[Society News ! L ENC'Ol'NTEH. j The encircling lulls Wen etched with light V_ vl- -uddenly saw [ Tin tall ferns and grasses part j v | •,,, ,i breath-taking moment ^ fawn found strange delight j,, a L- open road. Joseph A. Silvia. Return from Beach. M and Mrs. J. C. Gill and daugh tri I'atsy- nnd Mr. ;|nd Mrs. E. (’. [ , ,.|| and daughter, Adcle. have i(,, , . |mm a weeks stay al Vir „ a Beach, X a. I p __ Leaves for Jacksonville \l . . Gene Surprise, ol Hargrove left Henderson this mo ti ng ■M| ,| niville, N. C. where she will hi e placed by oic Carolina Tele j,l,, nr aid Telegraph Company. Prayer Band to Meet The prayer Meeting Band will meet Tuesday night at eight o'el .. in p1( jemo ol Mrs. XI. C. Mills, on v;1( ,|as street, with A. 1’. Barnes as leader, it was announced today. Miss Marie Olwell And Lieut. Cansler Wed in New York Vi -- Marie Muriel Olwell. d.-ugi - i, Mr and XIrs. Philip M. Olwell. el Flushing. Loi\; Island. New Yu,.,. Mid Lieut. (jg) Leslie K. Cansler. son ,,i vi ;,nd Mrs. L. K. Cansler o| Hen derson were united in marriage oi Saturday evening. August ill, in St ... Episcopal church. Flushing. X Y. The ceremony Was performed by Ilia |ie\. Doug'aUl MacLean. rector oi the church. T'nc bride, who was given in mai riage hv her uncle. Adr an A. Oi . ell v\-,a i i gown of white i1 a u.i 1. 'lets, fashioned with a full skirt, fitted bodice and square neckline. Hei veil ol iltu-ion was held in place by a .Ju liet e.,p ol seed pearls. Sac ea. r e<* ;i ea-cade bouquet ot white '■■iiie.. i.iid gladi > 1 i. Mi ■ l.ynn E Heydel. ot Flu iung. was lid ol honor. Iher gown wa of s 1 v blue tat feta, fashion* .1 sti j|;,r t" that ot the bride- Ho I'l c e - we , i bouquet of stephaiiotis and deipnumim. .! Leonard Perry. ol Loei-nurg ..ni Baltimore, attended tile oride gr-.i.e. as best man. M C..nsler attended St. < 'laire Vi aiei y and the Cornell Hniversit;. Sc1 no; u: Medicine. She is employed iiv : Atlantic Mutual lnsuranc; ei11mI■.11 y o| New York City L>. Cansler is a graduate ol sake Fi rest C 'liege, where he was a lea ;n hei "i Sigma Phi Epsilon fraternity. iiti'U - on the stall of newspapers in Raleigh and Elisabeth City before join ng the Navy in 1!) UP I'll! -.mg the ceremony, a rcrep ti"ii ■ given at the Colony, in New Yen.. BIRTHS Birth of a Daughter T.t i. gi and Mrs. Charles Med ni' ,,'in'.unco the birth nl a dattgh lie. Mi : ty ,In, at Maria Parham hus |d!..’ n August 20. Mrs. Me.’1 ■' is the : a ei Miss Tcnny Burnham ID IIKFOKD SHOW C‘ ; ■ gi1 Station, Raleigh Aug. 28. Ti o W.ilauga Hereford Breeders sni linn, will hold a show and sale a! P.n : e on September 8. it was an i" ■ ■ i by L I. Case, in charge nl Iv'.leii.- inti animal husbandry at State Cu.ll go Ease Neuralgia With Quick-Acting “BC” Use i|Uick-act Ing -BC" Head ache Powders when you want prompt relief from neuralgic pam. BC" also relieves head aches, muscular aches and func tional periodic Pains. 10c & 25c sizes. Use only as directed. Consult a physician when pains persist. Just Received New Shipment of Bassinets In blue and pink, with and without tops. Come in and See Them :----! Marian Martin —Pattern— \u need for a.iron shortage u nun Pattern 9006 demands only o.YE yard of fabric. Use cheerful soap 'n' •\ater prints, contrast binding. Pattern !)