Batty StBpatriy Established August 12, 1914 Published Every Afternoon Except Sunday by HEXDEKSON DISPATCH CO., INC. at 109 Young Street HENRY A. DENNIS, Pres. and Editor W. L. F1NC11, Sec.-Treas., Bus. Mgr. TELEPHONES Editorial Office 500 Social Editor 610 Business Office 610 Tile Henderson Daily Dispatch is a member of The Associated Press and AP Features, Southern Newspaper j Publishets Association and the North Carolina Press Association. The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to use for republ ca- j tion all news dispatches credited to or not otherwise credited in this paper, a:;d .ilso tiie local news pub- , lis ted therein. All rights of publi- | cation of special dispatches herein ] are reserved. SI HSCKIl'TION RATES (Payable Strictly in Advance) Mail Carrier 1 Year $6.00 $7 00 6 Months 3.00 3.50 3 M.>n;hs 1.50 1.75 Wee . ;, ty carrier only 20< Per Copy 51 Entered at ;.ie post office in Henderjon. X. (. . as second cl.i.-s i"ail matte .: v-tux ■ • vo:.. John H lit. Finland Should Quit t i.i- he i- \ i .il v :o her any halm. FinH'lhw th quit th« ft'ii WOJS 11 ' t> |»0«-; If ty. »mi ? and m el t'ithcr side mid !»•;«• t« thut e\» lent • « j- . v v- Id itvo w it ho- «♦ 4 . » . • : * .. n»*h • . tilvl: Ii\i - :i the 'inu1. i ..t i i« Ogime .\ «•..'; . i «• :• loptiug a ctKirsi •: 4*.- own ffiti v. ! ■ d eeord. and wilHout pressure - t « iHiVX «»i the fn.ivM >• ties n Gn it i; iui The eapiuii « • t • : . : 1 : •: ill. . -ad i► y H ?>i.«n aim «*n and is it tit -1 .« i ?i • poo: Jo. F l • ; Kiissia arc » meernoi ;>e mil nil est • «> the Kin. tliiif Statin t.s ^ .nu In n., wan!in Finland .»> over-. i«' an.. : «. I'.ul *..• . .»i i r> that tnev .. n * aft with ::eedoni in choosing tlift -v.n eourst. T i nt »\\ w »uld not depr v*4 : • . • my \M ild us thftt a • ti i- m • v •: *inuinii t he :mnt. As jittet ■ : let, there \\ • uld be :. »• • * ande;- the latter Ail ralcalations would lie on •».«• < * it li the Icftgii The Allies get with F nland as « ; jerent and with loss dan . ue thill* own interest8 than the Finns ( .a: :n» • then own standi*-.•*.? *! he Helsinki decides to get • • it !h» ♦ :t • w !! be t»»r *he little lej)' . 1 '> people. no matter I thi t< may be— and they » i'ie t soluble than w ■ - refers to places wllcil M . 11 > t ci Uii'i. Even the \ owe Is, : i : ' - : till* m.Ill ill the i'\t i in i. iv : .. ;i >i;ecd time of ii. i'•• ! iiv nh ;d)oiit ! re ->:id : rat ouing—just remember tht»t 1' k in ;;'.!•)! W\i entire tuition got along with .»iily four automobiles. t'nii! he .surreiiflers. Iile frr t'ae German soldier on the Russian front swni.- ' beco -c just one Heel Army 11..j» ..11«• r another. Hitler e.died in Quisling (or a •m1' < i;c( " And the nr»t morniiiS. " 'I not. the !i\ ing room 1114s turned ip missing. In tin* post-war solar house, we re d. the sun will do the heating. And. naturally. the l.icl companies the worrying. Hitlei '".is tailed '>n Rumania to hold to the end. I Jut a lot of Ruin,mi,-ins think the end already .arrived. K.ictographs soys it's the l.iw that thi'-c persons can start <1 ri«>t. (» 1? can if she is glamorous enough. The first sign of spring is not * robin but 'be chuck holes that appear in the city streets. I.t .appears that not only do all • inads. but also all the WaterWays lc..d to Home. Junior says it's patriotic to <-k!p '-.or.