fto Himfrrrsmt HatU| T111 lv'l'V-Kl RST Y10 ATI 1TMKICA\ssT>V^Tl.;ir;-'a^:s>K llENDUUSON. N. C., FRIDAY AKTKKNOON, Al'KIL 7, I'M GERMANS DEFEND As Fickle Spring Sent Snow to New York ODESSA AT ALL COSTS *★ + * + ^ Vmi are looking west fn:m the Public Library alnn7 Forty-Second Street in midtown New mi-mi- was nictiire:! Wednesday—only three days before Easter—when snow was fallinc thick. Two incite settled on the city's warm pavements before nightfall, mostly inciting as it till, but in surrounding Net York State and New Jersey the depth was five inches <;r more, thirteen inches being reported from Netct.ng. N. .1. The snow, alter pit all-day fall, continued into the night. "I'nusual." the weather man called it. Pedestrians, their feet wet. had ether but unofficial comments. (International) York as the inches New G. 0. P. Dark Horse Unlikely Going Overseas? IT IS REVEALED that Charles A. I.indbcrgh has visited the Marine Hospital, Statcn Island, N. Y., to pet yellow lever immunization shots such as those required of persons going overseas. The N'nvy and tlx; Ford Company, his employer, refused to coinmcat. (/iilcrmir.'onn!) Army Needed To Back U. S. Peace Effort '.V a \pril • —(,\l'i • llraft Levi- K Hci hev de dared today Ih it onlv with Ihr hacking • ■ 1 Vey strength vill the \nn c i>f • I.'nitod Slate. I»e ll'Ml i at the peace table. Cwneideni with the innnmcc tnent tilat the \iinv I of I i>* i -l it planned maximum Irongtb «•' 7<Mt,nttft, I irni'l :il Dim li<-v iniln- itwl lliat huge monthly <inot.i ot men will In' puiierl into tli" dialt null almost mdef'nitely .mil lint *l«liiobil'/ation must l»e sl«>w Me aid that 15".""" men i tnonih ' a very |-(>nser\ atl \ e e .ilnnate" -Mould lie required merely t-i maintain the Army and Na*. v at '"II -irenglh m wartime, and li« hinted thai many inductions might !"• ie<|'iired, even alter the v.u is won. If his estimate right. Ilcishey .said in a speech re\ a-.ved '»y the Slate I lepai liiH.'iil. ' .ve in ■' he piepared lo produce at lea I I.Vi.UIMi men a month until silt h time .1 'he inlern.ition.il picture ndicates 'a' tin.- nation can .. ipporl |l.. vital national interests with a sinallei number. "To mainlaitl the result- for w inch we have tnuglit depend.- to a very large degree upon whelhei w< are prepared to hack with lorce 'lie recommendations we have made." ••Our voice 111 Ihe establishment of peace will he heard only a- il is balked by military strength. WIATHIK FOR NORTH C.MiOI.IN \ Increasing clotidlnes*. windy and warmer tonight: partly cloudy and mild 8altird:iv. I ide Toward Dewey Seems to Assure Governor's Victory Washington, April 7-- (AD 'rile difficult mail that lies alieail for any dark horse hopeful was impressed on Republicans today as a result of Wendell L. Willkie's retireinent from the race for the party's presidential nomination. Willi Willkie ■'.1 ii, tnc iiinmiin, tlx' - \ itik ap|* ii eel uiidci v. *ty tin li iwrii' i ll|n:t:;i K Dewey. • ! New V. Dettmle . i u I t< >ti.. • l«*\ • -1 • l» il t:..it Dewey would «-• »Jtfi-t i collect ,i major .share of the Mip,ioit v.:..i-ii Willi.. «• ictlouiiceif alter h.s defeat ill I ll'.