^ HimJtersmt Bally Bispatrij THIRTY-FIRST YEAR '^.K-AssU'^^^VK^r HENDERSON, N. C., MONDAY AFTERNOON, FEBRUARY 7, 1U41 puul,s,^^^TOni^7kkn°0'n FIVE CENTS COPY U. S. WARSHIPS SHELL JAP HOME ISLAND Reds Near Invasion Points As Germans Suffer Defeats MAY SOON BE HIT BY U.S. MIGHT ENIWETOK, the principal Island of Eniwetok Atoll, most northwesterly of the Marshall atolls nnu closcst to Tokyo, is pictured in this aerial photo by a U. S. Navy flier. Note the excellent air strip and the seven Jap planes grounded there. Eniwetok is some 300 miles northwest of Kv.a. jalein A to!!, where out forces have landed and arc wresting vital islands iroin the JaDancse usurocrs. 'International Sounuphoio) State Rights Move In Senate Defeated By Administration Unsuccessful Attempt Is Made to Sidetrack Federal Ballot Bill Washington, Feb. 7—(A P) —The administration beat off a second Senate attempt Ui sidetrack its Federal ballots bill today, defeating an opposition move to take np a "States' rights" proposal which would leave armed service voting i«» tlx states. I'i.c motion was rejected II to 42 en .1 mil call. I'm- same move. baked by a co. it'M n( southern Democrats and ,• Republicans. lost on a tie vote l i.d.i.v and its sponsors said tiicn thc> would try again. Tilt effect of the vote was to the Senate at work on tho ti ■•••n-Lncas Federal ballot bill v !i rh it lias been debating nmre i thill two weeks. II-kI the iiK.tion carried. I lie Scj• would have had lo ?.liunt as de I .• "hninisti ation hill for immedi,.'i t-on~idcr.it 'on ol the State'., i ::'i! lull which the House has iippim rd Colifidert they have the vote !' > ill. audininislraiion fi.rces were c'f'<•1 milled to push the Orcen-Lliras Kcder.il ballot hill through filial passage ill the Senate. If successI d. their next move will he lo jit— ' M'h the erasure to the "States' rights" bill. Hue. toss in;' I he whole i "liti ■ 'U'tsy back lo the House. Helsinki Is Bombed Twice Stockholm, Feb. 7 -(AIM t ic tbll were binning in Helsinki at i'"oil today I rom two llussiall bombings Sunday which bit linn buildings and killed III! persons, the Finiii h legalii.n In Stockholm said. I'he attacking bombers dropped "lino homhs and incendiaries. it was olfici i||y iinnoMxcd at the Finnish eapilal. The announcement listed persons as wounded. (Advices reaching London said Icli pi one communications between ■h Isinki and Stockholm had been •at again today, suggesting the possibility of a third raid in what is a concentrated effort to drive Finland out of the war.) Thuuadi.cL ol women, children Russians German Plane Bombs Vatican Stm-kliolm. Feb. 7—(AIM—A German plane which attempted a fcreed landing in Vatican City alter an air battle with Allied planes dropped a bomb inside the Vatican walls and another a short distance outside, a Koine dispatch reported today. The plane crashed and the crew was killed. Recoveries On Market New V«irl;. l ib. 7.-< Al't-Uiiils .•nd .dieted industrials |>.>-1»I modi■:; iecovcne> hi todav'.s stock niarUi t. Ki actional improvement, fairly veil d IiiImiIciI ,il the start. was niaiiitaiiti (I in in"-' c.i c> near lilt" t • 11111 - hour. Dealings were .-low. In front tin- grcat'T p.ul of thi' !.• e were Atlantic ("oust Line. Wes-i i iiili«and Doiigla- A.rcratt. I,osims included International Harvester. General Motors and Goodjci.r. Carri« r !«>nfl 'iil were lavorcd. Comiliodltic w en II. : l ow. COTTON WII.T IN tVAVNK College Station. lialcigh. Feb. 7.— Wilt becoming a serious problem in col Ion production in Wayne county iiiiri iillll bushels ol Coker lllll will resistant cotton seed have been brought into tiie county to help cornet the situation, reports County \genl (' S Mint/ to the State College Kxtetision Service here. I NC I'llOFKSSOIl TO SKATTI.K Chapel Hill. Feb. 7.