ASSOCIATED AND CENTRAL PRESS ] Heniterson Daflg Btspatrlj FRIDAY, MARCH «l, w\.\ Ministers To Sponsor Easter Noon Services Noonday Holy Wivk scivices will be held ill the Stevenson theatre at Iwrlvc o'clock each day next week under auspices ot the 1 lenderson Ministerial Association. it was unrounccd today. The program will Uad up to observance ol Faster the fi-llnwing Sunday, ami the week-day sciv >is will uc clinvixcd by a I In veil" ir program on Friday. t :\ ie clubs are cooperating with the ministers in the program, anil merchants are being asked to close the.: stores tor the brief period or t<> pern; t lliei employe.* to have the.r lunch hour ..t that time so that they may he aule to attend. Cm. W I). Mt'lnnis, First PresbvtcI an pastor, said today that a meeting h. il been heltl by representatives <•1 the three clubs a. d the ministers to n ,ii\e arrangements. The services will beg n each day p;< mptly ..1 noon and will be brief. A d lie vi ; local minister will be in cha: ue i ich day. No set talk will he hail, but the period will be devote:! t.i s lining to hymns, prayers and nu-dlatit n. i>n M niiay Kev. I'. Xorileet Gardner. First Baptist pastor, will be in el i; e, and en Tuesday the leader v\ .! e He*'. \V. 1). . iclmns. First IV e- >yte; an u in.ste.' llev. Ray II Uit.'. reit- « : II >ly Innocents K; ' e j. eh.;, cii. v. ill had on Wed: .1 iy Ilex It K. King, pastor el she I r.-t Methodist church. o:i T i day I'he Friday sir\ li e prog: .an h.. ■ n-t been outlined i:i detail. May. i Henry P< well today issued .' |'i el ni.iti in ia!h g on the cotnle 'i 'y t e j< ate '.'..tli the niovom* iH ' • ' >••••«- >v .'to <d nit U . • 1 . ; Hits statement follows: "Tie i-!".!i!Thcs o!' Henderson. •I i .411 * e : i: t st( !" d .iS-.e-iatioll. have iirransed a series of prayer sen res ; i « held Monday. April] A Three Days' Cough is Your Danger Signal I'rmni'i! "M relieve; prompt Iv br>raiiM :t ii.'- r: :ht to the seat of the tr ul>!.' tii In !•,» loo-en and expel iterm laden phl<":ni. and aid nature to soothe nnd lie l raw. tender inflamed bronchial miieoiis in' inbrnnei. Toll your druffibt to : .! vo l a bottle of Crenmulsioii with the under, t.induur yo i must like the wav t owekly allay.-, the rough or you arc to have vour monev bark. CREOMULSION For Couahs, Chest Colds, Bronchitis j Citizrns Realty &. Loan Company I f '<</// /#/» I I SSI '/•< Sin Istate I'ruiMTtv Manaci'inenl l«M I I « lIK VI ItAM, I'rrn. I'liiini. «28 1129 insurance Protection FRANK M. BARNHART t;i \i i: \i. ivsrit wci: Jill Winder St. Diane S63-.1 H. through Thursday. April <>. ;ii the Stevenson theater from I:! o'clock to twenty minutes past twelve each day. "In view ot the troublesome times .that now face the world, these services of the Hasten* season are particularly timely and fitting. And I do wish to urge most strongly tiiat the people ot Henderson cooperate with the ministers of the city in making those meetings worth while." Four Units Make Airport Appointments A meeting i.- expected to 1>l* held in the \er.v near future of the committee recently appontod to c insider an airport to be jointly owned by Her.r'ersoii and Oxford, and Vance ad Granville counties. The committee consist.-, of eight member.-, the two boards of aldermen and two county hoards of commissioners each being represented by two members. | Thi;. procedure was siigge-ted a recent meeting held u Oxford by committees named oy the Hcndc.- >n Chamber of Commerce and the Grmville County Chamber of Co-.mercp. That group will retire fr m the picture us soon as the official committee is organized. The four political unit- re repre- [ .seitK I by their member 1 'io-.