-d.iy't. U'immi.mii I primary. Anions tlirsr was tie- prrdictien hi Senator Dmiahcr. ('milirctirilt Cr publican. Ili.it most of (onertirut's lli uniiistmeted dclrcales In he srlrrtril next week Mould I ,iv or IIchi'v. Willkie's Greatest prc-eiiiivciiliou strenclli was in New I ni:I.iml and it is Ihrrr thai other candidates would have to make inroads if the> hoped to transfer his sii|iport to themselves. There were onie K<-)tiil>!i< HI vim had envisioned the possibility lli •• Dewe.v and Willkie would presenl almost e(|'ial strength • -11 the lirj.l ballot Any such result. Iliey - i <1, might lead In one "t those convention deadlocks from which dark horses i spring Rall' pii u This \\ a.. the Irankly ••\pn\ sed hope oi Senator Vandenhi ik. M'eln, gnu Kepubhi an, who li t • been savins ' the ISfpnblii'.'iiis might to no i mate I General Houglis MarAvtlnir The j si illiW' st l\ici|tc comniaudei, Vanj denhurg contends. 's the onlv nun | who successfully could oppose I're:. ident II II on what promises to | In' oiu. nt the mai'n campaign issue.. | the ' iiiipaiU'i argument against fleet ' mi; ii iiti*\|M*i'iein 11| man a. eomtn null r- tn-elnel. M'it Ihe ipii' l. 'n ee lo I li wev appealed likely '<• ;cuti|e .-my siieli ieo ellie'it, despite the lliri'i' vote MaeArMioi picked up in W'l.mi mii There was si me doiiht in \ anon slates where Hie Willkie delegates would Co, liut till* proh's.sional lie publican minority in Ihe South seemed primed lo hoard the New VMi k Coventor':, bandwagon. Problem Of Italy To Be Discussed Washington. April 7 ( Al'i (Mil' ol the Atlie. ' most vexing political problems -thai of reorganizing itu Italian government is to lie tackled \ tins week end by the newly m uani i/ed reconstituted Allied Advi my Council for Italy. The rounc.l's ellnrts to achieve ' a temporary solid Kilt, it was learned | in diplomatic quarters, will revolve mainly around the projected retire' ment of Kill# Vittorin Kmanuele. i whoie continuation in power has oJ.'u" I the .h e.' ubs'iclo •<.< partici FDR Backs Wage-Price President Endorses Vinson's I- indings In Report Offered Washington. April 7—< \r> — I'ri'siJfiil Knosct i ll in.iil<- ]><■ l>I•<today—with in indirect endorsement—a report from liis lop rionomic advisors, h hu h declared present w asI* and price control policies must In1 t onlinni'il. '. online .1! . lahnr 1.' pic. migi' controls .stabilization ; ■ well (hat ••(!: Will ill' 1:, • . 11 Wits .1 veil i.iini 1 ilira' when .1111; I'M 11 * I i . the iijvtrl ."gram h.i.s \ [• c»s 1 1 -r ii\ llilllv 1 IV.I-I I • . I Ml i t! ••I." ■1 Hiiiii/.orl Wilt I'M) I I : a iii the ..rkufl nit; as ,1 I ■ 111.111 -We -mi..I •. .,,, KillII;. 11> III V II:'.' r it !.iv .li.'i, • • etl- ' n;o: tli- ah'\..l. 1 10 I lir report, ;.■.. ;; n- .* that I'limu 1 «i',., ,. ,11 , i),, Versary of this h"l'l II (!i I oil tin- n. .1 <•! lr. in milled I-1 ril M Vm , yl.ihlli/.'.lKin 'I ■ '■ , 1 Ik pi ii i- :i>hnini' r.i !•>; M w.ir loud nl nil 11 .it. 1. II !>a\ U ,1 I..,I 1 l:. .1 Asked .<1 .1 prc--i'ar|i< whcthei the tahilizat lir mil" pi 1 ii-il .11 in timid tn 'shaii< 1 lr-.