THIRTY-FIRST YFAR leased wire service ok iriini l-I HOI IEj.AIV THE ASSOCIATED PRESS. Shortage Of Rift Among Allies Labor Perils Is Growing Source Cotton Crop Of Concern Sri U. S. Situation Called Worst in History Of Crop in South .Mi mpiii , Triii'., < Jet. ."> I A I ’) A e ri t lea I labor short - ape i threatening; the harvest ol Dixie I ] .Oim.DOO-liale cot ton crop. I' l'* in all ipiarti-rs of the 1 >elt or me the sam 1 story —cotton ready tor picking', lack of field hands, delay in movement to the Kiimers. cotton compress shut 11< wn. and rainy weather, ail combin i njr ' o make the sit wit inn "the worst in muthern history. * 111 tlie Mi.-sis ippi ale" lied r \ er rich a ai'i a- the U e: ornd -iie; tasje oi pi -'ki , ■ nmti a . .a ..pite the in tensive i - .iling prugra th 1 in cluded 1 ( . u ij' ' inriii ' ■■ -1 ,-e; .cu llies. Stan- i;-.teii.a"!i . ipia I'M and agile .it. ii- n iiiie: ; m A - bama. (ti gia, A rlh l' , role i. 'I ru . ml Li a Mana ai! e ntirm lii • crioi ..mi I Jii|- !,i r .■inr iage. J )e, i m I i ) St e . :. i. -': I'li- A -1. ti ('.i;t 1 11 i S' at (' S i-'iie Lx! nsi- HI Service, rid already in eh ■ il it St it I i :. ai i eel (la a d by rain. ft ai! i i (' a: in': iii. :ai-d i i"'; ci than Im in- :;hhoi x with the il ,e of pr a’Hri ol .‘xo lab- i in ■ tine of 1 he sir i • e.;i ir as Al kali S' i..dor .1 . ■ I. McCI'd lan appealed to Paul V M- A'ul • lor assistance. ,md i 11 n ■ ted the War Manp eve C' an i- 'll to slop labor recru > t i n .1 in Aixar.a., fm out-of statc a - Tr rntv- . of the tpj re*!- il ...ere ill ; were rt -■ t, hr said d r to the inadequate lu.c. jlow ei ..apply. Bricker Pleased B\ I ennessee And kentnekx Outlook Kn R ojto Wt IT ( > t. J ( AP ) O" ■ » t t »i .1 • n W R> t • ■ i. * *. . ( ;i "tiratro i »■ rot.. 1 KeiPmm y, t i rood !),)'•'; to that State I "day no - fort la • ca naigi f oi th< \ re pi e ieney into |11 moi e I -t ni/»!jt ho im . de . I )umoci a' 10 Tonne* -o • ;th a ooooii at \a h villo n which ho declared that tho nrnihei of Federal e"ipl".ve,. iiad 1 f»rown lp»m 580,0(10 inder the pro out adiniirst i at : >n t<> "t h(' staler me total of .dmo-t three and one half mtII.on.’* Tim Ohio pivrriioi rwruked ho \ea . i;appy that Kontuoky, in the ♦ radit ouallv I )on 10 Smith, now • had a Republican qovernnr, and had elected a round Republican emi gre-small last year KenP-eky has eleven ol the 2T1 electoral vntos which Brckei aul (lowrn. r F. Dewey, the Re publican presidential nominee, need in order to be elected. The Repub 1 ’(••.!i.. lad carreid Kentucky in th< 1028 elect: m As for Tennessee, which ha- 12 1 rb’etfiral vote-;, Qongfessman Car roll Recur. of Johnston City, told j P.rickeV the Rrnublicans would “have a chance November 7 il the 1 Jomoerat • plnralitv u Shelhv countv ( ATemphi-) did not exceed | 2-5.Oil) votes. Cigar Leaf Crop Shows Big Increase L.-I'••!