ASSOCIATED AND CENTRAL PRESS | Bmderaim Sally Slay airy f_ First Life Term Given In Burglary RV 1,V \ N MSRI.T Daily Dispatch Bureau Pair gh. Sept Hi S> :; m re.-sihle record.- and recollect. >n ot St.Vc ojtictal- can show, Lie ■ Have Wake county Negro, is the i'.f.'t hen cficiai y of the 1911 stalule pi *v id ing fot litc imprisonment instead ot Die loath penalty tor I rst degree buic'. v. ipc11 recommendation >t the jury. H iye. a as coir, icted in W • a1 -u pel jo: ’■ n >i ’ ', g;a y n ' 1 decree. v tMi ri'P'imm",dv mil, and u a entenced >> lodge Burgwy • • e the d State P ’ 1 • oet i : "I l : • g.; ‘ >t . \ eted eve; a : ; ‘ . ■ ice s ly ol >p tlolial punishment. r - i ■ *■ i v g . : v -ig ■ lit >ert Le Kdentoi opt mu . i of >\ .s.oii a- -o i, rglar'• e I on. i : mod 1 • have .net ide I i ape ami ...;• de, M my ye r . < li, ito,, Leal v had seen defendant e . ei;t 'i"t iei a a-e nine.- dal IV >1 V. m- ' ■ end ':,r. to 'leatll, '.V hell pet. it" they •’ " t n tve ‘’ecu "it v a t*-i ■' a .to sentence il-t nave been g en. He -niglchanded.y . < ■ - a eii • 'Sign ’he assei: >'v 'ne p •ion:.; .Liuse He h.ed gc’ ' '■>. all ; !ii capital c: ues, b it the leg >HEADACHE-x ■ and I - 1 i; 1 lT*te I I or • \ roc ted. At all druggists. 10c. I ■ 30c. tfoc s;.'* I FOR AI.L VOt R INSl RAXCF NEFDS 1. <•. Ac cidert. He mm 11--; ■■ • ... - /.il ■ i A oil ... . Kis *’ General l.i. i! ty — See— FRANK M. BARNHART (1FNFRAL INSl’RANt I 220 Winder St. Phone 362-J ■ islatnrs b ,i .\i'd on : o e m i oi ;r dci •Judge B, dodge VV y" H . ris (senior neir.her if the supei'.or co ;t bench). W.Ron Dunn, pa role- ruran --lone:. nd Cl.tton BeelvU th, :n cnorge of lud.v ...i sta ii: the ittoiia'i general - 0 loo. -aid they • In.; ova . another ease ■• hei e natoi Li ■ had >ecr. u\ ooed None 'he:i \v i cti'ncly po-e. :i: t Hove- .- pre sumed on that evidence to be the tirst to have h.- be mVC.: iiy the iiet. ll ■ glit *■ . ecalied *. at yhen * e ' tii -t state constitution was adopted •ho e *.\ e. e t ■•: <• toon ,, dozen cop; • .. ••: tense ei gmzed No : thee no o n i % .; —murder, rape, no: glory and arson all in :r-t degree , 1 it ipi - mandatory tor det and ope. AROUND CAPITOL SQUARE llv I VN\ NISRf T I>oIt Dispatch Ralpigh fi . cigi S.p1 Id Mi B Foerct - i’.i’. "vr i, vice • : • e .s' ,i!i Demoi'cat ic (' ' 'ee c g- 'Ii inty on : , • •; 1 ic' e ii F • .ei, c-. nevei itt.- 11u'-r i ' e- ... e \\ ith what si.e ' m i 'v ,- , : itht'l. M' !■' i" • i , Role gh Mono ■> g ' i , g S','. Koto B . mecting, oi : when \ r :r rep •:'i'i ■ ,.o ', t vould .... j- day oi opei g f st t De; i eariu oarte; s, ;e lid M ; y ingest t ■ ■ ■ ttle Fvcretti student it St. Ma y's • - • - • i a • lav I Part t g around in pol:tics mi; I the ,.i •' . e ' children w as boai ting .school. - te said B. t tloit's B B Fr. .-re", her h. sb.c t nd me. represenl.c m oi fla. - lav ,o:ty i eon !• mi; ,iter the co ■. • i ., but I I ; .oi i slay a itli the children ng .s ' to Mere I :o'. BIRTHDAY—T:ic H . ■ v Daily Recur : , - 2i) yen. - Motidoy The tirst ..--me of the do ly come ol: tl c • re-s Saturday ti S< teniher 11. Milo, according o -' cy a: ;io- ng :. the Monday -- e. .uoi Mas distributed to 300 .'coders Tee :-si:o 20 years later :.m to veil above 12.U00—and would e m re but tor the circ Ration : reer.e near.v two year- ag >. For about tall •: its Lie I'hc Record has been edited am .'Ubh.-hcd v ;•> present owner. Les 'ir C Gil lord, who has made ,t oni >t the lore most afternoon papers n :!.e Slate The Record plant, h.nisei n .ts own building. - regarded a one ■ the b> -t a: ranged and mos de. nly eiiuipiied newspaper shop: .11 N utp Carolina The paper and it: . o •amity get along Hickory peo ple are proud ot the Record, and !h< nape ne er goe- to press withou' - • o a a that - >:;• light out blag ging on tiie home ' >wn SUBORNATION In offering ro ws, u :oi evidence of election frauds the fair elections committee whici head- at Burlington is skatini dangerously close to the border lint of subornation ol perjury, according to several Capitol Square author ties There is a vital inference, saj these unquotable sources, betweei ffe ng a rew >rd f >r appi ehensiot Hid itn ictiimi if a person 101 mown crime and a blanket offer b; pro Pc igeitcic- u> pay tor mforiua • oil about crime - not known h> havt open i ■ - mitted. l'he slhh offeree '.