| Society News | COM III IK.I!Aril nil.I,. • driving rain . ten in Irani the open sea ■ in '.ed Uie counties here g.it.hei ed, ... a-, . ightened again in eiiiead , . , due reigned, . i overhead, .fixing the compass, ie horizon was piled i a ing clouds ip |nr miles into the air, nevenly across the un lu...' ng land. ■. toppling over , ,i. e. void bay. Kdmund Scott In Miiyock. - W t'.’X and Polly Cox g , te.\ days m .Miijin'r, Itel urns I nun \ she \ illc l> l.amli and Mr.- J. C. , in ' returned In.ii A.-ln , ,. they \ : ■ ited Mr. and .!. ,\ k ael ,eld. While there ...: 1 > (lit1 f i ent mountain I .inkcrxlri s Here I . ■ sley. s . Mr. tk l'k I ., nkei.- h y. .1 r.. ot ;.].!■ \ o . are ..pending several ;::. • I'ity. the Talikerslevs . ■ , a. dent : Henderson and i loi\ known here. I a < amp l ee. \ a. .!■ r l luploii. diiugllter ■ 1 ■. t' a- (. nt in. ■ d Anch ews avc I ;.I.,;n It. I. Ciupton. lias Camp Lee. V ... where she el it ed . posit i 1 M is - G p ,du iled Hus term from Wom i ' iU'gi i n Greensboro, and • .-I :: her here lor se\ oral ■ .. in tore going to Camp Lee. Scouts Celebrate 1aterature I)a\ S.-o.-ts : V ,niv einmty cel i, . , ■ Tm■ -da\ a> Litei .itiire i | i• ,.t,■ r, a • day. i: .iking a tour ot ;. !■ . j v rv Mo, iriaI I library. , ,r mi, started in the morning .. |.iu , i y. ■ v here there were on io|-i mung to literal lire, and printing. Mr.-. Leslie . \ .,ad Mi K .shin Watkins acted ‘.unit's. , . girl- then made a tour of the ! ) ; ,,dci; of I ice, with M Is. M.i ■ net mu ns guide ulid 1.. eo| ic Is ie! u ig t lie! n through ■ o composing room. \ pinin' lunch was spread at ng 1 laiiglk, is' | ark and aiter ... .1 mg le-l w as led by Myrtle ■ i .ink. ('.ary and lileanor lilv. five Girl Scout oaths and . , io I opnitcd and the Girl .s o' . oo.g - ■ ,ng. \li"i lunch the girls went to Al t'. i k ir. .1 ,g simp and we; e shown i,. „tkS' are hound, printed and • ■, hed. f;aynmud McQueen con • girl thrintgli the simp, i ,’et urn mg to the park, tile girls i ,| id rook ml 'lieu' la vorite poem-. ... k, , ■ \ g., \ e "The ( 111 I— i ■ k llou Ann Page Currm, no |)., l:,, d ; I - . Kiln Mae .lenkili-. !• IX., i Ji.it ■ Guy, "My Shad MvrtU ,\1 ton. "Tices" . Julia ; . \ . Kipling'.- ' I ■ l'.iivoy. \|, l.ol.i Mae poll ..III. ot Grand i Mil ■ . live g " ' -a Mai - . , ot Cheatham. Now She Shops “Cash and Carry” Without Painful Backache !.' n disorder of ki■ 1 r>• v lutietioii pertm's I•• 'isuiious its lit' r to pm . i in >oitr blood, it ly c u so it . • .* • t U:t l»e, r hetmnif i<* p tins, g pains, 1> "s <>i p' i» and energy, getting up t ms, Rwetiing, pu!hn>ss under the eye*, b- ..'Indies and dr/.m-s. !>• «iu* nt or Beamy 1 - ic s wit It smarting and limning bo:ii*'. t ':i‘S shows there is something wrung with your kidneys or Madder. Don’t wait! Ask \ ■ tr druggist for Doan's 1 ds, us< d euee'-ssfully by im'dioitB for over ■Id \. trs. 'They gi\ e h ippy rtdi• d and will In ! t ■ 11•* 1 miles of kidney t ubes flush out. poison ous waste fioui your blood. Get Doan a Tills. I i « Disposable Diaper Itoll and Cabinet Outfit Dlost convenient and sani tary for steady home use or while traveling. Diaper Roil - — $1.00 Cabinet - 2.25 Marian Martin —Pattern— Date-bait 'coming heroes! •Innio Mi> i ’ : v n :i:c>2 tc., an two pel lash.ons eye-catching portrait neckline and dirndl skirt. Pattern 0352 comes in J mini* Miss s /.es: 11, 12. 13, 14. 15. 16. 