RoanokelslandAnd Outer Banks Raked Hard By Hurricane Qpx-jr.&- s—-' " AWtgV ('Jag'-' llracl lloUftr* Cireatly Damaged, With Bong Bridges I ..'a tii Ciiy, N<■ 111 I-, I M’> l''r;tgmentnry report , i..m 111nj: here today from Roa n. , • I .land and the (tutor Ranks if r’il.ed yrstmlay’s storm as |» mg i f unprecedented fury. Wsli wind reaching an e*li ma! d \ elncily of I'gu miles an Jr in . causing damage to high v a and communical ion ; that w i 11 1111i re w eek to repair and ca i i i’g t tie cr i I cal in.i n ry iif one r in. ]/. Barker-on, of Nags lh ad. I * I 1 1 * ■ * I i ‘ tell. Ill f 1.1 11 I. | Op in II i itm .V lia\ e been .n ailable ) . ii ■ ■■ (be i a11 .n‘ ay and bndg ■ i . ainer1 Koannbe I .iaiel v ilii i wet e i i,adly da nagrd. ■ . high .‘.‘ay bridge over the In '.V.ib rway at C-iunfwl; was had ycd I i a I I ie i\ er ttic body • So 1 1 -ti i i i i Ill'll M' tvlriini I v, I I. •! I : 11 i a i Ui aiV'ivi Island : n - 11. .. ii v." II n'(|iure rmi' •.r five 1 ■ ■ ri'paii the load and on.|y(. K ■ nose Sound. V. !■ iephnne and power lines b'ad i! ■ the island wi re broken down .re than 11ftt'in miles at my Ml ad beach. Sr . e i .1 ' 'it I a ge wei e shin P'd. I • I teiard : tat ion., along this eS u ol beach st'i I ts' ir i r-w ' .ml about 2011 pei., ills \\ t i a • rol i '. ' i and tala'll to station.' .of llel.V 0 . yg t'-e r i .n. !’ I'll V rl image tllri og,"a id 111" la sect ion ii".; bi"'n ■ c.r y. ■ mere arc m. report.. ol |o,, ol I ry Crop dania ye • ■,■ ;.;b. 1 1." . r • ■ a i . I rei eendoi Is. alld a . o' : ■ ni arii nee . aed ’ 11 Idmg • all I i r d e(i Si’iaoi is bill r ■ a yet . ;rp i i, mod damage v a ■ d> in- I - 1 ■ d el.a I er| v. 11 j re An a III i *. i * — a tembly in e liere, when 1 1 i* 1 . .tabed rb 11 oil the I rM, . . , l : ■ , , t|i|. I heir imuM i:o r ■ "i i ihoot o i t1 e m-a a tnl 11 i i nr \ r \ I! glpcr-1 a a i i-a: i n e -'ll Pa ‘ d the pi • I i.ilab lor. ' r11 i Igjhle. 1 )t tier |e.. • | t\ nil Ig'' ‘ 1 ' O’d Ccast Area Lists Heavy Storm Loss j ' ■ icgh. *pt la -1 AT i "Ihe Eli. i i! v- M ■ nt* ■ ' u ' 1 I ‘'Hi-' " a ■ l 1 ' M ! r<.; a (hr . iip :ide .* u'J'l t"d i V ■. . i f t < • 1111i t h 'I Hi*- 11M f 11 • • * M«: i v ..p( up the *■'lit -i y*'.,t*'i(l.iy, • '•* itighw iv r.iti -’i In id*r..iI'tt’i ■ ■ml it was i.1 .liable (hat 'hr lid in * i * ■ da, i ,agp in t i i . r ■ r . 'I ■' ■ ■) r ■ ■ 11• re r I ,e m the 'date. * I - a.l’ 11 had n*a been < 1 ■ i• • h e. !ah- i I ' minunir.a t.mrs. h i ■ • ■ *i .\nrfoil; * .i11a- i report that bin i . who witlihel I hi - naiue, i that Ii'* had ,i". t reini imd fr*>m ' . i .oiated region .. Ite \v;i. '|ll'*led - 'ying there wa ■ iT'i httle d.r - n Elizabeth i ity, I>■ 11 that n any '■ •*■. v. ere nni i ,*it*'d .aid ilain ig ( ■ 1 * i C at fey'-. Inlet. ■ niunicHtion - wei *■ iptf' h 1 v re- I i *■• i m |h>- Moi phead City-t!|'anf"i l 1 ■ i. atter i*• aids ot ii i i■ dr ail h*hir j rjly hurl tangled n I'phone and; t1 • ■.ipii lines yesterday mm . in'!. H' l a t . 