Hsmfrrrsmt Utatrafd? THIUTV-K1KST YEAR LTIII?>Ka U "(K "l-'tv K K ,,K AJvX. m-IATKi) I'UKSS IIKNPERSON, N. C., THURSDAY A1 TEUNOON, Al'RIL 27, I'M I ' UB"slK\r^rV<*rN *a*b,uioow five cents a copy Ward Co. Head Forcibly Ejected By Army's Soldiers Soldiers on Duty At Chicago Plant l-ollowing Seizure CliicaK0. April 27 — (AIM — Tv\" soldiers of I In- Army detail which seized the Montgomery Ward «!c Company ('hicajyo plant, forcibly ejected Sewell Avery, (>;t. company chairman, tmiav from his own offices, which he refused to yield to authority, even of President Roosevelt. I lie truopi rs I'nrricd Avery bod-i ily ' it <•! the administration build-j 1IIK. j Attorney (ieneral rrancis Middle 1 s in! ejection of the iim<-<>ii)|)|'iiiiiisiiik :<» i I the i!o\'onimon< procedure, lr' ■ l.i'd idler .i labor dispute, was <. i • I • • r 1 I niter \very ret used (n eo ipii.ite with tue K'>vernnient ofl'i i Is. who have taken charge. Ili'ldle said the novernmenl was in i •••• sii ii. intended t'i remain in posst'ssi'.n and was anxious that the !) -mi be conducted without mtcr ruptn ti and with the company staff pintituling in alteration. I'lui'e 'vas no immediate word Avery or company counsel on W.iHi .. ne\t step, .dthnimli il was. spc< dated the compiiny might make •nu court move promptly. ('hienyro. April 11 — (AP) — T!i.- Federal irovcrnmoiit. nsinn army troops, today supervised operations of Montgomery Ward & Company, the country's second largest mail order firm whose chief executive officer unsuccessfully resisted I'resi .>»•• I : v.i' i i'l« .. patiidcd (In- s|>;n-i"'ii> ... mid <•! iiii- |• 1.11)t. e\ rr'o i|;iny the i hu'.'U'.o riser, .mil others wen i n ! 'y in ilu- merchandising plant I'niil-'il notices s.i.tH'U by Jesse .'<-ieerejary ot commerce. and ' ' .• 'Ii.it .ill Ward's C linanu prop. • • •.i now .ne under Federal • ■ 11iii.i :• t eontrul, wore ported in tin j building. I'liv disiVatcliiiiK of a detach ment of troops to the plant late >cstcrday climaxed the Rovorn mrnt's third clfort durim; the to succcssl uTTy earry out I'ri'sideiit Itoosevctt's directive— issued when the company failed to comply wilh his and a War t.ahor Itoard eider to extend an expired contract with the < !(> union. Twice (i11i*iiiu the day oHuial- .1 ; tin Department nt t'liinini'iiv and .iit. ev noral's ■>!I ice attempt • • t tn take po»ession of tin- plan', but .in In th enemy planes were observed over tin" ball if arm. eoninnini(|ue said One A! lied plane was reported mifMiii! \\ 1111 the exception ol the toricl fhn i v of ,iclivily mi the l iuh! II.nil. ol the main tilth army I runt, other .eetor.x remained taken in tow. Controls On Textiles To Be Extended Based on 25 Prct. Shortage and to Avoid Rationing Washington. April '!!.— t\l'i — (omprcli.-ustvc i:nvi'riiin> lit <<111I1<1K over < otton li'\tili's have liccn proposed lo alleviate a predicted -a iimrnt short.ti;e in cotton koikIs lor civilians tins year—a shortage which may run to fifly perevnt in lltr luw-pricrtl lines." Tlir |ii'i>|mi ,iK. prepared hv 11 in icr-aiieney "la *■ con ttee' n; tin IVai Production I ...11 >I .in I i < < )i rice 11I I'rtce AdmmiMt .itimi. will 10 none hut. it v. .in lo 11*1 1 ■ I Td.l i\, it .1 conference set lor !■': .<1.1 > • n 111 »— MU Willi Fred M. \ iii iImi'i'I ii i.! !h Offici' ol Economic Stabilization Wl'l! ('1.mm.111 1(1 M X e I - son v.reported !•> lie >< 1 :ini>lv nmmM iied iiv it tin- textile outlook. iltll'HI^.'l the illtei- li-eitev • 1111 lee wo* understood to haw said thai prompt let ion enuld .nil' elutliiliU > itioniti:: I• I« It • rt• 111111«• avoidance ol r it >.nitiu. Tlie ni".