cm \rn:i: hmutv ri\ i-: Ar-'ii - r .ilt I (!»• sir 1,- In-,I anil innall i>11 r«•:»11 in iIn1 a awe. The apaitnu't v. ' void of l>rii'-abra>' or urn n> il. uf any -oil. inilmlinr j>i• t i . ..I . i . tin tin ■ u < a 11 I-like alVa ii . t • • . m il iceImx and • • A twoluiiiin i.) . .i\. ■ . t i M a till tal'i'- til." . . ; .rmip, isn't il?" A ITU1 ■ ■ • <1. "Si i' w!i : - iii think <>f this." 11 ram.''■ ■ • ■. II' a ' I'iin I > a spot directly > ■ • | ii• ■ the table. There was a Ii- I i'i t wall I thi' si/'■ ol a Inillit. "I i .'l I.i.;hi.« is where Ki'illii-aiil laiiicil ott ii expel i I in-n t s. all i "I " " I ill.I at' t I: ' " " Yip." ' • I •• ni ' noil a clo*11 11«*«*•*. \ .i • •. I.tint: tIn-ii*. "I .i'i !'•. . ai1 i'i il." Crair.-e • at ! ":l . ! • ! us a Iniitr tillli't<• trace il. Iilil it's idenI leal wit Ii tin .!• i-rintion of tlie one Ki .ll.- ar.I u. r. 1 A run t". 1' t :.!• . • •!. niflYd il. ami llii a r.'tii.l «.r. of tlu* pocket* itiMdo, i-ari fully. s<» as lint t.i "ill i.f '.he ilu t that iiiiv lit 1 in i .• I -it>. in. "IM liki- to krniw what ynnr men rtnil from examining 11 dust," Argus rail!. "Par'ii i '.irl. il" tin y litnl any tnl>: ." !I r. placed tin' rout» a inl walked int . t!a> lied room. Ill- pull. .1 Ikiik a . of I- " lied Cl.\ ill'.*1' . ' v. .in ■mil IIIIWI i' ' ! '. I i ■ "all •.Irawi : v. • t.- i I. T . . liar-. A sad I...- Ii ! ii..t 1m i n n .• ntly '.s.. ■. i. ! pinoi! • in a dusty ili":i mi t!... it . ,t!. Aii «'\pii .< i...ii• i ii..11 t >■ I I fn a U-vi I with tlio w indow. "Wla n>V •• i . room?" \rgtl jlii.ul. .1 ,ii. . i .|.n. "It's .!■ .• a ill." Ci-iw. nnnil 1.1 • ■ 11 •• .i aii in lai'11" Argu-' iin. • r | tho of tin- rt fi rt .i;. tnl'l'". with Its r.-.| velvet cover. Then v a i a marl on tlio velvet us tlio . y had ! la i.i ..'i it. Then- \v< two floor p! ." In-hind tlio lulili'. \i'\t to thi-tii v. a ' t1 1.« II! >ii\. There w.-r.' • • ■ r l II1M ; nil it a tIkiii'.'Ii • " • • ■ i 1 t r!• il to takr it a'.ait a :: -i . ir t m iiiarrini im lit ami it ' I ....... thi'paint. <>• t' • carpet wa • a tit y slivi r nf j»1:i . ,\ ri.rn : ;ri 'a I it lip. "Hottor ta dust combing nround thin laWi>," h aid. "l ikav. 1■ ! nm t1 Iriir?" Argu* |.'« • he ■ i•■ *•»firnnm'* liainl. 'I':i 1 . .vi into tl'i kiti'licm it- Tl • i .lit t i>ti tii. nhelvvft. ia ill" (rluK.range, puliinc* at! hi)1 ciiin, know that Sturi!iti| wt» it; \ v« with Syria and jenlou* of her. And i" wtM rlever ntiout in v. nun.- • I.;:. ir ~. Sliiri;is u.ilkcl with r liti'i. s.i did l!i'ill>i'.ard. Stui'u.s. L. ■ m. n • • sio'i. was I lit) tho vicinity of Ultli Stm-t ami Fourth Avenue t lie tl.ty lodluard ! iii'iii'lit liis «list»ui>e." "If Stu n:is were lioclliciiri!" | A t ints siikvi'sIi-.I, "(lie kill that picked U|> tin- heard at Western I'num mil'ht !»