flatly Bispatch THIRTY-FIRST YEAR SKMVICIf OE. Tllh ASS(H'IATEI) I'ltKSS. HENDERSON, N. C., TUESDAY AFTERNOON, FEBRUARY 1, 1941 I'UKMSII Kl> KVKI1V A K'l'lilt NOON KXt'KI'T SI'NUAV. FIVE CENTS COPY TEST NEW CRUISER'S GUNS ON SHAKEDOWN RUN v • ~•" : »J»k wv: mmgNENR^Wc ''^ THIS UNUSUAl PHOTO, taken during battle practice aboard one of the U. S. Navy's new cruisers on her shakedown run, shows a fire ring and fire ball from the five-inch guns. It is during this trial cruise that irieny oi our Navy personnel try out their sea legs and get acquainted with the sliio s ooeration. (International) New Draft Rules Effective, 600,000 Man Induction Goal Final Draft I? Made Of New Tax Bill Kill Probably Will (j;j to Both Houses Srme Time Tomorrow ] W ; .Illusion, Fob. 1—(AIM— j I l.r new S3.315.800,000 tax bill wbiih is intuited on !o swell the | tut r: iinirnt'ii total income to mm i«- iliau S»::..")tH».000.000 a year ] unit to legislative draltinu ex perts for a final policy today I liriorc its ratification by llou«c 1 .mi! Sr'iate. • i'jirnvod l:i>t ni.uht i\v a j<»i»it i i < . i *i' committee named t«» r differences between the j the measure proposes j 1 • ni' iv than a billion dnllars t! i s'larply iucrased excise ' .i half billion extra from i'< i m i'ss profits ap i .v Stiti-I.onti.ooo Iriiin .Ii(i - \ iiK'niiu* tax payers ami the • i in higher postal rales. v' Cienree, ('n-iiruia Demo < .i• I if the Senate conferees. I i ' ill ili4. hill would be called ii approved in both houses t e ti ie tomorrow. Girl Dies Of Bullet Wound I verieville, Kel>. 1.— (AIM A 25 .vi -I iiliI blue-eyed blond, identified Mi Alexander Mil ke ol Syr.i ' i <•. X. Y . died in a Kayctteville ■ • titl early today "i a bullet wound ii the chcslt suffered inder II ii id 11-n is which set police and de '•' • I" im estimating. Mi - III.ike. a temporary employee dental laboratory a' nearby Fort was found lyinu upon the I 1 vn nf i private home in winch she "I 1 ■ imnil. sin- was conscious when ' to tin* hospital bill, police sml, <i' ' .nitiv lelused lo answer questions i' out ||I(, shooting. 1' ilice Chief N. A. W'olherisStnn .•'ill Di'feclive Chief John Weem ;• 'Fl tl .- vming wninan had apparent ly been shot with .. 32-calibrc pistol while .siltinu in a parked aiitoinubde 11out of ner home, and that alter (Continued on Page Six) Nearly Two Million Prewar Fathers Get Reclassified Status Washington, Fe!». I — (AIM — New and more rigid draft deferment ard /(-classification rnles went into -fleet today wiht alH>ut 2,-VlO.OOO tin n re maining in dependency groups as selective service lioards aim ed for the goal of a (Jnn.non man induction for the first two months of IP 11. Off cist Is estimated last niuhl tha' in December ami January. a total1 of 2.000,01)0 inon who had been de terred bccau.se of family obligaii n wore reclassified Jrmn :?-A i f r'.y I all of whom were prewar father.-. Figures for Dceetnlx »• show that: ' 50.0110 lathers were inducted: .VI,- : ooo were pie. in 4-1- (physically or mentally unlit): fitfl.noo lalhei's were given occupational deferments, and 11,500 fathers were deferred ;.. "hardship" cases. There was no information ;.ail able however, as to how many I the 2,000,(100 reclassified fron I were put into 1-A or went in'. > | uniform. The new regulations provide: 1. No registrant shall be ir.dia 1 • o.! until he has passed a th"i'oii;:'i I physical exam by army and navy i doi to/s at least 'J I days previ >'i !y. 1 i'tar to the ordering of pre-lnd-.r--j tio;i j liysir.iis by Congress, exatri-i nations were given at induction. 1!. Itegistrants from 11! to 21 i.o longer will l>e granted occup:it.o-i ! deferments unless they are engaged in farming ro a state select i. o sen- j ire director eertitied that a pot ell- | tial iiiduetee i- essential in iml:• Officials < xpressed belief that one ] result of the new reguliiiioi - will he a las in inductions in the early t part of this m< nth and a he.ivy in- j crease toward the end. | Casualty List Totals 146,186 i Washington, Feb. I. —(AP)—Tliel Office of War Information (MWIi reports that ca-lialties among the j armo'l loree total 1 I0.