Society News Bl'RMNCi HA V. j, . dusk, with the sun gone from pie sky. i. . ) , pallor of fog, slowly moving i from the sea. .]■ , on the slope are burning •'ir last summer’s hay, ng gray smoke to the log. ad ,! ,,g dark earth to the darkness night. . .• motionless they stand, be ad the slow moving fire. j. , | the low fire that moves with : rely more sound ]■ -beep tearing at grass, that m rv scarcely faster I . Picep grazing upward, -lowly a/mg a hill. ^ f men stand watchful but et, with an air half-asleep, r . iy figures in the log. in ;no .r. in the darkness of night Hi'-'1 i dng. , ,n the -low-moving lire that ,,/es before them, yi as shepherds move, slow iy . pillow their sheep. Elizabeth Coatswortii Raleigh Visitor. ■p Eleanor MeKen/ie. of Ral r j ... tlie week-end guest ol Mi-s c' ; Duke at her home on Par Siam Poet. To Durham. Hilda Harte, l’ S. eadet ,. , nas returned to Watts hos ■ . Durham, after spending her . , • n it her home on the Oxford road spend Week With Parents. Vi, W. W. Renn and son. Dan. ol W stem, and Mrs. J. Id. .Jackson. , ille, hav e returned to then ,,1'e: spending the week with 1 rents, Mr. and Mrs. T. H W i ■ • ion. O'Kelly ( lass To Meet. regular monthly bus. ness ■ ii- ,>| the O’Kiliy Hanna class ■ ■. Congregational ('hr.stain ill be held Tuesday night ;; lock 'at the home of 1. II y, v. ;t was announced today. 15. IV \\ . Meets Tuesday. ; 15 sincss and Proles on.. . A Club meeting will be in the n;it ,, a brin is wick stew tumor j,, i firing at (> o'clock on the lawn ,1 - Marion Gerber's home on y i, -treet. il was announced lo ii.\ Alter the picnic supper the club e a short business session. -i of ram the meeting w ill be !v the basement ol the First |\t list church at six o'clock, it v.. . >t .ten. Bridge Party In I Imior Miss Bunn Given Friday ■ 1 a.Icon I/on'j '."i - h.istess in- Friday utternooi nonor trg M Annie Hvman Runn, whose me to Dv. Thomas M. Hunter place t nnorrow evening ,r ii ’. Innocents F.piseopai church louse was 1 lively in decora t;■.• i .: late summer I lowers. M Himn was presented a lovely (Pits also went to top -core Miss Helen Royster and U 1. fins Harvin. M Helen Lamb Cheek assisted 'css in serving refreshments t. i f Pillowing guests: M ~~ Itunn. : si f. Misses Catherine Runn. ("yi • Hunter, Libby Jenkins. Eliza ii-’ Laws. Anne Upchurch. Helen IL - • Fh-ira Cheatham, Mrs. i i y L. Gilliam of Frankhnton. in : Mesdames Howard L. Allen. Ii. y Holder. A. C. Hoover. S. Y. If . .Ir„ Lucius Harvin. \ ancc K Thomas Crudup mi 1 T. P. Ci;.m. Leaves Hospital M John C. Grecnway has re la i d to her home alter an npern I ■' Maria Parham hospital. Mrs u ■ , iv is the wife of Pie. .John C (In r'lv.iy. who is stationed some win in France. BIRTHS Birth of Daughter. ■lander and Mrs. W. A. Hunt, ■h . oaiounce the birth ul a daugh i: Saturday, September i). at Ii:',: Mawr huspital, Bryn Mawr, Pa. T oilet Bcquisites For Baby i>ath Thermometers 69c bomb and brush sets in assorted colors 75c Paris Footnote ALTHOUGH REGULATIONS have for bidden the making of multi-tone footwear in America for many months, Paris, under the Nazis, managed to keep feminine footwear as it was in pre-war days. Two new styles arc shown here. At top, slices of suede with patent leather toe piece studded with pearls and bril liant,- which form a crown nt the in step. At bottom, red, white and blue patent leather trimmed with gold piping. 'International) Miss Allen 10 Wed James 11. Finnemm (> All and Air-. Gordon Allen today aniHi iiued the engagen'irnt of then' ,,i giitcr. Franrirs Poland, t.» .lames Honrs Fbmcgan, son ot Mr. and Mrs .1 F. Finnegan, ui Ricluu >nd, Virginia. The marriage will lake plane in October. 1 aidies’ Golf l)a\ Is Set \\ ednesdav At Countn Club Annmuieemeni was made today of flic coot nuation of the ladies' golf .