Hettitersnn U atilt thirty-first year iTlirEI*’0c.VIHE ^.RVICK OK Iirvnnnnn>, 77 77 7. -~ _ .__ associatkd I-RK38,_HENDERSON, N. C., WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON, SEPTEMBER Hi, I'm ^bushed/^RyKTiiRNooii FIVE CENTS COPY MIGHTY II. S. FORCES ROLL INTO GERMANY ALLICD dlAjI bKIDGES TO HALT RETREAT OF NAZIS *■ ' ' vV-Min. . MFRE IS ONE OF THE REASONS why the Gorman fore'-. couldn't retreat in southern France. Bidder; pinnaia thr famous Rhone River alTaraseon were n irie a etc by Allied bombers to hinder tlm night of Nazi troops and supplies. I ock npmka on one ot the islets (right foreground) indicate some near hits. {.Biteruabonaf) Tropical Hurricane To Strike Tonight In WilmingtonArea Romanm Accepts Armistice I erms From the Allies Moscow Scot, 13—( \l‘i—-K‘> mania, Hitler's erstwhile Balkan ally, whose Iriops nnu am fight ing beside the Russians, Inrinallv (• nclmierl an armistice agreement I « j •* Id 1 \ P) P; ■' Min, 'r If ark\ id 1 d F:nland '■ ~ JH'rtcrl In lei 11 i'll In I Irk. 1,1 ih I i:.■ 1 M .ear ing lilt-. .;m ;ii ll11-t ice terms, it was le.n icd today. An autnontative Finnish suiircc I ■aid the terms' would In presented to Pari lament for approval, prob- i ai'lv tomorrow Tim agreement probably will he pm. isliri immediately l>y Moscow, j nr in ,i point Hussian-Finnish an nouncement. if approval is voted. | The 'erms are understood, in el feet, I to constitute peace, with the excep- I lion ol a few details, winch would be a-tt led at some general peace ..femm p later Southern Finland, this Finn -aid, v oiallv is cleared of its three Ger n . divisions and German civilians A oig proportion'' of tin- seven di \ -ions in tlie north was reported e\ iriiated toward Germariy througii southern Finnish ports. The intor in.int declared, however, that it was impossible technically lor all the Germ,-ins’ northern army, to with d ,vv by the September la deadline set by the Russians, thus placing upon the Finns the responsibility of disarming those remaining. Xlreahy Finnish troops are mov ing northward and occupying those areas vacated by the Nazis. (Today’s German communique said "In central Finland, the So viet tried to make thrusts hito our disengagement movement. I hey had to lie repaJled with losses m man power.") Volume Low With Stocks New York, Sept 13 — (API-—Snnu -fictions of the stock market today extended the advance of the pre vious session, but volume remained low. Leaders given fair support includ ed General Motors, American 1 tele phone and Standard Oil NJ. South ern Pacific and Santa Fe were low er. Bonds and commodities, were h J'egular. Bear'll Residents I old to Get Away Before Nightfall - * Wilmington. Sept. — (AIM Paul II<* , of the Wilmington W< at her I’urruu ..aid at noon today hr believed the hurricane now in the Allant ic would st l ike tin' Wilmington \ icinity “some time tonight.'* Hr rrrommrndrd I h;it resi dents of erari>y \\ rightsvilIr and ( arolina braelirs move in land brlore nigliti'all. At 1 . .'i lurk. KWT. Ilf’s - '■ I imaterl Hii> I - rm ’.■■•!> 37.1 milt .i i il It nr , ,i il li. ,i I "I Wi In-ill A i ai. ■ 111 ri moving in i III nl' ri 'll 11 we: I. II will gel very rlw.c to Wilming ton wine time tonight, and vvr might t ■ i be prepared." he .aid. lie in id the tides and winds would hr wry high here tonight. Hess said hr tbought the hut ricane wi old strike tile nearby bearin'.- and Southport. NO NAVY FLANKS OKIU KJ l> TO KV.Vt 1 ATE AT NORFOLK Norfolk. Va . Sept- 13 (AP) No Navv planes liave been ordered 1 - evacuate eoastal areas nt tin' dllli naval district, a spokesman said lo day in reply In a finely as In whether the hurricane of I the Atlantic coast had caused issuance of such an order. It close approach of I lie hurricane should necessitate the fieelai alion th it evacmition conditions exist, aireralt will be flown inland, the -pnkrsman said. Miami. Fla.. Sept. 13—l.M’i — Storm warnings were hnistrd along the Carolina and north Georgia coasts today as a great Atlantic hurricane moved rlose to the threatened points. At 10:30 a. m.. Weather Rtireau advisory placed the storm about 300 miles east of Titusville. Fla., and ton-cast a course which would "bring the center close lo the coast of the Carolinas. Meteorologist Grady Norton noted, however, a tendency for the big huricane to turn more to the northward, or even t■» the northeastward and thus spare the coast a dangerous blow. ■•If the storm is to miss the Carolina coast." he said, "it