Corbitt Co. Praised For jto Product . |1 ' •'!! I !«• I'll ! '.lie! ill , » 'iii al)<tllt t it Oa; I Is .vim; in the war e.ui. l!. .- WVlIt r«W the 11:.. ('li bit' l'.illl|l UV III \ ivloa c irom .\rui> . < »i: ..•«•. chief <»! urd|-i I|»li:a «t■ --ti i.-;. s..i (. . ci *' iU u.v in • ((•■•line: . sign fieant and far-roaehiir • . . habHitatlon of <»m ;;... • c opiti on iif I) >nald Ai ini an ol the War l»rodnc* . ii •: i a f!n>i - t;i . .. i:i !■•:'«• -.:i ! "Ids ati \ ra ii . .1 and tar \. ••• 1 C. Jilivd ItlJOrAll iii tin* PhiladclphUi i- district, lit at the »tu i> ihci-aiise ii' i: jjii ;>• . , • m. iii .1 dcVi' run v All t 1 \ ! -t.«:•:<•> in ■ y and Italy, and tiiaf ,• i afire -i(»ry i?i• • war .. 1>t : .<•■ . - I In* \ ! • ; an • ■ I hen v. In tin .. .111.11• > (iisti ii-; tint' • •. ci opium-.*, tlio Vitorr. :•.! Mark M iiulacttirin; ny, -i Tlw Onbitt Camp ny n il a • ia)or ti tl»l» sr If! ■ I tfu'ir \ diictei hav e sue :• •: i- t!<».Sl M in- u•!:.«.* '!•»»: II til 111. .It <• ' ■' fast .IS ti . V .V, . ■ •, . h i-. n \ elation ;<i , i- tin tit ! ill tt'illl'll trii-.-v trilcU i.lid li.V -.iiilrd iil'tlll.iliii !n>tii :il! stall's in ' In' wiid. "In iii U'.i l a . tin- a$.<cinlil,v m' i H*|{< i1 iii 'ill «•:: i I'niIv mi ' . ii.ii ii'tr. i-, t*iil|> A■"..•! A( ca. the WPB chief i a famous British gpni! iin; tin- II". a- mi (V i i"ii! ft' n! (Ion Mi.:it This Koneral \v - i ■ . : uiiiR 11• cii».!».«i lrtii-1;.'1 ic perfnriiuincc ■ ■ • n six-wcol truck which • v fu! diirin.n the ii: • i si-,.|ut>nt iuj!iij;i mr:i* . ir'cd i.nd. .!' ■ i i in i«'i.i»i« ■ »«»ii i i• . ti i : rolled right ahead , III s :.| ?' I' . ..m-i:S:: •ft I Ullis A. v.'r fiitd Rnno. .'.ir roiifrli .. di".. ! ip into chrome I"1 ' ctrd. Creoir.ul; ion !|V'.\ Of'.'tl-'f it fuv. li_'llt . tiollb!:' to h' 1|) lousril . t laden pidostn. and aid >ih<- nlMl Ileal l'.r.v. ti-n.l> r. v..-hinl mucous; membranes. N'1 many mediriiM ■ you : '! v.-.r <lru::u;.'i' to .-.••■! <if CroomuUion villi the ><■11 must li!:f tl:o v,.iy l.ivs the ro'.iitli er you : t® •: iiunifv back. CREOMULSION For Ccurrhj. Chosf- Cclds, Bronchitis amir Cam! inn-Puke Play-On Tonight Carolina".. White I'Ikm-iohsn are liokiii" U'l te tonight's rubber game .1' S it. !<>(•!». 'hi- v .11 '< :i'.( iast in-Statr a|>pearanrr for the • ■»!«•!; • i < I": • • r • • n • !•«* r.imiri* CnnrMamenl. and the larersl • v..- i! (■ tin •<:: I'l s* t • • '-li ri. ( i\ t ;i llii "rst meeting In .u:«l ltiiki n: I •< .• *1 lilt ?) * > I'i aftrr tvv: «if (hr hardest tint'ill ,>i ' .'—i;' i > ii.ti . •• r:«;ts u:i r.-cor» in Tar Media. Above is it (!• it .i.ii >h*il • i •: . . jH-V-12 J iriiu" iieiaf ".alhcrcil in a liiiii .'I vein;; ilu • ■.< ' al'ive: Kiiret Box (No. I> ami (aiitiin fliTiiii Me. I: <!"» iii«".»art5*;: ftiisirr SUvenson III ami .lack Fileli (IXt t i !•>. , :-;i .1: It!! Oi-.vt-l? (I'll, center. .Wl "it s;:.