-ie-work. thu* saving a lot o' fridnight oil. VOIR FEDERAL INCOME TAX No. ol m DI CTION'S FOK TANKS. Taxi - .no. in jjviU'iai. a tieihictiblo item in :iri iviny at net income l,»r Kotloial normal lax ami surtax purpose*. Ill tlio oa-o ol taxos inoiiiioii in inriii'i ti«'ii with .. It auo or pli'lo>sioii.. till' amount i- slmwti in Sohoilulo O-i to arrive at not prolit (or 1.1.-..-) lion: l>ii-ino-> o pi olo->ion entol'i'li HI :!«■ ■ I''* "t till' ll'tlllll. Koim !l! III. taxi- hi>u!d be -hown 11 item IS >'! "Don c*:tnis." I'axo- rtii in itoni 1in .,i-n no suppoitcil by an i'\pl.illation tin Si'lcdulv K) i>i the ik'duct v i>ii >h. it Form I040A. tin deductions should in* i lltol'iu Inr t..\< -. beeaa-o the t.x'lo I'll till- I" aheady allows tlio benefit ol tut average :i■. , deducti"! • n-O Itoil H'tlMllltV lit '.IXC- - libit ( ' I.I UI'III'I al i" ' I o! • il> - .Hi' nolle : i 11 > deductible only by the person upon wImu tiie\ aro. b> I.av. imposed: i^i federal income. ' p. :.t -. ..mi exce-- pi'oltt- t.iM- .. !• :i t doduev. T Federal ::o .i :as put I him'.-; i:tt T..xe- Ins local iioi:oti!-. .-mil ,i- i'--nu'iits tn -1 ii' -i. ii' -.ill;. m"\.iUc. anil other >o.. •; .nvi'nunt which tend t.> 11 hance tho value i'I i ipoi'iy taxed. • deductible except amounts allocable to maintenance or iiiimvt I'liaitt'ii: i I' Tito tax must '• a :.ix for pub(.'hart: moiital -i r\ :oo- such •■- municipal water t'liN. (larking meter riuirgvs i i ■ in,> iii-.-. .niii 'hi- like are not tie* •...-: . i - \i\f-. iui' .no deduct::' •> - . \t ■ ■ -i - : mo roil in .i tr.uto ■ (t n l: o inst ■ • I>V the p ■■ ' i i tioi al '. \ •! tlio ,> «" ; 1 Federal .tic • t.,x put . . I • • ■ . • ' !n tho o\\ ;■ u! ti !• p . i il .. man mi i vile an- lilmjj -op ■ . t y 5 a n « that h i dodiu nio oniy a t:.i \\ Uf :• 1 11 Slato ii I t.i\ d< (In* ':.n> in c imp iliiiji • hi vial t.i\ • ii -n ' i\ Ii .t not ill oi'i put'iik i tax in tlio Fotl' ■ rite tax<.- deductible it mpu>i ii„ mutual tax .mil -in". an- in lit•:;t- il li .i ' nli' oi i' ;■ 1'.11jt vie tin v 1 i\ only l i) m mi < lr hi ■.il: tin oai . v i hu trade • 'i' ■ Im-iiit• -s. (i ■ .!■ < 'i.i 11 *ion with property ii-t-d in • .. !• Ini-nio--. Lr iri in connett mi . ti property I hold !"' 'I.o pi 'nil. i ii ii 11 loot no ITnxcn paid >r acerueti . laxpav, or with i o-1 • r1 t ■ hip ol Iii • J home aro t I dodui tioli \ rtoi v tax purpos* Nt"#hi nro taxex dcI dui'lililo v. hit i .in- paid - incurred : hy :> a-on "f ownor up property hold pi 11 ■ a v ,i -port, hobby, o: recreation. Taxes which arc dcuctibii -hould • I.own iii Schedule I ft I i or t'(2i on pace - ol the return. Form III In. or in item It!, coii umn 2. i'ii | i 1 ! the n turn. 4.1 11 BAG One-Minute Tl">t 1. IJi>es an c r of c<>;ii have an even or uneven number i>f rows? 2 Of wliii! .-1: • Itl the floor hi a dairy barn In h 3. Will a lii-aerr field. L'o rodwide. take i.o:c i .• less feme than one 40 rod- wide.' Words of Wisdom I Those who command themselves command others.