' '‘ 1 •*»*■*.' I i ■ 1 V\ (J * RUSSKI.T, conti-ncd to kern ' busy now tint t >. . • \ toi 111 nr-tl to 'i i:i"•’ i*, ,, . ♦•red Iiimsrlt lm 1 \ <•, , .. m, iiiiil lie continued v ■ in ; tm n, p. t lie late aft moot : lovely ten-mile driv. | , t■ > 'l.d bot, 'A ller i 1 >il U I'd ' ! , [ Volt be waiting for 1 . V. I'1 • • v. n,, Sirs. Gander now jot. of soi ls I 1.0 a t Mar e.!o,| old roll 'l ei I v. oi e. lo r! . >i ■ tronk. After dim 1; went to see I .am a. St rangt!v : ■ ... Ike nuding i vi t • •• to . . > .. 1 ..lira r.o\\. SI’.e t <> 1. ► 1 111!’! a tie 1 ihe e,,-ning of .. ■ ... . busiei also. He J-le|. . j , . ... Bee Mrs. K. yhol.; on e\. j latum wasn't tier, or bus'. Then Anne was lioin. a: ,1 la . >nii ; Talk to her. He wouldn't a. i;■. ... |. edge lie Went to : oe Anil* . he: I . did know lie enjoy, .1 Inn 'll mo,, when Anne was with th. |. ;v ami not I.aui a. \\ ' • i I.. ....t - , home Antie went ..id dl,:- : . ... ting with l.ama. to t;, , engaged, he would t.. • i|, ) . . , . . he was thinking oi Am.,. |,. de red where : h. \\.. r.. • .. j fu Talbot, whieh wa place, especially at n Id. He diiln t talk about A n1:,' t,. Laura or about iv ||- , la! angry that she .• l, .aid l. , t. him to s. ml kan :,,, , y. It. v.. • have told her ii h • 1 ■ . . . him a cliance l.v .-i.j ■ j|](. ,,... ject, but she ii, ., r di ! t., a , , she said, in a; ... t t- !,, -t .. , that she wa- ,.i tl • ail .. , • i,;i, :• because she w o busy i | hi mot to r weulo i have 1 ■ - neglected Mrs. Reynolds wa ni..i. out spoken. "I'm glad Anne's bark h. can- I like her." she - iid -| •. ■ . when she v,an aw.-,y a; .. ai every day I'd get a letter sir, ♦tie wasn ! Coin it." be! ■ Laura's smile was : upetior. "Y-.-i don't suppose sli.'s f,„il ,-e.,.i.. j: • give up a soft job like this "I wit h I were in about things as you are," her mother re torted u.'yly. Russell felt she looked straight at him as -he ♦aid it hut lie star out of the open windw.v into the i •Vatm. fragrant darken Me re -T' ■ '■ 1 Mis F>yr..|. .- mind as h. I d nn one . Is. s ,n Talbot. He «„s lllald she Oliy'.f r. .!.,«• . lit bluntly hi l fill IS : • i • l"' 1h.it .pi. tmn foe. ,u<.. iu. kn< h> • ■ h’.ni t .iiisv , r it In.iiest Hl ;•••"!■! 1- lore. . I,, • y',.,, ■!'IV" 1"»'K< ’ten I'm • ,| to 1'":r '• m d 1 . didn't ,, • ( , ...... !hai. Ho v. a- .... hot had forgot lei least nf all ■ ■ l: ■ i ■ 1 " *" •* ' ' it li 'I .1-1 (V in timstaiii fw. I!' " aN'.l f]' I '. ; ) y ... it! An • .. |„... ,„t,,rn. H.' wasn't sure just wli.,1 it was. 1 ut lie felt it as th.y talked about i""h' '1 t!"l (low. 's • .jllallv itll i" i •‘‘Hi "Its I lie tie . .1.1 la.lv !o/. d comfortably in la r chair, rou.-e-’g her.-.If t,,.vv and then to II,: lie some dry. .niie ing remark i’!n' 1 "lone nls always Were to the l’"int- ■" ' d'". I ho.,, sound | Hie doze ha h. It t :■ el he Wanted to be alone '..ill, '' ' hi , , 1 ■ . t i" 1 I'e 1 . A I III,,..' be Would i" 1'V I, 111! • 1 er be .' a- l.i.V. r t"hl h. i- ■ lire . he had some ’ " • n i r : .i <', ...I,; i„. •. u :,’"t n.d !. 1 tain 1 ||1 la ,. if | .. ‘•'■I. Aft. r all, lawyers did help. '1 ■: ! 