()l)(i conies in sizes small 14-10, medium l 18-2H) and large (40-12). Small size requires 1 yard •la-incii fabne. Send SIXTEEN CENTS in coins or flits pattern to: Henderson Daily Dispatch Pattern Department 232 West 18th Street New York 11, N. Y. Write plainly SIZE NAME, .AD DRESS and STYLE NUMBER. Memorial Sen ice Honors 1 A. Bunn at Baptist Church A 11n•!!.'■ 1 .;i 1 service I'm Fn -I I seu •iii.nl E. V IUiiiii, Jr. w. he! i Sw - l.iy mi .ruing at the !• ir.-1 Bapl i.-t hlirch Lt. Bin n was 111" thir I • m ei' nf the church tn give his life in he service <>! his eiuintry He en isled in the United Slates Marine 'orps on November I. HI42, The service was climaxed by reari ng of he P Mowing poem, written by .'an lyn Bowers Collett, and dedicat 'd to Lt Bunn. F. W Tie was gen'.le Uentie a. the first moment of tv. i light When it drops its bine peace up' u a tired world: Gentle as a spring ram stroking With silver lingers The earth, and the flowers of the earth, Calling to a new birth the lily and the ri>so. lie was kind— And his kindness shone m hr- eyes Like steady candle light in dark ness: His kindness was a balm to -pilots Wounded by harsh words and harsher deed's; His kindness Unwed like coni wa ter Ovei the marl of anger, quench ing the tire nl pain. He was sensitive - Sensitive In the play nl light awl shadow. To the crimson glow of the morn ing an. To the white, ethereal mag r of the moon: ■Sensitive to the sweep »’ hud wings on the sky. L’n the poetrv ol the tar.-, by which the human heart must live and die! "He was good 1 le set his feet upon the eoursi■ his Pilot marked; Hi- loved and honored what wa. mete and r ght: He bore without complain the dark rr,.s.- of these latter years. Ami, pacing through their black ness, ealue al last Unto Eternal Light. Carolyn 11.nvei s (' diett. FACE BKIC DECREASED Raleigh. Aug Jik Because produe ;jon has declined sharply and is now idow the pre-war level, DBA has illthon.'.cd an increase ill maimlail urers' maximum pricis of Sd per theusand lor common and migla/ecl fare building brick produced in -xl"* bum .. Florida, Georgia. Mi : issipph X'ortli Carolna. South Carolna. Ten no.v'BC iiihI Virginia. _ /0'\ GRAY im HAIR! L Oh! What S Will I Do? M;,nv f*v! gr;;v hair a hmulu m* . . • that it adds years l<» their :i^-.Niiw >cwncc has discovered in "anti gray hair vitamin. Grayvita Vitamins Restore Natural Color to Gray Hair Y,. ih-oiiU* the n.dnm imr h:iy«- njHirted t R \ YY1T\ Viiamms work, and lh.it. tl'fir iray hair is returning to Us natural color <' l< \ Y V ITA \ il.iinms contain tin- same amount „j ••'mltgi.iv I,air \ namin'" tl’lus tail In', units Ii,, „ i,..i,,I 1>V a li admit llllllsekeepnig m o..i * n , „... i. .ted. **' had r, turn "I Itair rnh.r (,R \Y\ i n Vitaimiisarc non hiltcnmg. can't harm vour "pcrinani id oO day supply. $1.50; 100 days, $4.00. l'lione i-“ With What Measure ' ^ e Mete, Topic of Rev. Mr. Gardner I«ev Ii, Norlleet Gardner, pa.-toi ot Hie first Baptist church, spoke on "With What Measure Ye Mete" at the Sunday morning service at his church. The text was a part of the Sermon on the Mount. "With what meaXj'e ye mete, if shall be meas ! ur« a ,o you again. "This is a stern law which admin isters justice lor all, applying prin ciples that are light to conditions both good and bad," he stated. "This along wih other teachings of Jesus was direct and simple, but very hard to obey. Jesus cut arms- the ritual istic idea ot religion and struck at the very heart of the matter. "The principle works with refer ence to evil to bring evil or ; . 