Nazi Froni Crumbling In ************************ Germans Hit At Six Points On Rome Front INVASION GINS RKDl'CK JAP FORT TO RL BBI.K '!!'•« r i rrlr I stcil ir 1 rmiiTe'e liiiirkliuusi' <111 N !..(!r rii !i\v;i •ali-in ;it?>l 1. is mute but strikinc liiiiMim |r (In- frrnritv <•! 'lie lit ml. • ;• i ami air ho n'l.u n'.v > li.» I scftiMirtl up tliis section of llie Miirsliill i—■;•'». I'll- i in- invasion Imi rs. Tills rfln-livt* h irra;:!' is »•••«■»!jtflwrtatfe> .tiiil i"'> til' ihf .Maritime I niiuui — >inii. told the Senate .Military < "iiniiiMei1 i<«liiy. Advoe it tig it national servkw jiel i" !h"i'i/c 111«• dialling 11! rviiliati ] I .antl declined: "Voluntary i h iti il- will mil seen re ii t'lii'tijih in v. . s'kt-i's in Hie i'i>;ht |>I 'ci ; at 'If i 'il I me." A Mali' na! mv kc art. lie • aid. wimlil rcrl ilii III'I tl:< i' mi |>aiali\cly few pew-n at a lew : M«»t . if,\ in Kin 11 i>ci I. it important l'i t| . arh c\eniiril nf Hie w.r pi i • w •> i Ii I l>i available I" fill t'fitnl worken at Ihu paria-d.n I •»! tlifI ifiilly." l«»ml sjild slnp deliveries In *laniiaty were lhe lowest t>ln«*e !•"«-i»rt«;try. I •» i;; t*rcKluclion fell rrom -0,! hi|»s if) DitpimIht I t 1*J I I;.:/ 1 • nth. )n« vr|n>rtr(l. Revolt Nipped By Colombia Government !'"C.ol,,. ColomhiKcl.. Ill f.\r» I In- uovei'liment I'i'Iii.v. wariiin : tin opp'isilion, which li <1 prm-l hip'"! ' "I'-iuhia "l ii-V'hi,|''11 • anl it v.,i piepaied to rvnla "i'i.• I law il miv miIivh i '•<>•.<""1,1 developed '' ' ii 11i111* wa- i in (I .i tin- i "It of ,i iiintiife to hy llii' i (ii '■ Jivo pnrly whoso leader, ^Senal'M" ■- -hi''aim f 11iiiif /. \\. ,H 11- i \» teiii.iy mi ,i charge n| I'.'iin iniit "f ''"tilt .tiiil hi'lil m jail iivei niiilit Si in i,f pcisim, wrrr in.iinod in v 11' • 't li'.ih' ni; tliiinii;hou< tin- country I'rtiM cn fi irnd'- and foe . of » (CurUnued on I'ugc Four) Led Surprise Raid A U. 5. NAVY task force of the North l\irilic Fleet under the commiind of Vice Adin. Frank Jack Flelchcr (above) dealt tlie fust blow against Japanese home territory when it fliellcd r.iramushiro Island, in tlio Knriles. The attack caught the enemy bv surorise. (International) Favorites In Stocks Lower :;..v y»»i Fcii Hi—(AT*) —Tirnifl tn v in : i "iilni u <1 1" di ••}» Iail.s ! ,.in! i thci : i tti I'll tt'H'k market t juv hiIi- today but many loaders i > ■ 11 i VI II in.iiile t" .illi Cl v. •rill- i while ! i|>|»»il Alie id *>>1 <>f the lime were SntitlHTii Itailway, Atlantic CVwiKt I, c ( i iy. I**i aful (ietieial \t«• rliSH'kv .ill'''I V " II' I' S. Still. I ll'tll Icliein. A' i •■'II ( hi ami Daugla.-\ircraft. C iriici "Hiilj. weir si-Ii i 1 i\ ely liiltliei ('nifiimdilic : leailied Sharp Gains For Cotton New % (nil fill HI . I, .i, hif{li(*r. \"'M VIlltK* were -il I.> .. . i • mI .. I. ile In ••• r. March : .•in;:-. May ami July 10.88. i l':evi'>u« ''l"se Open I March 20.111 20.02 I M iv 20.1(1 20 2:i r !v ... 10.17 loci rn-t i>« I ... I!) 27 Ml 30 lAtC.ili.LT 1U.1J Spain, France, Italy, Finland Are Focal Feints of Program Washington. I'd). Ill—t.M'i— Diplomatic pre parations lor the invalid) nl I uropc apprulrd In be in lull swing in Washington and l.iuulon now with Spain, France. Italy anil 1'inlaiid as focal points ol' developing Allied foreign policy. The ohjeelive is twii-rolti—to split ell I in in Germany as much outside support and eooperation as pnssihle. and lo pave the wa.v for invading forees striking from Imlli the north and south. Kxpectcd developments include: France Ifl roci»gniIi no .1 eivil machinery can lie >et up to give them :i voice in government. Italy — liet oi.Moeration of the wholt i| i«■ -1i«i• oi keeping King Vit— torin Kmaniicle in power, a step which may ii-.