< . Mender*in C tv c■< inc i M V. | Cooper. M. \V. We:ste«'. Vance Hoard ot County Co t . j -oner- -Chairman Henry W. IliglU I an.i K. L.. Fleming. Oxford Hoard of Aldermen -C. !'. | Coble and .1. \V. Maves, .Jr. (i amdlc Hoard of County Com- | mis-ioner. Kieldmg Kti 'tt and S.i u | Hall. C. S. Itrewi r. .Ir.. ot < >\t d. v. 'I J call the comnnt'ce together at a| tune and pi- ce not yet determined 1 upon. I THREE DEFENDANTS BEFORE RECORDER j S|ll • : l:; Old It id r. ||n c ise- were ti.ed in re<-Midi-i t William White, »hite. was ti •-.< I 11»r >j»e»';li»ig in I prayer Im indg-J men! was continued up"ii payment J of costs. | i >. K. Spell, white, was charged J w ith forgery aud found guilty of : - I suing a tt uthles chock. Prayer for t judgment vva- continued it|ion J n.ent ot costs tin defendant .•nu.-t j ii. 'a- goo'l the cheek. Percy .louiri gaii. while, v. :i- (r ed for i.ssa It and l>« n.g di .ml: ii'i the' t. Miult charge lie was ccntcnml ;■> I A months (ill the l".«K -entente! suspended upon pave ent o! eo t- I and pro. iding lie i< main sober littil j gaililuPv en-plnyi-d . >i t ie !•• -.' ' • | yeads. On the <'r :nk charge he wa given :to day - . u the i< l«. -■•nleti:■ |;>;«"](!c ;m>:i payment o: eo-t it.d | the drtendaf.t rii'.l t - >ber and , l;.w al-..iiiiv for the next two yea is. j WILL RE-OPEN MY OFFICE Monday, Ami! 3rd «/ * A IV I ; > <.i\. TAX SKii\ li< K -;l Ail Kin I . li nr.:: H> A. AI. t.» ! I\ A!. ' I'V ;■ |>|>r»i1111).. !'i O'ficc Over Wooiworill's o iVL Ci»W|WVl J eJ» ,f. it >per, Jr Phones: Office 290 Resident 369-W MOW CAN WE HELP YOU.' In « vera! ways. You jut a farininn sp'tiali t. We arc financial specialists. We should work closely together in « nl< r t«» nap (lie lull iieiiefils ol' our c unbilled abililes. W'c waul to lie much more tlian "order lakers" of tn.iii-- or providers of checking accounts. Instead we »\v;mt lo be your financial ally —to work with you or your money problems—to provide credit and oilier financial facilities in an overall "package'' of S1",U* VK'K that only :i Imnk is able to offer. First National Bank Hrndorson, North Carolina it f Ki'i>o<:iT« i t» to «vnnn ivsrrfn bv tiih ! I IH K AI, OF.POSIT 1NSI RANt K CORPORATION Mrmlier; Frd«ral Deposit liiMiranre Corporation Soldiers Are Asking Ballot For Election .Yitlu .ugh there have been only two or throe so l;tr. requests of soldiers lor ballots for this year's elections are already In-inn received. Chairman !•'. S. It oyster, of the Vance Hoard of Klcctiors, announced today. I'r< per credentials will he furnished, together with necessary ballots, to all applicants anions service men and w< men, under State law, the chairman said. Mr. Royster and T. M. Hicks, Republican member of the county elections board, attended a meeting in Raleigh. Thursday lor elections officials and hoard State board officials expiain the State law with respect to soltiier voting. as well as other legal restrictions. The Vance board will meet Saturday. April 8. to name registrars and judges ot elections lor the May 27 pr'inary. No candidates for the primary have as vet tiled notices with the board, so tar as has been learned. They have sev eral weeks yet for that. For county offices only places to be be tilled this year will be recorder. three county commissioners, schi-ol board >inembcrs ; t tl constables. Others are lour-year offices j.nd were voted upon two years ago. N ir.'.iuation in the Democratic primary ;s equivalent to election in Vance county. Republicans have not had a county ticket here in many \ O..!.