<i ho ,| tn 'I • • JIII.V t. t! r<Mtl . v< I • ■ , • ."I III* I «' I'litl :«•: 1 : .1 IM-: III I U Ji: s:i|>|.|mi,. ' 1 ■ • h •. i .roi.: ;iit- . 'A Ar. > until.:!»•«• <Jr|i::r;tt1< n' li ...• :•. C ItlitKllif! tllOlt* OVVII ilKKis, ililil ■ » " >1 i<>;i "i tun," he ■ ri-'i. ' >'• >• ii IikU-.i. ••(iiil •• > I ■ III:-.11 . til? — • m . . iVuriil i.'.ir. \ ixl v.:i I ho c'l.1|)U : '-.i tiMr.^pul'l::iun n V ii 'A !i . !•:•;<u. I mm : in; ■ . i'l iru . ill i-» - : vivo nil tlu> honor jiikI glorv it has .ii i'i '.i I r«lHl> .1.SERVICES HELD FOR MRS. WALKER HUNTER Mi-. W ... .r: I". I! .lit: .-. K*i, <> I\ncld. ti:i'(i ill the C;irnl nst Gtiu'ii'l , i >. it i! Hi Witsiin T nig :t f«»l- 1 i '.villi. a ! "li't'i : 1m<—. Funeral services wort hold in the . terito >•' ... "'••!• .... i »ui it'ti fi t»v t I' i•!. • u T. ' <!.«•< t I.y !.'• .1. Q. Heck v.itii. Wiknn Epi '.i.pai ninisle* tiitoimoilt will ful'mv .r. the (Cnrinlil j !. \ r DJ5III ! 1M>\ I' Wi iv-:'.'V th n K!t«» Jeitk.1. l. Lions Hear Talk About Alaska Army l.«v II.nbi i ::«T. who .spnko on Alaska. :tmti i>! the ijimt cuii> ; til*. • t" • ' \ i lil. ctiilU 1:1 St ri.u!»l. 1'ri-iiU-nt II. I' 'IVrrHI pr«— >\ i i tin' moctiii.u. 1. \\ III M I*«-i y and IV < . H°< I! >•.•(•!<• ;i.«-< :itfii keys hy I.ion i.: I >! i- lor. i.lii;i rhairina'l. :<>;■ frtiiighig two new member* each iliir'•!" ti:« month hi January. A !:i:;iI trp.irt from .1. ('. man : tli" infantile paralysis ill" '■ t'fi total l'«Hl i|)tS 'if Sl.!( " I'. (' WVIIs reported eomploi •!! ui .. >•■ .!h survey ant! express> <1 • i.ition t.i teachers and !>: !!•• ii.;«:their cooperation. Li"M Kyle Sentcr. i" charge ot • ,■ |.i i.mi. pievented Mr Huguenot i ; r. w!i" t'llil if •••< tulit !ii!V». in Alaska, lie spoke ol Army life titer? avd »•}i rted soldiers '.veil tod an.I '••I! i lotlied ami an* doing a I job. S"nli'i- i nti" t nurd t(v c'r.t'o with ■ 11• ■1 • j11• act 1 ii I-1iii-<-. (I • pii .nKit night indrde l!: v n. ,1 |}<-;, (\ II .? i!m-..-j •..! I.-e !!■ •"gcnl.erser. QUARTET PRESENTS .MUSICAL PROGRAM I'1'1 Xe'.v lU'thc! Spiritual (piinlel ill prosviil the third a series of program- by SongI' '"fe Chapel, the St. .fame ■-.> i • • u- nt St. .i mi- n.ipti-t i"l • ' the Sliiloli fetmile quartet nl i-i vll. tiu* Cooper"? Grove quartet ' *• H ii'. i I tap' is» <'li .rch. • ist. \V'r lit :!..•! Si- ritual ipia-'tet \i ii.. ;)t-i.:•!»• h;ivi> enjoyed the ii'iiiiiiwmnini Sra&fWMi Cri J&c i# ic .My JT Im *B7 WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED ^ /4 ««1 DS Factory Damaged Prints Lengths From 1 '/i to 3 Yards HALF PRICE—While They Last Efird's Department Store ^^0-232 S. Garnet! St. Henderson, N. C. two pi'f \ iou> programs. it war* .said, 1 t* » iuit piomist N tu I ofK* 01 t»u bt»>t given. It will tu* iifld | at tin* Ni'W lU'thcl llaptiM rhmrli Friday «*\vtiinj*, i'Vbl u ry II. at 2! Jo i-lock. I'lii* puolu* i.