I -. \ I Society News DKKU. By I,ill.i Mitehell Thornton A covey q . , . m the woodlot And fit hi nts tn. ' play in the -nibble: A \miiidehiii k 1> lliicmi. i.\ chipmunk, a Yoon. These help all mv plea.-.ires to dou ble. i A lieavor lodge down ny the river And pigeons that Aa.-per and prat tle. But more than the : est. The ones I like he>:. The deer that eou.e u with the cat tle. So shyly they eat at l e haystack. And count me a I end. not a slrau ger: Vet softly I go. For well do 1 kmi. They are po.-ed fot le.n :ng Iron danger. Kook ( lull I o Meet. The t'nnlc ■ a .. y Hoot, el'll) u . ■ i meet with Mr-. Waddell (tlioisoii. on the Country el,a d. e. id. i -day afternoon at 3:311 n'rl.ri:, t w.i an non need to, lav. Parsonage lid Meeting. The Value Men k! -; charge pa, .-image aid ui ety li eet Friday evening .it t! o'el a ■. the par.-on age. it was iitiu> an e.t today Mem bers ol the Cull urg ,, ,et . v\ ii ( htive charge oi Hie pr ‘gram and .- - cial hour. Great Way to relieve stuffiness, invite It’s wonderful how a little Vu-tro-nol up each nostril relieves stuffy transient congestion. Also relieves distress of head colds! Follow direi Lions in folder VICKS VA-TRO-NOL Cl a y a ^ I ji e ~ \v i rl oi Au l u in u Leaves I ' I S'It \i\\(' . aedf in a no\C’l i.andal lur just any time wear.S7.95 Low heel romi’urt with li :*1* heel smartness -alsu suit black velvet suede. suede. .$7.9“* W EBB’S Henderson Shoe Store ___ - - -f Marian Martin —Pattern— Lovely to look at. delightful to .'.•ear. anil a cinch to sew! Pattern 11 tit! is smartly designed and, with .niily emb: o.ctery, iue;.' lot s>i. l. Pattern 9I(>2, misses' and women’s ./.os. 14. lti, 18. 20: 32. 34. 3(1. 3--1 i and 12. S /r lti. 2 y s. 39-inch. . bro.ilri v li attsl'cr inelitded. SEND TWENTY CENTS in coins or these patterns to Henderson Daily Dispatch. Pattern Dept., 232 West Kith St., New York 11. N. Y. ' \1L, AD DRESS, STYLE NUMBER. r . * J il.l ..■> e ois l .s 111, .1 e bring iii the Marian Martin Fall and . inter I’attorn Book full of smart. .y-lu-MiL.i' si.vies. A free bed tckel pattern is planted right in tin ( oiniminity Singing. T: ere will be coinin.i .11y sim| i or a; tile North Hi'ilunsui Bap cl arch next Sunday, .avoiding ■ ■ • aittnumeement made today ay V . I. Clark AH choirs are nutted to attend. I Imir lit Elect Officers. The Young People's choir ol tin First Baptist church, which yy.is . c orgam.'.ed last Thursday, will i iee new officers at their rehearsal to morrow evening at 7:30 o'clock, il .v.i.- v.aleu today. Members are urg ed to meet promptly at 7.30 o'clock o Fiat the seni u1 choir may ri hearse at 8:30 p. nt New members are tn . .led to attend and make up the goal ol 20 to 2.7 choir members. Junior Ci\ ic Club Plans For Bridge La>; minute preparations were being made today for the bridgi tournament to be held Thursday evening at 8 o'clock at Coopers Hall sponsored by the .Junior Civic club. Everything has been working smoothly m anticipation ol the event and much enthusiasm and in terest points to a successful even ,4; lor the sponsors, leaders said. Miss Aima Dixon, president ol tin club, has announced that tables I'm games other than bridge yvill be nade available and that prizes wil. .je awarded bridge winners ol low tnd high scores and also to winner. >1 the other games. Tickets have been placed on sale through Miss Alma Dixon at the Citizens Bank, Miss Frances Har ison at Loughlin-Cluudwy n's ami Irs. Lari Satterwhite. The advance ale has been promising, it was said B. I\ \Y. Will Ha\e Supper Gathering '1 he Business and Professional \Vu nen's Club is planning a gei-l, g. the supper oil Tuesday night, October 111 1 the Middleburg Community h .use