VOTE MAY BE 50 MILLIONS Russia May Help Allies With Japan (jo r1 Bases Or ] -,iii Participation Is Speculated On e. i i■ >ft<• n, Nov. 7 ( A 1 ’ 1 a .hall Stalin's frank disnis i Japan a-; an njigTos -i\ i >, !, l.roii^ht n newel I sjnwa i. to'hiy i hat at the .-t rate^ic a i : nt I lie Sm iet l nirn wilt n i- a.i aiialile seme ol its n; to the Allies of the l>a A lit ii• war. 'ga* r iiige till ilii' v' y fn in i i■ i >;i.-1• s 1 i lull pal Ii(_• i iii • .. I.tep. will t.e forth ; It :lg Ik i'I , :t i lllli' i by ■ i i per., ii lu iv. .'I'jd Stalin' . ' • ' e I '•, t’.ie' I ic • *i* , ■ nteriu-eied in that light. . , "uil mal:i’ up her mi net us ■ a nr! wtiat In rin, theiv being ■. in ic in re v qerrtr . piiinm1 unrated his plans eg Japan !u Was!'.high>n an. I... .a a , e ! e.~,perlRussia's piisi ■■■ rllieast A aa s even more ile than Japan's. It°r I ’vr? ■ Pie maritim(> pravinces and h • i i a peninsula apt in nth 1::;i .! i '.> defend in event .H'sp were ;n po et i q i . ‘ ghu Thai is tile vii.Min : g the -iiii'ii'.it nf 1942 a ta.a .. i.ii Russia va . c m :ht. l'iirefi nut "i ar d ■ |. '*v. inniiig ini'll and eould j t i dre;,in i ■ new cot totnests' ! U. S. Sinks Or ! Damages Six jap Warships • Pacific Fleet 11 or drj';. i. t'*.: Har’pnj-, Muv, 7 (AP) Six ; "f : on . hy iMvt j •igl.’ T.»i!:i;t end in.k ; i : igcd Sunday, Philipnuu* Hellcat; , HHkiivor.. .nvi :> i n! the l tut(' i Stales third I'd. c; rh, <•;.> od by the j a ..ed to at Ira l BB the total ■ s warships v:nk or damaged | ■ (iei.eral Mae.Arthur landed ; ' 1 20 ,n the centraI Phi 1 ip- j . ’ g d a mustering point tor again t MarAi thur’s ‘ • 1 a eene, the earner planes ‘ •» U‘| v -ank a Mih-el'.a.' er, pi " , in ; a heavy erui er. d.uimig * ght er saw and three de.-Ouoy- i ud ■ iju*d out nearly 200 enemy a -sat: jn day and night attack", •ub-cka.'er went down ntT the a :e.i t coast ol 1 >u/.f»n. The othci .• ere caught bv : urprise in \1 : i P»ay. holes Take Hill Positions Along Nazi Italy 1 one • . o\ 7 i A P ) - I*ol sh 1 • o '\• ' • eighth army lone captur'd Ms:sue, ;inf| Marsignano, iu the ' ■ ' in.-, southwest of Fori . Allied 1 i 1 ■ | . i rt cis ai non need today. era I. imixu'tant hill tcalure -> w» < seized. 1! "where mi the Italian fr"P\ lh "i ae!ivity of both sides was pa- | t. 'oiling. Jap Pincers Closing In On Chinese mgking, Nov. 7.