< itivitotl to attend. Colored Fair To Be Oct. 2-7 Vance county colored fair will he licWi again this year as in imr.i.i! tunes. Robert II wn:ns. manager. announce:! today. IJuo to wur conditions. the fair was not held last year. I A meeting of the fair association 1 was held Saturday, February fi At this time the following «f!icc;.- w« re elected: Robert Hawkins, (ires ciens and manager: Hunter Haw .■ ■ ■ ■. \ ic • president: Matthew Bui well. tii surer; Al»r< i Bullock, ocret ry: and ('. W. Williamson, Co; nscllni. 'I'he <l;:".e set tor the fair this yeai is earlier than usual, schedule tin lietobe! 2-7. I.ew Henry shows will have c.iarjje • •I tite midway, with plenty nt shov. i de- and amusements for all 1*a■ i nil i ..Is are asking the t'.irm a Kent. agriculture t- ecln r-. |>. iruipal-. -chool Uachcrs. and farmerto begin now to cooperate and he; i! il:e tiif 104-1 cloue;! lair . . eve s El.LARD YOW LEADS CLASS IN SURGERY Klluid M. Vow, son "I I>i. and Mi . A. C. Vow . «»l Hi mtei «m. h id I'he highest a\'er;<iic In surgery in hi ui n cdicine at i • < i:* gr. e .ai M'I'i I -e. at l!u- II ..hi. i il ill M"dicii,i - \\ :;i-1. nI .-.iIi iii. according to y. ■ d r*-ct ivi-.i i | re lie received the . v. aid I. the j distinction, lie is ti graduate llen■ lerson high school and pur-aed hi I studies at Davidson College liel ire i entering the Howinan Cur. .Medical School of Waive Foret (' llei.e. Yow was one ul three Da\ iti-nti alumni graduating with liunm - at the recent ceinnicnccincnt I r the, • •las- in med.eiiu-. Thiin.a 1! Daniel, ul <)\tin<l. wa- an honor giauuaic. . and Robert 1;. King. Jr.. of ISoor.c. in the third year class, received the j award I• -r the In t article written I 'i t the school's ^Medical journal I FUNERAL HELD FOR MISS VERA SMITH 1 Funeral services won liclu at the i First Methn«i-t church t 4 o'clock I this atternn in fur Mis.- Vera Smith, i wini : cd Wednesday after a Ions il!! tie.--. (lev II K. King, the pastor, wa I :1 charge- and interment was in Khnwi.od cemetery here. Mis- Smith conliiiucd ill over a ( | cried of about MX months prior to tier death, and before sue hoc. me ill was employed at the post hospital at Camp Itutne: She is survived by her parent.-. Mr. and Mr- Hurley K. and -cvoral brother- and -istc.s Sh< was for iwelve vents ; ' prior to her death a member of the- j First Methodist church. I'a 1 Shearers lor the funeral were nno inced as follow-. Active. J. Frank Lassitcr, Robert IV l.assiter. Joseph W. La-.-itcr. R. II. Ay-cue. Jr.. Spencer II Avsciie. W j !l Muss. .It.. Mcrnice C. Smith. I5i!!v (•. Stninnack Iioiiii!arv. I)r II 11 Ita.-s. Dr. U.J T. t'iichurch. D I' Coghill. Russell Nichols. J II Hinton. W. H. Mos-. 1 1! 11 Avscue. W. (.'. Stainback. II. .1 Knight.'P. F. Jack.-.on. M J. Snoll. Fred Ke-ler. Lawrence I.owi-y. David j Newman. I.t Y A. Vuchetick. Staff Sergeant Donald Rank, \iu.-ti-r j Sergeant Che-ter Hud k. Stafl Ser-lj geant Amos Dalton. i'orporal I.cwis j', Jacobs. T ."