ASSOCIATED AND CENTRAL PRESS U IteititerBim Bally Btepatrff 1__mon™'-.1 Many State Institutions Probably Will Be Merged Next Leigslature Expected to Unite Some of Colleges MV LYNN NISID T Daily Dispatch Bureau Ka!c e". IK On'ni"ii ■ <1 - mo-tt man1 ■ m- a . nd the iqnarr t • , • • ■ • Gem \ • l> • g . i e.I im c - t ... • nan its pi t' riecr'"> ■ n >»ia^.i»11ri;i ’ mg St dr n 1 *11' "tt \ i'\ I it: .. ire * tie teach , •• , •' '.E ■ ■' .'Ec I 'let ' ir 1I1E :it. ..i K i -t Car..Inn Te icnre (’ lien it < »t ecu' • in me Inc t' 1 ! ve , ' ' e I .'te. ■' .11 B a.. .-I ... \l H IIV \ t'lVKS ( *li* t« . ' * ! »■> ' » • gia*.eel re. 'le c: > ,tet Jrystcm. This prop" .t' the in - vp’-sit.v ,ne il" \ gi " mod .a '!: m "\ er-all pit - dent and Is d ad" n i~t alive deans The* idea i-- t.r -.- i b> nanv ed it nal eadri>. n id mg Sta'c Superintendent l :y"e K - u 111 l(F\Si l.\ Flier.- 1"S1 ‘hr . i g i ■ .■. • • i ’ the Unit . * \ ■ md get ■ ... .. p | If. -•■ . trail ■ g . gi .' i -r. I .i;i>11■ • i ei ■ 1 a . h""ls "! eng .. ci\ tl, mechanical, ■ '• d d, I lie d, ele tl leal. et ■: ,i ■. ■ .■:i ■■. r,\ anrl ■ t i i11 d •: eoingi '■ iiu it tfe jiH.rtl e: . 'ce work, busine-s .d n -tip amd .tiler calling- S i >1 Pi■d te i there \v--uld • - ia'e p!ent;"ti given *• 'ea e tram tig .r. units of the . • - A' tTirtrn-r-v..ire. while they t.e sotidva-n md eentralur.' • • v i- •- pi a ! 'he tiling mtg'-.t ?;••'. ' 1 big A N't't HI H • ... •! • ign* pm p e • « sp m • ■ Un ei 11 v v tp 11pi .; : ■ • ■ , i- trail tig y lev. 1" ms : 11 v\ •: to ml N egi . s--. in. >! I . •aI n rating Jtfort bn.i (' dli ge - »r N'egt "- at Dtr and A \- T C" lege P Green into die Gr- Pei University, a io Neg tea ■ >1 leges at I 11 *iti Fa• ' - -i A : t Sail" ' .'ltd Clime unde: the be irrt ,. v the 'r>- while te.. -::ei i -"lieges Tti1. v i :c n • ta • . . t.. lie as rad,ral as appro . ,,n the • lriff. -a', it- advocate-. ■ .a! v. i . : lie the progre - -top i State ed ll. it on a 1 - y ! t Id it p ol .. .. i s t High th< grade i atdei me cent ral : ■. • i !"i inn' ■ ■ t : >. ■!: ■ i, v - S‘. i ’, ■ v I... - ■1 : ipa'e-l I : ferentials : tantia: i • and salaries lor whi'c hi. 1 e .to: e. i tt aeiiers m the p . > • >!.- N tep - ' ■ eliminate ! i n t •• i higher tin .ts. ! RACIAL S . it nation would naturally eal t.. Xegi re present:. • .on on the -everal boards. In spite ot some i ei adice against j tl'c i ti . •• bein ■ c I to .(• ntevit- I I aole ti at Negroes 1 o represent ed .■ tatc i trd f ed it >n ' There are i ilored c.lreii' m pT.v qualified to ,-erve .m the other board- of t: ister.- And, finally, ad vorates of the plan - ;■ ' would smooth out present rough places by «.ro- 'ding i completely gradua'ed system of public edu it ( t e to..' grade through ' e . '--grad j unte ini' o' itv .dr. I \"yi ..v, ' w next b-g! la-lure - g : ■ g ' ive to j ri , i 11 :i tin- ■ it • n ...... .’ iv. ('OCll’KRAT 1 i i N Rii'cignit or ; that a uettei a - -' . nd,g . I t he j problems of will hel)i .lime gOO md 'ral and tarn lead ers ■' il ge tlogelhe- o Hal.- gi next month f■ : " t d .seti - .il The con ferenee s i" ..ed by State Col lege, m coopt—pain the 'ra tional \ ..