1 ut of rrt a ■ • i! • ,! , e_v could help a per ’ I! Hold' Th. V had Iran.e-l ,..,. a ’■ h> ' . tl.aible W.l- ..lid1. ! " in,a h • a-1. In r to . . to ■ ! “ * he if,. *i wit li bun , n one of :f 1 1 ■ - ■ i. lie . < si b. t v. r . : ty 1 Laura I won t • 1 1 1 I i:i taking :ait Ptul i, < mid in-- tiv too,, i • ■ tetly Talbot and V,. u.,n t • rets. Talbot 1 1 Miss With ■ ' ■ in< 1 Wi -don • In . . r but ■ di.dar. Iv. , ii if I .tin.i .bin. • a ; t*> 11. she would !,<■ hurt, ai : i " |!-',:. t want to hurt te r. lb l 1 .,-1, 11 better it 1.,, I u 1 • ■ -bled to, Th.11 V., Hll,I have ,.,. I! 'e was still imporiant to him An,', he knew she wm n't. There had d, on that one moment when he nte l to catch her in his arms am! shower her face with kisses— i ut she had spoiled everything by .anting to drive Anne away So Anne was mixed up in things. I Rvcrv'.l u p S' * ni"il to renter about Acre, lie felt .t on" mult when Mi i' ■ footing wi tl 1 * I ' a i a ■ ■ • ' ! a r \ a v . >. sh 'S 1 1 ' ike ' ire ■ her u other. It® - i • ■: !: 1 r ’ el 1.. tor A line, ■ 1. 'it i ' , ' ?, - ' a|], jf v 1 ■': ' 1' ' to. I a i ... iior^ I 1 n : ;1 a i an ■! lie it tier. It ' 'tbita; I i:t a lit’ 1-- . . -lion be aus' silo st lull'll a ! iinin"r." Russ, ll foil- d ■ .a tu .Tohn ' b !' " a a-; an I use to S' o .f SI!’. IS till '-O. 11. ! Ill :. •oy.-'l til ' - A- ... and 1' in tb tiio . 1!' v had qu ■ ti u : ip. 1 !>• . ,1.1, ,| to asl; if V i • had boon ", ut !bat V ’ ’fi:.‘t ; ! I • I. ye.l at I. I i's lie ■■■ I "11 to Is ! per II III Winded lo. Jl . . "I. ,| lo old another hi a k t > the wall whioli niiioinig up Is two' a tb. in. and ho -isn't nr.- ho want. I that wall. Mi; mind was so el.-ar on legal iua111 ' -. but he u a. mu.iipi .I over Ann.- ud I.aiua and 1 lab. lb knew ho was. Mr dole on h. allied at him as he >11a:• k his -inla. The d,.ie was lull ot pt■ It he wanted to thin!: of . . nie lli 1 . a I'Vtbo- u a«t far .'I'.', a .- from ilhot s’ d liiu ■ If as p ■' >»'l" As be tumid ti,.- Corner toV»aid his la'ii--" be rould “eo the loin"- toon " h. IP d up. tin null t>io -hao -R . > re pull "-.I do.vn. IL made him, -’id". 1 'a - had obaii.pi d in that, at Ii a !. since bis i'tarn. Before, he'd always said anyone rould look in who wanted to. because lie wasn’t, doing anything that concerned any body else. The radio was playing, too. Russell chuckled as tie entered the house quietly and then Hung open the living room door. 'To Be Continued) The Frying of Food R> I.or. \\ it i \m mm;, m n PEOPLE ro i K- " I’ I led .!« :i: * i i'll to ill pest"—around \\i'h i -lit ••(■! eMim eonsiiii'i r digestion i- a far none nup"itai • Or. (Ti'iuli-ii:!.. will at. wer quest imi- • i : I . ■, i. .: only, anil ti > n -til' tin . itrli lie- column. problem than pn- >-war r. " .' -ti tn - tion. Hut it is .lit!;,-nit *i. pin hi high grade ion'.it- down to in . what ii meant le. "hard to digest." The stomach and t; e pancreas are pretty hard-boiled old parties. They can digest a none button. It may take them a hole m. re time to digest some t' -s than oth, i . as ?h . a u by thi lies f I: • •. and Ivy, so you).grade -a . n tist, who is ai'.'.ayi anal’ /mg. Would like tn i t'.e tdira-" “hard to digest "to ui h and - i h fends take km. ei to digest than others.” On the ancient debate as to whether fried i d- an le.