• aide to identify I him. Hut tlii-ri's another problem: Asstiniinsr :hat Sturcis was our mail, who shot liim anil who shot I'iav.r ."' "Yes." firaiisi' sitrhed, "I've thought of that. too. Cut Stursis .I liUesneh a lo-iral I.Vdhoaid. • vc »•>thitiir ahout him fits so \v«-ll [ » .th what \\e already know, that I I'lK tired thole tutl-t !.«• some t• l:|>1i■ 1 ion if we colild just think of it." "IVriiaps," Arjiiis said, uiu-imvilM-ed. til amre's face hritrlitoncd. "Or maybe Stur i= knew who ltcilh<-ard was aiul I• illowI liim up liW, threatened him. ami was shot." " sounds more likely," Arvt* noihleil. "I'll tike to have a talk with the super. Ami. if I may make a . n-.-:-'stieii. don't 1. t any one -moke in this room until you've taken up tin- dust f• ■ -m around the tahle." Till* supcrinti n,lent turned out to In- a I'enial Swede with a dean apartment in the Iia-'iilent. lie • irmeil more anxious to ansvv. r upstairs? Hid ■*'to!l'-ky put that in'.'" "Tl.e '.hone ..'r- 'dv in. h it he had a iu tYom liiroom. V" "No." ••The* tinrhave pail i* in injj !*!"• »i11 his hitihui. Mo \ i. ! . ,v \vIn re it i - .'** "N<», May In* it*-, in tin* I tnU* waiter. i ain't hail lino n» «i< an up today." As the man pulled down the dunih-waitcr trom ai.- 'i . r tloor, Av.;us eonlimnd with hi «§«i« ~tu»ninjr. "hid St< ir 1 loll ... hi ii tials or tir-1 iian,' wion ho the piaee?" "lie sa\ his mime was Krie Stotrsl:y." "Krie Stotfslcv." Ai'/us rep# at. d slowly and !nmk his h« ad. "When was the ln*t time you saw him?" "!!•• came hi around h:*'.<» last nijsht." " 1 low* many tin did you •• •• him in all?" "I see him Thur day when he took the plaee and Kri.iay w In »» ! » m< vid in with a snitea • . Tl it ua* around fix. !!•• le in Monday niitht at .V.'.n aitd last n *ht.** "hid any of \oiir t*-».a»its report hearintj a -dir. du< \-.,r tl»o time StolV I.v lived l.on-?" •*Naw. mi>t«r. I"if I I make «?o intieh noise any way "II- . in u;-I. ••'Hum the tr n l a!wa\ I»:*« *.!*»i"injr." II had tl.»-duioh-waiti t d.«.u now and \va- r« t *.«.\:: r * pail. Ho set it down • • n tlw floor near Ar»»ti*' !*»»• t. The lalt* i hvtit !•» • \amin>- it. Ther«* were a few pi» e» . :* hio!.on Ha ' v. raj ;• i in a ?>• • • ip« r. In ilie upt er left I • .! ■ ornei\ torn through tl ni ! le iva a • • • r with the la t h-tt. ts i t* a » am*- i:.«i nddr. . A!*•••»" p»I at it i'I*.*'. Iy• Yho !• ♦♦ r w. r» "an" •» d iv.hrr. at': was and lo !■■» that **..y." The oth. r ooid.-nt • • tin* p il w.-re a pie.