-tilt in his getting mil liefore the Allied armies reach Koine. alsi expansion of the territory ii, >.outlicrn Italy nnder the i a -1 i<-t i< hi ol the Italian govern•'iient Spain observation of the means wlijeh the Franco governi! i nt employs to make good ;Ls ;inm inieed ntention of maintaining "strict neutrality " This is what the Allies want, instead of a "neutrality" tav rali|e to (iermany. l-'in!.mil I'se of whatever rliplo:i atii inea. ures may lie possible in (oni iiicti• m v 1111 l»ii: sian military aeli'-n. s '-ii the recent bombings n1 Hi I ii! to yet Full i(i\e i' s' II i not too late for the Finns t.i ie ike pi . witli Cussia and Britain .mil pre. erve 1 licit* territorial nl, -i i\ lint tiny have little* time in which to acl. | I Fighting In Cassino Is Vicieni Three of Thrusts Below Rome Aimed Al the Americans Allied Jle;id<|tiarleiv. Aljrier' Keli. 10— (Al*)—The (.lermaii.Itave laiinelied a strong attempt to lireak tliroisjtii Allied lines' •'in the Air/.in lifaehlnad. strik-' iiiK at -ix points aloiijj the America.n-Iii ilisii defense pcrime-j ter. Iieaii«|iiarler.. ai'iuniiiced today. as violent li;riitiiij? con tinned in the ruins of Cassino. 'I lie tii.-cist ei tlie bcachhcad sit— tiicl. came in the nrosi north and wnit <•' farri'.ii'fti < V' iJia) vvluvt! light ii . < . 11t■ iiutMI a- force* sought :< in the enemy plunges. Mine til tlie enemy thrusts were i!:rcrt"d axiiinsl American pi sitions wi-st ill' Cistcrna tuil tlic> ucrc beaten hark and the (lmn;lili:..v> rccaptured swmc Kround. American troops "I the Kift!'. At my who have ii! au;ed Into Cassino 11 :11ti stilt «;re liKhlintt fiercely in the streets against deter i.incd enemy resistance. hcsii!i|uarlc:s sim.o meed today. Allied lit. tubers. m sweeps nil' tlio west coast nl Italy yesterday, hit smtl one in Nice hsirbor, liio sinthree merchant ve.-sels near Corsica HullIlCc-IIU'lli said. Hard I'iuhlinu rimed on the beachhead be low Koine as (>er■nan turn's pruheil llie American and ISritisli defense |iusitiuiis in a cuntiiiuiui; attempt tu drive tlie Allies hark tu the sea. (in some sections of the Cassino lit nt the enemy launched eonnterSlttaeks. the communique said, but all were repulsed. The Yanks made slight progress in Cassino altl ••iifth llie Germans still held tin- main portions ol the town as well .is llie crest ot the hill on which is perched llie ancient monastery just west of the town. (Hie and a I. ill miles northwest ot Cassino the Germans counter-attacked at Monte Albanetsi. but were beaten back ISelow Cassino. the Ilritish sidv.mccil against Mi.nte (>rnito. two sind ;i hall miles north of CasU'ltorte, uainiiiK slightly and two sittsicks. Gas And Oil Supply Faces Crucial Test IVasliiiislini. Iil». 10—(AIM — Interim SrriHary Iclu's, warning llic r;ist I'liast supply of suMiliiii' .mil fuel nil is now faring a ti-sl. saiil Onlay dial from mm oil it will lir a rarr lirlwern liniilril transporlation anil tin- In-avy winter - rmisiimiiiu season. Ickt's. v. h ■ . i>i> acts ;is petrnIcim admim-' "I', added. Ifowcvrr, Ihiit tIn"i"«- nil swim* hupi' that i-mri nciicv ■ ■ 11« «- in effect in the area will 11• I.