•v ' jBatlxj Hispatrfr THIRTY-FIRST YEAR wivl,.iK - ' Itvi.-,: ,,h |.Uk.«s. HENDERSON N. C. TRYING TO KEEP IT IN THE FAMILY JliUuMJAi ArlhKNOON, MAY II, 11M 1 iuuushki) kvkiiy aktkhnoun F.XCKI'T Sl NIiA Y 1'IVK CENTS A COPY Deferments Limited To Necessities Draft Authorities Complete Schedule; Older Men Favored Washington. May 11 (AI') Selective Service I >ircctor l.ewis I!. Ilei'slicy will make pulilic today a lirond iu:w polity oil draft del'irnieiits intended In clarify lor some lime all.-ail tin- trend of recruitment l'«.r t he iirnit'd ton es. Advance i-«-j>«trls were tliat Il«-vshey v.milil n:.il;e t■ i■ >|>I• • v■ ■ i>■ • 11 in esI'lill.ll iimIii li s III" ■ <| l.alllU it I t itel'e.ini ill < I i• i«kn ri ami i\ i i . At |> " • ii*. (t)'l<'i iiK'ni is limited i'i ' ttisiiry" workers', in inMHitkil in— itnstry. Ki»r tin in tin1 '!ii-'!!t auc lirnrki'ls. conliiiiliOiec of I tic 1>IT;;••nt |it»li<-> <il (Iclt'iriiiu only nccrssary or kn men was |iro:liet«'il. Wtiilo Selective Service officials have it< chiicit tor l J ii* ii n.st | isn't 1 • I•!<»|>li»- y (lull's 11• i- deadlines, H was belie.ed mii Ii a |.oln \ l.ii m-ty \\ • i■ I■ i halt call, lit 11 ii 'ii over :!(l in essential •icfii|iati 'iis !• i 1 •>! I'.llt anil, if the Kuro|M?atl ii a., "ii i's well. |>crlrips for the (lurati"ii. llersliey, moreover. ha.-. predicted tli.il neccssviy men ill the pi> p proha!>!y v. hiM ii"l In' railed unt.I early lj!l a! 11io soonest. UNUSUAL IN POLITICAL ANNALS arc Robert K. I'ctcfson ami Jus wife, Edna, seen in the midst of a domestic chore in their Albuquerque, X. M.( home. Happily married, they disagree only when it comes to politics. JIc is seeking the Republican nomination f->r governor of New Mexico, while she seeks the Democratic nomination for the job. (international) Seriate To Approve Forrestal Quickly j As Knox Successor U.i-.hiiictiii. M.iv II —— S|m*v<I> Sriuir approval «.<> prr<111 tr«l unlay lor I'rrsiili'lil Koiisrvrlt's promotion »l I ntlrr Sr< t rial > .l.imi's V. l-'orrfsl.il to lie M'rrct.iry of llir navy. At tli" Navy IX'iKirlnintl. Km i tai had >i'n ril with llii- l.itt* Stwlary Frank Kim for four via: . it \\ . u1 f.fi'.illy i •-1»• > ti-il tli.it tin- in.mi Inn' ot administrative pari i .■ v v.' iilil i-.iiliuui' imcli.iii" •«I I- 111 tal'. rliicl task si il v. r i i tli. I i ' Li lt I|J{ 111 <i(iiicti'ill .Dili lii-livii.v "t ships unns ami Mi|ipii> ■ i! i nn. hut t i this he will haw I • iil the I i'.%|hiii.-ii H lit v n| I><-11 lis* Xaiy'.s I > III III I 1 spokesman In tin" public, M|w.'iiilly in advocacy <•: rii rails' s as that the lli'i't sh'Hilc! r.ct iir si raped at llni war's end. The production task was his \vIn• v-iuium'tit as under secretary. lie MUan vvnrl; mi it in A lunst. I!>h>. II .