Society News M Λ l'»l.()SsOMS ι >v< il jhl they bave tvne, î t.» I li κ k <>l 11 id s i ' ranted; IV- i - tu «»ii bare i*ray branches, χ , ne brooding. S : ut* ρυ.-ed, wings lilted. ρ · I ly they 1 '141:, Γ over niyht, ! , t St. I ews, S. C.. and Miss Almeta Ed- ! -, nt Koekv M '.int. fîxpedhiqafîaiii? Mother's Friend helps bring ease ami comfort to expectant mothers. M OTHER'S FRIEND, an ι ■ ν ; ι ■: 11 s 11 e 1 y ρ r ν - !';11 ··«i emollient. is :.·■< '.ni in all condi ■ · where π bland. r. : <ί am iym· mns t · :i;i«dl»m in skir. ΙηΡπν,ί ion Ν de j-i'-rci. One condition in which wi-men 1 ■·. more thnn 70 ycars have w-»-d ι : r;:i app!icatlon for mas-auiivr th·*» b<><'lv (1mr— i: ■ pregnancy ... it helps l-'-'cp tie· skin .«oft and pliable... thus avoiding un !· ' ^ary discomfort due to d··. :·.; .. ! . Tt r« freshes a: ο ton» - \ he An ideal massage application for t'.r mirnh, tingling or!-' .-ensa r.nns of the skin ... for the tired hack des o~ cramp-like pains i:i (!: lrgs. C^ua'kly a'>-urbed. Delight f·.:! t < \. r. Mother's Friend Hiphly praised by users, many doctor» and eur.-rs. «lastHsk any tlrutrvrist. f· ·ι· M" h»'·- -' Friend—the skin lulirieam.. Try jt '..•ίικ'η. ι Marian Martin —Pattern— She'll Iq >k sweet as a strawberry 1 ι ■■.·, .«unfroek \v;':i ·' . ·. · :· y ;i;>plic|uc! Pattern !) I i.! >·:. and bag, t > >. ΗιιΓ fled pinafore version included. Ρ 1 51U2. size 2, 3. 4. 5. 6, ii. Size 6, Jumper, 1 1-4 yds. 35-inch; jacket, 1 yd. Aop'.ique pattern given. S,. I TWENTY CENTS :n ,···!· ι :· ρ ι stern : > The ilenders > ι D. . ν I ) . !>.;t;orn Dent., 2 i:! West 18th Sr.. New York 11, Ν. V. . . SIZE, NAME, AD :>rkss. styi ι·: number. JUST OUT! The Marian Martin Summer Pattern Book, a collection ! all \! ■' : ι and sm.ti·; in ,:ii» a]v. .ι·; f · the family. FHKK \ _·.·>·..····.· i. i'.ii'c'ii printed in !> · ι'·: Sen.! I: ····! C\ :i'- for your ,·.·:>\. Garden Club Semis Ma\ Day l· lowers All Hospitals : re with till ir usual Day, the II 1 placed indiv· idua I \ ι ses 1 'wers · η the trav- of Mar.a Parhaai h - ,td 1 11 wi r a:\ an.-.eni. ni .1 t il. e II ,··ρ;::Γ. l«r ί!ιι· 1 the eaunty ho-pit d. K.drill is president o. it Garden Club. i ο R. (', III i· Returns from IVtfishnre. Ya. Mr. Λ Β. Faulkner It;> r* ; a. Η to her home after vis ting he daughter and .»on n-Lw. ,\i. a: I Mrs Κ. M. Brooks. of P. Virginia. Junior ( ivir meeting. The Junior Ci\ ii· Club wilt have :t.- annual Dutch supper at the ll >tct Vance on We ne-d. n... ,,· , » ι ! » -k, ii Was stated ! · ». t ;. \. Ai Members are urged t-> be on time. Prayer Band .Meeting. The Prayer Meeting Band will met ; Tnesd: y r j-,i11 at IS :·. ·.; tiie (lorne iif Mrs. Pa// e Daniel on Chava.-se aren e \v;th Mr- W liui'irlMin as leader, :t \va. anu .une ed to lay. ('(,ii(ein|!'irar> Book ( luit. The Ceiitenipoi arv IS· ·ί. Club . ill et t Thm sday a I te-r m■. Ii :;ίιι 'eli.ι k at the lu me u! M . II . . I Alien with Mrs. Allen a::·: Air Wi ll .ill St raise as .1 inl !.. 'a -a.-. it .vas announced today. WITH THE SICK inijirnvcs. Mi . Π. H. i ; it > r. nsly ill r so·, oral w e· . . ; ) a I ι·ι| to lie tnueh 1.11,.. i d .. I.·.1, i. i:e .'il H me. ill At Hospital. V ■·. r:. !.. Van M;. ,.,· !. Is seriously ill at Maria Pai'ham hos i1 "..!. it was I't parted. Patient at Hospital. M ·. J. W. A. lit a . :i ''i"l as a patient at Mar 1 P.. - haw hospital, and lier condition i top.u'tod as satisfactory. (Gloria \ an I)\ Le In Pi ano Recital Miss ria Jean Vn.. D.