Itotdrraoit fiaily fiiapatdf Established August 13. 1914 Published Every Afternoon Except Sunday by HENDERSON DISPATCH CO.. INC. 109 Young Street HENRY A. DENNIS, Pres ntul Editor M. L. FINCH. Sec.-Treas., Hus Mgr. TELEPHONES Editorial Oft ice. 500 Business Office . . fill' The Henderson Daily Dispatch i^ a member of The Associated Pre-s and AP Features, Southern Newspaper Publishers Association and the North Carolina Press Association. The Associated Press i- exclusive ly entitled to use tor ropublication all news dispatches credited to or not otherwise credited in this p.per, and also the local new- published therein. All rights of publication of special dispatches herein are re served. ' SUBSCRIPTION rates (Payable Strictly in Advance) 1 Year . $0.00 $7.00 6 Months . 3.00 3.50 3 Months.1.50 1.75 Weekly by carrier only 20c Per Copy. 5c Entered at the post office in Hender son, N. C\, as second class mail matter I,oo\ at the generations of old. and -tt . did . m\ t: list m 1 :le 1 .ord. ud u.o .unfounded? or did ,n\ a de in h - Icar. and wa> lot's.,\eii' oi whom did !K' ever d> -; so. that c. ,t cd ..poll turn ' Kcc. 3.10. Where There s a Will It li\ nn i i>i> have risen !«• :> • ■ ee ;.« • - it >. . - 1 D4 l. it is *’ r an a k vi s t : 1 the War L.Ti-.r Ho id da.n't find it • »il-t mtd the e\ »• t/1v national election. when the (1 nun dt flopnient can Iv used »,* .1 i ,\a.ise t"i* general p.y raised to lien* I workers ill! • ale.ho it tee it intry. a ail ter. to >. what the < »1 'A ha* hi - y aoo 1 this v •, Miclm* • mi . d its o [t. j ■■»i'.. \ im eaUci ac\ The V • 11A vi . iv i e« alt. hit* .11 .doiii* tau. in hunt in re'enniii'm th,- c.» nilr> v.d! it teas held d«*w n h\ nm c d* •i e b‘»w .* ilia II tin percent a tit •’*. • * (. i . e ::i ic ices has hern. \• • \. nc i • i • iilles a -C '‘I iilriit a^ellt v 'a. ‘ a..* In do with labor. wlii'M mliurnet and ote a: e w. 1 *A oy deel.irn.-. it costs 4b percent n • it *:> h c 11 * *\\ thin it Old three v v*. * LB. alw - i n tip • to find >« in i mid n_ da- ! ;d <•!. t h,- little ' n I . n i anti 11 * Hsu hie iiad i :i le h ire it 1 old otherwise. \ •'*. th.e in elect at - ,ppr« uchin- '• b n p: • scs to be :... i 1 > close md thei • . i i .i> nee- i ;. »r e\ erv -. ot • that . bo corralled, oy whatever iumm* i 1(.l V. di pass muster, it is d c--\ • -‘-l dl .-I t sudden that living cost' have b in sKyr- t!o tim>. Will iv were h t -.pert .'*at ist ii’ians and n-'ii.-mi. b' that they have been so loir.; w kb'j in ’o v. hat w a* r;oing . nV l* the isual. that \ . : >1 t \\ LB * .» a- o! the hah l ank ina i ooi : • 's- s Sahv 11.;! ..n aid it (dhi 40 a wees aip» that within the weea .inn" nent o! . 11 >l*111i*»r. mb > 1 tile steel torniula wonU he iv i m Was:button. He tid mb oblige by di\;iIi»iiiL; tin- smua- • *l Ins in: .rmadom Perhaps tin le ad ... the P"!it cai Acti mi foil, m it te» a.e. i:ie ii'df! s ill the 1 ii st place aid in *Ji. * v. ay iv 1 leW w..s got ; t hep pen. A talc a > - in a the im n .0 ci v\ ashiimton is that out d lie J) m »e: .0 c c -mention in ('hie .- • 1.1 J 'Me eriieral u rule i s t a in l in a ’as. t. 11 .mona p..-rty leader*, to "dr n' c . c. y tiling tliri-uah H illrnan.” Ti e two : cideiit* dove-tail to | ei an : i >n as an indie it ion ot the 1 cal p1- in-hind the throne in the | * - ent Washington admnbstrat umi. i V olKIr - 111 l now iiil.ctl . . ' K’lio nig t Ill'll* will Ilf In till' I .in', 1. Inl'l .11 If llllll Ini' Ills 11 Ipnl't .1 I inl I a . cl- I. r i Inn rth term . ict i > Till'! >■ are tlinse w lm think md ti lie is railing tile play-, and li a. [I ' tiansdiun nl tin guvermn u. ever tn the lid l-wingers is wall mi its W" ti i" 'lllpll'l lull. As tor the little all el Im-,, ula. it s to begun n a thing of the pa.