■ i lite Ittick room «f tin* sveret n. - >uite. it tile 1111 if hr was nr. under secretary ..nil had ncith>r ! it iinr | ii i. • 11 ■ i1 tn v.iiik with. Ill Ills 11 - ;mil. r I I:l«! >1 i | >-i, ' ! ■ r . ill j .Mr .fil ii< > 111y < tlii'i' v.sij . Ktinv i.il tfaiulti in harp «"►»»jti'ii . in 11■ man In? mh.. ni:;. Kimx w:i .1 Ui'imblirtHi; Fitrrextal .1 l»« miiiTill. KillIX >t;,:t.il working si! .i id . |I ipi i ri'tMU'toi: v. .is a< Iim iii jinn tiiiiism .mil |•>1111 .11:.i.: 1 III Iiliulu .it lii> Ii 1 i I I • . ,|I I .1 ri'|i"itrr • In !. Went iril-■ i i- lie t-lupt il ;i I>ii uu . n'. <lv>ii i1« i |it i \ i v il liU'i :;i il . ,i l«'.i<imtt lit. ir«' iti In: lir.'l, v.J"it it<- licrsniiv |i.i -ni«iit <t I tin .i.. iri■..I »v.( olflli.iliv, \\ ill Sll'lvl 111 \ l ! 11 ' III (tii'm. in i Kti">. w.i.-. ii jM'fjit I ill.■ r. ; • ici ail ■ •ii<>|tiiUi'lt instil Iiu i*nti|>li*d lir;'i ml ministi.ilive 111 :«• with rmtvliiMt i affsibilily. Tlir 52-yt*ai*>nld Kiffgj t.il. ii It;irri-ilriv1iij> worker. is .nt I't'iiti'iini/iT nf worn III' (i<nK ;11 mi t i-M-lit I.«•!>' i hunl I.H'ts .mil ili.'-is'.;; Ili.it liio.o will! tt 11. U :11• hill', uin ' :< r .iitiuii il ii ii,ill in n-.-oti. (Id ver lliv :nmrtintljr a.:d I in i itrsiU'ly when tin . ;uv to 1 r it: s •< it*. . t Fourth T erm Lacks Only 56 Votes Now Crop Delays To Threaten Food Supply Washington, ,M.i> II — < Al'i— Official and public oi»|i;nisin over Die nations fond situation K"t a jolt today from an Agriculture l>r|iartnirnt nop report ti lling of serious delays in spriue planting throughout niurli ol' the country. In i rt 11 >i I i -and l<\ - Ihan a wc<\ alter the government toi l. most iihv' off tlii* ration li .1. the dep..itiuent declared llatly lli.it high hope I 1 JIM I acreage-. coil no longer lie l\|M I'tcil hccnose ol CM 1 :.|VC "I Hoods .iiul nii.-caMniably cold weather. Sprint; planting Hirer and Ion weeks iielnnd normal, and bccaii of labor hlmi'liiKCs, la' I. ol need' I repairs lor farm nuirltiiM*ry sumI ••tin ' obstacles, farmers will be unable. the department s,aul, to make mi Hn lost t line. A poor crop season tins year would be reflected m reduced ppbi s la ter in the .summer and in Hie fall nd winter. Crops that may l>e a'Scried ', seriously l»y Hie delayed avin work ' include oats for li\'csloci; led. coin, cotton, lice, tobacco, beans and vegetables for canning and pioii . nu. Stock Market Trend Upward New York. May II (AC) li regularly higher tendencies peisistcd "1 today's st,,ck market, although •'■tiding remained notably -elective. Occasional gamers Included Chrysler, t • S. Ituhhcr. Sears Uorhuck ;iiui Westc" " t'nion A Among I > « we e 'J S Steel, (ieneral Klectrc and Montgomery Ward. Bonds and commodities held t > an indefinite course. 