■suit "ii Wednesday morning at ih.'itl o’clock at West End Cmmtr.v ri ilj. Them events were suspended a!-I :t ■ ago but are now to be continued until the tournament ui October. A special invitation was issued : all gulling ladies in tin city to par; ci.pate in thi- even on Wednesday It was staled that a large crowd of ladies is expected mri that much interest and com pet i will mark the events lor this month Marian Martin —Pattern— \n apron that doe- a really goo; cover-up job! Pattern 922!) is iong and lull enough to protect clothe underneath, as you clean anil cool;. Pattern 9229 can be bought it size- Small (11 -Hi). Medium (111 2(D. and Large (10-42). Small si/.i apron requires 2 1-4 yds da-in. lab rie. , ... This pattern. together with . needlework pattern for personal o. household decoration , 1 U KN i CENTS. ,„c. . SEND TWENTY CEMS m com f.,r these patterns to Hendersoi Dailv Dispatch, Pattern Dept 2.. West 18th St., New York 11, N 't Print plainly SIZE. NAME, AD DRESS. STYLE Nt’MBER. FIFTEEN CENTS more bring the Marian Martin Kafl am Winter Pattern Book full ot smart easv-to-make styles. A tree xed jacket pattern is printed right in tli. book.____ I FLOWERS FOR EVERY OCCASION rhone 380 Ot»y <>- V'"'1* bridgers The F,orisl I p I —l '•I . 1 ^ I). A. R. Chapter In Meeting Saturdax GUI Bute chapter nt tlii- Daughters • 'I tile American Revolution was eli te: t.lined by M ss Agnes Pegram at [ tile American Legion hut last Satur day afternoon. The regent. Mrs J. Alvis Turner, called the meeting to order, and Mrs. .1, K. Plummer, acting chaplain, led the group in repeating the 1). A. R. ritual, the Salute to the Flag, the American's Creed and the Lord's Prayer. Several projects were announced lor the year including, donations to Army hospital libraries, the care or an orphan at C rossnnre and the adoption of a sailer. Che cnee S. Ili shore. with whom members ot the chapter will keep in touch at stated limes during the year The state L. A. R. has adopted a whole crew and Bash ore was assigned to Old Bute chapter. It w as noted that < >ld Bute chap ter has six members on the in!! honor as having a lather, husband or son in the service of our couetrv. Miss Pegram, assisted bv her , ter. Mrs. Elmus Pegram. and the latter's daughter. Miss France.- Re ft mm. served delicious punch and sandwiches and decorated iced cakes to the following members: Missis Ed na and Sal lie Garlick. Kate. Muriel and Cornelia Gary: Mesdamcs S. R. Harris. .Jr.. Gideon Lamb. .Jasper Hicks. ,J. K. Plummer. C. E. Ellis. E. G. Young and .J. A. Turner. Hnal Enrollment Of New Students final ion day tor new students at Henderson High school ‘■'ill in tomorrow, S. M Crowder, principal, announced today. About lu in v -indents registered today, lie reported. Inis registration is for all stu dents other than those coming to high school from .Junior high. Mr. Crowder will be in his office Tues day morning I rum ll) o'clock until 12 to registi r new students, and this will be the lust registration, it was stated. HOME DEMONSTRATION MEETINGS ANNOUCED The Kloydtown Home Demonstra lion club will meet with Mr.- L. K. Barnes Tuesday afternuun at three o'clock. Mrs. Hattie F. Plummer, home demonstration agent, annimnc ' or! today. (Jther eluli meeting's announced ! '.vi re the Henrpond dub with Mrs. Leon Frazier on Wednesday after noon at three o'clock and tnc Wrenn's Crossroads dub on Thwrs J day afternoon at three o'clock. Topic for the month is "Save the Food You St ire." _ )★★★★★★ * WITH THE COLORS * ★ ★★★★★ Returns to Camp I’eary. Seaman - c T. 11. Weldon, dr., left this morning for Camp Peary, Vir I ginia, alter spending a 10-day leave ! with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. : H. Weldon. Wins Paratroop Wings Pvt. William L. Harris, dr., son [ ,| Mr. and Mi's. W. L. Harris. Sr.. ! if route thr<'e. Henderson, has won he right to wear the wings and boot it the U. S. Army Paratroops, it was earned here today. Pvt. Harris lias omplet"d lour weeks of jump train ing, during which time die made live jumps, it was stated. In Florida Hospital Daytona Beach, Fla.. Sept. It—'I 1 Jesse R. Crew-, who formerly lived n Henderson, X. C\. lias recently irrived at Welch convalescent hos aital, the Army's new reconditioning renter in Daytona Beach. Fla. The .