FATHERS TO MAKEUP MANPOWER SHORTAGE Employer Required To Bargain With Union, Court Rules 8 to 1 Decision by Court Upholds NLRB Order to J. I. Case W.i liiiyrloii, I-Vli. 2S—(AT) — III. Supreme Court ruied iod.iv th.'tt an employer is rei|tiiriil 11\ the National Labor Uelalinti act to bargain collectively wit' i a union, regardless of tni'iafi - reached with individual mnloyees. ,1 : I .Ian..Mill il< livei'ed ille MKill I,. ii« i winch upheld 11»»ii. |i|.i\ isii |i • of .i lalmr Ijnai'd (i ilintmi; the .1. I. I'.im' Coiiip.<iiy. it linck Island, 111., in '•• if— j, n . i'.Ii 'the liileriiatimial t'liim:. An" il.'ile arch Auricullural litij • ii>< lit Winkers .if America (I'lO). .1 • Huberts favored reversal. ii'I v.rite a disentitle npiuli ill. I lir majority opinion said it w.e. •tin- very purpose" ol the M ;< ii law (<> stipe! srilc the li-rnts el' separate aerrrinruts villi tln.se which "rrflrrt the »t r»'»in4 !• and Ii.ii:;.lining |m w.'i' .mil serve the welfare of III" Kroun." I: ..i in-lit., anil advantages a.e t • evi l v « m|i|i»y«e nl the tep•'i I unt. vvlia'i'MT llif lv|n' nr ' he |ji'i'-''\isir.i; wmitiain. in. • ii ii 'i 11Hie I'piiiinn. I \ i'ii tlieiiKh Ihr individual i iinli.iris have expired. Ihr Nl Mi had eimleiidrd lh.it there *•* 111 'A.e. nrril id ,i i ii I i ii lor III.- tiitiirr. A majcril \ of the rai.ilmei", designated I lie I'lO us their bargaining- represrnlalive. U. S. Bombers Strike France loi'den. Fell. !S—(AIM—I S. In- n > hoinhrrs pounded al Nazi lit1111.ir\ elijeelives in northern I 1.1 ii i in assaults eonihined well lilnws hy American Maii iiili'is and British inrdiuni hiniiliers. It w as the first Ameriean hi'.i\ \ honilier operation sinee H i' raid on Kegeiishiirg in <!eriii.inv Friday liy planes from I'.nt.iin and Italy, and marked Hie ISlli operation of Ihr I niteil "■••airs I'.ir.hlh Air Force fouri iii'.iin-d liumhers this miinlli. Stocks Show Seme Advance >■'< V. York. Feh. 28—(Al')—Mod•l\.Hires (I'Hiiiiiiili'il 1'id.iy's 11 n'ket |ir"eei'<liiiRs. vcar'ii peaks were lunched . ■ • tern Union "A" and "11." • 1 " .hi I'elephone. American Air •hmI Atlantic ( nasi Line. I in[M• >\ ed were United Slides Sled ;hk! ' l«l}tgai*(ls included |)<i|ii;. Ai" r.ifl. Siiiilhei 'i liailv.a.v. ' '■1'' •'uiI (•oodrieli. * '■ ' iiul c ii i ii in id 11 ic.-; were n i • Appropriate Job WORLD'S woman parachute .lumpin k champion. Pvt. Mario McMillin, 13 assigned to the parachulc department at Williams t'ield, Ariz., ; as an inspector and iij;i;cr. Slio h.1* iJinde fi-10 jumps in her nicer and holds the rccord for the longest leap ever made by a woman — 21,301) iect. (International) La rge Convoy Joins Forces In Britain I iimlnii. Oh. 'IK.—(,M')—I '. S. lord's massing in Itntain tor ail invasion ol' Hi-slrrn I'.iirnitr have been strengthened by Ihc arrival of our «f the larRest contingents of Amrrican troops cirr lo cross the Atlantic or can 111 one convoy. 