• it |mssil>li* Ic«'il shnrtiiljos." , "Kvcn 1 li« >11 :•»i nil shipments t • • Ihi' cast aie ' irly :t(l(l.non barn'ls daily nbmc • -si* «»f a yeai nun, military < l» rirultur:il cultivnfing pr;ietiee.s designed to increase output of needed crops. Those pi K tiees emphasize the application of fertilizers unci other materials. the planting of winter '.u'i'5 civ %iwiX lu prutvel the soil from erosion, the harvesting of icnume iind m seeds of which there is it shortage, ;inri the use ol iyen Venting wind blowing of soil. , The government h;is been niiik.iu; piiyments for soil conservation |>r;icliCPS since lit.Kt. hut the iimoimt <>f! fcred this yciir is the l.irgcst ever set I (wide fro such purpoMes. L si yttu soil conservation payments tot;iIc I 1 about SlOt/'Oi.Ooo. ALEXANDER AT ROME BEACHHEAD A GROUP of American nanp.ers fifihtinK in the sector below Home, lis",en nttciilivcly as Gen. Sir Harold Alexander ( discus, r:; battle plan.-:. The visit to the front was a surprise and the Yanks apologized for not shaving. The new Allied chief in the Mediterranean said he had done enouuh shavine for all. Smnal Cotus Hadionhoto. 'in;erj>ctio:isl) Japs Fuiiy Beaten In New Guinea Area President Calls For Larger Funds For Works Agencv Washington. Feb. 10—(Al'i — I'roidi'iil Koosc volt approved i today and transmitted to Congress a rcconicndalion of the hudset bureau for an additional appropriation of S150.000.000 for tin* Federal Works Agency to In* j nsi'd in providing public works | and services in war expanded j communities. Congress eriKinall.v authorized ! S500.000.000 for the purpose anil appropriated S:»50.000.000. The j agency has spent most of this j fund and now wants the rcmaining SI50.000.000. The nmney is being used for such things j as schools, hospitals, streets and hgiliways, waterworks and sew«-r« * 1 at . til Western Rail Agreements Repressive \V. hinutuii, l-en in. (-\I') \'.iimi!.. r.nli'i>;iili/..iiiiui probli . ISerue parlioulaily cored Hie so-cnllcd '•western iiKrcoinelit", aiiioiu: Hie 1: ic- opcialmt: wi- I tin- Mis>i.-.-ippi. I le .i.d Ihe \\ i lei n ai;i'"i • • Willi ii nviracil purpose ol avud- j iin; "pi. i iice- v. • ticli will ill ip.iir | i .nl ii id ' e.irniii:', ill tin v. ■ 1c: n ' ili 1 ru t." Wiis> t illered into IVui • . r I. I!>:(!!. .mil .ciiiaincd in efltcl n itil April 23, I ill:!, "when it wa.- repul idly cancelled by tin* signatory railroad alter the Department • .Ju tiee, having ju.-i discovered lis c.sislenee. addressed an intpiiry lo the we,tern commissioner." The (lepiil'lineni now U enn ideriiii'. "wli il legal acHmi, il any. i re- t tpiircd tinder all the tacts and cut i hp stance-" of Hie western tig Oimi lit. WtAIMtR roll NORTH (MIOI.INA Cloudv with liltlr chance in temperature tonight. Cloudy Friday and slightly warmer. Australians Near Contact Now With American Soldiers A11 ii-(l lii.i.i<|iiai°t('rs in the Southwest I'ucilic, Kcl). 10 — (.AIM—Australian troops puslii 111; up the Xcu (iiiincj northeast coast air expected to make I'ontai't soon with American troops only seven miles away, virtually ending the lltnin peninsula campaign which began o months ago. At: Australian otlieir General I hnsitlas MaeAiIhur's headquarters expressed expectati n o' contact ol Irit- two l< rees iid commented "The Jap is thoroughly beaten." l.ate reports placid eh ■ t'lils ol tho American 32 nd I »i\ :.-i.