lisru&rrsnn Sailjj Dispatch Established August 12, 1914 FuMIshcil Every Afternoon Except Sunday by UEXDEKSON DISl'AXtll CO.. INC. at 109 Youug Street HKXKY A DKXX1S. 1'n--. and Editor M. L. FINCH. St e.-Treas.. Uus. M^r. TKLEl'UONbS Editorial Office 500 Social Editor 010 ( M :.i*e 010 Til® Hi sul< i ■■ :i U..i'v Dispatch is a member <>i 'fixe As. m :.iu\l Press and Al* Features, Southern Newspaper 1'ubhsheis A.ii>i.-i.iti»'!i ami tlie Nulla Carolina 1 'ie:> Association. The A ia!ed Pies., is evrlusively entitled 1 u:,. tor repabi e»tion .ill m'Wj 'i patches cre-lMe.'l *,.> or riot ottiviwi e i i■ t« ' m tli.s paper, :t> .I a\ o ! o 1 ..! news p.o>liklied tl>i :i ;n. All t .it:.; , : iiiiblicatioii of' herein I are reset vmI. St ItSCItll'l ltVN 15ATI S (Payable Sti.rt.y .n lvance> Vail Carrier 1 Year $";(■:» 5," nil 6 Mi tiths n.un a.5n 3 Months I fill 1.75 Weekly Ly .•>-r .inly Jti* l'er Copy 5# Entered .it the p -t • i:.i:i HemJer ■on, N. I . as I fl.i r i. ,.l m ,«t«. Fast Living M"t !■•!:• . :. u • Will till heart iti.~ . r. v c. .... r.v Si . nc -J.' ;.-*!(.• ». i • nit iiinu \vi*h the story >f |< s llienls. .) ■ ;..v. v.- • . .!!, ration th;' ... • ■ .■ . dj defects and ■. • gi • day. ' : • - .. • ... :n rites. May a kind IVo\ ido .-ptil v.. ci. v w i:en .: i.,\. .. : tiu- ,ii. H' -, r. . : down the list ••. ■ day leads v by long ud(b lh< greatest :ut:: Ot ticliins. Many peoi ;<• hold the thi that • 4 ot is the ehiet ntiison .• r jl,»• wing i. . ill ::.i HI " II . !.• - l ;»only ri. t. But ..'.ni-.Sliced .il .v r.i !. in-. :l It .1. ci !!1 iiu't-ssai ' ■! o.-t /. . ■uir. : . minis sir.. !<• cii. .;:•■*«. . ic distance to the end that pers* „a.n in ureatvi .11..i c «•. .. .it t grin* II a> i)«• t :ut «1 ri.• I i ■ • nit I* %•••.*: n ' • I '■ < I! •' I many a |>i.> i. 'I jifii tin ■ ot v.hi i v !>•«••» ■• > ln'.Hll lin ; V. > number ui nit- • is ,i won 'i:: (M ■ .vjHviy ha.- an tM-.i ofler advioi .■ > ' it are ii.i1 as specific a- ■ ' nti '■ «nl What ignt it linp •< i v i <• |n". •:! i.i not al.vaj \ ■ another. Hut all - tlii . n l ■ : i body and ■ m ami Scm! : reduce tin stamina .aid linn <raalili(. ot both. !'eiiia|).- a helpful a tonic as any iiiighl i t- the dan.; expression to "take it » .sy." 'I •» which the reply e< mv.. i;i "any instances, that oik just tan. ot It i loose. Itesu'.t scmetiincs is thai 'he old pump itself lets loose. and then comes ihe end. OfMiwboro's statistics are not c't» rd here as being out of the ordinary. Not having any othcis immediately at hand we cannot say as to that. II is a fact, however, that (tenths {••oiii heart ailments and earner ir: rapidly incro* •: g, not in the Ooilfoi'd capital alone but almost everywhere that we know anything about. v It is time that we give th night to slowing down and to halting on • fast living. Ketrcnchment al >ng that line will pay dividends. Yet, i'ke sr. many others who know of the difficulty, we find we are giving advice which we have not even tak • en ourselves. And that very thing is a large contribution to the con .in il.t.nn, t";l-!imtl \\ i i' t ■ r s.iv.s lie doesn't ] illlov \\ Mil ' •> >::il wviit m l of M,v It* li t I'ayu. «' \v> . r. Tlu* ssiow>>•'11. • i> ■ »•>», (ifM-rvts .M>ino «>1 till" 1-lViiit. N I - i! pusybile to S; 'That '-i'! e wetili-n': cut butter* 'ecu isc ii \\ < ■ ,,i- jii .ivi* i»? VOIR FEDERAL INCOME TAX V:. .")