*,- ,.f twine and me small hit - of wiro. "I'm Had h id: ** emptied thin,*9 i • aid. **1 I ist kit p it t*.»r a while.99 •*M>s Kitty won't li!:^ this at all." tho superintendent • h«»oL his head slowly. "Mi Kitty? Who's sh» ?" Ar«»nii asked. •\*'he*s t!;e holy 'v!m?e apartment he ii-nted. Mi Kitty*: member of some* iety t »:.t don't approve of ilrinl in' ..r -tnokiii' ai d she trees • outh and I r. rit h. r pla.'o tor her. She toll na* sh'* want sonn* ro-pon — li -ftoiiH do •-« • ill it. was her vt ry w ; ii " II. ho.•!. !:i- le-ad atrain. *'Shi *r ! '.nr." me w' . n she funis out I ret t it to a nr rderer.*8 Th • v>,< ! ! ' d hori ifn •!. Arjfiis Id vr.f d»vt«: »er it wa he eause of StolVskv * r whetb r V) f.*ai'ed M - • l\ :11> V v. i at (To In rout intied) e • ri •!:«. t x r.a» - I .r . Hi fr.' • ! : . K . » • . Jap 'Gin' WHEN THE MARINES : I m m the Japs in the I' po << r area, they found tin.- y nged anti-air•(•••:.:» : '.hi. Now that it has been repaired, Sgt. Charles M<'Klhenry of \Vilk::- •••.;, I\i., is itching to turn it a;.'. ■ 1 ' • ». U.S.M.C. photo. (hit if) Noah Kmymi, -4MP / ± 2JL PCAP /-\CAk\ ^MOL)Lt> SCCLW BALLS Ul LOCKED UP l f'TH'. • ' TMOUCWW MRS .J fill I M fr<-, 7 r .»/-»"• ■ ,J ' NUMH \H / Morning Inertia Sign of Middle Aqe r... i.Oti \N CLKXDEXINC. M. I). | I UK .-pirctacle, whether real or 1 in i_ a • y. of young soldiers re- ' ■ i mi to reveille by hop pint; ■ i iri and ruimiiiK pell-mell : r tin- -bowers is oik* to create l»r,« IcitiMiij; will mwwr i»11s of I tl of the—well tt» avoid I . a> ' anything so invidious as ii lit* aged or declining—let us j >ay tin onset of lIn- philosophic • /a of lit'- is !!:■■ p ! i' .l of adjusti i* !'• uirO' at tin' first instant of p ,!i the morning. t n 11*11 dizziness, the :nrre-t -.-I i.r.11 of the necessity of 'a! :: i • ipl" of ileep btealh-, but at avy iiitr the pause—the Vt i \ lit M.i'.e pause, fri t hanging "■■.ii- • •• iile of the l.oiI. aims bra. • i. to give I ho shove that semis 0 n- hero out towards the workaday world—perfectly willing to go but. don't push, brother, the workaday world can good anil well wa ' tir.'il I shake my head n 1 • '.'.do of tlllirs. I i.i i nothing alarming about tl.i it i- ju-t gray hair in the isti cut, wrinkle* in the rising I '- one of the earliest ami ii." t ii '. ate -.i^rns that the ar• |■: .i • .if! no longer as limber a> an ■ ;-ii iin^' thiotigh a j I of u I. 1%'irunihent Position Ti te 'imlieiit position — Hod Me - I a in ii I tain Nature int Ill be I ei-iiinb' nt. or at lea t i n ail fours- the recumbent I . .i.ion i'li al for tin- circulator;. n .m m. It i obviously easier f "lie heart to -end blood to the in a ! when the Iteml i on tlii" same "Vol. arid for the blood t > got bai I: to the heart from the feet, than vli'ii they are three feet limn and tho blood has to • L-irle against gravitation. Well, when this easy position la- I "ii i.iaintatr 'd six or eight t ii and -uddenly the media ni. r conditions are male harder, ( a art' i i'- ! ave lo reach out and viai' t1 e blood and squeeze it onvni and the heart muscle ha* to increase it - foot-pound work very . !