-t. Pres sure Imiii labnr ha-, been :.<> *li mg tiiat Washington im lunger lias tie strength nr desire to resist, i )ne hu re mio aey .-ays living i’u,-ts ha .'e 'i en high enough In juslily the action; at. dher boasts of how well it has in pt ci sts down. When the WL1J L; .-1 i■ allianee ciacks the w hip, OP v steps aside tn give it right ut way. And that is what i- happening now. it has been said of old that when there is a will there is a wav. f’e ir.eniber? And the application ap peal.- to be as real in politic.1 as elsew here. Autumn certainly makes it tough on the fellow who has nothing to brag about but his golf score. Night baseball, vv c read, attracts many insects. Including the loud mouthed umpire baiter. Acid similes: As proud as a jeep rolling througn captured Sedan. Youth’s Prospect I«»st year when the public schools began then fall tern . students’ were lemitidtd of the chaos, the sufterinjJ and ttie turmoil existing in the world ,n which they loiind themselves And uticli the same thought can be passed dong to otbets this tall. 1 )i! lerem-e is that now a l ilt in tin ilo ills iv appearing, and youth’s prospect is that at least part of the - tilling and lunno.l may be lifted : i usonably >.. B it it w ill be but l osing .it tin i tam tor the second act in :hi tragedy. A yea ago many hoy in the schools win entering upon their mil .-tic d t a - lor the last time ml. doing a tun Uncle Sam. Smce then they have discarded their iur11, s. hade goodbyes to the clois tered ha is "! culture and shuffled on unit' ni ' oi the armed services, foil, .' t: ■ y are pert >rmmg new and tougher uni gi eater and niui serious it ; if- r!a y are an integral part a i i alt: that is shaping the tuture l. 1 ci a ill. I': .... :. today st ,rting class m, . go a confront a world which i t !• , hence will be theirs to mould and to tashion. It is not 11.. j soon tin lliem to d«-\..te some c.i lin o 1 h ink mg to the manner o! lc ig they Would preler al’d as to ti..v. they would go aboui aiaking t what t:iey would ha\i it or Not. t. hi ,.ua that they are ealled Upon ... !•: today to take o\ rr the reins, : ;... t to,lay s problems ltd those 1.. . rel\ a the horizi n will i ■ -me t .( r : u ■.. tel’ a' the Weeks a lid moutlis i in nlo tlv past, and they mast be met i li.iiig, s lia\ i taken plaet u i u : tin yeai that has gone si nee .1 Sept, .i:ln-r KilueatioH Usell is ,. 1 a . <»nv ij ,.i nl.iiut wilii thtx *k - ,ii mi : i uI ! i' ►>» wl ■ > • ;iO(jli i r* j : , 11 .m 11,i. ty will !»t• qu;ihl i«*ti . r s , t : v;.f )1 If aiU rship. C )tht*rs \\ h . ! t : SMSSt*(l Ol i! K‘ I' * !.l M« 'I \ i t’.iiv and in»t t<» ljt*siir t luinist*lw> .!! si aim the dumb ill i\ en eatt ie ' ti.ey .-. I ie till- loll. as. el s those W’lll 1 '.. PI like n.-lead of gi\ e die order j 1 •i-rli■ • I -s eat will be sat islaetory l j, .‘.oy how. the decision a- theirs t,. i i.l , iio one else e ll do • t a. do n 1 I l . | .is t . oi a rather \ ague. 1 ltd 1 :t I. ■ s( .in uncertain, future ia | cllead Tueri is no escape Its nt it. Tl i ■ vvImi can catch the \ ision will ■ lot -!i a escape. It will b*’.’ it., in v. am du lerent ,ipportunitii __ (jobbels Mournings j 11 it h 11;ii-..i m.m with the |)ei >plt jot li - ci ,'nulii.g empire hud 1 *» - > |. .nielli - c A !I:i nythtn.g v is bet 1 r 'a n i a a I; i: i c So lie opened his ■ ont h and i ice 11 to spout. '(.eniiany will not capitulate I G . email V I'.in'i"! He conquered (, -in my ha- tremendous lew Wea potis. he ,-ti11 iton .is it to bolster nmr.i >r >1 tli in'.. odered Japs to vv hem he spina ii partieuh.r. 1 [ i ■ di a inti.d il his ow ii pei.pie . 