County Quota $1,302,000 For 7th War Loan Drive Mayor Powell Will Be Chairman; Quota Exceeds Last Drive Mayor Henry Powell. who ·. . < en n;.'i id chairman o] the seventh ν ,.γ l".m drive lor Wince county. an ,iucd today thill the county's u M>t;i v. oil id bo S1 j. i .;C> drive* as compared with a goal >j' - :. 17<i.(M>0 in the sixth var 1 »au l..>t 11. ,»nd which was over-subs ribed . ν .liniost one h red percent. I'he county s "Ε bond loud τ ■ ,c v(«\ ι nth loan w ill be $466.000, or s.t'.trly d · ible the S288.000 i;i * < : :xth lociii. *"K" bond totals are in cluded in the overall figures of '.he ι ; in Ί a. and are not separate. Tin* State's (j nut a i~ S! i!4.00(l.o!in in tin· «'tuning campaign ι ο .ire t ι tiu ί 1J1 ,ΙΙΟΙι,ΟΟίι η tin· - : h li.. , The new "E" bund quota tor the State Is Sàâ.000,000. a against 000.000 last fall. ' Mayor I'owe! I said t day ho < \ pected to have his organization com pleted by next week. v. id·· · t ι lie v. ill anni unco tin· ;>ors unci. ( ity and county eha.riuen will : ι... ι ·! .. ... ι 'lie a'.· ο lor the w uiV di\ isio .. and perh..;i.< one .. to: the .· «! red 1 etion. 'Iiie seventh loan drive w;ll ο «•wdiy 1 >t'U 11 '"i M' nday. May 14. . 1 will run ':;irough the ni' nth o! J.ι ι All purchase.- at the près» ι ' I >·. howev er, apply on the cpo'ta. Vance county has never failed to meet its quota on all war drives, and 'leaders are hopeful that past roc· ,j 'will be duplicated at this M e Mayor Powell headed the ii '.h v. ar || ii in the sprint; of 11)44. The . ί\· ι loan, w ■ it'll was nearly d· iblod (|.;ot , was led by .1. \V. Sanders. West End To Hold Revival 1?!" . 'ι1 serv ices will begin ι \Vi : Κnd '· iiitis: chuivh ;ie\' M .·> day even in tf. ' ι run at least tin nr.;!: Hie tilth Sunday, and with Hew .Γ. 1.. Noose, οι Kloii College. doing t : ι ■ ■ t .·■<·. 11 ί ι ; ι > u', i: wis announced tod.iv i.v the p.istor. Rev. Κ. M. I'· .·.·,·<· 1. Service:; will be hel i at !! o'cl >,· . ·· icii evenii .: of the week. He\-. Mr. Powell said rpv'vii' - iiild be he'.I next week als ι -ι three other rhoiche . : whi-1. he 1 pastor, these being Inez and Rcedv rCreek churches. in Warren county, and Manie Springs. in Frank! ι county. \t ': :· the-e .,!mr, „·.- : ! h'·,·:· will be Γ. ill) p. m. All of ·he e rev i·.· .1·· ν ! a si lHi'.lanci. · evannHi-»:·· iiro.j 'during the week in ehurc'.a- ·■'. '' · . Hiver li.i ;it i - t Assor'a l'on. At the I·' ' Iiapt si ci. ! Henderson, ·· hero a re..· ■! held ?πϊ" * te*v "·ρc'*- 3(3, a honte mini cms study program, to be kJ by Dr. H. H. McMillan, recalled mi-sionar.v Irmn Chin.!. \v;ll be e\ anjeli-:i in Λ revival is tlso be lu it ' North Heinle > m IJaptist eh -sen tin· e·' -ans week. AROUND TOWN ONi m i l) ι il.i d Ν. (ï. Hem rick and wife trans* lured a lot on Alexandei avenue to Joseph .I.min.·- 1ί· .·> · π ι ι SlU and other con.-iiiera' on- .1 , deed filed at the register <! d».· d: t.I !ice yesterday. NON-SI IM'OKT ( AS! ( ! : ent'e I·.. I! hereon, white, .