Hfnàfraott Bailg Diapatrlf Established August 12, 11> 1 « Published Ever> Afternoon Except Sunday bv HENDERSON DISPATt Il CO., ι ν ι 1ψ!> Young Street ΗΕΝΚΥ Λ ' M-.N'XIS, Γ:. , Κ ht : Μ. L. FINCH, Sec.-Treas. Bus λ!-;. TELE PHONES Edit π.ίΙ t >: ! ii L 500 Business Office 610 The Henderson Dally Dispatch is a Bie ΑΓ Features, Southern Newspaper Publishers Asso< t η and the North Ca; . ι 1 ; The Λ , ..tied P·· ly entitled Ό '..·■· all newt dispatches credited t or not Otherwise credited in this papt :·. and also the local news published therein. Λ >·: . . . \· it oi special dispatches herein are ic se:\ t d. SI BS< RIJTION RATES CARRIER DELIVERY in City of Henderson. Payable t Carrier < : direct to office at 20ft per Calendar Wee., λ made. MAIL SUBSCRIPTIONS. Payable i:;| advance, l Year $6.00, six months! .. m :.· : Per Copy . . 5c Entered r M i l son, Γ . '■ 1 General Watson r White Η quai::. - es ί i the n ■ · H, .;:κ-λ h - y His ini; .-y .. · :. ι ht.· Vv«■> u ' enabled ; i to know well the.mind j n! his chit·:, -ill·; ν 'η capacity h. difficult position. He had the grace j dii'iicult to find and hard to replace.! I Not Surprising ( Jvervv! . ί ng ν ι to of that Η . :>,· nst · - ! oxpeeUit···: V.'·· .i.>u: ι if it ur- : prised any nc. M-mv>\vr. ilv cim- , ;:iittOO ill··;· Ί Mit-in ' '· ; ι · the :'ii: ι | as dead .·. Hi'i·!"!' ρί' this si-,- ή | ul th{. G· in · .! Λ --cm ;y. Κ · friends .· .y there will pr"U·! iy be nu mine ritv report. rule at the beginning of the sessi m , ι ;- taken oy ma ;v to hav ■·■· η ,ι dr; at · ί ; : - \ vrv piece of pr ;p - i U>s;i>-· ' , ζ , i' !ran be called :n r >nm.ittee after rreei'. 11 ;i:.i ·:, ,·.·[.· rt I and placed oil the fa\ rable calendar of the House except by two-thirds ν·«te "Π tnc finir. And there will not be that : any . ι ι ι ·--ι·!;1.ιί .\ e. v.'ho wudd defy the ν aauittee— ci rtain!y ivit ·>ι; this bill. Govern»·:· Cherry r :■ ended j the referendum m his inaugural ad- < dress. Ho had pmmi.-od it in hi.; campaign. He has kept his promise. Had lie been ν riling !(> make an ..·.··;·· of it and stir one of tat· bitterest battles tile legislature has seen since the sale.s tax tight in 1933. he mi4 ' ' have forced action. That does η a j mean he could have bludgeoned thej measure through both houses. Loy alties would have been ignored and thrown to the .'. aids under .--h c:r eumsta· ees. He >i 1 id h.tvr r;ske 1 gubernatorial in!! ;enee and prestige beyond the value of the otlm't. Another thins ab· it the π·μ·π·ο rium measure is th.JL ' appeared be rather e milnv >p ■' and .vent mt too much dcta d and ι- ' Ό plicated. In -.the .