11\ aeigt i iiele -i him. Mayo, tin 1 |.ai paitner ot tin Axis •I| -wallow : . ok. line and sinker, i is il iteiii tod that it sha 11. Hill i o one else w i i i. (io. libels ii.a> have been light, at ii..i .11 - a> iii will not . . 11111 mate. It I ieg Ills to appear that .e* .1 ly -la will not. lint to pro . an that t •' i many cannot he con oti. eoit , -a Hiirh hokum. Fact is ti,, \ . is ,.i'e bt mg conquered every a ,y p..sses ..oil have been lor , 11■ mi.ntie- Today tiny are being .|...t back on tlii'ii' own soil. 1 in' ■ 111 .1 Atlantic A all could not hold i.h'eii hi :oit Now tin even more i, ten Sieglried line on the S' — i died acred oil" ot Germany s i . iihliug bclore the power of Am ■ ..•an assadlts, and doughboys are ... II mi i»t vond u hi places. G. c the Nazi.- credit lor ingenuity, t .. ogli. However immovable the . t ai net defenses prior to tiie inva s.i *,. they were really not imporl ,,it. alter till -to hear the German dihi they had suffered iricp - at a * defeat there. Impregnabilitv ot tl . Sieglried line was the boast ! r, a, i Berlin until that defense wt. bleached. Now Hiller's stooges arc telling their people and the wor'd that dii' lighting men will meet .-Iran. obstacles the further they move. All ot which can be itlicr preti I in the light of events that have gone before. rmther and further eastward the Huns retreat. Where would they shq l the Russians were to break tliiough in the east and these United Nations armies moved rapidly to ward each other? In that event the iVazis would be conquered, even if they did not capitulate. Tin further we proceed and the more our military strategy unfolds, tin more real becomes the possib lily that there will be no V-Day, and 'that the enemy wiL] be crushed piece meal and til that manner beaten into s unmission. b)ne aspect of day to day dcvc'op mepts is that the German people tr > lcaining that they art not invincible; that they are not a super-race; that Miller and his fanatical assoc'atcs have misled and lied to them l om the start. They are learning that the i-• enemies can wage war on Ger man -oil and are doing it Gocboels < amiot explain that away, for it i- in foil v iew of Germans themselves who ai" hourly increasing in number. I lie German home front has not s;t tendered and will not surrender ill masse and as a single unit be cause it cannot—what with bayonets ' vssed against their ribs every rrm ■ i * * ut and the threat of summary ■.edition for any who dare open ’hen- mouths Indications as of the moment are that the Reich will be crushed be tween the jaws of tin relentless Al lien vise closing from both the east and the west, and that the conquest will be accomplished in this manner, even as France was liberated by the ii.nituri of American armies in Ironi the channel coast arm up in m the Mediterranean beaches. Goebbels may shout until he 'urns ■!"f in ihe face, but his mouthing* i a-’r.ot stop the grinding force o! the nries of free men. This time Ge> - i .ns will taste war and sec war. Already they are having that evper i"Ke. Maybe this is the best way, i ni all, to whip them into line and ■ akv thi m. if possible, to become a . event race in the decades to come. Relief In Defeat Britain thought tin- robot menace ■ t been overcome when the buz/ b. nb coast was captured. But the II ms never give tip; they must be <-retime, and only n that way '.' ill tin- Knglish peopb* bt able to br'V.Mio i . spy i>uct and for all. Bamps m the Calais area Iron! h v:i the Hying explosives ,\vrj ■lu lled have elthi : been destroyed .1 captured. But tin Ciermans . :e -lining them to airplanes and lly g then to within striking distance I" release on an innocent civilian I >o|" i lati m. Moreov er, they have likewise devised a small torpedo boat operated by a pilot who jumps jus, la-lore .