1.-for tune to one. Taking the example ol 1 a qiuek temper the minister pointed out that a quick temper was not gen erous, not unsellish, not forgiving, not broadminded and that inevitably it turned upon man to do him harm With reference to good he law is true. Wherever good is prompted in the - nils o linen that which is good coins back to man in like measure. "It is the privilege of mankind to to measure out life's good to those about us. The iniluenee of kind per sons. the influence of a godly home and the pervasive values ol the church abound with a great measure of good. "The church in its teachings points man to forgiveness; it gives to man the highest example of racrilice :n 'Christ; arrl through its ministry ot ters to man an opportunity for gr - mg end challenges one to suprena loyalty to that which is good in life." Mr. Apple l rges Congregation To Stand Fast Today "Standing Fast in the Spirit" ,v.is ! the topic ot Rev. J. Frank \pple, pastin’ of the Congregational Cihiis 11 ,n church, at the morning service yesterday. His sermon was based n the text from Philippians 1:'J7. "That ye land last in one spirit, with one ind. striving together for the until 1 l!ii- gospel." "We arc ii\ mg ill days of stress, -tram, and calamity," he slated- "We have more than war on our hand'. We have problems of many kinds, uili as liquor problems, juvenile de linquency, a general letdown in mo rality. etc. We can't blame God for ■ in• sorry mess the world is in, but man is to blame. It was lie who | owed the seed.', laid the plans, and started the war. He lias been given | Uu ability to shoose between right and wrong, love and hale, unselfish- i lies.' and selfishness. "Man must pay for his misdeeds. I Think of the hideous deeds of war. bombed cities, homes in total ruin demolished churches and schools - o. ngleci bodies of thousands ot inn ,>- j cent women and children—milii ms ol dead ,-oldiers and civilians, all be- j :cause man has frustrated God's will j and purpose. We can't violate the j laws ol God and get by without hav ing to pay. "Man limits God. God is not lim ited in power, wisdom, and love, but in the failure of man to cooperate with H m. Are we ready for this .-. ar to cease We need a change oi heart: we have not yet repented. G >d needs our help in the saving ot ttic world and the building ol His xingeiom. Too many ol us have failed Him. It lias been estimated that the ivi rage congregation experiences iboul 70 percent of absenteeism from •ts services of worship What have vou done anr: how much leave you •lone for Gi rl in the saving of lost muls'.'" Rev. Mr. Apple questioned. "What can we do"" lie asked, and ..liswered the question: "Wc can go Goo's way. do His will, sland and fight side by side tor ihc laith ot the gospel." Harmonicas Are Sent To Polio Patients Newton, Aug. 28.—Tile appeal for harmonicas sent out tor the pa- j tionts at the Emergency Infantile Paralysis hospital in Catawba coun ty has met with a ready response over the state, and thus far more than It'D ot t'ne ‘'mouth organs" have been -cut to the hospital. However, oilier harmonicas can st,ll be used. They should be sent ■ 0 Kw S B. Stroup, Junior Red Dross director for Catawba county at Hickory. It was learned here today that U (; Trosper, whose daughter. Edith, was admitted to the emer gency hospital I' riday night, is the executive vice president of