11 (,m that area and along * t‘ * 1 illyitig PamlK *i S'.mid sand ■ wlueh wp.c neare i ll'.e 1 en t‘ I the stonn, told ol huh pi ’ > 1 ■ damage and no death - or m • i ■ • Die wind hit through Mm 1 ‘ d (,My at (it miles oil hour at Iii ■ i • ■ r 111 of the storm. I ■ "ther south in the YVilmuig' -a a.' i die wind never got abn\ c lif'y i h's an hour. 1 oil Of Dead In Indiana Wreck Is Now I ota I ot 29 Terre Haute, Ind., Sept, la— (Al*)—The toll of dead in the hearten collision of two trains north of here yesterday inrreus lo 2!) today, with the deaths in a hospital here of two sergeants. The deaths increased to '-<> the number of service men. all air force veterans, who died in the wreck of the 14-coach Chicago and Eastern Illinois Dixie Flyer, and an express mail train. Thir teen oilier airmen still arc in hospitals, two in serious coiuli lion. Bagged 160 Nazis THERE IS a K ind reason for that smile of Cpl. Earl McAllister's as he pictured behind the bnttlefrent close to Abbeville, France. Single handedly, he captured 180 of Hit ler's men in one group at St. Lam bert Sur Dives, (Irternational) Hurricane Is Worst Since 1938 Storm North Atlantic Is Worst Hit as Mow M nyrs Oot to Sea (Bj Th( A . ;oei tie cl !'> <•. i A We t 11idian liuri irane, lea \ i tig a I ra i I nf lie .1 met ion i'l , m \nrt li ( a| oima to Mu. ha elm att .. Me \ nut to ,ea off iin) 11» 1 11 A]ain eah; iin . morn ing i'l.', I 1 ■ r (]ea til \V( re ;0 Iribut ri| in tie' - tf nn along nearly I ,illili ini!c. of t In Atlanta i;o:i,.l, Win'! , cf Ad in 100 nilie ■ an hour la, I if 11 Minding rain •, r i pppt I building... lore down porter and II ■ 11 ■ P11 o i: ( line,, and uprooted t In an.'li lid. ■ o! I ree I J, i ■ I, a, i ,ii r.'.ng I '.ia ra I and ill tVe'.e i'.egI 11ir I v , ■ <• -, i trfl in ' u> li'i ml v liv th" ill" a ;! .1 Hi:; mi l i .a s*'jaeii;ia. r ’ I. 1 OaH. "hu h |ll|t"l,,|| the nil" a r".i, taking "Ui|" than HU') ||\",. ai d ".m nig d.m,.'igi f. j i nia I'd a! .CutM,1100,000. ,\i I,ml a- ( tv and net abb'" mg Wv .In I".' t ■ i. *■ 11 .. 1 ■ ■'] a,"..I a ■ I,., , Ufa ;■ tl a- a. I dan age M'iihi l ani" , ■ 1 ,11 in i tl a- 1" >ai d "'ll, ,,f III" " "J i Ii i'C u'h rill" 15, a h t h" l 11 nit I In n doll • i .feel pin , , | ,U I ,n l u i ily hi fl'm '"I h".o v ft an lag' I ron i high . aa.. and llie i, > Ifein/ pa ■ '.' a . i"l" i l'd .(I 1111 11y a i lily d" .ti nyed i li-.- , il ( a ty. Al ■ I , aunt lie. i " -• u'l ,,i, inly, v'.i . a'.'.'a .li in .i P. 'I of v.'.il'T ii‘'l' a" th" am in ad\ anrerl linrlhy ai il. r,..i g Island, auitiieast Pi n ,\i,i .u ini ."0.. and Ifhotle 1 band a l... i I mi' the fill I brunt of 111" ga Ic, hill It , III (■" V. I nib I ".real a . hart linen an I ir ipa led ,\ m , a nl v ia 111" .mailer town • ol hung I laud’ were ", itiinlll lights and ,, i v rV alter the . I nun. (' immunicu tjnns and ti alispnrlatuiii were almost completely disrupted and roads were tillered with lorn wires. 