17 and 18. S:/.e 13 req' nrc- 3 3-4 yards 35-inch. Bows optional. Send SIXTEEN CENTS in coins for this pattern to: Renders n Daily Dispatch Pattern Department 232 West loth Street New York 11. N. Y. Write plainly SIZE. NAME AD DRESS and STYLE NUMBER. Couple Honored I>\ Show er W ednesda\ Miss Olive (I. l-'i>r v• n.r . aid (_’ irl Brown entertained at tin- ! . of M ss K irsythe on chav; e venue Iasi night with a r : ee!lanena shower lor Mr. and Mrs id C Keg istc r. .1 r . recent bri ie an i g: .on , The ... ■ p! . ugly iral ed with nixed summe: flower.-. During the evening the : ■ 1 on joyed bridge and daneiug. M For-vthe presented the cou ple with alt: :ie'.vc!y w rap .ed gifts wiiieli were arranged on a tea table. Ref resh: n.eiit .■■ .n - :.-t: ng ... ; mneil. . ike, andwieho , n ts an.i mints were .-raved t ■ about da - .e.-ls. Methodist Ladies I lold Jul\ Meeting The .1 . . er t ng tl. V ie n tore-Wes ley Hi lei i i t VI ■ di • hoi ladies’ [>;. 1 I■ >i T ie.-day < '.on. nig w.lh M - !’. W Row ud pi t■ -:oi ng. Mrs El r F . n loud acting tile devtrtn n, .-elected he. t ipte. ■ I’r.tvei Ida seripi ' e rc.■ .ng , as takr'ii win the n . : S’, i..t.te. This w a :• ilow eri • ' ' s 1 d ayei t n. ai i ‘'Sweet Hour ol |’rave: " v. as .-mg. Tin regular routine 1 ■ i -■ i .— was disposed of with er p! a-: - Ol the new committees for next fix n oMth . :nl tile lilties ■ tin -■ ealli m it lees. M is- If lit il .Vied, in ■: Hie pt- gran , present* d M - i -,. x'tll Shaw a do deliglu • i the .■ v. dll two \ oral .-I lector.-. "S’ ill f Thru'' and -Winspei in.g iI *■ -e • : ; • ed p V M !■ 1 a nee.- \\ ooddel. Mrs. .John I ■<■<■ Wcs'c ■' ■’ in...-1 eharn ing : .inner the •' y at tho book. “Tht Si * • • » i.V 111 1he prot'nt 'la\ ! The meet ng was ' ..nod .o' to the h> 'Stesses for 'he even ng who were M:- Id V\ II v 1 and. <1 • - P. Rtdei ut. Mrs. H. C. We.. - . Jr.. Mrs. E. G. Allen, Mrs. Bise ■ B ss, Mrs. W. II. Whitnt' re. M . M W. Adams .mi Mrs I. M. Id 1 ob served a delicio is sweet i'''u>r e of angel lend cake, ice crean: and mints. Second Sesson Of Summer School Begins August 25 \ j.,,, .! session o! siinuin r school af Henderson High school will begin Mond.iy. •! dy 17 and •• •ntiimn until Aug st :!a. II Id H n is.in ami nmeed tr day. The school is being held at the re r ust oi -ever; i parents, s > that liio.-e pupils win: have deficiencies in las! term's subjects can begin the new set: ol year withe it n .. ng to repeat .-objects laded. Registt ilion may be made either Friday. July 14. Irwii 11 to .7 • 'clock, or Monday. July 14. from nine to 11 o'clock, it w.is >1 nled The term Iasi- for six week.- oi live da vs each, or 3d classroom days. Courses will he oilered oi makeup work in any subject rotid 1 lotted oi failed, new work for full credit, or special .-objects needed by graduates who are lacking entrance require ments to any higher institution. Men, Women! Old at 40,50,60! Get Pep Feel Years Younger, Full of Vim I >on't hl.i'iip rvh iii-tffi w c-'i <*t11 t .pi-T n\ n fnpifU on '. "tir ,iur Tit" t •P'U •’*" ' ’• U .i \ - * • p- ii|Miur up w.iii •*-" 1 *i" ' "" ■ " •* t.m.S of - ( || to •>!<■: 41s >■ t*. i - . • f’4 Iron, rail nm p :• ■ V » ■ »<i ‘ v* »;-* «)>trr\ Ttf’i I : •« : " " •• S'.srt feri.ng inT'i'ior uud jounycr. tins \t‘r> nay. At drug .-tv' - everywhere— i U1 Headers’ 'it. a*- ” Wil d Miss Pauline Finch Weds Warrant Officer Naprstek In a q act ceremony hik'd with acauly and simplicity Ms Kmma j Pauline Finch. daughter of Mr Mary F. Finch and the late Geoige W. Finch, ol Henderson, North Car ilina. became the bride ot Warrant i • It leer. Heriiert Charles Napr.