SOCIETY MFU/c THF. WOODLAND FOLK. By Charles K. Bolton. ■j-i-o woodland tolls pav. meiiv lues Evept when thunder slump enme by, -nine suit padded lux eu:iliv,*es T» bark and sea re them with his vry. Tiir pussy toes and fernv hall Stretch up to view the meadow ., hem; Anemones and row . lips call To roving bee, to sup with them. yiip hluets, bound in tufted pin!. Attract small waywairl m flight; y'.vuudland tuIk enjoy tana ,nl They like the day. they hr e tin night. Durham \ isilois v c- Connie R and :i d . s,.l ,fl, of Durham, were tii(. < . , and g: , i, nl friends in the r I , Visitors From ItoamiKi, Air . if. I,. Rook and M M j ,, , . vinr, i.f Roani'ke If.i, a . >1 . v(eel.-end visitors in tin- ns . To New Moxiiii Vic- K. C. Hunt, Ji .. left today Im r. s ", .-11 Field. New Mexir i, in n. . 'iv tune with her husband, I.t, (• t Hunt, Jr. Return to Williamston Mi and Mrs. \V. \V Rmn haw returned to their home in William ton dter visiting Mr. and Mr T H. Weldon. Wrrk-Fnd Visitors. M'.-ses Becky Mvatt and Ann Reeves, of Winston-Salem, wen week-end visitors ol Mis Ji sephine K iTinun at her hi one on Wi 1 ham -Ircet. Fxpeeted From New York Mr K. R Fuller was expected t" hit e Ii day l'i'"m New York t• > pend mi' i- time witli her parents. Mr. and Mr T. ii. Weldon. Mrs. Fuller has Den visiting her husband. Kr.sign K R Fuller, wlio is stationed at Foil Schuyler. New York. Sans Souei Cluh Meeting The Sans Souei Literary cl ;'■< will d its first meeting "I the fail or. T i-.-dav afternoon al 4 • i\-lia' the , "l Mrs. II. L. <’audit r i n Cl t kb Miis t. it was anno need to-l;,v ! e eon's are urged to a'brn i bus i ' meeting. Miss Mary Francis Young Weds In Mobile, Alabama MRS. ( AMKKO.s PLl'MMKR Mooile. Alabama—Claiming wide in ead .merest was the marriage of Miss Mary Francis Young, daugh ter iif Mrs James Madison Young, of Henderson, and Cameron McRae Plummer, son of Mrs. James F. Plummer and the late Rev. Mr. James F. Plummer, of Mobile, which took place in Christ Episcopal church. Mobile. Alabama, on Tues day evening. August 119. at !i o'clock. Rev. Caper.- Satterlce, rector, of-; , .ctate I at the double ring ceremony and the altars were lovely with ar .mgrment' of graduated lighted tapers, vases of white flowers and greenery. The couple knelt on a , draped pr:e (lieu for the exchange ol vows. .1. Clarendon McClure, organist, and the junior choir presented the pis .gram. Mr. McClure s j mini! ers .cere: "Prelude in G i Minor". (McClure): “Chorale in E FI;,! . Mr1 lure): "Intermezzo in A Flat ". (McClure): "Serenade in D", IlLemarei. "Melodic in G", (Gluck): ■T.aiga". (Handel): and "The Voice That Breathed O'er Eden" ■An- played during the ceremony. I**,!’,,,. pr,icc-sionaI the junior choir ten ered "The Kuig ot J.,o\ c (K,vices). The traditional wedding -- , marches were used. The junior choir al.-o sang "O Perfect Love." James P. B. Connell, of Hender son, brother-in-law of the bride, ;ave her in marriage and Miss Bern Bridge was maid-of-honor. Misses Sarah Lane England and Sliiei, •Sprague wore bridesmaids am Hisses Frances and Mary Sallerlc* "ore junior bridesmaids. Mars Francis Cornell, niece of the bride was flower girl and Jimmy Cornel, nephew of the bride, wa- the rim bearer. Edward Plumfner attended hi. brother as best man and grooms men were Caldwell Delaney, Jo. Goldsby, Reid White Goldsiiy. an. Peter Bryce Hamilton. The bride was lovely in tradition al white satin. The gown wa.