'Ihc crossing was made millout a sin!;lc attack l».v enemy submarines, mil lic it v storms which Here cucouiitcrcd enrontc earned some discomfort among the iiicii. The number of troops lauded fioiu the couvo.v is. of course, a military secret, bill all are highly IrainctI ami really for combat. Tbe.v include meehanied units and specialied croups of many types. All were lull\ equipped with Ihc latest weapons. In addition I he convoy carried many piancs til' various types. Immcriatel.v upon disembarkin: the lumps «"re dispersed lo American bases scattered Irom one end of the I nilcd Kingdom lo the oilier. Reds, Driving To ?skov, Cut Nazi Reinforcements 1 »wl n, r»». 2fl. (AP) 11» If" ''••tiD**111111 f| lod«iy Hi'* !•'••*I .miii;. I '"•'I it veil points within I ♦» ntih lh« i.ill hiil» of Pskov. niih'W.iy j I" tin* I',illics, in ,i .scyilv -likr .Avoep | uhirli fut down fresh (iorin«in rein""ills .Hid lihei,it»(| more tluin : I'lM i .ji . ,• fif| \ illiiurs. I ho .hit ion of M;islo#otit l.y. Irom i wli# i«• j, ,;ii|wjiy lUli> sotiMi 1*1 mil« j * * lf kov, u«is iitnonti the* ftron# |h»ini . 1;ij.;t ri. while other litis i#«n iiini rciirhcfl |iny communities twoj JWd three miles iViirer Pskov. <» fti- I VMM riiii,iiniiiir|(i<' >i»l(l. I'm In the wulli in the lower Dnieper river hciul, (lie I %' i > mns «in- i ii* iinri fl they hiid broken through i *''"Vi r.»1 lilies of Nii/.i cln«*f»tTif - «mcl ■ trenrhf , south of Apostolovo. nfid hiid storme d into Novoront*ovk.i. I district center of the Nlkoliivevsk Virion, wiping out more i.hsm «• btit- j tiiiion of Ciei m«ins. Devlin broadcasts sulci the Ktn^Um.t 1 hal ii.m. ii 1 'Mi.rifMl troop int-. ;i Iiiim'ii' i IimhI diivc 'HiMiwr ! • if Nik"|iol. which would In- hi llic 1 icinify "I N"\ ■» Kill nvka. and were ..I >> lie,1111114 'I mn mi while liiis.siji hi ;iii al'cinpt in local; throiiKh toward I! nil III li lii- (in hi.mi- Hishcd new lumps into i'ii* I •.i• 11• - I'D I'skox , lull they Wi 11* o\riv,'h''liii''d l»v Ktissiiiii artillery and infant rv and if Ml i.t Ihcm wch lei I di -ifl in .i single sector, (lie Soviet hull' tin . ..id. Sniitliwe.l ill IMiov, llic Ii'ii- i.ins said Kiev -ma lied ahead westward over Ilea* 11>' niineil roads. cnciicIiiik the town oi I5en/h.inil-.y. miles wet i>l Kliohn. and seizing it after hand-lo-liiittd RlriiKKlrs. A lillle farther siuilh Ir.e fortified Malum of I'o.-l o 111;.i. "ii l'ie railwav running we i from Novtwokolnlkl. wtw caplured after the Germans were Masted cut "i pillboxe.-. the coiiiinui)i(|iie ' d. HIROH1TO S PACIFIC GUARDIANS' Fl.EE TRUk STRONGHOLD This pirlurr (aUrn by a I". S. Navy pilot (ivos anmlr evidence of sudilcmirMi rf «.iir stiikr at Truk oil I-'cbruary l(i. .lauxnese warship* anil merchantmen, timvariicl of the liehlniii^ attack by I . S. carrier based planes, make a desperate effort to set up enough steain to lire llie harbor trap. Sever,1 ,,f the are already honthed mik He uriously. When our airmen handed in their reports the total damjec was 19 ships sui:k and 201 planes destroyed, t . s Navy photo. v (International .Souiidnlmiii Kabaul Hit J Reports Show ?.'i Sm:k, I I Damaged, And <» 1'robably Sunk i . S. Pacific I'lri't II .kI<|ii;irl<T . I'< ;ii I 11 :ir!