ΊSOCIETY NEWS MOI M AIN PATIi. iltluc Kidsc Summit. Penn>\ Iv.mia ι _\o Ή0 has climbed the path we take, high-tangled, thro i»?i tin· wild wot woo.'.— at least not thi.- spring :■ . the Only a snake or rabbit rould a M i to let aich 5»:,., - ;·. ,Λ and leave no sniark upon place where violet - are under!' ι >' and dogwood brancln- 11 ; ι |., \y a. ι : turbulence ;s ". ■,· ■ | ,, ■ , · . 11 j lit ·! t' y 1 >y , i . ,. j v bind crisp in p«»i: arid honeysuckle lull .»· bees! < : ι : i y the passing cry of : d;>tract> υ il r peacc j -· that .il >ne nr\ π the call : 11; of a .1 . 1 far off wale: t.ι hi ■ ; .· Whoever blazed this trail forgot . else, like lis. he ·.<.·· · t '· :nav ci .aie kiai; t" ."I ia> left the.-c f. »>t pr,n: · .a ,, clay. 1 ' ! ; : ι a T. . ι ■ . y. Visitors from ( alifornia. M : and M is. X. K. W S . ι i si'i >. I'alilornia ι sa ·. |,iv In spend ·.·; e ·. · · f· ι a·I■■ and relati. e.- in Vie · t.v. Ι χ|«·( t'-(l from Petersburg. > 1 r and Mrs. 111>ι a ·.■ !■' a· ■ .· daughter. I·'··, l.v .1 un·. Petersburg. Virginia, are expected to arrive this week to visit relatives here. To llave Open II onsc. Mr and Mrs. Λ S. 1·\. . , Τί nie 1. Henderson, will have vpen ':!■ ν ai their new h ·:νο mi Γ: . lay, Μ ,ν 25, from 8 to 11 >>V!«»ci;, : \v ι ,,'inniint.cd today. Mother's Friend helps bring ease and comfort to expectant mothers. UOTIIER'R >1 FRIEND, η η exq ii lsitely pre pared emollient., is ■useful in all condi tions where m bland. dw.·' mas Page medium in -km . : ; » ι : - > η : de sired. One condition in which v. :ι··η for more than 7i; years have us d i: is aa application for mas ae.in ·'::·· dur ing pregnancy ... it h· !ps )■:·■< ρ th«· skin soft and pliable ... thus avoiding un necessary discomfort due tod:".·..- a:.d tightness. It refreshes and ton· ; the pkin. An ideal massage application f >r the numb, tingling or burn::.!' nsa tions of the skin ... for the tired bark muscles o~ cramp-like pail.- ·. ·].■> legs. Quickly absorbed. Delight ' ul to u-e. Mother's Friend Highly praised l>y ii-er·, many » :· ·. ·■■<--, ;trni nurses. Ji-t n-k any < i ι-1 : vr sr « τ fur Mother's Friend — the skin lubricant. Try it ιΛ··πκΐιί. — I Bride of M n\ 12 In ( jiistonia .MUS. JOHN w. DAVI.S, Air.-. .1 . William Davi.»·, wh.i be: ; .· !ht ιι,;ι:τ:,ιιϊι· ' ■ Κι I>.:. L'. S. .\,,val Avii'*;· il, a: 1 lie Si. Mal ik's I' ; (ι. · Mi.-» Sarah Ne'.- ·:: Dnv. -oik da . u ! ι ' r ··'. A i'··.»!.·.: ,di:,s Daws, n, of Cn.iv.vrl n. Ensign Davis Airs, i; : ι (.ιι ceil Single*. Da'. ·s and the laie M: Hender- jr.. N'.irfolk Visitor. \ i-.. \.!' .. 11 X.i.': Y . .-.1.1:4 il is sistc:. M. s. I·'. 1!. i' »t lit·:· 1: 'nie un . · lli^li -μ hool Γ.-Γ. Λ. ΛΙ«·ρΙΐπΐ. i Η Se I' -Τ Λ. ' \\ C- îu'sdav ;ιΐ*ι· '"· ··) ■ :;.:·ι. · . .·, : Men' !'. ·'· .1 · Ι··.-· Mrlh.i.i! ;1 .·. η - .1:111 ( ι. il'.ceci t · >d:iy · Γ ■ the· ist meeting of lh and !Y;neds cd t ittcndand . l ui' L>:. \V. \V. -■* c., \\ au i- tu on ••Youth Recreation ! >r the Sum mi.