■arelhilly-planned program of physi cal and educational reconditioning mt only will keep him busy but .-ill also return him to good physical condition. Sergeant Crews, the son of Mrs j Minnie Crews, was formerly employ i -d by the Carolina Bagging Company n Henriersi n. He entered the Army •i, June. HI-12, at Fort Bragg. He has -inee serv'd over K! months in the kiuth Pacific. Aid Drive Opens . • A COMMUNICATION from the Vati can reading “The Pope himself is become a beggar for his distant brothers in Christ” has just been received in New York City by the Right Rev. Msgr. Thomas J. Mc Donnell (above), National Director of the Society for the Propagation id the Faith in thv Unit 'd States. The receipt of the letter marks the opening of the campaign for mis sion aid for Catholic home and for eign misei tu._ 'J- ft"atiot *o ,1 $2,360,800 To N. C. Schools For Lunches BV I.VNN NISIJIT Daily Dispatch Bureau Raleigh, Sept. II, The .school lunch program in Noil n Carolina for the coming term i\,l| lie con ducted on more extensive scale than ever before, if preliminary figures oil accounts to be spent lor food can be used a.- a standard o| compai isoii. The State Department ot Public Instruction has just signed contract with the War Feed Administration under which $2.36(i,8(m will be available for use in North Carolina. Eighty percent of that total, or 81. 888,640, will be Used lor reimburs ing schools for free I inches served indigent pupils or : >r sub-cost lunches sold in the non-protit iunco rooms. Twenty percent, or $472,160, will be used lor purchase ol surplus .commodities for free distribution to partieipating schools. Hillman Aloody. Slate director of War Food Administration activities, said that this item ot purchase and free distribution is important. Here tofore the program has been set up un a national basis and there has been some criticism of eggs or po tatoes being shipped from other states into North Carolina at the same time a surplus of such com modities prevailed here. Under the new plan this half million dollars will be spent for surplus commod ities in the State for distribution u ithin the State, making it a local rather than a national program. The department ol public instruc tion estimates that 1,1)1)0 schools will participate in the program this year. Last year there were 550. There are approximately 2,500 schools in North Carolina and the cooperative pro gram will be offered to every one of them, but because ol lack of room oi other physical handicaps many schools cannot quality fur participa tion. Moody emphasized another impor tant feature ol the program, espe cially in the tree distribution ol plus commodities. That is the policy ■ I giving preference in such distri bution to lunch rooms tiiat operate on a non-profit basis Some senool depend upon profit from the lunch room in I inn nee extra curricular ac tivities. and so cannot participate m the reimbursement phase of Federal ad. Neither call these schools get my ol the free srrpl; .