will have to turn within the 18-hour period which began at 8 a. m. to day. There is still a good chance that il will swing away, hut I strongly urge persons in the warning area to keep in closest touch with developments." NEW U. S. MISSION LOCATED IN PARIS Supreme Headquarters. Allied Ex peditionary Force, Sept. 3—(AIM — General nwight P. Eisenhower an I non need that Major General John 1. Lewis of the United States Army, ■ heads a newly-activc supreme head | quarters mission to Franco located m Paris, as of today. | Major General H. Redman, nl the British army, was named deputy. Thr mission will represent the supreme Allied commander with the Ft each ivernment. Foreigners In Germany Told To Flee Supreme Headquarters, Allied Expeditionary Force, Sept. 13.— (Al’l—A spokesman for Gen rral Dwight Eisenhower told foreign workers in northwest, w rst and smitliwest Germ.on today to flee Ihe Gestapo's man hunt for soldiers and trench dig gers and to "leave Ihe fac torir." “Yeai are in danger,"' lie -aid in a broadt'a t. "but in tlm next few days von may time Hie “irate,I npjinr (unity action In ■ de..pera|e et I'ort In eliminate Mia "I support a nr 111 g Hie v nrke -. linn liter plans to repeat in the ".vest what be and the Ge-tapo "nave . I ready done in thr east. ■"Worker there have been sent to man the I w ' il ira! .mi- Thousands id other worke; .. including potential lenders and "'.•■oue;\ hr e been he. d cd into a.on ciitr.ition ramps a hostages. ••Workers m thr Ruhr and Rhine land are at tin ■ moment undo threat of the one danger. • Here are your instructions bo meeting this danger, for saving vour own lives, mrl lor rifling Hie Allied Mnnics. I, e; i v f • ill fd'rnnm t.irtnncs et once. undi'i'^i • >'-nd. “Go into hiding, either m the towns or 'ii Ihe lands. You must art immediately, so leave the lag lories now. The .alcM place is on the land. German tanners arc m need of labor. Many will give you loud and shelter. Tim Nazis have not the men to spare to search lor you in control ymir movements. “Further instructions will be given to y in In" r i i" and byjeaflelx dropped Irom Allied planes. Nazi Troops Are Bombed At Frankfort London. Sept. 1-1 -(AH) A gicat I armada nl 3,000 planes converged on Germany from the west and smith today, less than 34 ... alter Gen i eral Eisenhower promised "'devastat ing bombing" i f the Ruhr and Rhine land. More than 1,500 were heavy oomb nr, and they struck at Frankfort and Stuttgart, and Berlin still burned from massive RAF night blows, i The overnight raids upon Erank : fort, now less than 90 miles behind I the German front lines, was carried out in particularly great strength and I was aimed directly at matching the ■ flow of Nazi reinforcements to the front. j The RAF’ bomber command, it was disclosed, originally had planned t“ i strike another target 40 miles eas' hut changed its plans when it was ' learned that the rail yards at Frank i fort were jammed with military ma | terials headed west. WEATHER FOR NORTH CAROLINA. Thursday eloud.v. moderate to heavy rains in eastern portion; moderate temperatures: strong winds and gales along the coast. Assault On The Philippines Four Units To Follow Quebec Gathering Are Heading Americans to Eat Thanksgiving Meal There, Is Forecast Quebec, Sept. 1M (A P) - An Allied onslaught on the Philip pines before the last echoes of this Roosevelt-('luirehill victory conference die away seemed pos sible today as the P.ritish and American commands discussed the shortest cut - to global vic tory. 'I tic intimi ii get together,; betv, > cn Koosevel! mrl C'liurehill :n<- humid by no gci igraphic Ijmit.U nm .. and u I he mnnwnl Allied a: mica aie ■.lug ging inti (j( nnimy ahead >a l)-l)av schedule. International political re lations across the : arrow channel be tween Uni tin and France, invulving the I Milliharti in Oaks .:er:u Cv l.iiks at Washington, and the lutiir" i : tin British - American - Soviet ad' isory con mi.ssii n in London, press lor swift dispalch "I strictly military buv in the Pacific ii("';in, air and naval attacks set the pace fur events to conic. Mr. Roosevelt, General MaeArlluir. southwest Pai'itie commander, and Admiral Nimilz, Pacific licet commander, reviewed strategy for this huge war theatre less than two month ago in Pearl Harbor. Since then, Allied power has mushroomed at terrific speed toward Mindanao, southernmost of the major islands in the Philippine chain. Sonic military men say (II Jo tv will be opening K-rolio"s in the Philippine islands before Thanksgiv ing turkeys arc 01 their tab!".; hack home. Such a stroke, backed by tremendous American naval and air power, would substantially chart m - crall Pacific strategy. The Philippines. Formosa, the -I ;p anese homeland, presumably would be primarily an American show. India, Burma, Malaya and the Motherland.