· ΛΙ. >n : ■ ι s." WITH Γ Η Η Sic: Κ lllip! Ill's·. .t Γ11-1 < > l >ι : .11 i .»!1. M ' ill·:-.·, ont ..n :>· - · y ;.t the M . d: y .1 Miss Cheatham Is Feted At Lunehe<>n B> Mrs. ΟΊ)onnell Miss Kl\ ir:. Chealh . : . . a.se vvetl .. '.·> 1·:.ι-ι«η .1 >hn Ale e !li .lune. vi.ι lake at ι κι S.iiurti.ij May 2fi. was entertained yesterday .1 .u.i.'nt >:i υν Λι ·. .Ιο.m tiuiKc O'Uonnell .it the Ihhih ■ >: Mrs. W. .·\. ΛιΠί λ;ι ι . The dining table, which was cov L':\.u vv.i.i ι» Willie l.iee CiOtJI. W.t> >entersd with a white bowl »1 green v»nd white plants placed on a la. ge ι n..!'! rei actor w.'.n white tapers being plaeed at eaeh end oi the rc *;ιι· .κ;, liic taole l»vr.iiie .- a.i- ac ■ aiiiuieJ t)V the m.i.W .vu: rt— ι fleet >:rs .i; each end <>; liie tabu h held figurines oi .i bride and t- . ·. .\>ma -v-4.-. At the pla-cc of eacii i; lest was a white scroll tied wi:n ivii nnnna . . . t it.ιΐ· ι * r ι « - ι evealed a coded message. M ^ Becky John v.. ι v. ;■ ·.11 ν ι Ό ii ι ». ι. t ■ hemg tac ; ι decode Inc : ·.· sage which j « . i, "Meredith Jonc . 1. . ira Cheat . :> u<; The hostess then , « sentcd the i),;dc cliv! With a wedding gift. ,.ικί white placecarcts mark- I c \ îhe place- oi the : si'nwmg guests ίο!' the two-course ..ucheon: Miss Cheatham, the hon· ce. Mrs. Joel I. ι !!c;r,ari!)i, Mrs. U. I·.. Clements. Miss Helen Η oyster, M Alice Rose, Mis, Becky John M Mi s Ann Upcruireh, Mr-. J.ι ι - · Γ. B. Con .it'll. Miss Alice llugic-. Miss Aline ι Hughes, ι>i New YorU C;tv, and Mrs. ( ' Min MaeNa. r, ο. I *.«ici^n. Program Friday At r"*> * North Henderson Λ largi and app >·.· itive audience received the spring rogram 01 the λ'ο. tii 1 lender.-.·η S η.>ol n:i Friday veiling, Aiay if!. The variety ent.· tammcnt includ ed an operetta. The Wedding of .Jack and .Jill." a η imber of sung···, rhythmic dance-, a h.morous one act play ent.th i. "N'u Suit fur Bell'' and a mu-a-.,Ι ·.·.·. elty, "Glow Worm." Characters >: the leading role.- were well chosen and the in terpretations were e peciaily well enacte . Λ patriotic pageant, "We Who Serve. a.- tne ..liait-, '.va- giv· :i as a tribute Ό tile men , nd .vomell of Nor'.;, Henderson wii are now ser - i:ig :n ' he a. ne.I . Special mention ,va.- made of the men who have given their 1: e.- for their cn ;; η try in World Wa. li. The p. >gram was the outcome of an intensive nr.i-ical program car r e I on ,n the sell ■<> 1 during the year under the direction of W. T. Hearne j . nd the teachers ::i the -chool. Girl Scout News TROOP NO. 3. Girl Scout troop No. 3 held its re • . · . · ■ ..iy ii-t·;,ug Thursday aft ernoon at the F.r-t Baptist church. The meeting opened with the ad vancement of colors with the flag 'nearer- being Joyce Mitchiner, Eliz abith Bass. Bec'.-.y Tippett and Mar garet CTicathani Pledge- to the t!a_i were led by 11a,-.el Kdwar '·· and ,ΙοΛηη Harris. A short inspection was held. Tac gi ' ip · . - : .1 vided into pa - I trol and hcM , -h >rt hn-ine.v- se ■ . m. After ·. : several s : a dull- ΐι.