>i. I"«l». -K—(Al'l—i;i|i lci.es in HitAmerican attack <>n the enemy I»»m' at Trnk were 2:1 ships umk, six prolialily link anil il damaged, a much heavier lihnv Ui the Nippoiic.so' than at lir.st reported. 'I'lii* in".1. Ii.; . .iiinoiiiicoil by .\f11 >i tl| ( III Vl" W. .MllUlt/, CO|nmanilei -in-« h;ci ■>! tlit- I". S. I'ac.fi.: fleet, were e ■>11)>il<•• I alter inspeelit.n ui nil mi.i..•> .iljee |.Iii>1iii>ia;ii;.> sliowilll* i|i-:.!Mil l in tile February l(i .iinI IT .aid. They added 1'iiiir vessels to (lie If listed listed as sunk in the •iii;;mil report is-ued by Niinit/ lelirnarv tJO. The additional emit Mere lint classified. A seaplane lender nil the lirst list el ships sent to the hiilliini of Truli I'.ikuiiii \»as not mi the seennil list. 'ITic i i! •: »• i• rt said jieven vessels piu'l.iiily en in .. the second set the li:;ui' .ii ii. No damai'cd ships were in tin oriKinal t.i'iulat ii 'it. I>nt i: •• plmluKraplis shuwcl there actually re !!. one o! which wan clesei i'n il l>v i navy p-.|a man a.-. .1 very larjte transport Visiiit/.' seeeiul iiniiiuiieeinen' made en eiiaei-cs in the original tabulation ol 'Mil enemy planes destroyed in (lie air and on the ground, and .'i0 damaced. iiiraiiisl 17 i . s plant's lest and cue sui t • e ship made r.itely ila:n.i;ed. The |>«»!;• in.ill imiie tied 111 it there were ir .1 -ie e carriers on I lit" if" I ' i>t i einv I nil; hisses. ( ari'iei - mil liatth .•hip: pulled in Ihe lau ."ii ;n i I'oliruary I rerun* tini .iiiei had move, I nut <>t the dunger zone l»y Ihe lime Ihe Amen can airmen ;it t aeked Ihe Ikiuc. .Mew a« t i il li.'iiunei uii'.'; if .tap>ne.e ii.i e- in i|i. M.n i. ill i..I,upland other teutr.l pacific island.-, il n wen- reported hy N'imit/. Tin s" in elude.? .1 ;{!»-(. .n bombing • •r IVaiape. 1^:. mile ea.-t n| I'ltu, by l.ilii'l .'l.i I" I.r ti n|)nel;s. 'hi- a:rd>'• .mi', a l;.i .ihrie dump am) i ear:'u I in ue.e |ri. 'Arirt.y and navy planet also bimM Ktisai and Maura i-laml . and four unidentified 'stands in tie Marshall*. that same day. CCC Extended To June, 1945 Wa rliif Ion. I i ii. — ( \ |»> — rn stdeol Ii'.hi .i -. "It I nlay sinned illto law Ihe I' ^i. lallon continuing Ihe h'e ui Ih? ('omniiidity Credit Coipnl.llll.il 11 • 1111 .line 3d. I!l|f>_ with ml any .mil uhsiilv strings attiielied. I'r< \ inn le^islatien to contirtie CCC's general operations hut currying a lidei eliminating the administration*; eonsntni r subsidies on various fi...d ill ins. was given a presidenti.il veto which the House unstained The simple extension nf life was then put through Congress bat Hepi-f seniative Woleotl (Mich.. H.V ranking Itepuhlican on the Ilour.o Hanking Committee. served notice lie will offer the anti-stn>s*idv rider anew in a hill, soon to be considered. to extend the life of the Office of Price Administration, Flgh ting A lo ng Moletla And Artillery Dueling At Beachhead Increase I Alliitl llv • !