! I l l M s \o ( IH t>t V'TIIil.i:. ' 1 ' 1 Xi:ct:-vs and <■ - . ; u • >1 h y • t i, . .in- nut " ■ i- 1| utatioa .. .uii ( victory i': dmai.. .aid : ivd iti earM' lit fit ,:i deductible. 1 ■: • fvcni ; ay<•. !•; iHtiuif;> n il -til! . - . . •' • . ■ • t l \ \ V • i ir..r.c« , ..,1 on > • pr. d i V •. •; . Ml .1 III tiikc a position. i . • <>i p. .j«i «xa initial ion • n-t. penle■ .1 taxes -- ' >■! negligence, I i<!- uu iiuiitit op part II' t" .:' 1 ■ | .!.: .tii •>. . ml 1 'i \«-it|l|u '.it l!- ill! I nployoes ... F«<1- ! ■i f de 0\A3B B Al. (>m r.s|. I. V.' ■ • . ie : ;. t i: i i- i \\ onN m V\ i-ilmn. • ■»«". i.rid . vim in ideal 11(1 i>| ;i IliuS- 0:1 1114,in-1li r i tl.i > °s i l<IKl-l ll|i('. Mi . Iislaiu ■ i!:r bli>od . I! .. i ' i "I'-illil. ;.'ui ii- iv. l:i' !! i i i- the not • ytfll I:.;'. ' ill I IllltU ill'. . (tii li -!i«»;ilii lie de. -■ I. .iiitani • Vim y < ii-rsoll" .hkI y.»ur i . :.ct . " IP MlCVCUflll. YOU i .i. ■'. I i .'-n. ' I'll :i|l(| in ,;i .i "i I'll", is. Vol I v. ill . . . U<X.*|i .i!,'.l I.. . ng loVC. L'ih nlM.>iii*d • ■• . o '■> utvorubiu, uro ■ a (mi j»i-1 • • .i 'i ..r li.: iik |m>~itii»ti ill | I . • V' I II .lllll ilVold J'.IVii ' • • ' tllo: i 'il iillttlnl'ily. I ' ivilt i>■ Buiii on Hull i child will have the peri.' ■ <1 ii- i"i'»i\'. Uiciillies well ii . nj i- i i i' v -iiitis- and ... i! i i'y. <u ii.le i.i...• lo'iiil cl.i-lies ii fthi • . Oiir-.Minute T»'>l Answrrs, 1. iMii)>;ri' came .ilk'. I)ti retoire. 1!. 'I I: i Villi:-;, iv,ili.,i DllU'li. I!. I>ui'( ..n I'hyfe. ANSWERS TO DAILY ' QUIZ 1. No. <('< nteiui > ytur.- not exaetly tlivi lull' by -100 are not leap years >. 2. Tammany. ,'i Si.xtv-tv.<> years. ». Textile.». 5. Waru-ii CI. llai'lmR and C';ilvin ('< oiidge. it. ^anymore. 7 Andrew n-U-«-n. i>. "A Tiilc <>f Two Cities." by Charles Dickens. !i ('lurk Griffith. I 10. <o. PLAY AT CHAI'KL IIILL Chapel 11:11. March 1—"Twilight .Zone." .i thic-act play written and clireciecl by members of the University's department of dramatic art, will be presenttfl by the Carolina Haymakers in their theatre here ; Thursday. Friday and Saturday. March 9. in. II. I Foster Fit//.-Simons, member of • the Playmaker staff and the Oepartmeni of dramatic art. and Thomas j Avera of itocky Mount, graduate | student, collaborated in writing-the play, and Fitz-Simotis is directum it. Reason Given For Refusing Free Lunches BY LYNN NISBET Daily Dispatch iIiih.iii Raleigh. March 1. George !{'•> . marketing special:-I tinState IKpat lii.ctii .il .vgi'c.llHt: c. put "ill a 1 iltIt- -im v a . un.v • ..^n about lint ciloi:gh ; . ... .i.-illg Ini'lis |)|(lVHil.l \ .1;.Fideral govcT.n.-r.t he : y.xthing. Ross couldn't uiuIitM I ivliy "!U\ (iJti nl tile Slat: 1 c: i.