Society News III(.II l(M,. I his is the daw n - pale |.K p( This wadth id gray. 11\ er I he hay. Across the field. The vagrant mist seeks morning I t, Vkmg ot man; ■ What must be done ‘ n|,r. ’ What can'.’” Slowly the .-im mu n tit o ig,, Beyond the hill I lie fog stands -t.ii, Dawn breaks anev . Anri man looks tu The Hear. The reassuring li . Cat her me Ha vd, a i .1.. .. , At Peace < nllegr All .; Ann I la it hi i i . : • v H.tleigh. w In re W, w:,l lie , • . ,,t I’face < illege At iTakr I'oia-sl. i i rnsha w Thompson i . h ■ • , . \i Forest College, ■ , , >,i ,i student this ,\eai Guests of Alls. Peace. M . .1. C". Cooper nul A1 • , Fan-n ( .per are the g a ■ a Mi S T p ice at her home on Aihiic.' . ellUO. Methodist < lioir Practice The senior choir o: Firs'. Met'i , ,;,s| church will meet for rehearsal . . jght at it '>'elock. .I w is a n in l ■ i. f y. Preshyterian < lioir Practice The First I’rr- . i<m i,m i h ire, .n will practice t nig; t .e 7 ah '. : ck at the chin eh., it was an need today (.ms to Iaiialici'tim A] W W Day i-. , r, v. ilh her parents. Mi .I At [■' Thompson, let; today fu. Lum :a 11.1 n Im an extended -t v. Goes to W. ( . t \ ( AT s Grace H y le lei; ;. * ■ P i r,i,, r i,e (In enshiini, where x: i v i!> -,>■ ,. • ni'.i at the Woman s (' >1 It ■ : the i •;i\ ersit.v ol North. (A, 1;■:., I iiion ( hapt I Mcetinu 1 p Wi'in,in's S'ety f < stia Mi-: . ice of Union Ch ijio! ADAsi lo rn . ch will meet i! • r 1: me Mi laddie Mustian a F. alay lagh* at ft All) o'clock, it v. as announeeii (■ "lay. ---1 Marian Martin —Pattern— 9761 Size:, i ? ;o ^ iO-«4 Smooth tit I; a g cui ;o:i-do\vn-sicl< • ®sgives ,i 1 >vely silhouette smart th long or short ska tie ht’Kl easy to cut and .sew Pattern l)2(il comes :n size- p> t. Hi. 1R. 30, 32. 34, 3(5. 38, 40, - min 44. Size Mi requires 3 7-!! aid' nt 33-inch material. SEND l'\\ EN’l Y CENTS in coin T these patterns to Hendcrso; Raily Dispatch, Pattern Dept., 23: Ve-: 18th St., New York 11. N Y kar.t plainly SIZE, NAME, AD ••PENS. STYLE NUMBER I'lf 1'EEN CENTS more bring. ou the Marian Martin fall and t inter Pattern Book full of smart y-to-inakc styles. A free bed ivket piiftern is printed right in the ook, A SCS Meets \\ 1 th Mrs. M. J. Jackson 'U' Woman's Society it Chris tiai i . 1 at spring Valley Methodis rir.h "it last night at the hum. M M. .1. .lacks, n. with Mr~ i my Kwh -. n serving as joint host M 1 * W Muthison gave a dovo : i n "The Christian's Rc ■ "iise to si 1 foring." Tlte pr gram was in charge of tin ii 'itlo: '. Mrs Albert Edwards. Mis -.■p: no Baskctt a:'d Mrs H. R I ightalmg gave discussions ni Modi •;.! \V< i k m the United States .. ,ii,d 'in Dominican Republic.' \ hm ness session was held, with oo.ts given irom various eenimit I’i'e pr -i nr, 1 s' r\ it - ■ op, tod s number nt visits made ■u trays and 1 low ers s -nt. During the social hour, the host e. served k. -mom irle ice clean and ir.udua! rakes. BARCLAY ON BRIDGE By Shepard Barclay "The Authority on Authorities" im:> r (.i t t<>u greedy ABILITY TO recognize a nice . gilt when it is offered, and the I v. ilhngness to accept it instead of j trying to multiply its size, should Le part of the equipment of all I astute bridge players. Use of a redouble, when you feel certain your side can make the contract which an opponent has doubled, is j had business when there are in dications that they may have an “out in the lorm of some suit they may bid if you frighten them 4 a Q 6 ¥ J :■ 4 a K' 7 4 PS.;2 4 .1 1 n <i : 5 ¥ A S 4 4 T 4Q 10 7 4 iDealer: West Neither si'll* vul nerable ) West North South 14* 14 1 NT 2 A Dbl Rdbl :: y 3 A So at 2-Spades it wound' u-i. South was furious at his partner I after he took tot: tricks, with the j lens of only orfe ill hearts and two ' in clubs, though he should leave ! been held nine if West had opened chibs and repeal'd the suit twice for a ruff. nvdi ad i*f opw::nv 1 Di.