-t serin ■ p'oliteins are ;tt HihhN for children** rliithtN, men's >tiii'.;. Women's :iir\i-i•!: i\e dres. rs. kerchiefs, underwear and night I'lotho, i 11 la lit' ^ 1 • 1 •lit and oilier low |>in ed lines. The 1 eeiime end t t:> lie 1 .ei ned I»v Nel 011. Vill-o .nil f)|' \ Ad ministrator Cliesler Howies include |inc< ad 11 t:i i nl a well ■■ pro (i ictioii Control . I*n <*e preet. 1 rs h.e. e loim lieel • t tied |o >t . date product on ni low -end K"od t!i • e items which are low »rI price, hence licKlected liv tttannl ictarcr in ta.or ■ if liicltet piofil :!<■ lull < > I' \ and VV 1*11 have . •> lar ! "led to . t in. {•ether on .111 cftcctise program. WtATHfR I'OI! NOK 'I 11 < \ltOI.IN A ( Icarinc ami slightly cooler to il ii; lit; fair and mild Friday. Southwest Flood Near Peak Stage 500,000 Acres Are Already Inundated; I lundrcds Homeless < /•/ Th< l.wiifiuli tl I'rrxs) Tlii' second major Missuuri 31i>sissi|»|)i flood in loss than a approached t Ik* critical slave today. with Federal troops. State jriiarilsinen and prisoners of war working to run line ilie torrential waters 'which have already inundated nmre than .MMi.tiiMi acres in .Missouri and Illinois. I The .At U.iii-river in I'l.l ihiitit.i ;ils.. v..is mi a l!• • J iam.i.ine, reach .'m tlte third hiishevt rresl in lis Iiis |or.\ at 'I ill i Inl'iv I'i'tvriilitt. The town <>t .lent: was alnm I ••ntiroly :ntiii(l.'l«'(l and up1 r,• lli.!• 1 .nun pei sous ttw driven 11"mi then- liinnes Unit- .iiul .it N.iml S|>rin:'.. and "!"• 11>:■. i < I i>y an .aliilli item 11 til il •• 'i t.n;<- I)e |nti tmiail enitif. i il ti i Iwo-inilt width .it .lelU rS"lt . Mn.. I'n tiv rr |i. -set! !:;i ii«. .i over la : May's dix a.-.tl"U. llni'd. ..till" til' liii'.liv.s; .it the .State i a | ill. 11 .-litre 1JMK!. Hie Mississippi broke tlimiiKli new j lovws till i.otll t < Mi: .••ni l i d II iilK>i. .|di'>. .aid t iv.d- tutl .idditnll al earthen bulvai ... protecting fer tile i.it in land in tin two Mates. immorality Orgies Found in Seattle Seattle, Wa h.. April 27.— - Shei ;l Harlan ('.ill.hi.hi climated today that at least 75 nrristii will be made as .1 ic nil ol :in investigation | which uncovered "wull packs" of vimiiij; men and ooy who admitted i young Kil ls to their membership "ii j condition they permit intimaeio with all male members ol the | j;r"ups. Two Federal housing projects near Seattle .'d)*oady have foreecl lull y<».;11^ pcioi-, must i»t 11it-ni I»»"«• ;::hl here Ir*>i11 l!ie miduei to work ii war plants, t«» vacate as a discovery <• t' ;i series of orjpes. Sherdl (*;illa!):iu ■-aid. Si\IOi'ii ol llie yiniiiK men arrestee! thus far li n e liceii cli.iI'^eiI \v::|| cunt! ibutinn t<> the delin(|uetiey "i minors and [Si vc! al older men .ltd women ar retted tvere charged .\ t!l I'lii iiishin^ luiiioi In minors. While the r.ve *.u.11•««n centered in the holism^ |>i <•!«•«■» -. Captain Jack ISc»t. nl the hcrilt's office. said the ' parlie- in many in.-tanec-; have ex tendi'.i tn ti e rear of .1.11'> 111<• hill' ta\icab>. rcmetei .e and the ;;ianp "I" the ipmbliin although il nut yet "lick I ed." | "llelwccn ii and !• JHi 'i'llt of all Army Casualties At" 148,425 Total, With 25,5X2 Dead Washington. April :!«.