« :.M.I the ll'C. »■„!.. I!. .lii'V, ll.CA lie !i:ij- been lulii ai iiu • ,.:ui and a lew iuu aajn . : '■ ii u<-i - ha\e i-. ;■.< .1. ■. pat.oli> and opeiat. • • ; .a'cl: .. : %. They have vome from ns i the StaU1. Thry combine to mak? what school i>. \. i,i :.. .-ai; » UK!) TAl'K A - i > • ..i tii ItttSMVCS itltill a'v t 111; at in* ing I'liUMd sis ■> ' recipients; nearly all .•! iiu ay they u like to have the : •. •< i. lni! the ml tap© am! form-tilling necessary u cut it is just nuch foi them. One lunch HNlll ilia . ': V. !e> til.I whoa flu- first !leard about the five tih d she \\':is (h'ligiitnl. Then she found i: would necessitate employ :IIJ» ' 'llll t , • : ,> In ,,cc|> .p \\ m. the ret ml . - li«>i scltool jlnj ^ I•• i 11 A • '' ' . \ i. . ■■■ ,.!*• .■ ii. an «U|n-. •. ill' I,.. -. f..iiu-»limt - .-«• :• ... • i.i ■ i • • ut i. i ■ • • s.«: . ii •• i i. tr. :n 'll ' Ai. ( Ine IctiCi' V .i • i .1 I.-a ly typical i rencr..! ■*- tst « xpressed: "II J hi |H.uH.ilc gh and V.. • in;;-r :it.i t'.iitsidt. ,.t. ii tin., lab ; is to get atid how eery my civilian who would oi ■ in lllid ..14, " ; ,| ■ V'.. y. il CIHtkl filld -.: .pier .. on them." iTEFUL. — One supervisor that she personally grateFederal help because othera y c tuM not o|iei ate ; ielt !-. i v :iiat gratitmU idthc «'titer sentence. hut v..u 1 be surprised It .w n any schot I at thev call ■ U t •li.iv i>od - • -u.-picii'ii. r.a-U hi C.,ra potato growers who remember r crops r fting last yea» d in": er.-iaiui > 1!( ca: load- pud i:ccn d'-t! :i".ltcd lit I:..- Stat-. . Hcoi paultrymen lift e.vei -owi "i distribution In this S:..t.' «o mi iutic". loo: of 1J cafliiatls "i hern m And wi-.v . i, .u!d" uu■inmont pay Florida farmers i«>r '..i'ii . d- : v aoi)a;t*' T-i . < a\'.'.iv •orth Carolina school cltildren? 'LKASF.D F rot: l i:»t (i atxiut all tile excitement can -od. A.' aiiv he i.-n'i; hr" aii:c: pleased ab ;t. lie if, I . (|t • v. a- "pl'iiii cd lhat v. ay." nut believes tiie di.-cu.-.-inn ba.> c >:> ribtited to solution of the basic pi"»lem ut distribution 'i f*Midstuffs. A. i; a'keting specialist that i~ hi. hie. aim. UK!) C'lJt >SS— By exccllt :\ c proc• i'1'iti nl lite giivein-ir. which r.ak*'- t legal ;i:id •:iicial. tiie wh ile nonth March i- Red Cross Month n North Carolina. Governor linitiKii••n say. ti:e .igettcv now is perl'ununj; tin- ••greatest service in it- l"iig I | iiid distmguisi.ed history" and he ! < ippvals to ;.H citizcns t<• c >me thr -11 igli with ju-t a- mticli a i they pas- ] ibly can (iiu'iiig the cut rent drive j | or funds (The governor doesn't ' i cntion tiu> point, but it is :i fact, led C'ros.- ontributions n.ade dur: '4 this month can be deducted from icxt year's income tax returns.) IN* AGAIN—Just when Ihe State •. as congratulating itself upon being I alien out of Group I in the labor •carcity field, comes news that ihe niiii.power cinimn- rm has put the Wilmington area back in that classiiication. Which mean-, that no new contracts for war material and no I'onstructioii can be uiHiertaken in the area for several months. .JONATHAN — .loiiilhan Daniel.