^■i Mtnbvr&tm BatUf Htspafrh ^ TillRTY-F1RST YEAR '■fr}i?cKs£"My'ISS" HENDERSON, N. C., FRIDAY AFTERNOON, FEBRUARY 20, i!M I PUULIS,^xl'KiWNi^7KUNU<^ FIVE CENTS COPY SENATE OVERRIDES TAX VETO BY 72 TO 14 ^ BRITISH MIDGET SUBS PACK KNOCKOUT PUNCH r~" ONLY ABOUT 45 FEET LONG, British midget submarines have demonstrated their power by knocking out one of Germany's mighty battleships, the Tirpitc. Shown for the first time is one of the craft that attacked the battlewagon of! Norway in Sept. 1943. and left it seriously damaged. To accomplish this the subs and their three-man crews squirmed through elaborate defenses to push home the attack. Several of the men who took Dart in the daring raid were given the Victoria Cross. 'lnter"at>onal Hadionlioto) May Hike Age Oi industrial Determents A:;e Minimum Might Have to Be Raised I roin 22 to 26 Years W.i-hinjrtr.n, Keb. U*>—(AI') I In- .military draft situation li t- licciiiue *o tight that seleet )• orvice may sunn have to rai i llie age miniimmi fur inil'i.-irial deferments from -2 to L!t> y« ars. Major General Lewis 15. ilorshey told the Senate AgiMriiitiirt' Committee today. !li hey, who directs selective iappeared before the cumi i discount estimates Ili.it revised regulations for the deferment I.iim workers might take halt «•; tar 1.700.0(H) fanners now ex• i(l from the draft because of ' i: occupation. I :if din etoi coinmen'.ed in tiie :< i "t testimony relating t• • the ii I 11trees' need for stepped up i .r'.ion.s: "It l<«iks as it we would I . no to I'li years on industrial ( it i incuts before long." Such deferments are now denied iho e under 'i'l llershey appeared after four matarni organizations declared in ' i i ; statement that new selective service rules would demoralize liMI crop production. The Senate «•' ninittee is investigating the situation. Stock Rally Stalls Today acv York, Feb. —(AIM—lis '"•p1 li>r a handful ol relatively 1 |mi: specialties, the stock market i U.v t illed today and price trends generally were indefinite. .\ new 1SM3- I I high was posted for American Telephone. Support wa • H'lcd Western Union "A", United State, Steel. Chrysler, and Mont»:■ niicry Ward. A trifle backward were liethlchcm, Sears Ifoeburk, 1 nilel Aircraft. Weslinghouse and '•midyear. Bolide were steady and commodities mixed. Fruitless Attacks Of Nazis As Allies Improve Positions Frcnch on Cassino Front Repulse Nazi Attack on Mt. Abate Allied Headquarters, Naples, Feb. -5—(AP)—German force* ringing the An/.io beaeliheail, m»\v swollen to ien divi sioiis. peeked at American-Uritisli lines yesterday in two fruitless attacks southwest of l.'arroceto as the Fifth Army steadily improved its position, it was announced today. The enemy likewise ill like force assaulted French positions no Monte Abate on the ('assinii front, lint artillery fire broke up tie* thrust, and on the liswrr Garigliaun seetor (iermaii probing attempts were blocked. Despite a seven-inch snowfall in I In- mountains around I assino, AlIit l Cairo, miflwiiv between Castillo anil 'I erclle. J'l,e new Gi rmait division added to the nine which have been containing I lie An/.to beachhead for some days was said I" have been brought I mm northern Italy. Tiie I wo bc;i:hhcad attack;, were launched by only i company ot infantry in i ich ca. o, usually aboul 2(10 men. They were repulsed wilii heavy losses to the enemy, it was announced. Alln d artillery got. ihe range «>f a German tank concentration near the si -called laclory in the Carroeoto area and forced it to disperse. Although the Germans maintained cl ';c contact against the Allied j beachhead, the passing of another day. the filth, without major developments. g.ive the Kifth Army