Society News FROST AFTER SNOW. Cold crept in the lug, in the thaw last night, Ajid every smallest finger *.)t twig is white. Houghs that melted black When snow was through— White, white against gray, Or clearing blue. Frail, patterned in frost, Each tree ami bush. Thinned to beauty only, Stands in a hush. But the visum vanished A touch, a sound. Can shatter this moment To the blind ground. Howard Bamsdcii Visiting in Uobhitt Mr. and Mrs. .1. K. Gill, of Uosolnll. arc visitirg T. C. Gill and relat.vt. in the Bobbitt community. Episcopal Practice Callcil Off Choir practice of the Holy Innocents Episcopal church will" not be laid tonight, it was announced today Clioir Practice The young people's choir of the Fir.-t Itapti-t church will practice Tin -day evening at 7::ttt o'clock at tiic home of Mrs. W. W. Parker. Itoports to New Orleans C:i..plain M. L. Guptun left today t,i !!•;>• n*t lor duty at New Orleans, Lo ma, after visiting his wife and •ui't.'iv here for a few days. Circle "Meeting C Ho No. 2 of the Congregational Chi-.ft. ii church will meet Thursday i <■ . tig a! !> o'clock with Mrs. T. T. Cia .. at 1318 Chestnut street extension. Civic Club Meets '1 i■ • Junior Civic club will meet ton 4I1I ;it I! 'oclock at the home of Mi.-- Frances Harrison. 011 Orange street, with Miss Alma Dixon as coll. istcss. Class Meeting T'f Ever Ready class of New Sat ly Creek Baptist church will ' ' ,- riday evening 111 tile home of M: E.igctie Faulkner with Mrs. O. \V Woldon as joint hos'e.-s. All inenibe arc urged to be there by 7:15 i-. tti -"o it will bt» possible to pre-c: - .1 pi'ngram at the countv home : t:> o'clock. Legion Auxiliary T American l.eRioi< \iixiliarv \\ •!>! .1- regular business. meeting • < home ill Mr.-. Laurence I). \V i '4 o'clock Frit'lav fternoon. II" will !>»• Mi.- U\ M. Il.iith. • Mi .loci T. Cheatham. Mrs. It II D ike. Mr-. A P. liarnes. and M Wall. All member.- are urged to be present. Zcb Vance School Girl Scouts Meet T ■ c;- r! Sc »uis of X«.• i> Vance held egalai :m fiiiiu Monday main Fi y tinder leadership <>l M !'.e"v Cash ill the ab-enre <>!" Mi s, id C'oghill. the leader. ' i a»g the guest of troop li.l <■' ' i liny Seo.:t- m a very imprei . r.t:n -<■ .111(1 laws. Following till ret and treasurer's roll". given and a husinc— meet• iii! held. Plans were made for e and outdoor supper next Mon ,i\ The troop l-o talked' ;ii>out t. . - j , I i s! aid coarse and divided the next meeting after tlu hike. T!:. ' oop was also very happy to *v» e a new member, Valeria IV: ..n.-on. Thev were also h ppv to ha e Valeria's mother as a gue-t. BET'I'V I,. CASH. Mrs. Stoics Improved Mr R. T Stokes, Jr., of Norfolk. V.i. ,i has been seriously ill for ' i i;t week in Norfolk General It"-; id. - very much improved, her friend will be glad to le rn. BIRTHS Birth of Daughter M: iiirl .Mrs. A. S. Dunn, of l.ouis•'1 - I• ■ • 11e I. jtinotmcc the birlh i>l 1 '-v 'it. Mary Elizabeth. on i-'ebUM:v | Maria I\irham hospital. Itirtli of I>a 111;liter .nicl Mrs. Junius Loving . ntj"iiin llie birth or ;i 7 lb. 12 <>/.. •'•iiKhttT. I'eggy Jean, on February "■ Miii ,i I'aiham hospital Mrs. the lormer Miss Ola K-beits. COLDS |^,y, ^flicvc misery, as most mothers ' '•o. Rub the J throat, chest find back with _tiuic- tested V/ICKS i ▼ VapoRub FLOWERS for evert occasion Phone 3R0 n»r or Night BRIDGERS The r,ort"1 SB, WfSLE CHECK SYSTEM ""'"Tftl PRESCRIPTION ACCURACY l'X / W« lib m ck«*« v\f ■v : , Eunice Williamson spent last week-end w:th her p rents. Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Williamson. M-- Rebecca Dickcr.-on and a friend. Miss Leon a l.anca-ter. spent te week-en i w ;h Miss Dieker.-on's parent.-. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Dickcrson. Marian Martin —Pattern— For rough ikI tumble piny there's nothmu so liKht for a child as overalls. Pattern !»«•!). with 'he becniring yoke nnd hi« apple pocket, is pretty enough for the daintiest of little girls l>ul so prad ical! Note the drop so:it smmI little side lies for selfhelp. Easy to make! 1'iit tern DOIM) may be ordered in size* 2. 4. 