•!• uly The young person'* artiii can snap to attention with pie a urc and alacrity under these i rcunistniKTS. but fncle John'* arteri< hove been knock injraround tlie divr« and .-harp corners of the world some timi and you have to (jive tlu m lime. The phenomenon bn? been extensively studied by Hr. Starr, a: the t'niver-ity of I'i mi-ylvania. and a te t devised, the stand.ud of which can he applied to anyone to make a determination of the adjustment of the circulation. Tho apparatus is a table suspended in fui-h a way that t lie movements im|>:irU'il lo the body by tho hrari'i rwoil anil tlic I■!< >iui imparls of a I'cclinini; subject are iran i!;i111.1 to a in' \ intr lIn- avi- am- cireulatioti n maintained on ari-ini*. In those with heart disease, high blood I'M—mi' at- i convab- cents there were varying derive:; of lack «>C ia|>i>! response. The . en ati<»n ha* no serimn - iirniiieaiv. ■ . i.t that it nn ans tin- l>< itiii' mi' of tlir in initial withdrawal of tin- I' >nnimtr ennciM of youth. lMi't unrry about it. lit ftard it :i^ t .ii of tin* eternally lascinntini; ; - tiom< t a of Naturo —a> nntnriil as ti.«.• iarl: of the dosire to r<> a-ioving l y the lij'ht of tho moon. (jrr.s'iIONS \NI> ANSWKIIS f! J>.: Will you plea-1 • till nio if th' re i ■ any datf.'i r of ponotriitin* tho i ir drum liv cleaning; out tin ear w it h a mat el;'.' Answer: iVrtainly. If you don't want to lo i' your h. aritn; have a doctor clean out your ears. A. S. K.: What characteristics in the appearance of the tool would dcioti- eaneer ill tho intestinal tract'.' Would a complete laboratory and :r:,. fro-intestinal Xruy »>/>■ ?«.■' pi.-, . in ir«('/i'./ recuKnixe th- trouble? Ans'.'rr: Stool is tarry, blrndy, rilihondike. t'oir.phte (i. I. series should I '••• tii/.e ('.mi'' r ill the bowel. All c<»t»i|»etcnt physicians arc fallible, but olie . hotlld recognize thi< condition. LENTEN REDUCING DIET By Dr. Clendcning Worfnosdoy—500 Calorics BREAKfAST " tablespoon apple sauce —no sweet cninp. cibli oat oioal no sugar. 11 cup « hole milk. 1 i ip ti'lTce no cream or tier. IUNCHEON 1 toa-t' I cheese sandwich on whole wheat toa-t. I tomato sliced with vineirar, lemon or mineral "il dre>MNtR Avcr.itro h-lpinir baked stufTid mushrooms. 1 slice whole wheat toast-no butter or substitute. Lett ire and i-it-s -alnd vinegar, b-mon "ti minei:d oil dressing. 'J tablespoons >rf the country li- : ate Statr, "ity ami lUj:ional Iirn:i{ship tourn.ttm-nvs it • r tlto allspices ■1 tin- voluntary ,'<>v< ruin); fooiiy •1' lli«- i;aiiiv. it.- Aim-ricai) Contract r.n.l^- 1-ranu. All i>i' tin-in li I •• Ciitiiiui'li'il 'II the h.i.