—Prof. Hardin Craig. 'he Knglish Department of Hit University of North Carolina, has been appointe i Walker Ames profe-soi at the University ol Washington (Seattle) and will lie on leave of absence Iroui the Univer.-ity lure during the coming spring (punter. mid elderly people began to evacuate Helsinki. A Moscow radio announcement said the Kstonian capital of Heval (Tallinn) also had been bombed, adding to the 0rowlng uneasiness iii Sv.eiUn. i Five Trapped DivisionsAre Being Killed Tighter Ring Being Pulled Around Ten Units Near Cherkasy Moscow, I'Vh. 7—(A!')—FluRussian army is less than 1~> mill's at sonic points l'roni the lines where Hitler launched his invasion of the Soviet Union, and all ah.nji the 1.200-mile lonj? eastern front the German army i> suffering one of 'the war's worst defeats, field dispatches said mday. Gaining the miner hand along till' liswer reaches of tin- l>niclier river with advances up (it Ml mill's thruiiRh a 100-milt* Kill*. General l!ctlii»n V. Alalinovsky's third I'kraillian army ruthlessly wrnt aliuul the job of destroying live trapped German tlivisions (normally ~.">.00<> men) in the Nikopol sector. Meanwhile, 1 ."iti null's t<» the in rtli. more Nazi corpses littered the thawing Ukrainian earth as the armies of Generals Nikolai Vatutin and Ivan Konev drew even tighter a ri."g «>f death around the remnanls ol ten divisions near Cherkasy. The loss of Nikopol, which reportedly has ln-en furnishing German industries the major amount ol n innane.-t. used in the Keith's production > ! war equipment, probably would lie tile hartlest industrial blow suffered by the Germans during the entire Russian offensive. A Pravda dispatch said the point where Malinovsky cut off the live em n v divi.-.ii lis wa» on the Dnieper river ne«r the mouth of the Bu/uluk river, wl.ch I lows into the Dnieper three miles from Nikopol. The Nazis appeared to have lost Krivoi l!og along with Nikopol. Jliller placed such value on the two mining cities that, said Pravdii. orde.s were read to every company in e.'ch battalion to hold, and officers gave oaths to light to the last on their sectors. The Germans' 1" ng-held springboard immediately across the Dnieper from Nikopol was an area roughly 2a miles long and la miles deep. A Pravda report from the encirclement ring 1n the Cherkasy-Kanev a . ea said the Germans were trying to break out north of Zvenigorodka area on a good gravel road leading westward. I', .f the Russian ring is holding "finn. strong, and dense." Pravda declared the ring '"is blockaded from the air now." although s**ine German planes were getting out with oflicers while others were dropping desperately needed food and an munition. Wei snow making skiing rliiiicult hampered Hie Soviet fighters now drawn up on three sides ot Nirva ill Kstonia. Dispatches reported eiicinv villages < n the east h.mk «•: the Nitrova river, indicating all civilians have been moved westward by the Germans. Gas Shortage In Area Of Wilmington Raleigh. Keb. 7 (AIM—A critical gisoltne shortage loomed lodav in the Wilmington area, partic idarly around Wallace. and Governor liroughto'i asked Federal olficials to make tank cars available to relieve tl"' situation. A number ot the defense workers who commute from Wallace were unable l<> get In their jobs because of • lie shortage, the (Jove nor said, fidduig that tractors cmpl< ved in agriciiU ■ re were stalled. The Wilmington area normally is served chief I v by barges, but to wail for their arrival now would be almo-t disastrous, the