1. .'lid It. Size f>, overalls, requires I 7-fl yards 35-mch fdbric; playsiiit. I I «'• yards. Send SIXTEEN CENTS in coins for this pattern to Henderson Daily Dispatch, Pattern Dept., 232, West IRth St., New York It, N. Y. Write plainly SIZE. NAME, ADDRESS, gTYLE NUMBER. Surprise Dinner For Sidney Abbott Sidney Abbott celebrated his ;Hitn birthday lit home mi Itoute I. Henderson Sunday, February -7. wfth :i surprise birthday dinner. The following guests were present: Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Abbott and lamily, Mr. and Mrs. I*. L. Kdwards, of Durham, Mr. and Mrs. A. It. Kdwards and family, of Durham, Mr. and Mrs. A. V. Lee and fain ly of Oxford, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert I* rrisli and tainily of Henderson, Mr. and Mrs. Willard Williams and family of Durham, Mrs. Melvin Kobertsoll, James. Thomas. and Miss Dinkey llober>on ot Henderson, Edward Tucker and Ernest Short of Henderson, and l'tc. Wallace of U. S. Army. Mr. Abbott received many attractive gilts. Club Tournament Completed Monday Mr and Mrs. Alwyr. I' Harncs were winm rs of the grand prize .t the West l-'nd Country Club hi the Service Men's Centor from cash they netted from the j recent scrap paper drive, it was announced today. The contribution ito be used in any way in which those ; in charge feel the need. ;t was said. Another soap paper collection is to he held the latter part of March .inci the club isks all householder.- to heKin now to conserve the much-need- j ed paper of all k:nds. having a box handy in which to drop all paper of any description and pack bundles of magazines . nd newspaper* ready to he handled. If they begin to save now there will be an appreciable amount ready when the collections are made. Also tin tubes are still needed and all one has to do is turn them in : any time to any drug store. The club expressed their appreciation to all who have contributed to j this drive in the past. They served. I it is said, in two ways—helping the j war effort and also the service club. | Union Chapel News BY KKV. II. II. CASH I On Tuesday night. K«b. 22 a.iout in young people, the friend- ot Mis> Mildred Cash o! Itcurpond. met at her home in honor of her eighteenth birthday. After number >t interest nig games were played. cakes, peanuts an drinks were .-crved as refreshment. by the ho-tess. Mildred received a number ol nice and useful gifts. All had a fine time. We had Kill out lor Sunday school last Sunday ;it Union C'li pel lis j try and rcaHi '.no l!l>ii mark by Miss Ann Mastian entertained about 4U friends at a birthday party on her birthday. Game.- were pi ye:t •iftcr which refreshmeiits were served. Ann received many nice gilts and a nice time was had by all. Hev. il. II. Cash preached on •God- Challenge tn His Church", to a large crowd ;it Union Ch pel Sunday. The Rev . Mr. Cash used tor his text Kxodlis <12. and said th it aMo-c. challenged Israel to lake her stan.l that God i- today challenging His people to t kc their stand !>>i I Hint. A weak, compromising chinch j can never solve the problems ol to- i day <>r bring the kingdom ol Chri-t to earth. The Woman's Society ol Christian ' Scrvice met at the home of Mi s. j Boyd in Kittrell last Friday night. A large crowd attended and one now member was added to the roll. A fine program was given by Mrs. Owen Kdw ids. the spiritual life di- ; rector. Mr. Cash, taught the lirst lesson of the study book "The Church afler the War". Refreshments were served and all had a very worthwhile lime. The society will meet next month at the home of Mrs. Kenneth Woodlief. Troop <>.'{ of the Boy Scouts met Monday night at Zeb Vance school. 