•. I > 1 i f AT) - t ,:in - caslci • • only tobacco growers are harvesting the makings ol almost two billion cigar Glowing about 112 percent of all tobacco produced in the Slate, this Pennsylvania Dutch area's Hill yield is estimated by Gi unty Karin Agent Floyd S. Bucher at 46.200,000 pounds, which, he said: ■‘Should make about forty cigars to the pound and relieve 'the cur rent shortage by 1,648,000,000 smokes." Bucher also figured the crop va gue. based on last year's ceiling price: of 21 cents a pound for wrappers and seven cents tor fillers, at S8,400,000. Almost all < f the county's t ’ban co goes into manulacture of cigars at reasonable price levels, the larger portion being used for fillers and the re:' for the "binders," or wrap pe. “I; is M ! ■['." sod Bra.her. Welcome Stnin^er! Hi >l'SK WIVES, look . k ."•> nr;.' 1 The .m' (ire* the* conking iiVn-. !' I Reconversion In 11 States Senate ( rminilli’c Claims Ii Would Hurl South, West W.a.liingtnn, <)rt (AD A Senate minimi tie in\ e t ieat 1 intr imln-trial n ntrali/.atton pro posed today a han *>n reronver -;imi ul’ all ([uviTimi dit -owned . war plants in ele\ en inn t hern and eastern d at i s. 11 me. >m - mended large-scale imhed riaii zatii n nl’the West and South. The 1'epi ri .oh 1 hcse v. ere I he stales in which u<>\ eminent-ona icn war pla b. representing an linvM nu'iil ul $7,1)0",Hill'.i 1,11 "I public 11.m.s. she"hi be In /.en: Mew York, New .lei p. nm-yl ' aiiia, Massachusetts, I' .'anil, Maryland, Delaware, Rli.dc bland l line, M ichigan and 111 in i 'The committee in lieadeil . S ni ter McCarraii, Nevada D ■ ", n Tile ntllci members are S natoi Bankin' ad, Alabama I lens n .1. le. - le’.le, hwa Democrat; Mm lock, I'laii Demi'c at; Thomas, Ml" to I land Republican; Ny<\ North Dak ■' i Re publican; and Roberts'm, Wy iiiiim Republican. The eleven stales, if ing cl out fo a ireez.e ol gov* rnment u ar plai the cnir.miltee said,'a e li> |> r cc'iit nt the nation's m inuiacUr e- in : 1930. 1 n a signed introdi i cl im i tin. ! report, Mct'anan asserted that wulit the addition.,i • 11 i11 > s .arc| mod dm ing the v. ar, these eleven tat <m destroy Industry :o Tic r -1 ■ : toe country and r-■<im the West and lh■ ■ South to neseri These stales, he declared, g i the1 cream of the new war pi,mi an i the imes most easily rec mvei i ih In contrast, Mei'.irran id. tlio western and soulhcrn rcc"w- ci a "di.spmpc rtionatelj large I'unilv, of war plants that cannot readily be turned into peacetime production." "Estimates .'how we are getting ..b 1 it 1,400 pounds h the acre. . e nn pared to 1,350 pounds la.-.t year, an increase of some 5,000,000 pounds over 1943." Tobacco growing became a iieijor crop here slightly less than a century ago, but records show that it was grown commercially in some parts of the country as far back at 1828. In 191'h preduct'on reached 55 000.000 pounds, bi.t Utopped to :’,2.l IH,.0'H) i.) 193(5 under crop eon'rn! mt-i.-orey. M isu; Ut Russians Seems l o iie Main Cause Wtshinyl m, on. < A1 ‘) — Am 'i iean el i icials are iicciitniiiy mildly appi ehen -i\ el'll here 1 should lie a general \ eakeniiiy ■ of Allied (.’"operation narticu lariy in relaiion 1><*1 v. m n Bri tain and Ru ia a i lie Kum ;iean war cnm-Imh The i' isl ituatinii is heiny studied in this liynt. .