, M'l :.i: I w I A ! V TWO ' . . J. tii. • I. i ■]>. f.„. \ \i • • : i \ ri i|. I , i . 11 llii" | .|> :m t JuKisuttt al tl»«' fold* a( lia . Tt< i 1 I- Will' T I'll 111.- jloVl,.. i in: 114:, , lit ant|.»tine.-d. ■ in h . I.ih 1 h<" .. . < .11 as ill' Ji.l .ri 1....in. I i.t • ••,!> t» ~ i« our last • . !:• 1 i r say. 111 mmK ■ i\ II i \ i ■ l.i |>t ill' 1 t tnj; 1 r. -.i-. tt :ti;.r -eiise of some . . mi aid. of munt' new. trou■ . 1 111 !• that had not Urn in I. II ... . . nan ill;' with tin <|niv ■ i ii\ In-r hand tmii lied hi< "^i.iir hair is as \n 1 n.i mine i r t>!»•••!» [>a- 11I aiTiisn his . ,, ;,: 1 .• 'Iii w ■ ! hair hai!. from .. t'.'l'ehend. ttllili' ho r aired hU; .1, .• -.I look at lii i: for ;» moment , r W::• ::i itatt.ls rt'stlll "II big : ii.lllili l"S. I v \vi|i> *:.'t smiling now; ■ III... unreal in llie ratlin's , I,, r t'aee -toopeil eli.-i r un: • I li|' • ainl t lie Imur, »r 11 . 11 ij«s Kvame hi* only reality in a 1 f «..i |i|. Hi aw It. r h| part, u li r arms ivaeli out to him a ■ t. • ayeil forward . . . Aw ler Ma t from the north huf•" • ! ill-- lahiii. rattling the win. ! ■ it . inn a ileepi !• roar of do. 111 ■ * 1 I he tire, hut in I" han.ls v." moving down over his shout* . 1 !i r i.air was i>ru liing hi in . U. .. 11 'lie same in taut, they . .li 1 hutil l'roiu tile tlin . tioii ijf 111.-1. . 1 r* 1 f the world turnI • / :i! Ill his I ar •. I "..llll lip. Iii-ii • r an-1 pe< »«.••! out thrmirli the It w .1 l>..\e. Muiili il in .1 h. ivy . :it. the li:11, man ramo up . •!. ami at • i -iil of Colin he .1 .1 \ the sntoki am! »-..nt«|-.*t t 1 . ai.,1' of hot e :V.. .*' I hen he saw Irin.i's elothe* drying, . I hi head jerk»-d Inward the hod. For a : - t .it'll hii« eyes held thirl'n oy« -. "You rup>M.H ' w ■ Iii' mi; i; t.i try the rap"Swift water in dangerous," Jlovo murmured. "1 .pcrially when it's be. j •! !• pih." II ; ill | >ottr.i!ini>. <*");•] turned from that finding ser.itinv and Im»: Iling th.. .;..rr.,-p,.t. . jfm,l in- I'alita-1 .• •Ir.-ani lie W;.ti !>...! •• I .!• .1 tn iiiMii.'r: V..-I all tmn-»l, Xithinif w„.- rl.ang.,1. ex-1 • Hill all . 1 " 1. all/.'.l Ilia' w:,!. r In tl... {...'tie I... I hoi! -.J •' • ■' •!. 1 'iii". »:i In- v. ituihri ak■ !' • T.i.! tip a In;. t. in a mi:.;!;.." He ■ It. 1 i t It. ,\ the nf tin- 1 .•••!. it ml ho heU it ..! f: it. • of • irr-at hand I'.ar i"" : instil *vli e mill. t.itli. the ' JSI'".'- >d v « !• -n-ly. ntnl I love ti«-.I. "I'm itf' aid you do 11 .( like in' ." Hi' * 111;ii! «li«- don liL'lilly. "1!'.!! yi»n In tilii slmw hotter nnni rs i.i Mil who works in tin- -amo c.iu-e a.- \ ■ 'iir ini t r>"-•." With iixed /azo lritin watched him. \*iii!c a vein on her temple !>eirati |iuI in'.'. Dove laid the d<bci.er, an>l In- 11:iti«l touched In r Wilt. ' IHr ;• !' ' mis. Ii'iII (l Tho • n yibilanni uf (ivrmu died away, audi' Knuli h. l»ove 11.