|I!I» IMimati of the dead do not TneTude victim..' of Japanese atrocities as di closeo in the recent army-navy report. The OWI'- report, made public tod, y and ba.-ed on War and Nn y Deparlmcnt liguies, shows the: r j totals: Dead. X'l.lat!: wounded. Itl.all!;: missing 3:Uil7; and prisonci . 2!',- i 808. New Burma Road To China Eeing Built New I) ill. Feb. I.—CAP)—Fresh I: in .. >' .! In the Ia'iIu 1 iiiiiL ill lloltacill I 1 . :..l, I.I (in. .Ill-Cpll W. si.h'.in 'i i pros coiilorciico today tli. t i - i|h 11.111; <>i .1 land nunc !o (.'Ii ii la a workable Jul), ami lhat tile Clinic.-f an.1 Americans were lij{!iliii}} weli tn make il so. Asked whether l!io I'nincse and Americans arc coopei at .114 well. Slil woll 11 ported "Uicy nave been as sociated lor ii! monlhs'. i hey have been 1;: 1 loci ;.si uiu. 'Naturally they e «i; i'. at« ". Slilwell e ■neeivcil t:;e project ol building road Inrou^h the north Burma jungle In connect with tile old Itur.na land route which formerly bewail at Kati ; •"!! now .11 .)apanr-o hands. The ui Moral said tin' road would Work and .cr;tic.» wiio had .-aid U wo.iid be i.n|M->!i>ic to build a high \\ y thr.' iHii the In.iia Burma jungle had -ceil tin- "impossible" accom 1)1. shetl. State To Buy Cattle Farm I; • Jcijj!;. I'l l.. 1 AIM—The State board 01 agriculture today dccidcd t . buy. w it. a,». 1. .1 ot the council • i stato, a L'.'i-.ii n- tract ot land in IVal. t'riel; town :ap ot Aslio county and i" convert il nti» te.-t farm for bleeding 01 beet cattle and sheep. 'I lie property will be purchased lor SJI.liWi and will so into it.se liiis irinr:. Am ii'iilt re Con 1111 issiolicr \V. Kerr Scott .said. Two hundred-lifty acres will be devoted t'» pa.-luie. I"ti aires to imp.. 17 in orchard and the re mainder in timber. 1WSTI l!i;s I OK ito<;s ( •>llt :c Station. J!alc:i;h, I'Vb. I — A larRcr u:-e • »l It tnporary pastures lor lion production is necessary 111 lilll to reduce feed cost.; and pro duce profits. Kllis \'estal. Kxtension wiin- ♦ipeciali-.t at State College, de 1 I.'i 11I here yesterday. Vestal railed attention lo I lie fact that rcxenrch work by the Ajtrlcul tnal Ksperimcnl Slation last year r Hie iteil tli.it a larger per cent of I he oil ineal> ran be successfully userl m protein supplements fort hogs. Marshall I'c.irl ll.iil'ir. l-'pli. I.—(.\I*> — I niled N'.iles troops l.mdcd in (lie .Marshall Islands and took lloi and W.ijalfin and have es tablished I1r.1rl1hc.ids. Admiral ( hosier W. Nitnifz re ported in a romnitiniiiiie today tli.it .fap.inese are pulling up strong opposition, hut initial In formation hidiealcs American casualties so far have been mod era le. This is Hie fir-t lime Invasion has been attempted of any ter ritory the Japanese held before Pearl llarlmr. Veterans of the Gilbert and At) 11 operations are leading the hit J..I011. Parties Clash In Senate Over Soldier Vote Delay W.,jihinuton. Feb. I—(AP)—Dcni ' ''i-'it-s and Kcpublicans clashed in ' Senate today over responsibil V i- d( l.iyjng :i vote »'i the ad ""iiisl rat mil's war ball"V lor the i'lnu-d services. '''■ Ihc House side, meanwhile. Minority l.eader Martin ul Massa <•!»• isctts predicted that the majority "! F{r publicans would oppose a spe cial r< II call vote on the war ballot ' "•Kislation. Majority Leader Bark ley. Ken- i lucky Democrat, dcdaitd in llic Senate ".il Ihc puce wt'ic fining the .soldiers will !>»• lucky to vole in the presidential election <>( Senator T«i ft, Ohio ltepubliran. immediately countered with an as sertion that Democratic leaders in i the House were to Maine for hold ii fi up tin- legislation. 