■ lit' in > 11 >. "Mi i: '. . ••it v. 1 .in in • • I! !••..•' P"l|i-y ..| cri'ical •1 the I act 1. 1 .111111i 1 n«""" hi V. .IS • COIIOMIIC Howies, 11 .1 ••,. William 1 loir! nan. •nlei'i'iire rHi could • 1 to ile» el 1 .| i h it it ■11 • but 1 st.iti mi nt . I ' to tin' \t t | noli'd tli.if 1 he Iliad'* In 1 i-hniMi ite .Mli^taini i Jtl\ •' elt.'i t I . tliI>■ ri<>■ 1 l.i I hi- u»" • ' . it ml i e.n lulu; nl I in. 1 "f tl" u he h 1 . I geticiiil wajje ' 1»N'everlhcle. , t-a H'llie l|>. thi' H'p | "I longer work li< i iiijj w .11 iol>. .mil 1 I I ' I till! IV I rhn e 1,11 ti I ale 1 mil 111 Tli 11.-. the 1 eniaitii'd Htul v. ne< . nut 11 'h.-latil 1 ha\ I'.nl I • •i(i|itii" Hit! • 1 u am t I III! In 1 ;n;.i ••1 S»tlH 11'I thi niis li.ne 'I. Iii'i'ausc •;:her pav. I., , ■I l>y vi..iu" report declared -1 ii ii' t o e has ill*. 111 n'liat'^i'rl, " '.'11111 .*< 'I, Hi, palmmi iiy .mil.1.1 11 p.il.lic ,| p.,, lie- 111 I he J4"\ i 1 ninetit. The kinj« is slated to In- uccee.led liy Ciiia ti l*i tne I' nherlu. Imt there la < Ijeeti 'i:ne . 111 * -la 1 -l ohiecfmn lo U|| ll) I'tn Kiidofilio i> not broader U' »\ 1 i n • thru the lat ti': have !o ulep ii regency lor h i The h.i- .c pel 1 •ail il Premier '■«' to at ratiuc a tllidi'i I'lnberto, inidoiihledly 1 111 fin nr of a :n; son. "I Ilii' Allies to let the Iialun people deride their own «o\ e. aaicnl. once (lie war i> nver. still sf. n<lu-.e only limitation biMip thai l. cy make .111 end of fa.-CMil. - " « * *■ * * ★★ ★ British Labor Crisis Is Acute War Piants Hurt On Eve Of Invasion Most of Walkout Unauthorized by Leaders of Unions I.Minliiii. April 7 i A I'l Tinwhole voi«-;itiit- l;iln>r situation, which I'.ril.iiii liehl m check through the tiru' iiry nl" national need. .1 iiiI the machinery of ;ir I >it rat ion i erupting in this fifth y»*ar H tin war. with ever> iinlication 'hat 111 11 will he t he worst strike year since the paralyzing IH2IJ u«'iieral walkout*. The it'iinlier nt win k duv:. !■ • -I Ihp'liuh .Till.!-. 11. ■ - in«.'l •Ni'.i d stroply and i-tcjwlily sinn* liilu l..>t ye,*ii vva: tile 'a i >i .1 ye.'n l"i .»i r .;<■ Ill Hllt;illl';. Ill>t<e\ WlMl rile III oi I.IMIII.IMHI W'M i. (1 , l< * V . Ik'.Ill (llll'l: K M.i! " . IHIl. ;il"!i<- ii"Hpi.mIiicIi"ii lli.<ti 'In- v.'li'ila ye ii >'l Kill The walkouts have li nl this in i iiminoli: M-.isI nl I lie in have Ihm'ii nii.i(illnrri/r:l .mil have 111 fact lieen i:|iniised In the union lead crsliip: mil i.Ji tin' eoal lields, i ll.i t 11I'll!;It- n|;ciI nl till' pist lun iIitjiIis. have Imtii tin- sitiic ii| .it Ir.iM I11 Ilie strikes. I'll s III was dev t |.'|M-il miller I lie Win l ine i -i-iili.il v. nl i. mi ili-i llie M-eiimmly riiiiti iiflicliny situation 111; 11 wnili'*!... Irn/in In llieu jobs. Ciillll'il «|in!. lie tiled nr change • :11— ploymi iu .nil cannot lie I.it'* or absent witlii.nl heme liaMc to line*, hut I'iin walk out on strike. The immediate result in |»reinvasien Britain nl' the strike nl' I'!5,I)0II miners in south Wales ami Monmouthshire in .March, and the walkout nl' 90,000 miners in Yorkshire, which extended into April, lias been a definite lilou In war industry. Hut ii.s liotli Lloyd (leoi'KP. fuel ntinisler. .iinl l\in<-.t He\ ill. i ilmr inin .