«|tiarlcrs. Naplou, Feb i UK. (Al1) • A harp iuetea.i- iiiI fiuhlini; in tlxj [Mil I'.vu it.iy- a!"i);: headwater-. i.r the Mulct! ■ rivet s'iiiUiv. i'. t ni t";ifriM-i'i In .. .i ..ii . imitiu-cd lull iv ,i i artdie y (liieliiiu i ruse in intensity along the Anzin' hatlleirutil. Allied iii'.ifl(|iiai t( i i. i Ifriti ii * 1 i'i nips 111; 11 oftiir liurl si itrilled { and c pi tired two ItmUlinus tli.il i the (it'iiiian.; I i;ict conveitoi into strung puinis. Comparative (|iiii*t has! <*M I• I hereli.tnre iilmiu the Muletla. '.vii i'h empties 11■ t• i tin- sea II mill's above An/ ii :nul extend. :ilmn t due im:.i t i within III le of Via Ali/.iate, the highway running Irmu An/.io in ( 'ail oreto ; 11 ii I li'unie. Ktmnl! iiieini .1;. with the increase1 "I artillery lire, an America!; enn it. , slandmi; rinse tn shore. pm.refl shells | mln (ii i'iii ui mm positions yester-| clay. t'er.-isleiit' Cicntinn efforts to in- . filtrate tlinm^h ravines smith of ("arrierto were ffit tr ili'd by A i aerie n artillery a hraclfjii.liters an-' Service Vote Compromise Is Rejected Washington. Feb. 28—( AP>—Sen-1 • !«• roiifi n*«-, roicctcd ;» 1 I r» : • . • . • • oft* . , iri nii l»ill iiiul i n. uirr« *| Argentine Chief IT HAS BEEN reported in Bticno* Aires lhat President Pedro Ramirez lias resigned "duo to ill health." Gen. EdclmiroParrel (above), vies president under Ramirez, succeeds him. A pro-Axis junta, according to a Uruguayan report, is responsible for the changes. (International) I lolllll (*1110111 S.ll'-I. .MllluiUli advoiso woathoi hamper- i ci notli ki'miikI ;■ ikI >• 11* cpeiatinns I yesli'iilav. Allied | ■ l ■ • > 1 | >1 > > -d (Icrin.iii linos mi both i!it- mam i Kilth Amy and Ki«litli Army Iroiils I and A .Ill's divoiHiiubod mtiel't m the Hi.mi' roa and scored lii Hit . ■ in (lie docks .it laiiiidispnli, ,i little purl i).n th ut Ii>«> TilH'i . Wo-1 "! (' i.-lill'in to hoy olid Hie (lan^liauo nil tin- lower Filth Army trout. :i liritisli patrol engaged asmall enemy t'orco, mllicting ,, number nt i.ill ios. l)ivc!tombing ml tlrofing attacks' liy A.'tU iiiv.i V-i mi .hi .iiritroiuo 1 iic.ir Koine, ill which ;• lianuci was i exploded. highlighted 11 it* S mi iy ;rr <»jioi.itii>ns. Total lliylil (I iring t!n■ d;i.v *.voro roduood to about -I'lll by | bad flying weather. Simultaneously villi now air 1 i lacks on enemy shipping oil lac | Yugoslav coast, two British destroy ! or- shelled batteries on the island ' of Kni'i ula. 'I'he enemy roiiliod, I>tiI can i I in ilaiu.'iue or casualties. p ,i| I : tlii- eoli.'.tltlll 'on il •• y n tin admini lialioii's Ki-rter.il • • tiat'1 ' plan Iji tested in the S :• *i • The House cwitprom • ■ a o Id have retained a Kod<*ral ib;-entee I 11.it for use i lily c tat • v.hi'li ha v mi absentee voting I.e.* *■ i' 'In -e which oerlily that Um l"**d1 " 'I ballot am ptablc lill'lcl . ' all* laws. I' \\ a . reject! (I. S' l! •' • I . II (ii i.ii i. cii.hiiii.i*i i i ■ ( *iii(<-rees, .-aid. In c.i ' l<|*. i enable anyone any in • i<» > ;• The so tin tors will ubn t i ,1 >;w . 'I of then ovn in tin- l Ion., (infere i. late t-vla.v >-:t 'Sicca ill oltnod lo detail it n inco Group Favors Ending i'Ei * n j.; i li \V . h nr.« *11. I'll. — <AP» — A N' liate ap|i'o|.i atnili.