- I SiESTA TIME IN ARGENTINA it iskt POSSIBLE twat voo -ARE fcOlOTt tenors Co-o f£4ryl •a# one «■! the chief topic* «l coiii»r>atit»n n>und the iqiuirc Tues» ,.v. Occasion was refusal ••• the Ka> ; i!. '.'xi < : i.f N,».V> •.;! « it) ei• ei. t. testily I it" a bnatv invMiigsting t Uw and ii' pn»|Kt't "i his indictment for inie: : i ». • \ lint; Uaniels p. >ptl: .1- .... .ii the • t. though .it At I. « ii-t. -s iletalisC : some jibos i.t.- has taken at State t t . :.t t- v. > ..mii.. tatit'ii i •." • • i V| .. . ii I i his nil i. t . « til to a ctiti. '' ..U : ■ > " -ie ,i~ ; i . . i ■ 1 liiclf . Hit1 l*:i idfllt. (Hi- t..i- tuked In ut i.i- iillvgcd It.:; yt li. i.y bialiu.v i> regn : • Rural Kicctrificatitm Admintii '. i.> RKGRhT—i liu' State <>i~— Ted tin' interesting comment: "It mi. tl.,.ii w:ii- i(t .iyi»' Senator alley will regret his refusal to en•r»t» I im i'i:- i. itiirter to New Zea•n(i I • ' li. .t itv c.i:>ie up last CANDID. VI Announcement liiat •CC 15. U r..':.r (lUhiMlCr t'l tlie h<lby !>,,il\ v. ill be a cancliate i ". reelection the State Sen1c .ii interest outside Cleveland utility. Though Gregg Clicrry spon..ii'd 1. e t - inn .t'n : .' tut that . -uitt<I in three pi-ret it* fti.-imiiit ur early ]jnynuiil ... sales pollco I'm 'V in-■: eli 'ist . i was it .i 1 y ii'Hiii.M Wt-.t'.In i. ' i(ling ii." lerceat ! . r. -t... i<i the idea. T: 'leveland -e' ati 1 i intivdii;'id he bill giving 30 days "grace" . i ot . licinsc t.ig-. lit onioned the nine months school, but iftcr it - adopt on championed measires t'i '! cllii'•!> i i'• t■ St.lie iniiorii. t> H i. i ,.nci 1,.1'iliin-. GRADUATE OF UNC IN SHIP COMMAND C pel Hill, March i.—Ensign John E. Ueaudry. I'SVK. a graduate o' the University M Xorth Carolina in 11>33. lias returned to this country alter h.aving spent almost six months at sea in e.innnnnd of the Navy g'.iu 're.v ;,bo rtl an American mercnant .t.-sil. I i his as -ignment he '.vp® rhai 'I'd v t'n the detense of the ship in ease 01 attack. Ensign Deaudry was snperin'.en SALLY'S SALLIES i' ' [•.—■ ■-i . \ 'ff- r»f-.'rc« Iv ■ j5h!LJgg£?Ll I "Gert was carrying a case of explosives when the whistle blew for lunch." dent of the Heaudry Wallon.ior Corpur. tion prior tn enterlm* ::n- iVav last year. Mi* attcndc.i \mhei-! {.'o!leyo tor two years and was graduated from the I'niver.-ity i 193.'?. Mo a memebr of psi (.'•)- !■• i Xu fraternity mul w .1 • her of the Caii'liti.. vars tv . v.iii. team. A native <»f Moiner. X V., Ki: n-i Heaudry is married to the former Miss Susanne T.ieker. who. wt'.n their on Anthonv. now resale- 1 Iialcigh. Ensign Rcatidrv is now in X. v. Orleans awaiting further :is>.snn;.' a> rommandor of the Armed i on r. merchant ship. RECORDS BROKEN IN WAVES ENLISTMENT Raleigh, March 1. Records were broken last week in the oft ice ot Naval Officer Procurement for W.W'KS enlistment- and applications l.ieut. Lodwick Hartley. < »I!