r PLAN J<"'RTH CAROFINA pharroa.:ists, drvf? stores and members of the dru<* ir.c5iisl.ry have pledgee! their all-cut support to the Fifth War Loan Dr?ve. As a £o?J they've i j 1 * r ttrn n ? 3 i set the sa*e oi 1, bonds equal to the price oi live pjant an-balance planes. To share in this eH =.*ni, your firui* store invites yen to your Bends there. Not a*' or ' • issue the Bo n ! t? • trs? *!v !>iit al can and w:H he !.o ::•••* > u a your *n?rcha so*, The Invasion is on. Over there our men are now lacing fierce German counter-attacks. Sure, we're going to win. But it's going to cost us plenty . . , thousands and thousands of men ... billions and billions or dollars. Don't let them down! Do your as they are doing theirs. Dig sv-fiig down deep! While there "s still ferre, This is America's Zero ■ 'cur! Visit your favorite drug store !o<:hy and with your Bond dollars hr-lp send a hospital plane to our wounded heroes. And Here Are 5 MORE Reasons for Buying EXTRA Bonds in the 5th! \V ar Bonds arc the best, tin* snfot investment is the world! 1. 2» War Bonds return you .$•! for every $3 in 10 Y«*«:rs. Q it9 • Vi ar Bonri> ly incre». purch i ■ s- ;• .••• afli th«* war. 2T ^ ' n.« i • :i •>! y< ur ti.ililten, t" * < i' 1 ior > '>ti • ItACk USE /A Y.\SIO\.lil Y MORE THAN BEFORE! Page-Hociitt Drug Co. Woolard's Parker's Drug Store Southside Drug Co. Kerner Drug Co. White Bros. Drug Co. Peoples Service Drug Store The Henderson Grocery This Message Prepared By The North Carolina Pharmaceutical Association