· ΐ 'ι., vvhil·· the issue may havg beep clearcut in a vay it was »« ' direct a. d spec:: :>· without tin iiaey barnacle- that were attached to it—fop what reason we ai'(. unable to say. The bill would have placed ιρ π the governor the responsibility i>. fixing the dale of the referendum. He would ha,1 been required to i d' the election sin months alter the «n't of the war. And would that mean the end of tile fighting or the date of the peace treaty'.' Whatever might have been his conclusions as to that, opposition probably would have de veloped and would have challenged the accuracy of dates and in that manner endeavored to throw the whole election out through court1 action. j If "after the war" should have been I interpreted as the date of the peace, ' r.lie would be game.I by th:- sess « ; ft· tig the ι* et '.du Europp certainly. .cut pro;. Ίν h.it m the Far Ka>t aS. . be tided by the time anothei legisla .uro convenes. Th..' >e ir pu··:, w< v. -aid like to ut i.ttder an it that would !ea\e r · uncertainties . a ι · : : ' u.u'.ie- as ! procedure, either ι.- to date or appl eat on ·: t.':,· ti · ins. I·· ' ter w · >rds nia .,· -·. ·. -11. ·,.:■. .-t. uneqti: v< . al y ιι π ρ·> >: 11 ·■ on the wet or dry ;>.-ui·. l'or ::!> ι that .·:ιnet· \vi!l th> . >il . · -v be settled dot it : te \ I . fa «. : e ! :. a 1 J ea now ι a \t - ' ι ' ..it ; : ι. y :ι· a.it : > - Ad·. · - a. tes ι d > St te -h ...Ul beuitl ' a : a · a ete.cnd..:·!, for «. ι . "... >-d .:. >nal pi .-ess. ' aa> . ;,· a: ». ···, .·. t ae> ought to . a ' - le d get behind thein and put Of.». S. a ag as they wait ■ ·.■ ,_a. "..'.tie tiiey are not likely . : !".e..d\\ ay. It t.nv :::v aatneii that. ■ louse .ι · ·!'.- ' ay not ..·■'.; · ir.ts tile man . ' the tu\t ilisk. It e >uld always . -. d. y-, : y ■ t ..mily ot ph.-. :: expan i it.- length • · ι·.-. I'h is nn>"ut t::.r. ilm -st caught it. 1 ■. ■ ρ ι per ι hat will nt· - But, CVCI1 . . V a have ,i : ugh 1.' '. deathless prose. ι v.... · ύί ι . a sort "1 : :v when wo ν :s be> nd ·. : ■ Spree. The su vCONsf ul icp fisherman ;·. : vn: v> p.·tient and : g< ' ' jw—.at least, it spading sea.- a - !d pilots a •m from Junio ai of e.garotte lor Πιο : ly no ,· eiga: ■ ttes probably the American flag. GRAK I K. One- Minute Test. 1. \\ :ari'j'A' ; ae: eed At';.....' heel 2. Wi.u •...s Queell Elizabeth' 3. 11;. ο Μ.,.ν,ο·. hieroglyphics been deciphered. Word·» ul Wisdom. Ha: :i ty ι : · d love are the e once true re: -..nil, the humble tormeil 1 ad ι!·ι ' :o lov.ng to as- », ate Wit:, eternal 1 e.—Lavater. de that ite a ! : t a B-'J! writes a reat ir that. bad. ι s ι I Today's Horoscope. It M - v'.'i I is your ; ' ;11 idii y ; 11 - nivi ' - ary, y 1 · are hom-sî and j> -- fort hich should bring su es yourself. Your genial ten peran en! ,i! I sincere ; ι ! !' e C11 < » η aiiLii l :.