Society News — SH.KNCE. ι shall not tell What I seek: For once I shall not speak, I shall not speak: Words from the lips, Are but the sounds that seem To break the silence, 111 which each ft.irsues hi dream. M. G. Methodist Choir Practice. The senior choir of the First Methodist church will meet toi ;ht at H o'clock at the church, it λ as announced. ^ Returns From Florida. Mrs. Ransom Coghill has returned t , her home after vi.- it ing li> r ii ; band, I'fc. Ransom R. C'^lnll, in Miami Beach, Florida. Hoys' Choir Practice. The hoys' choir of the First Meth odist church will meet Friday after noon at 4 o'clock at the cliarch, Γ. j was stated today. Visited Father. S. 1?. Briggs has returned to hi home m Asheville after visiting hi - father, W. S. Briggs, who has been seriously ill at the Maria Parhaiu hospital. Return to Pennsylvania. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Briggs have I returned to Morrisville, Fa., after being here with hi- father. W. S. i Briggs, who has been critically ili at Maria Parham hospital. At Georgia Hospital. Mis.- Mil:red Tharrington, daugh ter of Mr. and Mr.-, S. L. Tharring ton, has gone to Augusta. Ga.. where she will take laboratory and X-ray training at the University hospital. To Arrive from Asheville. Miss .lane Jackson is expected to arrive tonight from Asheville for a lew days' visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Jackson. She ·.'. .11 be accompanied home by Missc. Jo.-ephine Jackson and Fdith Foster, .'■ha have been visiting her for sev eral day.-. Claire .Mills Class Has .Monthly Meet Members of the Claire Mills Phi Iathea class of the First Baptist '·. nli lu·'..I their regulnr monthly nuirng on M> nday evening at 8 o'clock i ; ι the ladies parlor of the church. Mrs. Carl Page, first vice-presi ,ient, presided in the absence of the pics;dent, Mrs. Κ. G. Glenn. Mrs. Κ M Powell conducted the devo tin: als. Miss Dolores Matthews played a clarinet solo, "Largo" by Handel, ac c: mpaniod <·η t'i(. pinnr by Miss Gloria Van Dyke. At the conclusion o| the program, tiie hostesses. Mesdames Coy lie.k \v:th, Rose·»·.· Wright, Charles Bus sey. served hot chocolate, sandwiche. ar.'l cakes. COLDS") FIGHT MISERY | where you feel it-rub ft /|Λ|/( throat, chest and back with time-tested w VapoRub Girl's All Wool Spring COATS Beautifully styled in soft materials, colors red, yel yellovv and blue. I Sizes 7 to VI $14.95 10 $16.95 Marian Martin —Pattern— I y u Pattern 0146 will ' you to a Τ' H.ιίI·>:·ι■ 1 c'as.-ii· >a> - in style ,<cas'>n nlti·! eason. Easy to make, with our step-by-siep chart. Use . wool, ·: cotton suiting. Send TWENTY CENTS in coins for these patterns to Daily Dispatch Pattern Dept.. 232 We.-t 18th St., New York 11, Ν. Y. Print plainly ι SIZE. NAME, ADDRESS, STYLE ! NUMBER. JUST Ot'T! Send Fifteen Cents | more for our Marian Martin Spring ι Pattern Book! Easy-to-makc clothe? for all. FREE Blouse Pattern printed , right in the book. Send Now. BIRTHS Birth of Daughter. Mr. ■" i Mrs Wesley Hughes, .Jr.. anno - u ■ the birth ι Γ ;· daughter, fani.-e i- y. >11 Fe'.-r.iary 23. 1945, I it M; . I'arham hospital. M ither ! utd daughter ate reported doing nicely. I Mr. Renn Honored On 64th Birthd ay Λ birth iay cl i 1111 >■ ι· was given Sun day. February 2â, .it tho home of Mr. and Mrs. I. T. Renn oil the iccas η of Mr. Renn's 64th birthday. The table was beautifully arranged with a decorated birthday cake cen :cring the table a: d with delicious' ooris placed on the table. l>imiLr was served t 1 the follow ng. Mr and Mrs. I. Ί . Renn. Mr. and Mrs. S. \V. Renn, Geraldine ieiin. Mr. and Mrs. Mclvin Re: n. Elizabeth Renn. Kdwin Renn. Melvin .'fenn, Jr.. Mr. and Mrs. James Renn. An: Renn, Jimmy Rtnn, Mr. mil Mrs. IK her Lew's, J hnn.v Lewis. Francis Lewis, Mr. and Mrs. Marcus Davis, Bobbie Davis, Mrs. Sam Clark, James Allen, S. 1). Y !.:v llinton, ( 1 i I - belt Mae liinton and Mrs. Ollie W't rtham. Mr Renn was the recipient of many nice and useful gifts. The j ·\ - ο1 S. V l'enn, Gladys Pa\ is. .Mrs. Virgn· llintrn and Bob jJe Davis wore celebrated at the ... .