it was stated today. The suppo wil be in celebration of the Naliona Women's W eek which will be observ ed throughout the country. A goes speaker has been invited for tin occasion. Supper will be served a 715 o'clock by the ladies of tin- Mid dleburg community. Kes.vv ili in. must be made by the latter pari tins week through Miss. A:me l.e May, who will also arrange traiis .. i iat mn . to M iddleburg. Reported Improved Mrs. Katie Paschall was reported much improved today following ai in-ration at Duke hospital. Durham, last no k. A Three Days’ Cough is Your Danger Signal Creomulsion relieves promptly be cause it goes right to the seat of the trouble to help loosen and expel germ laden phlegm, and aid nature to soothe and heal raw, tender inflamed bronchial mucous membranes. Tell your druggist to sell you a bottle of Creomulsion with the understanding you must like the way it quickly allays the cough or you are to have vour money back. CREOMULSION For Coughs, Chest Colds, Bronchitis I FLOWERS 1 FOR EVE”Y OCCASION I Pbonr 380 Day or Night 1 BRIDGERS The ri0lM | ★ ★★★★★ ★ WITH THE COLORS * ★ ★★★★★ Returns to \tl.intu Id i Maurice i Stainback has re turn* .1 to Lawson (Seneral hospital, Atlanta, Ga.. allot spending .1 ltd day furlough wdh in- parents, Mr. and Mrs (i. L> Stainbari.. route live. Henderson. Trains as Instructor. Second Lieutenant John W 11,.: ri- S' 'it of Mr. and Mrs Philip J Hums. ullH Young street, has an - eel at Randolph Field. Texas, to take tanning us 11 pilot instructor of the Army Air Forces Training Com mand. it was learned today He me ol several him red pil its. select ed for their Hying proficiency and ability to teach, who vv.ll take a month's course in Randolph Field's Cent) al Instructors School, it was stated. BPW CLUB URGES SAVING OF PAPER Now that October i- on Us way. the 13. P. W club wants to remind the public that salvage ol waste paper is still more urgent than ever. Now is the fall cleaning time and 'rum attic to basement there should be many paper articles that eduid be destroyed. Regtila. collection ■>: tun. pope | vi 11 be Inter in the month. Out tite club stands ready to send a truck to any home that has an appreciable j amount, it was said. Citizens are s'-e-3 < • eall Mrs. R. 13. Green.— Reported. Improves Alter Operation. Mrs. Renn Hale who underwent major iporuthui last Fiaday limni ng was reported much improved today. JAND MEMBERS ASK FOR INSTRUMENTS Musical instrument- ue wanted by several new members of the He si ersori high school band " ho have ecu unable to nlil.iin m.-lr uuetits, A. T Hcarue. Jr. dir-'clo . aminuim mi today. Those in t:w rUy who have .nslrumcnts tor sale are a-ked to contact Mr Heari.e i.elore Fr.day. naming the piece and price asked. No new insti tinn nr m ’o' )oilg111 now. Mr. Hem lie explained, md lie ;- anxious to have a full band main this year. Those .V iio .von 1 i line to sta ! m ■he band tins year are also a-ked .0 see Mr. Hcanu at '.lie hign >e!i. 01 or eall him this week. :iTY TEACHING LIST IS NOW COMPLETED Two additions to the iity schoo, et.chnig last have complete tie’ tear 1 iig personnel lor the scimol vmir. 944-4a. K. M. Rollins, stipe.aten lent of publie schools, announced od-tiy. Miss Fa u Wieki r nas accepted oiirth grade work a; Nuria Hender ,n sehoai Miss Wicker formerly ’might at Aycoek lngii seimol. and lot die past few months lias been work dig with tile government in Washi ngton. Mrs. Lillian Radford, of Henderson, ■as been elected to teach the litlu radc recently added at Central tehool. Leaders Discuss \\ <>rJ\ (»t Sc<aits "Patrol and Troop Mooting Pio grams' wa- the top;.