\i 1 .e iimitr lb • h.g' ;t him ( ; A iru-i ii (ii()i ary , . v be do- j i i ibed f!• * iu?i< d to pi.* < , v«* tin > 1 unity during tin* n it i ■ i! on- ,<>d im | beginning, in which p .twnr m- j non ic and po!it •. ai p1 <mii b ■ j l"i nii d tin ugh » it •• Europea Wo. Id. On the -haping of * < ■ p* la-ies. it i - ' • ■ ; tin t miccc . oi . : u >r!d p(*ai «• ’ lcagie* e-ay be .-t i, The corns oj tin* diplomatic prchlcni is regarded as being the mutual suspn ms and mis utuif rstanding which cloud the dealings between Ku -.ia and the rest cl the world, i'artl.v. Ibis is the expecie.l result oi conflict ot interest between Ku.ssia and Bri tain in tii * Balkans, parti v tw* Jesuit (j‘‘ i^iiiiriuT about how peopl,. inside and outside ilussia do tln.ogs di; i'M • *111! \. By far flu- mo • ,;err u: ri » -it <>• Anglo-!?i; ! j : it ti ! i ;m ‘ Balkans be-- i • • ■ • i! . ■ r i expansion of III 11 ia . e .. • 1 l *»•;*,.n j ci net rn <. i I 1 :* 'i ii .; i- i) ; i - i i-a-ile , | Bank to ii-.(• cntpii e bit ■ i i• *, t Indi i , l r< bably b \ it d but n, <» ..prrtao ular i i ii- i vntli* t n\ er i.'opioH. i bo Polish i.-^uc' is by nn m ’ in i tin* only such cm ! bn tin' 1 reported in.a .bur r nn i- tiding Bo1 ! gari,■;' arm; Uo- talk.- it (on K ’ . sub. ..uhr« rj .cnj ' n■ - . | < • bd d»-« i.-1 i t'on of wai "ii Bulgaria; the mlu’.,i fating eject io > -t Bn'1 -.h and Ani(h iean milii n y r.i c u> ! r*>rn Bulge' t | - (Wen t :c -ugh 1 iw •• i . f• rj11 • ’ .. i whether tiu-y • • • i •• pr m< dy in t|:e e-vunlry .!! a r i side! • i lie d ot of the tvp» t •' V 1 r» tile lull I t !| d! p|- o . t . \ ; .ml of t i e I a I ■ W h ■ i I : i nb j*-r1 ■■ . . pc. twill rollab-.] p; m ot tin' . i 1'* • ■ - . . ; \ 11 • Vis. HI \ ! ;s \ \\ < H'k ()n I )c\ ck »|)!i)cnl < >! McMCiill 11 ul 11 St!' \ Washing! i:. ii '1 i \ 11: !datinjj in iii..i i ;.. I ■ I■ • C .; 111• • i-1 11 Mexico .m'I • 't:n ; 1 . i!, i A 1 ■1 :' • % countries may in- li e, ,1(1 \'( I on's ncxt as ijinmei:1 a■; ]’, ■■ i.lent l.'u ..(•- | velt's ((a non ir liaison managei The I'll] IH ( War I a In tan I. ■ el ■ manager wi!I reportedly under! b-.e , the I..11ili-.\;in" leao r i win n in., present work, designed t > i ! ■ , China's vac pn due! ion and in| ,, Chinee pe. iwnr indust 11.-1 ex pan si n, is re aiT. meed. Nelson, ’ tinera . pe to , help broaden ! be base a indnstry ■, •:i ccrt a n I .a I in- An enean e • mines | and in C!i1 n;., v, i;li I1 a■ ultimate i b- | jeet i ve . r I I imillatn::; I . <• t ween , these nail ns and the ITnhed Slates ! He also may Ir: ■■ i pa t : i lie' industri d rchabilitatiwi ol .■ ir-sear red Ki.r ,pe. NOpVIORE OF THIS IN DOVER FPEI at lajT to leave the caves to which they have been !. . ng for f or . the men, women and children of Dover. Deal and Folk • :/• . e it...v returning to their home and great is their re mg n . v -» last guns have been silenced at Cap Gris Nez. Otic of the n • t pictures taken of a “cave-dwelling” Brit: h fan y, ir.v.s a preparing a little Tommy for the ‘ day of liberation.” (lulrr, . ■ . i Polish Res is t a nee Inside Warsaw is Ended For Pres am v Poles Struggling Nov. If* Escape to Russi on t erritory I a nde n, (h t. \ I*) -P«i I ish resist.;;ur» tones have given up then- stiiicel** in wrest besieged and haite• ed \\ usaw from the (ii'iiiM.,., .