— (AD Jap vc.r pincers closing upon Kwan H 1 i‘i'i\ ince and the center of On .. lo-.v are only about HO mile 'O'.o't, ihe Chinese high convman'l (I ckred tonight. I'o.cigu observers arriving in Chungking from the combat /.one sod the enemy forces had all the ms c sary weapons for modern war '.onl that the Chinese units oppos ing 'hem were poorly equipped and " 'classed. lfeluw this active theater, .Urvm esc troops pushing westward from Aweishien were about 20 miles from Pinyang. Capture of Pinvang would ljr a distinct step forward in the Japanese plan to establish an over p-'nH i.iii,. u ith French Tndo-fSiirvt U. S. Superforts Raid 1 okyo-Kanto District Dewey opcriks I o 20,000 In New York Rally 58? w VI Vs —- ■ ■ - ( li:r’\ing li s eight-week rreshlcital campaign with a rally in .Madison Square tiarder. New York, Thomas Hevey attracts a crowd of some 00 people. *i;.,et a* ri ’lit i-. a close-no f *!»e Kcnuhihan canfhdrtf as he appeared during his “wind-up" speech, which was nationally brradrait. (international) A m e tic a nsFigh ting Nazis Ha n d 1 oHa n d So u th From A a ch en Rec over Portion Of Res-i n Lost Monday; Advance in Hoitand * _____ i I.onion. sow 7. — t \ I ‘ !!a ml to-ha m! ibjlitin'T inn rased ' in snto: it.. today in the Hurt ijen fore-t area southeast oi Aari.en. v.-hrrc American mi,in tis, rio-.ris supported h.\ planes, : strirgRled 10 hold their gains i against successive and powrrtul i ■ ■ i man counter b'ow s. All I'll v till- 1st ■ O' 1 ot 111 " ’ tsi'jt w a. ill ' ,'•■11 bins-;, but am',or:- i biKio'-.nd I: o A . ■ '1 . town t on j if ns ihc e:e ' s. 1 ■ ,>...'!. t, ,s,!(l ;'• < 'iain... . 11r;;<■ . k : i v. a_y : ■ a; n the !■ iA 11, 1 ■ ■ > '. i ■ w ll.ov am f ;.;nt an; a :a'„ ; hr m I of tli".' "i • uk.. and ij• t an: rv. West of y.ehinidt. the inter jeans advanced slowly in tne t no of sluiitiorn opposition, inn despite the ferocity ot -Allied air attacks, which htai.l.i’ti d the derma i i.ositians .nth linin';',, Schmidt itself, seized last week In the America ns tint retaken he the enemy. was still in Ger man hands. Schmidt is 1.7 miles j southeast of Aachen. 11,t/,'.<■.• i I u. * I ah unit* stili were hiding out elsewlieia in the i looded interior, tint. VI lied mine ...repets and dredges alrr,id\ h.ive begun clearing Ine approach to .\ntwerp, i i] .■ > t} f\a •*n n t h*; inn, ■. buna ' ic« n V'a . ■ i.I' / It;*.' . >1; *r ; l!-.t " !<>- ! ’•> a . .ddf'ii (>•;a "an ••• ■ *. - n- a* Mra; <•-1 ; i u i»l. f .a 111 . • .1 ! i.ere *. <* .jclvni i: ilia’ . •• n .ii n i oil in ; , -mat mu :;n ...; •• '.■I” >• ii 1;:n Mi. .live tiir tiic :S a: M ,yno anl d< ■ 1 to a ■ I 11 li.ll i ilc.”:. a nil that tin .lev n i *,i U'-lir. .■ - - |i;, M rarely J< ■.-> . nr'.ier or more well inl'i.niieil ' r.onrl." > !,,,lf| Moyne. HI. hot flown ■ ..i04 t.'d I.. rc iflenee • .to. lie till'd i ’ a’l nr .. 1'i• i-it ;:. II rhuuffcui . I i lantl.v a . ... gun.. - . hot !•;. Mi Kcypt a) e m. !..l;md the other v.Tiii Ci.ptured rr .M. y. Through Jap Mountains ( . 