'I'lin New Yuri; C ity area ami C" i nic'lK'Ul escaped with e< inparativrly little damage. The storm winds reached a record of <)n miles an hour in New York. A lOll-mile reading was recorded at Camp Kdwards. Cotton Lower In Late Deals New Y'>rk. Sept. I ■"> 1 \ P' -C <>l t„n futures opened five to ten cents i bale lower. Noon prices were five cents a bate higher to la cents lower. October ■> 1 y> December dl HU. March dl .l t. Pv Close Open — sis sis S A :.K K Americans Deep Into Siegfried Line New U. S. Landings In Pacific Areas Troops Push Inland After Vicious Fire Japs Arc Not Able To Send Assistance I o Invaded Islands I . . I 'ac i | ic I' 111 I II ; 11 11111; I I ter I’carl 1 lari,m . . r |;, ( A P) A m- •l ie,-in a anil [on e convin'Kinu in the Philippine I rum 1 lie , nut h and . a t landed on I he I net ress- like P.dan : land and Mui ntai t nda \ mi 1 he heel , nf the me t enishin;:' aerial Imm ha rdment the island a rein | m • I ;i }.r‘1 ever received. Mali i I ana many > •, a e from Admiral i'I i > i t e.' renlr.’d Pn'ifjr I a,!: ir .a met i ;i nder i i n ii 11: mil e a | land III lo I'.dan ipoup, Ill 111 i. ]> _ {' i a of Miivlaiiifi. 1 a !!m Philippa • ... ..mi, General Mae \rthur\s lamia. . 11 : . made .i -'ll .ri. i' l,naiI,nr a ,U ,r a 1 300 .oil's smith o; A1 i n d; m o - o The O'miim;ii firrs, spue* /mg .J..■ ,• '. f < npuc I o! !ii,. I * • <• | . ;o • j n« uneed Pm invasion.^ a !* • : • u . <-ltrr th‘‘y were arn.mpli . 11*■ 1, . mm (;itmg < >nI idenre jn Ii’*' . ■ o•- • m file ni||r-i||r. Japan’ ;»1 ■*11 i 1 v f<> .end mimed • aid h• !,<)'■ o' aded t . 1;»nri . y. o. !. fi nd '11 ■ t >y th<- -TU nm;; ;i> i m ! h;i ’ 11» • of the Philippinr .. In tom d. nyed. Seaborn-* nn'-'! d i had .oTn'lv re t'lrned to then flat n p.. .-. hen Ad in i a! 1 hd. *\y ’ . ini Hie; ' • • i; i f h-'l cpened Up ■ t oi'L i t If ) 'll .»;.'.o -Ill To • In. with prr' yfhhui m 'he b--T. in( hiding i-oT.f md Po }»|rf .pm . of Anr.noV nevrot md m- lone- - j!v ■ inrmi l,..11]o j,,,. "our- d> f- ii o »ic iiciin Ip- . _ 11 y ’r-.r.. n n • I .heP"d at d'.,o r pep." \dmiral 11:; 11 .■ onn-■-ni'-O'-j 1)111° in -in"; p *i o .. 111 ] 1 1 • t • • r-•: hbr.tod 'lor' • *p;nn -i Hf -trongly del ended reef-men 'l‘rvp i ha<’hed rot1. ■ n - nr <• f the 11nj; f. p- • ■*. - ei t',! m jt p- ,t . <.i f he J -p • - ■ e -° o i) nre Hr- pi igin d *i"" aiopinent go . ° p .■ to - \ o' ' '. ■ pi ot | h * * mnpdihi'i . < p era t if in . d i m ■ ♦ < -1 1 o, V ’ e A dn n o I T S Will-, in * n. rpinin;n.ld°r ot tlir tl)iid i(npi11hi"!j, fin oo I, mdmg foi e" ” Pi • '•'•mm nnlnd by Major Ge'eral .Inlim f' nmth. of the Ma rine ( tn ij finoo .o n f I’ii "l ropi;o o ut;, am 83 7 mile I •. < e 11 • in ( loam. and will (• lophnei v 'Mil off the 3,000 rnde-long ( *ai • In o' i land chain, wtlieh ha. Iwnn Imnjbcd from Pin' to end. nil Of p large gain i - m NAZI PLIGHT AS QUEBEC PLANS LAST WARNING WHILE THE OUE3EC CONFERENCE was reported preparing a final ultimatum to the German people a