'J'alt dt-clai ed the speaker and majcrity le.tder ot the House had block lloor con sideration until of a Semite-passed "Slates' rights" bill, which Presi dent Uoosevelt denounced last week u *,.. . Allies Are 16 Miles From Rome ★ ★ ★ ★ ★★ ★ ★ ★★ ★ ★ ★★ ★ Wake Island Air Base Bombed No Reports Of Actions At Marshalls Official Silence on further Operations Of Huge Task Force IVarl Harbor, Feb. 1 — (AI') A highly accurate bombing bj two squadrons of navy sea planes, intended I<. prevent .Ja pan's Wake Island air base from 1 interfering with the current American offensive in mid Pa cific, was reported last night by the Navy but, further oper ations of a mighty task force against the Marshalls were cloaked by official silence. In two announcements. spaced by only ;i few hums, the N. • y t• >lci of Citron ado* lii >; ;>i: g >11 their bomb on i>r lie ir llie ili .sign 'i-ci tin sels a! Wake Su- tiny nielli, mil ol latid liiiM'il i:.\ mid navy planes sus taining t?.r >n.*ih the Hath straight clay llii ir pounding i>l the Marshails Sunday i!:ght. Hal M.'iici. v was permitted I i pass without word »n the move- > n cuts ! at ci ly "I the iargesi mass j ol w .a s'l'.iis e er sen) against the! Japanese. Saturday. it had boon I disclosed fi;ia!!.v ♦!.:.« carrier plains •>! tin- tasl: f>> ccs opened a powerful drive ol the Marshalls. Toll miles south of Wake island. > Sunday the nav I units including hattli': hips, wei r reported to liavt mnvi'd eli seel to pour shells on the | air bases ..nil shipping lagoons of i thoM* atolls. j Xn official credits wan given ra-1 dio Toky > v.-; ■ rts tint "Japanese ' army nv.d n;.vy ,.ni.ts> have intei - i copied powerful orient. units which I have been nttacianj.' the Marshall ! group." Lacking this substantia-! lion, there was inclination here to doubt the reports, particularly as to ' the inference that the .lapanese na\ v. .,t || ng list, had joired battle. The Wake laid, tenth o| the war to hit that island since it was can ti.ifd December -t. 1941. by the Japanese. was in do l>> between I I ! and SO seaplanes. each probably carrying n >>re than a ton of bonibs. None of the raider.-! was lost while making what was described offi cially as a "strong attack " Meanwhile, spotlighting the speed with which Japan's constantly rein forced southwest P.icifie air force is meeting piecemeal destruction. a south Pacific navnl spokesman to day reported 1 lift enemy planes downed in the past mx months. Ilis figures make the Rahaul ISoiigainvillf campaign one of the greatest Allied .->:• victories of the War. General D o gl as M.icArthtir's commiini(|ui' today added another r>ii destroyed aloft or on the ground at Rabaul. r i. rd : Saturday iv. this New Britain base. Ileadifuarteis taimlalii ns disclosed nearly 550 of the defenders' lost planes were downed in this area in January alone. Ki ll* At.Mil < OMPTI!OI.I.I.i:it Ihileigli. Feb. : (AIM Pjtui Heal was sworn u loday as acting muiptroller >> ti • Stale I'.i ard ot Kdueation. st|e> i i ii:ng Nathan Yel ; Ion. now .>n with the armed forces. Ueiil. unlive of Surrey county. can-e ■:>• from Kli/.abef'h <"itv. «here la - ill public school work. UI4 r HER I Ol! NOI! I III \KOI.IN \ l-'air anil vlichllv colder to night: Weiliicsila\ partly cloinlx and ronliiiiii'il rather cold, with sliclitly higher temperatures in the afteriiiiiin. Islands I Vice Admiral 15. A. Sprnaitrc. liew I> appointed cnrnmandi'i' of fIn* rentrul I'aeitie. is in clnirci' ill lilt' operation. IliNir Admiral Uielimond Kell v Turner. who eontmanded atn pliiliintis operations in the Solo mons and I lie Ollhorts. is in eharce of all .imphiliioiis oprra tions in lh< Marshall*. Onr (roups an- fichtinc to lake islands whirl) the enemy lias Im'cii prcparinu a quarter of a century. Admiral Niinit/. said the Fourth Marines division. headed liy .Major flrnrral llurr> Scfiillicit. landed in tin- lioi Is land aua. and »lie Seventh lit ALLIED TROOPS ON WAY TO ROME TROOPS OP THE AIDED Fifth Army are show 11 advanrins al.ins flat terrain a lew miles inland from Ncttimo, Italy. The