589 Convention Ballots Needed ArcAlready in the Bag (II) I It V soi i.ilnl I'l issl Willi vntrs plriimd nr < l.iitnrd Inr a timilli lo in. sii|ip.nlri-s ni-rdrd mil.v .'i'i adtlitniii•iI lo<l.i« iii sii|i|il> tin* *>K!I lirrili il IIi-imiiiiit.iIimi ii! I'rrsiilrnt Kinisrt ll mi (In- Iii -I li.illut .it I In* I ul v I leniorr.ilir rmi\I'liliou in ( liir.iKii. W • ti 'i:;' .ii I ii* • ■ - ii .tv it. lisli mi ill*-, i* in ;i State con veil I on I <t inlny. With nrti Tonm-ssif ,'<*|>>11>111 '11v ii) |iicl;liii; 111 di ll i! i Si ilc i••»i\ i lit-ii lulu *rimv, l'n . • 'I i mplcl* tin* wvil.;. pally ;n*. I". III!'. . AIMi'>ii:;li tin* I'tr iii ill Ini . dvr'ili• I I" :• i*. <ifi>*tIiftij* ii!' ■'• l ;i f'nii'ii i IIP. 1(11 Ii* V..I ,Hi 111 * 11.1 • 'II.J rvi- J •• in*<* tii.it |>.nly l illiilnl v !*i. v iinl I 11 111 Mill iiu.ll I JlilVI' IM'IIIJIII* III — ■ 11* i.-111:*iv i-iiiifkli'iit Hi'I lie will cti*iit .i iii if i*<'iniii.i• "i In I lurid.i. SriMtnr \mlr«*Ms. ,i llriimri.il uliu has kii|i|i'ii|i*il must iii lln* .iiliiiinislr.iliiinVi pin i:i .iin. ili i l.u rii fur .i foiiilh irrm w illi Ili<- as'.rrtinii "llinr is im man ntlirr Hi.in I In* I'rcsitlenl r.iii.ililr of Iraililir. I Ills niittmi I Ii to nu Ii I In* \ it.i I >r.iis In roinr." ffi*|nililji* i . v. iilrlicd rln.ily, iiimiiwIiiIc. hi iitt< in)it tin* r».inuiiil AmiciiiIh'Ii Io; Ailv.'ilirriiirlil \ >1 Colored I'liipk* I" "liliim .1 st*i(<*nrnt f 111* n New Y'il.\*. f!nvi'i imr ( rhmn;i I'i I leivcy mi tin* ;in*i-|i<>11 . ;i.\ lull I'rliiir lln* Srn.ilr. Till .. .*• r :111< 'II ;i.*-i;nl I )t'U*(*V. who' tin* Ir.ulitu: pi" ;m*cI Iiii* lln* I{*•itililitrim tiinnltindnn. In ■■■■*>• his inlln i!i*i* Willi Kcpillilir.ir sriiillli* s pi ill|>|iii|*t tIn* lull. I,.iti* t'oiinii "m \V< t Virginia's I I'im'mI iv pi n .i*> ndirjitrd 111-; !!l Irpllliliciin d«*lc|';ilrs rilhrr n|«.*:ily I mppoilintf i>r Ir.miliK towiil'd 1 )r*,vrv ,vcrr lenrtinfi. "\f8:AIISS:R ! I roit north« \uoi.in Fair to parti* rlnmh anil milil loni::lil; parih cloinl.v ami conlintird warm Friiljj'. Plan Set On Discharges W.I hind in. U.i.\ II (AI'I Sr.' m i.in ."-.in, tin .minium r(| inii.iv tin? Army ha a simplified aration prneerture" !•. ■ |m . .1 in.- |>r< ee.s ••! ill rli.n^iii;; men Inmi the itiiir.il> mi ir ..ml h<-l|» llu-n n ., iJll tim-nt In ri iii.ni III.-. ,\ M'll.'l .1' 11,11 I I ||tl i- I... In i n ,• . t.ililil:r<l .it l**i I i 1 \. v.'lli'i'i1 tin* 111 . 1• •• lure v.i ■■■ |e Iitl. Tli 1 . wil! ' llif liimlel I ; otiiei In In- 1 O.iiili. |n i| • is tiny are needed in other part;; ol the eiiuntry. I" hi It • 1 ~t rramhtied pi'ni'ciliirc now in 1 in I- .it Kurt I us." >aul Sliiuson. onl.V ii! Iinni 1 ri'i|tiiicii trom the tin r • : hi iii.ni - in llii- time In1 hoards .1 Irani I'm hone. 111 rontraM to I III* tlllee Wet I. .11 11IIII i 11I It'll II(pined under I'mii'i 1 methods." 'I hi' .