- lot the thud mooting o! the Girl Scout Leader train ng set e- held Monday n gl at 8 (0*clock at the First Bap tist church. The opening period I the meet mg .'.as conducted by (he tin'p leader. Mi-s Elvira Cheatham Flag bearers to. the evening were Mrs G E. Rose and Mi Gideon Lan i; color guard.- were Mis Elizabeth Newton and Miss .lean Gregory During the opening period the group pledged allegiance to the Amer.ran flag and repeated the Girl Scout oath and laws. The pal ol formed at the last meeting direct ed die singing of the Scouting Hymn. During the troop period Miss Eliz abeth Lassiter led in the discussion | revolving around the topic for the | evening. "Patrol and Troop Meet- ! ing Program-." She gave Inc oh.jcc- j lives, methods, and natcrials of the j annual troop meeting and a so tne objectives, methods, and maler.als I ol the weekly troop meeting. Spc- ' citi 1 emphasis was placed on the ' meeting- being enjoyable and var. ed. .vliss Lassiter stated tnat tile slogan of the leaders, 'I'ra.n 'Lin, j 1 rust 'Em and Let them Lead," ■mould be considered in the plan img of every program. 1'ollowing the Loop period, i.ov group met in various sections i.ie ■ mill lor their patrol meetings. There have been three patrols loi.n ■ ed during the meeting. The Corn ua ndo patrol is headed uy Mis.. r. i./.abetn Newton, with the ass.si- | • uit leader being Mis.- Lucy .lane : Lower. The Bob White patrol is under the direction of Mrs. John Whitfield as leader, and Mrs. Jim Briley as assistant leader. The third patrol, the Flying Tiger.-, is under leadership of Miss Elizabeth Las s. ter and has as assistant leader, Mrs. Gideon Lamb. The 11 ib White patrol had charge if the investiture of three persons who had reached the ranking ol Tcndcrluot and were presented with iheir Girl Scout pins. This cere mony took place il iring the troop c-.i.-scuioiy pci iod and was imme l.atciy ; olio wed by a bandage race •onduclcd by the Commando patrol, i Airs. George O'Lary gave mstruc- i : ons ;n bandage mailing and talk- ' ed • the group concerning first aid I ■ i cat.m ill. Adjournment billowed the friend ship circle and the singing ol "Day | - Dying in the West." Attendance at the leadersnip .raining scries ha- iiccn excellent. M i ;ch interest has been exhibited at the meetings and with the out- | -.ide a i irk connected with the scout movement. MEETING TONIGHT ON V-DAY PROGRAM The final general meeting to pre- ! pare for public commemoration of j V-D.iy will be held this evening at | 3 o'clock at the Vance county court | house. The principal event com memorating the day will be a union, county wide thanksgiving an.! pray er service at Henderson iugii school .'il the evening of V-Dav. at wh;>‘ time the services will be conduct ed entirely by lay workers in the churches of the county. Each church and civic club has been invited to have two representatives at tonight's meeting. Merchants To Hear Address I )( ', A m- : \,y. » XCC it i « t - ‘ary .* :. . m}, )!,>,, ., ,•. - eau. v\ II • , , ,r the* : t < < . i•.• - duinci t«» lr . id TIi i. sd;.> , • *i .*}») ( learned tndii;. ! !lcs( llit'i :. , lit (|, mil’. -: > nl-e. (d by the i ■■ ,nt lc affa’. « . : . m it tee ct tin Honda son fn.i i :,i . of Comnifni' .no open to all mo - chants piopr o? II"-, :i. I’lauci - and iuninr exeeut vos. according to H. C Bow ie. "... . ■ an. been the exeeut Bale > r ga n i; t most two years, and pi >r . that was a mem: o: of the .1 ore -i- nr, stall of the itaio.gh i m.i-s to -i . - oral vein- Ho w.ll discuss 1 r .0 tile problei - aid the - no • - chant cn,i|,»• •; m, part v .! ly . 1 ways cooper.i*:on can help present d y jir -oleins ()llicr business to ae c m-,cl. c I is a tentative report h.v * fie* ('li ma- committee, which con- st - • i. II. Vicke v. W. B. Shc.n 1 .. s. i Holcombe. and K W E.