-- ..urn •mm •'ec \ uteri 'iliaiiiiuoii: Iv today to ab *lis:i I'lC idi iit I* •'• *\cl! I-ail I m." viii) lit Pi i tire ( i .ii* iiio . tit lit < evrcilne ai;< ill < -t.il* • 1 ci scrutiny of < 'on). ' . Tin legislation v..• ottered 1 Sin. i It. i I. ii ...i II i(!a . I>i as -ii amendment ti tile .*•(!..'ilMUMMI irdopeurlotit oil ires appropriation bill. Kffoclivc -Inly I. it would prohibit the lr.uisft*r of funds lo agcii"its a year or 111 >ro old wliii i had n< l boon authorized directly by (onKress. Indications WOie lli.it the stibconimiltt e would not complete run sideratu ii if the entire hill befoio timiorrow or Wednesday. 'Iiio KKI'C was sot up by executive ortlir. designed to prove it i rial discrimination in the hiring . i war workers. After Heavy KaviengRaid Planes o! F. icmy Intercept B."mbcrs For the Sixth Day Allied 11• :»•:!i"t«• i* •. Southwest L'aeiiii\ l-V' . - (Al') American <l<■ -i »•<■• «• r.-. after trivir<r Kaviciij; ii w«.r.-.t l»i»inhanimeul <•!' I In war. turned their fjnns on intlerinjr llaliaui Friday in coordination with a devastating 112 - Ion aerial bombing. c;«-nr i .1 Dounl.is MaeArlhui said toda\ the once formidable New Britain 1'irtrcss ■ (fen d "illy sporadic if turn (ire wli i li v • cjiiieUly sili-nced by «.m toady wllic'l loll lo'.verinR columns <•! smoke. I'nr the sixth str.iiclit day not a single rnrm.v plane rose In intercept the larKC escorted flight of liberators and Mitchells which planted Iheir bomb loads elfeetivelv and without loss despite anti-aircraft lire. It was the sorotid v osliip shelling 'I llaliaiil ii .1 \ i I. (>n Keb'1 II > II! ;i do: tl iV'i1 I • < i> p;ni«r | i" ;. v (l.'iiii.me i i Hi. i drome and . ilorli nil oc.' Ix'li>1 >.• i~<iii • -11' ; ii by .■ fov hours the third aitd licnviost shelling nl Kavient! i" I ho northern lip <>t New Ireland li.v destroyer.; which p'Hireil thousands "t round:: of live-inch -li« II into the t<av'i. harbor, aint>iiiii<tii>n dumps and 1 i ca 11"I i a «•«I havoc with hippou;. 1-nMa I• > I. K • : a|.po:ired fro.lilv rcini ed in mod ac. 1 III .it' ,• i e . . i. (i |. which eau •! n • i' rinniare i • two ship.. and i iit d ovt 'i M ' li. In all. t|i<- dc.-t i <iver (..rre accounted t..i se\cn i ijsunk and •ev»n •■lliei':. damaged. ^♦'tATIICR \!t:: i II Standard For InductionNot To Be Cut Deferment Age for Occupational Reason Probably lie Raised —'I'lu' Hiauiiowi-r similar' |,%> Ww anmd services winch J !.1 J\ itle.it Roosevelt lias «all » "grave" must he n mile up l»'»m fj'inilv UK'ii ami oilier.-. i -I rial moilieal o.nnnissi<>u report Oil I" »"■ ,l,7sr- ,V ,|.iy ;|I1,1 „„t hy lower ph>M(.al ■damlanl*. . 'I lie* . liltlliUssllOI 1. <<■ •<»" (I,r MlKKcM.oM «r « «»ni;r«;Vi "" u,,. n..«n that « relaxation "f induction r.ciuir.n..nts. .-spec•»llv lor limited srr\l«». ilrultinu ». ,,thrr« with «lt;i.«;ud.i.tN. d I l eprrtcil cNistil.U *»;»"«. J™? •wiwiriiiK tl. v ol i « ann.«l • liitii'ol iudut i-• •>'« (i luiSZ «*'"n. 'v'*»!""' •>»';...v — — , •*m. npnw*'. ! . ,,, ""s^ sUud vi.. fron Hi' «• W "< • V n'v^ oc ' " • (li i <-.i t ■ it night. " " ' , K iiia.liMli IKHfll "t ■ . ; t e.