—lla/Iitt. Ilints on Ktiuurttc In these day- when streets, public vehicles, meeting places, etc., are overcrowded. :t is -till coureon- to say. "I'm sorry," when you accidentally knocl; umnst people. It seems to be seldom done nowadays. Today's Horoscope If this is your birthday, practice self-reliance and concentration, and you will be prosperous, r.ueccssful and happy Yon are inclined to make and break engagements easily if they interfere with your convenience. However, you arc energetic, kind, affectionate, and your love will be constant An unexpected reversal threatens you in the next 12 months, but do not de discourager!, as it will ultimately »provc beneficial. Y«w should avoid precipitate changes during 'hi* time, then all will be wellThe child who is born on thi» date will bo generally successful, but liable to nerve ailments. Olic-.Minute Test Answers 1. An even number always. 2. Cement. 3. Mine. ANSWEKS TO DAILY QUIZ 1. Italy. '2. Thomas .tellorsoll. 3. Pottery. I A»i extinct reptile. 5. Alphabet iisoil by the deaf and dumb. executed by the lingers. »!. True. 7. " The FtU man assumed a vlisguise." }: Cobbler. St. Tin It.iiil; ot KiiKl'ind. 10. lli>t-'i ian. FIX MEASUREMENTS ON PULPWOOD SALE 1>. < . Keb. 11»—-<*. 1). ttalK-on. siipi 'mi! • dent il the weights a:ul ilea.- :> .t • isiiHI ul the State De; • ■ i * > Agriculture. "Tias- a:>'• lit' • a o'litctciice will bi i-eid ' • culture ItiiiKhni* on Fein . \ 22 at one o'cluck for the puri s« • establishing .i standard ''<■■■ < "• !< i the sale ol pulyw. \..::h Carolina. '• lias invited representa'■; > - "tii' pulp maniilactiirm« N' itM Car«'!ina and ;1d■ ■ . St tes. contractors for the s".ite anil Federal ! res' .!{»\vo«»(i prmluriM's ;md any •> • led -in order that the he arrived at may be --ili.ible and simple to all ; .d * - - ticerncd." Rt-volt Nipped by Colombia Government (Continued m>;n Pa-i> Oiu) • . and two attempts were made > conservative demonstrators to the senator who :s a tonne;' Oermany and a member • .idvv eoitaiuttee .-n ! ,u-,yu Heavy po « roinfiiivcniciu? u ere "< |it iiu to .unta n order be' 1 1 'he .i! |iiilitieal !;,> • Second Grade Securities Recommended Bv liabson B* UO(il I: \V. BAUSON. < <»i!» ruin -1;»11. I'uiiiiviiiMi iii.iui Hiiumii. jiii' I'.u . F! . I iu I •Id . ' V ' • .11. !••• Ih W..I l.oa:i .ii. ■■ muter v...v. what t • • I .:■!.! : .1 :.I mil all MiiiiIi ip.tlv. "In HU pal I ' I 111 .al'kl 1 ll.l ~ • "(•II fc: I ..t!y . (.luci'd m Volume SIIUV U. !!,:■• t i ll- Will;t e- i:.. • I rill uiu.hi.- t I obtain tei ials with which t< > make improve• : N ■ ..! constriction let T.«v. ii .»r li I-!-. <'i|IUI'rl1:Ctlt . !l:i..i.ntl iv ii.'iid U hi-, ha* bivn at .i '..nil • I'urctiasi - el in w lire : *ii.a ■ i p.: .en', 1 . i: 11<- signal y-tcii- ..Mil othc; v.ilfly dc\ ices . . likewise, been iintrictMl. lii ,i..i lii.i. t.. :he difiu'iliu'.» in obtainiit: priorities, taxpayers have insixt< il that i pa! -pi ndiiK hi1 ki-pt lit a inliiiniii A- a result, many cities i.(1' \ i lip -llb.-talltial i (m-i \ ( their iiiilfbli'dm— s and iinpi. ' .'t their general fiscal position. Instil . dimatul lo: municipals has fallen oil sharply due to the c..T( itractn encss ondBisnkn have iil«n/ccn increased buyi'i - ol in,ma i| 1- l.ack >1 new municipal i-sue-.