H*itd*r00if Bathj Bispatrfy Established August 12. 1914 Published Every Afternoon Except Sunday by HENDERSON DISPATCH CO.. INC. 109 ^ oung Street HEXKY A. DENNIS, Pit's ami Editor M. L. FINCH. SfC -Trea- Kits. Mgr TELEPHONES Editor.al Otlice • • • 501) Business Otlice 610 The Hendt i - in Daily Dispatch - a member d The A ciatcd Press and AP Features, Southern Newspaper Publishers Asst ciat n and the North Carolina Press a :.,Uon The As-■ mated Plcss i c\dU'he ly entitled to usp lot repjbiication ell news dispatches credited * > or not otherwise credited n 1 .pc . und i. the local 't : therein. All rights t pu special dispatches herein are re Ser\ ed St HS( RIPTION K M i s (Payable S>:iict’.y :'i Ad.unce) 1 Year 5>ti 00 $iod 6 Months . 3 ' i) 3 3 Months 1 ad 1 15 Weekly by carrier only 2oe Per Copy 5c Enter 'd at the po-t due m llendcr soi., N C., as sc, . i , liter Th .. ,v ’• .seen 1 i.':i a, per;i cl ; < .we .1 - s' yed 'll da < 1. - Dog tat Dog Tiu »\v mdw«en U'kta- .nut .t.• i:■. 1 ,f .• IS I'; t in kittr mmr in. U ; ( ; •!i 4- \f111 it .1 a .m v I. * \ p In. 'it* lint "'I l fnfh V ;i ved till •■illfl' t•» 1*1 ndl v. t v. o .k!:' * . ..in i4 tin in* - i mi- • either k.i■' Xt*\ f!' :;. i : i:»i < -! i .«!i iit1 n 11 «■ i ■ ■ ■ i*; t ’■ u' '. i* ill. I Mil * : i r . 11 i - 11 ■ t m a .it f > 1 ■ r- .m,v .1114 ap* i• tiu • . . S ; , • •! !iv. ..1 g< V.s ' • '• * ■ *•{.. rn-t i!. *11.-" m ts font • - oil i J^IAA ■ - • ■ . . . •' y I: Is ' -• , i’.o •’ ■- ' -d ; V. oUki': t : f Alt Ml 114 .it .ol 11 If* II • ‘o •a ■ • ■ iA' f • 1 ': .on tl’i > re V4 .'14 ’ • > • ; « ..ft . ii '• ' • - mined .to do .-*«. X > ti ..' ' .i. ' a o • j)j»o..t u! i» • ^ 4rvd ' . : '.f; loi'i-ii-n .111> t pr fed in •.■ • • ii '».• oniM* a;::., - ms fid vei'\ -ali.-i actory. n„» i " .? . • - that i Ufa 1 ; .*• a l - • ■ ‘Tf - f!l • ■ n j budci.* .- net -.iv. 111111*4- . iUi au'ii i up.aiimiitv ' a '. tew amt ii«uv . at* 1 vI a in.. .' ■ r. m • >• In :' ’.at'- • .n . V i.i I I -I!.- .1 ' r ' *m iri'4 •!! a i 2 I»> t. * . li./oUl • till • . -* i .d • a I . «t - ttn > tii* '4* (ii V A P ! 4 If I: *'d ■ ..!'* "1 4 I S : • •• • X '.!)•• X .. 1 )eal Jit i id Tin* last • i t hat f« n no tin* C > 4 a• n rii! •*»!;. w in :-- 111!' i...:i o'. Mu i'!« » .: ’ ■... 11 y f ftail'd the n« n: nations. o: it ii-.i.-1 ! riipd t*i >• "A n n - rf -«r •. nro.< pe . and del iniM-h '. t t ?-d .n\ man m tiu- S i Mi tin l d* nM nur in4 -ite. . 1 o• M Lt 4 'T ll' • >1 tin l ’it » Is-ea '. - • - - * .-1' ' n *: 1 r ..t»• * t i..t II1 M\ 1.- .it 1 . t>et ml. 1 -in - .md pi m. :.*'iiM> ;u- :« rn-u < nthim sins-: ‘ 1 i ' f< • pa '.-l- -11.1 tf ll. Mf. I* •»i ,.r . ?a ’ . - : n>t m tin a-.. t d'..-j • >-t*. i . rap .my rf.-t i'a m: 1 4 a ns am ' la in in.- Mi.a If- tow ltd h ' a. iah s. I: f 1 di ... "lint n an i. .1 - • -t in n> |<* »s and m p.