Allies arc con tinuing to advance niul have expanded lite beachhead south <>f Romt Jtritish tr- ops are within 1" miles of the Ktcin.il City • id Yanl;s are 33 miles from Uic city. Signal Corps Kadiophulo. (/uicniatioiuiij Russians Now Near Estonian Frontier Turkish 1 own of Gerede Destroyed By Great Quakes (By rise Associated Press.) The Turkish town of Ormlr \>;is destroyed |»y a iiuwrrflll earthquake toda> and many m ils '>.">.060 inhabitants were kill ed. Karthfiliakc deserihrd as "very severe" and of "devastating in tensity" and apparently oricinat iiiit in Turkey, were recorded h> seismographs in hnth the i'uited Stales and Kim land. Gerede is in northern Turkey, some (>» miles from the illack Sea and 1X0 miles east of Istan bul. Ucporls from Ankara s.iid the tremors lasted 50 seconds and were fell throuKlioul Tur key. Grange Favors Tobacco Plan RnMgh, Feb. I—(At*) - 'I In* North Caroli : i Grange's • <■<> t lee fiivors ;i crop insurance* |>in Krain. rut.lit.ii.mi i- ' : , • • cuntii>l |>r«.«rim. .r<l >t "ii oi wh.it it terms mi "wvt-niging up" prur ciilinu. Tin* »!»iiiti11• »•*■.!> • • i n.itti motttt favor for theve tilings at a Iiicctinu Ik i ■*. St.iti* Oritt at' Mii It i ! ( : try Cald well ..I tin•« 11 H i* i >111 init'fi* Ii. i i ■ !" inn-nt >t;itii>ti •' N . s> •• . .-ili u.i• in .study co.sl.s i'i ■. |im rl.nii and "!i 11 llin tal 11. study tho cnminillci* Ii !»■ • riiMiiit tin* propel iiiifi• • i • ■ i i n |irii*e. Inr yi.idi'i) .ii ■ iniil tohnreo. faniry division, commanded Itv Major General ('Itarles II. Cor leti. landed in the Kwajalein is land area. The plan of operation presum ably calls for seeuriuc liehtly defended islands near Kwaua leiu and Itoi. and thru blasting at those two strolls points of Kwanaleili atoll preparatory to rapluriuc them. In these landings. covered In coit<illll(MI* heavy aerial bom bardment of the entire Marshalls Kmiip l» carrier aircraft and surface forces, the Americans have struck at the ver> heart of this island chain, both cco [ graphically and from a vulner able standpoint. Red Successes on All Northern Fronts Are Still Unabated l.rildmi. Mi. I — I AIM—The Ki i! arm> continued its steady drivc Inward the Kstonian fron tier today with units of the vet eran l.eninfirad army buttling stul>liorn German troops in the streets of KAngisepp, gateway to the Italtie and 13 miles from the aneient fortified city of Narva, five miles inside tlie ICs tmiian frontier. Both the Moseow eommuni <iue and front line dispatches | reported continuing Russian successes all along the northern i front. I Soviet troops crossed tin- L.iga I rive: 27 miles southeast of Kingl I sepp ard captured the town of Lipa, two i .lev further west, in addition to tun ing tlie water barrier at scv « -:ii points north and south of that p< sit ion. T'jc Germans were I gliting bit | lerly hut apparently were not able i Mand lip under the relentless Hammering i f tin- Russian power 1 drive. Describing the progress of ' the Leningrad veterans, a Moscow I war bulletin said: "Retreating ;nder 1>1 iws of the Soviet troops the enemy i.- aban doning piik • v n. 'itar- and i it- i! military s«:p:«l:i Tin- on i v .-ulfered heavy I i.-jc- of man I power." In .ildit '-n to tin : otilal attack ■ •ii Ki'igi.-epp and other enemy po tion- .ill'!.:; the pieu ars jCstonian . Ii' : tln between the Gulf of Finland •nd Lake Piepus. :U> miles to the - • tli. the liiissini ■ .-ent another loi-ec flow n the I i ningrad-Pokov ( railway Inward Luka, capturing a: It • st i ne major siio-g point along the way. Here sprarhnnb . the Leningrad army were (cw llian "7 hiiles from ; i' net ion with citl t ■ et forces . • i \ |i from • •• I.aky Union (Continued on Page Six) Campoleone Outskirts Hit In Offensive New Gains Made By Americans on Front To North of Cassino Allied Headquarters, Algiers, Feb. 1 — t AI' >—Allied troups bursting forward in ;i ititf of fensive from their invasion beachhead lut\«• struck to tin: outskirts of ( ampolcoiic. only It! mill's -outheast of Home, and also to the edge of ("in terna, communications town on the Appian Way 1 1 miles northeast of An/.io, headquar ters announced today. Aiwim .hi troops attacking on tho main front north ■»! Ca.