«cci-i:i-Chftrge oi theOlliceot \a\al lhiicir Procurement, announced today. In the first week ol the intensive drive, which the Recruiting Service and Naval CMIicer Procurement are (-inducting. sixteen North Carolina girl- have been enli-ted and tntyliiiie applications have been received. Over five hundred inquiries have i"" i in iio: .ill over the Slate, and i fl'iiv "t | lost card- and letters ad d . -• d • WAVES, Raleigh." i-^ stead* ily increasing. ! The • ent campaign was innu. red oi: February 18. with a dinI r < n .i 1 the Sir Waller Motel. D> not overgraze pastures in early spring. a suggestion of State C'oii !<'4f specialists. This also applies j durii1." very dry periods in summer. NOTICE OF SI MMONS. In The Superior Court Refot'r The Clerk. ' State t.r North Carolina: ( utility of V;ince: Crmiir Taylor and husband. Redden Tavler. Vs. Fldora J'errv. unmarried. James Ftl; ward rcrry and wife, Beatrice Perry, Charlie Cooper (Husband j oi Mat lie Cooper, deceased): Pauline Wilson .mil Wilson, her husband. Marguerite Cooper, un•narrird. Itcutric.' Tyler and husband. .lames Tyler. Kosabeile Davis and husband. Willie Davis. Mamie Lee Cooper. Minor. D. Y. Cooper and wife. Florine Cooper. .famc> Arthur Cooper and wife, Cooper. William Henry Cooper, unmarried, Charlie MeKae Cooper. Minor, and timnalia Cooper. Minor. Ora W'atkins Hummer ttnd husband, .loliti Flumnirr, Olivia Williams and husbiiud, Selr.mon Williams. The defendants, .fames Kenya rd Peny and wife, Beatrice Ferry, Jnnies Arthur Cooper, Willi tm Henry Cooper, Eldoia Peny, Marguerite Cooper, Beatrice Tyler, .lames Tyler. Kosabeile Davis, Willie Davis, D. Y. Cooper and Cooper will take notice that an action entitled as above in the nature of a Special Proceeding has been commenced in the Superior Court il Vance County, North Carolina, fot the sale of certain real estate fot partition; And the defendants named in preceding paragraph will take notice that they arc required to appear al the office of the Clerk of Superioi Court of Vance County, in the Courthouse in Henderson, Nortl: Carolina, on the 24th day of March 1944, and answer or demur to the complaint in said action or the plaintiffs will apply to the Court fot the relief drmandcel in saiel complaint. This the 22nd day of February, 1944. E. O. FALKNER, Clerk Superior Court Vancc County. 23-1-8-15 LAND IS ACQUIRED FOR POWER PROJECT liichmonri. V;i.. March 1.—Ollioes iDiiii>:.1 :t>«■<! I>v ti»> Federal WorkAui i ■ y in tin- Xi>-en Itiuldmg at Win-'ur.-Saii In handle laud trans actions nmuvctwl with the High Point iivd •- -li-ctric pow«v dovelopt .i n! .in ihe Y; dltin Uivi-r. will bo do I'd mi March :il and part of the pi i - ii.ju 1 will l>e li an.-iiTi I'd ti> tin* i \V.\ regional office in Uiciimmui. Kenneth Mark well. rpci'ial rcprcucn'aiixi i ! iii Work? administrator tor FWA power projects cast nt tho M.-> - iinn. .innnunci'd I'iday. Mr Ma •kwol: aid the wort; in connection witlt the acquisition • >t title to hind n \e ri c area ha• hrcn CMinpleti d the point that .n.ontciiari'c ••! .in . nice a' Win-tnnSalcn tiftct March :>i will in1 tmiiwi -aiy. In I'r.!jl;::.d. pel capita weekly conetin-.ption of luitter ..