\-e.I, ■\Y. aii- 11 aily now for you." Irii.a lulled. In thoughtful approval Ilovt looked down at her. "Our N> w York aireiit* tulil mo ynii won inli llim iit." 11< lapx d atrain into «i< riiian. "I atirci'. You al-'i have ut.u-ual otiarni. lntelliaril .lilt 111 Mill will 1:1 (.<1 tli. -il li til. illv <!• ai\" "For wlint "1 i a little 1' .in to tliat dear I'll.:..I Stales.** "Hut they ale tint at war." " I . I Japan will tako rare of :liat." "Why .li.l you wait so Ions; to tell tile tiiis?" die asked. ••' Mi ll., ure. I am a very caution )ii nit. 11 ina. 1'.. i>|. you inn t have on. • ! who | wa ." "I thought lti •■•! I it wa<? Or. Moil t«;. a >-ort Ij.mrh. "Bitr • i' ii ." WalUini' ai " ' ' < lane. .1 out the win.\\ iia\ not much time," he \\arm <1. "T i! •• what t.i ilo." Tho jrirlV Veil how, i ' it'll <>f elllotiotl pints a kind of impassive Mibnii -ion. l»ov. ■ at.' I him* If comfortably on tho ...ti e Usl. "Have you t ;.. ■ I' hi inv. lv. il w ilh iVlin II: • — "1 ;itu involved oily with tho rait;,." Thi :m her voice harp< no 1. Then ho -miled. "1 think wo • a'.l t alotiir." N a :i 1 . aid, "T. 11 nio what to "Tv.-i •: '— hoth ..f them ttr■ avil h.th you will I'm.) out t'i. u il" ■I irst. I want to know a.1!;.' w • ii. his trappers are w> rkii i; i..'we. •! here and Hudson II.i). >'■ i md. I want to know when . ni ai ■■ plane makes it- rounds th.. i til. i ii t railing p ! "You are almost ready, then."* IIis eye., l! . r. .1. "\V. have not • n m!--. K\..pt for two patrols, • . niai .untie 1m livi . u In re km) the south thnri* of tin- hay. I hey arc down iti I e.-irmonth, vvait• l' for troiildo 1« 1 Ween the I'rees •i.I :!.e trat'pi rs. ai d we w ill irive • 111 . t «! uirll to keep them 111 I'I I i.ett, aft- r I lie ice conies, wo t rik ." In ,|. i n oarne-tne: s I>. vc raised '• I he e. I|.I of that IdoW Kill lie hoard around the Worlil." I !„• milium! syllables e. a.-ed. . I f. r a time he watched her. n npped iii tins hlanket, knoos un!. r In r chin. "I am wondcrinc." Iif said at i-l. '"if I should talk to you of . •.a >. They told me you wote not i:>. ly willing to eomo here until ! :<> reiiiiuilv .1 you that your father | Local Treatrrsnts Relieve Lumbaqo lit • in. \\ ■ i i;mm:mm;. m i>. II \T VKUY > • ; |1 !•;«••• • r i !.-sur tint • I'11 ■ "f i . . . lit', tItitS. win in I i»" '• : iily i very no at Gruican**. is u little milti'il at in • <•» Hvvii tilt of I ir. rieiidcninir will an w- !' ■ ••us of si! iiiten i • and then fiily tiit..uK'l> I..- column. it I aid :i w, I. or -<• :u'«' shout , , ||i' a i -1 I " < 'I ' .. ii were u DiiunF wilmoiit* lie il.e f:nl tliut lunitw.o it '"w > i : ■ • t up nn>l :il»»iit ;• >• l'" '* • • »•. I tli.it it «!««■-n't kill J • 'I • i . ' in >• il s i'i ■ .it' t ii a 1'..ii. 11* i |<>:itli would rii'l the i . ir would In* hcuruhle. I I t'oiyt tn mi ntion h" ■- i'» I «• i' "• . i mi tit tut U hiiiiM.lt' in I..