-.rct. NEW ELECTIONS TO PHI BETA AT DUKE Durham. 1 let. -I. - F-i uh-t:. men and two women were ole-led to I’... Beta Kappa Society - |) , ... Cn - versitv this week. Initial mis ! , tht.se new members and :D others, who were elected on August I. .v:l. be held at next Monday nigh’.'s meeting, when Dr. \V. T La,made, professor of ! 1 istory, vvi pi . 11. • lames Cannon. III. prifes-or ol History ol Religion and Mis-ions i-' ’*'<• sec ret ;uy t nr* urgum/.i t ;cn. Those who were rmidc : c i burs | this week are Kdgar Met aniens. i-.. ~ WFA 10 PURCHASE COTTON OF ’44 CROP Pursuant ■■ ':11 at-' ■ ! C ..... W.ii F ' \dm !i. w V.- ] . ] M’t !- < a -e ;ieIt* , 1; until <1 in- 3u. 104.1. • oi : ■ purchase through 1 c t " nudity Ciuil t c.',. - , j ' ,1 t ]n» ] E)^ 1 iced a rid w a v iji "T: i ttw de . ; Con idit Credit Curjjoration t Mr. ivilst.si -..id. f To relieve distress of MONTHLY > Female Weakness S (Also Fine Stomachic Tonic) Lydia E. Pinkham’s Compound is famous to relieve periodic pain and accompanying nervous, weak, tired out feelings—all clue to functional monthly disturbances. Made espe cially for women—it helps nature! Follow label directions. LYDIA E. PINKHAM’S gSKffig ■ ■ i—I I It I J I . . i uiiy II | , Demands Krrount. !• x; lain.ng to his m :1 an l r.« irh » • .'i The art .lory, a d. m\V I » .-aid A:, open- do b:g gun. put 1 a g cat ( do gun. pul dt l: .g g1 ■’.(;> h i a ■ k and > a y ’ i I ' ... y " Diamond Dust 10% HeiDS—10% M 're! I Children’s Bath Robes In beautifully quilted ray on and corduroy. Size 2 to I I. Quilted Robes - - $5.95 Corduroy Robes - 3.95 ■"I \ Stylo No. 1_5 Style No 1 Hi £7wo Suits to the CJ^all fkQieiuit A> IK AIL RED IN MADEMOISELLE AND CLAMOl R . . . you . . . demurely feminine in a softly ruffled frock or the picture of efficiency in a crisply tailored number. You’ll want both ol these smooth dresses to meet the demands of your Autumn schedule. .The ruffled model beautifully made in a fine, rayon crepe in all leading colors The button fmnt classic trimly cut in “Bandwagon,1* t lustrous rayon gabardine by Aller *j*hrirs. )□ all leading colors. Sizes i0 to 20. 1 * Efird’s Dept. Store 230-232 S. Garnett St. Phone 98 Efird’s Warm Up Blanket and Comfort Sale Warmth That Took Grandmother Months To Obtain CHATHAM BLANKETS WOOLWICH MARLEY j Full bed size 72 A brand new x 84 inches. loo'- blanket ot bo'' virgin wool in wool b()'' cotton, four lovely shades full 4 1 pounds of i of rose. blue, winter weight ' jj green m* cedar. warmth. Full bed Ideal for warmth size. j v.-,y.. y"r' $7.95 $10.95 F1ELDCREST J Double Blanket SUTTON 2-)'1 wool, 7o ' A bargain buy cotton, of 2b' wool, bo' • rayon and 2-V' cotton, magically blended into a ————— j warm bed cover- WINTER ing at a thrifty KING 1 11 Double Blanket This pair is con _____________ structed of b': „r.,T wool and Ob'- cot- \ Kt-IN 1 ton. size 72x8) 5 Double Blanket inches, weight 4 1 jj 4,-4 pounds. 8 Ob'' cotton. -V wool, size 70x8o 00 QC inches. Weight 4 «J pounds. - <t»o O0 AU Cotton BLANKETS HOUSTON siz' Double Blanket $1.29 I ]()()'' cotton In $1.98 $2.48 j 1 f Cannon-Leaksviiie Blankets 50' wool, 50 cotton, hound with layon satin. Each blanket is carefully tf*C QC inspected to assure a full measure of warmth, durability and beauty. | CANNON-LEAKSVILLE SECONDS.$4.95 COMFORTS /•< • ,• ii i , AH Consisting of 00'' reprocessed wool ( ons stum ot al -cotton bat- q*Q QC , .... • ,, 1 .. • , ... and 10 cotton fibres. Coy- frC QC f tint; covered with chintz. v ered with pastel sateen. s EFIRD’S Department Store 230-232 South Garnett St. Henderson, N. C. Phone 98

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