the Greensboro Merchants Association. I'he nuinbei- ol cases at the emer gency hospital in Catawba county amounted to 184 Saturday. Money in the emergency fund to taled S42.ali2.4ti at noon Saturday. Tins money is being sent in by peo ple from this and other counties in the state. Cotton Higher By 35-55 Cents New York, Aug. 28—(AP)—Cotton lutuics opened 2b to 4b cents a bait higher Noon values were 35 to 55 cents a bale higher. October 21.75. December 21.55. March 2 i .35. Pv. Close ' 4pen October .21.05 21.0b December . 21 04 21.til March .21.25 21.34 Muv .21.02 21.08 July . 20.70 20.77 The root of the yucca plant is used ; b\ Navajo Indians of New Mexicc fny wncivng woo! and shampooing 1 their hair. BARCLAY ON BRIDGE By Shepard Barclay *Th# Authority on Authorities" - M.-»«U.nU IT M i l It IKS J NOTHING IS gained liv getting panicky because you unwittingly committed some irregularity. Ev erybody dots it once in a v.lub and nobody is going to suspect you of doing it intentionally. The law s provide automatic penalties, and your conscience can be clear if you do the best you can in spite of them. In the case of an insuffi cient bid, you know your partner must pass on his next turn. It is usually advisable then to select the best final contract you can guess for your side, and bid it pronto. ♦ KS6 4 74 4 A K .1 10 5 + Q7 3 4 A J 10 7 j - 405 3 4 2 4 K .1 ;> 6 5 4 3 2 ♦ Q 7 ♦ ■'I 2 4 A 10 3 4542 ♦ Q 4 a Q 10 S 4 9 6 4 3 4K J96 fDcalcr: North. North-South vulnerable.) North East South West 14 14 1 N’T 2 4 Pass Pass 2 4 That was the course of the ac tual bidding in a rubber game, in cluding North's second round pass tvhen he should have bid 2-No Trumps with his spade stopper, and South's insufficient 2-Dia PVjnds. The opponents immediate THstributcd by King I ly call* i n1 :• >n to its i-.Mitle cier.cy, whereupon South prompt ly made it sufficient with 3-Dia mentis. Kverybody passed then, including, of course. North, whose pass v.as compulsory because of his partner's error. South waltzed home with eleven tricks, losing only one in each black suit, but got no game be cause his side had not bid one The worst mistake an insuffi cient bidder can make is to correct it quickly. If South had paused to think, he would have realized that his correction of the bid would probably become the final con tract With lus strength opposite an original bid. he then should have estimated that a game was probably in the hand and should have chosen either 5-Diamonds or 5-No Trumps, taking a chance on the spades being stopped. ♦ * * Tomorrow’s Problem 4 K 10 9 7 4 4 J 10 4 ♦ A 10 75 3 4 None 4 A 0 J5 ’ * - - 4 A ♦ K Q J 4 AQ76 2 ♦ 3 4KQ98G53J 4 None 4 K 8 5 4 I Dealer: West, Neither side vul nerable.! What is tiie most expert Luldin# of this deal? eatures Syndicate. Ir» Temperature Abnormally Low In U. S. From Wichita to Bo.-tmi. the nation -hivered in abnormaliy low temper atures today. It never got above (Jo yesterday 1 •: Kau-as City, the tliird nay in a that the thermometer had •■;•! a re< - md lor a low minimum. And a main Hun had stood lor (iii yeais in Char lotte, N, C., tell when the mwcury hopped to 54.8. f ires were lit in nwlli C.m, u g a (low 59) and in Indiandapolis • 59 . while lail clothes were trotted out on New York's tilth Aaemtw mlwyp on New York's Filth avenue (57) And many of the 30,1)00 tans at the Athletics-Red Sox baseball game in Philadelphia (51) were tickled they uid fetched along their top coat.