- ..wr. pcr-nni. I'r I!is of the opini'M th.it nn i pi i- mic '. ti" : < • i • . itrolmlily atuaii by n vl« l Ai l there i1 n irivnt <1 il t.> fii|i|utrt tins view. It certainly >'' • -f couuuunit its in < ] ■. ii f« 'ii. usually in the *|»rin|f. 'ti. • • i.ii-ruM 'I iii i' < 'in ly t:i.r>'s i t a f«-\it. • r a lit 1le h< adat i !• • f appetite mill all the |'t". •ii' ' ;.l -> till t• -in iii' ti:t infection* May lie Contaceous T ■ li' a- ii-• contusion in'- . Pi"' Iti!/. had an ia-lauec in I h o'.vii l'la.'tiic lit' a nnit'i it'll couple. 'I hi' Wife went in the Keil Cru ■ ami a =*<niat<'l with two of In r >> '' worktrs who had Itiutbairo. She raine down with it 21 hoins la r and "JI hotn> after that her h i hand. who had lii eii in pcil'ft health, rant down with an n" ' <• of pain in the hack which put him to Intl. N< t only in my own home town win ii | |,now of 17 <a in tlio I.i-1 few week . hut my -i'V •ysttm has unearthed jsciwhlnitei's ol mi epidemic in St. I " ii , < hicnjro nttd Dallas thi iirintr. 1 "''ii; is no reason why a vim4 *houl<i ii i jji-t into the h "ly through the dittcxtivQ or itupltlt* toiy s\ ii ,tw a ti 11 because. ii ha an nlVnity for the linnhar mii-rles htlit tin re ami rniise trouhh' any ni"io than t ■' re i; why a \ i! iiJ. ' uch as infantile paialy-is, Mietild '■lit r i y H„. aini' |> >i lals mid li^ht Oily in the nerve it 11- ol the ant*iior luiin <if tin. spinal cord: il iiUMi' i,me Kjeii of an artini'y. Cminieal or hiologkfltf and lll(N could he some sin h between the hunt .ir imi cli t and some other *ihm, A sitniUr analogy would apply s !i : I it is now n»■. »•! fTi the bt* t mcdieid circle* \..u- i- the cause: it enter* the : :il'.'i . i: I : T i:ur i" t he blood :..out only the Kanglia of one oi m. i•• •li.-oiy 11. I %<•-. I ":iu" o named Inratisc it liehtH in the lamlnr nut i lea. 11 i Jc are the v.-iy heavy mid f troitjf i;riiu|« of muscles in tho lit ... win.h attach to the spine a* li are f'/olvod in nearly eVeiy inov. in. m made l.y tin- body. 1 nut g why it I ni ts so much. You ■ •••.'! . toll ov< r i'i UhI with* out liin • ' - soro niiudi'i creak and cry out. Non-nu'ilical Kemcdie* A \ ■ iy j iti.-nt !• . "i' I it« r. ;i- iillv l.i'rr, t! .it time i; the xttre.it .'»• lit .• r. To tlie fellow who has juitt • . : ! i■ ■ a few «la.vs litis seems very cynical, but to tho {rntdunto . f sis weeks standing it has at !a-t ti ailvsir •.( truth. 'I I ■' aro ir.lium cable diuirs which iuo used for relief — the r .;. litteii- -Mich a- a pirm—have •llv.a; ?—ti us, | for rheumatic*. 1 »r. l;r. i.-thelat ti t.<t;ive a <:i ■ ' • . ni ulucoiiiitf m n. The ilirectlomi ray to take it every other day. but the d<« tor t iok • no dose ami it heated I ni up • in' ■ 'i.ppi <| at thai: he I'i• ■»••. i !.■ >i e to 11 •• remedy. He aid I h .'I i."t fist hos for :.M I.oti: s. Put I ■'s s<«tt of cranky an.I I.1 ".i i in i "t i a<• l that way. To my mind 'I •: M . i !.