*oldier hoar .is "orientation" tah: ; I ii •: 11 his imminent returii 1 i. il lilt . hi. in 11 '--I ii in ibililie , and In 1 i.:hl> anil pru ilet*e .in .1 vi't11.ill Ih' «i'l- a run pletr mcdiral e v aininali'hi. hi- tinal p.iy. travel pay In Ii: point ot induction. Hie lust inl: I! men I nl In 11:11 teriiiK out pay <1 if I ad\ «••« to p.i\ tm hi- t.ri.i'i home 11:iiiii-ih.iti*l\ li.itil.il tacilltie aiill .1 travel "line adjoin the pay window. {'iitin.i'lliii .lie av.iil.ihle t ■ tell the . nldii'i mi j.ih npp'ii'tuniti'.'~, In pi 1 ; in irrni'il. Ini'.vm:: 'In solilier unlit v am ei iliau • \perienre anil ipialllteat 1011 I" :;ive him 10I1 aptitude '1 t . tn m e I ad\ 11 e on lite in-malice. w.n iiond allolni! ill- anil otln 1 pis "i 1.11 pi■ ihlei 11 lull Kiev .nl\ e him only, il >n't tell linn uhat to do. I. S. Casualties ()u All Areas Put At 201,454 Total Washington. M;it II. — (AIM— American casualties in the war ft) all trim Is mm lnt.il Mil.151. ■il w Inch 11.17K arc naval casualIif anil I.">(>,(>7li arc \rra>. Secretary Sliiii-.nn rcpnrlim; lliis armv lnl.il today as complete lliriniuli April !K. said it included !7.!!I7 killed. I wounded. I.*> missini: and XI,:: I:: officially reported l»v enemy governments In lir prisoners of war. (ir Hi)' wimiidcil, In- said. .'I7.00!l have rrcitvfml and rcIiii nrd to duty. III.- latest navy casually reliorl. which inchulcs Marines and l i.as) <in.ird personnel. showed 1 f Killed. r.'.OM wounded. I inivsini; and I.I.V: prisoners of war. The last previous casualty repot I a week acn listed a total of I!I7.XII. divided I .VS..'III'! in the Army and 11.all!! in the Navy. House Bans Advertising Washington, May II (AIM Tin* If• -ti c I;iill-.-- Committee telu.sed today t'> approve lcmyl.iturn ptovidiiu! lor paid newspaper advertising n| j{ovcntnicnt w at bond sales. ( liaiiman Siihiilh. Illinois Demo cu t, sitid the committee voted the !>ill down, '"it lie did not disclose the malum Tin nv'ii li e would provide fiir nn animal outlay >1 a.nnn.ooii to i»c spent in ill weeklies and in dnilitg published m elites ol less than 2f»,tinn popnlation. Critics ot the hill have contended that new 'papers n \v grant mucn Commandos Raid ALLIED COMMANDOS have been raiding the I.i-ttirian coast in the «i«*o:» indicated on this map, accordmi; v> r5v.'!:1t;i!Kin mlvico.i, mi(i in such nunibcr.s tli it the |-'a; ci; t press believe:: an at!;.. I. on tin.; .section of the Mcditei ran. :tn may he part of K< ricral Allied mva ion plan. I".>rl:i in the fiulf i• I fi'eiina were u r. - I:vd by the commando. ( International > Allies French To Invasion Advice Spoken by l.ontlon; Nazis Seize Kails l.iinilnii. \».»v II — ' \l"i 'I'lie ini|i<rt.iin<- nl I ranee's Iraiispiirt system in the iii)|m ii<Iiiu iiiv.isi m ■ >l wesl-m hiirtij:)' \\y* cni)>h.isi/.i-ti l.y liiilh the Allies anil (•ei-mans tmlc,v ;is the l.ondoii railio limed the I reneli In keeii nil the hiitlmays alter I he attack starts, anil Virliy repeated that passenger train s"rvipr w '< 11 • I he rut Mnii(i.i\ In l.icilitate truoti inoveiiK ills. Ti:< Allied icip.c-l In Kri-ucii < iviliaiis was iiumIv in ■ > II. II. C* >>: •»<!