* plus demand loi bonds ol tin- type, has resulted in very h;yh p: ice- There lias been -."lie recession since la t October. t lit 1i.iV JUT • :l t> Iligll CM'Cpt 111 .. |rv. special instances. Ittnuls. Wt,.!»- l!'l. u - an i'\irl!i'lil vcar fi i ttu railroads, the final tiiiiircn v. . 1 i>v reduction in tin- per.. • • • «.l : . ga.n- over t«M2 ii . • ;.im . ...i •• a(v» m iw.i will . : .1: instance*. result in a • I . 1 ! Ill l-..I!:lllg" wlU'll t|l«' final 1 gurus .!«• >u for the past year, i ■ .tiw.ud 111*1 ill will be lurthcr 1 !i d :ti 1 !> 14. Kailrnud debt. I 1 «*\ 11 • ...; educed .11111 workiiik capital ." rising. Henee. tin- 111 • ■ -.lion> fi most roads are! • -1 <• .ulhtned. li.ul I 1 .is !..i\« l»e< n veiy popuI.. 111.' t - '.... i ; adc IIIIIIU'V out • : •.'!«: I':.:- 1- particularly true of tr.«■ ■ci'. ■ grade and the obligation.* • : roads 11 receivership. Many institutional holders ••! rail bonds .-old • ii' al H i- v\ ro!i>t time and have itvi gone i ai k into Hie rail market. Investor.- a1ii> Hi- seeking liighei letll-ii" :i r.11! bond", coinparaulc 111 security i.i industrial and utility i>iii:11.1V buy 1.1-1 mortgage issues i "j eciallv 11.1«~« 1.1 the to-i.rgam/ed mad*. Avoid the "income*" at this time. These should sell for much le.*.* during the railroad slump which will sometime lollow World War II. Industrial Issues. A m tin- case of the railroads, industrial activity made new highs 111 l!M:; Willi the peak of war pr.niuc1 ion passed, with enormous taxes and labor loads, with re-negotiation costs ami with the problems of reconversion. industry will be loaded uilli burdens this year Yields 011 top (trade industrial issues are lower than on comparable railrond lamds I'n.•••" ha\e continued generally toward highoi levels For institutional j.nd large individual buyers, governments mav now lie a better bet than llu b'\"t gi 1 de industrials. This year will witness continued heavy calling of corporate issues, which will further reduce the supply oi industrial bonds. This will force investors into preferred stocks and SALLY'S SALLIES 1 couidnt g?A a lea! horn? It s iufct lik? you to Dick an argument when the train* are crowd«c&!' ' RIGHT UP HITLER'S ALLEY L WAR. ^ODOCTION iwALK00T§^ sod mi grade It tul issue.- A card III analysis .•: individual companies and "special situation.-" -Ii.>111(1 govern purchjiwi in this latter croup. 'Venture iMjvtjil". \v"ill:tiK •" take an average business risk. may In- mure mic«•«■>■l.::.ii - h:t\< h« I'll icluiani -il Ioiik term pi i it ids at cxircu:'. ly low interest rale-. Medium grade utility ixsuex offer i-ppoi tuii!l:c. lor investment. Kleeti ic powir will eolitinui lie in heavy demand In tact, tin- ye.ii may .show all increase iit Ice peiceni mer l!H:t tn all I he IioikI groups. utility issue- may lie the most attractive Caiclul -election of lrom a point view is necessary C»oikI manager ent will also he a factor in their future prices. The individual im c- ; >r should Hist seek to m ami. .11 a proper ii.ilance between fi\cd and ccure .11come securities siicii a- bonds and the e putv securities such as preferred and common stocks. Forty per cent in bonds and si\t\ per cent in stocks is still a Bond rule to follow. Remember that when buying stock;, to select companies with large working capital, no bothersome lebt or cumulative preferred stfvk and with a good postwar outlook. t now the insurance anfl m« cliandise groups s, .