·.·■ in love. V u η. ay ν : : ···ι.t . 11 ;ι mental examination or contest today ι j η del - :ie î nenuly Mercury in î'I Lien ces. Prepare your.-»'li with .- ill icicnt ;ιι' >r· ·:. - ■ ta, ' y.» , .'an a':', s we: each juosti ·ιι t\ ,«cidy .aid acciii'att :.v. One-Minute Test Answers. 1. Paris. λ' c · » date. ANSWERS TO DAILY QUIZ 1. Am.ι Wa-hington, L>. C. 1938. 4. Tiuc. Cavalry. H. Conns. 7 United States Steel Corporatif#, ίί. Vcs. !· Kanty η! the coin. in. Japanese Empire. A Lift For Today Γ waited patiently for the Lord.— Psalm 40:1. THE REAL lesson that human na :ure needs learn is to place all hings in the hands of the faithful Creator and to look up in simple aith and dependence upon God.— -Jelen B. Montgomery. Gracious Father, help lis to wait patiently before Thee with humble îess of heart and quiet confidence. M UAÏ *-5.* ^ -> Γ ·« % - - · ■" -τ- - - - ,« ' K)R ME.RC daily CROSSWORD ES jl-ÙQjNlAjS \ ι. 1 1 t I i: Κ\· ι· 12 X 1S Υ ι -> Y !X. Γ J ILIDMCI^U E L L Y ikj Λ Ν ;.1-1 Ε A'LjT.i ΓΓ μ ι - cIBpîaîhI ft BBS m β,Φ 1 'H iAlL L- m.'w Ή" ' t- — i - Β ! Λ 11 MBriaIvIE J N*?.{lE κ , Δ G Τ t |p A'1-IËjS |AP|OIR|T ■\ I .1 . 1 ·. -VilSU (T 4 J. L<".vl 01.1 η 19 Υ· :o R. _ Μ , distil 25 Γ. 27 C> b. ' .■ , a η l ι - 30. Κ . i :1 : ■ ! · .*52. sit; J . 35 Λ ! 37. Bird ι Ha Κ ■ 40. i: : 4 . U: . 45. \Y ι 4.; n. :_· 47 Li't i! 41 I·'ra j. 41' F. ISOU \ I 1 •κ 37 3-1 I K\ I· 11 > ί ι · ϊ ..—Λ < η j>t«>ul inn quotation I :. I. Κ F Q V S KB Q F F Β F F D F Q, Y Κ : W C .S F U F U 0 F Κ J F Γ D Κ Ι1 I·' Κ ! ! L . i.'. F Q. ( i.vpt.Mjuot.· I 'RACK IS Τ·Ί 5*·: PRODUCED BY ·.· uy NEGOTIATION— CICERO. SALLYS SALLIES R,... IIS Γ » · >· η ι Otrif ·· 1*1 I - ( <-,pr ι ·,* κ · · î · · · ν ■ !·:· \\'··-! ' " jhtt res- r\·. ■! 3""I "These fuis weren't expensive, dear. I not them for only three fits of hysterics!" Buy War Bonds ΝΟΙΚΙ. In Tin· Superior Court. \ . :·. C... ana: (.enrse Jones. I'lainliif. λ ϋιΊΐ'ί/ .Junes. Defendant. . I. Helen Jon-'s, w:'.l ' ■! an act am entitK· i n'en ei■ ;. ι it'iH'i-ci i:i it ;:i Vance Coun C .: : .!M, l ot- absolu:·· • ·' . .;i!U1.s ·>: !\v . yea ι - ; • ·■': 1 tin· sa ai de!eiidant r'.her take notice that .-he :< !ii a ρ e ! at the oft ire < it • e t'.· ··: '· ■·■' SujMTair C'.uirt of ; ! i ι :'y .:■ the ιίι;;:'!hou>e in ! ii : irii . . N. C. : ι the 2t>th day of Mail·!., 194.">. and answer or demur • ι tii· C M.pla nt :ii -aid acti-in. or < • r Γ! a :::t i ! . i; a; a >iy ; ι the.· c itirt ' : ' .e relief de :. .ι : ) de cl in said . Co I ■ : λ i ■' day ,.f February, ι 194:3. Κ ( ). FALKNKH, ( a . . »! :·!. Supei ,.