-tek. j J. S. N',. son ol Lt. Commander and Mrs. Charles Joi n Naprstek. U S. V.. ol I.oma Portal, San Diego, .'alil'ornia. — The wedding look place at high moil Friday. June Jo, m the First Baptist church. Washington, IJ. C )flieiating at the double ring ccrc n i my was the brides brother-in aw, Dr. John H. Bunn, ol More lead City. North Carolina. The 'hureh \\a: artistically decorated .vith white gladioli palm- and tall •andelabra with hurning tapers. The bride wore white net over ail'eta with litted bodice, bo .hunt k.rt and bracelet length sleeves •r:th lace uittCOs. She wore a Juliet lilt .aid illusion veil, and earned a loiiquet ol' white orchids and sweet mart r-isi's showered with orange •lossoms. I'lie bride's sister. Mi-s Sallic Lmi ■*'iiiii. was maid ol honor and * e inly attendant. She wore ap. lent .■hi! Ion over taffeta made on the mine style as the bride's with Hatching hat and light blue veil. She carried an arm bouq iet ot talis man roses and blue delphinium The groom was attended by hi.~ :>< st man, Lt. William A. Bushnell. I ■ ; Washington and San Diego, t'aii :■ rnia. Ushers were the bride'.- ! brothel-m-law. Maurice (' Pearce, "I VVa tit gton, : * > . and la M. Boll, ol Silvia Spring , Mrl 1*; ."f in tile ix’lriiHiny, the chinch organist played 1 raumeroi" by Schumann, “Evening Star” by Wag ner. -r\ Necklace • >• I. • >y Nevin and "Bridal Sung ' by Gold:? ark. Mi .- Jean Bone -aug ‘ Bee.ease’ and "I Love You Truly." The bride is a grad mie ol East 1 Carolina Teachers' College. Gieen v iIII*. \ C For the j>,*st leu year »ho has i icon a teai i c i. • h,. . ,n| school- ol Nin th Carol e,, and Wash- I ngton, I). C. Recently mu- ha- held a position with the office >1 Censor ship. Washington. I). C. The groom attended B,? dontown Military Academy. Bordetiiou n. New Jersey. For th.e pa • -c oral years he lias been a me? -her • >: the regular navy. At tin- pri -cut time he i.- stationed at the A nph in • is Itase. s ilomiills. M . . .I. I mmediately a ftei l:.e cere o., v M • Maurice C. I ’em ce. . - P "l the bride, entertained :n a wedding breakfast ,\ . y : nbtion was observed as the ? :e c;' the edduig cake with a id wllicil ■ a - a gift to the gnm:i irom U, father, who has been :n the regular navy for a number of years. The couple left for an extended weeding trip to New Y > ; C tv. and Lai e Placid. New Yot k :in the return they will make their h - for the present time at Solomons, Maryland. BIRTHDAY DINNER FOR MRS. ELLINGTON Mrs. Frank Ellington was honored with a birthday dinner on her stxtv Uiird birthday, celebrated Sunday, at her home in North Henderson. Mrs. Ellington was presented many vely gilts from the 43 children and grandchildren and other relati ■ • present. Dinner was spread on tables on the lawn. Yard at Wilmington Honors 4-H Clubs Of North Carolina College Station, Raleigh. July HI —All of the 90,001) club members m North Carolina were honored last Monday when the Wilmington Ship building Company sent its 1158th ship down the ways to join the increasing fleet of vessels aiding the United States m its war on the Axis powers. This 1458th ship, a cargo attack essci. was named for a North Caro lina ( .iiiiity. Tyrrell, and was chrs tent'd by a Johnston County 4-H club girl. Juanita Ogburn of Willow Springs, route 1. Miss Ogburn is president o the Cleveland 4-H club which wen first place in the "Feed i Fighter" contest last year and 100 club members and parents from Johnston County were present to see her do an effective job in christening the vessel. Among those on the launching stand were a group of club mem bers Iron’. Tyrrell Comity accompan ied by farm agent 11. H. Harris; a group from New Hanover, aeeom. panied by Ann Mason, home agent, and R. W. Oalphm. lariu agent; and lit) fii nr Johnston composed of the county council wiice s and one mem ber Irm:, i aeh dub in the county. 