland, the Nazis s mighty North Sea island fortress, while still others struck at targets in " Western (iermany and northern s f ranee and laid mines in enemy Waters. '-arl\ Swedish reports said the raid left great fires hurnlng in outer districts of Herlln where most of the capital's heavy Industry is concentrated. The • enter „f the cit.v, heavily pul verized in previous attacks, ap parently escaped further damage. Berlin, making Its usual claims 'hat th.> raid was a "terror at tack". said that "great damage done, especially In reslden »"• «u»rtcrs". YANKS BUILDING NEW BURMA ROAD A CATERPILLAR comes to Lhc rcscuc of a trJCh caravan on tlic Lctlo supply road to China which has been hacked through the jungles and mountains by American engineers. The lead car had been bofined down in the road way which had been softened bv a rainfall. (International) 16 Jap Planes Lost In Desperate Fight Top Flight Fighter Pilots of Lncmy in Battle at Marshalis Prari llarhor. .Ian. 28.—(AP) —Strategy seemingly Imrn <>l desperation drew tup flight Jap anese fighter pilots into the bij; Kest battle of tlic mounting I'ni ti-il air offensive against the ! Aiarsnall islands am] cost the I enemy Hi to 22 planes. Nut an A" t rie,ill plane was ! >-t. . Adm t il Chester \V. :•«i- ! liminccd la.-t night that Die* t)iii act inn occurred Wednesday, the 21st c'ii seculiv<• day nf att cl:s on the in vasinn-mcn.iecd Marshalis l>y na.y and army airmen. The light ew out nf n Seventh Army Air Force attack on Taroa airfield on V doelap atoll. It was significant becaii e it marked the first attempt of Japanese airmen, .vincc cum > lit;.it« d raids began on the Mar hall, to pursue retiring air craft. Their new strategy may tie desperate mea.-nre lo halt mounting damage to t':i ir central Pacific b scs. Isolation May Threaten Japs OnNewGuinea Allviiliittl Allied I leadfjiiiirtcrs. \i w I • ii' * - .l.iii. (AIM Tin Mlies" rv p aiding i i I might i:t the .if!- t I'ai it c has liecil tnnii-'l tin' . ti ategie Adit'ii altv sliitul. in I'.-ni.iriU m;i and th eat ens !■• I. • i*; irt iiil is» lation In the .1.i|>■• ui- drli-lifli I.- ol New (rliiin.i. Mnmnte .a1 ill ■une. otie "f Hie Iwi good an-' i i- n Ihr islands, v. plastered with bnmhs. It Was th Miird heavy hlow in three consecu tive day: nr: tin- airdrninc. pii ne against the \ Ini r ilty u "lip v spell vit I i a I isolation "I 'h'' enemy defendiis of Wewak mil Mad in;. New fininia. ippr< \imntely miles to tin" "■outhwest and south, respectively. Until "f these important Japanese hast1 - ' civ lai fiely mi a simply line frnin Trukf i supply line voter which ! the Adn itidiv islands hold a com manding p"sit ion. I O-i tin northeastern roast of New i Guinea. A ustralian fnrces have dri ! ven the Japanese farther north of S o and have narrowed the gap he- i Ivt'i them and s< nth-driving Americans at Snider. The J.ipa . »«•« li.ipptU in the middle. Polish Premier To Confer In Washington l/<>iul'-!i. >1:1(1. -!• — l AI' >— Polish Premier Stanislaw .WiUolje/.ayU will leavi < iii Iv iti February on his de layed trip t" Wii.-hiii^lo!-. where he i.s expected to i-iiiifw with Presi dent Hooscvclt and Secretary <»l" State Cordcll Hull "ii tilt' lillssian Polisli border dispute. Tin' leader . I tin- Polish govern ment in < m!c iind planned the trip six wi'cks aiv, l»til delayed it when the dispute was brought. into the foreground ,mai:i as I! issian lorees crossed Poland's prewar eastern boundary 1:1 pursuit ul r< treating Germans. It was believed here that renewed efforts to improve relations between liussia and Pohmd will be made ;>I "the highest level" meaning Mr. IJco.evcIt and I'rim r Mjnisler Churehill —although Mo.scow only this week leiceted .11 Ami oi ler to mediate the dispute. IO I! 1.