Governor said. A critical shortage in the Wayne county area, served by pipelines from Greensboro, was relieved last week after the Governor pursued the mat'.er with government reprc• C'bi AS ALLIES ESTABLISHED BEACHHEAD NEAR ROME -•+- - • . nj..w-- .... A PONTOON CAUSEWAY made of shallow draft barges effected n quick landing for men and equipment as the Allies established their benelihend at An?.io, south of Rome. The device was set up by men under th« direction of ltrar Admiral Frank J. Lowry. This ij one of the first original photos to arrive in the U. S. of the lauding. A small part of the invasion llcct is seen in the background. U. S. Navy photo. (International) Nearly All Kw ajalein Taken, Yanks Repulse Nazi Attacks Americans Restore Original Positions At Anzio Beachhead Allied ll''.>(li|U.iilers. Alsiers. I i ll. i.—(Al'i—Ami rican troops iii the Au/io beachhead have ic]>iiIm'ub ol I istcrnu. and have restored their original positions, it was announced 'todaj. Cistcrna is astride tii • Appiai Way and .111 electrified 1 lilwav I!( miles southeast 01 Itifitu', . nd abt>u' ten miles i.i.-t ol Carroceto (Aprilha>, when' prcviou- Ciei man couiilei blows were blunted. The Gerinntw befun the new iw* sault Saturday evening with infantry, tanks and artillery. Fighting ••avejl through the night ami into yes terda.v. before 1 lie Nazis were pusli• •d back t<> the starting point witii losses. (A Sunday at least lour divisions anil an SS brigade by the Arrival of the 71 "itli infantry di\i>ier from southern France, made leaser of tucks along the line Some German elements v re spotted forming for another attack against the Brifish north ol Carroceto, but llu' formation was broken up by accuratt artillery fir • and the British captured "tin oi the enemy. I tirim ho ise-to-inmse lighting co:i! turned in Cas.-iii > on ihe main Filth I Army trout, but the Americans bat' tied up M"'. Ca.-sin • j 111 we t of the town, already nc.rly encircled, and reached a |w•.nt v ithin a lew luiliI dred yards ol the famous Benedictine , mona.-'c y a' tit- ci 1 -t. I F.ightll A: 1 y troop- along Ihe J Adriatic din\i • tin* \ iltaj'c ol I Plzzoferrato. t . and a hull miles I north we t >1 Sanl' AiiroIo, und ; Moiilcn "I >tr iiul< south 01 Torncell. t'XC I \( I 1 I V t IIANGI s Chapel II 1 ■ 7 A n.imlx temporary nlmenls. resignations. leaves. i other change- in lite laculty o ■ 1 l'ni\ ersity ol North Carolina at t apel Ilill. mod ol winch are do. ■ ihe war emergency, were annoui • I :od;.v by I*r« - dent Frank I'. (ira :n and Dean oi Admiiustration I. >< t I'.. House. The change were made alfedivc recently i«y :• n- l'n;\ersity trustees on recoil ,.e> ■ . .»i ol President (>raham and I >eau 11 >11-0. Won Canine Battle THE CANINE WORLD was represented at the Tarawa battle by "Joe," a cocker spaniel, who bit a Jap dog in i the back and forced it to retreat, \ The action took place after "Joe" landed on the island under heavy fire with his master Marine Cpl. L. R. Stan bury, Lake Charles, I n. USMC uhoto. (l)ttcrnaiiun!il\ 1 ARMY TO KEEP ITS GROUPS INFORMED Atlanta, Ga., Feb. 7. K ty jvi.u are t filling, know y . < . know voir allies liavr fit ' in tat* United States -'11111 it.- ftit 1 « -that Ira e :: e then.i today lil.tary 1 install ticttw in the -e- en »<• itheast••ni stall'- embracing the Fourth Str* \ lee Command .■* om i_ eel's K I'l ivcd !•: - tit: • iii Mediately an en" • •, pi . an: fur tli--if respective 11 The Army re« .i/e nev. - ... reported n re! aole ne p;,»cr- •> I reliable newaneiu * •>. radio I bmidwtf as n nwt 01 such value i that 1 part o' -!ie or 1 itation pioj cram calls for a.