> ll.i'i v Pnenecke. all ..I | t ie soldier, being l! 'n Camp Hut.n r. ; AROl XI) TOWN ON'F UKKI) IVnpey .1 .lilies conveyed to Harry Raker a l«»l 011 C!n>ve Hill -.licet r<>r Si'Jfi ;ii tlio mil' deed recordi.l yesU'.'lay :;l Die icgister nl deed office. .MAKHIAGI' I.K'KNSI John Henry Rrowm . Akron, Ohio. ;ini1 Clellie Vera II" tic, Zebulon. colored. were giantc.l ;i marriage license yesterday *. t:ie regi\Jer of deeds otfice. i)i:r\K casi: K ymond l.assiter. 'lite. wa< tried for public dninUt'iH' ■ 111 recorder's, ro.i;t tod;iy .mil guilty to the j (•'large. lie was gni 1 1 XO-dav road -eiltenrc. conim:!' 1 ' i*/>t to issue /]>on payment ot • and provided lie leave V.ince <• -n'v !\v six o'clock today CoMs will oc emitted i! he leavc>. nut nki'.n driving Charlie Andrew Siokley. white, was tried for drnt .fi driving and damage to the propn-v of 1J. .1. CorI'itt. Jr . and failing t • stop and give his name, lie was -cnieneod to four months in jail t>> he assigned to roads, committment ii"1 to issue upon payment ot a S7r> fine and costs. His l'fen.»c to drive \\a- revoked for one vcar. Called to Wilson Ci S Eat wood and IV S. Eastwood were called to Wilson today where their mother. Mrs. Ci. H Eastwood, is seriously ill in a Wilson hospital. Now She Shops "Cash and Carry" Without Painful BackicHl When disorder of kl«1ncv function nrrmiti potftonoiui tnnltcr to rrmtifn In ymjf blood, it may fftiiM nrtRnln* h.ickwh^, fvimtnatta puinv. If* paioi», low of |K|» and energy, getting tip nighta, •fretting, puffin'm Wider ft ho ryea, Iir,v1»' bca ami «(lftlnrM. t'rMMnt nr t***nty pmw.-tgo* with HfuartiftfC nml burning lonwsfiinrg »ho«* fthrrn in llottethltif wrong with your kidney* pr Madder. Don't waitf A»k your tlrugcitt for Doan'a Till*, tiwa iucccmtfully by rnillianR for over •10 jr»r§. They aivo Imppr relief and will help thi |.% rnitffl (if kidocv fubft flvMl out poiconuui Wtiiito front your Mood. Oct Doati'i l'lllt. Don't allow \oursrll m Hi ill; thai tlx- trw it. tn n tliiv ;><l\ t-rtiM'nirnl jtrv tin- »is:!y <>-> \ liit-li vim will sail- niniiry. Out • I i-. i •litli "liuys"! Down Payment Plus $3.00 Weekly Q COMFORT . . . LUXURY / . "/ i:\\ i:sr -v vi.r: By KROEHLER ; M* "* I Siid \ ALl i: Now: $139 ★ WAR BONDS . TOD \Y •. BEST BUY * * FEBBIIABY SPECIAL FEBB1AHY SPECIAL QUALITY CRIB i:\SV TKRMS \t': ;.cii\ o li;ihv bcrl it'll cut «• 'iistnu-non :-i>ti\ ciuc :;i f'-'op sifl . ki:<;i i.\i: s' vai.i i $19,95! H • • R & OI 1 OMAN ;r,i i \i: >:;?» ■<» \ \ui Beautiful Modern 3-Pc. Suite IN SMART LIME OAK YOU CAN FIGHT fi't, BUMS WITH BONDS CMRISTIAN-HARWARP FURNITURE CO., INC., HENDERSON, N. C. P--»y Only $2.00 Weekly Ail oiiM.mdinu suit! An nut: • . ul.n ; I'liltic! This atlniftivo 3-picer : m popular lime < ak will uivallv rnlianco the romlott and beauty <if your limm NOW Regular Price $129.50 25% OFF ALL BABY CARRIAGES

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