-tiU.::' ' Iv Kmc l*i his heart 2 in an: mi ... i-„, ol the suit The main point of Sou!!, - ex citement. however was Norths lack of wisdom in t. iouhhnv • fti i West had 'I out I e .1 South a 2-Spades If ho had t.x'-n content to pass that, realizing it was a game contract his side v.nuhl have marked up a game and an exiia trick or two North was fust too happy to keep his mouth she i., ■ r ., r aft( r West doubled t.h< pade bid especially since his A <) qudt like ly sat over a guai a K l.-M by the opponent Bn* I- tr.cell. ,i h:x own happine.s by i-.e'ting boggy * <* * Tomorrow - I’robb m if liou ♦ d A K < • a ♦ k i o 2 —rr * V K 4 1 if ♦ P S ; 4 u 1 $ ♦ * 4 *2 _lL__ a * > ♦ I I V '• ' ’ 1 • ♦ At A A j ; *1 tDealer South K • .n! licraidv i If South hid- Ml, id*. South da North d. , . ■ ,,* m rt« til’d North fi-Ih •: •• h.,: ■ \] j vr U h ad in tlu- W- ’ ' aatttr- - Svmli ate I Bible Study Ends At Plank Chapel The Woman'.- Society ol Christian Service ol Plank Chapel Methodi-B iutrch at Bobbitt complete I liner mnual Bible study course Sunday light. The general topic was “God, inti 'lie Problem of Suffering." Mrs. Walton Smith was -tudy ■haii-man and directed the meetings. Site also gave the introduction of the study book and discussed the irst chapter and led the devotional.' or two of the evenings. Mrs P C. smith, Mr- ,T. L. Fuller and Mr-, r. it. Smith presented the next three ■hapters. and Rev. K. G. Kdwards oncluded the study with tile last 'wo chapters, the topic being "Yi •arioiis Suffering” and "The Fel lowship of Suffering." He stated that inly a suffering Saviour could rcich the iieai Is of and redeem suffering humanity. At mu of tlie sessions Mrs That! j Woodliel favored the group and .id led meaning to the les-on with > j o|o "In the Hour o! Trail. .Jestis, ’lead For Me." The study was further high-ligut •d with the devotionnls of Miss Ad lie Y uing and Mr U. K. Alexati Ipr The general ideas presented by 1 hem coincided vv'lh the general ipic and the suh-iupie of all si> hapters. Miss Young gave a hu • - •i : of Bible verses and Severn l adings wliieh touched on the sub eet of vicarious suffering, includin', ic suffering' of Jesus: and the fel ■j\\rship there is in suffering with •in others. Mrs. Alexander aveied hat suffering was not sent as a unishnient for sin (although i: ''ton Co res a' a ]’C 111* ol sill) bit* aid there "as a higher purpose '-'hen :t cl ics come a- a result oi sin. hould s<.e as a warning—just ; p!iysa I pain gives notice that nmol him’ w wrong and should be ighted. Various kinds ol suffering uue.s to others when it is not the ..nil oi any wrongdoing. Such ■ mis or -.list ides, if surmounted, icrease strength, and enables one i rise aljove them and g 1 on their -•;iv .ind'll the goal. She based remark' hi the following three Bible verses: "If you suffer with . Bun. v -a slial! also he glorified | vitli lb n;" "My light afflictions | v;hieb are blit fni a moment, work- i ,pi for me a far more