- lfi. |>ii* it tlien v a.. another more i ir-reachiug and dangerous reMilt. llie potential undermining nl the wh' li- •ruci'iie of nation.il arluIimIioii. which I"' the ni"sl pint h.i;. kept tiie mil islriiil pe.iec. Inquiry Asked Of Moves By Miss Kellems \V.« \piJl V f.\l*> S«*n;ifor IJriH. K.m t. Hcpuhlii tit. e <11rd tofl.iv lor .1 Scii.'ifi* mvi .Itualr" into " .»lI«onpat not ir o>nHii'-'" M >v Vivim krllnn. ( p;. v< it old IVi t|*»i I. Ciiiiti., i\o : plan! and also into hi't • t«*i »•!,,.ri:« fh;it lii'i in.ol h id bfiu tampfi ♦ H «. ifh ItVt-d « ri lir \\ • •*ilcl a 5. Hi it fho st■ • |f11•>* i'« iad«* i»> tlu* Srn.iti !»•»..f olfa# r ■' • m . ?i ■ f 1 •*«-, of wh i«*|i In i «li» r.ml iiiu IJt pnl»!it .in 11*t inbri I li.ill pi •pt»..t* that fhr Sen-it'* f otnn ilfrr «Ui pt .t offiri .Iio pt» .1 I o »d |tit|tiMt* t»f lhi« Drp.ii t»> ••t»i «»t .1 m . t it t 'irl ahf»u Ihi• I-* I • I. and of 111» I it'p.n luti'ii* SI;ilf md ,in\ •• »!l • •flit i clc*p;«i ttvtf*tfI of flu* t* • » i fin #•*t 1 wli'Mht i «»i 'v • t tln v li.i t- f|i«\ *«!'ipf i. or hr.f a m \ i;i o\vli*tlm« ot. inv iII• • i».tl oi • ? mil .irfiv |t|» . «»ii lip* p..11 Of M Kt III in. •• |{< ft i t»i; I • • i •• m jmI« • ti Mm Ho- r J|t». i Krpi t t• 111.111\ • < t;' !»•»•, \\ . h »it 1 "i hcmnciii . t h it M Kt'lll H 1' •' i III 'tit .ftlil i. »u-, ;»• « III*. I I 1*1* . Ilii I* ft I .,1 f . p..| ; Cl« \. , 11! 11 |i.'ld • 11 I'll.'f I t.|| ; < poll tl» »m with < •ml I- iffjriii . /.« tj; t/. whom i'tiftf*» i.11|i*#I ,i • Na/t aii«*nf in A i i*f*i11tin*. IJrrd'.-; ..I,itrrni-nt i »n f inicil ••( It'll ill ' »• ol I'llVVIIIIIIf! lit, fwron i ili/.rti Mon-rtii/rii . oi tin Miiiiifry and • if . "H.s hi tmti-r'• i/rn . of lorri^n v ••intritv. i*. imf only di atntolc In ft M-rcvjiy in wartime. No pox"siHr t! fil'ISDI IK betn# Mi.idf 1*1 piopri i in o!hip. \'itihif|t.n nj in. tcrfrvin;j w ' tin* m.nl o| citi/m not has inu .11»> trillion lo Hit* ,ai (•!||»I I to :tf .IM >1 h«*l 1 ll nil*. 11 It*IV . IIO Will milt III I ill* wllfn h t ah \ it»Jilt loll of 1i:r I ol |»M\ ate < iti/rlis." IJi'pn >it.\i* ('ollrc i o.hI on 1|.« lloiist* I loo i ,i week .mo « stripes from It'flrts lu >;iid wore writ'rn hv M s Ki !'i lo C'oiint /t*diil/ <it RuriK's Airr> iVi.vs Ki Urn charticd Ih.'if ('of4r.% cinne nito po.*M'sMon <»f h« r ptlvsi'.* nia.l iiU^«illy ;ind implied she intciuli'd t" h-g;il redi'oss. PREVIEW IN INVASION ARMORY FROM THE BACK SEAT < f h • • lit Mr Gcil. Dwiullt D. I: (t) mid 1 *i •;it? M ii '• i :i ■ lull loi'k over a licltl of h >\\;it ;i L". Al my d« | I . •! • ' >■ IU 11: cilt I'll ll. .n, *|'H v . sWi» . o! i- I • iiiiii tiU'i ui iitc ivuoy lui Uic uu.vniii^ ol L>-l)av. i; . ■ i. German Claims Are Exaggerated About U.S. Airplane Loss Mcttmius Is In I j>ikI<mi I'nr I alks ()n 1' < n ci^ti I'i»Iic\ London. \pril •—« \I*• — I II ward K. Stettmnis, Jr., I mtrd Sl.ilrs undersecretary of stair, arrived toila\ for a series of important foreign polirx conferences with liritish officials. meetings wliieh ma> prepare tlie wav for another ISooscvelt-t htireliillSt.ilm round ta>»le. Stettiniiis' arrival c.ime at a lime nl niiMiirliiiu inlrrixn and uncertain!