• to MI\. ; 'on instructions. It ir.-s.sid that tin ;i iii-i\ t mi nl.s mil i lave rijtht i»t way. Tin- .mm iieeiiiriil by tl.e (ieriiiaii-eoiiti'i II. ii Viehy r.idin. m.itie nrii;rall> time da\ > n;;o. and reiterated l >d..\ . . . .I 11:.<11\ in London to v -iiiit v, In tin tin- Xazis Win- sei/.:u 'In leu -lanls ul the biiiiib-ridllli i ailway ; \ .ten. lol v. bat it vvat wurlh ;n helping t.. maintain 11 . Vtlalit ie w .11. < >n thr llritish side ot the eliannet. iiieaiiwlide. :! v. a ibsrl i ;l that i ii erueiiey .i are poised and ri .nly in :--i to ; i t • n n • 11 ila.v !.i e\ aenab- I pi- , ale sin-1: : and fiMxt r»r imiii-oniiiatunls •l-'.nciiith eoa;la! town- 1 il are u.-.ed a invasion . p: i»»i*'- a . Iielail: aiiotit the tlliils were • | ■! . eet i I. I'rej>ara!i loi re-i talib liim; eiv i| .idtliii '• i in Hie Ni * ,-i« land., and I'.- . inn all. i lh< y are liberal, d v.- .- id to i-i* nearly loinpl< Ie. !t • rn«-il 1 1st ! I).!:! III.,! I ho nevernnieni <»f these I wi> co.mll'ii-:; V "ild : iyi Siftl'ee octit . Willi I'-' 'ail! ' t III.- I * 1111 • d Sl.il|»ro\idmu fo| eivil olbc'.ilt. lu take o\ er Ir.pin tin ililary. more • pa. iiilv I.. \- . | r.-din lion b to. • t-i m- ■ n< could p .-. tin The I-OI . 'I--II I bill, at l<- t I I- I I; 11v. I-. . .11 ml< I! roll I .1 which i: I • Kel b. the II • New Bomb Assault On Europe Might Be Greatest Yet Made In Pre-Invasion Poundings NAZIS STRENGTHEN ATLANTIC WALL » —* ' •« | I i ' MEM&fRS OF A NAZI OIIK • i ■: '< • • • • i tni' ( :i (eel fir! v. >rk Jirminrl a heavily ni unjmmI f.'"i < «• ■■'••nu the Atlais'ie Wall in Kiiru|>c in preparation fi-r the exported All" (I mva mi. t* mcietc v. is tb«n puuictl en the rods. Photo hum a neutral source. (International) New Jap Offensive 1.938 C0 • li'iiivkinjr. .May IK- (AIM 'I lie -I;»i >;» n» offensive in 11• >11.-1 ii province assumed 11»• !:iv a <«>pe 11ix-<|ii;tilc< 1 sinceI the ilaiikow liiin|»:iiJ-Mi •»! UK'S a- ill- ( iiine.-e at kitowletljjed that "•n< m\ forces had crossed the Yellow l iver from Shansi province in i-thwest <>f Loyanjr. and apparently liatl won control of the entire IVipinir-llankow railway. Japan Offers Prisoners' Relief Plan W.i-11111u<• >t>. M.iv II (AIM Secretary || StiltC* Hull -;ii(t lltdiiy 1114* I'liitcil Nt .li I i receiver! .1 Hole li ■ .1.■}111 141 'ill* ri-rliiili cmulif inns .it "ir |• 1 • ,. hi: up Aitieiiciin relief U| .*. Inrli ' i\r lieen w.i.line at VI. ' I. I 11 11. 11 limt 1 m t . ,\i:i< rn-.iii j 1 ••in 1 in tlii- 1 ti n nt. I'll 1 unliti'«li.. iiuv. . it1 In in;; si ill-«I Hull -.ml. t'i (IctiTiiiiiK.