- . Boards Meet Next Monday Regular monthly meetings will be held lit -vt by the Vance I'.. . i-d ..t County ('« mniissioners and il.> Vance County Roanl ot Kducaii hi. i! v .... said today at the court h •u-c. isYithci body will have more tnau i •mine business for attention, : a. w.i.n learned. Announce I iftv i), »inestic Workers As Now Available t'1 . iiiji ■•! local tobacco if (I ry inn ! I.nit-- mi ii fulltimc* basis until another season arrives has made ap-| pi in; it fly fifty colored people a\..ilal>l fur domeslu service work, iht I *. * I I'Mirr uf the t'nited States War .Manpower Commission uniii. lined today, These persons arc re.1, stored n the offiee's files ami i in in- ••• toned when rails are made, "l/unnn struiKcnt labor market >ifi>t.< 1-." 'ho statement said today. "it may serin unusual ti have ;i- • ■ p!u... utit most Hi the applicant . r re;;i.lai workers in tobacco 1 r .i •• nu pi nts in season and are 11• ii11•• r.i n it i t work until tobacro \w»i'; 11 : line- in the tall. These .<PI.I'i' .nts < an he I-. ierred on dofiliolders who wish cooks, maiils ami li te .Mileis I rum individual luusei 'i .<•>. hi m iii i' i! house workers. "It .> absolutely neeessary t > have .• i iii statin;: hours. \\i.i:'4 i- 'tii I it. i ins. quaMleatio s des < ret i. ii\ Ilia accoi nnidations and wane- u order tor the interviewer ti. ir.ako referrals to housekeepers whi ili. ie domestic help. " I In.- is a public service and tho>e who i ■.. d Mich workers should e.ill pi i.i.ns or phone their orders t» the I'lilted States lanpluynn. nl Ser\ it e ..t i •nee." (iourt Action For I ailing 10 Kilter 1 ioklin^s For l ax (" ii' act inn again. l property ow ni|. . 11 ic! others who ha\e tailed to list then holdings and polls for 111 11 i i\e will he taken in the near 111tun. Mayor Henry I'owell siinl toila.v. II" said he w ished to warn all sin h w ho have not yet entered their property lor asse. .ment. Approvim ti Iv $|n.ii(lii 1.1 values already has hern 'mated on last year's hooks not yet list- d !• r 194-1. and there is much more than that, the mayor a.d Ii IMini: i.. ivit done mime- j iliatHv. v. Il l Ill's Will he is lu d. h< i added. CITY CAR LICENSES AHEAD OF YEAR AGO S.ile i.j allN mobile license plates ov th<- (' ty ■ I Ih-ndi rsou are far ahead of (he comparable pet iod a seal ;m<>. and today had reached the total of |,:>n:{. City Clerk C. W. I'.iissey announced. Last year this tune sales had amounted to only Mayor lie- ry Powell said the explanation was that ;i lew arrests had been made as an evidence that the cily meant to force use of the m"ii i cars owned in the citv. The lat!s :.t II lor one dollar, and the same type ol Ian is i.retl on all types ol fa is. SCOUT TROOP 30 PLANS FOR HIKE Hoy Scouts of Troop 3(1 will go on a iiike at three o'clock Satuiday, Lyman McLean, junior assistant scoutmaster. annotincid today. They will meet at the Legion hut ' nd hike lo Willowrtod rive, where they will spend the night. The Scouts will conduct their own religious service and | will return after lunch to attend the Board jf Review. i Waste Paper To Be Collected Tomorrow Another ilrivr fur waste paper will lie conducted hi Henderson temorrow. under auspices of tlic Business and 1'rofessional Women's club, whieh asked today for the fullest possible cooperation on the part of the public. Homes where paper is donated are asked to put their bundles on doorsteps by very early in the morning trucks whieh will bo sent around by a junl: dealer will not have to wait and will not miss any packages. 