exceeding and Bernal ".'eight ot glory:" "For God ' loved the wot Id that 1 Ie gave His nlv begotten Son. that whosoever 1 .elievcth on Hi : tor takes up His • ross and loll.'" Him) shall not • ori-h het have everlasting life." | (he concluded by saying "let us 1 ,,-ess op. toward the m irk for the } ri/e. and si run that we may ob- : This wa- tollo wed with the .eng " \m 1 a So! her of The Cross'. " old ;m earnest prayer lor ah who ci nsiiu; * »{«.' <>: v. i ( * 'rr.A a 1 i (» iti'- ( . i; *; 11 i ■ . i: .11 1 ,: ■ • : i1 -; . i y hudci . .miI in ‘ . .: ■: i.,ukt .1 nil wiin «!i-i ied I tic >' ■ e . nli'l ndped make l!:« study ■ mv s. (nit's In -It. Mary's Mi." I > ggv A! : < :■ •< Mrs K. F. Pal'll; • . Icl v ■ 1 r It ' Hi. Alary’s : ' liege. H - leigh. where * he v. : i p e lit r stu [lies. This is her . tlia year at St Mary's. Wake Forest Enrollment Reaches 1 Wake Ftmu- a. , r 1 \V1'' :re-lie an da. i t ■ > ■ '1:..ii ' a a I n 1 a 1 rial 11; 11 a > I - -. 1. . . i aiis. V. aim I".p ' id Me.:,, n ,1s. 111th si s a t -. ! Ip- -a!; s d . . ..' already 5- percent . ■ •. ft it t exert',i film 1 ■ • • i <■ tin ; ■ .1 in Tile i« ar, Id young .• • ■ n n l a . ■ i ■ , : v.1 a \ t ■! * - aii: anp'iled a I W;..;" Fi m • in Ho i 11 roll, 11.111111 i mi pi'1, a a n i. in1 . -. me I P '111 an i a then Me.. Old • dm ( <y .1 haves |i adi-rs a ill ex-in., l ine v.'lin v. n a a m id i1 i'araua. He is registi mi ter p ■ law. An Mig liie •••• -is - Mi. y Ida M v f Siniv- Hi!: w:r ■ i; 1 jeared a.- .*> I- is! ■:i .I pec : I a. arc at C'nrnea - Hall, \ev York Y.. being .c mpanied the Mm 1 Mirolma Syni| i. ■ i• it• ( >r 'I '-s' I ’resident Ti a man Kil i iiin a! Mi ipening nl' the ei’lleg«• wdru a' : 1" new students as ''eiti/.e: -- "l Mm iv.i Mis and eitinmmiily." Ih I kl Mr that •'college is a min. I re w >rh rhe way y< n ad and 'he e mlr in ‘n ns von make 1" e«'lleg' hie tor:, s good i1 ii it :- i l 1 id ; aid o! v 1 I'itir.en you will !11ak■ "Cilizeiiship t iit.i-.' will: i! H gatams and responsiliililits well ‘PIKM'i! mi 1 *t.'s I la i c a i' -:l/ i - -ilip will be ol a pi d e ns! ., r. lot just a . e Mr;.! ed. • n: I'm! 111a 1 von will make an active contri union to some phase ol r. !k\gt- !Me. Support prices on tarm product ire to be carried out through loam purchases of commodities for ini ary, and other govern ilent uses, and by tdircct payii ent ■n some commodities. mys WFA. B. P. W. Is Planning For Its Next Paper Drive 1 that lire no per rir.\e put un ' ’> i . ■ ■ 1 I■ . 111»• -1 1 11 111 : >■ It',, ■,: ,t . I 1 I - 'Mai Wo in. niub lv :Util;ilip ! u ti*• icp ■■ d •1 tu un hek) !;; * m i..t tin b , ■ ; ■" I jV ! '• I . icy, ti n .bio n ,t,.| t,,r ipe. v is11 t t'll II I i opi'i tori I. -I, le of v . tlu ri ■ "ii n- ,i io y or itc shortaai. of m.itennif. to, unking of packages lor ovcr .. it it les Unless liitoi- i- ■, de i in papi I'lip' I i..!g and ral'a.n- v\.M be a ‘ ' I • * 't .1 : al ... i • . -I • ‘ 'll ' nrd. a • I ' ' ' o' 'id li ’.v ,11 ; ii a : ,iu l , rn* al' age. .•» • i ii'it \• ' I '< ' 1 '! WllltCM 1 il l-a *11 lake the.. : l'"|" i. i’ en Ik■ i . of <:,/■ i .in, -1 i'' I I' ' .as be en frated ' ii Inc a i "ant n! pape tli it c ■ ■■ tut. I be ,c "I ige home yea’ a- 11> , ,, r a lh« < .a pat 1 v, can la sab aged The- pubbe s asked nor t" begin •t ina the.i astc paper -n 11■.,: ev ery scrap saved ray g, . ;,| lnst as the • -vs of Vance cu u.ty a if going to war r la V_x Ei riVE KIDNEYS MUST REMOVE EXCESS ACIDS Help 15 Miles of Kidney Tuhcs F lush Out Poisonous Waste If y-11 hriT-oaru a ; i , in v ,urbl -J, V -r i )• - <■( U ■ t, .