* their | II in- , i*»1 • ie, 1111*1 ill .tiiri' 11 ili.it In- i..ij i-il i.. 1 nil ; tin li'l'll (in 111 • 1 -1 {lit 1.111 - • 11 nt the! llnti- lit 1 11 • -11 * limed mi ,1 I .lij-n I li|...iili-, 1 1,1 t wii-l; Ih.'it .I.i|i.iii iin\v 1 will 1111: |iii°l. tip ilit' upplie i 1 M. • • 1 i,.iini tints "t -11 >»1111 • hi'ivvI litH'll 1 ill tu VI.nip 11 |»|i. i|n iii^Ii I K11 1 in 1 1. -j 11 - 111 • .1 •. I id t tin I'n t- I | St.iti I . I., i n int.ilit. t . • • i. t - I I J.ii'ti'iv .111 iimenii li! v. 1*1 .liip.in I. < 1 tli- 1 ill <1 I Hit n >l 1 I li.- 11 ite iMi'ii' tli. i•• 114I1 tin gutcrnmeiil. prolivimi; imwor fori i|ie I' 1111• -i| St .t. 111 .1 hi .1 .| . t.nl 1 . -i. • t.llte Ki ll Cl'i' lipplii I" \ 1111*111 ■ - ii |n i- 'iii'i • | \ 1. urn* hi ii * * 1 .mi 1 H»uit. in .1 mite 1 I'll Si ill- I tep II tmeiit .'lit t • ,1,111.ill | I I 1 .I..1111 II \ . 1' tl <• till e .Ml ... 1 mill I |-|.||( • 1IIIIIU II I- ill* I II* lit \I) 1 III tin* I n I-.it pnlili ' 'I Ii* 11 1 fircuglitcn s Support For Vice 1/resident Growing ImiI\ liisii.ilcli lliirr.ui • l»V I.V.VN \I.Sitl.T. i I%;«i<*iI'ti. M.i\ II Noitli I i)lli v.i: hii< ■ I'i'cii in W.i hmutnn Milts \<i" I. ■: ■! riiit Kiel .il>|c 111«• t I !• I (lllW ii' li |ll"'l|l<Diltl >|ii .|r m|\-ti ip I of CJ'IVOIIl" !' I •• t• 'I• fill' llto Di-ii ■ < I . 11 M ■ >11' • i(l«'llt ll 11' >111 ill.'l) I-<t I A K«i'w| . |ii'm|iIc in Hie S'dlc. iiH'hminft ii tisf tite ol»» NOl'VOIs. ;i!iil \\ ~|>:11n■ i tnt'll till iviiiMot ,111>tli iih 'n tin' movement cm c;>l little i i<*upliiiirnt,i, v h<»iiio--t;it« I" 11 nu tin <t |>"|inl.ir j;ii\tTii«>i l'.\ "t'-iiiT ;i('ciiiiiulii1l'> tliiit thru- is ;i 1 do«il mot'** thnn th.it lloforo tli. T il" llcH Stiitc <mii\ i'n ti"n cniti'i ill 'In- i-.iiKlul.icy the ( >klnli<>m i Vi llus I V-niiici iit> ji;if) t.iKrn similii' ,m" ■ i \ I -«• (*l)<i'Miiiiii MmiIt'O Ill ll'li !l I "t llOillfl tl'n'll M'VIT.ll utlior Stji'i ii;ii«■:i ,.iii nlli riiiK In biirk l»i i|ii:ir n. Nmoo I ho omivonlion Inn I i I'lmi iliiv iho unvor ■ ini|- luis uti immI many telephone 1 c»1 !•;, telegt.ns ,ind Itttors of i>rom i inu active l>|I front ollin l.i'r fiinf IKwIlC r (iwvi'iKir llr night<»hV prourjitii tl*i inonlli \<ai MoikIii.v In* will (k'livi'i • Ik Ui-viiilit iiU(i «'..s .il liif (JUI. in i , S'. If I '■ or I ;i (''invent ion. .mil n M s :n» tn will i'i' i-I'll' 'in- s • in •• • f!«»verii«»r S«lt«*nMi»ll »l Ma. 11.i; -• ' |ii i!;- fur the X-H ih .11 I In Mi iiil 11, iv r\i 1 -i cut «}»•!- 1 iv-Imiiu I'jitiU'ii!'Hind I'hr.i imitations i.mnnl lif ri'iis'riHil as ".lust 1, !in --t;iti" pmle" mill ;i(l(lrd In tin* niitneroii.-. "Iher out-of-state appear I ,;iiii-- made l>y fiovernor lironjjritnn II-,1- vi- ! cur Ij 1 m prestige enjoyi"<l I iv frw governor*. \*<d whetlie: anything develop* at llif n;ilion;il com mil >11 in 1ln* way .•I .erior 1 •ii>!«l« r;ilinn for the viee pii -111 in > Hi' nationwide publicity ii.i: ill .uly put Hie North Carolina guvcrnoi t. p i.»iti"l> .1- the rerogni/eil >pokrj-in;in loi Hie smithfast in piilitK.il and economic matters. Yell a ( liiii' • ■ •(■•ijiic jau;, was accomplished l»y tic Japanese in the vicinity ol Yiiitiichii. t;"i miles from .iiul threatened In outllanl;! I hi' rl« ■! ci if • I the ancient city. alii .th me! aced I>y another i-oititiiii j only mx i<r m\en mill-.