7IO ON' lorena CARLETON . *"TTt*' f,JK ANU CtVfRAL |Wjt A. • "MAI'TKU FORTV Kjv;. ;:v; ;:;v:',,r:/.r;:Lrrs ti. i Know how in* v.In n , . ,U1° into II:.- til..-it.-r. I (III .',7 '' ■Mil tiler.- hail been n„',,r,0 in. i t ami Armaruio an<| t|io .j . • JwikJil sa:.<:y. natu, "H'Twai-,1. ''"' "i.-:: ami lak, ' .''In- ln.l ii„{ nuti,., ,| i,,.,. Iti;i|i_ Kill Ml- ws »ioti«-i,iK l,im Ml. ua ;:l:i, l„» at f.iui. ; "V ".'«■* =l- « «ll. "WIm-iv '! ' "IK 11.(III? Jlow .Jul Vol| • ' ■ ",w ,";;,ib~--u,c ,a;ii t,,,cs,i"» . 1 *<•'.• y.mi wlM-n I v.-as ,ak. •ii;: . •'H--. nIi. .said in u„ K11 ,. laid \ ..isju i' alio lia.l used i„' lilSt I* mailt.:. ° ,K'r Tod ratijci; moved nr-ar.-r n i:- 11 you aii- tubing curtain call •' -Mallory. ynu dont K. .■ any,,,,,-. I . . II your audience, .- v fla. ks of t-Ianioi.ny hand.s ' ami I .'I * lu.s>i.n}f at inc.- 1 •rill not hi.s.iin- I j,,*, . «;"!■„ <"»• «onv.;. I .lon't blame yon. ft*<1 .,-,t s"'"" ;,1 l,:t t.-r the a , Hiioa donna t, Uwl oaI he- ^ I'luuii ha.l heen wallit,™ i-, ,i„ #'li ' l when M I'm, V i i. i i . t i v * mkvv tiia«ii» h I la .1 lK>U\ Willi a . I .. „ • r ami an a.s|,irin r,,r t.. . ".. to Atm y oi!Vr lK"" SO fu,io"* Willi rn" at all.- '* 1 ,k-viki] you nu'r!"^, 'JURt jt' Wha« '!« Vol: ,<-'u-»n*r JI10 : lian<ici lie. ' .. l.out any lah, fro„, y y ■ dually tclo,,!,„:u- , I ^,,,,,1 0:u.ti; <tU in^pp-ironm V"'-,:1' ^"V Aiila nil t at'lu-'illy Til.. «„ns wa.^|!,v'olJ-V Alano^" ! -ni i *\00lJ "" H»0 IS jvh(■'« „W» y°U fiC0'" .|1,. ' *'!,s 'f elio wore 7 i iii I'nsm Tint . • • ^ he warned seriously.! utter a grin li>r l'rlsi->. just I Ui:it vxprcssit.11. You |ct>!-v tiU<- :i I ilu am ami u my old mn; don't deceive me 1 lieni Hi* mob at tin door. lie was light. Swiftly MaHoiy moved from tin* darkened wings m •<> tin; stage, near Imt in front of Sandy, who .stood at the piano. If possible, the pi im i ilo:inu ul...iy<: nii cli i ai min-is ilistuge. A ft \v e.\pct;< tie* s in Iter own jaimiU'il dri-.'-iiitig m <:n had tau;:lil her tiiat (,ui.v;; Wriv suit so in linger ii pro.i■. ■! • m too tVlii itcly liy fk> 11 ii ..;ii ■ | lay ing Willi lights. Yet sliu wmf gracious. as the [teople Mirged iijkjii 'iie sta'-c. ii hi stood illr« ctly Iwliird h r. againat oiu elbow, vcllng ua a sort ot biaeci-. Mailay Ik,' an So Maiir ami utter pleasant remarks of thanks. Toil I'a triili stooil to one side. thinking humorously. "Ad iniratin dot ; more for M allory than liver extinct for :m anemia patient." At tile stnn- time If tvas, its ahvayii, rev -1 ;;ijr in the ndula tiou his best artist was r-cciving Kor alio wan his beat artist, even though she shouted it too ofl«n to please him. lie vvatehed a r loriously prell> Mexie. :i j;i11, in white vel et : e..! a short ' nmne I ape. ki.-v X' ,11 loll lul'l i-lie.-l.il, then el.e.vd in Ii - j.ltle Hie Mh;-.-r to .-itay. !fe walel: -d | also, the . -cost oi that darl; i haired gill |i • M.illoi-y-.; iiant!. a i fellow i., hands..me that jnst see ing him made Tod Patrick f. • 1 if a ti.'htxjiie were stuek in i.i. Dir..at. The vntn^ ntan stepped r.side to make way for a middle-age I couple whom the :n in girl ill v. •lit' in troduced. "i"« •• I 1'atrich could w»l help : ' It.!: ■ as if he v.w \.