- two ounces. WANT ADS Get Results THE TELEPHONE COM TAN V IS iti need <>'. young women between : the use- <>: 17 and ill! to train tor ' teli phone «>pe:atoi iit Jackson\ silt-. N. C. Starting >alary SI9.51) per week. Hoard and room is obtainable ;ii dormitory for $(3.00 per week. Girl- are muter careful mipi-rvi-ion Thi i- an essential service to <>ur armed forces. Apply at local telephone i-uice for further information. Carolina Telephone & Telegraph Co. 23-tf GROCERIES, FRESH MEATS AND vegetables. Everything for your table. We deliver and save you gas ant! time. Phone 439. Always ready to serve you. Herbert's Yellow Front. 25-tf Forxn — CMP.IM 1.1.A. PAY FOR this act. and receive same at 227 Chestnut St. 1-1-ti. THERE ARE MANY REASONS why ROP mated chicks should sell for more. Wo have them at SIC.nil. Our regular mating at $13.00. Hundreds have booked orders. Why not let us have yours? Telephone f!71 Henderson Hatchery. 24-2Gti UAP.Y CHICKS -BARRED ROCKS, White Rocks, Buffs, Reds, Wyandotte-.. New Hampshire's, Crosses, Leghorns. All fir t grade chicks. Kexed or straight run. BirchetPs Hatchery, Petersburg. Va. 23-oOti NOTICE. State of North Carolina: County of Vance: The undersigned having qualified as administrator of the estate of Dorsey N 1 larris, deceased, late of Morristown. New Jersey, this is notice to nil persons having claims against the said estate to present them to the undersigned and his attorney in Henderson, North Carolina, on or before the tilth day of January, 1915. oi this notice will be pleaded in bar of any recovcrv. All persons indebted to sadi estate will please make immediate settlement. This 19th dav of January, 1941. M. G. KITTRELL, Administrator of the Estate ot Dorsey N. Harris. Gholson and Gholnon, Attorneys for Administrator. 19-2-9-16-23-1 WANT ADS Get Results KOI! SALE 1937 CHEVROLET Ctoipe Guod tires, good Condition Heater. l'hone I052-J. 1-3-U GLEN ROGERS BRIQUETS. POcTliontas washed nut. New liiver Egg, Vesta Red Ash and high qUaU ity stacker and splint coal*. (j-.n Hob Falkner at II. O. Falkner'jfc Son, phone 260. 18-tI DRY PINE WOOD FOR SALE T Sawed stove length and delivered anywhere in Henderson. D. m. Glover, phone 4621. 28-2t)ti INLOADING TODAY ONE CAR load ol 1 4 inch, 3 4 inch sheet Rock in all sizes. C. L. Carter Lumber Co. 1-1-U U1CYCLE FOUND SUNDAY. KK15ruary 27. Owner may get bicycle by describing and paying for ad. See Earl Tesncar, South Render•sun, route 1. 