-of a1 . . f Man : fa • ire . fa -m organ /.it|.n . and a numbci of onbet e r ct N or 11 Carolina. Tin’ !i-t includes Dr M • reci. . • Ah .rgam di'-i-d • it TV A. I >r. K - a ;-. (Ir • ia n, pre :*' t if N C C' • aty: Go Brong lo and n any we aimvi tarn md du-trial figure- m tile I’m'ri Stale !. \\V F.N’Ft iRCl-iMMa.'T -I... • ci - f..r.-im■ ent ..11 .ci- rs are g<. :ig la rh'.nl at C'-nip'l H 11 F ■ md I or the max' - hi t h or Sp. m -. i,' - ed I.v the a titule .>1 :: • ■ ■ nment i ' he progr.>■-■ s 1 .a' <■ hern n-.-m m-iI line .f tin >ffici go to j part time an i teach the ..1 lie Agents Bradshaw and. Pierce ol tlu: State 1! .reaii of Investigation air on the mb this weed when the sub ei' is efficient crime detection They expect to lean a lot trom the FBI men who aie nstmetnrs. and at the same time t xpect to he of so me assistance to . cal officers who have had less opp :unity to study modern crime dote." on methods Late 0:1 SBI ILicr' < Creekmore an ■ C iei Agent Gatl ng will attend n 'he dual capacity if iiistructor puj ■ When thi . rogram doc, with trafftr regiilat the tine high ray patrol vv 1 ipy the e ielation as SBI d >i ■ i other phase . I* iirni Phi ns f»cin^ Set l p tor \ cts (]ominj^ I' nun \\ ;ir ( .liege sup. • . It igh. Sept. 1 tl. ! Prel ■ nary . . . • 1 et urn i ng ' v oter ms <>t th s vv •• who w ant to i return t > t o • g ire being drawn 1 ip, iccordmg t ...... ed iy I 'c.i I O > mb st Pc (' ip.-gc I • 'eu i 'ii Serv - ice. 1* si »tcp 'o the ;' • is vv 1 - |o ill i eeting it tlie* it.iti Agricultural . e ■ Council ■ - ••he; rnter i -o ii igeneies to ! ■ ‘ ite a uniticd tote p; ' At •". - meeting, a general ml ne f . lure foi an Agt 1111 il Ad ; E:ial materia! F oh',,;ii n • ■: •• agent ■ and tar ) . their op; u >• ; i .Ugge .t loll s, \i the cone] ,n e the e meot the "Hi ttee toot again for eport to the gene; .1 group and .’s finding . , At • are l ie. It'' hi Sc;;a .-ay T; . Extension So :ce, he c\ ■ iis. ..' at vvor., , bulletin, spe , red leaflets w 1 large wall designed pc.'.:.rally !"i the - ng serv icc r w lio vv ant- to die agl'icultlira'; : eld. A- tune goes on and the needs • e mm* spec : :c. additional . ■ and publicity ' be released, Sriia.b points MILK PRODUCTION HOLDING UP WELL ; . Sept 1H M ilk prod ile x' rth ('a.-olina has held up i . ■ M-;! :h.s se n spite ol \ pastures, ae . - "arlelon. stall - • . I tepartment of \gr • dti o. Pp. la-!i ii per cim in herds of '.'lie Do; o tnienl of Agncui ture's eioji lepor’.er- declined from the se.oonal peat: if 14.3 pounds oil the first ot Aug .-t to 13.7 pounds m the first ot Septet 1 ><-i Th teas i normal nal dee]me from the summer peak The rate ot produo ’ .ii at the iing mung m September th,a year .• .. - only gh'ly u.ghei than the pound: per cow a' tii - 1 'iu iast year, but it Alls sUbstatl tialiv higher ti an 'lie 'on year . P.133 42) average of 12.8 pounds pci com. g~ I.Q.? 1 P’tm serf f? "• olt aim*mured i Aug 10 that f va • ondmg I .• *•» | moil t<» ion*i 1 *: (Jcnei a!. . i ii 1 (Vi ang K ■ - ’• W • • 1 ’r«'duction Board Chati Dona d M Net m *va • one. na ' • ‘• < other (’ario •:: i i t ' " ’ i 1 . ■ [ * 11; t (vrl Sf a t (' 1 Win . State. d * - 1 ’ S Sr;no tor (,8a ude P» : a >« r . op: *"...111 • a On " pa i ty Paso! , \m - : man Thom. ammg for Prcsidm* , f>. ()n fro V < moniiof rale, 1 n tiie melfim po.nt o( ioeV 7. The O. i .no . 