valu.ible time to Irenglhci) its defences auotli-t .iti expected third full scale German offensive The Germans continued (•> make ,i number of ntlisince infiltrations around Allied outposts si otli of the Nazis" mam rallying point .it I'nrrocelo, bat a Kifth Army spokesman said these were being kept under (Continued on Pane Vive) Smashes Deep In Reich Continue Allied Air Drive I'd i. H~> — (Al*) —Oiroal I'i in i1 ioii:; of American heavy •"'ml « i .. c.ii i icd llir unprecented | Allied serial offensive thundering through its sixth day today with "••iiiishes deep within Germany at aircraft production plants at ltcg- | eushurg. Stuttgart and other target. The heavy daylight assault carried (he mighty offensive racing on1 round the clock after the HAH look "p the two-way scourge of Nazi Plane production last night in a 1.000 plane raid from Britain on Schweinluit and scat other forma lii.it. I mm Italy to attack Stcyr, in I Austrian. Tn.iay's strong fold's .v swarms nf Allied fighters as they dumped now destruction <"i IIk- aircraft works at Kci'cnsburg and tin: ball-bearing works at Stuttgart All targets or llici daylight assault were deep inside CJernany with the assault on Hegensburg, in southern Germany. requiring a round trip flight of more than 1,100 .niiik A Zero a Minute A NEW RECORD for destroying rnciny planes has been set by I,t. Eugene IS. Ilanks of Gibbs, Idaho. In his first combat action, lie knocked i out five Japanese planes during a raid by carrier planes on Mille in the Marshall Islands. U. S. Navy photo. (Intcmafioi.'al Souiidplioto) RAF Attacks Plane Works In Austria Naple . Kelt (API IMF \V< llmgtons Iioiii li.ily ma..lied ,it the < ei'maiiy aircraft fact try ;i* Speycr, An.(it.i. ti t night while it Mill wa • lit.i/mg front Flying Fortless attacks cut tlt«- two preceding d;iy •, tin' Mediterranean Allied air forces announced today. (tin- formation of Wellingtons bombed Mir Hatmlei factory while larger Wellington r< >|-< ■ 1411 ion . attacknl bmlt-ll|i ,n— < A1') — Germany's Trans-Ocean news agency broadcast today iliat German troops have evacuated the jrrent White Russian stronghold of Vitebsk. to fall back toward the old Polish frontier 7'» tniles i<> !he west. I The (irrr.iaii liish command's hi n.idrast lalrr. did !« I mention Vilrlisk lint confirmed an curlier tlcrlin an- | iiotinermrnf—als*i made hv cow—that Kussiait troops had talir'i llin;a< .»cv, a renter miles south of Vitebsk. M> . ciiv. .1 iry ."t 1 . di'i'larrd i!':«! tlit!or*> H - the ice on llie l>!iie|Mi° ri.tr which firms a lut-'e ill the line, dispatches said. Al• I ll'it till- | ipltlio I.: \' 1 . The (lorta n Tians-Occan news il'.enoy. i'i ;i I*i : liti liri'.idiast recorded Ii.v l!i" MiiiiMry of Information. sa"J that Vitebsk. impoi taut junction <1 !oui limil. railways and undoi si< .a- by Hod .ii my Iniops since last November. was cvaeuated rmly after bitter fielding. An earlier Hoi liil I'i<> mIi a.sl had arknowledjiod tlic "ovai lalion" "I l{"uaehov. Premier Stalin, in no «•• Inn nrdois of the day, announced earlier that General Constantino K"knssnv*k> army, in a new • tfensivo ninth of the i'ripet n:arsh< . had raptured Ruoaehev and had advanced 15 miles mi a Mil-mile wide front, taliinn nmio than 30 towrs and villages. One Soviet formation alnne killed 4.0110 i neinv troops. captured many prisoners and quantities ol war materiel, including lili big guns the announcement said. The fall ol Hogachev and Vitebsk j —the fnriner a rail town 1.1 mile.