-is of 'lupin.:tr plav s.i Miat IlK-re is :i > • ili-li ttuiij; as v inning lin-atise yo.i .1-1 i.tlir car.i - than someone I-> Kvnylioily plays tin- same latxK iiml t!a- way you make out l' Oil Wilt'lilt; wilil ll :.||f»-.vsAiii-lli r .Mm iliit l,i t!• r or wor •• tin.- others v.11li "hi- nl«-ntical v.irils. Naturally the most cov.-t. .1 till' s a re tin- national championships Th' af- 'l'-t'-rtnin-'l in 11 separate competitions. Thn-i- of '.In'iii- inihvitlual. | nr an.I trams :>f four—are r- it11'l'-'l to Mas. ti-rs." who haw <|iialuic.| as .such hy ri-corils of actual |n-rf"riii:mi-ii:i previous event •• Knur of tln-m *re open to • v-ryhoily. pairs, l.m>i koiit fours. in whn li your i-t total 'imtract points dci-iile whether you at a particular .Vain or 1. . • to i' ami tn-iN h point I..ins in which . .in« iN-tter than some i.II • r train n a ( articular I- al i '.ui.i ; I.:., p. mt i..r your oiul.iii.itlull Tin n t .-ir nr Wotn-•n'-s pairs ui.i !• men'.: ; a r.-. «i..I tnixeil pans ami trams winch li.i\. n.' n ..-I I .von ■ :i at.-,! i.; ■ a h ••tliet ll" ! •• I 11 .1: ill ll.r _ '■ « i -ll" II I. :i J..1:11 P. *'i i.- t. t. I I ;■ -,- Xi],„j.„. i'liilailepliia: llowai-il : .-n •.n.l K !■ ir.l llvm- s j; v V'.i!:. Open J-;\i-u(n Pair* Mr; Kilitli .1 ftrii.. New York, atvl Mrs Ituth Chas< t.r'liili li-. i-hilail: i K,u.i li.,ui I"'i.ui.h I Vatiiii-riiill i *. jt.n•. -1 ).-. Kim: : Cup)-* Marry Fish!) r- ! i> Kaplan. Alvin L I1.' •Stone. New YorJ;. jr. ! ! I Kaj-in. N'-\v llav<-n • M.itch point .'•! " \f S..I..-1 an>l i'. .I:ty 1'. York. Cliail.-s II ' !• '!*' n<-y Sikxlor. I 'lul l : -1WlXHI'll's llM'lllPairs—Mrs l i.'h .T .in ! Mrs M i.- !:<• • n. NKMiri«—Mrs .1 K Fot •• i lil-s I! < '.or •: .>• 1 ilor. I*lii!.i.l> It -.vill be n< -t. .{ th « 1 v.-nti in v. In-ii . 1 1 Mr 1 . r« M uoii it-. .■ 1.1 : | the .Ma."t«-is' fmir* 1 , j.omt lour ••. i- • f s ir I i:, . f • r • 1 . r.- - ii I v Mr 5i(»ll. I. I • .. V: ! Crawfortl. Mr : . li-mai. •!. t Min lli- ir l.illl:i.*;j- . i l>r- ;-..-n "ii . >• ■ < • on«l pl.u »*s u. v |iarti.ttlar -v> n*- tIf • • . I Ih t i ■ . 01, o'1. 1 ■ ; 1 .v -• ' M Mr " : at,.I II,- I tur i' Mi \V >• iii mill K:i|»ln on- nation .1 •.. • y All tol.t. :;| .!:•!, (..nti. |!- I 1:1 • || <1 ! . I Olll*-!. - ain- . 1 • I il of 11 1. . • , on-tv. J l'-o yon !- c | Il :: of P ,il • ! • ' tin- v.lmh > l.r. ilc :•!' r« : lnj.s in .1 : . 'i 1- lol l tomorrow. j SlRAP BOOX i y R. J SCC' THIMBLE THEATRE Starring Pcpcye i vama oticr * . . • (ve^.'/ou"'! — i i - / VA.MA V' . - ' . ITIIE RATIN65 CMItr . ..v#'. O; - HAVEN' BOSUN'O * \ . COt MArf v ' . I-' ,V ' " - •> ^'through IIzlJ Tj : T \ fc?_: . " ' t.K COA Ci' it • V -/s \ £ ~ W y BLONDIF < Kcsistrml C. S. I'.ncm oiiirei ■. • j"* , ' f t ^ >