- 'he Huiluigton group might no1 ndne .my North Carolinian to tel a he, but the principle i- the -ami i- ji the miount were >1,000 m ire i)ne State off.cuil commented I know a lot of folk- who would te i lie for that amount ol money ' STOKES - I here - no informa • mi a\ ailahle as to merits of the , ,e now under im estigation in S* ike- C" mty and which were re ported by the fair election- group Ralph Scott, solicitor, of the county 0 '.as reported that he is gome lollnw through The reward ha. ■ been p;iid. cannot be until the , i-i' - concluded. What the capitol a ; are afraid of i- that the lure reward money, a ided to dissatis 1 m- about lo-mg elections, might m ■ rage perjury greater extent -. it will purify elections. ANDREWS—The State Highv ay m -Sam will hold its regular , ..g .n Andrew-, home of 10th i - mi Commissioner Percy Fore Mi Thursday ot this week. One or. , ter. when given 'his .mmiuncc n-p a-ked something about An I... 1-. If- the biggo-t town in the State another told him. "It's the ■ • A • ,wn that is big enough to he p. ' ■ tunc /ones. Tht railroad s'.a ■ m: a' Andrews is where Central ■ -a ncvnaiDS effective. You leave ■ ere an hour before you arrive ii p.g ..wst. and stay there an hour if r Miiiiig cast.” INSPECTION—The highway com ■ -- mi meeting "as set for An dre - o the members could visit tht . re is around 1 Law issee and Fergana dams, where many roads hir e had to be changed to take care >: backwater. Governor Broughton ap,-'i other State dignitaries concern ed with >r aftected by highway ,e tiv res will be in the inspection party. DISCRIMINATION — The gun" division of the State Department 1 Conservation and Development ha i petitioned the federal wild life ad ministration to penult dove shoot ing in North Carolina throughout the same period it is all' wed in Vir gin a and South Cumin a In those states the dove open season is split, running irom Sept la to Oct. i’>. i then from N'ov 2a •■• .Fan. 1 In North Carolina the season has been only irom N'ov. 2a to Dec 24 While the request is tor more than douule I present dov e shooting tune. the , inn in resentment is not so much the length ot the open sea m as the fact that the states north and south oi Us I a i a ’.it s ill ly are tavorecl at 1'ar Heel expense. "We resent diserimitlatton more than we do regulation by the ! l lecteral government, said an attache ' | ot the department ADMIRAL COMMENDS COMMANDER SWAIN ('halics'oi., s ('. Sept lit —Com mandet ,h>..cph H *.> tin, DSN, ot Hendt i son, N t * hern <-om mended hy Admiral I! I' Inge .oil, son > Older ID ehlet “1 the I' S t II oi'ic Fleet for out t Hiding pei ( • - I tnonre it duty vv a a nas '' 'idlll 11oilsIv improved, ope .ting and up keep p leednres ■ > . - r, engaged m anti-submaime wart are. The citation reads Fm outstanding pel bn a aliee "f duty a •, -.ter in I >t; ire: on the -t iff >1 the Office] n-cha rge. Flee' Sound Se! mil. Key West. F .do. ecnihe . 1940, until I).mber, 1943," Hie commander n rhel, I'uited St.o'e-- At laid t<- Fleet Rum, plea, re m commending Com under Jo-epii H Swam. USN "Reporting 1o tie- Fleet Sound School daring the only day, -if it; ex:slenre. Comniaude Swam assi t ed m the school’s e '.mh.hmrnt. at a ' :me when there were few guide; and precedents m ' :e iield of anti submarine warfare >\ hi si recess* fi 1 organization ol the Material De partment Through .us extensive kn iwlcdge and tnt ng el fort/. equipment was continuously ur.prov 1. Name the wo e Western Amate r gol; eh.i...pam 2. Fr,. which vy yard did President House; e.' in sulci-t a speech ■ n his retnr:; Iron his trip to Hawaii and Alas...i ' 3 Pure water i.- m .. : hard water: true or talse' i. Di ns th.e Slat in : I a icrty hold the tore:: :n her rig: u la ft hand'.’ ,i. Which United St ites senator wots t rinly cspoi tor the en .. ••men' o: ti.e ••. .g :. Social So c rilv Act'.' ii. Winch Federal agency has nm ovet rentals in wa r pr duct ion i reas'.' I 7. Whieit lam.