-;'n 'ins: something Important. Ami it V.MS Import lilt. >1 i: ;y wa." meet ing '' 11lo.V parent . iii;i l'loth r. a tlun woman wi !i c::.pii--,te ev« .i. drc:->ed in iti" • i!nl i a t 11 ,-a hles. and w. 'Mi!- : pal !:lr -r ttiaa: .. and large diamonds, deiil ratoly 't in massive • gold inmmtir.es. ,V .1 tl;e f:th r. taP. white haire.l a!..! p >. ;!y 1 idoiv o ill full dre After compliments on I er nov I forma nee, the Senora I-ilratla said to Mnllory, "1 regret having neg-l I'-cted yon. lint I have bt i ll j-aH,th ill since reluming to the city. 1 want you for dinner soon." "Thank you." murmured the !t!, feeling like some chill in kinder garten instead of a celebrated art ist. In her ear she lu urd Prism's soft mutter. Thus prompted, slit raced to say. "And thank you for the violets. I shall sleep with them beside my lied.'* Those dozens oi 1 clusters in the large, flat purple j basket must have been tlion those placctl at one side of the pi ano. Coa.1 old I'risitl, witll hei memory like an elephant's. "Carlos said they were the color of your eyej." Tlie mother smile.J. "lint he was wrong," said the Senor Estrada. "No flower could have such a delicate clear sick ness." At-ain Maliory felt immature as a child. "You are most gallant." They moved on with Carlos in tow. "Father's quite the flirt.". Manuelita said with an Amciitv.n | single. "I'll stick here and help you , with people. Maliory." Which ; .| Diiir-r mtimnaiu nv-int.. i. tj„ v.ii ioti.. ' ar.it m mr, I i lmi i'i.-s, iifW.si : ;• hu m In tii.lt s tliu.sv she li:i' Mi.' . ,y ,,f ti„. iuUrvKW, !|»1 III.'I! <,•!), ,■ cltlfg. i; w:i.. |||. '>at Manuelitn k.-iii..-i| to K""\v i-v.'iyono. When slu .|u| not, ■ I"' <•. <•! binIc ami talked lij-litlv >• ; i •" it- v TIi.k .she ,li,| j.Ik., when • • i..11 aril Willi.tin Smith putir.i-il 1"'" alitor. Only she did not I a Ik with «,.ijdy Si..- ,s,m..Iv ;*•' ! j"I ■'••I: ami ill aim,I the •" 8. V. i 1 !l<- m „|, prunu fcatnrrft wtui .... thoroughly. till! ••I K:iii Heavy Losses 'nflicted On Relief Force Soviets Closing in Relentlessly After Capture of Korsun. London. 1-Yli. 15— (A1 *) — lVns ot thousands of weary, Hilary (icrmahs. remnants oi • ill crack divisions trapped in 'ic Cherkasy death linjr twclvi ays ajro, fmiKht desperatelv >day to escape annihilation a* .. ussian forces closcd in rclonl \. \ssly al ter seizing Korsnn tre c.r the enemy's resistance. German ri'liol liirccs made a desperate attempt to Mirror tlieir .(Mieireled cnnirutles. hut appai •I -nlly wore stopped uilli severe usses alter drivint; a "s / I>1 ; ve(ke" into llie Soviet rordtin. v,i A IS ussian romintiniiiue said .. • that at least 'i.OOU Nazis were Killed and tanks and '111 sell ',!.>■ 1 l>rr|ielled cutis destroyed or ..j eaplureil in tlie abortive attack. illt, which was launched Irom enemy Mall. at a point miles soiilli .,, , , west or Korsun. I., - . In f-tormin;; Komi", the |{ti.-sian: |,| .ill lhe\ killed l.'MMl N /.is. >ul.iiec M:ii,nolher enemy uni| and reduced tin "I «■••• iiV >.V." 1*.'• n'liiii.'.'i: it' ilown here. in' (onr.se I like it. too." lie said. M/iIlory i-trore.] the inforer.ro. "Want to come home with us? To i ll," .si1.-.- emphasized. "Xo thanks. pet. Vi>tt R^t a roo.1 .«le. :> f»i your next concert will lie as .-qirc ssful ur. this one. I'm turn- I itljr i!l Villi Saivly toni;;lit." :.1 ii:.'i-y ha>I lueti i*i l.ed almost a half hour ulten a prodding Hi. ■ :iit ••-pro i ! h- r. Wiiy had net Uielinii itlytlu- hern at her cou rt rt ? 