\ . at.- 1 nd Mif a: a- : - >i ’i. *>e .• • ■. p-f .-p pin.4 at tin- limit 1 : : Y ' « in-ard Mr old tall a:..o- • , ' Hi • tin- kft! If O . . " L. 1;. 0:1. \ i a 1 r 1 *ll! I , 1.1 \ oil’. a ’ n i i i • nop • •» lu v. a - - 111 . t e 1 i« •hold'. Almost Unanimous Scant R ■ K m i hi? own Me • i v m t n ai cut llm~ iast uy! i,t li. plug net. lie Rti : > • T ,I -liny II gilt III tin ill liip.'l't MctWlill t li udei -nil ;,d 1 i’. 11 ,,i c-ly in ■. * ''tlicit - . Wild, Mil pull 111 til. clllP V. is III..ell, it - prubabk dial » irUiatly every n,ember v\ .- ::, . • • i., 1 jLt> tu the pro posal. Su I.m is w, have been able 1 i sense public i ■ 11i1111>11. tied i>]ailitis . li ' , ist 1 , : : .UlillluM Ml tllf I • •• 11 .i 11 - port. I his Meen intimated tti.it tie- i 111 y , UN .1 1 - s 11 *11 e - n I, l V I ■ t C * 11 - sill- til- , action uf three Weeks age in t ejecting tile Henderson-* K turcl-Vnnce-( Irtmi ilit airpm t. It ihcy but will, there wdl tie a disposition everytviieie tu Im-gpe :.ild forget and ii let bygones be bygone.-. Tile * uni ii, unity must have that t.i cility lur its tut.ue welfare, growth and progress. Citizens til one or two generations lienee w ill consider u - backward indeed it we tail tu prove ourselves worthy ot those generations by having enough vision to provide them the opportunity they deserve and which they most, certainly will expect from us. The Nazi Gestapo, we read, are keeping an eye on the Nazi Storm Troopers. And the other eye, no doubt, on the nearest exit. Hitler has been kicked out oX other nations’ "living room" so i'asl he didn't ha' e time to change tire paper on the wall. Railroad Miracle Somowhot'e in the Soahoard An lam- ia gam/ation is a good bit t>I yoni i». t Iso tin volumo oi trallii that lias in.i\ oil m i l its I .uos tho ;.,-I tt lit' vo. s ni'Vtr wo 1.1 bail : iot'11 • 'ss i bit with a s ii o a ra In'.ul H.:t to asslimt tin ros|"Ui lulity .uiovin” t:u majority t i S.aithoi Ii Hailw ay s in: lin. I>. ..i iiftoi Iran - in idd.tinn to nd actually t, .1 it so o! i .-a fitly ,.ini w ith.-IP .• s»h ip is m iloi-d , •• ..do ti mu. ii'- of rail: oadni". Who w i.ilit !.a\ o thought that llo - ... oi.un, could bo increased :>v •\ i i if 11* In aid foil po: rout w.' i1 ■ i | i oi'isi : I ttiat has os. tod" ...Mu wtn'it ii tin 'it;.in /at' ■' ai'i' • i. , :i • : o.. 11> \n.>w till oil - : a. a "..di g. .nil w ho an- aulofit , i ' I'll- O" ' pally a- W't ! '.f'.'iis l'luy hale do ’ 'listrail'd : in tlii' oinorgonoy in purlieu vow -i in tlio o\ ta all pic!...a ■ I, . o. .I'd louts porfor : od m tho •i : i ■ i ye a's "1 w ar tr.it. ' ,. : .. g ,n .. .it "II i' Ui ~i i \ dig i si tin' i' hi 10 o..