-in l,est to fulfiM these latter requirements. When buying bunds, diveisily between industrials, utilities and goud rails. Many 111-t.t lit ions and individuals now have a too large percentage 111 utilities. >Voah Numskull t>eAf? NOAH= C>0 YOU USE A SKELETON Key TO set /A4TO /^v haunted house ?• MRS Q. Bi5om soa4 Buffalo, n.y. DEA» NOAH=lF YOU hao AH ANTIQUE MAp"lN MEEp OF Fiy/AV3/\MOUUO Yob GO TO A BEAUTY SHOP OKI A MAPMAKE©? MISS OPAL. JOHMSOAJ C>UCJUESMt^ PfiMMA.-, »yy Kt*f r.tlvf.i w KXECf'TORS NOTICE. I have this day qualified (is Executor before the Clerk <>r Superior Court of Vance Couuty of the will of Lucy I!. Wyche. deceased. This is to notify mII persons having a claim against the estate of said deceased to present them to the uiidcmiKncd duly verified on «>r before Ihe 2()lh day of January, 1015, or this notice will he pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment. This 19th day of January. 1014. IIOHACK K. WYCIIE, Executor under the Will of Lucy D. Wyche, A. Bunn, Attorney, WANT AD.S Get Results CI! K A SOT K OIL-PRESERVE YOl'R t milicr and home I runt termites :.nrr kuI. we containers. W.itkins Hardware Company. I"—CD A BARGAIN IN ACCIDENT INsurance Sfi.on per year. Let me explain. Frank M. Barnhart. General Insurance, phutic 562-J. 9-21 IRONING CORDS. THE V E R V l»-~t grade. I'Ubbci plug, SI 25 o;i. W.iikin.- I l.irdu ..i<- C":npany. li'—(4) WAX I'l l) ( ii; t. IN h >M llur.SK or apartment. fall 2;S7. 7-t!ti FOR SALE MIXED WOOD CUT Move length, S8.U0 per load delivered a:iv where in Henderson. Plume -t!C. 9-liti ALUMINUM I'A I N T 1-2 I TS , p rs.. qt . Gund grade. Watkins 1 lardwart Company. 10 (4) WANTED THREE - ROOM* ~FURnislied apartment close t<> business section Iiy bu.-inc.-s couplc. City Sandwich Shop. 8-tiii E NJ O V DELICIOUS ]FR K S H strawberries both .Spring and Fall by planting Gen. the \ev. INerLic.u iiik I Jerry. Large, firm, sweet, prolific, and beautiful in appealunce, loo plants postpaid,; -50 pliints .SB.2."i. pn.tpaid. Write lor Free Copy New Luw-Prtce Planting Guide. Waynesboro Nur> tries, Waynesboro, Virginia. 10-17-24-2-9 HELP WANTED — SETTLED Woman to stay on lot. Good sal.irv. Mi's. B. H. Mixon. 9-tf OIL STOVE WICKS, PERFECTION, Nesco, Florence, Kindlers. lllc, 35c, 50c <)!! in-It WE BUY CORN IN ANY (JUANtity and do custom grinding ol meal and feed. Let us serve you Henderson Milling Co., phone 398. T-T-S TIN CANS.~"nO. 3 (ti l". SIXES, $1.75 per hundred. Watkins Hardware Company. 10—(4) DON'T LET THE SHORTAGE OF labor get you down. Paint your own walls with Vita-Var Surfalux. It covers walls and wall paper in one coat, comes in eight pastel shades and cysts only $2.50 per gallon. See our window display. Tanner Hoofing Company. 5-8-10. FRUIT JARS. PI S . OTS.. 1-2 GAL Kerr top, rubber rings. Watkins Hardware Company. 10—(4) CALL 3 6 6 mmigiimn crrr TAXI 21 flour flerrtea WANT ADS Get Results lARDWARE \V 1 It E CI Ari'U,28\3^ and 3C" high, 1—1, 1 •- iuo^;i, pci" sq. loo'. Watkins llurdwait Company. lo.j mOlWUGHBREU WlUltrjEUSEv giant eggs, S2.1HI lor betting ut 15 eggs. Extra large chickens, jji William street, Henderson, N. ^ Mrs. James McConnick. 