-. Boston had a low ol 53, Dos Moines and '.Detroit 52. But the queerest, quirk came in Kansas. Not only was it cold, it Was wet. And on these normally hot. dry Kansas plain.- cold and wet are two adjectives usually as out ol place this time of year as a mountain yorilci any time of yeai. Streams which i:i many a Kansas August won't run a cuptul a mouth are gushing from bank t > bank with Hood stages reported on llte Kaw. the Blue and Mis-'mn rivers. In Kansas City the Swope pan; swimming pool, -cone ol the women’s national AAC swimming meet only a week ago, is closed to await the rc jirth of summer. But in Florida, in s >uthern Toxa and on west, and up the coast, it was weather pretty much as usual. YANK ( (Dltltl SIMINDIiNT JAII.FI) IN ARGI'NTINA Buenos Aires. Aug. 28. i AP) - Arm.Ido Curte.-i. New York Timer correspondent hero -nice 194i. was irre-lod this mormng by police who .■ailed at his apartment while he was till in bed. No reason has been liven 1 >r his detciitimi. United States Consul Hiram Bing iam. .Ir.. has made inquiries in Cor lest'.- 1: shall, but lie v. a.- not per mitted to talk to the correspondent. Inquiry in othei quarters disclosed .hat Cortesi’s ease was being held !' >r lispo-it mn by lederal executive au lorities YANKS ( I I Ol I .1 Al’ KETPEAT IN Gt I 'I.A Gc-s uil Hi .i del unite-.So tnweil Pile Hr ••n't. y. Ail.;. 2t» . \!1 - Japanc.-i f "* -i > j- I lei-ma oit-ikimi :: n Mannkwari in Dutch New Gui* near have nc-n inti rci-ptcd hy Amer ican t: --,-.Sans headquar ters 11r meed t- -<lay. Patrols troin Sal - - the nurthwest tipi t \i" G.n oii-.vi-eu -he X:pp-ii:t s- ij.iscs - -!’ M . ir .vari and S'lro.ig. d -y red in- eiu my fur mat i- ns ;. 11-1 la i 1 -i i J2n .1.:; ■ i r se. Tile Ametar - ii- 1 k ! !i‘l pra or ... Liber ' -is .j- a toe > Hftlhwest Pa cilic. meanwhile, showered 57 Urns oi bombs mi Palaii. in the f;n nlines Sat irdti.v in.-' di-slrilying three grounded pi. a- tmi -• ■ 11 ii;., dork a I ire. Lightning ag.it' r- swept llaima hera's M..;i 'diui ,- Saturday while Jberalois sh. Ii'ung irdi a e on Amboina isi.md a an ail t -o.- of bombs, setting many lines. JAPS EY.U 1 ATING MANILA < I\ ILIANS London. Aug. 2d (API The Gen oa". new s agency DX’B. m a br >arl j cast oi Tokyo di.-paielu - said today J ii:at •The town -if M .- unrig , evacuated,'' but ibe context of the . broadcast indicated I he evacuation [was limited I i civilians unnecc.-sar; j to strictly necessary function - "I tin Philippine capital. ! Japanese fear of air attack appar ently motivated the sweeping mi a — ores, which poss'lJy applied cliiciiy j to womn and children. With Gen. Douglas M ieAribur' bombers raining bomb- on the Hnl mahera stepping -tone and Davao in the south Philippines, and with Adn ChesUr W Ximitz establish a stri-ng po la-'M- to the north, tin Japanese evidently feared inumnen! nvasion ALLIED DK1YES COST NAZIS 25 GENEUAI.S 1 frit i-h He, do :artf’rs in France, Aug. 27 (AP'. Twenty-lire Ger man general.' and one admii.d have been killed, wounded, captured, re placed - r n.e e .iust dis-appttired in vvc.u.ern livnre since D-Day, June li. it \ as ami"Uneed kite t-'day. Since generals do not ordinarily take ' l osila u . r or very near tin battleline, this u usual loll was seen as an indication both ol the slice.1 and the power of the allied .attack, and was a hint lh.it Hitler was mak ing ii ne intertable for leaders who back-pedalled tor reasons of personal safety. Now! A deodorant in this softer, safer napkin M< >I)!'2SS liolps kcrjt you llov cr-froslt—al no oxlra cost! • It's n lint 11 nnl "/ 10 women wauled inns t in a napkin! Sol lor, salor Mm loss now soaks a lino ilomlnrant powder into cierv single napkin. An extra cost. Ikin' Modoss Imlav the softer, safer napkin that contains a deodorant! 