· time with the dinner give.: η i: ni r of Mr. Renn. -| LOOK-GIRLS! ΓΌΓΤΙ LIMITED SUPPLY X" WHILE THEY LAST • YOUR NAME ENGRAVED FREE on these beautiful BARRETTS - the latest style craze, girls ! ONLY SI. 00 EACH. For side hair. Bright, beautiful, shiny finish; non tarnishable metal with clasp. Just mail us Si.00 bill, your name, address. No C.O.D.'s—NOW. This offer good for 10 days only at this low price. ORDEfi IODAY ! REGAL JEWELRY CO. 320 Pcachtroe Arcade Atlanta, Georgia (FLOWERS I FOR EVERY OCCASION f Thune 380 Day or Night BKiDGERS The F,orle· f MADAM FRANCES PALMIST Guarantees to read your entire life past, present and future, giving dates and actual facts of busi ness, love, health, courtship, marriage, divorce and family affairs. Reads your innermost thoughts and secrets, unravels your most intricate affairs, overcomes enemies or riv%ls and makes up lovers quarrels. She has read for many noted and promi nene people in all walks of life. The best class of people consult her and bring their friends. Tells who you will marry, what part of the country is luckiest for you and just what to do to be suc cessful in life. She will warn vou gravely, suggest wisely, and explain fully. Satisfaction guaranteed. READINGS DAILY AND SUNDAYS from 9 o'clock a. m. to 10 o'clock p. m. Special Readings for both White and Colored $1.00 Located at Sauls Service Station, formerly occupied by W. \V. Harris, end of S. Garnett street, corner of Dabney Road and S. Garnett St., Henderson, N. C. )pen House For I een-Agers On Friday Nij^ht Find arrangements have been mpletcd by the Junior Woman's •lui) lor the teen-age open house and uko box dance M Cooper's" Hall to liorr >w night 1 r·>m B:3(i until 11 ι Clock and all teen-age boys and ïiris arc invited t< attend. Rcgistratii ι will lie held and een-aRers will be registered by pre cnting written consent ι their larents to attend the dance, which s being sponsored by the Junior CVoman's club. Responsible chapcrones will be in ittend;ii"ce. club leaders stated, and cenagers are a;ked to c· .operate in ! unking the enter'ainment a success. A number of popular re ords arc •n the juke box and leen-aRers are nvitcd t > come and dance No ad nission will be charged, but soft rlrinks will be -old during the eve rting, it was stated. * WITH THE COLORS * * * ★ * + * On Furlough from 1'anama. Pfc. Lewis \V Clayton is here from Panama v.siting hi- wi'.'e and parents. Mr. and Mr.·.. Γ. L. Clay ton. . tn Florida Hospital. Mrs. Τ Γ-. Clayton Was notified rcccntly that her s >n. Rufus L. Clay ton, is in the hosp:'al in Florida and is improving satisfactorily. f«o"s to California. Pvt. Edwi" I.. Smithwi-k has left for Fort Orel. (i alifoinia. after spend ing a nine-day leave with his par ents. Mr. ; nd Mrs. .1. F. Smithwick. Route 2. his wife. Pvt. Smith wick was inducted into the army on September 22 and has been stationed at Camp J. soph T. Robir.son, Ark. Now in Alsace. Pvt. Caswell F. Smithwick is now stationed in Alsace, according to a letter to h s wit'e. Private Sin i « h - wick entered 'he army in February, 1942, and lias been overseas since April. 1943. He has been in North Africa, Italy, France and now in Alsace. His wife and small son, Ronald, reslie with his parents, Mr. : / ) Mr.