1 A fine number of the Scouts were present. Installation services wore held for our new tenderfoot Scouts. The new Girl Scout troop was our guest of honor d'iring the installation ceremony. The following boys have been added to our troop tin- j month: Joel Thomas Kdwards. Julian j Chit Pulley. Jr.. Bobby Davis Clay Ion, Hov Nelson Dickerson, and Ben jainin Lin wood Pully. The troop planned a hike for next Saturday ! and we hope thai it doesn't rain. Seoul M. P. Kdwards of Troop (1.1 perhaps saved a little girl's life in Henderson Sunday afternoon. The story was, as we Itei rd it, M. P. was standing in front of the Stevenson theatre and this little child, we did not gel her name, ran out and s >me way ran her arm through a glass window cutting the large artery in her arm. M P.. using his knowlei'* • of firs! aid. slopped the blood and helped to get her to the hospital Thi« was another case of a Scout knowing what to do and doing it. 45 percent of the total railway trickue in gweden it tl«ctriii«d, j ★ WITH THE COLORS * ★ ★★★★★ Visits Aunt in Nurliua Pvt. Stanley Champion. who is stationed ;it Camp Mackall, spent tla- week-end with his aunt. Mrs. J. J. Seaman, of Norlina. Spends Wrrk-Knd Here Charles II. Mitchell, !•' 2 e. U. S, Navy, spent hist week-end at his home in Urewry, visiting his family and friends. Promoted Sgl. Stanley Norwich, son ol Mr. and Mrs. I{. Norwich, of Henderson, has heeli promoted to the rank of stall sergeant, it was le riled today, lie is stationed at lily the, California. In Georgia Hospital First Serjeant Vernon o. Kdwards, who has been overseas for lowrtceii months, has returned to the state- and is now at Oliver general ho-pit I. Augusta, Georgia, for medical treatment. He is reported to be getting along fine and hopes to be able tn spend :i few days soon at his home in Kpsom. Improving After Opvr.ttion Mis. I J. C. Dowden. who recently underwent an operation at M na I'arham hospital, is reported improving as rapidly a> could be expected. Children's Lenten Services Beginning tomorrow aflcrnnun. the children's I.entcn Services will be licid each Thursday at I .'ill p. m. at the church of the Holy Innocents. These services are to be conducted by the young people, and they invite their parents and friends to worship with them. Members ot the junior choir arc asked to be there by 4:15 p. m. SIXTEEN GIRLS IN FIRST WAVES UNIT Raleigh, March 1.—The names of Oil' first six loon North Carolina girls to he enlisted in the Navy's intensive drive for WAVES have boon released tod. y. To following women have taken the Navy oath and will he sent to the Nava! Training school at Hunter College. New York City, within the next few weeks: Jennie Vee Mos.-ick. Harmony: Mary Kiln Watson, Burlington: Mary Alice Goodman. IV chland: Kl-ic I.oiiiso C'rais. Charlotto: Ruby Weed I.vnch. Ciastonia: Helen Kli/aheth McClenny. Goldshoro: Margariio Loii Speaks, Winston-Salem: Mary White Wood rd. Raleigh; Ruby Patterson Moore. Greensboro: Faydinc Boulton Pearson. Durham: Bessie Louise Barrington, C'h rlotte. Mattie Thelma Stridor. Burlington: "Wilda May Gillette, Durham: .'ean Long White. Wilmington. Lt('g) Mary Frances Ivey, herself .1 North Carolina girl and a graduate of D ike University, is playing a prominoni part in the drive : s" -oniur WAVKS officer for the State "Wo are woll pleased with the first results of the campaign.? I.t. Ivey states. "North Carolina women are making their usually fine response to trie Navy's urgent call to duty. And their response shows not only the Tar Heel br nd of patriotism but also the ability of '\orth Carolina women to know a good thing wl'.ei. they »oe it: for the Navy has much to give in the way of good pay, interesting worif, and real adventure" Full information may be had by pplving to the nearest recruiting station or bv writing a postcard to "WAVKS. Raleigh." WOMEN PRAISED FOR POLIO DRIVE WORK ('hii)H'l lllll. March 1. — "The organized croups of women II over tin Stale d si .1 remarkably fine job" ill the inf:m' > paralysis campaign whirl) elided recently. Mrs. R. L. McMillan. ol W.ilcigh. vice-chairman i>f t!ie North Carolin Committee for :lie Celebration of the President's It r!hd.,y. in ;i statement issued ;it State headquarters here todiiy. "A l;irae percentage of the contributions in tiie campaign were secured through ti e efforts nf women wo i;crs 11 over the State, and I wii-h to commend especially the si ipt'i'b work done by organized group* of women", Mrs. McMnllan said. The amn nt rai-cd in this Stati to date - *t.>8.1)42 against a (|uota of S88,:M8 All reports arc noi yet final, however. 