15,,x “* l$«\ of .>(»—KOk* Ask for New Modess—ivith Deodorant! i ■ • HIGH SCHOOL WILL GIVE REEXAMINATION K< f\ ■ .a! 'll- . . V. tin . I .ml ■ al during ei'.ln : tilt* ■ n_ ipsUm o' v. ••• >. . ' i !>■ .)«• • SCilolll I1'!' 1.00 ' !'MI1 4 t Will be held Seplc.-.i.e _ll. F M I C*1 ov.de.. . i ;e p.i.. . 'Ill i tilled , day. A student tvv een 60 and (III : . . .• :ei ' given a eonditioii and . • mai.e .< I passing a: ade < :. -of before lie can p. .... '.he to . . Toe • examinations v. si lie g.v »•:« at 3: »•* lock u. Si ■ -I it '.la stated. MAI Kl( 1 C Ilf \ M il K. MOVII STAR. I> Mi l l I) lit M V<il I■> London. \ g Chevalier, torim i I'i 'o Was killed hy ti.< K ■ . s M. q i Friday. It< patch irons !'■ . Chevalier. I’m - ■ '■ " . n ile. sti a >v !...' 1' : la, i '-eg made him a "<■ .d a.| > ‘ ■ ... and screen la o.. • ■ .< • • i m ■■. I 11. a month aftei 1 in I- m ■ t . ' .lane HMD. w ■: . .• me w; s re pi n t ed ':. ' A year latei i Septi arrived o Pa:: ► nee German » •• • • i French capital. 1 • "• reported singing .. : • ■ au diences in Gert fed Pt LF.NOIR AGRK ! I l l I I Gl'.orr If) AW) V! ! - Kinst'.n. As.g. ::L ‘ a • .< la Lei lir County ,V.y. •.. a '.V . .■ i'iintil and as Lit tr ! rtnn nl 1 1 ivrr in mod n: ag ■ ■ s y i: . :n sttee to a-sis t .'''to i'i.. :sg .- i • o. Secretary M. Fo ae d .. .'• ' ed today. The i ■. .ci. v.airk with the • ••• bi>ard, will to plans f. <v the i ice* ■nent of (''-charged ••(>- v. no want to :'■ • t i'll ' i the La's . .ml a i the v eteran.- ::i oilier .. .\ -a A; id; . ^wnpJkxiofi CL0SE up BEauty LAfi* nom[ ' ®*wsitm C4^ NOME 4 • m m ,,, ;f >£*&-•...» .. I t°Fe«srj L^&'iSs; I . THIS GREAT MEDICINE >. helps nature relieve ‘PERIODIC’ FEMALE PAIN With Its Nervous, Tired Restless Feelings — Take heed if you like so many girls and women—on such days- suffer j l ruin damps, h»-ad..chc, backache, $ foci nervous, "dra eared out", a bit J him all due to functional mouth » ly disturbances! jj ' .Start tit over— try Lvdia F Pink ham's Vegetablv ('«und to iv ? lleve such symptom. because this J 5 lamous medieim has a soothing cdlect on one of v. . .m\n*s m si :m- There are no harmful opiates In poptant one'• ns I i. ■ p ro.udarlv Pinkham’s Compound it s made Pinkham's Compound help. hu:M from nature's own roots and herbs ;j lip resistance a aiu-d ip !i svmp- (plus Vitamin B '-It helps nature* f toms. Thousands upon thousands Alsn a line stomachic tonic, follow ' of women have reported benefits, label directions. Lydia E. Pinkham’s VEGETABLE COMPOUND ^ I “• i i . SPARKLING Valet Cleaned Clothes It pays in many ways to be well groomed. Spotless clothing is a most important part of appeal ing neat and attractive. Keep up your personal appearance. Send your clothes regularly to our eleaneis. Our expert service will keep you fresh and immmaculate ...and so very self-confident. PLEASE SEND WIRE HANGERS WITH EACH GARMENT. P P H H O O N N E E 4 4 6 - - 6 4 HENDERSON, NIC. 4

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