j Society Nevrs THE WORI.I) TODAY. I! is getting up early—and working 1.111- — And planting a i'"-e by tho garden Wt'Ji tlu' latch-st π ng mft for a friend ni· two. And tin· fire-log burning fur me and yuli, II whirlagigs circus fur a night an i a day. Then a dig and gr nd Tor the rest ni the way, 1" - carctully pack ':g a teu broken dreams. And striim t!u ι . il'ciy with out II · I'd I 'n il]·' It is keeping a mind that is polished and keen And a heart that : gut· t t ι the my .-tic lai ecu. i: ■ eating ami it. nl;;ng and carv ing -t 'lie 'In be u.-t'l by the builder in a linu.-e now unknown, I· finding aw rid war-turn and afraid. With the wreckage trom bombs I illt the hOUftS we may meet with a way and a u .11 K, ■·;) the Star- and Stripe.- siiinatg ι il top 01 til.1 kill! ANABKL I'ENCK. l; 'aimke. Ya. W l·', Mf..»? % Kiting II·! I .!*·. -s · \vutil Ali' J. W. Hughes at ,'io'clock, it wa aimoauct il t 'day. Jutiiur Tu"sdav Cluli .Meetiinr. The Jui'i 1 r Tui'.-da.v CI ib will meet Τ · day afternoon at ,Ί:3(» ι·'.·!■ >ck at ■ :e In me 'Ί M s. tie rgo A. lè'-e. Jr., it \vas ann lunced. Here 1'rmn I . ( . T. ( . Miss Mary Wrailty, M id,-nt at I·. C. T. C . ι 1 : eel Γ , ίο. ·, u · ι. t the ■ ι ek-end with her parent ·. Mr, and M. ■ W. II. \\ . (ί:i"s 11» 1'vi kIcy \ ille. Mrs. 1·. Ii. .W. "il ha- .gain· t · BrinkleyviUe, where she was called because ol the îllir -s ol her m» tiler. Mr .V. λ' II. . Spends Wcck-I'.iul Here. Miss Vivian Clark, of E. C. T. (». Grcen\ ille. spent the veek-end w t'i her parent-. Mr. and .Mrs. Ζ. K. Clark, of Ii 1 le 5. 1 lende; - ,n. Eastern Star Meetinff. J.ime- 1! White Chanter No. 1 !):) will hukl it1- rei'.ular meeting Mon ti iv night at 7 tilt oV! ick at the Masonic Hall, wa.- stated today. l'raicr Eland .Meeting. The 1Y ivei Meetmg l.and will it l i t Τ esday night at fi '-cl"ck at tne h Milt ■ "I Μι l'a 11 ie 1 lakei in Nicholas .-1 i t t·t. with Mr Mae Wes te: a.- leader, it was '. '.e l t.iday. I.eaves Hospital. Mr.-. I\i » >i" ' Clar·. ret ι nu i t > the home of her father on Walnut street after an lllnc s at Maria Parhan: η isaital. Marian Martin —Pattern— 9014 < / i. '■ λ ' y.ι i can ti>> with a i . . . !. Pa!! m η 1)!) 1 Γ Eii ri.-i- (except .-ca'.Ioped band) c ι ; ... . ΐ'ΐ'ι : draw tring waist, r.ci '· !.■<.■■. e. Petal-brim b.muet. Γ ·:·.·;·.ι st.·; i c in .-izvs 2. 4, it. :î. le. S . .· IÎ. . and bonnet, 1 7-1! ycl.-. : 3-1 yd. contrast. Send T\V! \ l Y CF.Ν ! S in c .ai fin· ; ' . ". rη tu Henderson Da; ! ν 1 ); - ■ l'ch Pat*. ·,·η Dept.. 232 Wast 1KI!: S:.. Xt λ Υ.»ΐ'·< 11, Χ Y. l'riat ρ La η! ν SI/!·', \.\ME, ADP'UiSS. STY!,!·: Xl'.MIiF.K. V : trail ants m "a brings ν m our new Marian Martin Pattern Book ■ >:· Spring. 1 ηΛ "■S.Ï.Cvi /eek ■ Y ' 'a ■ ! 1 a. 11 ■ r.-l ι : ρ ίι· iitr at the First Baptist church yesterday, Dr. Η. II. McMillan of Richmond, Va., and S. 1 ch a, .-poke ' ti the topic. "Ch; ι-;..in.- Meetmj· tin Chal lenge n! the I' tw;ir World." In the ι \ ening two iilms, ' Here Is China" .-!;<'\vn. Suim.,y a·· .- initiated the ο ,.ί'γ ta . . f 111 i s. - a. 11 study l.ir tm· week in the "School of Missions." l)r. AlcMill. :. ; h:> a.e.