• 11• i aiin\ hejd«|\;.ir tors a ini',)i!.t »•<! t«M}a\. \ Polish n.ihta) v spoke-man m I omlon aid 3roian(i s new ntmnundrr in thief, also known as 5*or. was inside Wa i > ’ w with his troops, e diary ti> ..ii other reports, and that h*‘ we-.ilii i‘*sUme the fight as on as tin i*v acuation was t oiprI led But 11 M* > 1 ■ o i I'i *• - ’f.; i * .i)i -i d* nt van • i i >■' I .uu' \\ r< d: led an I ! • i ’” I ’ ! ■ h report pre Ullia : I • I ■ ' i S' )Y let Sp. 'll,.- Mid latino d p *1’ i ’• in ■ niittcd had r... iir. i at \\ a aw',-, resistalKd art f 'll p 1 d. That i«*|>i> * ,,i.d the eapitukd i*m ;. d in < ' , • . 111 v• ■; i !. v f "olollel a 1 - e - r. :m'I mg . >n heil It t f K M •' >:a .‘\v - !; i, a. d .. ,d that tie .;(* win> rep n - d • .! 1 o • a ree . w e. e : i gilt it vd * > scape t • the So\ let-held right han., Th• • >• in: sioii alder two months nf cs: • d . • • i • d o.v st reel I igbl ing .i! .!«, ete;! :»y (e rman radio re t, 1 . 11 r ;t aunt Mineed that • -a-d i|i«* ; id .'d. .and then : «• *• d ej. 'ided d\d the : ghtuig had oeen \Vd!• ■ i'll P- I di mililary me (( < *nt ini ted mi 1 ’age "I wo.). Huge' Increase's Se >ught By Stale' s De'jiarlnicnts All Agencies Push Long Lingers Into Pot tor More Cash Raleigh, 1 >o1 " • AID The SI .' ■ Ach i.-my II nlget C":nmi.,si m >>• :g;> h i nial hi':,i .n;: t■ -day mi I!»la 17 biennium rep e. ! - I ha! will eon .irli-r ably exceed Ihe XlT.’.MUilM win A North Car,Tin . :i|>pr<>|>i anted lor I |l III i 4a. | During Ihe hearings, when ecu tk'ue tin ; igh Oel'ber I’. dep:n| ments ai d insliiutrins were gene ally expected to basr then j11. ... ■. m en n-od appropriations nil postwar problems that we:.! I entail heavier spending. Many in ne.ited they . ■ .Id ni,time greater activity for their ag encies. with resultant increased per sonnel. The eommiss ai. emupr >'d ni Clare ee Stone, H. IV Taya e. Thomas O’Berry. F. K. Walaee, Tho mas -I. Pearsall and .hums H. Clark,; will weigh ii c requests and make its run iamend: ti. ns in I nn l r legis 'ative i,.:-■,!< - ation m .January. . \ I! ■ Mlt I'm* ! ■; i to .1 |)JXM r ‘ ■ '(f.. \ •a i in* ••itirt* \vhi<*h •* I < tmli.iln! •;« I' ’ " '' I All ml K. Smith Is (TitK alU III In New 'i <>rk (ht\ New \ .11 k. Oct. 3—(AI’)— ni"r (l1 veenor \lfr°d I'. Smith, giavei, ill in Rockefeller Insti tute, was i • ported today to lie weaker, and to lia\c suffered ■‘lit'le relapses due to the weak ness." Alter a Ull-minulr rail at his bedside, Dr. Raymond I*. Sulli van said the 1928 Democratic presidential i.indidatr w as "islit - feeing tri m considerable intesti nal •■ruplion and a congestion of Ih,- lie.h* lung, which causes em balms m»nt tu the heart and cir i illation." First in Germany Wl'l H Hie fn ,-t lie i i'r. workers t cross llic Z:e.;::,. | l,.no into Gor li any was Kalhc; ...a I ieuis; -r. Bill tiimire, Me!., here, who wa ns of a fnu g tea to lake ho coflee and e..:s to the l.ghtin Vanks. (International War Plants Objectives Of Bombers I.