11 M ■<-A I I ' ■ He I 'I'l.ii I or., I ’hi!ij•! ■ 111• • , .Nov. i. •< At’ > fii net iciin battle veterans, already l four .tries v. Mb ol Cangnra Hay. continued an uncheel-.ed ad- anec to day through JapanC'C mountain de fenses on the highway toward Or muc. and the finale ot the Leyte I land campaign. , , Onnoc, last Japan* se tronghi Id on the island, was 16 miles away alter the determined IMth division (t' three right counter a t t.'.ci-. - I and bunched beyond Limon. oil the I ntoi'nta.r end pa-.' Well rqilippo.! Japanese rcinforce ;:irnt... were ,-t.mcv. hero along Inc logins av through Ormoc valley, wailing perhaps lo launch a final attack which is expected to protji.ce one of file campaign's liercest bat tling. While the e fresh troops waited, infantrymen of the original Japan esc garrison swarmed from strong iiiil positions with three fanatical Banzai charges against the Amer icans four miles fiom the coast. All were repulsed bloodily, without dentin;1 the America:: lines. No iicnbis Dropped; Tokyo Radio Tells 0f f iai;.Cicmmg Ik, !|< \ daf< <1 Pee . ) A in C I" i '"HI Kiittt'l'ff rt l‘< - : "S 'V: Ii ( , r M ikyo ail I the |n>av ly i in a; h i ial i",i d k a ti t o a ''-"a t <> day 'ii lie third linv within a 1 * it, i c riiKV.1 radio report ed. .vi In ni:;,; ,/ere dnipped. I ne - in ■■ Ih'i.a'lea a , recorded o." I he Fed'-ra! <'' mmunicat ions 1 i nnrii. ii n, -aitl fortv more of ■hi lair mi Semlay r.tdied Iud hi i \ i.leaiei island- , 7o0 ill ill's Hill1;] ef T‘ k ye. Th,.. a"i r •.-1• ir,..>•■ .I..:. .:i. K -Hi -i _;i m lor ai ! ir ■*a r i ...•, vhic l.ilMii'S" jvj-iiin‘sandisis ii-arn i-il that tie- H- Hi-. v. mild r*-turn hi fe/re Ii* hem!) lakvo mid ether sielion el Hie i area, which riitghl, cuvers lin* eastern half <1 ISi iishtl. !!i e (('rasters said, "Ur nee I Irrther rigid guard against the plane of the ontinrv." ' 1' 1 i ■ "ii 1, i • ■ had !• I " mi j . ni - Cti ■' 1 ' V »t l) d'l-e Ffj i' r! ' • 'c t 1 - n:ii.vTiiiv' lliql : '!!, • flrM , . P‘ »ted by hot \r. rid Mv \ . <>,. • M1 hi < »‘l' j i'i ■ .I'i t' ; r* \ ,1 11: ■ • ■' i" T -it: ' I 1 ■.}! .hll ;.r. ; till a I ' I i • . ! . 1 • pi ' M,. • . • ■ ' .- ..1 t Ik* » 'vn Si|"‘r 1 ‘ -i ' ‘ ' u I;o v . ri.i ..pjo ti. Mv M.1 p;uu - 11 • v 1 Two • i md in t .• IU»nins, bib '' le ■ rt h< ■ ■ f o • , ■ t.i< ?-:*'■.•■ f r,',p.» tf*d. 'I'!:, y .•'.ti i M'Vf'.'itI * : . ii j)!tnI'f :•!' * M .1 o;. i.f •• ml hr ;rj - w n. often fust in the State b» complete its eounti }g of vot"s. reported the lirst h’oek cf ballots today and JTFve .7] to Governor Dewey and II to r.’ c-id. nt !loosev«*lt. In I J: HI \\ "n Jell \Yil|kir re ceived !*7 and Tirsi lent Hossc V'*l* 80 votes in tin* town com plete. ~ WEATHER ? Oil NOibl If < \KOLIX \. fair and continued cool, with higher temperatures today. < bar wiih frost tonight, and not unite so cool. Wednesday partly cloudy and wanner. Russians, Inspired By Stalin Message, Bailie In Budapest I.',,, V (A Pi It; I arn y f nn:’* 1 ! iJdI alrniigly trio I*»rr*‘(l Nd/': !". re . ill the (lUt.