-hipping targets in the chan u I .re struck. These lain r will become fewer as tin enemy is driven farther inland, 1 .■ t this menace and that from the .n: plane bomb will not be entn- ly i- moved short of destruction of ibe .\ r/is. Complete relief will be p.v ole only in and by defeat of the lions. That may not be far oil. but ■ oust be accomplished tirst. GRAB BAG OncMinute Test. 1 W'hat is the "truit oi the eye'".’ 2. What is thr meaning n| the >j t' i\ "ous"? 3. What are homonyms? Words of Wisdom. What do I owe to my times, to ni> country, to my neighbors, to my friends'.’ Such are the questions wh eh a virtuous man ought to ask himself.—Lavuter. Hints on Ktiquette. It is not necessary for a man to rise when an employe of his firm enters his office, but it a woman visitor enters he should. When she leaves he should escort her to the door, Today's Horoscope. If today is your birthday, you sometimes are impetuous, diffident, or headstrong, but you usually are kind, tender and understanding. You are a good planner and use what von nave to the best advantage. You are genial and form friendships easily. You might fall in love at first sight and be very happy. Broadly speak ing, a happy , successful year is fore seen for you. the more so it domestic disagreements are avoided and busi ness partners placated. The child born today will be attracted to the arts and occultism, and will enjoy moderate good tortune. Loss of or separation from loved ones will be felt keenly. One-Minute Test Answers. 1. The apple. 2. Full of. 3. Words having the same sounds but different meanings, such as "bare" and "bear.” ANSWERS TO DAILY QUIZ 1. Mai. Gen. Patrick J. Hurley. 2. Teeth. John Adams. 4. Florida. 5. Socialist. ti. Thirty-two degrees. 7. Ten years. 8. Bermuda onion 9. Writer on American Indians. 10. Treasury Department. FARM CONDITIONS RATED EXCELLENT Raleigh. Sept. 18.—An appraisal of the farm situation as of the first | of September shows that Tar Heel farmers have in prospect very-good to-exeellent crops of corn, peanuts, cotton, and tobacco, and a fair crop of hay. Statistician G. D. Collins of the State Department of Agricul ture, said. Present indications, Collins said, arc that North Carolina farmer.- will harvest larger-than-average crops of corn and hay this season, but th^ total volume of each crop will be less than last year. Corn production is now forecast at 50,353.000 bushels, or a yield of 21.5 bushels per acre on the 2,342.000 acres in corn cul tivation. Last year's crop totaled a • . J1 a ^ — -j — -t— - c--;. • . .1. a .. £- U —. t yield of 22 bushels.'__ I RECONVERSION TIME IN GERMANY _ DAILY CROSSWORD ! ACROSS DOWN' 21 Music note 1. God of 1 Vegetable 23. Ship's .small pleasure 2 Keen Ipoet) boat 4 Distr ess 3 Region 25. Carriages signal 1 A liscal 27 Music note 7 Abrupt agent 2s A kind of 9 Mulberry 5 wool trees implements 29 Required 12 Sphere of 0 Chip as 31 Gazelle MauanrB action of stone 3.3 1‘roje, ting 13 Rub out 7 Large room end ot a 14 Permit s Threefold ri'.uidt suunl.c. s An.ucr 15. Flower 10 Continent 31 Bovin- 40 Streetcar 17 Siberian gulf 1 1 Clan lire.) animals ring l IS. Queen of Hi Gi.inipus 35 App> mug .is 41 Allowance heaven is Mnsieal ii eaten t"i v aste (myth.) instrument 37 Type ot glm ! 