-W■li.:.. Or: r. . Af'i M ht '! I.non \roei- i an !,o:n ,\ l> m II with 111>re lhan . m , e :ut l.g i. ittaekerl v; nd trie md fields led ay al i'.i , ith,-. :■ ( Ui.i n e: I ,es a X . mI >.• i f iagget ainl 11 one! i adt (tb.ieel. . o- .nil , iei I Tin* \urn:.. g . \ true!-. !.■■■: ,: > ' ' ; ... w.i'. rules soul. I ol Km A big Gen ,m 11 .ei.rel.sladl, i I n,. I,• ■ i• A* ■ I bet g. Thc Allied . 1 fens e roiled •Aa "I i hnmbi i ;.11 n re; n to till a t ter II A K \h < i;u ' n High I farm'd ■ • • no : t h. ; ..nlight tram ; e. ■ • i n g I. e ay s (»('• :i .ei.v and It1 land Besides shoot, ng .;;> >! fi e 11 a ms, nine barge an i two n i, ’ .i: ports. • he Mosqm! also i X.i. i trawler .. ■ ore ,>; > tin I) i-oast and bombed a small tat .n western Germany. None m bombers was l ist. WEATHER FOR NORTH CAROLINA. Faith cloud, and mild w t night and Wednesday. ft 1" bet lui j 1 ■ a. i < . . i A i ’ i A 1: a ■: 11• i! I ■ ■ ■ 11 -. I; ■: t',i,l (•(! iiy tank a i e i : ■ >'! , r -! ■: ■ n'i. < i• ■ ■ ’ •. • I' i!: t ■ i | j i it ! i • •< I ,, 111 ‘ (‘i h t mi; ■-.< i. ■■ A;m mi n ’...lay :n lea'. y i cut it., and . yi;; at cio.a: quarter.- ior I .■ j tij.vji ni-itle Germany! la r.iii a.a lie :.1 ' am i';tti r a a wedyt eleven mi ins '■nil ami li.i - i: ■•.> i:.i i German (iej.-n-e.. House to House flighting Going On A» Yanks Assauit Siegfried Sector ■ - I I ml 11, ! v, i m I »■<>.. I'li' j ) r '-j; <V|. 1. • . • v > Hup) i'li ./iij ;;,i ! -i . i! &;r. ** . v .... 1.1* <•;; ’ :•*•« i .. y vV :*. n ; iv i. iii!1 i un*'( ken <»ut .i chunk - I fi - m !h:< • to i. :.n •> ir .m t111» vvc.-.t '..ilk Or.-* ii jut ic- 1 .i.I Iv- 'iU|i .t djiy .i ■ l« 1 ‘. 1 Jp;;i - So Om -ii ti';.;.I. i i I ;liinrl. j 1,1 r' . , • ■ . ■ died y i i' r .'ii1. ki \ .<•'/. i • ii * ;• <»n j Uv v. • - I I'.tUi; '.I •!,. Md i !• *■-. : ti if, ;» .til li:.; •• . * I i * . v f;i£ •. • Inc ,ii * .t d |) ncri ,.i ]e ,» n... .uv ! • v.dd(| ! t! I • ' . i < ; f >r 11 • i I ' V t I. j M | r "■ t I; win!. i -it m ’ iie-c . loi - * t tpd ua ii m in - I • A.. •. i .<‘ . v:. 1 Mi I /, ■ .... .M-if ;.,M i.i * • re,, | t ■ v (It mUhb ■> • .'.ii : • - I.f'i ill- ; 11 i' i tii ■ ■J I- I . ’ :»• • 1 '.'••! ■ ... I'll r* i"»; i "k . i j: 11: ♦ • ‘ t . y . i 1111 >< i nt her j „ , v in ‘hr Met/ t fi.uji, Tlv tn M -ti my .it i;vk ivrtb *»• | \ v'lii'ii . . mu .t1 ■ " .; rc i -,i : \' •• !c:i1l . fd .oj 1 I .• Ul pH ."is c|et>»; c i ’ - n» H by • ■ - y «.ji - | til lei y ,r <1 mm cu fir* j Republicans Using Frank I For Politics | ...h11ikt■ .ii. < ><•' \l ■ -• ■ n | . \ ii it 'll, ,\. Mr' . I i. f I'l'a . n pi ■ '..i la. ' . I! m.-. ' in I paii4U J'.xpi'nmtM'.':■ ( ',i i.• 1111! kI . ti:..i 1;; I;. |...idi ii', . , ;. 1 1 fi.llilll , ,1 I , ' ' ad I ' A , i 'in.. 'A ' i, •' B , i'll hi :• ■ - C.l ill" till I ’ 11:1,'... A'-: I ' - ; i.!! toe. a lid ,. - - • I I .al * 11 ■. t ill.' . ■ i ’ ■> it .it ,- , .,■ ; a . 