\ hi ' iimmoiiv and < oitgrrss oa it I'ntisli \mn inn foreign polii-v. .mil the degree of conpc ration ln-iun n l.omlon anil Washington niil with ^1 nsco w . !li fal'is v illi I oreirn Srirrlar* \nthoi:> I'dcn .mil for cign i ffii-r « \ prrts i»r r iin lnl to i ir. ••#• i will'* i.mgc. nn Iml int. prospr? Is nl I miin h |.» p negotiation-* uitli Sp.jin m.J \l lied Hon t*• u rrst lit. It illt.m sat# Hit' s i«oni 11*t •. » v L-t , Reds Ready F o r ).\ c w M o v e, FDR As&eris It I'l •• * 111 t<l I l< lii.nn lie i !■ to til. • . ' i I! ■ i» . Mt.'.i- I. I • to a... Mr. Iffm I ■ ■ 'I , i lt> ;i ' ulll 1 11 ' • Hi." • itli V . III.' t; 111»«if>: . II. .i!«I. ■ Ill th«> U»i.v.i;i|| !l 111 tt< li' Its f tlfllU'K 111'". •!'. .. lil.r i . ens -i .,1 I Hi- I Ih» .ti< \\ ir■ Innjj iii'ii<• .in • ' i. i ■ i s thiit Ututi. niii iiiiyhl uiaUf i'i-.k'J' thim \\;is tillering Mit'iuish IihIihi. Mi K'H'M'viM. ;iskrr| whether thi" tin i* h; 1 arn\»•*! fur diselnsure n t'.c srcirl ;.;nii>tliv Ii ins Willi H.il.V. said he (id n«it think sn. Iicim isc the tern..' "ire primarily military. I hursday's Attack On Yugoslav Center Was lough, However \|lled lle.td<|iiat lcr>, \ J pies. April 7 — (AD — lleavt Immhers id the I'. S. Fifteenth Air Force again attacked .1 Italkan tared yrslcrilav. hammering this time al a '.'rcrman airfield in (lie < roalian sector of Zamrli. as ground aelion 1111 all Italian fronts reinaineil at a virtual standslill. Z.aiji «•:> v. .1 •! ■ 'v (icii': ded l>> mn» I2l> < pliinrs Sixtvct • T r 111»' floVTt !1 I .■•••• - li'. f'l T*'»l ' 41 1 Yugoslavia, h-ii.t<nwr1crs imJ iMinei'il, and Hi e<- heavy Iviinhci. et. I"; I I l> inn I iiriiessrs and liberators escorted li\ Thunderbolts and I.igliliiiugv took part in the attaek Returning crr\* men re ted lli.it ili<- tight uas hoi and heat 1. hut there \\ ■ . nothing here In -,if!ista:iti I •'nil 111 r" ■ 1 ' . I . .1 11. r1:1 il'- ■ 1 ihmg the It 111le .!» 'ion- 11I :'1 crealrsl I'lM.n ,|. h and muh Nazis Face Crisis Also At Tarncpo! Garrison Besieged; Resistance Growing At Black Sea Port U'. -.v. \pril V i.AI'i Tin4 '><'i in:it! h.iv ru in <! unit, int■ > t If 1 it|. u 111) .,| tj. ;• t i '111 I ml I I'll . ;,|,y 1 am! ore li.ittliMK "ii the dos..> ap|»ri.aches t.. that I'huk S--a p..rt lfi»tti lavni al>!i positions i>< liind I If many lairoons and lakes pl'oteft Itll' til. ;t rolichd'li. licii Star <li.<p;it» h< report.t| tml.i;.. Wliilc it..- ii i.. • •'Ml Hill," I t| I lirrr III niliril :iuif !|> MilIII I'lliwo.l III"- It!' ril.MM'll iii -.(ill l.ill'e, ;.iirst i.«»**: i11 i>i||:s <|| rni-mv l.i'il;- liil.iil'ry ami .-.''It • |ll'il|>rtie<l Rims si t In H'sellr another licsirui'il (••'nil,ill garrison at I • I Il«<|:i11. 'i ll"' ..tl M'i. W.'l: l.'llllll'lll'd tinm I ;••! I aii-h-ld If: : • •• V itl.'.v. •' Tartl'.pol. tiic |{ i, .tan milletm - in. awl rami aft.-i fn ' t liaiirii army !••»•« •• i.i'l eapt:u. I .!■ Hi.." 'nail ..1 'In ire,a w1111111 th-' • t\f Stn o\ liL'litiDK lias iicci; m»|. ilcd ijj.m; n:i in.