\ · •n -" t ht r senί· r pian· Henderson high sehoi 1 auditorium Fr day evening, at lî:3·· 'el a .. j \\ s announced today. She wil! bi -tod by Mi-s Ann Ιί .y ·. r an., the I lendcrson hi till .· ι · 11 ■ Ί ·. ehm the : ι-1t-et Mi.- Van Dyke will play are "Sa!·, n,.,h ">by Bach, "Kammenoi-Ostn \v" by Ru i enste n. a tl "Ltitus I. 1" ·> Sc It Alt mbcrs of the glee ιΊ ··., will assist in the recital a v: I . i lie Ail - ch. Mv h A 1st >n. Shirley Bass. Cant 11a Bcckwith, , · ,n;.e Brad lev. Β: ·:ν C... >au3h. r. Γ,ι· Car.' Ί1. Hoi. 11 C.h.a ·:. Klaint C 1 le, Evelyn Clarke, Mabel Coker. I' tr.ii 1 )cnni.·. Ann Pa n. Sa- a Dunn, Shirley Ehret, Gerry Lee El rod, Martha Evans, Julia Gary, Ma i '· sa Gli 1111. Edith hh' t G roe. e. Ain . C.ι path. Fannie Harrl.-. Jaaii ll.:'r. A'int '•I,ait. Or i i' J· tie.». Sal .· Gone K· r ner. Car lyn King. D Τ >'d. \nnie Lao Powers. Bit-.·· Ann H > hards. Oilell Kaw les. Cent·.·, niai S· ι - Bo'.! ν Sue St·· .es. SI'". Th mpson, Mary Wiggins. OUie Ma< λ\·,ΐί . - : η ρ l'iia. W a-all. Ann \V·' "ham.' ' S 11 ν Worthann Palsy A'eCallnni. Pearl Lie W·· ullief, and Ann Rt vstcr, ace->a.i>ani.>t. I W est End I)ri\e Properties Sold I' ..perta·- ii Wist End dr .· nd Walter strict were trailsfe re t η deeds filed at the register ot Ice-Js ι·1 ! ee ve- Icrday. J. H I'.ndit· and v, ; fe .Id a 1<>: .III West End , i.e t. L> W W. II .1:/ ;ind wile f'T $10 ,,η I ι>' ie. considerations. L, R. Williams altd wife trans it . ed to Walter W·. ' aai and Wife 11 ' >t ι > ! ι Walter.- -'reet f ·.· $ I «0 and a' ·.· ' considéraiions Λ1 IÎ. We-ier and wife 1 !). 1 acres in Vance county to Sandy 11. ι λ . ns and wife In 3 » 01) and . it 11 - ο. ι insiderations. I.· me li. Walk n- ; I vil.· .1 • ι ΛI ien W. i Ianini a :I w : fe a ' • η Old County Home r·· id for Sin other i ïonor Roll I .istcd l· or Λ\ cock School W. K. Whit teuton. principal of \ye;>ck school, today announced the rhoiastic honor ι ill . the fifth weeks period. Thi lis. Is as fol FirsI Grade—Billy C kmîII. Peggy • >!!·>!. l'en"ν Ivl-.v S·» r ' ··>d • . Mme .1 V ζ u:a Matthews, Janet Newton, Eleanor i ; · ' ι . et s.. Kivond Grade—,1 :u Allen. Betty Lou Hoy le. Gene Newton, Ke mit Thompson. Third Grade- ΚΙ./.Γ:.··:.·, Ε ! wards. Λ Ealkner, M >: .· Kalkne . .:··>η Jo. rni.nan. I·:: ,·..· Mae New man. Fourth Grade—Barbara Jean Ab :>·>tt. Thurston Ah■· France. A\ Mr. Κ J . I !... : r y. I) r.igla Faulkner. Hubert Eaulkrer. Willit Faulkner, Marie H ι·':-, Mr.y Eliza beth Newman, Η..,-e Pegrain. l'ani me Rfbcrson,* Jewel SoutherUmd. : !y Tunstall. Fiffti Grade Γι llv Ayseue, Sid :iey Ayseue, Juan it a Burgess. Jerry Faulkner, Mary Belle Faulknei sathleen Haye-. M id red I.a.--.t, . 'eggy Pendergrass, Jane Short. Sixth G'rade — M..·.·:<·%* Ellington. Temiic Sue Lassiter. Walter Steve ι -an. Seventh Grade Λ....· η Ay se .· Shlr'.y lira ne. Ta! : ilgo Β""ΐ ' : «. Fa r ■; te. !'■·· !\v Em/irr i ibby Hicks, Rebecca Hoyle, Tem ,· Peadergra-s. E.ahth Grade Ff.mees Abbott. ' · ·· Al-to'l. Ala .·· Ay- · ir. Evelyn ii ,!. Billy Cul'.in·. Ci ri lice Eaulk . .. R. Har y F i » er. Virgin .a \nne Floyd, Helen Lassiter, Mary Mice Fegram, Eerebee Pendergrass. | ' S., turrland. Ji . X rt iey Spain. Frances Thompson, Nancy Vaughae, M ' ι Grade Π l'otn.v Mae A i > - • ···. M i ired 11 :vr.-. Λ η η Roger·. I) , as U\ .