'I in- aenvge m early onions is a'xi it tv» ito us great as last year. Tliey are'large, juicy, mild onions, ideal for eating tiesh in salads and sandwiches, sav Government reports. HEALTH QUIZ YIS NO Do you have poor digestion T fl fl Do you feel headachy after eating ?[~| ("1 Do you jet sour or upset easily? □ □ Do you feel tind—listless? [~1 □ Now everyone know* that to got the good mil of the food yo'i eat—you must digest It properly. H it what moit people don't know id thai Nature must produce about two pints of the digestive Juice—liver bile - parh day to lielp direst your food. If Nature fails—your food may remain undigested - lie sour and heavy in your digestive tract. Thus, it it simple to nee that one way In aid digestion is to Increase the flow of liver bilo. Now, Carter's Little l.iver Pills start to increase this flow quickly for thousands—ofien in as little as lliirly minutes. When bile flow Increases, your digestion may improve. And, soon you'ro en the road to feeling better—which is what you're after. Pon't depend on artificial aids tocounteract indigestion—whsn Carter's aid digestion after Nature'sown order, when laken as directed. Get Carter's bill la Liver Pills today—at any drugstore— only 26*. You »1ll b» glad you did. NICE IF YOU CAN DO IT M IT MAY pay you big dividends to (to smart and pass an over call by th»? opponent who bid just after your partner. Your apparent show of weakness may lure the other side Into some higher bid which you can double with highly profitable results/ But suppose they don't fall Into your trap. Suppose the next two players pass and the opponents get a chancc to play the hand at a not doubled low bid, when your side could make a game. Then the smart passer looks pretty silly, whether he feels that way or not. ♦ A 7 f Q 8 6 4 4 10 7 5 4 A J 3 2 4 K Q 10 8 6 f K J 3 4 A 6 4 475 (Dealer: South. North-South vulnerable.) East Pass Pass Pass Pans South West North 1 » ♦ 2 4 * 1 4 2 4 2 V ; 2 4 Pass 2 NT ' 3 NT 3 14 2 4 DM 2 NT . Pass 3 * ' 3 NT Everybody who pot jnto a No Trump game on that duplicate deal made it. regardless of whether North or South was the declarer and no matter what was led. One pair even landed in 4T>lstrlbuted by King I Spades and made (hat. by getting a discird on a heart. Worst of all scores for North and South was that where North decided to play for big name by passing the 2-Club overcall from West. His idea was that somebody would surely keep- the bidding open, perhaps East, and that later he would get a crack at something higher than 2-Clubs. But Bast couldn't find any kind of bid in his hand, and South decided not to monkey with the buzz-saw when he was vulnerable. If North could not bid over 2Clubs. Uie easiest suit overcall to top. with two of anything, then, reasoned South. North must be pretty weak Under those circumstances. sticking his neck out while vulnerable might get him in a lot of trouble, perhaps drive the opponents to a game they could make. So he passed. The 2-Clubs got set. but for only » pittance compared to a vulnerable game. Tomorrow's Problem 4 A K V A Q 10 8 6 4 ♦ K 100 *8 6 ♦ Q V K :i 4 A Q 5 I 4> A K Q S 3 2 (Dealer: East. North-South vulnerable.) How should South play for 7» No Trumps on this deal aSter West leads the diamond 7 T 'eaturea Syndicate. Inc. a Ten thousand hi«>t<>f vehicles 11 India now use |)i'otiucer };n.s. Ho » star cook. Switch to Health Club Baking Powder as thousands of other thrifty housewives arc iloini; every Jay. It's a Kumfor J product. pJKQJRf aC,iH6 f] VALUABLE COUPON ON CACH CAN Income Tax Returns Prepared —ski:— Arthur H. Surprise Chamht" of Commerce FINAL CLOSE OUT Ladies and Misses Late Fall and Early SPRING COATS SOME REDUCED BELOW COST Group No. 1 100'. win.I r<>;,!> in ,|j,rk • lllil |i;i -Ii 1 ciilnr.. |.i j|,c( iiiul ('licslcrficld styles. I' ornierly .-'oiil jii £U!i,r»o ■Von SI:I.I.I\t; .I/' $16.00 to $24.oo Group No. 2 A l«i\ civ tin-ill « Miil in pliiiils, IwiTtls ami >I.I.I.IXC, .\r $8.oo to $14.00 Group No. 3 l.i»n . KorIIM'I'lj Hold ,it 1 1 Soiii. i.i" ill, . c(mi . atv I *•«»' Wool. A"ll Sl.l.l.ixc \r to Ladies Fall and Spring Bags At Half Pricc EFIRD'S Department Store 230-232 S. Garnctt St. Henderson, N. C.