- a'.vav. on tin' southeast. j The !.'■ .Tapanesi tliru.-t Irom 1 SImiim not (inly t nl.ii i;ci| H,. -c pe <il ' tin- enemy operation.- n.:t |Jl:iml Mldnl emphasis the |>ossil>iiity ol a t;i tieral vv« slvvatd drive toward tin old U.I I led city ot Stan, ill Shcilsi pr ivinec, r.atural gateway to Szechwan and the provisional capital al Chungking. The c 'ini:.uni(|uc ..nnitineiiiR lh> • • 111• 11 \ had i >sM'd tin- Yellow rive j aid i'Hi i :iylitiim w as railing as lh< ! ir .<!• i it!• nipti-d i nlitrgc IImii 1*1 id^i lie.id i la possibility Wa-seci: | II:.i: 'In- .1 a p.. 11< ii.:. :.t atlce pt to. Mil Itfl the . low ol reilitojvetilent.« ' to the liatlleti ' I and < \ • i tin I'll - . nese i ipe ii lite- iiv tlynamilini; i ■ Hu' ii'iinerou railway t.in-j m Is .! >1 l.oyang. AlHi 'imh Hi- itnalioii to the ea I ! ' • l'i pni4-li.itikovv railway! .i »»!•■.. i>:it oh. I 1 |l i|i|ieai e I I :• it tin < IniM <■ I ii < I liei n driving) 1 | ■ ■' I • 'I Mil |l|i' \ il i Mtr'ii - . ail Ii hi:.iinr.iti ii | line. 'It ive I the t el > ay. vviin Ii was in the encinv in iniil \piil inv adi . h.nl t i;n.mill hi H, II all I illlH'C I . tuple! -ii ilv • V" HI t ill • Of II .| Air Control Flan Fixed 4-ottfrnl. Imsi d oi« ti,.- Intii hvcfloim ol 'in im the i mid to My. In land, to di rh.i'uo I''- eiii'.ei i- nl and • • i; .i d to (in , tin i up anvwhi i• in tic- ••.Id hit I nti i.-nMid :>y 1 • Ji• it !'. il ii .1 t• i l>.i i to: 1 .tine <li-rll -a il-. I.md I'tc.-e. i-i'ltro tK lord pi ivy seal, •.vim vv .is charged l>v I'ri i i Minl«'i 1 Church ii in tni'i •• ■ e iti • program fill lltt1 I'll ' I -' l I'- l'i-. ml vi i i.,v M it I nglatnl I I • ill* lah'lv ' llblltldonifl a Canadian |•' • which vvmiid have alloc.,ted route- and m'i v id" Thr 1'tilled Slates hao objected to Hie plan atoo rtttlil for diseus-ioii at all lllteinational conference to he held liter thi< vea m Washington, at vv'i.ch an international convention on ait luiv igatmn will lie (Ituvvn lip. Allies Hit Continent On 27th Day Kail Yards Struck In Northern France; Budapest Attacked l.oiiiluii, .Mitv II — (Al') — American IimiiiImt formations u'Imi i- jjtoiii'iI linki11v roar was tin- |iini!« ! I.oniloiics s ever Ileanl struck out toward Kit rope today in tin- *iT111 day <<f the roimd-tln'-r!""ck pre invasion offensive a);;iin>t llitlt-r's fortress. l^uiehly s■ 51• • • 111i,* i■ |• l.i i mtfht'g I * • it .< uill -n I■ I: i; «• .1 by bombi'i *i.l. fi• • - Italy bancs, Mail uli 1 I! • i ii 'lnbt'is i>l the i v i i- (Jul in tbi* ' ..;•]»• .. t*d in bo • • r <t..\ t ■ ' Irimi Hr;i ■ n. i in Marks mi air 1 ;• -in* ml -1 .