-.- di gestihle than to,.! ,. ,4 j |tl ,,111«■ i ways. Dr. Frank It.,wan! Ukhaid luii, of Brooklyn, cute Discussion id Fried I nods “Most ik,< tun. if asked whether fried foods are harmful for chil dren ami should tlivietoie be for bidden, would unit, itatmgly n ply “yes.' Further, they Would feel confident that they were on sound scientific ground in making tins assertion. Yet doctors have tiled foods at their • an family tables, j Even though they may specify broiling for patient- diet.-, they know that in most home - u is the frying pan and not the broiling flame that will be employed for cooking them. "It has been my custom to for bid fried foods to children, ever , since 1 began practice. Hut I be- j lieve that any conviction is open to question and should be discard- ! ed if disproved. Especially with our wartime shortages it is' desir- , «ble to be sure of the soundness of our dietary .beliefs. "There seems to be one pub- j lished piece of experimental re- i search on the subject of fried foods j A mi their effects upon digestion 1 I: fie,! Ivv * *. ’[’ fop w. mg are c\i-t ipts Irnm their wok. "'We lave . !t-x i\pc . meat* '•i p-ove whether ft p . t-■ an* 1.. I I easily "tiler luotls.Potato --1 i im.-en l.ecause of tin ? Use. lev fat content, sim itioi . a : -1 i use of pr* plication.' “ I hey summarize tie-:: cibor atm y e\|ierimi.nts thti- . I he starch of the pa* '■ e- | is ... digested than ■ ,t „[ l l.e i'ri nch fried, nn iv. . .! ■ : hati that of the broiled potato.'" according to expci iim nt d I'l M-aivli, even for child ten tliige ‘ i "thing lull inful in j : if*ei ly ft i' d foods. Proper Method of Prying Propci ly, however, an im P°rt t w d. I wish that nutri v. i add he trained in the ex tft tin ly scientific t'our- es op I'., | to whicli they are .-pleert. 4 t.. learn a- much about cooking a . l pupating food an they do about calories and vitamins. And w.tli the Very large supply of new I*"imp brides among Us etnplia-is el. tiie niceties of tt.e culii.aj v ait aie not ill timed. I have taken pains to interview a number of these bruits or brides-to-be and lb. result ot my researches is that i tremble for the digestive health of the returning members of the armed forces The least We should expect as patriotic Americans is that while they arc Waiting for the boys to come hoi'rte they learn the tundamentals ot good cooking. On this subject of frying you may think tiiete is only one wa . to fry something. At the risk of being obvious i wish to inform you that there is a wrong way and a rigid way. Miss .-?u countrymen who befriended Hitler. f n , Wife Preservers_ m A wool tV mat ati'l Ik i m in «h y v Ii iinui, w.u vV ML II tiM ' ,, . « ’ t*l« I'l flVtU i' * “ '5 * lftlujUft u.£» wire preservers I ... ■ i i1 ■ ... tie Iie«J i., ;■■■ i hi .' ii .is ii-mx v'.i ll.ciil tti.J >IL THE OLD HOME fOWI i B i < TAI ILEY CZEKE .1 : • A 3 Pa'Sj . "77~} ( AMP MAW BEE,‘ 1 TOC. •. 7 ( MOPPimg L)PTH ; HI •. ';j Of . ... 'i ? ^E '1r_f /JK,rE ) SHOT,A TM / H',J '• • \ _;!!/? ' '/'OUnTY ANP HF < ..f ;«/, '/-i ;F.,-.''vXe. /.•; ,'■> k'V; a/,.,*. •■'! ^ v. / / ■ « W\ feACK R-OAD FOLKS ---— ' - ----* lu 1 I BLONDIEr -