4 Aldermen To Be Named In Election I four of Henderson's eight aldermen are up lor re election in the annual municipal election to be held on Tuesday. May 'J. it was revealed today. While neither ol' the four has been heard t«» express publicly hi.- intention, all are expected to be candidates to succeed themselves. In the lirsl ward T. II. Crabtrec's [ term expires this spring. ■ nd in the j second ward M. W. Wester, now mayor protein, is up for re-election. Terms of T. W. Kllis in the third j and M. Y. Cooper in the fourth ward also expire tins spring. The city does not elect a mayor i in KM I. The City Council last Monday night set up machinery t<>r the balloting by lixing date> for registra tion books to be open and naming 1 registrars and judges of election, as ! well as desigiv ting polling places. ! Aldermen who hold over are \V. K. Trogdun in the fir»? ward. A. 11. ' Moore in the second, 1!. II. Harrison in the third and C. M. Hight in the fourth. All terms arc for two years. Half of the aldermen arc chosen each ye.vr, and in the odd ye. is mayor.ilty elections are held. Henderson Debate I cam Competes In District Contest I Miater- Iron1 Men in mi IiirIi ! ,-chnol pal: ii-i | •: i toci m the (li-Ui.'t If e' nm hel l ye. U r i.iy .it Meredith college. They i'iiin|H'li'(l aitamst te m.s from Bethel Hill, HraKKtown, Hope V.illev. Lime's drove. Oxtord. West Find, Urn .1. ()<tord Orphanage, an t l.owe's (irove. Query tnr the debate was "He-I solved: That tin- I'nited State, should join other nations in pro Riant nt world security and that the , iissoeiali'in si> l»i tued ,-hntili ha\ •] an adequate police toree." The Henderson team were com pu ed lit Mel Kmch, Uon>»y S. I'at— , tin 111, (iiKirj(L* tVLary. Morton Miles. » and Shirley I!.i-s, alternate. Mr». Helen Wagner spoil:, >r «»t the ( group. \\ iitiici- tnr tin- i «M 'tirmative 1 and nci;a:i\c te:>.:i will r >m|icte in the St,lie contest !•• he In I i .1' l liajK't ' Hill. April li and 7. ELIARD YOW GETS ARMY COMMISSION KUard IVIi*It«»i 1 Vow. <»i Henderson. j lias been given a commission .i«. ti:si ' lieutenant in the Army Medical j Corps, accordinu to War Department j announcement today, lie is the .. >n i t Dr. and Mrs. A. ( . You nl WilIow<nil Drive. Lt. Yow received Irs ediu.itioti at Davidson (.'nllegc and graduated in j medicine at the Bowman Gray Med- ! •cal School nt Wake Kore.-t t'ollege. | where he attai. (d high limi ts in Lis! studies". Tii;!a \ - To morrow "DEAD MAN'S GUI..CH" 1511.1. I.I.IJOTT SI IM.M. ami comiwv NOTICK—New prices starting tomorrow. April 1st Atlm. 25c - Tax 5c - Total .'!0c Children I'ndrr 12 Ailitt. 10c - Tax 2c - Total I !r PON RED BARRY —in— Trucks will operate on limit sides «f I In- railroad and will be active tor tlir entire day. or as lime as is necessary to cover the town. If return trips arc not required to particular localities better time can be made, it is thought. It. I*. \V. leaders are anxious that the response shall be Kreater this time than in the previous waste paper drive sponsored by that organization, when some 18.1)00 to '.20,000 pounds of scrap paper was collected. Goklsboro Hi«*li Wins Hay Title At Chapel Hill (ioltMrnru high school. with its pro action of "Man-hint; Men." by .lames O'Brien, \v s winner at the 21st annual Dramatic Festival and | State Tournament at Chapel Hill last wecK-end, according to information received today by Miss Shannon Morton, sponsor ot the Henderson liij'.h school drainlie club. The Hen- J dcrsoii club presented "Perchance to Dream" by Chine U' rtner. Criticism