■ i ■ • ■ w iu ro . i -' i Is Ulltio.putt'd Legion Demands ' it* i . mis •: the Aim : r . . I •< g • * : Is l h;e..si" f"M\ fill ■ •! 1 :.t 11.. * ■ : i itelellst J . .. .du , t timed tin«n gm- 1 • untry Main di\e: geiu » u .. .« y r ml til** .. .IL.ry sere ice . I ! : • l * t ! t . 1 'i t - .... .. * y ' ill t!u i’f v. ' 1> : .< ■ • . y .. th.it tiit* wise! a .1 g! ' . ’. l ry :!if plan t n .i \ ,...i t least: ! . i .1 - : •!. mi l. • hr Ill'll I l i r lent ’ !ir lit i.« I nir t 11 > > mil ti* *: ..live .a: t : : .- m i r i - - Mi; ■(11 y . Wild' • i ‘ ; r dih'lll liM H .1 .> \: If ; ' i ■ ’. i i in lit..; ' .: i \ *l \ r> i ‘!it J .-trill..d dang* : - ! - Ult. emiii! y fii.tl . 'idr m th.it y '« YV i-f i •1 ' ' 1 :.i: y ' • • -tie m drni..! i' i •: • v. rrfi !!...! .tlitl in.lit : i - til . I lift 1 1 t . ■ • ■ State* lust 1 h.tl it shall luiVf ’ : .til lai tier . I ! lit I !; .4 ,,1'iry ill tilt , An: ' I. Ii ' Iui> r\ r; lull ■ ;. -r.K'rt 1 - .* • • -■ trt r< . d ' r • . dr . . 1 . i .: s rm ■ r i 14r: •< y .. i r i j!; t e > . .i. ai i: ■: t,. i y. »uth: * i1• r . Iy . .it ill t.- .itrt r v rr.,i T\\ t. ' \ •. . h - • i *u hi t| ..iily a • !d I;- m :th» t. .i nint. any In t\\ i'he nir. j jr.it’t ' . 1 ,t ' ■ i l i} • ; i1' •! . ! I . I n\ t H Ml*. i"i i * m« lit i> r» ;» il>i\ t . . - t.» tie- it.y il.i\ y . tin Lr gi c ally tight. It i.\m- keeping . iuit v. r loi'.c. in.tun.lining >uptv:t - . .m-lutiniu r\ tn * r g*"»d Ik iti>ii i; ai id--. . 11 i(i uj »| :»*>♦•< >cr..ppmg .my of nil! ! I: >1 h:.(- "hips, as tilt* Hug hs! i in < n | n*i ‘I„iik*(| > 1 ■. do .-t the end ol the - t a ai . •• th.it they :;. g h t >1. 1 i .. «' 'if i. i: 4 e > 1 navy. ' Wi i < I; at \ a 1! tin.- '.ana .it !••.. ' ttd the e« >ndi 11 • *ns ' i! id ■ ream ' aw— a. inch ; i adi it ! ret-- an ' 1 •, ha\ e d. At a! > i .do it n> •? ant i I air p« ilivy Hat :■ * -ss 1h.it v. t e ! la It tin- ti fitii'ii a is a \y ..ad has, the greatest > a. puv •• an) 11:ry e\ er {»< »ss«s.-en Aim i u i ■ • ah' 1 > turn . de.it »•..r t .my .lint d! ss ho Would has e a.-. ( '.aaU(i"ii .my port >-t it. All ar.gu . ell! <1 s\ hates e! kind ’<» lliL. l >11 ! uy ttn- l haled Stati-s .'.ill keep! ; \s ha1 it L I.-. ,uid in prrtecl n»iicli ; 11•»11. .uid ■ p-'• -dote always, it it be A Ise. \u tin i tinny tile Legion advocat i i and .siaell 1- os and as a (lolla: tin- loiiteniioa i.ir maintenance «•: sshah.ei bases \s e may desire any issheie la tin- world they exist, l! iiieiess.u y t-. ».ii. ..ss a detense and | \tlll»euig. We an not an aggressor laataui. ,.nd (h»d grant that We neve, hall In-. Lilt tin; e u;r these nat mjl.S !i teli i e . et ss ha t ss e has, and ss add • ike It ll'i-in Us it they could. Let s ■ ee to d tores , r in the y.-ai - to "me tin.t no puss t r .