-t. l'en:·! Grade—-I). T. Ayseue. Jr.. C'1 Ci.1 lin . !·.... ri .. M... eiy. Hat. !; , ,,■·-·..m T'.'. e! ! ;ii G rad· · '!" a' .·t >:i Allen. Eu η i "ι I iarthol . M .i : ' a Failli. •icr. Katherine II. ·:·.·.. Hicfcshoro News Τ'· it· W:v!i;mV ?.! s-iiinary S icicty of the Island Creek church will meet Friday night, May 4. with Mrs. Tav lor Ayseue. The !!. A.'s, G. A.'s a:i.; Siinht· ms λ HI : l'i 1 then too. Λ : • members arc urged î·» attend. i\V. 11.··. . . -n îiii· >k·!: ! ι . mul la t v. iv '•i. l'i ··· · I ):rkers'>ii. (I.ι :: i I tor of Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Dickers in, Λ'ίΐιι !:;is bi · ·: ι ... ! il; in I {: 11 : j I ·: < . oe With tin· ·.·<· .·! ·\·· ι ·!· after Ma ν !. I Mt. and M .1. l). Knott and ; \rthur Knntt I I I.I : i;t■ r. V; \ isitcd .1. II. I Knott and family Sunday afterno n. I Mrs. Annie Tucker is on the sick ; li-t. Mr. and Mr ■ R. 1*'· Diekerson and l : ι ly ·. " 1.1 '■>:· l'.her, M r. ,r d 1 Μ ι ·. \ ' II ... tu·.ι: (.hi 1 ill ':.·:' Siilid:;> . X CI. Km·:' . . has been .11 sometime - atiout the inie. Mr. and Μ Λ C D'[; en and lames isited their son, Λ. Jr., ;tl ('Amp Ci.ft, S C, during the week-end. Sc] uare Dance To Be I ïek! at Armorx Saturday L\enin. ff m nine 12 ofcl >ck,1 ι M ! t1, ι ' HedL-epeth -tiinu .in.I ! ::ιιιι· w ill he rail d bv T .nias Kc-..ι ney | and Ike Crab! ce. An evening of fun and fr .la· is anticipated. The dance is sponsored by the Lions club for benefit of its charity ] fund. The public i invited to attend. A small admis-art will be charged. ★ ★★★★★ * WITH THE COLORS * ★ + * ^ + * tie turns In S'.imhri.l· e. •I..· Κ ·: .·:· · ,v!. . I 11..Λ stationed at Bainbridge, Maryland, ] spent the past week-end here with ι his ,.rei ' M ·. . lui M - I·!. L. Κit trell. (ίοι ■ tu Mcni;shi*, Tennessee. Sgt .1 >1 η It. Stewart U. S. M. C., ι i Mr .1. it. Stewart, «•IS S. \v. ·';.·.·. left Cherry Point t ..lay '.ι:· Memphis, Tennessee where in· ' · ■ further tiaining ι . : ··..·; i' was re ported. .Var Surplus Siippi ics Are Oik:red Public The !!·· ι Finance Cor : ir .-ale electri · cal rotating machines, switches, wir ing mate.·.; ■ ' ve devices. ! | connectors, wiremoid, weather-heads, conduit couplings, receptacles, bush ings. electric motors, etc., it was an nounced today. No electrical wire is offered for || sale at the present time, it was em phasized. Dealers interested in purchasing some ·: ' ■ I us property are a-!:.·:! · · ' .· local AAA office . id ' . will be fur nished .m ι',ν to lain it. GET YOUR REP POINT, BONUS! 2 Rvd Points for each pound of ust Λ fats turned in to your butcher. Keep Saving Used Fats Fof the" Fighting Fronts and H ir.e Front. FLOWERS FOK IV! .'IΛ <>( ( ASIO.V l'honp 3Κ0 M;iy ι>Γ BRIDGERS ",e M"r,M · Ί t L Π! 'dren s Rompers u .t. luuulni uk· romp ce ' ÇA φ Li -3 I )t her- >' 1. IS Γη Infants bups $2.98 Beautiful h ] κ D't I'll - at ( ) 11 u r -! il Γ ΚΙ ienert's Pants Water-pr· dium aiiii laruv For Outdoors ι:·. ·■'> ·| s■.iπ suits and $2.88 $3.79 I )t IliTs s I I'M Panties 1 r ma'!· " ί V.I - Ti'X w all'!' - Ρ Γ no : pan!.-, -mal!, me dium and Uu". 69c Silk Rayon Pants Knit Pants Kill 1 rainiii1.' pants, small, Small, ni'-dû.m and lar.·.'. . nii'diimi and laruv. 38c ' $1.00 'n 48c Γ, . ν De STORE HOURS M(»nda\ . Tuesday . Wednesday :t to ·> Ρ I ο 5 :>0 Thursday Friday 00 Saturday to ό !> to Γ» '·> to (') :>o :ii) 00 f 9412 2-iJ