5.5,] t'OH RENT: GOOD TWO HoK^t iarm 1 1-2 miles ».l Ki;tiil;Unt«n,s acres tobacco, lo acre.s cotton, loads, good buildings, un.11.,id, pasture, for rent tor lDll or v.ul sell to desirable party. Plenty t.,,.. ber. Write or see L. V. Woodliei, Louisburg, N. C. CALL BOB FALKNEK KoiTyi^"" lump coal. H. o. Ealk.J Ac1" Phone 2G0. Lr & boa, 6-U STONE CHIMIN'S, I).\S||~Kut 34c per gallon, 4 ,^WsWatkins Hardware Cun'ma,Vi •H) lit— DRY PINE WOOD KoiT&VLE Sawed stove length and Uelive cd anywhere in Henderson. L). ;,i Glover, phone 4021. 28-ji'i! LAUD CANS, r.'i l.l; ]' \!N unpainted. 5llc, .'ilk e.i. Walk Hardware Co. In—,ii LOST—T H A N S P A H E N T ~Il 1LLKOLD between Soda Shop ,,iui Kir.brt-r Theatre. Contained A and I; coupon books, driver's Iiichm", u. gistration card, Kiiuic. notify .v.3cv Stainback, Henderson route 1, ,.va receive reward. 9.;,. WEEDING llOES, RAKES, AXES po.-t hole digger.-, irate ihain?u:.i plow lines. Alex S. Watkins ABE YOUIt HOUSEHOLD tiOOUS and personal elicit: insured? u not give us an opportunity «t !«. ting you know how little 11 costs ta carry this protect ion. Catos lr.. surancc Agency. Phone linn, Huir.ti Building. For Better lnsuruncc ai a Saving. lS-t! WASHBOARDS. GI.A - OJCLY tk ca. Watkins Ilardw; Con puny 1»-Hi GOOD USED CAliS A1 HEASO.V able prices. A lo >k licie will convince you that llie.o cars ait priced lo move. Km it l'lymuulM —Chevrolets, W3I iu lIM'i. CandW-r-Paliiu't Molar Ct.. 15-'J GAIHSAGE CANS IIVI-: UM.l.N gal\. "lit - I*. i\ or.-.> l.l.> li.i! l» U>c IJ)-. Sal-biry- A n-n. U»*> large round wi>:!; :■::<( kc« worms. Parker's 1>. i{ s: h li-'.: UKUCEUIES, FUl.Sli Mi:.VIS ANU vegetables. EveiyUnm; I«t )oJ table. \\'c deliver and .-ave v«i gas and tune. Plium t ill. Alwj)I ready to serve you. Ilcriicits V1*low Fron t. 'j-1' WELL CHAIN-WEI .1 >i :» l.KMITMs He per lout. Hook lei :ii.- 5c [e fool. Walkuis II..n:1. OFFICIAL T I R K INSPECTION Station. Cars washed, lubricaiw. polished, battel iv* recharged, gas and oils. L. T. Harris li"" Service Station, Garneti and ilw ner Sis. plione I1U3-W. 26-tt SINK FAUC ETS, I-LANGK TYPE or plain. Black ihkI galv. Bm" cut oil seal, SI..">u i>|'. lV;tU.r» Hardware Company. 10—l" TIKE HEAUt^lIAIfT Ei;.' -V.I. IIAVi the latest official informationiij* garding tire inspection and aPI™ cation for new tires and tubes. Lrt us help you with yours, llcrderwo Vulcanizing Co. "ELECTRESTECAN " BABY BOIHe warmers. Only . Ictv in »lWfc Watkins llardw.ue t on I'.niy. Ill—I EXPEKT TYI'EU IHT !: \N" A':' ding Machine rcpan n an now w#" netted with us and V.e arc equipped to give you »>r ;upt ^ efficient service on all kind.makes. Phone 112 Alford's '''"' i »f & Office Supply Co. CAST~~SEWEIt Pll'i:. I" ['"J Good quality, -lit pel 1 !' kins Hard wax? Company, VITA-VAK SUKI-Al.rX WASH* able wall finish. It I lie new to decorate Dries in one liottr. duccd to $2.50 j>er gallon. Roofing Co. _ GLASS I'EUCOLATOHS, bilked with metal in-ct, In™4 cups, price $2.1)5. Watl.i" ware Company. llarH10—(<• INSURANCE — HKNTAW Heal Estate—Home l-'inannnft Personal and courteous atlcnu to nil details. AL. II. WESTI K Phone 139 McC'oln "ldI