-. | rorth i I /.hlohin, iiinctioii point on the Vilcbsk-Gomel and (iontelMinsl; railways was viewed here1 as an indication th.it the Itusslans j intend mounting a new oflonshe aimed at the White Hussian eapital of Minsk, less Shan 1(H) miles west o| tiie ii< a rest Russian line on the rapidly changing front. Rod army troops lor weeks have been astride the railway between Vitebsk and Polotsk, another strategic Nazi stronghold 55 miles to lli west ol tin Vitebsk-liiga railway. < )n the Itallii In nl. I'jn miles north "I tin Vitebsk sector. Hod army troop, , in.orging on Pskovhad not only i .| tilled lino, last important Na/.i I', -e to the east of Pskov, hut h nl Is • occimied a \ illago ^1) mil'. t " the li."* V. M'i:.c< w said. Cotton Quiet At Midday New VnU. KH>. 2a—(AP> Cn(t"ii future.-. opened leu In i:> cciils 11 li Ic Ifiwei i\ ..>ti values H'i'ic miehaiiut'd I" l:. ■ ciils ;i Ivilc Inciter March 2IUSI. M.iy 20 .|r,|v I'Ull. \vnr» lo;l III I.lli.i M l 1 .! .,|.(.|.iii..n . I:'lIi .III I.mi.' MMHiHf allneked l.•ml.in; ' 11• -in mile mil (Invest i,| ami S|nl fit i' .ml Kiftyliawk . » ;.«•in>J ii|> I lie A* i'//auii-("lii< l i mid destroyed l\vn locuiniiljyes .itiii || i mil or truck*. WfATHER Kill NOIITII CAROLINA Cloudy anil continued uarm tonight anil Saturday. Slightly higher t o in |i p r a I u r.r tonight. Scattered showers and thunderstorms Saturday. Previous close ' IjICII I'ii III L'i'i i:: l!> K!l I !l III 111.21 March Mnv .... July I Ictolwr 1)( ceinher '.'ii;; i :!'| la 111 III 12 111.21 CLARK EN ROUTE TO ANZIO HERE IS nn excellent study of T„t. Gen. ilark W. Clark, Fifth Army chief, ibonnl a PT boat speeding him to the Anzio beachhead. Mis troops ai« •w.iu.nj, ,1 thi- d Nazi "drtve to the ^iea" alter bre: king'tlic hsfck of l\v— (AIM First eye-witness ;»cemint i'l tin- I>i>1ti .lapun's nuvul li.ase ..I Trnk
  • dosed thai I'. S. I>at I li'sli i |is niiivi il in cl«.se cnmiv.li to Mast an enemy cruiser u> the ocean I >« >( t < >tn. "I'll. i. v. if i>.• i . i;>.itcd in tiic Ihlllidei I ..it • .■ i ll <>l>\ I'tu.sly : ii! m i i'I .ui'l ' iiin.'d the .1 i|>; \ ,il ■. in, i Ii- t . . |h-i illi.'lll disel. 'til" . .1 i;>.• 11 «• .. i ■ ii \ • 'iisideraidy v.r.d.e: th.in "I n < |H'Cled. /Villi ill i l .it I I IK I llllr I II l\ Iiiiiii cruisers i.illirr III in friim .I.iim its v.itml'.i ni'iiind drlrnsrs ;i( ||ir < .iodine i-.l.iiul li.isliini. Allli" ii.h I i i i."-"ili. il> >n vcik ti «.i y. 'i Inn* w •. I"|ii|l< 'I •" l>> hi ■ '' • ;:elf-MI lililipiu II I II ' 1 "til I !• I.ll III.; di yd I .1.1 tun: -c \. irsliii>s, inslr.id nl ninvin: 'Hit lii i li.il'rnrr (!<•* I'iiwiIiiI \ num.111 l.ish fiilrr. Iri' il In I li r imrlli. "'I In i' .1 iiij>''•>:-! mi I hi'1 A ,i ■ I " ■ - .1 v ro li 11 y |. I ots iiIhiic lliroiiith nml got ennui'I •' "■ p tl'ivvii," ...iid l.i ( oiiint I Harry W. Il.irris »n. Ilf M Hill i" I . 11 ■ I. I !.l„ 11" ' ll. •!" < I • ■ if Mill l Ml" .Hill. I v ltd \\ ,i ■•■..-il >1 (>n n| ll" .11 i l • ' i il l . il: 1li" I i «>|M>r»t fi A t ' .I .ti ""I .1 .(i.in.-■ • (.l.iii" . M«| i..l (I. ..Vli III lli|. ;|l. lark I li ' .i'ii"i til.itio. "I In* I1H-II!\ f ' liisrr. iiilr ill lirl\M i li lii .mil III ships Mink .il 'link. Ilrd uilli Hirer oilier «nrsliip. Ilinniuli llir nrrlli |i,ism <•! Ilir n-i'l rnrinlinc (In- ID-nillr Imuihmi. Hailin ,-jli'i • r. necessary I" |irnIrrl iii.i\ i'ii,i nl- "I >Ii11i.s, still |>■-«'vi-nli'd iij-i :ls mi I In* iirroiniili.Oiinenls "I .i liij; la.sk force winch sr ill lliilidrrds nf | tallies fiKiilllst I" " '1 > ii I In- Mai inna islands. 7'MI niiIrs iinitliwrsl of Trnk. 1 lul l ad iii silence was ended yes (Conlinucd on Pnge Five) Farmer Draft To Demoralize Crop Yields Washington, IV. i MM- Khiii major larm • > tn '/i- ns declarc-i in a joint state..ent th.it new ,-eleetive service rules vvoiil-l (!