of their play was re- 1 teived by Miss Morton today and she stated that part of it was very ' strict, while part of it was very favorable. The club presented the onc-act play, showing characters on a tram trip, m Henderson, M'.rch It!, before taking it to Chapel Hill last weekend. t ne State tournament is held each year at C1ui;h>1 Hill, sponsored by iiu Carolina Dramatic Association. Almost every torm of literature is rei)"esentcd in the Bible. w I.Q.?j I How many Japanese -hips were link in the atiack on Truk February Hi anil IV." U. Tlu* nanii's ot eight major i>l. net .if 11 n • solar sv.-lrm aie ,\a«>■ — ctirv. Venus, Mais, Jupitt'i. Saturn, Uranus. Neptune and l'luto; name the ninth planet. .'i. Which President ot 4lie United States was a surveyor'.' 1. i >ne Stale <>l our Union lias a legal i irIii tn di\ ide 11. • *11 into five Ma'i. ii it wi.-his I i (In .'i. Name ilie St lite. • >. Name the Hriti.-h p-> .•<- mil at i n- iiuihe; linn s! pu nt •>! tin- Iihii "i pet-ip.suia thai Ktiaids the enlrai>'" in the Mclitei i an'ean »!. Which Stale i« mekiuui.ed Ihe i ;<i]i!iit Slate Name a tormei Piesideitt who !ril !'■•• ia> charge up San Juan I!:!I. m ar Santiago, Cuba, in the A'ar witii Spam. <{ What body get betwei-n Ihe iiu- n and the sin I" cau.i- a lunar 1>. What " a the .name ot the lai i-ii - v I i •.•••'«! .a Kuiu Arthur.' 'ii p'r-'iii w lneti l-.iiro|M-an •• uiiii, v 11:«I liie United Stales ar<|llire Flo: 'da K Notice New Admission PRICES AT THE — STEVENSON ~ STARTING SATURDAY, APRIL 1ST Mill !ik »• Till (» p. id. Adni. <£!>(■ - J*Yd. Tax ('><• - Total o-V iNijchl A I ter (» p. m. Adm. - Fed. Tax 7c - Total 40c Chiltln n I'liritT VI Adm. 10c- Fed. Tax 2c - Total l'2e Wf regret this slight niisc in prices but the new lux makes it § necessary. Jubilee Gets $4,281 From Duke Funds Jubilee hospital of I Ion Jersmi. a colored institution, will receive $4,281 from the Duke Kudowuicnt for charity patients treated during l!M:i. according to announcement i>t the allotments, just made. (Ninety-seven hospitals in all in the (.'aroliiv s sir., red the $ti47.37S(.43 distribution voted by the trustees of the endowment at a meeting in New York Wednesday. All appropriations were on the basis of the institution's charily work in 15143. The distributions are made annually under terms of a trust established by the late James H. Duke, tobacco magnate, and native of Durham. Dul.e hospital in Durham receive J i the largest amount <>t any one insti- j tulion, with S5I.II75. Watts hospital ' in Durham was given iSlU.lil"), and ' Granville hospital ill CKlord «'»t SU28. Lincoln hospital in Durham ! for colored received $lii,743. Forty orphanages in the t.'arolaias shared in the distribution. The Baptist Orphanage at ThoniasVille received the largest single amount, with $14,630.84. The Oxford Orphanage received $9,082.84, and the Methodist Orphanage at 11. leigh $9,318.95. Thompson Kp:.,cop:d Orphan- 1 age at Charlotte was awarded 194.51, and Presbyterian Orphanage at Barium Springs $8,732.34. CR. VANCE B. ROLLINS Jlllll.HU l i If, ;ic, <•1 ll!., olllccs ,:t ;:;8 oit.wci sim.i, for tin- |)i-.u'!i( invilii'iiic TheSTEVENSON r«(la v -Tomorrow GENE AUTRY "SOUTH OF THE BORDER" I.asl i Imp. "( AI'T AMI UK \ c«.mi;i»v 1 .ate Show TOMOKHOU \KiHT— 11 p M "TELL YOUR CHILDREN" XOTH K — Nru prfri". si.ut t„. morrow , April I si Maliiw (ill is p. in. Atliu. r - Tax - i il.ti s.V Xisht after (i p. in. Adni. Sac - Tax 7r - Total !|ir Children t'nder |-> _vrs. Adm. 10<- - Tax - Tulal I ',

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