11 Eskimo tool 19. Monetary unit i Latvia1 20. Bulging jar j 22 Weep 24. Comes close to 26 Cony (Old Tes' ) 30. Kind of dog 32. Expressed juice of grapes 33 Highest card 36 Revolve 3S. Earth as a goddess 39. Picture 41 Old weight for wool 4 2. Cursed 43. Razor-bill- 1 auk 45 Literary i otnposition 46. Beseech 47 Type measures 43. Hovel CRYPTOQUOTE—A cryptogram quotation ZRYZTKZLQZ K U L V JVTZ ITFLUAZT F E O Z K L J V T F O U I P E L K L FTI — A T V W G Z. Saturday's Cryptoquotc: EARTH PRODUCES NOTHINGS WORSE THAN AN UNGRATEFUL MAN -AUSONIUS. SALLY'S SALLIES L. .S. F'af-nt CMt*'-. •t_opr ly-H, King features syndicate, Inc , “The only thing wrong about your picture is that there isn't, a funny ioke under it." Buy War Bonds FEAN I T CROP LARGER. Raleigh. Sept. 18 - North Caro lina's peanut production for 1944. was estimated at 380,230.000 pounds as of September 1 19 percent lar ger than the 1943 crop of 888,049. a pounds- or 73 percent larger than the 10-year average ol 273.038. 000 pounds. Statistician ( . Z Willis of the State Department of Agricul ture reported. WANTADS Get Results ROOM WANTED — YOUNG MAN. single, wants room with private bails. Close in. Call H. A. Cliff, 2811. 18-tfti WANTED—2 WAITRESSES. GOOD wage- and good hours. Experience not necessary. Apply m person, at Vance cafe. 1 H-31i DOST SATURDAY IN HENDKK son tan bill lolri containing class card and drivers' license, gas book in name ol Willie Davis. Reward o| si.mi ii left at Dispatch CO'i'b-n 18-ili NOTICE. Noi ih Carolina,: Vance County: l.dilir Allen. I I.imlilI. Vs. Lou Eleanor Green Allen, Defend ant. The defendant, Lou Eleanor Green Alien, will take notice: That an action entitled as above has been commenced against her in the Superior Court of Vance Coun ty, North Carolina, to secure a di vorce absolute on the grounds of two years separation, and the said de fendant will further take notice that she is required to appear at the Of fice lit tiie Clerk of the Superior Court ol said County at the court house in Henderson, N. C. on the tilth day of September, 1944, and answer or demur to the complaint in said action, or the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief de manded in said action. This 28th day of August, 1944. E. O. FALK NEIL C. S. C. Vance County. A. A. Bunn, Attorney for the Plaintiff. 28-4-11-18 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF VANCE The undesigned, having qualified as Administrator c.t.a. of the estate of ,T. B. Barnett, late of Vance Coun ty, North Carolina, this is notice to all persons having claims against the said estate to exhibit them to the undersigned Administrator c.t.a., or his attorneys, in Henderson, North Carolina, on or before the 14th day of August, 1945, or this no tice will be pleaded in bar of any recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make prompt settlement. This 14th dav of August, 1944. T. P. GHOLSON Administrator c. t. a. Estate of J. B. Barnett, deceased. 14-21-28-4-11-18 NOTICE. State of North Carolina: County of Vance: The undersigned, having qualified as Administrator of the estate of I Thomas Gilbert Smith, late of Vance County, North Carolina, this is notice to all persons having claims against the said estate to exhibit them to the undersigned Adminis trator Henderson. N. C., on or be fore flic 11th day of September, 1945. or this notice will be pieadeci in bar o^ any recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make prompt settlement. This 11th dav of September, 1944. CITIZENS BANK & TRUST CO.. Administrator of the Estate of Thomas Gilbert Smith, Deceased. ll-lb-23-2-9-16 _ WANT ADS Get Results H. O. FALKNER & SON Tom' and Wood Phone 26tt. ('• . n ,, , Falkner. he appreciates the vs lege of serving you. 1, ,, lost — elgTn delijxe MA.VS 'vrist watch, yellow gold, Knrluv night between White Brothers and City Taxi stand. Kinder return to Dispatch and receive reward. _ 16-2ti KOR SALK MODERN INs’uLATKI) 7-rooni house in Henderson. , p,,. (rally located. convenient school. Cjisll m ... Write J’. C. STRAYED SEVERAL DAYS~At ;< i rerl male mule weight about pounds. Reward to finder. Notify Nathaniel Brooks, R-2, Box >r Franklinton, N. C. jg *j,| EXP ERT WEATHERSTRIPPING with Master zinc metal strips. Cali for estimate. No ration, no prmnfy forms. You get a well done j,,;, J. Maurice Allen, Phone 1026 W. m-w-f-tf FOR FALL CLEANING! NEW tep ladders, Wiggs paint cleaner, mops, stove polish, liras.