- de signed with a sweetheart necklace long puffed sleeves, and a train. Sin wore a bridal veil of illusion an' carried a bouquet of bride’s roses while aster- and tuberoses. She v.or. a handsome gold cross and chain an heirloom in her family, and ; beautiful gold briH"1 in hen-, loom in the bridegroom's family. Miss Bridge and the I lower g: wore gowns ,,t yellow net ovei taffeta and the other attendant.-' dres-es were of aqua net over taf feta. The dresses .'.ere made wit! long, full skirts, sweetheart neck rtil's ctiiu |» ii iv.11 >I' i . t '. i in, i iuu i• i girl carried a colonial banquet ant the other attendants carried old lashioned bouq lets ol mixed flow ! ers and wore dainty wreaths o flowers in their hair The mothers of the bridal couple were both "owned in black drosso ,nd wore orchid corsages After the ceremony a reception was held by the congregation o' "hr~'i Church in the chapter house at which time punch was served by the Misses Ebzabeth Drake anr Anne Claude Barton. The wedding cake was cut by the bridal couple and Mrs. Edward Plummer and Mis. Andre Noble were in charge of the bride’s book After the wedding the bride changed to a smart black and white crepe outfit, u tl whi :h she wore black hat and white nc.-e-sorii-s anr left with her husband for a plant lrip. Mr. and Mrs. Plummer will be lt home in an nnnrlmvnt at (ill North Nnn street, Mobile Mrs. V mug. m"t 1 n-r ol the bride entertained n die t-\ e ..; the w*cd ting with an after-rehearsal dinner party at the Admiral Semmes hotel BAPTISTS HOLDING BTU STUDY COURSE The Baptist Tv 1 Union ot tin First Baptist chnreh : their an nual training eouisc last nigiit wit! about at) member.- enrolled. The following courses oi study an offered: Juniors: " I he New Baptis' Junior Union Manual," taught b\ Miss Elizabeth Lassiter. Intermed iates: "'The Bapti-t Intermediat Union Manual." taught by Rev. F Norfleet Gardner. Young People "Baptist Y. ung People'- Union Ad ministration." taught by Law Mobley Beginning Monday and continuin through Fridav evening, sessions wil bc held at 7:30 o'clock. Yeung peo ple of the church are cordially in vited to attend the sessi' ns. To ItanrUnpli-Marnti .Mi.-s Virginia Hunt and U Jam 'la.vlor, of Bm'wcll live m, left las Thursday hr Randolpli-Ma • >n C’. 1 lege at Lynchburg. Virgin’:- Thi the senior year at the c. illegn tm bo* h. Special Fastern Star M-vting The James B. White c hapter No. 19(1 of the Orrici of the Iis t n Star will have a special 1 "> lm.' Wednesday night for the .usit uf die worthy grand matron, i* as state, today. There will he a hit and imv rupper meeting at 6:39 e'd-vu loi h ,\od bv the meeting at 3 (.’clock P th events will take c! a m tl'.e Masonic hall. Wcllen- ehapier ol 1 , aim anel hit' Norlma . > '.'j | ji\i H 1 u; J• •' 11 ♦ J'Jt Tilu OCCUSlOil*__ . t -- Farm Womens Group Will Meet Wednesday C'"lSt iimn, n.-ilcish. So|>! Ill —Thi- Slittc Council ol the X C. Marian Martin —Pattern— 1 l'—-— All you need is one yard for this ;a\- apron! Pattern 9292 ha- ,von Jerlul non-skid shoulders. Extra 'harm with bluebird applique. Pattern 9292 comes in sizes Small 114-11!). Medium (18-20), and Large 10-42). Small size takes ! yard 35 meh fabric without applique. SEND TWENTY CENTS in coins or these patterns to Henderson Daily Dispatch, Pattern Dept . 