•? . uliicli made an invasion landing ijaiiior January at old Vnsmi;i.i. 15 miles below Sauior. and "Illy si \ en mile.-. I.-ill the Alls les win- ha\e beaten liieir way alonj. tin i-•.i■: 130 miles through jungle iind bush in the past lliree months. L'tiien <>l tin 1\V" ones may prnI ice an Allied (it \ e on till' Japan»• coastal base at Madali'4. about " mill along the i ast aortlnves'. p| Stridor. H it today. Oli n l 'leiiM ■ >I>. Asso;iji)«l Press war cornniKindcnt, rein i't« 'I t• v..i- i ideilce the ■laimncse have abandoiid Madam:. American bombing crews sweeping ! 'W ' ■.(•. Ilie b. i s:n\ indications lliat tlie enemy li.i> anwit tip bliildi!i"> livr not ;i I it iv (lestn veil bv repealed Allied bombings. Cli'ineiils said tli it Australians o| another force whid ha: been fighl American Bombers Strike German And Dutch Bases 1 .11! If I. (II, !:• i'l. I.U') -V. S. IiimVI t■• •• i.1 >« : lot: >— get* ul I Si .»: .. ,t. (C'tilral (irriiumy, army htwkj artoi • announced. At t <■ Mini time formal ons of Ijilic. itii" i'" ■' !Ik I'll ili« big Niix flKhter Imino .•! tiilw-llijciii 1 lot lurid. and Mrontf forccs ol U. S. Mil .ill H-i - 111 v, . .llll-l I.) . > III.•■liillii'ion. m inllirm Kimihi Tin (! il/»-l{ ijci i i '". pi kiiiM'kcd on' iii.iiiy enemy Ilulitriwbioli would have* I won in (In* nil* cftninM tlie I'.i itwwlrk^alltifklng liir* Iiism's liiifl the iMilili fighter ti;i e in en left iiii(Ii-IuiIi((I No Iiriiits on |il,nuv- sho' down on (ho Brmmwick nllnck or tm 1 r»--v e* wen- .i nl.ihlr ii"inofli.iIcly Ii'vin the L". b an lorcc. pui. 2tM» miles lo tile south. (•i ruiaii d< ;>ti littered tin- Ital(It'iirliis ,s '.!< i .uliiucd third anil Ioiiu'i I kr.ttnian armies ifiJrr ;.li 11ii the entire 1,20(1milc-long lii't ;•> 111 i >le than 57 towns and \ illams were liberated Ity the victor mis Ued army troops. inn townrd Madang in the itainu \ alley 11.,\ t• found Japanese soldiers dead •>! starvation and disease tilnnx trail.- ,ti the r u«eil Finisterre inniintai' . indication they liad been ii'iiiblr lo get supplies from the Haitians base. The A rtericans 1 tnding at Salditr aim 'lie A ! .1:1- .- ilt.-i«|nenf capture ul Sin January 15 on the Ilium pi-iiiMs i' !i ' ;! • .lapanese trapped ali .; •] ..i • .'in-mile stretch of beach. The enemy was hemmed in ijowteen I ho sea and the 12,000-foot Kinisii iti ''anai' Tli' re was spec ilation Ibat llto enemy may h; \ e i-\ 'cuatefl lo bis other base at Alexishnfen. about ten miles north, and Wewak, 175 air« j lim s nnrtliue.-l nl Madam:. 'Ilierc also were indications Ibat | the cm v v w.i- i «-iiiictnu his nclivit.c. at Italian), the shipping anil plane i', i>:i the northeastern tip I "t New lb itain. ili' !> .1 iv 'i v 11 1'i lit unswicU, I( l-.l-lu I -it'll.CI .11(1 MillinT tillH lilt! Y.itik !'»;(■' i<> ' (>ii heaxv bombers i but ,ni l.'i'J N . l;ulili'i.N Irom tins ■ -i;\ The hi • went bail; t«i limns* i w i'K and 11.,-, "Si .I.iii .ir.v XO and j -ii,>" down !U i nc i v a-.)' craft whilo iosum i!" bomber*. Several ain l I'.irt.s assembly plant- lire ulltiulcd ,>t Dmnitwlcki In* (I iding (i c Uriiri-wiek-WaKHiiin I Melln assembly factory which was hard In! prev • >11-1 >• Tin' city of about, '^'i mhi persons w.i, stamsercd with 'J.tilHi loin; tons of bombs in 2,t minute dui'inu an IJAK night att.icl; .1,Hillary I I. between tile two pI'C* Vioiis American assaults. The t' S. an force now has con* d '-'<•! ten major npc.alions against the cvntincat .1} the ]a=t 13 days,