111 upletarc 1 eight. n n*' '*Mt y( ar- old" 8. What vegetable beat the name i of a po] r i! a 1 baud : r -m t he longing 1 to Groat P. .tain" 0. I Ion v S<‘hooka -a 11 w.'w a col lege proles '»r, 1 naturalist, ni a I writer ", Anri ran 1 ndian ‘ 10 Wham department of the led- j oral government operates the U. S. Coast Guard :n peacetime'.' 1 War Fund Speaker -- I COL. CARLOS IV ROM I'I/O. f".»l"!irl Carlos p Romuln, rr.-i dent ro-nmi .nonet foi the Phdip pme-, f. .1 nior edit .a . wiblisbei md ■'bnutu-t and Pulfirer prim •.vimw m tin Philippines, ind tormer ode 1 ' Cienei ,d Doug] i Ma< \ithnr in the ampaigu on B it i.m, will .,peak at a giant public rally ill behalf "1 the United War f und at 3 p m Wednes ay in Memorial Auditoi aim. Raleigh, with the public in vited. Colonel Romulo '.''ill tell of the fighting in the Philippines up to the time of hw escape in a salvaged plane Colonel Romulo was m the heart oi thr fight from !ho f r-.t iu v.ismi of hi- homeland by the .Jap anese until alter tie full ot Bataan He was one of rl ni v hi ii ; women can legally ci \e mi -..pel .hi court juries m -N'"i tn Carolina v ill conic oeiort ine Supi c no L i-iirI lor the In t time ! Tuesday or Wednesday Ine rase ] (•"■! *' — up oil appeal lion I’i.|i\ eolip- | tv. neie John and Mill I i t.'i.v and Leroy Punier were com and ol il i a, "i.uiuiacture ot nna-.y last i Janua r.v \j.ipt * is based on avei a 1 excep* lions, but I lie mail) on* that two mi'iiinri ■ ot the iiuiv 1 nog t u.v wete ii: ap ia lit led lor a a ,re •. i f.i_,o|i ot After the "-a panel ia been exhausted Hu c If called fill ee women lJeh r ■ 'Uosrl alt- | ed they be excused a 'Uiit of .i"., . aiirh reque 1 .1 tip U 111 f' I *' - - I drill' d l'pun laiIni e ' r| mm i!c ; them for cause. . lelen-e u.-ed i i pci emptory ch.ila-pgi ■ *11 one, ai eepted two under • ■\ccpt sms and then appealed. I n suppoi ting t • ippeal deefnse attorney J. & 8 dpi an e intend • that when the State ( on-titution -ays conviction i'.all ;>*• oy "a jure ot good and lawful men it means men. not women He relies "it old common law in Ki gland an 1 m the eat ly American c*■ • ■11..i mug wo men, the' attmvi ■■ general' . office, until Assistant Attorney (ienein! Cifirgc i’attnn the torch, ei men,I- that the ord "men" in the Constitution is a generic term, ■ind that whei. I tin el mu hot w een .-exes is intended at other places the maies is >r i i !• or example, the same texi ■' Hie Constitution that uses "men' nn- jurors uses ■•males" in citing qualifications to vote i The ll)tl: u endment to the Federal Cnnstito’ m had the effect ot eliminating the word male- Imm suflrage quanticatmns, and the at torney general argues that even it •'men" be taken to mean male sex, the amendment ad the same client ^ as to jury service. Women had never been excluded from jury duly m Hu- State because ol sex, it ;s argue i. but because prior to 1920 they did not possess the civil rights winch quai.fied them as <• 11- . i/ens or "peers" ot citizen cleiend ants. When those civil rights were granted, the d:sq lalification was re- i moved. Both -ides cite many decisions in other states. In states where jury duty is either by law or custom un- , re nted to suffrage the effect of the 19th amendment lias been generally ignored. In common wealths where u ry panels are customarily drawn iron, voter lists, it has been accepted that the amendment qualifies wo nen for Miih service