«ui tticc that every Ieulisted man, every "ii cit, receives - irh new liiey ,ed to r« d war new- a.- . > am ii'iy ... tin-,.d. t es pel I I •. e .. t a ln.n1 >: 11 s<»1 > attendance .-e— 11 t"i "i tnt tat Ion. war news a* chronicled hy ! new ipe"- v ill pi >v a najor pa : in J the discussants. Mustering Out Pay Plan Is Deckled Upon Wa-.lt.nu' I'VI>. 7. (Al'l Tlii' Ai iii> .iikI X. v have agreed 'it a plan l'i ni;■!•;»* niti 'crnm mil payments 1 • veteran.* of this 'Vat <1 eh;..ml hoii'Hiilily -ince December 1041 A veteran discharged or relieved from active duty alter approval of the liivv will receive his payment without the necessity of filing an application. A m.m released prior to the anptov.l ot th'- law must .Mil*mit a certificate of di-chnrnc or service, submit an informal type >>1 certified uppii.ati ttiiliu* his name and a4« drc mtvico tun-!><■!, .r-vi.il number' "i- file tiitml>er thai he wai* not fliM'hm • '|-iv> will n><1 he printed by Ihr finny find niivy. bill the \<'tci •!« n>. iv eopv il mi' ^ ii I in 11 f iinv facsimile [ruin lis pub'ic,it inn in He i)r pub o. elfcbwhoit'. Three Other Islands | Captured and Others | Undefended Are Taken I. S. Pacific I I i*i*l llc.itliill.i.I ters. IVarl I!aii>or. I eh. 7.— (Al'i — Anic'ic.in troops a ml Marines li.ivt* tucked .ill hut .1 small pari «l' Kwajalcin atoll i.udi'i' tlx* 1. S. Ilau alter capturing three more islands from resisting Japanese ami occupying , other islands which were not de| fended While 111 «_• invati is wen' driv.ng I the Japanese ofl the remaining 1—i ' i .mi m l*.<* Nav v Se.ibees • v. 1 i*i* .. J .11., :u .r huge l>ul!(iii/c. over tile . niihie ••! what hall been a huge airlielii and installations on lilo and .Nauui: islands .t powerful American airdrome and naval base were taking shape mi these islands ;it tin* northeastern tip >1 the Atoll. (>:i Kwaialiui island, the tough lint <*i ;.« ,.«'(i Ijv tin* Sev enth army division op. ti:-* southern end .-1 tin atoll, engineers were putting the :..rI leld into slia|H* lor bombers and I ighters. "All tlie Mar-halls anil the eastern Carolines have been brought within > range of our bomber.-, including , Truk which is 011 the liinge of 0111 j bombers' new elfei*ti\e striking radius." said Major General Willis , II.ill*, commander ot the Seventh I army air force. i Trnl.. \\ itli its b:u naval base. 1- 1 believed be Japan's strongest ceil • al Pacific bastion and is !>38 airhue miles from Kwajalcin.) The c.i|:'.iii'e ol (iugcgwv. l'.igcj anil I'.bler i-lar.d- gave the Americatis : control ol two mori* channels 111 In»* 1 Huge lagoon, which already is the: anchorage lot unit- ol the United Sta'es fleet. In taking the t!..ee i-laniis the 1 ,\ icriciias havi gathered in -1 ofl the 32 principal 1 lands ol the atoll, auti 111 addition have overrun mini- . cious other isle's which are unnam- j cd. Ad.niial Xinii>/. -..id in a press reliM e tl .1 ain*> I •miliers and navy I.. 1 ft-bin tie plane- hammered live Mar lull atoiis F.nivvotok, Wotjc, M..I - lap. Mill and L'jel.u.g -till 111 Japat cse htindx during raids Feb- 1 in.>r.v :i. 1. and !t wa.- the Navy' : mention or j an attack **n I'jciai.-:. «"•' : 1 It*.- wi*sl . • I K\vajplein. ,ndn tmg that there wa- ,n air! it-Id lln .* which needed neutralizing while the Americans will- taking Kwajalein. SOI DIERS RECEIVE 13FIST DENTAL WORK \*I.iiita. . Feb 7. As p. oof o! Ai 1 v contention that A 1 i*i ran solti • - receiv e '.in* vi ry best denta lie fluent and -ci v u - the dental , profe--ion It- s to ol'.' r. - .1 report | today by Colonel 1< IV Tobia-, duel, di ntal section. S > icon's olfire. Ko irlli Service Co and. showing that (1 lung liUU .1 total ot close to 1 ■ r 11 llion dental treatments were given soldiers at posts, i imps an I stat on- n the seven southeastern This 1- an average 1 more than II.110(1 sold i* rei*eiv .ng attention every d y in Army dental clinic- o! this command. Summarized these treat cut- enn -ted of the following Fillings. 