< :l condition for non-medical remedies. Crease the bark rvciy right with an i iiitnient with a little camphor ii it, iiti'l he down on your.face and have .Mama put ;i 1'r r .1 on top «d it. and i till an licit IU I at ! t ii- you can stan.I — over the plai. . .\n<l i # n here Is the ideal spot for tnnssairo. If y. '.i ran ci I a triadiiate of the KrII1'. if I' t it lite of Stockholm lie or .-he will take the kinks otit vf yoti. (jrrs'iions \ni» wswkrs C I!.: —What causes curvature (>f the spine? Caw it bo the ft Milt of infantile paialy-i \ie th«rc any « n< r< ; i ■ to ctne it or ways to ellect ii cure? At wi r: < iirva'titc ot th''spine conn < from bad posture. sitting In wionif po.ition« at school de-Its, ete. if Infantile paralysis affects the spinal ntu clcs the result may be a curvature of the spine and this Is not uncommon. It can bo collected by exercise* and orthopedic apiuii at'ia. ' >'11 ill Ail .. I ] rl f* ! ■ f«T you I we I in lilt Si II f \ »u |ir«iv * i.i if. \ i .• you will iv JK'ii liml yon itahic. l-.\,n I hi . : • , to your a'.'. i acti< • . I . it I .• .1 "ii I'niiit IJac. ir" ■ ■ i smile came an.l xvi i "or i- that, advice mine.'. :n\ Quickly .-la- ii "\Nnat «.f him?" "Hi' may In* in «us* way. lit* l>ove I • • I.. w ti.l.u.i. ' II.- lam . . :i ,t\ : -i 1 in* w itiiinw. a t mil. that v. ! ■ !>o i '! '" she a • .• I. "V'tiuii- will ! i! nit it' i• »i* lai your I'tuil." ' \\ i v howl lit. • I! Il»* Im an |»"i ir* ' «•* "I'nr tii.' on.' i. hi Wi.iiU'ii tin* 1..-1 am! wit i •» in tli«' World they |. *.\ • .t i« popularly i|, , ci'i. In •. • • i > 'A in art. im .in ■ u< luxury for t path. Voit art' iiemiit t< I one '. >; Iiy a I.mi- tin- I'arty. A' ! i. t'nc I'nrt\!!•• ■ .. i'ii towaril tin* uiin'.ow. \\ • ajjain." Win n Colin | . 1 ' ..' • . r. ho saw only a -*'na!> mail, a<l.iuM ; I ula :» '. ami «:•.'! ! !.«t w ati'l. t * Mechanically Colin j hi .1 ' -^i water into : ■ ! in*.' ?. ••tiifl :. :.l. i,. . about him r w ■ at 1 . i|i>iiiir. II.- lvar.l Ii v. "H* i Inv for coir. a-,,1 I • 1 reply. It wa a i.apl i ninir t" • ,e. .1 i a Ji J .. t i. -. i i. • ■ V. •il.l" Uml he ho ihl • : ti . re i|ro;i-.:i •• . V • • Heil Jiot w ii ie •• | -wirleii t'a.' mil . ■ tiirht about iii a • .a on hi- lit . Tiirouv ii 1 • r : ; • - 1 . pullet! him<nlf i. . ' •ion the frai'.ran.. "i" ' . fee til!. .1 III- .a ■ . ii . flip to ! I ' I. .': .i a.hi.I. r t! .it r\ n " i Ilot unite :• :■ Tit. v •!■ a: ' ■ l>. ' • ' of trapping ai -I < ■ witli Tcnnant.'! i "Time to 1 . i •• • • I.ake." !'• .it mitt.'ti-. "T!: •■ .! .• up i Im- :.-r I • It • lookeil up at lJai ' ' wi' r you're r. ally ;-> a? t ■ • 11 "I may not." t . n ,-.i. -'.vet c 1 quietly. "I it, i.v There v. a tt.i .!: - - the pttrprise in I' \ ' > • • • • I perhaps rel ■!'. "I". .' I ' > i.li hat! .It .'i.l. .1 to 1 i ■ r here." "In my lift ■ tvet* .tems to be <li . !