U. S , l oops made further gains on German soil, the critical position of the enemy is indicated on the above m r,> (laming steadily are the twin drives (1) through Aachen and Trier while (2) at the Belfort gap so,.,e 20 000 Nazi.; may be trapped as the thrust continues to the southern end of the Siegfried line. In the Ea: l (2) Red pa trols fight in East Prussia and drive through Poland (4). The Romanian push (5) is virtually at the Hun garian border, in Italy (6) German troops are reported withdrawing from the Gothic line. (International! Reds, Poles Probably In Warsaw Now Vistulm Riv^r Ts ( rntsrrl to South ; I»riv<- on in North M<> ' • • . !■ >pt. I 7 — < AF) — Km i.mi jiiil Folish troop-. \vef*2 I'l’li'-V’ <1 torniintr into Warsaw i>it11u■ r today across tin- Vistula from Hit- captun'd industrial a11nir!i of Fra^ra. \ iir'ii’t n .p.ilrj-j -iMtr) fotjj* \' j . * 111. j 1 ** -r\y .till standing, and a I fieri i,':'"fhii -aid: ■ ] • in os- r\. r[early a ; tli° palm i i urd Up bridge an the I Vi.-h.iG 'j f 1 iml<\. t.n di‘* tjMi • • . M-i(he Vui uJa in ‘up 'V n.. i rt gion, threatening t > "till ml. the vlmd ruin; ot Urn ’itp. fm of thr Vistula Jin ; a*-< n tnfi above Warsam. The Wai /Fiir, reportedly nro dmim . the "interior iefense line "I Germany” was t.he (Gout muf'd "ii i 'age Si ) Quebec Conference To Close Tomorrow But Talks Continue Ninth Army Chief UJ THE U. S. 9TH ARMT, which has taken its place in the operations command in France alongside the l!. S. 1st, 3rd, and 7th Annies, is under the command of Lt. Gen. William H. Simpson, 56, Weathei - ford, Tex. It was not disclosed In what sector the new American army is operating. U. S. Army Sig nal Corps photo. (Internationa!) U. S. Planes Bomb Nazis Near Athens London, Srpl. 1.1 -( A I’> - Amrricn lino v bonilit'ifrom ll d.v blastc three airdromes today in lb" Athei aria, all crowded with German irans port planes i ushed to the south h evacuation of military pci umel i Greece—a few hours alter tin RA harl raided the same lields I'm It) second successive night. Between 230 and 500 I'-ah" .* anrl tabeiatpis sboweied flagmen Ration bombs oil throe an lields an obtained good results, it wu., an imunccd. Other Fortresses dp ppe heavy demolition hombs on Mibijia fine pens at Salamis, on an Blair near Atneiis. Only two enemy lighters were en countered, and they were shot dow by Mustangs, which also straied tii Athens area. In the previous bombings of tli air fields, numerous enemy trails pert planes were burned out. supply ship was sunk by war plane oil lilt weii coast and another 2,000 ton vessel was sent down in the uppe Adriatic. Greek and Yugoslav railroads wei straied and attacked wim rockets. I .Sudden Arrival Of Kden Imparts New Import to Meet mg M11 ( 11 (i ■, .pjit i .'>. 11,. .-.eeond (>* 11 < ■ I >»■ ■' c* ij j t« r* •; t<'* ■ 1 f lu -i- tOUlnlTOW, bill I hi ii'lil'l pare of (lie u;i r ill I'. 11 ri>I" ina \ jink) I’h i> I * ■ 111 j;' ‘ ■ * ' a in I’rinii' Mini.