· as tried ι π ; ci ■ irdei ι : ' tod : y lor non-support. He was sentenced to six 1110 th.- in ia'I. sus,>"Miied Up 11 payment . 1 .ide'jwate -.upper' lor ·,ΐ< wife and minor children and pay ment )f c< sts of court. Il IO TRIAI.S l'OSTI'ONIil) • lury trial at ree· ί (1er'-· court, scheduled for yesterday, have been ρ -tponed until May 2. ,Indue I!· E. t'lci. cuts announced today. The iuvy (i'jwn for trials yesterday will serve the May second .our'. V-12 STt'DENT lllil.I). Richmond, Va.. April 19.—(ΛΡ) — The FBI enounced today that a 18 "t .-old Navy V-12 s' .dent tr■■:·. • ry and Henry College h 1 been arrested tor attempt! ig to extort ·' ;5,000 I: -m a Bristol phy ;c:an .: 1 • r threat of death. AROUND CAPITOL SQUARE lîy LYNN NISIÎET Iîiilv Dispatch ltali>ii;h Raleigh, April 20.—Hintott James, state game commissioner. lctt i' ι ··ia.v η.giit ι > atten ί , 'ν,>> day meeting of the Southeastern Game t '.·· im'ssionors Association at At (la., where most ni the dis i' -~ion \va5 expected to re nlvc around coordination of state reg . ■ i a * i. ι ! ι s and L'tiuptTa' ma ν, ih t;,e Id life set ■·■ .. ,th re • Oct t ι ιipen .»«· ι>·.:ι ».| hunûng ! ι ·.' dn .es a ι :. 1 : ■. \ 'atoiv • aterfovvl. Jamis is t«.···.··.,. ;· an I treasurer or the association, which includes Virginia. North and South ('... >iinn, Georgia, Florida. Ala bama) Mississippi, Louisiana, Ar ; ,n>as. Tennessee and Kent rky. STUDY—In addition to general discussion of tiie problems. James said he would request the federal v..! I life agency to a.., a a study of the causes for fewer ducks com ing to eastern Carolina this year. Reports tram Ducks. Unlimited, jii.ncipal breeding ground in Can ada and. Mi.nci.iMS ca.aad the "duck .·>·." indicate I as any fowls ia^t season as ever before; but lew La' , > ! tliea : ca: ae to tin.·,;· saal haunt- i ι ! ι ■ ι ; l; the Carolina coast. One .-iiiigeste i reason is the military ac : \ ,ty ni tin* air over the area, but tu:it is speculation. Trie state com missioner wants something more de finite—hence the request for thor ough study of the situation. PLANNERS Another sectional meeting at North Carolina will be represented is the South ·.·. :de I'laiinaig C miercnce at Bir mingham on May 18. This confer ence i- oatyrawt !i of a movement fronted by former Governor Brough • a for ' mcerted action among • .utbcni states a postwar develop ment along all lines. More than a y. a;;o 'ae State ot North Caro lina sponsored a series of newspaper ad·, i-rtisements signed by Governor I'.: mghton promoting such a plan, and the Birmingham conference was ι ie 1 by G i.enioi' Robert Kerr of t> :i ihoira, eiaa ; man ot the south e : conferenci·. Governor Cherry - designated Paul Kelly,,assistant an.- 'ar of conservation and devei rment: Clyde -\_ Krwin. state su ! . '""dent Ί public instruction, i.nd Frank S.isser, chief veterans' -er\ .ce officer. ' 1 represent North Car 'lina at the meeting. 