Society News N \v tli' 11 Jr.!.- V\ I ' " .<•11'. Ai»l ' \i:iu i» v I.," i>HM>k spills through ■ 1.UI ili.ii lii'lil .1 >>l.i< m 1.Ami I 1-' II. . r.i v. i ■ .liiii nly tiu.iiui i I "| • nl. . .!• \ |• nii ;:u>\vlii. r.ii III (iflil'iltf llllll <'i fIH'.-S. i■ nn i n 1« JH i > !' ;i < ii i. •*|it'iinlortinf fmii'hr. • A>k fr»r \|rn|csq !n#|.i\* — I lio ""Iff nit it t y napkin with n, » A. To Hold C-aril I'artx I Imrs. \ unce county chapter of Daugltt' !I K'' VVi" spunsHir ;i curd -11 .-lay H.jjlu .1! , o'cli.c,. J" '',l> Iwatwl over Citizens UiitiK unci I'rtist CoiuiKiny, it was announced today. Tickets may be I1 auy lll0,u(x>r •» the Bridge, setback, and other curd garnet will hr played I'linwds ti >ii *•'!«' »! ' ^'-t t.. tt.e oip. dim^c Lexington. Uc! roll men t> a . 1! Ik mtmU uu: • lilt* cM-niius. Dinner In Honor Furman Watkins V iiwins street, mion I Kurman watkins. tvhu leave* •... t|w Army •«*-»»: <• «im ;• S.unlaw i>inuei was served picnic style to ' •• : o», . Mr .uhI MiGeorge U'at i w. j, . and \l« : Wat . n . Mr.-. Ami «• II. ^ Miss /. ;.i Wat . w and llillv Wntkitis. Air. .inti Mrs. R. foster, •: li< irpomi, Mr. .iiui Mrs. V \V. Watkins ami l.ule \'. W. *! Jo- una. O'Neal, .intl A I). Clarli. Installation I>\ liSL at Meredith lir.leigh, May I.—The lnsun sen Vc 'i »• i;..;- . • Student Un.-impel peri > vi:!! mi • iie M;.\ I > .v i, u\if .. Sunday eh irch < \ ■ mid ot|n i caminis activities provided i". < iv. « iiuii i u'.. .'u. .i M i. 41'etti iliV iU *>t (Liinet - the 1944 May Queen: Gloi ., ,\.iicrson I ran -.,i A-h.-bor . kI 1 iuMloi : :»,. .i lm- M ,v Court u' I\ ■ -. i • • • 1...... berton; Mary So: rcll.^ui ' ihinii • hare 1' .r». i:. Mo .. • • li t.-t l.;le . t; :u 1- !• v A . •• v McAdeni ille: .'n: . M »»tl ewt'arv Mi rtha St; t lev and Kilt n Stanlcv ..i ★ WITH THE C0L0K5 * (>11 I.IMVI' lllTP iV:: Of. I I».\ .-.. S 2 '.i i n i - In I 11l;l.t11. II. . t.- \ II n !•> <>\ It M.-. lie i- I!if Mil M;. and I;, it.-, K.ttixli. Lea mi IIcikUm >n. \i ri\ rs in | iiti (VHirU'il I'ilinell Hf• I vilely in act - «i to ■ . : ■ cut.-. .. : ' !. V. K I* inn II. Ik'iWu .1- l... :. i' I'.ll I.") Diinkcrs I <> (ji\c I> \\ inner ()} 4-11 (Contest ' ■ i.i in.:.i »*d IIiiuIi l> l'..i!(U'i. ..1. •i ■ i.: v , .rut. t,:. ■ t ■ . ■ !il;r. . ■ at : nl t • • 11 . I -11 I'1 illi iv: >i"i III VatKH* ctNinl; who |iri o.i nui. .\ .•>:<• card, which w li '»«• u.-ed hi ri* ■ i mk '>< ' < "Mil J. • >V. I . II III «• <• I'M n tin* .ii til it- !!n l>•««.I |in>. li let I '■> tlit* <'i»lU'.«t.ili: \ (II <\ l.lf l:« nrd« .' .. if daiulma < lt»> n omIII-.'. l«' -II.' :tl <1 ' • I < I. : tcc .' ;». i'ii !f (; ii.ii -..ii, i.i ■!.!• Fi • A ,< haul.. .If c.irdtu*i • "1 c ti/cn.- ISaiiK .III I I Com VI \V Wl *<1. the I twills tl' ,ii tfclfll .■ IIcmI. . ... K T. fir ill« ' ■ I- !•.i. ' I rul nl.. .ii.I .1 \\ s,,- l< . lily .il..-ij1 . Tini ,iti«l if.- n. u TtitH I o| tin: bi.nd ( s.ilMjcliir> l!i< i iitlitloii ..I Mi- Ittihy I'er, .it VI.i I' m h.. r !i..«|>Hal i • if i ,».i' I t.v SIi. wa.-; Ial«r;i ! — - • a'..rdd t r '.. ^t Some Goals Are Reached By Baptists Tin- K'i>t Uaptist Wiiii r!i .ilt,imt'd it.- A|ir:l ».«I i>! m«\eiiiv-.-eveii new m«'ml)i'i >. in .111 ,i\ei ol otic lur i .n il iicmiIm'I «•! tin* > <>||l llittl >• III 77. .it tin- wi'iimji -er\ re !,i>t nielli. I{e\ . K. N. Iini'diicr, j>.i tor, mi no meed today. Tin •i.inln.ut each week there wcii' ste.idy .icccsmoiis .. .1 re.