While the three Poll; county de fendants .or contending they were illegally convicted because women were <*" l*’1' jury, there is another i-r pending on appeal wherein the defendant claims illegal conviction because women are traditionally ex cluded Irom jury service m his county. Women jurors are not as in juent !v used in North Carolina as m some other states, and in many counties they are not included m regular panels or special venires, but there have been enough in-hanres to make tbe opening ro e of considerable general interest. Nine million dollars worth of sup he.-' for Americans who are prison ;rs of war were delivered by the American Red Cross in 1943. I u> j me .not OI me yucca plant k „ oH ■O' Navajo Indians of Ne'v Mexico .Mr"b,T* 'V°0! "nd *h*mW«»8 TheSTEVENSON -Tod »y-Tomorrow_ EDWARD G. ROBINSON LYNN PARI VICTOR McLAGLEN —mi— “TAMPICO” SPECIAL SHORT AM) MAYS .__ I Jm jf AW M / Jifi k MA wL.M, jUffi $■ ML.K iiN[NtmBoTTLiN(io Don't try to sleep m bake ■oven'* bedrooms' Insral! Reynolds Pror.' e' Cotton Insulation m your aruc Will keep you cool this summer and save you fuel next Vkinter' Conic in toiCiy. REYNOLDS COTTON INSULATION B. H. MIXON CONTRACTOR \ND BUILDER Phone 7 EMBASSY I I j -Today and Tuesday- E tI | Ann Sheridan, Dennis Morgan in a scene from "Shine On Harvest Moon." gay musical, with lack Carson. Irene Manning and S. Z Sakall. ALSO LATEST NEWS -- ■ ~ MONUMENTS We lake the stone from Mother Nature-- manufacture the monu ment—and erect it on your cem etery lot. W. W. Langston Y 01:11c St. I j; Aprnt for PALMER STONE WORKS, Inc. i ! 1 VY e are rcauy iu nine yuui PACK BARN INSURANCE Don't take the ehanre of Ios»ms your tobareo crop after made— STANDARD RATES — REASONABLE TERMS CITIZENS REALTY & LOAN CO. JOEL T. CHEATHAM, President Ini /J Pn&fj&Uicmal Painting if r J I Lji I VITAVAR ii n ii c c paint _ _. PORCH, FLOOR And ft ° .™.LPJI .»T GAL DECK ENAMEL GflLl CANNOT BUY A FINER HOUSE For beautiful porcbee and ■ '*INTI $3.20 flppre OUTSIDE and IN. EXTRA* $3.20 I I TOUGH DBIES OUJCKlYt ■ VITA-VAR VITAVAR I QUICK-DRYING SPAR VARNISH I ENAMEL Ul I Mode with Cakeiite Koeln for uALt I | GI.ri.u. colon fo, ( «•'* W«shh <,u'p“** ~ °«* " *“ I $125 $4-so| VITA-VAR WALL FINISHES Gal I WASHABLE, colorful one-coct finishes in Flat, $2.25 I Interior Velvet Gloss or Full Gloss . Quick Drying! $3.2C 1 TANNER ROOFING COMPANY Fhone 606 Wychc Street i^XXXXXXXXXXXXJ LXXX3IXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXS I Tobacco Market jj 3 Auction Sales B (Opens On The jj Henderson Market [j Thursday, September 21,1944 jj Fifty-Six (56) Tobacco Crops have been Cul tivated, Grown, Harvested and Sold in this sec- ►< 12 tion,‘‘ The Old Tobacco Belt”, since this Bank w as n 2 established and opened for business, January ►< i 22, 1889. We still desire to render helpful service r A to the growers in this section. V a M ] A Welcome Awaits You J M When you can t drop in, drop us a line, or phone. A M \ our confidence i 11 be respected. ” tj Citizens Bank & Trust Co. M M La Plionc 199 Henderson, N. C. m H u Lj MEMBER FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSI RANCE CORPORATION fl MEMBER AMERICAN BANKERS ASSOCIATION Ml MEMBER OF NORTH CAROLINA BANKERS’ ASSOCIATION ^4 Checks on this bank are collectible at par through the Federal >4 H Reserve System >4