- commodities until alter ail participating units 1 iave been supplied. M lucre is leit ■ iver a surplus after the pa: 'icipants ! iave been cared for las was the case last year with Irish potatoes) then ! I if lift o hi i :iu >dd ,e - An! be offered to any seiiool that ran use them. lb pre entatives .both the State and Ked< rid involved in t ie progiam pointed ".it it ofiered to e.ery -alio i The rca-on that less loan one-lourth ol them benetit trim it is no fault of either tile S'ate >r Kedt. d governments. It is doe entirely t< local eondition It :> that a ..:a or two room school cannot provide space tor a lunch room, and some larger rchool- i that operate lunch rooms prefer to! handle them in then o b way with- I out tin red tape necessary to par ticipation m lederal The mam point' m the story are 1 these. The Federal gov eminent will > pul more than two and t —--— A A q 9 A K 8 3 ¥ K q J 6 3 1 2 ♦ q A : s i D-.'.t. i* X• :'!i. Nortb-ooiifh '. , 11: l • I' a ! ■ I e . I W . : is 1," ,t be: U".g 1-erc, . o ! o\ ■ I e,| Us lie one i U.ll i-11 n.l ■"■tli i -i-'p.idv and lies .- . ss. s t here at!. v* V ' ' I' ; ' - Tr.C REDS RUSH TO TRAP NAZIS HARD-DRIVING RUSSIAN UNITS a and crossing the Yufe - i.r. horde; . ■ linn with Marshal Tito's pali.-e . : 1 plish two important i i.tary , the UifTic uit- t dal ton of the Y ... 25 Nazi di\ ie.'ons -I.yi.'ihii to .:V3.1)11• ; , the Aegean Island.-, tite (. e I: r, . - fclavin. Spr.ii" r; oi tl>' :. i ■ a;.,. .. 1 t a nuick end to Xuzi rule n the i’.alk . ... halt OSTRACIZED HOUND REGAINS PRESTIGE Greem ilie. St pi 1 i I- sk. t; - ims statt pi is ii . ..;np i.I'niiiii. who disgraced himsell i e ( ago when In- ..Mowed ; I'.iie • - caped convicts lie was pursu ng to ti< him to a tree in ..Is i,.-: r Inn. when lie and his kennel a i"e Mini redeemed n nist-lf yesterday yin i. and his Ken. el nai:.■ Minnie 1 raekt i down an it-d v. inti- pi i>.>::<■: . Krank. ■■■. ; e. nad n -t ■ n - ' - \ - posed exile and ign rt I i y li ning mat*- since ii ■ : .. v as : stored to grace it t he i ■ n car:,, nrar here t. .day . mi w v : a - the ol tin- st< -ckadi anti friendly inti fnnn Minnie. Tile two I.I, m.!'■ i - vesti i d . followed for .-ix :- the hedge hopping trail ol William T Bio.-.-' who escaped from a ga: g m-a tilt' comity home and cornered him' or Pri.-.m Stipe; .nt. ndent Pa •I '’rawlord anti o'ln i "tticers cap-i ture. Tito ’veight of blood is one-eighth ' hat of the whole body Relieves \ \ Quickly Wien von 1: ■ a bad night and wake the n '-.ire feeling fogcv. litter. i liey.llv "all-in", let "BC" lend i ;■ :. --hand. "BC” offers extra-’.-a r i.-f b-cause its ingredients . n-adilv assimilated Abo re'.:-v<’ n- ! ■ a and muscu lar aelv - . 10c :i. 1 i’Se ires Use onlv as directed. C'e.-’il! a puysician when pains per. A new aid to flower freshness—at no extra eosl! • \l la.-l — vour w i'll comes true! Softer, safer Modess now contains a deodorant to help guard your daintiness—whatcver tin* time of the month! » S ruled. inside den/ ilixUss napkin there's vow a fine, deodorant powder. i » \'k for Modess todav—the siller, softer .. r i • . . . . . Box of 12 —22c samturv napkin « it n a deodorant right in it! It costs no more! Bo* ,,f *><»-«‘>P iskfor Xetv Modoss—nith Dvndnrant! WOMEN vour'40's is your age betrayed by HOT F If you—like so many women be tween the ages of 38 and 52— suffer from hot flashes, nervous s tension, are weak, tired, cranky, ! a bit moody at times—all due to the functional middle age period peculiar to women—try Lydia E. Pinkham s Vegetable Compound to relieve such symptoms. For almost a century — thou sands upon thousands of women period to help build up resistance l ' —riel! and poor alike—have re- against such symptoms. ported remarkable benefits. In fact Pinkham s Compound helps na many wise women take Pinkham s lure! Also a grand stomachic Compound regularly during this tonic. Follow label directions. Lydia E. Pinkham’s VEGETABLE COMPOUND ^ ^—at r ifi--* _ _- i actw—