4 hese Johnston county club members were accompanied in M A. Morgan, farm agent. C C Clark. Jr., assistant Jana agent in c:ia ge ’1 4-H club work in tile c m;y. John I’iland, as sistant agent. Ruby Pearson, home agent and hei t vo assistants, Sarah (iainey and Ellen S itherland. I,. R. Harrill. 4-H club leader from Slate College, beaded the group of extension workers who attended the exercises. He -pi me brietly at a luncheon following the christening exercises and expressed his apprecia tion at the boi.or done the club boys and girls oi North Carolina. S. P Ware, secretary of the shipbuilding corporation, presided at the exercises and paid tnb ite to Miss Ogburn when he d. "This ship vv; - at nicely elirisiened as any I have ever seen." On behalf of his company, he presented the sponsor with a jew eled wrist watch. Re\. \YPotcat Joins A ” Stall At L ni\ crsity Chapel Hill, July 13. Rev. W il liam Hardman Potent, son nl Dr. K. McNeill Potcat. former pastor of Pullen Memorial Baptist Clinreli in Raleigh and now President oi Col gate Roehe-ter 'rheological Semin ary, has accepted a position as as sistant YMCA Secretary at the the versify of North Carolina, it was announced here today. Rc\'erenri Potcat, who received Ins Bachelor of Divinity degree from Vale University Divinity School last month, is a licensed Baptist mniisR r. and will serve a.- a supply minister ot the Chapel Hill Presby terian Church during the month nl August while Reverend Charles M. Jones is away on vacation. A graduate of the Raleigh High School where lie was president of the student body. Reverend Potent received his \. B. degree tram Qberlin College He was born in China where his father was a mis sionary. According to Harry K. Comer, Secretary of the "YReverend Po tent will give full time to work with die YMCA Cabinet and committees, and will serve as a civilian chap lain to both civilian and V-12 stu dents. Return from Beaches. Mr and Mrs. M G Coghill and grandson, Horace Coghill. -R'.. sue::* the past week at '. a* - hna .JU 1 *' n:V> tlft- f 2 Maxton Officers Are Killed When Glider Goes Down I.: aiburg—Maxlnn Atr Ease. .Inly 1:; \P) The Laurinburg-Maxton At v Air Base announced inday that tv ilTiecrs were killed m the crash 11; glider near here Tuesday. The victims were: Second Lt. James E. Parker. on : Earle C. Parker. 304 C’nllingvvood Boulevard. Toledo, Ohio, and Flight on icer George W DeGrunge, '-on of M Ceonara A. Lloyd. It F I).. Fall_ Waters, Berkley County. WAT The latter’s wife. Katherine L)e Gi,tage. lives at 1 .aiirinbu g. Choir Practice [tegular weekly choir prarlwe will be held Ibis evening at the First Met hodist church at t! o'clock. All numbers oi the ciiot: are urged ; attend and to be on time. 10% Helps— Biry in% More’ North Carolina SaysBroughton IdealCandidate By I.VNN XISBfcT Daily Dispatch Bureau Raleigh, July 13.—Tin- situut.mi will: re-pt rt to lion.mot ■. ,: . , president by the Deniocr.it r con vention at Chicago next week has been coin! ■! ...ated by President Roosevt 1 tat* nent that i . ter-. Wai laee" and the bcl;e! : r will not overly insist upon tin o en tiuti following his wishe m the matter While ,o-,.e Tar Heels ,-t of them admittedly around R,deign, li.iv e been barking Govern u I'a.i ,gh ' ■ the ce pre 1< they have realized all along the pre-idem had the thing n - ..and ed to exert his fu ence Next t i Wallace Sei tor B . ■ > tricky bet led best chante It is now p 1 ■■■ i out by Bri' backer- '■ u B.uuley 1 He veil 1 be 6 em l>i'. 