-nini Ki • and tho Hi- r. • i ' • <!<•'.. m-d I" t«- • ,„i t.i,!.. mill )"i dopomliniy. ii * ■, I..m i1 I.rv. 1 • lleishoy, 'iv,'in••iti"'- iisv.1 nun res in tod *y • report H< r'r ■ )" •>■■ 1.; . ■ ■ •■. " ftWjOW^ induct)*!. "li'VlUMHto" enlt.slrri. :s.:<57.IMill ■»!-., -MUM i I'l.y.-I.al •>..iiiun.ition. 1 in l'"I,,s* ' , l,,>..:ti. .,i' n esanm atn n »r mdut,.,,11 if,-j (kmi del erred for oihci than „iciiiKit'.n;.l "i dependency reason, and iio.ooo "unclassitied and unI known." „„ , The ciiminisM'in proposed - n"; minor chaitg« in existing standards, but Ocrcriit Hcwhy .... i ntcd Dip i»-t t-flcct W'.uM be ?(1 increase the quality rather than the minntity "t inriuctcw. ■\fl,: .ivinK tho < 'I i ioniy _tne i'rvii'os w.iulfl !>«• i ii pat red l,v lowerinR tho loqiuronicnts it oiitlinod. tho c»mi,ussi..n h'-u cd by thi President's personal ph>MU.in I Hid surC'-on ceror.il of the Navy. Vl,e Admiral H"> T. Melntire. nvid.- :'I. tout aihlitonijil eonel. |, sod on reports from the , ,, v. • !' I'M' -orvice »nd Vi-ti i'iii•' A.V,un. nation . j y\)r < r\ i«.*' h;«vr loachod saturation frr nowly indurted inen t.., limited ... "O since the need t,„- men in this cateu. iy will b» fully met l\v '"<•1 already in sor\ ue ,, i result ' ! incidents ot the s,T\ .«-e are no |..n«or lit lor general srrvicc. , , .... |t is rvhlcnl thnt ti»e urgen I ami *incre nwd ol the service, • for n>< 1. "I I'.e ■ r;il wsrvieo |,, . i i,i . -1 will progresIsiv4*lv i'uerea i ""''l tl«c war is SUC.11 v finclllded. .(t i apparent 'h it these , , ,,..i t.. I. nil* by lowering the phvs.ieal ie«|uiremcnt» for od; iin- nied forces or by I men e inn the induction ot men tor I lit,,'ted sol vi'"\ , |„ vi...v ..i Hi'- needs ot the ,„l ii i n cpi iliiied fn* . ,.i . , it'" . v lueh iMH-d» c inn >t '|„ I .11 v III' I || "in the poul ol men (fnu'iir.ie.t on PiUC I'ivci Week's Attacks On Reich Cast Nazis 644 Fighters I .. i ■2-1 , \|., i„ . lion '-1 V t ; fil'l (term ill Mulitei planes in l.i.t wi'rk'i a< i lal all >eks <>n Nazi indtmtry mi llitlcr'a Hirer.ill #ill' »-.l t<> llir pniiil wlierr Ik* must on d-pend (hi- !y < ivw otilpul It i-. |,, h.idlv liatVied pi,,, fine!Ion center#, ii was CHtiiDtitcJ 1111 ■ >:t i<-1;11ly today. I5ui whether iir roukl expert tnuch lic-lp Mirrc was a bi« question. ,.\t least Irt.flMI t"lis of homiis dropped in 13 massive raids in this unprecedented offensive indieatrd that a lartte perc< ntagc of Nazi plane produetive eiipaei'v was wiped onl A reeapilillation of efficial com. muniques bliowed that five U. S. l.'Uli'. • vu !• »»!<» ' •i>fv,»iii.ii:. during Ihr week .icentmled fur (.;<) ,,| I' l1 pi'HO known destroy. i < niiiin ii; i'nr, fell l.efore ()10 ... il„. II.,|v-i,r.riocnlli "" ' l""'1 i" '"'ii thrusts 11-e ,\l|>; . ii,''V*. '" ' Vl ,ho w« nro " • " ' "" "hoi may have " i. <1 .wik.I !>y ih,. ||ak (Jurinir "V('r" -ht "IK-rutions last. I lie Allied jiir forces lost 387 x'jv.v Ixiinlier; iind 37 fighters in tl<- fon.vs into Germany. ilK^v fehS CS in UlCSC

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