· J. F. Smithwick, Route 2. Goes Co Florida. Cpl. Richard T. Johnson, who has been spendin ; some time with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. John son, an i who has just completed his course as radio gunner in Yuma, Arizona, left yesterday for Fl irida. Promoted In Staff Sergeant. Word has been received here that Sgt. Harold S. Tucker has been pro moted to the rank of staff sergeant and that he is serving with the Fifth Red Diamond" Division of the Third Arm.v. S Sgt. Tucker was in ducted into the army in April, 1944, and received his training at Fort McClellan, Ala. and Fort Meade, Md.. leaving for overseas in Sep tember. 1944. Sgt. Tucker's wife, the former ,Miss Alice Jackson, and then· small son reside with her parents on the Dabney road. Sgt. Tucker is the son of Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Tuck er, of TownsviHc. Red Cross Movie Show n For Lions Wednesday Ni^lvt A rnovi,, on the work of th·· American Red ('i > > was shown by Sam Allord at Hie meeting of the Lions club I maht. Vernon Perry was in chaîne ot the program and Pi evident Joe M am presided. Ihg movie, slv wn in covnecti' η with the cuitciii Red Cris s dl'ive. pictured work ··! ι!κ· organizati η on battlefronts all ■ e. the world. Fred Kesler ,|· ι:;ι!ι <i a large cage, which was ».'<! : - the highest bid der, the h on y u ing for the Red Cross. Graham Wheeler purchased the cake 1er si:!,an. and this marked the first c< ntril»' it mi f τ the Red Cross drive, wh'i'ii started today. Attendan t· foi the ι ι nth of Feb ruary was rep· r'.ed t > oe 100 per cent. "°"Μ<Ε PERFUME $2"°* Sow FACE POWDER-^7 ί home FLATTER BOX SP* 1 n'ome HAND CREAM s100' Some BATH SALTS s100* *Ρΐυ» Taxes AVAILABLE EXCLUSIVELY AT IH ( «EXUI Ο Κ U G STORE y \/ \ PARKERS .... ^cxsXÎ. Stçtç. , BARCLAY ON BRIDGE S!l.FN< f. IS COL'N'TI.KSS m ι de at t ho hl i !-j·· tab! Chiise sonm talkative COt ί,ΟΙ l>K\ •on! rat t.s ; u.-= hf hap of ci'l-'s that in extra pom'.s toi setting it <»; titles doubling Tin Rain on a thin il· ■ ; : i ι :. in rnt'lii'r bridge th > ïlever shoillll tic Sollf 100 ;iit or ie t rit k ji: chain f tor is so .slight t it almost tit. That is You t· II t.» try to especially .so if your only doubhn: material is in the trump .-int. . that the rlerlarer is hour ! I > kno·. what your < loti ! il · ■ .slim him tlierohy exactly h< play the hand. 4 1 7 β Γ. 2 ψ Λ Κ Q !» ♦ Q Η Τ φ Κ Q 10 β Ί 1 G 2 ( Dca Ιο η· t m Vile ι South 1 ♦ ■1 ♦ 6* Aft it was f hail for his West X"i t h Pas.s A I'ass I V nu r West 1>·.I th. ar to Sou! Il ' hat louhlc. Absolut : Vlll K ist Γ i. s Γ . - . West ly no doubling material v. a.-· · .-|-t the three trumps. S. he -■ t i it building up the only kind of ; lay which eoiiM thwart that part:. V lar holding. It, i.s an en i-jilav ■" trumps. In order ti make !h'..-' he !i id to pare both i;;s,.i and tie dummv down to the point where r ·! ; I. ft hut trumps lor 11;·· 1 ι.-· 11:)· · t> ;cks. To ilo tins ■ it : ι· '!··· ».ι·ικ» time keep West it··:.: r ".· . ι trick, necessitated his Kuessing West's distribution T!.· !.·· i h tve to play in I : ;,t .1 : ; : ι : 1 m r of tricks ex ictiv · 111 11 to the number of t ■ m ■ V.' . · Ι,ΐ'Μ in the suit. to guess West for tlii.i · ii in each suit except elni· r. ι 11 · re. he won the open er with I! .· ·:: iniond Λ, score. 1 the 1 ■ m Λ ι :: : the henrt 9. score'! I In cl ι Λ ruffed the clul) 4 run'· .! I:· -irt Q. ruffed the club K. ·. .red M · aamond Q and Κ ·:.... ii ■ .1 the heart Κ on the club Q ti.