-l. .1 t ui ..t today, -'purre-i on i■> Premier S'.< . aiinuiineerneiil .it 11 ling.i: ■ \oiild min be i m 11 ul ! I! i ■ In .11 aril' al ti e day i -sued - ul lb s 127111 .in er :ir.v of '.be Sm ,et re .iila’ am. SI dill fieri;, i ecJ tin "Ib'd ■IV. :i.v III -I 1 ■ e Irril allie; liir. r taken ,a the ininping oil pu. it ion., far i1, ■ dec i vo ol tensive ngu ' >1 the 'aii.'il ...I Germany”, and that ' ivt* I - ■ ■ ' o:d on llie v r o romjilrle . a' a'v. j;isi.m a luii'ii.- were ligld mg witlnn t'A -1 i dr a. the big airdrome in Budapr.-' outskirts, a[ijiaren seeking to roil around the eastern part of the eitv. In a proclamation preceding the order ol tbe - ay Stalin asserted tiia* Mir fir j r;» t r it 111 a i y > y >>1 >| y iny " t hr (•<.!:,pli'U* * i hi * • t Hi! IrnIe (irriniiny. Mi l » • i . Yeslerda\ S«». ;rt ;•••■• '■ »*/r *•. i'f 1 flir rnni;-.' . d'tn r I.c*!t uul .•< i am. meat a in. » 1 '■ .« ■. il Ha Hungarian i apil-il Stalin aid n a * .. .• v * / lii;. troops had deslinyefi !'..’P (»er i an do i !• *ns p- 'J'iv ’ ,*'no.O Vi rain killed or r-iptum': r. , jj R<*m ; vc> 11 jr.akeo h > f.l> i 1\ . :nj J( i) ‘ 11 '• ..] , ., ■ «•, in Fenway Park. Boat n. Ma i. Beside him B.,b IP •••■ . I) c atic National channia.L < liitcruatio'icil Jo1 dvhotoj Political Raleigh 1 turns With Election Euessing Musi Big Shuts Arc Pack Home to Vote; lax Debate Watched ItV LV.N.N MSBLT 11'it' Disjnteli Hureau fTiknyi . No ; (*. ■ .vjUii.T h;» . 1*0011 ,11 :i '.4*. .! pended ■ Hoc .■<>!, ' t i - ; - V t i i M 11 y, o !...' . * , <, '.'I ' 111 y < i ’ i < * t *' , 11 ■ 11 i, - I Vilely - .vo- .;ny .. r • ? l * .’ . A , ‘•'i; er l'-'fl. About 'Clip »-! ft* hr top I tie: i* ’ y “ c ■' Hit •• . !. . fio r, JiM |o It-' ’ ivnlf’ f ;mipci:pi■ ng : nd to • • He on Ti e | i I’l; • .n • pi to Heid t«nd e iun‘v ne -. t d y 1 > ■ • ;! hi - : i.o! lot •» per on . I ’>. ..••• id he. i i:„e d - ■ ' ol ' • C o: iri '. md IT t v i > : . ■ • \ e<• d ’. e errot »;i'r ’AFT ’• Kerr Sr i.U, roil: n,. .inrwp of i y r: i t d re. end Hughe .1. h’hofie . , ... ..!,.» I :.d r nev ye- • • r i.. . > • *}• »t . 1 vu* • m All uee H McM , t in v griD'i ;il. d . Be;. ,!•».! • ■ -1 v ; ;ind B • !d e d. . »’* w eh-, mm iii!.. loner, ' VVil. .i.: IT. — S! . lord, <•(': - i ' • ■ : •1 >r. v 'id. to High Bomt; Uhih.nm I )mni, (’<* mi:- none, ot piiroles, ' » An . Bore : II.'. d i id' ■ 1' to Ashe . ' y t. ‘ • • r <• * , to V to. t C':’.V 1 IB;!.Be- f., • • nm or- !• : •••! Hun to md IT G. . went t I heir •'t *. 11‘'e' ; . e h< •' e- ill MeekU M bin y ;md I ’ruder •« -iin ' •• • Se e. 11 of the .