-, poli li' Johnson Glu-Coat, zinlac, varnish and Lou Ann flour wax la cent, per lb. Alex S. Watkins. 16-It, FOR SALE 140 BUSHELS ~ op home grown Abruzzi seed rye. E. M Moody, Route 3, Henderson, on Satterwhitc road. 13-15-16-21 GROCERIES, FRESH MEATS AND vegetables. Everything for your table. We deliver ana save you gas and time. Phone 439. Always ready to serve you. Herbert’s Yel low Front. 25 tf in p i.’siuv iMir cmni.' nnnoLM-1'i Big Star parking lot has truck anti trailer covers, u>g lights, partemp cotton insulatiou, leather jacket.,, seat covers. Come and Ion,; around. lit Hi WANTED -TO RENT OR BOR row. tor several weeks, wheel chair in good condition. Prefer adjustable typo. Call Mrs. Ernest Fleming, Phone 1045-W. lf>-41. | ATTENTION FARMERS — WE have a few electric churns in stock, also a good assortment of new and used furniture. R. E. Sal terwhite & Son. near lire station. See us—Save money. 14-tf NEW CIRCULATING HEATERS, sheet iron heaters, stove pipe, dam pers and stove boards at "The Place of Values." Alex S. Wat kins. 1 111 ti AT HOTEL SANDRA YOU WILL find steam heated rooms, hot and cold running water in each room and good meals. Special rates to teachers. I can also serve lunch to school children. Meal tickets it reasonable prices. Telephone til It. Mrs. McCormick. Ifi titi FRESH MILK COW FOR SALE Second calf. M. D. Til lot sou. Route 3. 18-&C1 ALL WORKERS, MALE AND PE male, must be hired under pro vision of War Manpower Commis sion’s Stabilization Program. Un der the new priorities referral plan all male workers, and all in migrant female workers, must be hired through the local U. S. Em ployment Service Office. Those now employed in essential war work, including agriculture, need n i nnnlv 7-tf GOOD NEWS! GOOD HOl'SE kiwping and Cosmopolitan magazines again. Subscrip tinns to all magazines appre ciated. Call Carrie IJurton. Phone 147. lS-lti WEATHEHSTRIPPING — Z I N I C grooved in. Skilled mechanic's saves SON . Other work here soon. Write us, we call. Manson-Smith Co., Richmond, Va. ”30 years service.” S&M-tf WANTED TWO GIRLS IB OR over for soda fountain work. Ap ply at Gold Seal Soda Shop, next to Stevenson Theatre. l.V2ti ANOTHER SHIPMENT OK TillK butt asphalt shingles just arrived Also have a goon sioek asbrst" siding. brick siding, and asphalt roll roofing at "The Place of Values.” Alex S. Watkins. IB-lt TIRE HEADQUARTERS—WE HAVE the latest official information re garding tire inspection and appli cation for new tires and tubes. Let us help you with yours. Hender son Vulcanizing Co. 22-tt LET A FORD’S DO YOUR PRINT ing and supply your needs in of fice supplies, furniture and equip ment. Also picture framing neatly done. We appreciate your business and guarantee satisfaction. Al ford's Ptg. & Office Supply Co. 31-tf FARMS FOR RENT ON HALVES These farms are well located and have 8 to 1(1 acre tobacco allot ments. Address "F", Care Dis patch. l»4h ORDER CHRISTMAS CARDS NOW before the supply is exhausted. As low as 50 for $1.00. Wedding announcements and fine social en graving and printing. See our samples. Henderson Book ( Established 1884. _ 7-tf A GOOD STOCK OF SHEETROCK. insulation board, beaver board, and gvplap. Gyplap is waterproof and makes a good substitute foi weather boarding. Alex S. Wat kins. __ _ VITA-VAR OUTSIDE AND IN side paints. Enamels, varnishes, stains, washable wall finish. All popular shades. Oils, turpentine, new stock of brushes. Lowest prices. Tanner Roofing Company. Phone UU6. _________ "■