-.ull <•! the i>«m •i:i;i! work oi Member;- ol till* «'• >11141t'K;i;.on, supp rtt-d by the 1n_-i .;■. ectiiijj held .it tin ijcgilllllllK "1 '-!n imlith, When I);. .) 11 Turner, «.>: Lu irinburg, wus the revival preacher Actually, when the local cuugntatiun hud \ >ted 'II the Sixteen pie.eiltcd !>>.■ Ilieilioer-Slip .it tt.f lo'llillg .llld « rcning services yesterday. the II . . <>! .1 Id ' oil : 1.1 ie.K\lcd i \ «-i»?v-«.-iuiit lor .1- n.oiitli. ae \ited. In the mouth .1 ituiary the a ! ..t mbseriptUHi; !»i :>.«• Biblical Ken. di■! . tin* i>.i|■* ' > .it,, u-.o. • North Carolina, \va ead tVi 'i iii' i y the • ire "... ,• ■ ittg ■! 100 kits : ■: !< . - ... The K maty ko.iI centered the 'i\i >i Sunday hud ;i- ■ • - aim inv i bers o( the Bible indent" ..t Ci»l»« Re have i«•«•« i»t Iv mi-ii III!' .led into !(.«• I'nlk'Ut C'hsipttr of iir American Society .. Civil Kitiiinvcm, oldest natioiuil en• I 1.1'v in A; > : ii'.l. It /.v.. M . .III . a V i!•"! Vll P. 11..: 111llciiden >n. prividi'iu •>! the > i •-uu.;/,. inn. l'uip..>t-> «■! the or^.:iii/.atinn an t ■ i-tuviuaK' !"' 4i'< •- in tl.o I > iil u i .' 1 I'llginwillR ..mi '•> pi mi. -t' closer relationships lietivoon student aiai practii ii'.u engiiu i. . Now n.einuors .i;v i! II Saul.('lulvi'i \.ie Sprnus: C he-trt *■ 1 l Cre.ceiti-Oub.vlon. N V : .1 >hu L Ca-Iu umy. J:.. Apex i- u.'i li liiiir.i ;. iluii Poin:. li'.ij ■ crt C." Joiiis Rcidsville: and F. !■ Si ,.;.. ile. HENDERSON YOUTH HONORED AT STATI da? I Horace K. Lup ii.i- jll.-l h«;CM < led ;i ill.-' '.ill .. iiieiiar.i < i : lu« • i.trtl- iiut itin ll.i ' >■!'.! «>I It I l» I li Mo . ill'. ri'i i-dilative • Kinji.eir- C and Tl FatilUner Henderson. attorn the C mc I P »« for L. XI K Epsom School Finals Begin Next Friday ComiiuiK-f!iifm lor K|>|SMII) lli|{|l I'll*Mil lliiw Ixi'll allllU lilt (.•(I in i»-„ i I 'i.i\ n.jtlil v. .' . i ! « \« .1 . . '' :ii the graduation to lakv tliv following day niyii'.. Tht! sciicd u been aim lunced us follows: Kridiiv. . ;i ■■ Sen class iipi li . ,\'l Hu- ,\! <;.r! •: ;• S iml.iy. M y . I p is., laureate scin-.on Ijv !.v. t . K I'rot liiianaKiTuesdii nc:'.i ( pt enente Th i UaTion t M • ■ Oxl< ii* l ' Dili; •»« Sixty Jurors Selected For June Court :ic\t Moli ,i\ . iua; tc; . :;i; . . '•« . v. «•. I drawn. by to\ n.-:..,. *. Henderson •! ly It Webb, Cov . I'u-c-kv. •... I" K ! .t I 'i; aids. I; I.. r. .1 IS. !■' \. T. st«is...i, t; ; iv-4- a . > i-.H-U. i< II K.i .. (S 11. i . i; li Il.uti-.JII. IS S (;<• I I! I >a\C. I). Ham::.. IS U. V eh arch. Ki i. i t-i —i i i t\ '.i i :. IS. I I'iiri :sll. f. T. M. ; IS .iwn. i! IS \V •■■lilt : Willianisboru- |{<>> (irtvn. s Circt m\av. I Tow n M ddl A. Fnii NV'\ . .m Sundv fret Kaiuiu-. I" J .d 1. !i :-t.. ■:;«•: ! :id. !o—\V. CS. Ca. , .1 !' S.,"t is. L. \V. S,,a. I ll (>. c. I':, i . ii>-. IS. h t K lilt,!:'. I !'. IS I i n: : :;i.\v !■ \V \! M BARCLAY ON BRIDGE .