>r Court, V ' ' a l'y, Ν. ι: · : ι Carolina. II /. :1er. Atty. 22-1 ÎJ-15 no s ici:. < ·· y a ven that I have - . -utrix under the I V ι Τι tanient of \V Κ. M I. Ml porsiin- ha ν sua ..s; -aid estate will ex ': ι to the undersigned on 'he ' rii clay ot Febr ary I!l lit ■ ... n.it ec will be plea le 1 in bar ni their recovery. AH parties '· t ··· .-aid estate will please < ι ate settlement w:tii the a. a ne 1. 1 !'V:»r iarv M. 194â. ΚΓΝΗ'Κ ΙΜ.ϋΙίΥ MOSS, Exeeut. .x. .<«. lii-i a.ers & Hicks, .Mt '.evs. He: I. ·. .11, N. C. lU--J:i-J-!)-tt>-23 All Forms of Insurance Real Estate Bought & Sold Property Management Home Financing AL. B. WESTER McCoin IUiIr. Thone 139 AUTO SUPPLIES COMPLETE AUTO PARTS SERVICE Standard Motor Parts Co. B. H. MIXON CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER "Builds Better Buildings" Building, Painting. Roofing and General Repairing · PHONE 7 WANT ADS Get Results I'KXXIS RACKETS, SOFT Π ALLS Base balls, metal tool boxes Emery stoves. Him lot Watiun.- il.t > 1 ware Co. · -It. WHY Sl'FFF.Il FI > < >.M TM! M!Si-:;;V ol Ιύ/< ma. la·.; I e: ». Kin; .·. Piles Psoiia.-..-. Λ'...·· and othe: Skin In it" η >\ η ACC Ointment will sin1 you 1 - Stores. . FARM IIKI.P WAXTFD FoH wages 01 lial'.'e-. Will pay .-.ill.nil monthly with ! ι.,.-ο. . >d nul light- till·., ci' I. · 11 ;i ι· 1 .1 ir tobacco on halves. Crop started,] ])Iant bed -ολ , cI ,.nd wood e W. · n 11. . < rash to live 0:1 F. M A> e.a . ! Houte !. Ilende · ίι. 1 south ol Kp-om. L'o-J'. 1 Slli )K LF.ATI IKK, iî 1·'Λ I » \ ill] shoe sole . ' ek on ι . . >e ■ shoe grease, shoe thread, saddle 1 soap. Walk ii 11ai'dw 1;e 1 .I'· - Hi ι MULES — JUST UNLOADED A earload of I · 'ii.csoei Κ -, \ν·Ί ι. I horse.-, and brood :: A- ;· j 1 ■ i.< ι'.ιη be 1κιΙΙ:;ΐ:1. I'l'.i'i ■· . . ' Si r 1 Us beloi e ν ρ : . v. 1 π tie- , nd. YV e di ι· et .. ty .. Stabl··.- in Centre Wareii .11. ; \\ .11 renii m. \. r. I ) 1 ;. t .Jr.. Telephone li.il, 1 -1; ·. HE SIXGEK SEWING MACHINE , (Λ 1 nil.my rep. >■-. ni a :., e ,·. 1. · .·. , .. Up youi . m • . · · r at y ι : ····,. ; ι . ,■) :y | no' ,11 . .: ν ; ·,.· . :u head of machine to Watkinû Hard-1 ■.■. .re Store 011 Wedne .!..>■ .,· -I 1 Kepai 1 ■ will ο de:ι·. ereci bin-!: to you .me w· e.. later. Ali : v\ " 1 1 ; guarantee Singer Sewing ! Ma,-il ne t',in:p..i:y. 1J. : : nam. X. I . 27-in:. L. 'SI NO. :·, AM ■ inks. Ii , niiitl . 'agllS. KiiUte 3. ι X· !. 1 K.\ lit ).\ II κ. I. I;r II. ad·,r.-.m. \. C. ' REWARD !·'( >iί ANY IXF >i; : m lending t<> .·■ >n. ί.·ι, ·:. pi'i'.-on.·- who 1 ·>îι· oui' si ;n " < >:. 1'rt :isc>" "H Lultisburg high'.' ..v. Also anyone damaging any of our signs at any time. Thacker's Super M.iι ket. ' » . -4. ΐ HEX 1'IXG KNIVES WITH SliIKl. 1 d 1 ; η i \. W..:kin Η : I C W ΛΝΊΈΙ ) COLLEC Γ. >1! SAL! ·■ : .m i"i stea y .1 · ·' Ο ι r. lint' Mr . 