• is A: icrican Re I • i 'lutiomu ,v general was called | "mad'"’ it. In what iamoiis court proeecd :ig was .Ion : T. Scopes engaged'.’ 9. Male.- have til wavs outnumber ed females in the United State : true or false.’ 10. King Christ in if Den mark j and King Haakon of Norway are cousins, brothers, or unrelated.’ od, operating and upkeep procedures I were constantly bettered, and ir.oic reliable equipment was developed Pa tilt’ use ot all vessels engaged in mt.-submarine warfare. ••Commander Sw mi's high profe - sional skill, resnurcelulnes'. an i tiative and his tireless devotion to duty a ere in keeping with the mg' - O't "traditions of the United State* Naval Sciviee." Commander Swain is now aativ't :/.e.i to wear the commendation rib I bon. Hi* w te. Mrs Helen K Sw mi. resides at 1B09 31st street, N W Washington, D, C. JAMES C.COOPER INSURANCE .9Cro^ ] PHONE 204 J HENDERSON, N.C. WANTED! I For work in our bottling department, woman over Is. Versons now employed in essential wai ! work need not apply. please apply only in person and do not telephone. Lane Nehi Bottling Co. Henderson, N. C. ____ Nature Favors the SOUTH! i ... in pouter... Power to drive the wheels the area assure dependable service to all of a rapidlv growing industrial empire... sections. Low cost power has been a potent power to forge the materials of war and factor in the South’s development, to build a richer nation in the years of The Seaboard Railway, a key railroad peace to come. of the South, has also played a vitally im Vast quantities of low cost fuel in the portant part in the economic progress of form of coal, gas and oil, together with nu- this area. The Seaboard will continue to mrrous water power sites have resulted in plan and work for the building of a greater the development of an almost unlimited and more prosperous Southland in th? supplyof electric power in the South. Inter- years ahead. connecting transmission lines throughout Seaboard Railway, Sorfolk 10, Virginia> Buy more WAR BONDSI "5^^fasaa®> I Our Repair Service I Saves Wear and Tear I Pei haps your car is needing new life and extra mileage I to tide you over until a better car is available. We can I give you that extra mileage and keep your car rolling S ' for the duration. Bring it in now foi a check up by our K expert mechanics. ■ SELL YOUR I Tobacco and Cotton I IN HENDERSON I The Best Market in This Section I Clements Motor Co. I FORD SALES AND SERVICE I Henderson North Carolina I We are ready to write your | PACK BARN INSURANCE Don't ta kr the chance of losi-ie vonr tobacco crop after made— STANDARD RATES -• REASON\BEE TERMS CITIZENS REALTY & LOAN CO. JOEL T. CHEATHAM, President rTTTTTTTTTYTTTTTTTTT''fTTTTTf jj We Are Ready for the j< t “BIG DAY” i B a ►j Thursday, September 21st 2 Cotton and Tobacco Growers * m Will Have the Full Cooperation B |j of This Bank £4 The whole Henderson area awaits the opening of the £^ H cotton and tobacco markets on Thuisdav, September H M 21st the "big day" when our growers will cash in on M M their months of labor. M pr ^ \4 This year’s market, we all hope, will he the ZT I last wartime market, and a successful one in Li spite of the difficult conditions which have W had to be oveieome. M This community will know how to use this wealth to the m best advantage. Being hard won, it must he well pro- >4 tected for the sake of the future prosperity of this see tion. Deposit proceeds from cotton and tobacco sales in a checking account in the Citizens Bank and Trust J ('ompany. We have helped to finance the growing of J these crops. Now we are prepared to assume our full >4 responsibility in safeguarding the proceeds. ‘ H 3 We extend our best wishes for a successful U 1944 cotton and tobacco market. Citizens Bank & Trust Co. 'i M M Henderson, N. C. j M * Established in the Year 1889 >4 M U M Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation M ►4 2xxxxxxxr~ exzxxxxxxxi:xxzzxxzzzzxttttttty1 The STEVENSON COOL! COOL: COOL! COOL! MAT. — NH'.HT m< OLIVIA HEM AVI LAND | —111— “GOVERNMENT GIRL” Aka — "SPOUTS" .— I Inn silx • MICKEY ROONEY JUDY GARLAND And 100 Stars | —in— “WHILE THOUSANDS CHEER” EMBASSY -I'oda\ -Thurs.-Fri. I I I I NEWS AND CARTOON