(1 IVi; SOI.IMI IPS MI DAI. Camp P.iitntr. .Ian. U)!— Award ol' Ihe Soldier's Meila! I .1 heroism to Cpl. Kralieis .1. Dower, o! Ihe 2!Ulld Kngi'icer llattaiion. station ed at Camp llutner. has been au Ihori/.eil I>>' .1 War Department gen eral 1 rder. 111 \ugus| of last year. Hovver s'veil three soldier.1 from drowning after their assault hunt eapsi/ed (liirin:; a pi. ■«• I icrossing on the Merrimack liiver, at N'a shiui. II. German Attack On Nettuno Repulsed By British Troops 50 Planes | Lost In Big Nazi Defeat British Throw Back Furious. N^zi Blow At Allied Beachhcad Allied Headquarters, Algiers. Jan. 28—(AP)—The German > Tenth Army, backed tiy plain-s,! .struck with fury at the Allies' | Netluno beachhcad lint was re pulsed Ity British forces in a ; battle near Carrnceto, on the Via An>.iate ten miles north of An/in and li 1 miles south of Home. Allied headquarters an nounced today. Al the .•.ime tin <■ the Germans sintered their greaii •: . r tlele:.I ol tile IT;111;.n campaign. Jo-aig l least :»(i planes in 1! I bonis in skv hai'lc- ' over the beachhead and ov«f ooath *oi"iI l-Y.irce where Flying l-'orlressst' and I .i I it i. i* > ■ :>- si". u<"U at. three :i 11 t.cld? near M;ii-i ill< - and Moiitpel lier ar.d crippled the I.uses I run; which Germans ra.d Allied ship ping oft I he Italian c . Heavy German ailn »i«"I trains ijacked lip almost to Itomc, sh' lied Alheti troops in the tan-shaped beachhead area and correspondents reports said (itl-ton Tiger tanks were | assembling along the Irinj'cs <>t the | beachhead s '.he enemy recovreed from his and mustered re- j sources lor a J Tory ctmUsl it/i- the , Italian capital. lint today's communique from [ advanced lteadc|U triers s...ti l.t. Cell. ' Marl; W. Clark's Finn Army had enlarged its bridgehead and taken | many German prisoners. Associated Pn ss Correspondent John Whitehead, in a delayed dis patch. said the liritish and Ameri can had estob! :• hed i>v trie end of that Koaie now \\ is menaced. . ;:.i tile toia'th day a v.edge m» strung | that optimism was high | among the troops, with men, guns, armor and s pplies pouring ml" a | broad area. The Filth Ai-ny has extended it> grip up the coast to a point 111 miles I north ot An/io, another report .^aiii. and Americans edged forward tw i 1 miles in another sector yesterday. | At the same time, the unnou: ce ment said, French tri.ops continued j their ndvnncc on the main Fifth I i Army fr>>nt several miles north ol Cassinn dri\ ing lorwartl despite dil iicult terrain und still enemy re sistance. The German., still are coillltcr-at tacking in this sector in an illot to slow the French advance. tiie j bulletin disclo: cd. Allied warships again provided support for the be ichhead trimus 1 south of Hon.e. venturing into the Gulf of Gaeta Wednesday night j anil shelling eia my t.nuet.- at the point where li t Appiun Way'iCjrts : i the shore. i \i11. i.i nwic; at ixon Klwn College, .'an. 2fl.—Kmil I,, d | wig. one ■>! ' • greatest ol Germ.ill < I burn writer-. speak in the Wlut- ■ ley Auditor: ' Flori College Mo|i- i I day (•veiling. .<.■ ■ n ary III. Mr. laid- i ; wig will iisi his subject "What Kind of IVace ould Wr Make with I | German'.'". I. . ig fled In^ n live | 1 country to S\\ erland after Hitler < I came to powi i 'i Germany. In IJMH i lie came !■« th country ig is • »'til lor his work as a biographer. II remarkable Indies. of Napnlc'c llismark. I,iin >ln. i j Goethe, and St ti have brought liiiu • t internalional f. e. 1 ( Argentine Officers Resign >Iontcviilo. I'rKUiiv. Jan. '!8. — <,\I') —General Artur Uaw M»n lias micnril as Argentina's ambassador to Itra/.il as part of the iipheavrl in the Argentine government which already lias resulted In the resignation or throe rahinet ministers ami Hirer oilier otlieials sinee tlie sev erenre of diplomatic relations with the axis Wednesday. Htienos Aires. Jan. 211.