*!' c. iinhinat ion ■ t possess shall es'i-r hi- physically old, [<■ int'iida- us in ally part ot tin .solid. II..d tin- pet pie ot the country lis tened to -imilar ads ice uid pleading t the Legi.ni at nearly es t ry run \ el111on I has held since the List n«»rld ss a i this nation would hast been so strong that no other go. em inent not even the Hitler gang not the lunatic.d .Jap--would lias c con duit- d i *r i moment any deliane it our position or our rights. Al irui-m is rigid in its place, bat you can't walk into a den of lions and practice that noble and happy theory W'e must be realistic it we would if safe and tree and remain that way. A Utah burglar bloke into a store, swiped its clock but left the cash register untouched. There’s one l.i *k who probably won’t be caught napping. I Sports writers are calling du* St. I L» tit, Browns, American league pen nant contenders, the “people’s choice ” How about the 7.000.00b people who live in New York City and the S.COO/JOO m Detroit0 \ Term Begins At Meredith K.ili i.u . Si | : I ■' nir lliueill ... I .. . : ' <' -M>th ... M.- . • ■ • -e ■ III fi > •: ■ a1 Tl • •.; \ : t ;.- \i eek . •id i ,:-m's w 1 - 11 ■ tk .. !•' . I;. > Till i pontile .! 'll will bo bo.. 1 lmr>.l. \ , '..nr .it H eVieok n tlii- lollone iife in. with I>i' S 11 . ' . depart - •.. ■ , t’liiviTsitv i tin i v isi tors .'lit ' a 1. ■ - - ' -e .i re 111 .1 ed 1" attend tin.- pi - a:. I'ttn on. !’ (is hai e been , ■ - id Carlyle i' ‘ipbi-b > • l..\ Tl:.-' e ’ - a I.u ner i ; i i t.- than t \ or befel l1. ,i. ' < f 11; i e t el litItl. rvinl.ii.-l ' .1 > | rev u> m .i s iii tne i . . t ■ ;• ef the Near Million Pounds Leaf Are Offered (Centbilled : iip- one.) • w;th lops p j r \\ t ; 1 • ’ - PM ■ : t :. 1. « 10 ' hw: : cl . Si , a ; ; ,i, , s... : , ;. .1 tin*!'. ..u> i . ■ seni'T. and :' j ' > W I - . - , . ,l : <■ Hir I ini ..I. titi.wio.tmo ■ e .v - iu* ni .,11 . p 14 } , ... ' . i \ A \ a M « • o pi i <> c than « . * « - filial t ' : i ScV Hut If a :.Va . . £. s; -1 v i : , ail a . a:t:p11* ! \ i a a: I • > : li t a U « m • • • !• ' : ' i. at 'I bacc aa :•.*i aim* Tht c a. i • I *1 Wa: *i.tritl>** a"' pa a a c ' . ' “'in .aai'kot. ! '■ •’ :)Cl'- I a ii . ' , t .v. a i manu- | , . . . ■ *! i ! ■ ■ *! I vers while ay ? a' • a 1111 . • ■ a " 1. ‘ ' Hih i,i t; . - - • ii.y's -aIf - | •>'v 111*: t \a- (Ira ' 1 ■ • a. a liable be an f K Pa.: .«•. > t. . v " aanu . . .ppc*d ! • '44 :.»v Least n , • ' • ■ . •• a,4 the iuiy ■ .ant i > • 1 'ii;.))fdimenis • a - - Ihe '1 f liortei sales . a. . .i!;.. a ‘ ■ . •> 1 ramb * .n no. - : i a. 1 ;ieti\ : l!t Moc!' Adolf I MEMBERS of Belgium*® “White* Army” of j*.