• hng from *'(•(••!• iii.-ije,. m no:,rhv eit e The I'D '0:11CT 'ii O ' • *. 11 ei' . i,i I *> (T - * by o:y • i:v ri nn •• < ’ was l v m, ■ ■ . wot id do e been o on h*. • but for the dil lieu! t :• > < .1 1 el. The ot f i lion d;ty " •» y pen ehron credit lur the re-.nit it i! . right/' rid 'Wpimn ;.ry clef ice"1 .i i imm right. n;ith,, by showing thov i ,id not br.-n oround ■i •• • ' . *' • ' ‘-u g;. ■ i ring ‘ hr fS< >K.\L b. 7 I *;.1' * -1' 1111 r», eanciidahf* ;«.r * ’< n..:U go erno>\ Ncni ■ : :■ I tare ' - ‘ .a : <* m ug .; • • ho •: | in SOllth trn Win- e • y. They dope I out a no.r- plan i » to get a big 'itc u -■ ’ <■ * light nemoeratir » : ■ ■ * • . •< *•»: 1 .da* j nnt’.v f'gI; m .vj 'f’r t*h,- e,rrf>rai pf*' . I ; *'*:,• ; ■ I | • . f th«» county, *r! 11r g the .•*.-• ;! r v . - ri d n t <> . 5 , »• v: <• elected ; jiiivhoT, but pl'u.'hng f•»i a rou- tor . t h<• st ra gh * 1.c• u t > *;• • y w'oi; iun t be kidded '• beu ‘hoy ! r rgatnere i v.-!h the f Vie -bit - e •• henguos in J iry The . u•. ot ‘ ’) .y i ' H,,. | i. .-.I M.,|. . ].]f..irirnti.- I j rlrrlI' ll. ;; iiraiu-i ' r ■ . i • ,1 til., i Ii Mel; m.irk'-'t Till- t -'-i * ii. •/. I -'-'y iu-'i iv .IM'I I t; III.:1 I' ■ ' " V 1 .., ,, 11 ,| I’ll rlP! I II'("SPVP.ll I n m I" p»u nod iiid i >ai>l.\ I'.v ] ,.,i .. .in,. lil j.l : . 111.’ I' 1.11111.11 i i.. , I..ii I > *il> ii i .'.i ■ i1'■• 1 ' II...I ji v. • vrlll 'ill .‘llvll tip' ■ i.1: 1 . .\ ... II ill t|.»lt!‘. hi. ' ' I'i" liv in' t..1.'.... It '■ • i ii' low ;•' I .. lit -.V- - iod■ • > ' -j-)-.. -sv v .1. - • 11->- -i..'•luloi-' "I 'll, 1 i;nly K i|ir- " v. ha• lie ■' "l”-1 j , . - ■ i| ,111. ■ t Iv I I i llf-V ...Ill 'll ! , •, \ . : i 11,11 • i i i 11 - !; 1. i - K I > K BCMEING OF NAZIS HALTED DY WEATHER 1.. iv I,. 7 \ P i -Hud \vpp iin v i< 11 vl * iil in ("day ' in"(>-1' u- i.i, . , ,-i -1 in i-ainst (l.'iTii.iiiy .British ast'.s a ter .1 i hree-day in- id ... ,4 vhieh 25.000 planes ,’i ,. ,1 p than 26.000 tons of | bombs Big Centers Report Very Heavy T urnout; Botn Sides Appeal I By Tile : M t <•' i Pi I . I An unpr. > denied early and heavy turnout -warnped )>< 11 i»itr i'lae lie n.-ii ]t*’: o ■ r Inna... ii> dicat; up i p<- i Ue ) • i . ge of fifty million. Stivnd hv the fir.-a wartime elect ion inc. JS(> 1, the men ami wonvu wlio r ik" up Ann rico began lining up to car* their ballots < • en b- tore t.hc polls opened. Tlir first n« :irs m ore ot d^rJ*., despite the wu-jrj feeling between seme partisans rf franklin 2). Roosevelt. ♦.>- % t ar-old thirct teinier in fh • \\ bite House, and Governor Thomas F. Dowpy. 42, bidding for a first term. Yew York C •/ •• .kng ■ ^f.n.iis re sorted 2.) per* • * of the veto in by 9:‘d» a. n . e .. >< nvv.