· : 1" i the spade 3. West, with only li s three trumps, took U. with the Q. and then had to 1··ι·! m 1 . K-10. So South got t · tv.i tricks. West not only 1. ur . I " : · . ρ! ι v. which he had !.. v. r ! · ; ! · ι in fore, but he got ι il·.. :i in bad doubles. 4 * * Tnni'irrinv's I'roblen» 4k ^ ·-> r> « <} 9 7 6 2 A M 7 .14 * I" * J 9 V 'I 111 : ι Μ φ Κ 8 β W Ε ♦ κ j ίο ♦ ^ ·■ S f A Q 9 ! A Κ 10 .; 2 φ Λ Κ Q 7 S 4 2 9 Λ 4 2 « Λ I 3 Λ, Ν"one iT>;!:,t N'.irth. Neither eld· Vulnerable. I It' Xorth opens this with a psy· • ' ' 1 -1 1 .ii:· I and East doubles, Ί ν ':1 ·i vi a cxpcct to be the distributed h ν Κ ne F it m s Pvndicato I ne MRS. MARSHALL TO HEAD CANCER WORK Mount Airv, March 1. M George E. Marshall, of i · >. v. continue as State commander of the North Carolina Di a-i :i t...· Λ crican Cancel' Sur .··>· Λϊ. M: shall was first ;■:>;··> : ·. .1 i > post early in 194!. ,.:i . or; .. · zation has been in:.rUt\i ry . growth and exapns ties in the fight on cancer during her years of leader.-hi|i. Other officers whn a ing 1945 are the t «11. Honorary state c a; j,.ι r. I).· Harriet W. Elliott, . : W.· . ·:ι' Col lege of the University ,.· ,\\. -th (' : olina, Greensboro: surer. I). Γ Rector, Mount Airy: ι ideational di rector. Dr. Ivan M. Pr . · ·> I: publicity director. M;ss My:··);.· Ell :i LaBarr. Greensb >r ■ >: dia.rman o: surgical dressing.-. Mr . G;aay i... Kirkman, Greensboro. CANCER CAMPAIGN FOR STATE R^ADt Mount Airy. Ma-,··· 1 tin ! tho-'i; y ι in !"V<1— ta , ι. a ι a cancer'' will be toe t·»· ·· : - :.ί· I 94.a can ι ; .·■ > ι a g. ι us ι .. t . waged by the N"r:ii i). vision of the Eidd Army ol the Au· erican Cancer Society, it v.... i -a.. nmn eel .· hcadriuarters here today. Plans are already well under way, .··· ι j. · Mi s. George Κ. M i · -... 1. · ··.· ι ■ ' , ι mander. Th. ■ ··..· Field Army expects : ι have .. live unit in every c ι it> ι. ι· Many of these arc ai . c.i i> 'ia,\i a! v. iirk perfecting t.he.r Mrs. Marshall is scheduled to ··><· ... .·. anv parts of the .-kite dun:;.; Ma ■ and April. Meiiys—Biry 10% Morel NOW SHE SHOPS CASH AND CARRY" Without Painful Backache Many sufferer.? relieve nagging backache quickly, on··■■ t:.· y discover that the real cause. of 11 ·f·ïr tr..':!-Ic may be tired kicineye. Th·· s are Nature's chief way of tak ing the < xei 5S :. ids and waste out of tho 1 id. Ti.ey help most people pass about 3 \\ hen disorder of kidney function permits poisonous matter to remain in your blood, it i: tit y cause nagging hackaehe, rheumatic pains, leg pains, loss of pep and energy, getting up nigh*s, swelling, puffiness under the eye?. 1 < :·.'la lies and dizziness, l-requent or scanty passages with smarting and burning some liine.s hIh'WS th' te i.; something wrong with \ our kiiiin-ys or bladd-τ. Iion't wait! Ask ν our druggist for Doan's Pills, i:· ! suet ·'.«.siuily by millions for over 4') \ -ai.s. They y.vo liappy relief and will help tin: 1 ι ο ii".s of ki'iney tunes flush out poison ous waste from your blood. Get Doau'a Fille. Do you like youi f»:«r. liai !■> lin under your arm . . . with a cur ·ι,ί. ή hand:< . . . or in the shape of a caiYy-Ji ·.: .. siri: ·■ bav:Wo haw all stylos in colors .-un· to please. BUY WAR BONDS City Beauty Shop A SMART SHOP FOR SMART WOMEN INDIVIDUAL SERVICE PHONE '40 FOR APPOIN ΓΜΙ ΝΊ Eska Cold V* aving Machine and M ichinclcss Permanents I I AS FEATURED IN CHARM j4 "PtUx cuitA a (fafitivatiHÇ /4ii·. Early birds bringing the first breath-of-spring! Gay pick-me-ups for in-between seasons. Frocks fashioned to Hatter your young and lovely figure — charmingly mad« with beruffled trim in print or plain "Rosewood*" rayon crepe. Sizes 12 to 20. $5.95 230-232 S. Garnett St. Phone 98 — Henderson, N. C.

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