*111ot- are placing this poster of 4 . A \ If ” in scores of windows and billboards. This one appears at th r local head quarters in Lieue. (i liter national) Noah Numskull] DEAR NOAH" VJE'BE THE COWS /Al THE CORN WHILE THE HlfOED A\AH VJAS /Al Th\B FEED STOEE 'SHOOTWS THE Bull"r L,M. R'-'RtRTS.OAi , •_ PA LI HA „ KAN ■ DEAR H jAH= SPEAKW6 OP' 'JNTESTS, WILL A. ' ViNNY GlIBL BE NAMES MISS MEAT-SHORTAGE JF - urs aitmuru^msew SAVAKIKJ^ . ' r>T—:. M 5y b -g r s .*•*•* » !• SWORDS OF SAM-OCLtS w /» o DAILY CROSSWORD \( ICO'"> DOW N 17 Sailors 1. Y '..'I 1. v- "I 2" 0 i: ..: :iuU' 2. i ■. . rye 22 it int st . k 7 S **t Is 21 A Cl,at <) y, 1:. 0 1 I s : 2' N7-. tr 1 it.11 JO S’-r.traSC ... .a mammals 12 1 ’Inn _ i J -O K- l* le 1'. .1 rj f> Stii.tan Lit. K:r-i <>£ l-l. !'..>!• :-r 7. Mi- ins of s arf 1,3. Am :.t 1 -.au.rie.l' 22 Slants 1 A1, 1 , ' !!*. ** l1 Yesterday's Answer If. Oil: $ M . . il 30.0.1- u lying Is nunc r.-nts %<•<"•!< 4-1. Inside T.I I-. '• 9 A ci.ee Ue>J 27 Ley ju.r.tS 4 7. (A'ill ( Fr.) £1. Mvt... .,! f.,lii,e I!'. Deputy 49 Breach 1 : .- ...^ 11.Taut lO.s-'iiauf 51. Rubidium £7. t’.-stiv 13 Venture metal (sym.) 27. Up. i, ;’i 20. S. 1. ;- ; .1 (syi: l 27 Small 29. 1 ■: lutia l-v i-ttle 3! l..k 7 I. Distant 37 i: . • 3S- E.'l' i:: o ■> 1 a- ith slats 4’. Metal 42. 1 -f a wheel 4 Gam: t , Hm -.-a i 47 Am . Fr.) 4 0. C1: , r s i poel. I 4'. 17', : v, 7 silk 50. Trend 52. 11 ■ a vi taly l>o.ii, s 53. 11 ■ rt of a check 64. Soaks up UUTTOQUOTE—A cryptogram quotation L Y II C T Y A X T X Y Z X L S I L V Y Z I W C X E A Y' W I A L X’ X I E \Y C I L X L C M L Y C A Y QRCJEC — JXX \Y I C R X'. Yesterday's Cryptoipiote: THERE IS XO GREAT GENIUS WITHOUT A MIXTURE OF MADNESS—ARISTOTLE. SALLY'S SALLIES i Re,-.tiered l 5 P-tten? OiTic- | [~-1 Copr l'i-f i, King Features Syndicate, In*. , “She said the hat made her look ten years younger, all right, but when she took it off she looked ten years older!’’ BUY MORE BONDS 4.1 II I A4. One-Minute Test. 1. What t'ai nuts tinti null park is i"eated ill California'.’ 2 Where are tin 1...r-i .sland - 3. What town ;> located at the tip ■ : Cape Cod" Words of Wisdom. Per.-cverance is a Roman v: rt :<■, that wins each g Glihe at t. and pi irks -access l‘>m troin the spc; . pi'oo! crests ot rugged danger, ike,.mb _ Hints on lltiiiuette. W; e:: you liave eai !ei s let vo ■ r - rail 1-1; Id come into ilm i'ou. ami met! 1:u111;. that site may leant the si>c .,1 a oeufties. 1 )o not have net slay to l.sten to th.e cm versa Hon ot 1 , - - s; i >\\ oft" her >rc your l ra-nrls. 1’odav s Horoscope. A mi ' stay today calls that you arc hie -ci vvith an nd tablt -; i;. ' .. nd will net ci ii a, m.wlodgi del eat You arc 1 a r-1 g!:tc-.i, resou ree - : t and intellectual, and have gone excel.' re ability, h oil aisi are at feet;. tna te, loyal and loud ot youi iiome and friends During your next year your al tail's will progress well c11ployers and titose m a.iihoritN pr is mg helpful. Yo,. .a.v pt eter re que-ts. push business, only beware ot giving offense tl’.rougii thouglit les-ness. Morn on tin- bah- a chile: should aim for t medical career ou t st am; mg access there.n lieinr cvidcneed. He or sin will be excep tionally capable, shrewd, adaptable energetic and self possessed. One-Minute Test Answers. 