— (AIM —American Arnn casualties to tal IIK,r!5 from tin-start of the war throuch April 15. Secretary «! War Slintsou rcpmlcd today. This total inclinlcil kill - cii. (id. Kit! wounded, 7'!7 miss iiiR. and 2!l.95t) officially report ed to have died ii[ disease in enemy prison camps, chiefly in Japanese territory. Blockade Of Sevastopol Is Tightened By Sea and Air Russians Harass Trapped Germans I■ 11<11»m. April 27 — i! i ill !• i ' i,i .li .riil liiiniatii.iii i»■[»'• i: hi .i |('nl ,ii i y ili i\ v in tin .'ir I Mil' ti i.. * r .irca Tin Iran ;■* ri litoteil in the Rlaek Si i i ■ ii'ii I.;. i hi. . ilu- ("iniiiuii l<|ll|- ;.ul. lull III .' -.11111 mill"* !n • In mirth. tli'- ii turn- simile I a riimnv i/i transports in tin Si n rut - - i tiie liiilirlin said, ami -.in1-, triii lrui-|>"its totalim; lO.'MH) ton-, inn patrol Imats. a patrol l.tii11i t■ and il.unittril two lraiii|ii>ilh anil a mine la.ver. leu (leteinliii:; were downed. and >i\ Suviel aircrall were lust, it atlil")l. Southeast hi vi anisl:»wn\v, in old I'olatid, Soviet Ur'it;in<*tl wiped out a company • >1 (hi .,ut- and seized a height ol ureal ilii|» tillee. tIn* iii'ii muni<|ue u i hi -ii- tli.in l!OH (Icini.i.s wee ..nli ('■crinuns urn v "iituliMl .>■ i I •>! L'O tanl.: and :<-l I-pi'opcll id Runs in tic .e .ul.h i. tilt iv, Moscow .uldi 'l. Stocks Show New Firmness Nnv Voil.. April 27. -(AIM—The comcbac. wa- a l>il sm>othor lor selected luel.s today, although till' : I:;tl U<'t tailed to develop illIV — tiling iTsomolmg .speed. Supported stock, incl ided Southern Kailway. I . S Slot I. Chrysler. Montgomery Ward a in l:niti"i State lillbbei. Ili'ltrr action ul \l mlgoiiirry Ward in the l.ioe it 'lie Army's seizure of Hit' eom|'any . plant . was attri litlled partly to sumo short covering ba-od nn the holing the stock may have been ovt t >>ld. and that the di.-pu!i with Wl.lt soon would be adjusted. jj.is iniipi. . t 11'ierly wen eounler lei' or v\ re illegally Used, and wo'\ e tint the I ignl «• flov 11 now to Illli III 1! po: lent, • ' I laC. -till loo high" he said. BAUJC NORTH IATVIAI IRELAND IITHUANIA. GREAT * BRITAIN RUSSIA rMSTEROAM HANOVER CHtKBOURG: .BOULOGNE BREST PARIS TRANCE SWITZ: RUMANIA YUGOSLAVIA ITALY 'MKi TWO WAY D-DAY SMASH AT NAZI 'FORTRESS' SEEN PERSISTENT REPORTS INDICATE that simultaneous drives will be made by the Russians and the Allies when the I>-1 >.,v unal sounds. And here is shown the boundary referred to as Hitler's "Inner fortic^Mindicated by |,,,ri- d lint) which soon may be cracking in several places. Kven as the Reds pause, making ready for a ter rific Spi nil! drive, t^y are at the very wall of the fortress and arc expected to hit at vital Lwow, rail-gate to Warsaw and IJcrlin. The Allies must crack the heavily fortified coast line and break through many divisions of Germany's outstanding troops before reaching the "fortress" ring. Meanwhile the pre-invasion poundings 'he jii "ntinii'j • l;v k out Na-i air strength and cripple rail lines and arms factvrics. UulcrvativpMi). Jap Defenses Collapse On Most Of New Guinea Front . bombed by yanks in error HERE IS THE WRECKED !NTERIOR of the Church nf Stci^ in SehalThausen. Switzerland, fallow inn its accidental bombing by American airmen. The planes drifted from their course and the airmen hit the town thinking they were over enemy territory. Apologies and financial payments have been made by the U. S. government. ' International > 2, 000 Pia n e s to an cl Many Nazi Bases South Seeks Price Lift For Cotton W.i hiiijit-n. A|>: I — — Three southern senators will move Ilex! Wet'\ t<> write intu tin- prici* control extension art legislation de signed t• • iii c tin* I'.n .t*: price ol raw cotton. Ail amendment t i .pply .ill "esca Int*1I1 ■ 1" price ceilings <111 cotton textiles w 1! I:.