-.Or < liurrliiii 11a furl lier c< lit f i1 r‘ nee .. 1 tri.i ■. |, K . i I , pi ■ - • i' n i ■ ■ < f ^ V V . I . i ■!< j« 1 *1< . «,-11 tl 1.1 I t’ < .j-ii' • itp m then '■ i•' i) 1 y ? *ip ' V- •11 n .4 > ii* !>'■’< lie 'eid. Evrn ;»I ter tnnv*n #e * it < ■ ■ v. ind -up, l'i-u J v . < id. - n 11. i 11 y on I I will nilltlll • • ’ ll oir : i t not !.o H1 1 '•elf ;»nd f. ’hni oiu 11 t•.»I., ■ ■ ..• «’ • " ith A U111' - U V Kde| i, B * it mini h , 1 i i11 Alii * i ' ' ■ i1 •! I The t;iot thal A hind tr ■ ; m- i igpt in; 1 11 1 -• ) ni '' • ;e I he re;t.:< m I’m file n l ■ • i '• In; I In* t hv< iU;d11 h h n him y 11 ;; ’ ■ *• r 1 : ! | - iopt 11, pro t-ufo uppo ,i o. i - u th* ; (i'Tiii.iii |>* 'Id if.• I woop_ 11 . no.- I|h j Au-'.i ■ ir1111*■* • hie r been < min'd Whether U. S. St r,H;ny t S'-d. 1 f ( i rl*• 11 Hull would t 'Mow I- den I Quo’bf " • • ' ’ Hull t )U I w.'l .hliupol: I o| . .1 t * * i .. } ' !•• • pl.tll - to O'lll*: ||‘ . o. Germans Raze Brest Before Surrendering 1 _ I I.ondon, Sept. 1—i .M'i -Mr; Lest mg the fall ol Hirst was near, the tinman radio said today that i | the Nazi commander had mes | saged Hitler that the siege had reached its climax, with all lor i Jifications destroyed and the gar rison lighting “to Jin' last with I only a few guns. I | * Kings rai;e ol th* .■»( nci •• | n si message “All hi; u th* i I harbor Inr- e :>• i’n .n,ttied All in - - stidu’i'ais have i>or• • dosti y»-d. I he i invadem will find only ruin . Tr the '.stern part o! the loriie -. - C'-.'d nests ol resistance are holdiu. out All approaches to th** h*i >1 1 | t:ic town have been mined Tru r| . r'i i("ii :s s uceedt'd in \ or, .m in;. |a Cr n si rot apoint in tins part ol n i ., , • * | tlie 11'v•11. V | •; eM is son miles behind ari s I \ iif «> Allied lines in Gem* me, am - has been besieged fur map Ilian . r ; nvmth. A city ol 8(1,000 and th< I l*• last w n. I Nancy And Maastricht Are Taken Gormans Admit Loss Of !>ir; Strongholds Upon Their Borders London, Si j»t. ) - (API — llm nil' "I Nancy and Mini - !riclit. . t I'onjrhold' at opposite ! ends "i a I Kh-mile fj■<,nt, fell | today to the hattenny offensive. of American annir., which had driven wit It hatfcriiijg force into the depths of the Scpfricd line at three places., .1 i i ;• i d Ks ouch bn -i.. in o 11? i .'Mo i : i • i i ■ in.. '! tile Men rl " ? '"I. I : c -VI"/e| |e, I'll ," 'si ■ iiihere, i.ii -i.i ,uni "l Li G‘o tv loin thu d ai my ; j a m . K.W’t M i;i st: l<■ 111, Netherlands city gum d_ • lie the Mouse eanni. vvnero ttie Go, - iiijii." made their cru.'sing mt" Hel en :n ill 19411 1't'll during fin re ;uniot'.ai11"iis ■ Gni man defense . i"i'th ol half-ciKireled Aachen, to* : in high eon i md atnnuineod Nancy. I till 1 "y I !