1. Yosemite. 2. In the Caribbean, 3. Provineetovvn. ANSWERS TO DAILY QUIZ ]. French Forres ol llte Interior 2. Germany. 3. Dutch. 4. Virgin Islands ot the U. S. a. Agriculture. I ti. Yes. 7. Wolf. 9. Lionel. 10. "Rob Peter and pay Paul " Hirohito’s ears should lie plenty red. They've been talking about bin in Quebec. WANTADS Get Results WHEN YOU NEED CLOVER SEED, rye, vetch, oats, barley, wintei peas, and grass seed .call us. B M Newman, phones alfi-alfi. 21-lti D. G. HOYLE CONTRACTOR AN£ Builder. Building, painting, root ing. and repairing. Also carry a line of paints, varnishes, enamels oils and turpentine. Lowest prices Phone 9(i7. 20-2ti ALL WORKERS, MALE AND FE male, must be hired under pro vision of War Manpower Commis sion's Stabilization Program. Un der the new priorities referral plan all male workers, and all in migrant female workers, must be hired through the local U. S. Em ployment Service Office. Those now employed in essential wat work, including agriculture, need not apply. 7-t) CALL 1 3 6 6 LOUCHLIN CITT TAXI ti Hour Service WANT ADS Get Results 11 FINDERS( IN RUsl\ ESS ~n !rgt. Euler Monday, Septen 1.1 Aceredited School. St.„1(l,,lf| currieulum, I borough pc, <.• AH< ntion After War onlj i well trained will quahfv worthwliile positions. lil-o^ H (>. EALKNER & SON, (’(> \I and Wood. Phone 260. Call 11,,b Kalkner. he appreciates the pri \ ilege of .-owing you. I j (f CHRISTMAS CARDS FOR SERV ieemeri now on display gee o large assortment of Chits lor ,,\ . ■ lx,xcs- School Bags, Scl i0 Supplies Fountain Pens, s,-.a, ’Tape, and many othei cntic.il t< i '• Alford’s Pig & Offic« pi.v 1 "• 19. |f THERE WILL BE * BARBKt Ul at M1 Kin. iv 11.1 vc, ujj \ , drew avenue, Saturday, Sept : . iarting at I 30 p in. 21 jV Tills IS N< 'll t E THAT I F< JR BID anyone to hire or harbor mv year old son. Samuel .lame. Bul lock, who left hi. home without ran e on Saturday. Septi-nibo 11; Kirhai d Bullock, Route 3. 1 lend' sun, .V t’. 20-31 GROCERIES, FRESH MEATS AND vegetables. Everything lor your table. We deliver amt save you gas and time. Phone 439. Always ready to serve you. Herbert's Yel low Front. 2a-tf WANTED - WOMAN FOR GKN~ oral housework. Ri.dercnce . r. quired. Good salary. Phone 7ti,{ _21-311 WANTED TO RENT OR BOR row. |. ■: several weeks, wheal rha.r m good condition. I’reter adji.stable type Cal! Mrs. Krne.t Fleming, l’itone 1045-W. 10 It. FREE FOR BABY — WE WILL g v e ER EE a nice clothe - 01 v> With 1 ■ erv baby bed or 1 ar 1 c.g sold until October 1. R. E. Satin white & Sons, near Eire station See us—Save money. 