11 '.d .nival \ y 11 I " : 1 I t Harward Furniture Co., Hende - .•un, x. c. ι LOST S11 A" ι·; I ί I DENT I !· if '. π. Γ. bracelet eiigr.i\. ■ I· . 11.. ί I .. ι - boon I I. auction "ί 1 l.-ife.'i .ίι. I·' : !.■ · turn t'i 1 )i. ;u'. :. Ol i u ι , ι iv.v .a it. I - i '.. DRY ΡIX Κ wot )i>, . \Wi:i S 11 > \ . length and deli', en-d .u..> .-...ι: ■ Henderson. D. M. Glover, phone 4f)L'l. ^ ι i:"; 1 FOR SALE ONE BAY MARE MULE we .gilt 1II Ei pi 1.1: κΕ, ! ! \ , wo ι . any where. . . . s I :i.i.i.h. Κ Λ. Κι ην land, 1 ί » ι . ' ο 1, Κι" '. Χ. C. 2·:-ί ι WE ÏUY, SELL, AND T1ÏA1JE caMie and K. W. 11. IIi.im Li.c atjck Market. Phone 1,V,\ !) t ..[-'I WANTED 16 OR IT YEAR ni.: ι cull il L'tl 1)1 l.v to .- .'I' . i' ■ 1 ■ : '. ' ply I'age-1 lin'iitt Di ., S: ί γ 1-l': JUS Γ KH.'EIVED 1 ::»> NEW Eli: di ii ir- .it "The Place '11 \' . Alex S. Watkins. SUN-HAY C'LOTM EOK CHICKEN houses, chicken leeiU:.-, ..i.e. fountains. 5 gal. L! ga! 1 . : 1. - .. Watkiii.- Hardware U". ~ï ill NOTICE: ANYONE DESIiHXO TO pay their insiir..iict· pre:: r m do so any Saturday aftt rnoon fr 'in 1 until ti ut .'tir nil a'.·, Ν· i. .) ι. Stevenson Tiieatr·· Iiuildiim. Im perial Life Insii ranee C · ■ , .a M. R. Wynn, Su;>t. 1-lit. Λ SHIPMKN'T WALL ΓΛΡΚΙί. jïiire shellac. white and Wat kins Hardware l'··. 27-l'.i STEEL WOOL -till· US. I'.V'KAOr:. nicndcts, knife and fori; sets. 32 pc. and 5.~> pi·. China, w.ito.· glasses, juice glasses, glass water pitchers. Watkins Hardware Co. 27 Hi IF YOU HAVE Λ Ν \ F. 1 ,κΤ7 trical appliances in in ed of repairs, brinji them in ami let its repair tin m I'nr vou. We h ave in stock a complete line of lijjht bulbs and fluo rescent tubes. I'pchurch & Daeke Electric Co., next to 1'eoples Drutf Store, Phone 204-W. ' ' l-'iti SO PIGS AND SHO-ATS FOR SALE —Weigh from 411 11)-. to 125 lbs. at the right price. See ,J. F. Cat let t, South Henderson, near J. L. Robersun Store, Phone 576-W. 2B-3ti ELECTRIC SOLDERING IRONS, gasoline tirepots, blow torches, hot shot battery, dry cell battery, drop cord, electric table lamps. Watkins Hardware . Co. 27-4ti WE HAVE A FEW BICYCLES FOR women. Henderson Vulcanizing Company. 27-tf SCI CUB MOPS—MOP HEADS 16 oz., 24 oz., 32 oz.. 36 oz. Sizes. Dust mops, dry and chemically treated. Watkins Hardware Co. 27-4u WANT ADS Get Results MONUMENTS, MARKERS, REST workman*:. ;■ _ I:· : . ι -ι tiling Tal· mer Stone Worka, I DC. W. W. 1 ingston, 219 ^ uuii^ St., I'hone , 3 21-tj Η ι). FALKNER AND SON, COAL· a;,-i ni, S, ι · s:., I'hone 260. Hub 1 :ι>·: to . er.e. 2-tt i;i;< '< >M>- i; < ι Γ \ I > l.IU )( IMS, pu in Ί--. ···' > >' i;cnt, Iron boa ni covcrs l.nl.It . \V. •· ■. ι Û··;.