-.- ige stale.i that "v. e today are living in momen tous tiaii.-," .aid challenged his hear ers to be prepared for victory for there will be many problems ahead tu claim «Mir at ii i;tl· >n. In his dis lu.-.-a η mi the 11. ■ ire ι : tile post-war world he name.- .·> nr.,1 caaracteris tics: t.'ie po:■ t-\\.ιr wuriil will be a hungry and starving world; it will lie a. i'aιiii11ert .i a a'ld, a disillu sioncd world; and a W"i!d where there will be advancement and prop re.-- along niati- r..iI lines. 'To,lay v.e are living in a day when l : ι e - i! is t.e " adapted to pn g i e.·-.- ol Christian.t.v. We are in the midst "1 a a.eat revo! itioii. Ί 'day Christ.; nity h: - unusual prestige. Tile inri.cciice o: eliapla.. s abroad. .·! mis.-i: n;.ra s am! >! native· Chris tian.- ι.- at a nigh pear.." he stated. "To ii cet the challenge ol the post war v.'i rid we shall ni-ed t ■ pledge an misv. en ir; loyalty to our Christ. W'e .· 11 list leed a hungry world. W'e must love our enemies and pl..y the part i i pea ι -make; s. W'e must pray and dec! ; eat" lives lor the building Ί a new world after the pattern of Jesus Chri-t." Mi-si.m .·; aly l iasses begin on Moi.day ι ι ι;;;'; t • 1111 ; : ; le and wi i.iav evening. Stationed in Louisiana. Sut. C,u-- II. At...as. of Al ι,Idle burg» has arrived at Barksdale Field, La.. Iri.m Boca Rati >n, Fla., and will have duties as a crew chief, at •ne ! hi I'd Air Force 15-29 Super fort res- ba.-e there, it iia- learned today. Sgt. Atkins recent'-.v returned :'i mi the China-IJurma-India theat er. where he sen ed 2!) months. PORTRAIT OF NEW FIRST LADY THIS IS THE MOST RECENT portrait of Mrs. Harry S. Truman. Λ former village school teacher, she was the President's childhood sweetheart and married him twciil.v-live ycuis aso in Missouri, ilnlunuiliumli Mrs. H.A Newell Heads Louis burg Group Here The Vance county chapter of Lollisburg C ' ■ « ! 1 -gc Λ 1 : ci. - ganize.l at a iunche >n ··,,·< a;; : ι ·. · i. 1 it the Hotel Vance Sa; - ri at') p. 111. Mrs. Lucy Fuller Hartsliold, field secretary ol the c I.. .·· . . . .i : lhe meeting. and gavi t. ·· «· ,mn.se : ·> the welc >;tu· t'aa: .< . v. K··.■ ed >y Dr. Sadie pre.-idi nt of Ku1 L'a (Λ >1 a. \e Aluain; A-.-n.·.., on la ,·.« . M. . H irtsf.eld .-'res. e.i · Γ. ι I. ca ; inn through · he cîui: m c ·!1ρ«ι - .'.'a- essential and very ..'a! to the progress of the c·' nr. ν and the I, and this i . ; ι : t h ii 11 ci ; ι donee in '..u· ρ il aid future. Dr. Walter Patte η. ; . a· it Louisburg college, gave new. o: the progress m the activities jad un.-i ne.-s admina-trati.ni of the ι 'liege. He partir.il.i iy po.nted .> :·.·.· program o: the r ;; t no,v . .me > development and increa.· nig its am pacities tor -crvice. [ho ahiinni present at tne meeting were delighted with the address ven by 1 M iy St pa, .eau if Women and iam::. .·ear·. tary .it the clli-ge. Mis- Slj.e :· a : vd . Ήο tin· : -t t ί > l'a rs 't : κ· col lege' · y, ging ' mind many important steps m it- progress she said many of the graduates are holding ρ ;. ι. ' l s ol ' aiersh : ai t. .· . a .. > . -ft: .''.'.