-r«-it 11 the Senate I'iiik mi:; t ton textile ::would 1 •«• r.n <•(! by the (Wfire ••! ('rife Acln mist nit ion whencv ct .1 r occurred n the market iiricc ol the raw product, and lowered wlu 11 raw I'uttnii pi dropped The - 'illlie: in • iv • •• > e would pro\ .«• .1 In-Mill.' 1 * ie . 101 text le . I> .-d on situation: eut (kwii " ndf;dl" tit liy mill ov.: • •< ton prii •• iif |o, Mid e'ico 1 buyinu of tin* t.ivv (•■■* I ■ t I in • 111 the hope <»' iai 1'. t' .l.le i'1 \ 111;:-. Actual price C 'lit- il now ««• • only cot1 .ii textile mil <1 not e-: tend to ■ ti.iri.i till.. ol t ■ duct. I*ri. Slight Ga in For Cotton ton Inline .1 hide hi illich.'illi'.e'l May L'I ■pencil 11 \ •1 N »oii I !• !»!• Ill711 1:1 ... To Discuss Psychologists I'm bun. April :'V The \i >rh of p.v< lio|oi;i>ts i:i ciimcc:ion u : ; 1 1 I.try aviation v II be di ctis. ed l>v l» Walter It Mik 111 Utinii on K.i ' Ciimpii-. This lecture will lie one in ;i se ries o; Sijj'ii.i N le t :res In inu de ll v« red by Dr. Miles ;it college and univcii- 'xi, throughout the cyunlry. (.,000 I ons Bombs i .cosed in Attack Before invasion laiiidon. April 27.—(API — Two thousand \ 11 ic(l planes slam mi'il perhaps li.OtiO (itn> of bombs mi Na/.i target* in llu> gigantic in <■ invasion air offensive toilay — I iiiii il Stairs Iwnnbrrs pound ing hi'.ivih at tin (icrinuii At Iiutir uan alter an ISM assault on l.ssrn. Si liueiiil:irt and rail yards nrar I'aris. Wi ll over I.Oliii !*.i • • t bmubcis rami ; possibly -l.alMi tons <>t ex jil isives and ina'iuliuncs on the Nazi c.iics and rail targets by 1110011 i::!il. "iicninq tin* thirteenth fun !•' 11\ «• day "f iinniliiiifl. T( • n ..'in I" Van Cmted Slates 1 •• •" ;iinl 1-' ly in.; I-'. >rt resses lashed iml ma"i-i military objccl i i ii am la i. I : mi r. ii|i|inrted b\ ::.'|II In aiHI li:;nt«'i I In- (iermaii radio declared Allied planes roared into south ern and southwest Germany this iiiurning. possibly coming from Italy to make the day's ope rations two-way blow. and thai i;reat air liattles were rap ine. I .r ti"ii :a-iii||) ii' a' il i.vn tine i .mnel l;ies wen lillci with plain-s • . i t < • y type n .iiinnu llii' 'I ... il.v-fii e I. •. Hrit bombers I'll |||-I H T :«• tl Jile ... .lilt Oil llie .1. n! I ty n! K I II - SSI«- i'ltts I >iii i el «; ■ •••!>' Seim emfurt aiiii ii i' tllbe ii litis I ir'n; if . and the i i.l '\ at \ ' 11, ii* • ■ i t5ei>:|'.e«. I., miles southeast ..| Paris. M'i i| i t • b- nbei al.-u attacked 3 Air Fields Are Seized In Advance Last Airdrome Is Expected to Fall To Pincer Forces Advanced Allied Headquar ters. New Guinea, April 27— (AC) — 1,'tter collapse of Japa nese defenses at both ends of a l.".<>-mile New (iuinea war front, resulting in seizure on the west of two airl'h Ids at llollandia and a third uii tin east at cap tured .Madaii.v. was reported to day by (ieiieral Douglas .MacAr t ioir. In tlays, lour ;iii licit Is, and tin ic i' 1,1.-1 ;i I ij.isu.s wcri' wrested )|-f>ni the .lapancM < >ne air livid :■ 1 — ready is hi use .iiul cumin ers arc : usliiny repairs nit tin- ntlier three. A lit til air field. Ilir hit; llttl Imiriia airdrome. u.is expei'letl l;> I..11 iiimm-ntai iI> tn tnni ei liii rrs, enriim: Hit till phase ol a tin; inilit.ir\ ii|ttiali"ii undertaken last Salurila \. On Hit* «csi, a tiiiee has nntVftl ••! \rn utiles tit llir cilec til itil* airdrome. On the Mil, aniitlii r Itirt e is nearing a .juncture. At Marian;1, i yp.. i! I>y the ;im ,ilt1111 u . tin . ' ii.: ! i li 1 \'i f: li near. A'i: tr. I.mi v. )-.