1 Vacancy On City Council To Be Filled Incumbent Members All File Names For Election Of May 1 At their regular monthly me< t ng for Apri] next Monday night bers ι if the Henderson City Council will ο let·! .ι 'i. nir I ■< r : ' ι body to .-ucceed :·.< I ,·. Τ II - tree, alderman from the first v. trd Mayor Henry I'o.' ι Γ . ι i t. da\ 1 e il;,m selected will ou'. the ii expired term of Mr Cr.ibtrer. ; .-till had a year to ι .11 at tin ·. : ·· of his death earlier tms woe··.. Meantime, four · · η bers · >1 Council, in addition to 'he m -.or. whose terms expire . 1 e all filed for reelection, and a^· ■ >! to day no opposition had do. eloped : ir either of them. Set , ci.,ν - 'ne f;nal date for filing il a ·.·.. idida'.o's 11a · e is to appear on the · r.ntte.'. ballot. The election will be held on lues lav, May l. Three members hold over for another year of two·· vear terms to whic'.i tiiev were elect ed In 1941 No opposition f..i any ->: those whose terms expire .,· ' · - 1 im · h:i.· j been heard, and it appeared today that there would be r. ev Colored Group To Fort Brag** ; For induction Λ small group of colored regis trants reported for induction at Fort ! Bragg 1 'day, the lor: 1 Selective So.·, vice Bôard ami >u iced. The eleven ι men were: ■ Leroy Green, Joseph Charles Har ris, transferred to New Brunswir c, [ \. ,!.: t iieri: · lie:::;' M 'Kni^h:. \V d f !»»r Arthur Giles. La ice I ,e·.· Harris. Che. ter Su·.· .1 .■■■>· \V. Itf* Hicks, Raymond Cooke, Emanuel Johnson, transferred to Orange, N· J.: Alex Burton, Jr., Coleman Sneed, transferred from Norfolk, Va. Brother of Miss Yernellc Gilliam Killed in Action ! Miss Vernelle Cll'la: -, I S.r.i:·: ·.: at Henderson high school, was noti fied yesterday that her brother, William, had been killed in action j Detail- . .f his don: h λ ere not 1 a ivi ed, but last letters to the family stated that he was stationed with the infantry in Germany. Miss Gilliam left immediately for her home in Thomasville. Surviving are Gilliam's parents: two isters. Paul me and Ye ne!le: and : .». 1 brothers, Da\ id and Paul. I 10% Heios—B'.jv 10% More! NOTH s:. Having qua: ' ed ..· administratrix of til ο estate S. C. I«'loyd. deivas od. before Clock υΐ SiljKTiui' Court of Va:: · County, this : notify all per■■·■.: holding claini:· against said e to file the same duly verified v. :· the undersigned on or befor<· t: " 14th day of April. 194ti, or thi- u 1 will be pleaded in bar thereof. All persons κ: it oted to said estate will please make immediate settle ment. I This the 13;!: f April, 194.1. ! MRS. LUC ILK BKEHDLOVE 1-Ί'YD. Admin tratrix. D. P. McDuffCP. Attorney. 13-20-27-4-11-18 notîct nr ι υx: rv Pi BLIC 'TIOX. lu Tin· superior ( uiiri. N'ni'th Γ.ι. Μ jil.ι : Vance ( ' - inly II arvov I. ΛΙ.ιildox 1*1 JiIItill. vs. I ! Il cl T. AIad(lt.\. Defendant. K'hel 'Γ M;iddc\ λ ! take ·. >' ci·: < That ni . ■'. ■·:· !ι ι rci.'r mc:ifed m the S'.i|«· Co Vanc·· Cnunty. X. (' >y <" . .m ·. : ι il ;i . 11 e il.'. ·!νι i.m : .<■ nid 1 11Γ U\i> yi· ι' M-p.ii :i' .nil, and the .-aid Ktlic! T. M iddox ·\ .Γ Idi'thc. ! ike ni>! ice 'lia' .