28-fiti .H'ST AH HIVED ONE CAR ol shingles, roll and asphalt. See us fur price:;. C. I.. Carter Lumber Co. 1-1-ti ARE YOUR HOUSEHOLD UOOUS and personal effects insured? If not give us an opportunity ol letting you know how little it costs to carry this protection. Cates Insurance Agency. Phone 800, llorner Building. For Better Insurance at a Saving. lli-tf WANTED UNFURNISHED ROUSE ..i apartment by cutiplr \vithimt (hildreti. Address "Couple" r.ito Dispatch. :!!i-:!ti A GOOD STOCK AXES KF.LLEY and Spiller, post bole digyrs, Simonds cross cut saws, 1 tames, trace chains and a few it lb. wood rhoppets* mauls at "THE I'LAt'K OJ-- VALUES." Alex S. Watkm-; Hi EXPERT TYPEWRITER AND Al>ding Machine repairman now connected with us and we are well equipped to give you prompt and efficient service 011 all kinds and makes. Phone 62 Alford's Printing & Office Supply Co. 21-tC XIOF. ROOMS. GOOD MEALS. HOT and cold water, steam heal, reasonable, at Hotel Sandra. 25-(iti SPECIAL PRICES < ELECTRIC, wood, and oil-burning burner.- ill this month. Hook your chicks mow. llender>on Hatchery. 12?'. WANTED LAUNDRESS AT OWE. Apply in person. The Little Hotel. 2!l-2ti BABY CHICKS FOR SALE. CAN furni.-h 50 thousand d ily. A!! •..o standard breeds. Blood tested. Safe and live delivery guaranteed. Price "A" grade 12c: "AA" grade 14c; "AAA" grade 15c. A.J. Cheek. 1-1-1: EXPERT WEATHERSTRIPPIXC, with Master zinc metal strips. Call for estimate. No ration, no priority forms. You get a well done job. J. Maurice Allen, Phone 102G-W. m-w-f-tf FARMERS— TRADE YOUR ECC.S for garden seed or credit on baby chicks at 31c per dozen. 2fio c sh. Henderson Hatchery. l-_'7*.i GOOD USED CARS AT REASONable prices. A look here will convince you that these cars are priced to move. Fords—Plymouth! —Chevrolets, 1934's to 19-50's. Candler-Palmer Motor Co. 15-tf ITS TIME" TO PLANT STARK Brothers and Burbank's fruit lives. Place order with me now for .1mediate delivery. A. J. Cheek, Agent. 1-1-ti. FOR RENT THREE ROOM HOUSE For sale Philco electric ratiio. Apply to C. A. Wortham, phone too;',. 29-2ti IS YOUR POULTRY HOI * SK clean? Germs, coccidia. and worm eggs are lurking in even cJcanlooking brooder houses. Clentt. then disinfect with Dr. Salsbuiy's PAR-O-SAN. We have it! Parke 's Rexiill Drug Store. ' 1-1-ti WE ARE NOW BETTER THAN' ever prepared to serve your furniture Meeds. See lis. Save money. I!. E. Satlerwhite & Sons, Near Fire Station 22-tf SEE US FOR OFFICE SUPPLIES and Printing. Social Engraving of all kinds. Best Quality at Bent Prices. Prompt Service. Henderson Book Co. Phone 110. Established 1880. 3-tf FOR SALE LARGE 12 FOOT double door Frigidaire in very good condition, two electric drink boxes, one small cash register. 250 gallon gas tank. Gas stove. 30 Ballon hot water tank and heater for cooking, with piping,, two penny peanut machines, two penny cigarette machines. Backer's Shoe Store. 1-tt OFFICIAL TIRE INSPECTION Stntion. Cars washed, lubricated, polished, batteries recharged, Gulf gas and oils. L. T. Harris Gulf Service Station, Garnett and Horner Sts. phone 1198-W. 26-tf TIRE HEADQUARTERS-WE HAVE the latest cfficial information regarding tire inspection and application for new tires and tubes. Let us help you with yours. Henderson Vulcanizing Co. 22-tf MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF NEW YORK Represented By—— B. FRANK HARRIS, Henderson, N. C.

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