ι lies, e.-pe i |lv tha maliv are officers in tae \Vac>. Wa . e.. i ... :ed : ..va- ot the United States. Miss Stipe also 1 Crusade Goes Qvei CHICAGO - Ci hop J ..Ralph Magee «lefti. chati'nian and directoi ol the Methodist Crusade foi Christ receives, news tiuit the goal ol S--r>.0()0,0(HJ lor postwar reliei and re construction lias been surpassed by more than .1 million dollars Di .1 Mannnr.'. Holts, who cam' from Roanoke, Vs . to become Bishop M isees ,ι»ικ·ΐη1<·, presents him a summary ol reports trom the de nominations tiuu district superin tendents The total is S2G.040.7-49 Ol this amount 1J million is 111 ca#h, represented b.v pass books in the Bishop s hand The rest is 111 pledges payable witlun the next nine months This is believed to be the largest sum evei raised by a church for a comparable purpose Emphasis will now swing to other aspects of tin- four-year, five-fold Crusade tor Christ church school attendance, stewardship, evangelism and support of international c.ollab oratioi» :'c . ·. 11 U ί that it Wa ; ι ! a Mr! ili id isl coniiirencc held in Henderson in 1930 that Louisburg was given the b.i.ist >or f.uitiiiu::!^ r.s service 1 > the youth ni this section ot tile State and liii' i j t .-4 η ι m : : ι ^ u: ehaptcr n! .. -Id: y as a coed nal ι ! ι - ti t n— ΛΙ - Tayl n· SI ei m elight v.l t!u· group with ' λ . ·,. .cat seKv ' : m. Slie was a.·.··. ..:s:ed at the ■ n.·. All.- · Ida : .vil·, ajs· .....i id .-cveral >eii ι-.··>: during the : ι : : : ί ·: ι t'o : ι. Both : tfuso young ....·.· . re stadrir ' L<.uisbui'2 ! tC the col lei students now was given by Miss Aii'a \V.i:tehe:al, ρ.«lent of the eoiiuge S Indent G «veranient Coan ei 1. Alumni and siudcnt> were recog : . ·. i m 1 ϊι few :.;iu;tes spent in ren ni seing ol college day*. Reeog ! ι i '. > ! ι v. as ai"- en . ο the al an ai : /...π Vam-e county ,vhu are serviϊι;, tneir country in the arme ι lorees ;. : ι d t i > those who have given their life .n its cause. A short b ι ! s i η l ,-c-sion was held wilii 1 ):. -I ihn-<■ acting as ehai - man. Oiiieei di ·· · 1 ai π Mi\ H. Α. λ » .ill. pi e ii. : it ; Mi.-s le e Speed, secret . ry t reasurer. \' ei - ; re -ident : are !<» - t.i with the . n g of the college Presfey leriahs rge .Prayers For Nations pre: ■ I Francisco . aid: -The Ci most pe'.'s de 1 i\ cred and womi tii)ii from a pana. e. soul·*, c ! peace taa vi.)Spe. matter do a social a pel. The State . hearts ot however. >f God an isters î · c .he S'ate ioject for ;· in its Ci chu it Sund he S part •is! is roc la mat ron. it was ic individual mei ue:r sin and sépara ! t was sent fort h a. ' .e hurts of single n. t ι a com or t a nc rl i t m Id : lot give. ι.λ e a ai all w c can >nal aspects of lib cί ι \ need that the end there. His wa. as a personal Gos • >a ot Church and : ;ne dear to the American. We do. in the Sovereignty :e right of \\.< min 4e the conscience ol words of Christian "Next \W 1 >f many St itcs gather in S.m lit in one •onferences e. ei u:.y représentâti\ e. ol the world w \ Francisco, Califor ie mast mojnento i? held in our world, Fhey will heed the guidance oi A1 nigh'ty (ί ί'1 Π t y will need ta» people. Let a- pray again and again. that they will In a to see tin4 ι μ » we; na.