'ii.it'- I . e yea rs oltle: • , :i the I ! e.-ident. Tlte Repubi , e idy are campaigning against • •• ■■red. d i tration,' and t ■ esi dent is confronted with - > .vii po sition m 1937 that 70 year-old su preme eo irt justices wen antiquat ed and outmoded and oiigiit to be shelved. The Broughton group -• '.'links it has a good chance t pu' is man over, but admits a ~t.u-tacle in the Roosevelt expu ■ I refer ence for Wallace. 11 ■ • ■ • V rginia has instructed deleg;,',' '•■ vote agains' Wallace: S-, ' Carolina, Texas and Mississippi < declared their intent to wa • develop ments before making • uy- o! sup port; ,'.d North (' 30 • it® a e committed to B • ' The : fat in stands n t i the southern attitude, ih.u W.d ,re is •,, , radical, Barkley too old, Brough.ton is just • t til. But | the south, often lo.-< ; right doesn't always win. Mrs. Bill (j<mk1\\ \ n, Mrs. I ,cc A\ civtte I )cadlock m (in11 Mr - Will Hi in Goody v and Mst 1, i. i ■ v i i et O' tied t ■ r ' •• nnoi'- in the I idle ■' golf touriiami i i y sterday at the West End Co u • ry Clu Mrs Goiidwyn won the umw and was awarded lust prize Mr- Averettc wa.-. pre-, nted the ; : .u• ■ second honors I’he putting prize was won by Mrs Bennett Perry All the prizes were war savings stamps. IihIin klu;il Bond Sides Reports Are Asked b\ Shearer) Thursday. .1 ,ly 2U, ti i de.id- j lini’ for t .rning in names «»f the people .vim made the five highc-d sale- of a.ii ootid ri n ng tin Fifth Wai Loan irive, \V it She; er, chairman ol the me; chant's dr. .s iotl ol tin her ol Commei ee. announced t day. The prize for the highest sale 1 will lie .■ solid, second prize. $10 ; m stamps, the next three will n - ; ceive S2.50 each m war stamp-. Merchant? an sked to turn n the name- ol the per.-ons with the • . highest ile y next 1 day, followinj Mr. Shi will announce the winners. | " 7 Neyjro karmers Arc I a\ my; At I Ionic, Sur\c\ RcnciiIs (.’oileg; Stat-on. Kalcigh, .J dy 13 -Negro ai ers Nortl are making exce. . lit pnigres.- m I lie i live-at-home program and in i-xtia I food and feed oduct in. count} igent Stati Extensa-n Si \ me A sal ey eruly beet of 1.484 . ! 1 o- m Samp. county by Negro Fair Agent Fi :. Faison. Jr. He found 1.2J4 with gat let ficient gi ' 'If* • A tin al t .»!**■ id (ia i and the n.n inn'asmg The: < i try namia ■ .: A total (.1 a h.al : qua to amount ' .ntied I" 367 tamil.' i i«i < food. T'.vi 1 . h. ■ ■ d. c 111l>s and 13 1 -11 * i ating tor greater lad < niM-i .at on. 10% Helps—Brv ln% Mnref Eases Pain Soothes Nerves/ I .asp neuralgic pain, and soot.lv> nerves that -pen pain- t!j>> •vit 1 ■ quick-acting "BC" Also relieve, hi adache> muscular aches and functional periodic pains t'.-o * ally a . directed Consult a physician when pains persist 10c A: 25c sizes American War Dads j PUBLIC MEETING HIGH SCHOOL | AUDITORIUM 8:15 FRIDAY JULY Hi ll | President Arnold Will Make An Address and S Present the Charter to ® Vance County Chapter No. 2 j An Interesting Program Including Altra< live j Musical Selections ! | THE PUBLIC IS CORDIALLY INVITED | j FRIDAY JULY 14 — — - 8:15 P.M. 1 WWWWWWIWWI «WII I — m ■ I ONCE AGAIN ••• I BLANKETS THE NATION ! I ■ i B m\ B »(*(I size. B !■ (] nn nt h tec/} Fin \ <inn).<t "Moth 1)p))i(!p( j j I 100P.C. SELECTED VIRGIN WOOL BLANKET | rpi A S I I*, lbs. down-soft wont bum to Lay 1 nem Away ■ B lofty nap that keeps warmth IN. B B AA B gj the cold OUT. Moth treated. Ro- JB JB »»/Ul B ■ nine, ittwn. eedarose. ————————

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