- Fast Indies would hi assigned in Bri fish command i fob given in Admiral MoutUbatten .<■ mother historic Quebec cnnlrrmc' II months ago ()n Ii;c China main1 and, (Icneral Slilwcll and his forces would form Iho laiKl-cnne"l ing link in territory already integrated in the air ‘by the Superfortresses ol General Arnold’s 20th air line For Britain’s par*, report . fi nm London relayed through U ashingl -n. Hit vulunlly her entire licet — at least III battleship-. 100 cruiser.- and de stroyer.;. 100 or more submarines, eight airora11 carriers, plus others ol the auxiliary type —at the disposal 0 the Allied combined duels of stall, nice Berlin i - occupied. lok\ o Broadcasts Report ot Attack On karile Islands (H.v The Associated Press) The Tokyo radio said today that ten t oiled States heavy and medium bombers had attacked the Kurile islands north of Ja pan yesterday morning, while another force of Liberators struek at the Japanese base in the Mar cus islands on Monday and Tucs da v. The broadcast, recorded by the Federal Communications Com mission, said two of the rai'C* were downed and another dam aged. The Game's Up TYPICAl of thousands of German prisoners taken in Belgium is this fellow whose lace shows clearly that lie's had a tough day and is read'’ •? a'tit. (International) | HOW DRIVES PERIL NAZI INDUSTRY GREAT ^*^£5 j BRITAi^ HAMBURG BPFMEN ■ HANOVER BtRUN BRUNSWICK .^ANTWERP -X-,; COLOGNE I '- •'■ —-CALAIS'-. Rr. rf COBLENZ . ' 'eppe !-■[ W\ GERMANY tCHtRBOURG .. FRANKFORT METZ* NURFMBERG \ PARIS nancyW. / *V. \/STUTTGART TQjv,\ oijon Munich" C FRANCE ' NETH.j/ r GERMANY IT X ' ® I*—Mn hi nn mi .m-— ■JOawaJt^^KanMl *#” - — -—■ ■ ■ u J 9 IN LOWER MAP arrows show how two key Allied drives swing (A> across the Netherlands above the Siegfried line toward the hcait of the Nazi industrial areas noith of Cologne while (B) the drive through Aachen a iv. directly at Cologne and perils war production zones. In upper ir,

■ >thi 11 s of TransyK ama and anight Ini' ci ntrol n| the "ad ncln n . ,idialing Haim Tima, an i. H) miles .1 .ill i I ilie prt war Hungarian .aii'di'i. mid 7a milcs i • irlh nl ■ I.e Yugoslav capital of Belgrade. (The paris radio said the Red army had reached the outskirts ni Sofia and that the Buigarian capital w;,s preparing a reception, having aneu cd all members nl the l< rmer pro Nazi government.) Marshal Malinovsky's offensi e was rolling forward during ins hnct absence to sign an armistice with Romania in Moscow and his Russians approached within 25 miles of Chii capital of central Transylvania, -md largest Romanian city still in m emy bands lie broke i pent fort 11 ied line v. Itieli the II nigai i.nts had been building since l!)H), ••• lien Hiller awarded them the nnrfhpm hall of the Romanian pr u 'e. Battle reports from north !’■ l.ieii said 1 hr major rail rente. "I H"teza 20 miles below Hast l\ :,~sia. a a ' irtually encircled. The Gum am were leaving a double cicei.er mill" field to cover their slow retreat, and were milliter attack sporadically wi'lt tanks and soll'-prupellcd g n but 11< d iorees steadily gained ground The battle in the Balkans !< '. Transylvania now is bee an mg campaign to envelop Serbia (south ern Yugoslavia i from tin’ north and reach the 'I l/aa i i ver. '.'.Inch 11 >v north -old south aeros.-. the hear! ot the Hungarian plain, one >! Hit ler's major breadbaskets i - n -w American A rmies Meet In Force Along Seine Sept |;; — (AP) The a-v. i-ntli and third armies have met in finer mi the Seine river at UhaPlIon closing the last enemy reheat route from southern and western France, Allied headquarters announced to j day. The full force cut off substantia! numbers of Germans', an ' ffioiui in | noimcement said. Patrols of the two ; armies had met previously I French troops of the seventh army surged 4R miles northwest of Dijon i m less than Iff hours and completed i the union. American troops moved n.rv trd ngam after capturing the Don is \ al ley town ot Vesmd. 