• imr.'ili/1!M4 crop production t -* Senate Agricultural ComnrMce began .111 investigation of the .inn Major (icitfral I n . U llershey. select p. e sOIA ice Ct >1. V as called The Willie.- .(1 . i . it n; pi .Mlljil ed liV .111 1 ir "ier dill hoard in rovic •. ! ti< leimeiil : i "1 I 'lr.it t »'» t.i: m |;ilu»r •\ (iiinl -1 t'eiiiiii 01 !: !'••,:. uc :-n:irk«-d n :;ii 1 il iwcll which from the vcr> start I scant riouhl .is ti> Hi" 11 mit ciitciiin- of the lav liill, which 1 lie President raited inadc-iuat.c The I louse acted tiliickl vcslcrd;:-.. Ketlilir aside til'.* vet 11 liv a v«.lt- . H..UI. ! • i) II; 1 I: • t ><■ 11 I,. Dough' 'N < . I' I. t-li.ttriiliiii nt the H<' i,i' U mil Mi-in:. CnmnuttCR which nrnji: a'cd the 1ax bill months aU". :-l >od with other llon.se nicmi hers at the renr of the Senate eh; nibei ii! • i;. rowing ;>1 limes with emotion. Senator Pciqwr (Fin.. D.) i> Idlv p/orla::ned l»Illinvavoi'itlg i< tion t. "liberalitim" and Frank-* in ' >. I{l» ; «\olt. With lull knowledge. lie .s iid. Ui.tt ; ho si<>«"I with a smail minority against overriding the veto. Topper 1 solemnly declared: "I have 11 ithinK to gain except | :Ji«' i"estiniable satisfaction of ex| pressing my own conviiti <11." j If iho issue were simply overrid1 nig tin- vet > of a tax lull parsed by | Cone loss. Pepper asserted. In- would not he mi nn-ved. He was afraid, I he said, that the defeat of the PresiI dent on the tax hill might alter "the s permanent course mid character o£ our party " ! Taking the floor after Pepper finished Senator Lucas (111.. D.) who usually supports administration policy. said he disagreed with the flori 'da sinator < 11 the issue irvulved in 1 ti e 1 vi : riding vote ' I'm voting on the issue of t,i\ legislation a"Vi tax legislation alone." Lucas said. The roll o ill followed. Thus ended another act i:i the r.ipitar.-. ■ «.-t stirring political \ drama 111 wars. ^ Allien W Rarklry, the genial, r.iddv faced Kentuekian who won a ir aniniir.s vote of confidence from his Dim ciatio colleagues as Senate ujnrity leaner yesterday, helped clear t!ie .1 i' after a three-day poli:;< ■! storm hv dispatching a letti i M tiicnil hip to President HoosoveU. \\ I'. o i.iev'.- !. *W expressed •incut ti 1 Mm d'.-pnte would It 11 el"" ' o;.t ; .itinn between ' the legislative and executive braneht'!s.Jt contained no indlcntion thai in I *l rVitim-d '1 mind about ov■ • 1 iriith«- 1 ■. lull veto. Ii> ii' in Ir post as leader . '1 \v. ill." d.o III- declared C. 11would > to »■ • override if it • I .ii'.v t It-re nect It It." I II < 1.1 bal dly wait to fCon'inued 011 Page Kive> three Jap Vessels Sunk Oil iXevv Ireland Coast Mil* •) H I'lii.n If s 'tlhwr.-sl I'aelMe, kcl. \iuer>ra»il !r i,vi'i . • lit (!<■ M I t) mi .I.ip- ! • f I -«• Ill) ' ( I).nil \ i . Is .111(1 a dr. | .vlniyer <>11 \(.u 11 • • I 11;tl. mid se(»r- | inii I lii.ii i- M. . Acilmr-> imitni «rwnil U-H ij that i . Allien (Ion in.ilc the mm iim'l, „ the- IJj^. in. ri ... cllipelai,'". Captain Ai h uii T, lint kc of • Chevy ( haw, Md.. (nmnutiidcil the | 'IcMniyrrs fn :ti Admit.il Willi,mi !•'. i lliilsc.v's force which sank the throe j-hiI>s. shelled the Kavieim. \'fw I Ire! uid. tneniy base a :d bombarded Japanese installations (in DiiUo df York island, between New Ireland and New Britain, all in 13 hours I ilf;rl,tv. M ' ■">' i'"1'1 "'i Mabntil. New • ' "- Monday iiid Tuesday, with H't !(in>, ..I I»m11» dropped <>n airilfini i and .shipping m Krravia bay. ' '"'i'llKHl tin- I'imIi It'll (if the b«sc» which MacArlhur ' • helped i„ "tightening the •''pane.se Hist nark. smivitt h'Hnts. I'm,ted States have pushed i•< >•'.i,(I the Mot river on the north'l' W, <"»8l and arc; !" "iiles northwest of Said or n ','v'•' •r,Amcr'<1,ns lnndcd J«n1. * ' r,ho"' progress is toward . J>'d