1, a .1.1 ] i. M.d III: 1'l'tMl,' 11 ., 11 I . . !; a • ( .|if»|'. : a - t . dm " - 1 s .\,i. : :a i .md ill'.' m nitli - l is.'! ', 'it- .-.aid i• t'K air, ., iagg a UlOn tivi t-i>pi.ol i li. S. ■ r M ' ■ a:.,i I!, ; ■ > 11'., l:'. ." C!a li >' i i. ■ I. . ( .Hi. Vi'iil: Herd. N • • v : ,s. A . I ■" . B.-nncIt, M, • , i i C .,rr, Kflli.iokv. T.ii * . . N. ' Y- •••;. iin ' , . \V M ■ ioi i -ol' s: Km ' : M. . : Mil.,-. Minnosoi • • B .ain't Anders ■ n I.I.I tin- o, mhh :!o.■ :i. speeoh \\as pr:mod so,.; t ' \ ; i ,1 i ll I i s 1.,! 11, ’ , i l ■ ~ ■ 1 v j it’ ,,. A paper stark as iho i u . r: - nl Official Photo THib idlest portrait of Gen. flwJgM E. Ktsenhower has just been offi cially released by the U. S. Army pho'og iphers. (Internationa'■> Ninth \ 1 r Forcc Pl.mes \ll I'hiscd { )n (If»ntment Non T' ’; i - 4 \ ?• . r \ r■ j • \ • i ' «*i H. •■in ' i ’ •! . V’i c Mm I mm 1. tl": .1 I si : i rge .1" III • i ■ ■ , i • i;icv iting r ’v ■, • i ' :• ■ M 11 op- in Mi li lt i ' ' Mii•: i :,nge "l Get many, tl vas ■ 'f ' ' > • : - -in;tort l, nm P.i • rilit ' m chid ed a tl:,. mm i; , . i iV-, along with ii.e ■ • d m mmamr- fighter bo t b . ! u:h f l.v.tig t In'll ' rst ; I iop.,4 fr. .. ' ' m ' a • . ' min , elv. Mil '. I i 1. i. ■: e. i iigh' T v' '< '■ M' •' '• m: mug <;, ;. , . ui Aachen a .1 Cl I i , tie III 11' is!; i)Y t a ft :M SM-1, ' ' cc v Tim • ''iti' ill. -, ii...j , i living i* a, .’a ’.vt'.i. a ii'ir.niH.tii loss a ■ .... •: i c. g-ttuig III ' 1 - • " . '■"■P1' s o' the speech. ' ,;• me said t1 f Me ' •• ■■■<■■• ...i hv Mi, ! .m.c vmi-. p.,i h finder M ■ M. P .. ,-m. el- i k H Miss Stc in," ,. no V t'a- rate "l mui and one half : ■■ niing v. • i '..mi m .dm .>Ai;,i)(11i. Strong Aided Forces 1 Have Landed in Crete I Hl'i' '! O' ! \ i ' S’ | • IM • ... .' 1 not t h • t put I ( rtr. * • c Mu. < .1 rii radio c: trd Inrlay Thr i >; • •: .Mil:*’ tlt'rinni', Sir 1 i >\ I nr A .1 rir t t.i. The (ii; ;j:i j*a: >'.son :i Crrtr, 7 ' h .'And. -a; i\n rd ,:i , ! sdn-n. :n ov. n t;.a A: rri a ip; 1 a n ! , ,. , 1 '' " . ... A .1 act won C.i'c ..tul !..r main ar.d u! 't’he 1 he Gc: "tans have been reported _... e with.ii’awing then : .... in. islands raging thi -'uuihern tin <>f Greoee, but there Stave been no n riHMt.on that they have evacuated i Crete a -ymbol ol one ut the Nazis' 1 greatest : lumph.-- ,:i too days when Hitier was on the march. ' 1 • : f * 1' • 1 ■'>i • pniiiirn♦ S'ep '-p ... :i the Mi'diti ■ '■11 • id Bn! • i cimm .miins l.tndt d 1 " • M > : Ire ; : k I :; K.V! ":M' . 11 * 1 .."1 ■ P Sept ember 1 M \ yocl. I i" i re. a it,1r ;■ 11: n| lad (_J e :■ n - rad | led a! let rie t n -y <ij_g i \ rr|e ■ t .d a in ! hey ilia M'.iinc I there l’> I -h and Canadian nav i .s i '■ 'be e,• m i null > 'i " e tmy I- in - 11 mi i; Itidy I,, waled 1 ■ • les -m mi *! Atheii'. and six m from the .'iiutherniMi-t tip of tor Pete ponnetis. i was the first < • eat ter ritory liberated by the Br.i n They were gi en a a ml wel ctr e by the island's *J,UU' nhabit ants. i

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