1 perinnnctit) 2.880,.138: bridge*. 1,841); art if . il denliiros or plates, liin.lt |; e\t- art on-. 872,23 I HtAIHtR I OH VORTII CAROMNA Partly cloudy and warmer tonight. Tuesday, cloudy with showers Itceomluc colder in afternoon and night. Paramushiro Is Attacked By Surprise Northernmost Isle Of Japanese Chain Bombarded by Navy Aboard a I". S. Ilestroyer in the North Pacific. Feb. 7— Department. verbally continuing the bombardment l» Ameriean Navy ships of lapancsc installations, at Kurabn I'oint on tin- southern tip i.'l I'ai amushiro island, also tiiselesed that an attaek was made on the east eoast of the island. Parai .-l.;i ■ 'lie northernmost ;i.i •:> ii. ni Japan. It is about 7!» i ir..le.- > invest ol the American base ■ n Attn island ill tho Aleutians and is more than I.linn mile. iimn Dutch harbor. tile Navy's northernmost »> i vi Pacific UHSf. I; is cle.er t ■ Japan's main nn\;.i than any <>t the cither point.- in the Japanese sphere of conquest !;.. taken by American lorces. action at Paramushiro brings the Pacific war close to Itnssia. a neutral in '.lie Pucilic conflict. The island is «eparatcil I mm KiissWs Kamachatka peninsula only by a naivow strait. AIRCRAFT FOLLOW IN SHARP ATTAC K ON JS1.AND FRIDAY Washii gtuM, Feb. 7—(AP)—Tiie Navy confirmed in a communique today that American warships bombarded .Japanese installations on Paramushiro island, aircraft followed uo with a sharp attack, and ail vessel.- and planes escaped without damage. The daring foray ol>v >asl\ i aught the Japanese !.\v sur!> so in their Ii" e waters. The ofi.c.al announcement expanded on eye-witness accounts made public in the Pacific theatre. The shelling attacks were made at 9 a. in. eastern war tine. February 4. the Navy saici—corresponding to It) o'clock that night bv Tokyo Ii no. On the same night. American i rcralt ..!>■> bombarded Paramushiro and Shimushu. the small island lying in the strait between Paramushiro and Russia's Kamchatka peninsula. Sliimushi; the northernmost tip "I tile Kurilcs. t OI4H ( OMT.IIS IN CHICAGO Chapel 11:11. Feb. 7.—Collier Cot>b« ivho wa> recently appointed by Gov[•rnoi Itro igliion cli. irman ol tho State Pi inn ng I'.o.ird, returned today from a three-day trip to Chicago win re he altended a convention of the Associated General Contractors >t America and conferred w th olf rials "1 the A' e icaii I'ub'ic Works Assoc atior. inri the A i.erican Society i>f PI lining Officials. Redrafted Men Must Be Given Former Rank Wa ling' ii. Feb. 7 --(AIM —Men wounded in action, discharged and then fully recovered, are being drafted igain. t was disclosed today. and the War Department took cognizance of the situation bv or« derinj: tin veterans to be given llieit old ranks. Sel< 11 \i < r\ ice regulations perm ' cd rafting ol v< tcrnnv who again quality. Some men wounded at Attn and at Faid Pass in the Tunisian campaign have been recalled by their local boards, the amy said Lowering ol physical standards also has prompted tho War Departn i n| to order commanning officers to exhaust all poss bilities before discharging I sted men Thousands have been released, it was said, for physical disabilities that now would not stand in the way of induction. An army spokesman said that men who had been overseas, were discharged and reinducted. probably would not be sent to foreign assignment* a^iin.