-in· . - <·<j · i t.> i appear at !he ο!: ol " .· Clc:'k ι of the S ι j icr id! Co .*t Vancc Hindi X I : M . ί: i id ;. ..·; I r ;i ici I I · : I This tiie 5th day ol April. 1945. il κ. -1. ι·'.\ι.κI Clerk of the Superior Court I Van. ι· C'-urs'v. X. C. 1 I 15 !!. Hi · I Attn: ι.ι,ν ! ' 5 - 12-19-:-''; SEE OUR GOOD VALUES IN USED CARS We repair all snakes of cars special ize in fender, body and radiator work Motor Sales Co. Phone 832 Henderson, N. C. FILLER KOKO WHIP β COCOANUT CREAM POINT FREE FANCY EVAPORATED. PEACHES CORN FLAKES NECTAR TEA FRESH EGGS ST 'ΝΥΝFIELD ■ A NATIONAL. FAVORITE ■ ■ SPNNYTÎROOK GRADE A LARGE FINE QUA LIT Y MEATS (10) Pimento Cheese lb* 40c 1181 Soked H am "λ > 1 ib. 52c (4) Bologna, Type 2 lb. 31c (5) Fat Back Meat lb. 18c FRESH FISH I «1 ■ ■ DUFF'S HOT MUFFIN MIX. GINGER BREAD M3X OR WAFFLE MIX [ 14-Oz. Pkg. 20 C Reel Heart Argo Starcis Dog Food Bouillon Cubes Sausage Xool Aid Flour 8ρκΐ 5c ?ΐ-θ7.. Pkft. Herb-Ox Pk?r. nf 5 ~IOc 10c Banner 24-07. OAl, Brand Can WfcV S innviîold 9c 52c BALLARD'S OBELISK FLOUR m-Lb. Paper Bag 62 . r,v.·' r>M \Η«· ^,,sv ÔiovitttH *MD ι-ιλ>. |^c • v.v.s CK** r.r.KVX TOP KJ? llF.M1 γτ.ν » * GE, Λ lbs. 2 νκ··:. 1 ··' · 2<iC 1 bunches 15c . ,„ ,. LUX FLAKES ***- IQ^ . 22c LIFEBUOY lb. 12c \0S 10 JIMMY GARRY DURANTE and MOORE on the air for tessSHt WITH NfW SHOWS, FUN AND LAUGHTER tISTEN! II IS OUR RADIO SHOW EVERY FRIDAY NIGHT Station WBT At 10 P. M. PARKERS 1Λ ^ \ - , . *lC\.vU ' v'Xlv. THE OLD JUDHF. SAYS... "When you think of the sacrinces our Hunt ing men are making in this war, it's hard to figure out how we'll ever repay them, isn't it, Judge?" "Yes, it really is, Tom. There are only certain things we can do. Such as...write them cheerful letters often. Send them favorite gifts from time to time. Work harder than ever to provide them with everything they need to finish their job quicldy. Buy more and more War Bonds... especially during the current drive... to pay for the ammunition and fighting equip· ment they must have." "All that still seems kind of small com pared with what they're doing for us, Judge." "True, but it's about all we older folks back home can do, Tom. Except one more thing. And that is to be sure our fighting men come home to the same kind of country they left behind. The kind of country their letters tell us they want. Nothing changed that they don't want changed while they're away and unable to express their wishes." Tk.s ,ponw,tJ by Cor,}.une: of AlcoHU In***,. Notice of Sale of Valuable Farm At Public Auction Tuesday, April 24, 1945 At Courthouse Door In Henderson Till' former homeplace of Mrs. A. ·!. Fairish, defeased, located on Epsom and Mt. Carmel roads, two miles from Henderson. The farm contains 27'j acres of excellent land and has a 1.1 acre tobacco allotment, and some timber. D. P. McDuffee Commissioner Government House Rum j 1/5 Quart $3.50 Retail w Imported by ' W. A. Taylor & Company New York City'

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