— (AT') — Three cabinet ministers and three lesser officials all known for ex treme nationalistic views have re signed l»ecause of their opposition to Ai£t'iitiii4'e chpluin tit biedi. wilu the -1111 .1 ill 1 (Mine ,i rit -ident I'liim Mamiriv. whs .-harply warning (Jcrmany ;nitl .liipim (•> tiewsee of nny nets "I re- J I prisiil i»;i11•>-' Argentine national. ir ( < j |irn|»erty. ad\ i«ms opponents ;ii home ; ; in maintain lenee "for then hwii !1 tr;in<|iiility". lunning ill commerce ; ! with the .is.--, .ind suspending (hi1 ■ | newspaper Pampero, majiM N i/i I ■ HVMiiiipiefO here Those rc|»oi ted to hiive 111i i■. (lenenil ll.t ■!:•• Pert inc. mayo < •! Uufeiiu* A.iu; jiiU Albeitu JLuIcUko mtl I«<•!»»» .Km- <>. 1-edcral inlerven nr* :ii 111*' provinces ol inH ('(irflnhii. 1'ics 'Irtil li.imire/'s w.irniiii: to | lie .i\ ■>:: i list ny rep risiils ;inil tn lissidents ,il home w .i- viilwl lale ' •est< rcliiv i) press conference fit . rhieh '!<• nl"'' d il would he neccs nry In adopt cert a n mr istire- In afemiard the -ecurity ol the conn- ' ry. A> ;i follow-up to n order that ;ill VrKMilitK* merchant vessel? mi is i re- ! ii.tin o i"»i l for the piesent. Hami-| «v > (I Ilie government liiid decreed liiil all commerce between Aruen- j inn nid ,i\is counlries most stop. | le .idded the <| irslion of con n:: irViii iphic communications, . j* under otucly. MIGHTIEST SHIP SET FOR LAUNCHING * jr ' < jilcil l»y llii' Navy the "world's mightiest." Ilir I S. S. Missouri. !.*<.000-!on battleship. is f hown en llic irays al the Brnnklyj Navy Yard, tin* iiru dreadnought. which "ill l»r launched Sutuidav, is Kill) feet Ioiik. 11!' Icet less than Hip Normaudic. I". S. Navy photo (International) New Blows Dealt Communications Of Nazis By Reds Dairymen Ask OPA Ruling U':.. intiut'ii . .Kin. 'Jii—(AIM — N'i'illi : i n.i dairy ituluMry icp ri . en' il i\r |IV|>iilT' in^i' ii'i it- ii.-! .; .1 .in--! in I rcprcmitiilh'c oi the Governor, [ nlll Sl'llil!' >!' II'. \ 1' i).'!!"-j ■rat, prior eonferenei ivith OPA .11.1- il th .! •■••• e havi *■ i have .i I ll'l'l .III • I •« I. . V . r I'. f|- I- t • iion ;inrl. ol |'i . wiii hii' " ('•ilclu i I! ..ii. ( o: itintmi. Ii .:it ! .i ili'li'tj-it i' •!! | »r« ■ i nt t"i- the f nferei • . said the -ri-i.- ilc\ rlii|M-.I 1..- i ,.| ii three wits ii gallon rollback In whole-1 tile jiriees i'i North Carolina, < »l \\ >|M ll,« " 'I II ■ | I I •> I III I >1- , I 11'lirr ,'..I ill 1.r > 1 l.i l\ ;111_v ri- - j ision in' |.| i ■ ii .,rln ii today, l»n: j In- i i.'tii i v.. id In- given -In.i ! ■ons'diTiit ion." Volosovo and Tosno Taken by Russians In Leningrad Drive Moscow. Jan. US— l the new sue i • came last night na Lenin-1 ,-irad's Itiu nuns sounded .1 thinidor II . tribute ti the l!e <•<1 n i!< > Irom tiie Sov iet Union'.-' second city. 2 lore than 7llt> ! •wns atwi \ ill. J.-.-: htivc hern rcmplurcd in ttie two-! ttii'l' n|.V (l'i\" \ and Andrei i /,IkI,iiiii\ . secret.irv ■! the I,enitty: ;id , I» .r*> c inmittee. declared. It ad'i-j rd that Leningrad was now entire-1 l> tie* iii'n any tin'it <>t siege and j i c I i n. 1 any : 1 the: shelling i>y 1 lie enemy. and (-included: •"The offensive : our t •••ps cu - titiucs." I Capture di Znhut >vo placed Gov-I nrnv'x troop* within !»:i miles ot Mi<-1 1'sIiiiii:.ii city of Narva. Fifty miles ■ of X,"losii'. • So\ let ;■!. ce> stormed into T • • eastern tei m 1111s of the Nap ' -Itevel r: ilwav win 11 it mecjts ■ • igrad-M s eow trunk ! m > " 1 ilcs m utheaM i III Leningrad. (tenet til K. \. Morotskov's Itm* army force* inwhing west from I l.ake llnten, 100 n lies bt low I e.