·.. "a ril ,v,ire -Ï-4U 8th Ri·;. I (i 11,1· ■' (1ST \Ιι >\ 1 > \ Y. Ill l 1 tire. F ι·: plc.ise tio'liv Til·.· ··. Sri St.:! .1 Ml· V:l Wo a III all·: 1.11, Ν. V. "Ill ·, H'JUte l-3ti iT Yul'K Sill »; S Ν Κ !·;ΐ) λ HKEL or soling, bring Ihein to tii·· Cam· !.. s. ■ S li "·.' to :iie Λ. & 1 '. I ! · ι y S: ■:. . We ha\ e j ist put in two new shoemakers to liii.i t'.. c j ι wiiiiu vuli wait. 14-tf WOODEN TUBS, WOODEN WELL .μ ι ...... W. tk.ns li. : i t —74 li GARDEN PLOWS, TRACE CHAINS .. ul ίο Watkins I! . ·■ t 27-4U OFFICE sit pliks, pre - WAR [A1 : iri Is, r bnaii.s and sheets, numbering machines, typewriter papers, ribbons and carbon paper; j;... nrr .··,.·! made to order. S. " : - ■ I lendei sun Book Co. I·.. V.■■': r t 1!!m I. 1U tf WANTED: ONE FARM llAN'D. • · . ι >. i; · in , : d ι ! · ,· i. S; ι' II. R, ] , t ι j I 11. :1 ' - 1 \ ι. : : · ι' : Mot ir I, . l-2ti ΓΚΓλΊΝι . : ί ΛI. S, (ί Λ i; il ι·, Λ kins Hardware Co. * 27-4U Λ'.\.\ : !· ;1. Ί WO liM'i'K i Ί! IVKHS. li. i). Falknér & Son Coal Com λϊ i ; r.\i. ι ; i χ c ; i'.i.\Di;i:s. stkkl c ish boxes. Rubber Chair C'u.-h ions, c·· · 1 ri Picture Frames, Gem ι' , , h.· «:»·!» ι.·;"·. 1': ι -W.ir S' : : 'ί ΛΙ. . In·.. ' : 14 ing & Oft i ;e Supply Co '' 21-tf \ ,\ ! I-.1 ) '·. i (ι : I'll'.-· \ \!) uicycu: τπ;γχ ,ίί;; s γκ;> ιί 1 . :ι· I !>.ι.· ί":;>.s. V\ a: ..: 1 s li.. LHi ■ >■>- ) lai' ( )l;l .SI:.' '>':ι I'd ( )1 ! 1 rs Good Jcb^, ai Good Pay interesting Work Beiiïîehem Sparrows Point Shipyard, Inc. NEEDS SH! ΓΓΓΠΈΪΪ* 1· 1J!( Ί ί:lι ' WKLDKLIS GENERAL TRAINEES LAUORKRS Skilk(I & I'nskillrd 'i'rat: ■·]·>n't:ii i"ii Frw iti" m Λ urcd l ui- | "iili ί ). tails Set' : Iit'lldt'i'im ίί· iuvsi'iitativu U. S. EMPLOYMENT SERVICE WAR MANPOWER COMMISSION I >1 tiUl'IUit ΜΠ'ί'Γ. From. Feb. 20 Through March 3 War Manpower Regulations Will Ee Observed GKOCER1ES, FRESH MEATS AND vegetables. Everything ior your table. We deliver ana save you Ras and time. I'tone 439. Always ready to serve you. Herbert's Ye'* low Front 25-tf PAINTS FOR NEARLY EVERY puri ..t -Tho Place of Values.' Ο : I·" 1 li;\ . ·. if It - paint is the talk of tin1 town. Trv ,t. Λ lex S. W"' kin . 1-lti WA.VILI) TO lil'Y FOR CASH. •Î ■ :!HI. : \v< !·;,>; 1939 to I·'»11 « ■ ipe. I.iw null·, ;c. Rood eondi ' 'Hi. From individual. PI10110 .1Γ10-.1. 28-2U WE HAVE A EXTRA NR'K TKN ρ ece dining room suite at less than hall price. A No many other Rood values. I!. E. Kattenvhite & Sons, near Fire Station. Se·' lis— Save money. l-'f T. W. WOOD'S SEKI) OF EVERY kind, Rotorione. Vigro, arsenate lead. Paris Green. Watkins Hard WANTED ALL PJSOPLE SUFFER* ing from kidnev' trouble or back ache to try KIDDO 97c. Money back guarantee .it Page-Hocutt Drug Co., Henderson, N. C. 30-4oti