* ;>■ H y>!a. • .V) tu f)0 were . !:cci. v i lino. In Pennsv ivania. -a hose ,*»/• electoral votes mans expect may hr decisive in a close election, all indications v ere that thr total veto would erjUal or surpass Hi Mi. despite the ah<*pjin' in the armed forces ot thousands ot young r men and women. B'osk vi*t;ng wo rt p- r*ed 4 i bung'), and u: '>kv. the rur.V, ' > out wa described the 1 •• • .• •ft hirt^ry. Hep» b-licsn . y n I Br.r»so\wit. in ‘‘It- • ryk-ho i * Tfle?.>:rv/ . tf thp eniipt'y ;;gr- <'d t] -d nr * .v t‘*t ■.*•!* i "• ;»;• th'1 pi -iirletTCy . i.J supv'trwly 'mpert: V ‘ • o dvr iv icy ■r;\ war t<> piV up a huge . vc. Mi Hr* M»vril s; '"f.d ns gi nk-; for •\ n <'i v ms “To •'-.»! do whi* ;j:vI unite cur fig: *iv.p uv»i vih kvtir U'lrpil: s nt ' • * : . \ rn' ■ nr (• u *: ? o s*‘*' :• it • i I k. VC • • 4' 'i nkle 1.ib.,; »ul u. create a .• . ;d pi.ire ergoviznt or which A’Ul • ■ • n! this <;ter 11am -ov* r ’• ’ rg v -i ns again.” G< • • . V vt \ like*vise ;5i.nd ‘Wo waivi t ure that tlvs wjii •a it! ho *n*‘ I r -• ww\ * It.- vis . .. ■ ■ measures ol the T •- • st vc; ..r r. .alt diet), rul v - ■ . Ji • ' : I ■ nnd i ■ ■ , :iend' ri. v. t ■ 1.- from b t i a i.u•'•■t f-ido-w.:' "Mr :s:»ti '-ns tjia ■ met forth 'r. v roni.v im Candidates Cast Votes Back Home 'IH Ihr A J*rovs) last and furious voting ihr count!*\ over piled up .1 record total ol ballots b v earlv atter n* ( n today, and painted toward .in all time high >f »o.000.t)(hl. \s never before the nv*n and 'women who had the liual sa\-v> on the argnnierls ovei a loiii o. trim lor President Roosevelt or a first term lor Governor Tlnnu^ I Drwev hurried to the ppIN to register their derision. Hot ween Mi nd P"> per. • wt t »n reg ' • ' * . • . .... ‘ ' ' • ■ ' ' 1' ’net'* • r«.;*n in W'v Y'"-vk idl; - Pc ■ t■ . it i M mh •?*. if dt.’r.c* . And 1 •. .vie u ‘ he s„ v :i i ; h» r . g i■ ■ 11■ ;inri r’;*. • i ,11, t \ v , yvll, > ith lOW ;V\ec-ptl:cl*.i. Despite the emotions stirred 1.a the Hist wartime election since IRfil. \ oting w as orderly on the w hole. six persons were arrested in New York on charges el illegal registration. They were too indicted last week on that ( barge. < WDIDATFA VOTE 1*1-0 ide; ' t: (. • -,**. •• I ( ;< t to H ♦ N in Uyilo Park . < I I town, hall . 11. it .ii. H*-' dtr»\ V 4" 11; • • tall from 1 • * h estate v. M !■!•.! olt. \vho fnP.:«Wod him it'd P- • i -nting booth. (" . ' hd? in ;i N* w Y' vk polling tc'nco slv rpv alter n■ ■ n. 1 net th1 s » l< d hi;- fair p.ilgtl f«'»i tiu; pl*r*- !s*U ’ ;:;y, d lw g. v • mi r. .« m .par u . M *s. Dow'jv. nn i' erJ N>\t Y« i ,s City from Albany an « went immediately to the |>'him, jiinoiN where a crowd apolaucieti t'hcT arrival. Senat r Harry S. Truman, running l (Cunliuiied oil Page Twu.)