-·: ai a.· »pposod to a erect' •.on. it w.U be hard l.·: t h ο · i : a re tu ri J themsel ves he only way t< let i: ira} md* "Let us •iven the >f pcrsua; if coerc.oi at he: he ο His ora ν d get t h 111 κ ~ done in i ii : t'l'ii.i t i· >i) ■! calms iv by .■ 11 appeal to force or ο roc hi. Tl ere : ι ' χ· ;i minim 11 to ,-ce ': 1 ; 11 while political manipulation are inipor .ant private mora is are far more important. I! wi Ih n . mi. rl ..i n v. irld peace and ..m'y crashed alter the last war because of polit ical manipulation^ we are m-taken. I liai ." ni ι hand . ·ι ι '. > .1 i>.■ ,c.i i !y •lie trouble va.- etii c..l: t v. ; mm il. \ liai ..1 may a!.a:. ;' c! : · !!. 1:i·· .îr·.·î power! -il State- .11 cn..·■tence. It may formulate its peace pacts and . ' - 1. .1 It t rea : a.· -. but '11 in., if its ]ici iple lie.· .1111 ■' le· then. t i le end. : 1 .. II pay 1 11 r.>ttenue.- The eo 1 f r a . ' . time, has been awfully high. We have pushed ac: o-s tin ι · : 11. ■ ι ι' toe ''.ν ■ ' b' iy - munity. and our world. We cannot possibly lay lac ea 1 e ol ' · λ ai' .it the door of power politics and leave 1 here. I ; c 1 a >o. a 1 a r 1 Iy. 1· vilUSi· ' be . ; ·■ ' !. : I : -, I. i ι :. Let US pray '.bat tho-e Uall e e I :n till - conference will keep constantly be fore them the words of god. RigHt* eousness exalteth a nation bat sin is a repni:irn ' > any people,' "Finally let us pray that i:i mak ing their plan I'·>r us aid the rest of the world they will put God in — Many plans bare bien proposed so 'ar. Aii · ·.·.·.· are in: 'Uigcnt. Ma: 1 y · ' em : '.·a.'ai;;, bti: iveiy nr ■ : teem hear upon ' arm : ii!· a · ■ ma r. ol human ism. They see·: ; 1 take for grant.'d :hat n.ere .n ; y hi- own intel ligence a 11Ί ' : t y will eventual ly be able · . ..■>. .. :'ae wh ile ma1 - cr ou: : . · a ; - : d« >es no", t ara •at like · ' M :. can go just .-·■' far and 110 : .·■ . On tine screen >1 ;he . tage ·... ·)■ the drama if the ii' e l'y ! ive years ha been acte I ·. ' .·. e ought to write II I e : 11 ί . ο: . · We let God out. Let us pray tin; ien the record oi this prescn: ; m a ·. nee is written high a; the : .· · ' . · nr.-; page will ;e 'hi: We ;-ut Ο a in." the min ster conciuiie.i. MEREDITH NAMES FINALS SPEAKERS Π.ι'ι ·.·:! Λρ. : -7. I'rt s.dent ■ vie Campbell ■ : Meredith C ill -v.e ■ ill." H. ni l· 1(1.1.v '. ::.it I lit· -Kith ei m iii'iii'i il.t ::t pr ·:·γ .:· will ipen <>ti Krai ..v. .1 lino 1. ·! <· 'titintle I·Ίΐν lay , ' " ΛΙ· ::c! .y. ■!line 4 h G vim-day mornini: l<;.ct·. iuiiieate ad 'rr. ■; . .iul : Γίι l'I nv: κ·ι· W. : ι m . ι : ai \\ i i i cil·', s· er th.,· S', day ■ r::iiiy barra 1;.h ν: 1 e -■ mum. 11.'. G· · idyl·; -m'./ t'a a ..... I ant ■ ι t · 11 1 -i 'tier ηi' i.laeation in the . niU'd Slate: Oil.re -Ί I.dura', a ι; ι ill Washington. and has sen cd in tlii> position l· i' the Dfpart-ment "i I - c: ii ir · aire 1 :C:t. Dr. C ' ran Tord ι pastor >1 the Cal a:y P· a ;. : i s t eh;. r::. al.