•. ! Itari iini\i(l . l-i'.vly cua. :\i ! I lie I (a mil valey. .tvi-.eai,., ii-.ii KnartI: !•. r.\i t tin- ii|»|tly Ltaso ami il .tilt n|. i ii J he shores in A.-!nil;il>e liay. Laii|uantitic: of ^ipplics and i q plllciU Ii It ' i lli\> captors. Tlte entire invasion front of 150 miles between llollandia anil Aitapi- was criimtiling. llollan dia village Mas taken on the seeonil ilu.v. Tilda* lieariiiuarters aiiiionneeri in notation Tuesday el Aitape, live inil-s from Taclji airilrtitne. wltielt the Amerieans seized on the first day of the invasion, and new is used by the fifth air foree. •n'.hs : rout ■ Kiitvuiit' ii >>iii .waaang 1" iiillan | diii. between which .some fiii.rtoo Jap anese ;ir«» believed caught, was there ! report <>l still enemy opposition. ! The thousands of sixth army troops now about In i"i:i their pmeers along .1 .'i-4-mile road l>nkinu the original beachheads al 1'anahmcrah and Humboldt bay- m the llollandia sec tor were slowed mainly by muddy jungle trails and swamps. At llollandia. invasion columns wlurh struck inland from Humboldt bay early Tuesday afternoon seized both the C'yelops and Sentani air lielils after killing Ion Japanese in scattered light.*. Tile Humboldt bay cohm ins st i uck \vi >t to join other columns from Tanalnieh bay in tha :mpeu1 — landia airlield. last ol three in the area. "le "i Hamburg, with two plane* lost, .,nd other bombers laid mines. fleerman bombers, apparently in len! on harassing invasion mobiliza tion . struck it the Knglish Coast t.ir.-e t'"i< - during the night, and I'll! ii idem.I,i i objectives as tin? " ' ■ ! I'"i' i.oath and other hai bors. ' "o ''••ii afti r the ni.nti assault on Ksscn. home of the Krupp works, a ui'Ciit area of lac overspread the ' "I'd smoke rose 20.000 feet, the air ministry declared The Sch w< infurt boinbuii; was particularly will concentrated Majcr Battle Impending In india's Jungle Area I'm .1. t A i.i lli-. Utti ■ i lei ■■ < ll< 1:1 : . ii.. i- til . ihv plain*. I ••• H ; >n >il • ould hi .I'll lit Itr.x . ii .l;t| Mlli . r lilt It'll ill Hit- nt'iihj lulls, .mrl tin- u-inlorce it i :ii lolltvi lurxxard I run Mani |»n: imil' 1 lit- i-vi-.s ill 1 if fiu-nix Im i t-lit-it 1 st lliiltftp li.rlil It'.ilinli < »iit• t>i i Mf fiifinx .it onitc i jioinl •>\ is iv"i.'ii;i x II.i jt> i• ,i mm \X. 1 ..I th« i:..nil UnvII. InlM Un.x till iil ui< i ■ 11i tilery i it-. I." III.I. (Ill mil' north <>l III |ii:.i'< llii- Military -1t> i *1 it iii -f tif 11 it' M.nu ll i x.illf.v. and twn (hirtls 11 it- dis f.mre iH'twiH'ii Dial tnxvn and Dnn.i pur. ilio t>|K>ratinK eonter on the I ion - Kill Assam supply lines, promised tt be .in ii inedible battlefield, with tin men l.j'ht.n;: i>• »I1i i>n Die dense iun , lr . 11!«■> limn ;liiit ll.UIHt left llbovc t .. level, :!!> tilt* SIHIW-eappCd I IlllSlli ■>.. Ill tin- I tin v 111.■ u*■ "I M iiipin. leu miles . north <>f K.imaniK. southeast Asia in .i rUpmrtci - .mnounccd. j Tlic sudden iccess M'emed In in I ii rate 1li,i1 Stilweil's men had brok • i i h I..n-;; ni .l.ip.iiiv <• i c istanee, wli.i li li.nl delayed hi> oi tensive Ihc i |>;ii i of tin* month. AliliouKh not on I lie main hnjli w.i\ 1iii\er>ini{ Iii«• Moniiunj' viillrv. M.iiipm i- connected i>y Rood trails with Kaimanu. winch is about 24 i miles northeast of the important ! Burma railway town of Mogaung, ! ihns giving the Allies a springboard for a push toward that objective.