*-.MPi.r. plays vitai, NO AMOUNT of skill with the complex anil i.:uy plays can ever make up tc •' failure to use the simple ones properly. Many more points are swung, either favorably or unfavorably, by the way ordinary plain devices are employed than by. the various types coups. end-pl iys nnd squeezes. One of the most important of these is the play called "splittinR honors." There are times when this should be f the A an ; K. but tho otitis wore heavily a?ai:i-1 that Another was to t:y t" play them is I' >t!i I e-..".e m t'e same hand, puar iod, l>ut count m,r on their holder to ' his honors South denied to try this last method, lirst bcc.t : • East had .1 .1 t >> tee:* . 'i 1 West niipht I.' hi any ether standinir honors, anil secr>ii.l localise West was none too sound . player So South le 1 ftts . lub r. \V< *t played the <> In . a-r. li.- had he .i l about 'second land low." the oil Whist maxim. Th. s w.v< plavi I from dummy an ' v. ■ \\v the contract was s.if • if West had put his clnh J on the 5. the «■ -ttin;: trick .could have be n assured. Tomorrow'* Problem A A 7 5 2 ¥ " ♦ 8 f. «. 7 r. r. 1 2 * 1ft —:— * R " if Q .1 to ? N •» t» r. 1 n \v 1; ♦ a k .1 r. ♦ c; 1 a p o 4 2 X K .1 - A A 10 !> 8 A K q .t f> 1 3 V A K 7 2 ♦ " * Q T (Dealer Kast East-West vulnerable. 1 What err >r ih'l-IiI ; ciielpss declarer make nit thi: d« il 'o cause defeat of his .v spade contract by one more trick than necessary after hp ruffs the second S.aniond * Km* TWun Is*. OLD AGE AND SURVIVORS INSURANCE i \ i i: \ < o \ ii;i u i mm i; I 11 i > I.AU inm-pio i'ii mi i' !. it p:.s K\ i'i\ Sp?r111.1;tj (. jp»\\ ih Sermon I heme ( m 1 Mr. Apple S mh! i\ IJ; I i I o1 >"i and \ ; • i ' olH'fi ;u> growth Is iiol always li |ihv , 11 « • f. -: I !' «• «!'<•1'iiy. . ' ti. defect - FoJi ■ .! ,i>I. ■ »i'; tj " * ' 1#» « i «.■<• Oil iM ..iti I: K'i d all thctt • IIS 111% liirth •»! niiii \ i (; • t < nam——« FLOWERS FOK KVI'.RT OCCASION Phone 3X0 |>ay or Night HRIDGEKS Thr K,or", GET SLIMMER WITHOUT EXERCISE Loso f aright ilie * r"A\l)S" wav j| jj 2.25 fi»ra mori I it' > Mf/»/#fv I > n • ' — j: self • ut with til C'Xtr ! D n't Rive up i ! . \ i! like. In din. .»! t*. ' . Ur the chrcct: n • I J:. V.m H over 100 p * . * ! J : . ! 5> lbs. aver aj»< in a few weeks time with • AVI ):• • -A YDS to gei twice as many Free Red Points! Clip THIS nor': lis! iv iv Pin it up m yi.ur kitthcii and t .'s from ..i/ !ii< v suggested sources. You'll turn tn t wico rii muili and uet yi ursell twice a s J many free roil points' Used fats iire urgently r.eod.-d ! »t I' trio IUUI medicines. munitions ant! fur >:h.'r vital purposes. Help y.mrsi'lf and help our La>>s overseas, luu! 1 2 3 4 4 5 6 Sr. SAVE ill hit of y .: tiim f:.>m meat. Once a week melt them down. SCSAPE j- !,i..i, washing them. !><.> m-.i-e is too link to he of use. SKIM ' aups, arul gravies while they cook. Attctw.iids. > hill them anil scoop ott the fat. SAVE w ilei in which you cook hot <1 .: •■-. and h.iin. Chill, .ind scoop oil the fat. SAVE plate*. Mithem il< wn with the meat trimmings. KEEP the : in (any tin can will do) n the Kick of tl e sv>\«- where it' h.indv. When ran is full. • ik- it t- \ .nir butt hei and g« 11 free led points and 4' fot every pound. Start todjy'. .I..7 i.(i./ /'I OVA, II I I I! /'/: V.ti.l l„, A, Itijiati i a* itw. n n i*xm mn sm «ao au vuu cu jrjx r*«* m I I B I I I f R J: (.,.•< DRKH / * V / » • * f i y fe r, Jr» 4 ■( n U ■ i x • t \ i i r ' i1 i ll* win. • S 0 tv, A \ \ 8. 'l A K t \ \ Vs'lSS > \\ WANTED A Vt.«iu<- ! ...I> (rootinch Sliitito i I I on IIf \ \l i; I'liotoi:i.ipiici till, s„ «riK-tt St. I'l'leplioiir lit