-t> "1 W'asil .ngton. CHURCH OPEN FOR PRAYER WEDNESDAY It W, ι Kilt I'!! ipen all d vvt-Il tu ι ! tpen th< The ■ VV. I). Me le \ e.-li : ir tile e mie t·; ! mys ever "fid." Ι 1 lay that the ehtii eh will '>e lav ή ir any wli Ir Ci.id'.··' fav" ■, ·.. e ' e inferenee. ;!;e ehurrh, la \ . U d in » in his pe - :·· ι · ι >i ι1 ■ ι η t praye: r. I'i !' ing tn it a • utitiicant meet < iiisti.rv ni tlu Court ni I ! ii'ir Tluirs(la\ . Λ I'i"· S. · ι 11 · 11 II ·η >r v. II e held I : . : ·y evening at eiulι' i'e]: lek a! ' I' ' I Yi shy tel ι ι •h.ι ι·. it w i.'iiiuneed today Se· iters ,.nd t: ad.- are invited U ittend. Preparing in Advancc for The New Ilay Fever Season * Bv HERMAN Ν. BUNDESEN, M. D. ! THE liay fever season may «et m I a long way oif, but now is t lu· time 1 for treatment to prevent the < ■■■:.· ! dit ion. Hay fever is a disorder ! which, in most persons, is due to | over-sensitivity to the pollen or j fertilizing powder from ragweed. , The ragweed pollen becomes wide- ; spread in most parts of the United States during the latter part of I August and throughout Septem- ! ber, but preventive treatments should be started several months · in advance of the season. A patient with hay fc\ τ suffers ! from attacks of sneezing, running ; of the nose and watering of the eyes. In attempting to prevent hay fever, the first step is to determine exactly to what pollen the patient is sensitive. This is done by mak- ; ing skin tests which are carried ! out by injecting the pollen into : the skin, or by rubbing it into scratches made on the skin, and noting whether or n«>t a red swell- j ing occurs around the point where , the pollen enters \ h· skin. Once the j pollen causing tin· trouble is dis covered, the treatment is begun by ; injecting pollen extract in grad- j ually increasing doses. Doctor Mary 11. Loveless of Ν■ w York C'ity believ· · t !.at before the hay fever seas in starts, injections ; of pollen may . i\en rapidly. She j started the treatment by giving ; four small doses of the pollen at j half-hour inter\als. then increas- ; ing t'ne dose.·· until a point was reached where injections were I ('.»!.vi it-lit. T.'!.-. Kim: !·' given only twice in a week. Many of the patients obtained execlh :.t results, and the results were satisfactory in pract ically all cases. More than half of the pa tients had reacti ons during this rapid treatment although the re actions as a rule were mild. In a few instances, an in.ii ction of the drug epinephrine, under the .'-kin, was need· 1 to contr 1 the symp toms produced by the reactions. Epinephrine overcame the symp toms produced by allergic reac tions. Reactions may be avoided by lengthening the course of treat ment and by : >t increasing the amount of pollen injected too rapidly. After the treatment was com pleted, tests weï e made to deter mine how much protection the pa tients had attained. These were done by placing >n:ue of tin pollen against the c· •n.'unctiva or lining m< ;; bra ne of the eyeball and not ii"j· whether or not a reaction oc ( : : < d ι ·. t) ·· f< mi of watering of the eye and redness. Skin tests were also ine.de. The patients who wei·* f· 'ι ! i t*· react to le.