*.' Monda\ A't.-ii jit; I . In' ' . . i i',e v. 'ltriay we <• pi.l;ed wit!, i'i- v |..«•••>», th>' i • mii iiniq :■ .in . meed. iml added tlii' tit'K'r i itlit.iia !• i utile .UK Tlii' (i. 'it .iii.- WIT.- ai tempting ti. reseue hulh tin- Tarnopol uairi.vin av.d the remnants "t lit'teen (jermnn divisions ciieii'cled ti 'he .-cclnr northeast ii ( /••i iii. .. it/, .ni'l have thi" ■ I'i rinidahle t• >i<-< int•. tin; 'ln\f |. • .• i. ?• •• Kin army c.rd"!is. it.'i . : • > Ii ...p., how. \ir. were !••;>■.Mi'il :• iv. ' i-hli'ii.-ii 111.•.i ring ..I rneiri '.menl nr.n SLala l>y < .ptiiiinu ui.p itaul iletens. str-:iij ni i .rl alum tin- tortiticd town* ol Skala itself. 'Hirer hundred miles soiitneast <>l Tarnopol. units "I tlie thud I'kramian army struck toward Odessa in .. I .-iirle drive front eapturcd Rnzdel. liaya. v. lui'li i.i..unlit it to .. point 2 ! miles noi'thvvest .it tin- 1)1 tick Son pi.it posing a new threat to that N';./ -In 1 i 1'. ' ii This drive, tin- brilliant llankini! movement that apparently caimht t ii eiiet v . ii'i>' i;-e. drew ele-iei' the Kill amy r 'n heme lorge I around the beleaguered port, already threatened I: in the ni>i'h and ii"i'tii» iM. Ii- i. i.l ringed the Allied tie, • ••: ,,t huge Knni: c.ip•t»in:: Hie -till .• he it'llli.. I ' i.e. t , p„. ' ' ' ltld( ."Hie i u|. . 1(: ,. j,,. i ■"• i• * .• i • .ni;.. up in 3l.inm v. • >" h ■ i- ins that ihe I Je; ■ • I.l i'i r.i'lv '• 'i U,.; .,„r| •h-pp : s in Ai./to 11 iy," |,.. "flow many ol thettO K'nt . :» I .' iliu IC-HII ' the III"Ii'lv t ,.|| III en . .'I i I ,,, 1'I IIIU 'In lilted " all an o|H.ra«ioiis yesfetdiv :.•« ■in i • Cje. U nuan War Hauls Hie hi \ml H!iiit<-Eau<l ;1 . I .VII !i' ;»U • I . | ii < i > !;• i'i •, • . I! \1 \1" • i ■ .• ... i! ofi-btiftrrt-d I in .in'! othi'i • .111»•• 11\ • in the IJ.i'i ' . Ill I'll I; - • if I l.i I lliljllt Ml thr i ■ i :.i;it'i ii "i .1 r.i "|■ n <io. i| ' t!i\\ ' I '."t ■ • 'ii I. 1-> i • ' ■1 .■ ' in <■ iwlcil \\..r i (I'i. 1 • ■ .. ( .. Ilir I!en !• Iiv till' ii' •'i "li hi-. Ikitt c.i|m1)Ic i»I carrying 4,000 pound* of cxpliwlvci, wjis ri. ill- ;it tin' C"sl of one |iI;iir\ the :iit initiistiy s.i 'I Apj.ircnlly it \va> tin- only l»lmv aimed lost liitthf ;it tin- en t clit fn ni tin* wi.t. btit shortly foei'<>re ti'iuti today the German radio warn > >1 •tlt«ii<> ••ncii.v WCft <•> i t \ •! i h'iii i;i i 111:1m. intficntin* 'In- \llic<t >Min i\ i• u .i. iii iMU C i i\« t mil 'i liv 'I It w.i fii j!• i i> M '|iii1i)i 'tliu(I ;■ r.iv live <;• 111 111 tin', month intd t • litli .!• in ilii lli-icl) sit" is tin ins! i t Mil i I !|" II'. I'M .'I I !l\ tt\ followed " in i\ > it. -.1 • i 1 ittiiek I»>• Attlt fi IcjiII 1 .ilu'riltin.H I II till' I'ilH do CflldiS 11.1 it till* I'lrlieh invasion (nils', it i ittu \\ tit'll " Intts 'it I'Nplosivert wi'tc unl.ided mi (In ii.iii military itistiill.it ic ins. Thi' I.ilrt'fiitiu' aid was riimed out \v tliont tin- liiss ' t ,i single pltinc. H'tuttiiiiu crewmen said tlicy did ••it sight any enrmy fighters ;md nti-aircruft fin was negligible.

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