'T.i P.e Continued) FATHER AND BABY HE PLACED ON RED HOT STOVE "GETTING EVEN" with his wife for a quarrel they hr>.d, .f;;ir.cs C. Johnson (!t rt>, 31, of Fort Wayne, Ind., sal his 13-nionth-old son William (above) on a red hot stove. WInn t!ii l- !>y .en : •;! .?> n'vny, he handed him lo Mrs. Johnson, who lied to a noighl or. J • ■ ■:* n followed h. r ; i v . t.\ ; ,5 v. ..!i a poker. Baby is in a tarious condition. Father was iailrU on .'i and battery ci.: : :e. 1 Ivtnrii'ilioital) YANKS GO JAP-HUMTIN3 CM Efc'jr.yj i3!AND DESPITE THE WIDESPREAD DESOLATION on the Island of KnubuJ, in (lie Marshall*, there are still some Japs to hp blnstcd out of tlicir pillboxes. To hasten their end, a group of marines of ihe 7th Division move up • 37 mm. enn to eradicate the last vesliffcs of resistance. Our forocs are now concent.a Ing their power on Aliitf ttltfils.iJi the Marthalls by-passejUn flralt>fcmi.yc- Signal .Corg8j^liut?^.(f >itjirnu(iwg( bwn^fiotg). WW TOT'S BODY JS\' CAVE-W . "°T,EN HAVE ^?UNC! the erushcd ho<-]y °-r --year-old Julo Ann Ful [!!' • n Up',y the t,al11' a cave-in whirl! opc:vtl ^,.1 in in ii nunc cave-in v.imn o up a hole in the Pittston, Pa., street on which she was wall;ait; with her aunt. Miners found the tot's body 4'J Xeet below Uie surface alter a two-day battle with tuns of sliding earth. (I;:tcrii(ili:>iici) DEAR «OAH= AT THE ENC> OF A T!?AIM Tic>lf=> DO YOU <SET OFF OAJ YO'JK CWM ACCORD OIS DOIHS "THE POETC& HAVE TO BBUSH YOU OFF B BUNM - CHASLOTTEy N .C , Deab moah= to eco SQUIBEEUS Go AJIT7TY ovete a-coi?n ? MRS DELIA SABlMA. PLA.)NFiei_p//M.'X. aioah= is am l O.U. JUST A. PaPctR V.AIT? MRS t W TOBO BU^BAW<, CALify DEAR. NOAH— IF THE RECIPE Fcra CAKE frost;ajo saio '-* B5AT IT FOT5 s MiNUTCS " SHOUt-O THE CCOX WALK. OFF ThE JOB? HAREIHT MOLAND — fjgM&VA^ K' V SCOTI S SCRAP BOOK By R J. SCOn , WtlAcf /roForYIoiI O* hu»«1"iUi^ AjECiDLKf! AKC (TA.lli.tP ry HUM-fLRi "t %• .LLVI t, ? 40 PtR CtN-f' •►.c. MMMAS nt"- k, BA.yA.RP vns CoN^iDi.c.tp -ihl 1A41* OF "t><t C,RLM' Afc.IAOC.Lp Krti.'itWSi -(ilt. fcsip^r.or IA.MO, itH01L-HA,Mt>LV. Hi vj,:rV-Vlool> 200 '.t.OOrC • POPEVEX hc.u co 1 jT-7^ IVOU LIKE ) ,f j iMEtNMV V-' Vi UUFORM?/ f - ■ I l_ II HIMBLE THEATRE—Starring Popeye I S'A LOOKS C.aiELL,,'/ HAH ! I \ -.A v V.'iUTCM -VAS.JT/ KMOi-UG } { A («. S£5 Ok'AVji I ^AT CALL. J 4:7^ t (ur <£T>, r t (€r-s-A - ^LV^.ov) - /r a> P \X "Shore 'Leaf'!" BLONDIE—»• Ic Everybody Happy? By Chic Young C?-\G>a'OOP, Lr-v. PP VOU SEE <- - ./-> . MV 5'6 KJEW >v;; |> bottle op ^k ?"' L SUS5LE V. I SAW COOKIE f (50i'\J£3 UPvTAlR*^ \ WIT 'A A 016 -• ' 0 ■■ A .• &£&£ FTTA KCTT !"w no 1"HAT I A BOY FRIEND H fTRUDYS' WHAT ' > k " i hunk „ 'lOFmuar/o.'rJ doingsrAe-o«:'-.-jr t as™® ?;k . mkhbj Mr : - cm : S3 tfSSv1 DOLLAR, QU£5- 1 /vl 5 OH. '.vrLL" IF ITS ABOUT LOVE VM= ] woi/LDNr know ABour that.' By PAUL ROBINSON LOOK MOM ' 80YS ARE ' ... SCARCE BUTDOnTGET — HI u/ * • >vr«„ _ . , . p. L>w I i-Ayx I v_iC l —* V.7-!^-o= TWE idea I'M TRAPPING^ </ ,.» ••• • 1 MOTHER, j | f.u best p-jar-w , i ' \ ; rRiENOS ■; f* ■ \ <3 <M4/i^Sr: NO DEAR.' 6EAU-" jSg8» ''A v<^ - a THE GU.lv«l ,-5 It's .{j">o Rt'bble Dancer In Her!

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