-• 1 ingri-'l. wire within two miles m 1 llati tsl(,'iv 1 iiiticl? 1 <11. the war !> rj_ let 111 reported The l,e?» ngr id-Vi tebsk line is tin m ' I ■ tin la>-t ,ivc out ei the Letting!i .m i n left t > the Germans, 'file last one is the Leningrad - Ltiga km ■ Warsaw railway, n branch of which rung from Psko\ ),i Riga, on the I...t\ inn Baltic eoast. Far t<> the south i- the lower Uk raine the Xa/is coiifinuerl to tnr«-r the pace., hurling large tank forces I against the left w>ng of General "Nikolai Vatntin's first Ukrainian finny pushing toward the Odessa Warww trunk railway, : Punishment | Of Criminals Is Planned i Many Britons Also Have Died Because Of Jap Atrocities Washington. .Ian. 2S—(AP) —Presidential Secretary Ste phen Karl.v said today thai re ports of Japanese atrocities avainst American prisoners of j war were released because fur ther relief supplier could not l»e expected to reach the prison ers. As to whither lif'injr of the ban on the atrocity reports mean; that the irovernment ha.", abandoned hope for further ex change and repatriation of pri soners. Karl.v sujrjrested that ! the question was one for the ' State department. which lias handled the problem through the Swis.» government. I nil.-,l ■i iM'ottM \tio\ <; \ni! !:i n ion IMNISHINC. \Y \II (KIMI VM.S W; siii'i: t"ii. .1 21' < \IM—Se*!* 11 ill s- 'I toelay :lnt be'*n gi'tl :•*!* | .,>•< !>'<■ ill' lilt I' II .»i»«>Ht utnv'lit "t A : criMi pnson C tin- ptmishmt'iit "f w .i criminals. Tlr sain ho could :i"t s.• y porific olly with respect to officers in the I'll 1 .■ hut ti. the g"\eminent hsis boon nscertalnins all informa :n :i possible.*. In toue-Hng on several points of the situation eliscloscel by the joint Avmy-N'.i'.y report of the sibnsc. brutality anel murder <»f prisoners taken alter the lull of Bataan sind Corrcgielor. Hull brought "lit that: 1. The L'nited Stales will perse vere in pursuit of what the Secre tary called a righteous undertaking to enntiiuie exchanging prisi ncrs or ci\ ilia' internees with .lapun. 'J. \(i one1 here has any accurate idea of how much chance there is (Continued on Page Two) SFA Office In Charlotte Charlotte, Jan. L'!!. —(A!')— The S.>1 iti Fuel- Admini-tr .tion today an nounced the opening ot an office in Charlotte to se-rve North Carolina and South Carolina in meeting any cmcrgchrie's that may eventusite from tiie coal situation. \I. L. Burtless. lately on eiuty in the Washington ottice ot the SKA, is m charge of the* local ollue*. Hurt lc--iifl fie*ld representative*^ would kee-p I'll' •• > :pe*rvision over the? mt 1 ■ • w ot co.'l to the v nous area.- ot the' r.vo states. Voting Rules To Be Adopted Hale-ish. .bin. — (AIM — The StaN hoard "I elections will meet here February (\Ve*elne*seUiy) to adopt iule*s unel regulations tor the? re gisti . tion and voting o| service men and women in the- coming pri mary nel general e*lcrtmii, C'ol. W. T. .loyne-r. li< .n et chairman, said to eiay. The* meeting, which will be* held n the hull ot liie- lloii-r of Hcpre .-e-ntativ es M the* cupitul. was call ed following Attorney CSonernl Har ry MrMullan's recent ruling that ."crvie-e ni<*!< ic e ligible to register for tin primary Karlier it hue! been established thut the*v were e-ligiblo to re giste-i lot (lie primnry. Karlier I h iel be-en estui>lishe*ei that they were eligible to veite m tlie primsiry, and to registe r and vote* in the* fcner.' l < h'etion. ineler luws passed by the 1114.1 ge'iii'i'al iisse'inbly. WEATHER FOR NORTH CAROLINA Mostly ehuiely anel continued warm tonight. Saturday, partly eloitdv with mode-rate tempcra tuie. •"