• :mee and tie. 1 a i r ceiii' Fi rueii reslshiMe trail neient linn.', and ai the fir.; ; World War, ;■ Ilf! miles front ’.i'e ■ Nli i i ."'i,cv" -mt: "I Ui‘- While T1 O' riivni.. ‘ lit. liad l i.'i'i" 'cl tin- j ' ' ■!! : m ■ i w el''Sing u ai • the 1 1 I'lidi ■ rim ing the night ] am I ured .".tre* 1 v a hot a . nti \ • - , I, ,' ;;*■ 11'' I 0 i h'd ''; I■ ",iy 11 a jrej 1 :ii'" the heart -it the ' ; Idly-colel us a. - ing city. A ,a I a Gen H"dgoi,' ' nn'»a ’ .1 . jij ,t .iVtt.Y, HblCn C'l'n ;>9rl ' i j of fire I )'ltd-1 . r.rt- u ! .j! . i L' r 'i‘‘i f.i y. •• as nd by Mu* (.. i . , u. Im’ c ad' uri' ed -i , ">i. ; ] J i ••• . i t if he j t 'b 'b'- n, ii; Mt / ■'ii i .; tup ’ v r-c p t j 11 •»fig I ] /.I . j ;. - t'lit. , c• ty of 76.600. Aadlr'P. 'Hviri .f rt jiloj-y fj)r 1 } • *!*;! *' « AnV’i "• u • ' li'’ had H Tnc°d 1 * Jr mi . vifbm 4 mile of the nty 1'r*»ia t .f .,i»nfh • 11■ i . >iithen-u, ‘Hirb v Mi .ii f'r. • nrlcmcnt sirh <• t'*bph'1 Mnnov. biouth '•( A ifivn, citadel t,,'r> " i.LCj ii tUi- (,cI '■1 »ij lifni!ter, the 6b'> .1: if j 11:111 cd tlir •' i!! P r i r a! N nm n ry f > 1 1 j- rro., ill t C> V.'Cd in Mm Siegfried line. AJlicb *i:4■ •’ui';ri!icnt_• and dispa1 - , j t • • penetrations Trom t *'a • , . :.;nt mil* .if ep and -t \ 1 • nnv? ip. > id'- imp a tj)c’;i eompletriv Mil :gh M"- i H -.1 b^It Ot t "Ttli icaM'’ bud b-'en n ade in the line to” «r.i tup -ii ip ! ( ' >!<•£( r- .jnd ('« bleu/., i'hp \ Iipi i' n ■ ’a/e-rr rup'taiix’nT; • u tb» ir 11 *,nu nduu .ulvuntMgp :n i.p jiw" < i- .11r ng 'Ip f)o-m»)e 1; - g» •-'«t. iibiru ;tji’' u H fmm A 'Hu fan llu • tf nt. • ime »>f Lt. Gen. M'.'ig* u V'UN • bail bitten into M e iipfl lin * * and n»pn-, were de 16 • v* I v 1' ■ t t!u ii. buidec. Nazis Attack Finn Island In Defiance • ' ' r : ii1 ■! 11 , >‘| 11 ; i — I A p i — Thy K• i•» .! i is ■ •,«. .as were i'1'pellerl. oxeent • o I" '"line tin mopping ip et ih» v.'i-.i'< Gem.on bridgehead is ; oi ,u_ ins this ‘iu'1-ninfT.” I 1 o 1 ’.01 e ail all ark v. Ih pie ;ie -I ! * ok .»i I lost11 i t ios brlu c.-n the ' I/.- "id Finns since the Finns , ■ di|.ln;.iat ii rel:; l ions \\ i*h (n ie ■ ■ oii l oi del ed the Germans to !c,p ° I ■ o, . 11 id by Si 'pt i a; !ht J 5 I lie garrisoned island i.> 11 • i > ■ tin! ; a-- ,i eon11 "I point loi f Ji- i. ,,n ; i_ " op’s io lilmUade the Hu., ion Mo" Iti . a et. The island also n,is . i (('onlinuefl in Page Fm. r.) Demand Light Among Stocks New York, Sept. 1.5—(A.P)-—Kto«Js. motors and rubbers led the stock market on a selective comeback to 1 day, although demand was light. Improved were U. S. Steel. U. S. * Rubber. Douglas Aircraft and South , ern Railway, SAMPLES OF ADOLF'S FAITHFUL JHL 1 THIS IS NOT A SCENE from some fantastic satire or masquerade. These are Belgians who chose to work with Hitler's Gestapo against their own people and they are being held for treason by the F.I.N. (Front Inde pendent of Namur). The man kneeling is the M ivor of Olloy, Belgium. And that little fellow at the right who looks like an old tune Keystone comedy actor w..a a very ftcuve traitor. (InWriiauonuii | «VFAIHH< FOR NORTH CAROLINA. Tonight dear and slightly eonler, followed by dear to partly cloudy, with moderate | temperatures Friday. •