*».-« . r’ rW !. 'I I • f in* f:|t♦ r- I ■ : 1‘- \\ inn dny er: I r- . :.t t - n< ;» •• r. i \ ip *’• *' f f r T ‘ - i; . u • Tlhondi.- r*J« r < i kid: -v f•. n j.« r « pr.,«nr vis in'i-rtnp • n in v r M r T i.% . f. .fc-Vinc i. I n ■ a • ' 1 ' 1' e 1 «*f prj. ! m.. jr# • ’• ' PI b* . h09 ■ ' I dif7 • • • !>•,.? » r r gra; * ✓ pa.s«;iire>* with *• w \ < ,r- -a *»..• . . tir ,.- u, t! * rv- jj . : iw .j.** v..m ' ir k. '-it vs rr b| \>i< ■ r I ■ . - lr ■ V H* ■ : ».* !:) f }. r • , „ } , 'at po . irvlr :. * t f: r |*> •! .!- < 1 • • v• ^sf'illy t v i- iii- i f - t r !'•*.• ’ / l **!..[■ v rrl.rf an I u ,!| • • |;, • f ki intv t j- *-a <• * ^ lisjj* 3our L’lood. bet Duana low. 6UMEZE (Thymocoin) FOR TEETHING INFANTS AND SORE GUMS Astc your Druggist or write enclosing 35# VELVET PRODUCTS CO 1 1 Fork Plot* Now York 7. N. Y. You arc cordially invited to inspect the newest FALL AND WINTER WOOLENS FOR Tailcred-To-Measure MEN’S AND LADIES’ SUITS AND TOPCOATS Styled in the latest fashion by The Globe Tailoring Company ONE DAY ONLY — SEPT. 25 E. G. Davis & Sons Co. I j Baby Strollers Let baby enjoy the out doors in one of our hand some. sturdily built stroll ers. Two types to choose from. $7.95 and $12.95 | | | Eases the Pain — Soothes the Nerves Headaches, and nerves upset by minor pains, usually respond promptly to the quick-acting ef fectiveness of ‘BC Also relieves neuralgia and muscular aches. Use only as directed. Consult a physi cian when pains persist. 10c Sc 25c FLOWERS I FOR EVERY OCCASION | Phone 380 Day or Nieht I BR1DGERS The F,orist | - - - - - - - — 11 -jfj ‘ 1 if 1 ;i 1 iji> oervicr M< m. More T iilin \Y<>|\| 3 | Can Describe" f I Hendersons Oldest I || Funeral Establishment ( Owned and Operated By Henderson’s Own A! . =,„■ _= _ . | C>nr SKA E.NT7 7 KABS of experience is y<>ur I°\ Guarantee o;f a funeral service that lias || beauty and dignity and vet not expensive, ~j =i = =-_-.... j ij A. T. Barnes Funeral Home, Inc. j i "Dependable Sendee Since 1872." Barnes says: "Save bv investing in Bonds." 1 . _. ______ J 4&SSM ><*hbe>< )-«ssb»-: o<—kxik>()<hbk)<whk—»oqw»i ><—i»o I Sell Tobacco and Cotton u Henderson I FOR TOP PRICES! I YOU WILL ALWAYS SAVE TIME AND MONEY AND 1 GET MORE BY TRADING WITH H PALMER DICKSON I BIS I RIBU I OR SINCE 1935 I- ranrhige Dealer 9 for Fair-Acre Feeds ami Farm- S SILK FLOSS FLOUR Way Open Formula Feeds 8 “finest Short Patent For Cows, Chicken", Hogs, B '~v;-T Dogs, Turkeys, Horses. m Visit Our Modern Also Fair Acre Calf Star ler M MEAT MARKET ~~-- I for SEE US FOR SEEDS I Western and Native Meats Beardless Barley Fnlghum Oats I “The Best for Loss” Abuzzi Rye - Crimson Clover S Winter Rye H Fresh Vegetables and Fruits H Heavy and Fancy Groceries ^r> 1 ° • .— ■ - — GAMBILL’S BEST FLOUR | We appreciate your patronage and For All-Purpose Baking I we will be expecting you to come to I-—- B see us in the years to come as you „ r-» r• B have in the years past. Get Our Prices On Roofing | WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCERS I ipi/onm j, pn "ssi' l luIXulin 01 uU. '-sr' I OWNED AND OPERATED BY I PALMER DICKSON | “THE LARGEST AND MOST COMPLETE FOOD-FEED-SEED STORE IN I * HENDERSON.” f ‘Quality Products and Service Since 1935.” B

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