30 miles wo..' of the gap 111 a hitter two-dav 'ighl, but ran nto stiff 'resistance i tr" miles lo the east and norlhoax' On the seventh army right liars, near the Swiss holder, french t ■> p. U-Boat Base Near Bordeaux Is Freed B\ French Forces London, Sept. 13 — (AP) — The French radio at Mat seille said to dav that French lorces of the inter ior had liberated LaKoclv He. U-boat ! base. 45 miles north of Bordeaux. 1 >; 111 (• I pH i ill I a ”a III of | i ■ ,• • > in It in i til u si ri n” (j r tan an P at i I ir-i ; m_ si I ions al P' >in t He Rnido At least 20.000 Germans wue In lieu ed tn remain behind the Allied lines west and south nt the Clio Unn junction point, and a !ioadi)ilon, Sept L: — ( AT) — Powerful American reinforce mi nts rolled today into double invasions of Germany carrying within AT miles of the Rhine, while two oi' more other 1’nited states columns beat to or near the fronter of the Reich's "holy soil,' -Sij)>i-e11,,. headquarters imposed •? cunty .!11 e11 co on the hi,;, lunge;, ->f the I'niterl Slates lust srinv eh,'h ,c(| Pie Xa/.i border from Luxem bourg tn northwest of Trier, and from Belgium cast to Euperi. But fresh torce.! were being poured into the-" the t 65 mile.! apart. Other first army forces struck 15 miles beyond Bastogne into the northern tip of Luxembourg, n arliinc near (Icrcaux, three miles irom Germany. This yvas the biggest disclosed gain of the d a y. The te nt ii-patch told ul a IlghJ mng 60—im.iie ihu -i from AiunoG to the Our re cr ! order of Luxem bourg and Germany and within a mile of the Siegfre'd line. This pre iii ably referred to die United States third army separate irom the ("lcv voux are.. Slid another threat of more nr — ins Into Germany was posed by Am ericans win captured Maimed v. eight miles from the Belgian-German L w der. There •■van no news of the nca , , noi dree.. I of Trier since the mid at announcement it had carried Is e miles into Germany. Twice dip Germans counter d Isoserl but they were thrown hark or held. \ new American army—the ninth -was disclosed to be lighting 1C on tides igna ted sector. The junction oi the third .mu seventh army v • ■ I rengt hened. Thp third army -like the first - knocking it German ilcfeus 'i multiple threats, many of whn-h i ight explode into a I ,11 lorrc on laught General Patton's men had cleared almost all of the we ' back of the Moselle and were building a broad i i idgehead on the east hank near Nancy. The British second iirniv steadily was expanding its breakthrough o' the Albert canal line into n weds’ into Holland It built up an 111 ack flank within (ill miles of Dusseldorf and Essen. Lt. Gen He dges' first annv alijp v. s almost on ttie Dutch border. Battles continued for the ports of Brest, Pm iogne. Calais and Dunk kirke Democrats Open Headquarters In Raleigh Friday Raleigh, Sept. 13. — l API — Tim Democratic party will open Stab headquarter! Friday in the Sir Wai ter hotel here., launching its fall Vud tor election In State, congressional uid United States senatorial office-. F.xpectofl to be in atlendai\ among others, are R Gregg Chci rv, >f Gastonia, gubernatorial nominee, W. B. Umstead. State chairman, ot Durham; Mrs. B. B. Everett. of Palmyra, vice chairman: Leroy Mar tin. of Raleigh, secretary: and \V. P Horton, of Pittsboro, national com mitleeman. and Cherry'.! prumu v campaign lieutenants. Rallies will he held in each ol 'lie congressional districts. Senator Joe Blythe, of CkarloPe. Jackson Day dinner chairman - ex pected to head the money rai.nng division. Berlin Expects Fresh Ultimatum by Quebec 1 nil' iSept | ( A P ) Pi edict ng that a new Allied airrendrr ul timatum would emerge Inin the Rnnscvelt-Churehill eorderenee In Quebec, the Berlin radio told the German people today that 'to give in now would 11 low the Allies to gain viet wy by sneaking through the hack doer.” The bn ideas! disclosed that simi lar warnings were published by all German morning newspapers as Nazi propaganda sought to bolster home morale for the final defense of the Reich by harping on the theme that j defeat would be "worse than death." , and that Germany must "fight to the bitter end ,\ dispatch from ,'('<■ itzerla’id. nr" rvor, declared that i\d. (Jen. Hem?. Gudcrian. chief of the German gen eral staff, with the support of his lield marshals and the whole high command, had advised Hitler that the worst could be expected at any moment. At the same time other neutral reports indicated that the Nazi party itseli was divided into two (ac tions—one under Hitler. Himmler. Goebbels and Von Ribbentrop. called the ‘‘destruction party"; the other under Goering, known as the "peace party. _