•! .!." The finality in Colin s ton- !• ft nothiti? more to In- -aill. an I with a no, I mill A "Tlta I Dove ci>. 1 thi ii I !*. (To !«•• cotilInn. i) m tii ■ £ i - - i— Wi'h Msw Pet inns! in N< ■ n (lllll. ye in by a h • pai»r i shim .1 U.I. iv th.. Df-'AIP NCAH - IS A POLt IM6 f/M "TUf- OLPEST WOMAN CU1SJ //-I IHiS COUNT&Y M O ! A'.'rv •iffr/i/ p; AitJMCAM- WMATKIMU or- wa7<- u r->o<& .';oAr=> smcim t> i ur.F -ro PE-MOVr *IHE •IICKr,*' "TMF. WAie or MY WATCH? P.g.fcrELLM 8UP&U rt my -,rMr- If." MuMMO^IOw. Toyy^jjj War fSoiuls nn«l tln» FariiMT #y ?»> .1. I.. i ftl I l:i 111 //<•<!«/. '»«•/•/. of I ti, nil.,r-il . ... I*(i-t«li | I in.| t (1jj,. SOl'NP f;irm in j;< I Hi..: funi I ■ nvrvi'd ntw to idwhIc fui • i.• ,ii ■ ii t'■ i iimii" .m • iMiti I ii !.. . .ii t < r « \iji rli tit,* , ...i'Ii:. . ..i \v r. . t' lie hc.st v..I., f. t-. . i„ . v, : vines. Kvwj' cxpcrk nc< ii larn cr kmm' • lit* must keep b ttlllil >11 It'll.I.: , aiu) iii.it machine.; • :• i out op Ihwhiwh obsolete In i (iri'Siiil crii i . many til the > tit lay i iuctl< ■! iu in.tint.it:; tin 1 i ' i*.1 i . ...i ili'li'i t cil. Tin ■ her. millcriils I'm! clipioiciii . iiroiUiciil nn«l tun skilled ami uni < ilU it lab r ■l list In- UM.il 1" 1 r«KlllV<* !" 'i: Ulld fibre. btiHd ships. n :ikc airplane . ami | iuvkIi1 tin- ■ • . : • • il :n..i ; .1 vices esxen!lal I .;•••, n,. t • >n of tin- w.ir As nur farm machinery pets i>!"er. as buihliitf(8 li«i wiilwul j>:»ii:t■ lit . .illll \\ lilt Mir .'II lit" : ' ■•!! t i • -IllT r*'| •ill!': . ' 1 III. ft.: jtrmv Winn the war . over, our 'i I :'-ir.i's ai'aii: w II >■ ii •• civ ili.i!;'i i S.i.iut' 11■ • i .itnl lunliliiig a reserve through llw pur» •f War !!• now. •...•» 1.1 'it and Hi" ilt.lt \.:.l.'ll lit.- . II 1,1' . |. bli'. >.i\ iiiK .*.• i III iii-lii iiit Ti o vinus fr.ittt cut rent its'• S 11 :llu nil II If i! u to r« • • . I'hi'lti i in ..hit,' .. t.1 buy new etjui . i. aii i to in i.ili :■ water . ■ i .,l i y. m : i.ti o . i .i. 1 'i ill ilil to tli. v He A i' »<»-I K In V. ' 13 >i K.t/,* v. ill i 'i i .it iy tin '..ft" ijii .i' ir wnf l<. v. ill II. \ hi !•!; in l\ ■' ' I ■■ I l !) > . , ■ , | ■ M4« li ;t fsjtiii e| -j, j vJn «! .r» ' liitiil .it S;|\|||.; r«ii!o Vai'irs • <lit (!: .v. ■ -■ |. l-'MVi (I I II . t Nl i ll I i:m Tl.« .1. f cr THIMBLE THEATRE Starring Pcpv>c WPKTI ML rVilLjsLaSiU HARRY APE vs. POPEYE 2 ou~ 0fi 3 FALLS IN w'0 AWMUT i-S ; ! rilRVWr ■ T; . ~£ A^O WE Api\'i r ftL ' POPEwS "\'u • .\D 1-iB '•iiOksT LST V" - ■ :T.-i ■ t D ' £ OCX I c y rr us iT '|\A - ' si « A £ BLONDIE (ir-t'Svli-red (, S. i' liciit «111 « 3AC»< 900? > , ;- AV \ a vi 1 / I HI SWfe K!< » ! // \ If i up?1 e! CTTA fflT ■ i m "ocono rjjo' -1) v-* v a-'?' & £?,L.UJC I ..' I fr- j~ i C> L -'s~ TO talk to vcj ■ alone /-. k> i ... , ) --J; iJjh -/tsKs / ^ /J I • jff| £ Mr, ^ , jy. \r * X % fA ^ 1

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