-sino have hammered out new gains mean while. and seized !!.">«• prisoners 1: the Ciern:; :: 11th Inlautry di vision. A lieltl ti.spatcii ,-a.il German tle fci sea in me corridor above Cas sino were bt ginning in crumble. fil led Stales nil.- striking ir 'li ens' of Al.i.ii liavt i v.u hed \vith'*i I.all i !,i n: C'.-leri.ti. .. key rail s.iui ."yd junction ii:id large air iiSim- 1'iii > : • •: i i!i< Germans we't dag it: mi the hurtle.' t>l the city ur.d resisting strongly. British lorces pushing northward carried aiiead in .■ c >ordinalcd as sault i a the edge ul Campoleone. Tlu twill attacks were the lirsl b.g i.lfcnsives since the landings. An Allied oil leer said the Nazis brought troops from t!.« area north I of Koine tn meet tl:i' Allied blows. | Hut the N'nvy said that Allied land ings nf reinforcements and supplies were pn>ceedi "g ..n schedule, un der favorable conditions. American heacv bomber.'- ranched clear ;nV Austria seeking to destroy German iiii strength, pounding tiie air biise at Klagcnliirt. The rour cligincd bombers also smashed at two fields ir. northern Italy. A field dispatch dated Monday from Associated Press Correspon dent Hni Bo.vle said the Americans ul the Fifth Army who tiro\e a wedge into the Nazis' (Jiistav line were pursuing "the retreating Nazis through the hills north i.l Cassino today as the entire enemy defenses iii this key corridor to Itonic began to crumble.'" The nature ol extensive and pow erful enemy lortnications was dis closed with Hie capture of nunicr ous German troops, including olli cers, Boyle added. Some prisoners cmplar ed they had been m the line two days witn olit In.id. indicating that air attacks on German communication lines Was giving tiie Nazis ":i major Slip ply problem." Boyle said. Patrols saitl the town of Cassino itself still was .strongly held by the enemy. Meanwhile. French troops made local advances h the hills above Cassino. Aine can artillery fire drove off two German countcr-nt Jacks S intia> night, headquarters continued. On the Highlit Army front, Ca nadians attacking in clear weather with strong tank and artillery s'lip poit. advanced against heavy Ger man opposition front diiR-in yosi tions. Gerniiin lighter planes twu'« v etc ropiiUcfl jn raids on Allied posit "iis in the Orsofina area. •STATE DEMOCRATIC MEET Kale :;h I • . 1 .(AIM Chiiirmait ; Monroe Hedden today called a meet* ms the Sta'e I )• v.ocialic eveen ;li\c comtri'ttee lor February 21 t'» set the ill.les lor llic Stale. cuuuty and precinct meetings. House Has Hearings On Crop insurance Revival W. shingtun Kb. I — <AI') - The H»>ii>e Agriculture roinmittee. op-j hear ngs • >n Ii uishiiiun 1<> if- | ■ i1 c government er«>p :• mm hicc. to «iay placed inti (lie recrd letter* | 'i ' " War (•"«'(id Administrator Mar-< \ m .lotu s and the lludget Hurcau, then adjourned until tomorrow. The adjournment was at the re quest .>t Republican members nt the committee who said it was neces sary they attend a party meeting, j .Tones stated it was desinible that p< rmancnt program for agriculture j* lie.lid pi'Ovidf lui llOp II fcUldllC^o and thul In* tavorcd tin* purpose* > I a !>iIT i>v Chairman Kulmer. S. C. Democrat. which is before the com mittee. I he It<Iii«-t n f,m. however. cx« |iir-sed tic opinion the legislation should not »>,. considered at this time. Undei Kulnier's proposal the gov ernment would pay the insurance premiums on .ill "war crops" such as potatoes, peanuts and sov beans and farmers would pay premiums amountin« to ahout half )host. undec , Pton the m.ijor crops—* v/heat, cotton, com ami tobacco.

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