-s than 25 » units of the pollen in the con nct va and to less than 1/lOth of a ι. ! ' t in the skin may not be ex pected to e.\] it nee complete re lief l'ram ! ; ·»>' fi ver. It v· : ' ;.r that this meth od of ti at ment to prevent hay few; i - t :i . ' ■■·. ·· \\!,en carefully ι an .· d · '< ·' ne before and alter treat ment i es- cut i : « 1. iiOlPL·: SviMli.-uro. I IIC. GIRLS! Do you suffer from, Nervous Tension ••■S:·····:.·. On "CERTAIN DAYS" of the month 9 9 9 9 • · · · Do functional periodic disturbances make you feel so nervous, jittery, high strung, cranky, tired—at such times? Then don't delay—try this great medi cine -- Lydia Ε Pinkham's Vegetable Compound to relieve such symptoms·. It helps nature! Pinkham's Compound i.- famous not only to relieve such monthly pain but also accompanying nervous, restless, weak feelings of this nature. Taken regularly—it helps build up resistance against such distress. Λ very sensible thing 10 do! Also a grand stomachic tonic! Follow label directions. Buy today! Jjfclia, £.(PùnkfuvrrCô VEGETABLE COMPOUND KEEP YOUR RUGS LOOKING NEW! Tavern Rug Cleaner has ex ceptionally high lathering qualities. It will clean spots or entire rug. Excellent for up holstery, too. Non-inflamma ble and non-caustic, it will not injure the finest fabrics. TAVERN RUG CLEANER OtPT RELIEVES HEADACHES M·/ Ί Jà .. . and soothes Nerves upset by try-'* HE A DACHE ,.,„i IS EU KALGIA The prescription-type ingrédients in the ' ΒC" formula ave readily assimilated. That's why "BC" oilers extra-f:.st relief from headaches, neuralgia, muscular aches and functional periodic pains. Nerves milled and upset by minor pains are i'lso gentlv soothed by the quick-acting BC" ingredients. Keep a 10· or 2'>c package handy. Use onlj as directed. Consult a physician when pains persist. FLOWERS FOU I V I KV ΟΓΙ Λ SIΟ Ν Phone 3X0 l';iy or Nitjht BRiDGLRS The F,or,"t Water Repelient Made with shouhlir strap for easy ι·;ιπ'\ in,u\ and has separate compartment l'or nursing bottles. $2.95 κ: ·. y Wo M !' Ν ι mewis MUM8 ms a mprms angel OF MERCV ( V» in War Π F y WOMEN Γ Ο PART EVERY 77ME 7n£Y τ■ 'SEP > *C/M& EAT TO REPLACE INDUSTRIAL FATS AND CHS NFS CED /V THE ^'JFACTURE QF SYNTHETIC RUdBER, EAiVTS, SOAP AMD FABRICS! SUPPER IDEAS toqet EXTRA REP POINTS! SAUSAGES, APPLE RINGS md mashed ρ 'tat.'is for t.àny April nights. Keep draining off the fat as von conk the sausages. Kills t:p y. ur fat Salvage can. Every drop is needed by our Country for the battlclield and home-front essentials. CORNED BEEF HASH can be made with . little meat and lots of potatoes, and still be superb. When you'ri preparing the corned beef, remember to save those little trimmings of fat. Melt them down", strain them into the salvage can. CREAMED CANNED FiSH, when it's popped into a casserole and under the broiler to brown, looks like company's coining. But be sure you pour off the oil it's packed in . . . Remember, it's the small amounts, that soon add up to a pound and those very welcome 2 extra red points and 4 cants! This message has been approved by WFA and ΟΡΑ and paid for by Industry. We Must Save More Used Fats J