<*—K«if*<ar and t'oi n i -Y'/.n in Fiance. I.iisl i:i ;br lira", v anil medium bomber .ilt.n l. <iii ili<* Hungarian rapit.il i.inn- rliis«* (in 1 lit* heels <il ila> light III iws yesterday in wllicll more than I! .000 Allied uirrr:t!l. \x intone m imm nnlli ttal\ ami Britain. poureil some '..."•lill it lis n| in inlis iiit i l.iirope. ! t. heavy ..Mil in iber* • tii Ui i • in- ii Allied .iir force .111 *i iho llunituri mi capital in a mi I:i' 'I t• >!11i\v - ip tn daylight blow? against an aircraft factory and .in acticld .it U'i mer Xeustadt. Aus; :;i and tut* Yugoslav rail center of Kniu. The air ministry announced that Britain-based RAF heavy bombers in strength last night attacked railway yards at Lens anil l.illc. i lame, and at Ghent and < ourtrai, Belgium, while other bomber formations struck at military otijcctivcs on tho French invasion coast. Speedy Mosquito*, carrying 4.000I•>itmt 1 bombs, also r.iidod l.udwig*h.ili-i, (i«*in:.in> In all aerial operai. ii . ii.- romimini<|ti(> said. British plant laid mines in enemy waters. Fio- ■ ' the overnight onera' ' inis:i\ .iiinoiinced. 15 I'i.-tK-. were reported missing. It t:ii- >i'* 'lid straight night tlo.! lite liAF -ent heavy bombers against mysterious emplacements the Germans have thrown up t > attempt to block Allied invasion land forces. The a i ministry said the bin night ■ siiii; bombers concent rated on one •ast.il objective this time, wherens . n tin pre\ io is i ght seven were bit many t.i I torr<\.-. suggesting •l..(i wli.itev ( i tin objective might ha • i'<i !i i' wa: considered of primo i ; " • iter ' ,;et slleb a sizable dose ol explosives Allies Free 707 Persons Held By Japs \'U >:i •-l A lied Headquarters. New (imnr.i. May 11—(AP)—UbCr• 'i •• V•', .1.111 im-sc-hi-M prisoners • v. ' v tlx- \mcric.in conquest • ! m.ii!- , . i ir,ij \<-w <!uii c,i was 011today as fresh account* of tl • • • i rm-iiv toward captives ■ I1 • MarArlhur nn■ii Hi 1111 i,i iiif Liliernlod v • w<mi Siuiis, Imli.m soldiers -,i • I ii' M il. v i liv the Japanese • • \ i" i ,' .n. Javanese mnri• i • • I !!'•. ami the 'est were A inert i it \ ti..l m . Chinese, Dutch, I 11• . I'• .ml C/echs Mmiy a i and others civilian • f t tin largest nimi» • i "111 t'u enemy in \ . I' .. ill. war, ami ' |i yet liberated i | t • i i i 'atlimciit of Sikhs • • i'ii n t • A'l'i iially islands in Marcl. The pi "ii rs wen- lorred t i bllild i mi I-. hi a id: omes ai d dig tit nelie l i the Japanese \ i i iii I 1'iess Correspondent < >l* n Clemen'. -.ad in a story from \1 't . • • 1 I in the Admiralty • I' • .ili and Sikh troop.; (■ Id their hoi pital < ot> of cru• :l ' .it tin i i ii a the Japanese. it1' 'in i.-i; <i4iI 'i .inn pi sorters in ili< j.i *>iip I .-'Ull ii^.d trout lack of ■ tin ,i atten'inn and malnutrition, lie said, and IIOII others were down ■ Hi nial.in a Kor almost three years, the* said, thy lived on nothing but two spounslul ol iicc and salt u day ) ___

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