19-tt AT H"TEL SANDRA YOU wTlL find steam heated rooms, hot and cold running water in each r1 and good meals. Special rates to teacher.-. I rai^ also serve llim n to school children. Meal tickets it, reasonable prices. Telephone 5(11 t. Mrs. McCormick. 1 6 Ob FOR SALE OR RENT BRICK .-tore building at Middleburg. N. (' A| jply to .1. A. Eltnoi e, 1 .a 1 - renccville. Ya. 21-3b JUST RECEIVED A NEW SHIP merit • J Electric ('burn Motoi ,, Flash light bat t rics. Iron cm d mi plugs and lamp cord wire Jen kins Radio & Sound Scrv ce. Phone 4 16. 19-3U LOST RATION BOOK HOLDER Contains four ration books otdoog i-iig to MeKmley Davis and fa ily I [ to. aid please ret urn t < 1 nc | ! .1: a i; i 'i mi u. ■ j or?Ill U CHRISTMAS CARDS NOW before tin' supply is exhati.-ted. As low as iill for’ SI 00. Wedding announcements and fine social en graving and printing. See o :r samples. Hcndcr.-nu Book C >. Estalili Red 18,81. 7-tf FRESH MILK COW FOR SAFE Second calf. M. 0. ’ J' 111 • > l >. Route 8. 1 8-& 21 ONE HOSPITAL RED FOR RENT Mr- W. R. Wi 1 bo”.riie, 323 Bre. enridge St. 2 I -1 U FOR SALE ll'i BUSHELS OF home grown Abruzzi seed rye. E. M Moody. Route 3, Henderson, on Saltcrwhile road. 13-1 5-1 8-2 i FOR HEALTH SANITATION—RID your property of termites, i d-. roaches, moths and other pests For free inspection, estimates, wilt" Marvel Exterminating Company, Box 121, Oxford. Phone 27-41. T-T-S tt iFARAI FOR RENT—7-ACRE To bacco allotment. All cotton aid corn land you want. Apply John W. Paschal I. route one, Man.-on 21-23-27 WE Bin7 SELL, AND TRADE cattle and hogs. W. B. flight Live stock Market. Phone 157. 9-cnd-lI TIRE HEADQUARTERS—WE HAVE the latest official information re garding tire inspection and appli cation for new tires and tubes. Let us help you with yours. Hender son Vulcanizing Co. 22-1C FARMS FOR RENT—TWO FARMS near town. 10.2 acres tobacco. Will rent separate or together. 1 wo houses, electric lights. Write "H . Care Dispatch. 20-4Li JUST RECEIVED—A CARLOAD of ti inch roofers at "The Place ol Values.” Firing your farm cer tificate. Alex S. Watkins. 21-lti VITA-VAR OUTSIDE AND IN side paints. Enamels, varnishes stains, washable wall finish. All popular shades. Oils, turpentine, new stock of brushes. Lowest prices. Tanner Roofing Company. Phone 606. ROOM WANTED —YOUNG MAN, single, wants room with private bath. Close in. Call B. A. Cliff. 268. lB-Bti FOR SALE — SWEET POTATOES 50 cents a peek at the field. Park Hill. C. Miller. 21-lti WANTED — 2 YOUNG LADY clerks. Apply at Valet Cleaning Company. 20-2ti FOR SALE - VICTOR ADDING Machine and Monroe Calculatoi in good condition. Can he seen at Alford's Ptg. & Office Supply Co. 19-5ti WANTED — CLEAN. SOFT RAGS 2 1-2 cents pound at Dispatch Oi* lies. __ —