232 Vest 18th St., New York It, N. Y. Tint plainly SIZE, NAME, AD DRESS. STYLE NUMBER. FIFTEEN CENTS more brings .•mi the Marian Martin Fall and Winter Pattern Book full of smart., •asy-to-make styles. A free bed acket pattern is printed t ight in flic book. — I‘ edci a> am of llurr Do non-! al.'ii Clue- v.:! 1 fi■ > 1 I it- annual mooting at tile Stale College A' A! C. ,.\ building In i i: on Septenibei i’ll anti 21. i‘ announced b.v Mr- .1 II. ], . ATl'ta ot Marion, president of tin ; tedci at ion. Col .1 W. Hairclsoli. dem of ad j nmu.stra1.oii. and other- will greel ! the vi-itors a' the opening -e-sion j ■ i wilt tie given ov ei chit fly to ; report - of home demon-t rat am won. Mr- A VV. Pierce ot Wayne! cnnnt.v will preside when district | eport aic made The rural women v.n!| join with i th> 1 ■ rr .*! 1 he A- C !• edn at am ! "f Women - Clubs and the Slate | Taro \ '<■ 4it ,i. 11 ai in i", oiu ng Meeting a’ the Raleigh Wo, ■. in', I'tuh at which time Gov .1 Mol ' Hie Broughton will pre-ent a pne i.. a i opre -i nlativc . >I the ir goon general ollicc to he placed n the h'. -hip Bark-pur," -ig nP.v ng toot ,t wa- purchased by the ale oi tiiiirl bv the three organiza tions. A ir.itun o' the second day's ics rai will ire a rlf-vnta•'i;11 service 1 ng dhers d >n and da ugh let in the armed erviees. | Ale lieal rare f.ii rural pc>pk ill | North. Carolina will receive .pee a I attention and addresses will be dc- I hvere.t by Dr. C Horace Hamilton ! o' State College, K. B. Crawford, of j (.'battel Hill, and Tom Pearsall, ol | Rocky Mount. Mr- W. T. Bast will (h.-'-os.-- The Importance d All Wo men Exercising Their Right to Vote Plans for 194a will In- . • lined by Dean I. O Selia h. Speakers at the first day s e;.Pon incindc Mr W. C Pnu, Air IP o ■ !; Tucker and Mrs. B. B. Everett. WITH THt 51LK III al llonir. Mr- T. H. High! is tt-j>• .. :••• i in bp quite ill al her home mi Bur well si\ emie. Improv ini' al Huspital Mrs. li W. Whitlnm,. - reported t ■ i be improving at Maria Parham hospital, following a major operation there. To Salem College. M: .- Catherine B ain left today for Salem college, Winston-Salem, where sin will he a student tin year. Visit Sister. M; Ft I' Fell. o! Sprnrrr. end Miss * »1 a. i. .e it Can. o. N'M.'ili.. at 11 lie week-end e .ests .1 men s:-tei Mi s .1 H Bunn, at her home on Charles street. Srrvier Guild to Meet T hr Wesleyan Sevn-e Cl .lift i thr Fust Methodist ehi eh > II nu"’ T evening at t■:uI.‘ Vlork ui tta ladies j’.urlor of tin eh ircii. t wo.- ann ■ > of tiro Won an's Army Corp.. smc< Scptembr 12. 1942, at which time ■-’’e was r'inniii .i ncd a second hf'i.i tc nant. She ha . I < en tat ncd f ••• the , • two months in W hington i 'Alice of Militai v Tiaavi g i (;t; mom ction Raleigh, Sep! in \o, i;, < ,,im * I gg ptoduction \ ,c . 1 1 c !i ; ,1 ert at 79 m:11i>m egg compared ■ tli 7R million prod icart , Vigo ' ,,l year, according to (' it;- T,;, statistician of the State Depart ni< of Agriculture Aug t va- the !'.; .t month since April that aggi eg ,1c production ct.'cceded 'hat ,,t tiie cor responding month i! Ia