ο v. .list! Pattern ULÏtiT : ιs ji;s: tί,ri-i■ piii·.- (mo diagram).] Tulip appliques give it flower-fresh I charm. Applique pattern included. Pattern 9-tïT r >mes in sizes 12. 1!. iti. 18. 2n; ;îo. :c. :u, :it>. :is, -to. Size lti. :i yard.-- I!."»- noil fabric. Send TWI'X'i'V CENTS in coins inr t ii i ~ ρ . : '. : : ι t · ι The Henderson Dailv Dispatch. Pattern Dept.. 23!! West 181 iι St., New York 11, Ν. Y Print pl.unlv SIZE, NAME, AD- : DRESS. STYLE NUMBER. JUST OUT! The Marian Martin j Summer Pattern Book, a collection of all that's new and smart in wear- 1 ng apparel for the family. FREE Nightgown Pattern printed in book. | Send Fifteen Cents for your copy. FLOWERS FOR EVERT OCCASION Phone 380 Day or Night BRIDGERS »· nort·4 Ί! j ίΟΐΑ,ν ν-^ Τ* ice as jinarl to wear Vitality Shoes because they're smart (wo ways. Smart first in the distinctive styling clr-ver woman 6" demand. Smart second because Vitality lasts give the smo'. lieel - gripping fit that lets you walk and walk with thrilling eas_. Vitality quality, Vitality inner construction assure you comb", A ■'"me and lasting fit. Vr-'C \-Λ — heei-y,., Vitality quality, Vnu,.., permanent shape and lasting fit. -C « in t Broun ami white brown tubber JS'i ΛΛΛ tu L\ Ό ** * îts tnyor* to wwr Vitality 5**οο$ and £ VJfslity Open Ro-»d Sfcer· ··· basic »uit. The ensemble serves for two UÛ* ^y'°">cr or!ti Cempvt *¥··» by chocsing a tailored d-ck^y for work 55 50 «nd $6.90 kos.f*. a "frilly front" for aitei-heurt. Complete Bono* ο* <**<· V/ieUfe· Webb's Henderson Shoe Store Bride of Sunilax MRS. Ι ΠΗΛΚΙ) MM Ks()\ Mrs. Wheeler V\ ed To Edw ard HicLson In Sunda\ Kites Mr. : 111 ' i Air -. Go :* ( - S ■ \Vr announce the marriage ι 1 their daughter, Mi i-.inuii hi · ic W ί ι cel er, tu hdw.ird Μι··.;.- m. 1 : C"nvvay, S. C., un Sunday, May 20, at the Presbytcria ciiureh. Oil, ·π. S. C. Rev. Κ red .1. II. y. j ;...· ι·. Mfieiated, using the double rm:; ccremony. The bride and groom entered 'in attended ;.nd .·:·■·';·■ t.κ·ιι vows be fore the all.ir .η tiic presence of a few relatives and close friends. The bride \v , · i < .i gold wool gabardine : 1 i black accesso ries. At hei . .Mir she pinned a corsage ··: « 1· ·. II· :· only or a ment was a string of matched pearls, gift of the tt:·»· .r. Mrs. Mi. 1.:- ·. attractive daughter : M ;l Mrs. G. S. Wright. For the 1 · ·· ·· she has been connect ■ d ; : e Pa ni M. Rose corpora':<>« ;.. : u· capacity of manager of Pill! C .. lit· Shop. Mar tinsville, Va. Mi. Hicks··:: Γο -.η of Mrs. John Mickson. ; F: ·.· :,.-c. S ('. Me a graduate ·>: Tin; Citadel. Charleston, S. . :. i now asso ciated with the Pc: ;-(.'· -la Distribut ing plant in M.. ·:· and Conway. South Car·.bin. After June !. ' :·· 'Uple will be at home at 2u:: Wi ·: Gulbold street. Marion, S. C Nurses \idos' ( ips Returned. Xursi· ■ Λiil< - .mod thei. caps to an Oxford class may now get then: by ··;.'!:·:a ' : · Roil Cr··· · of fit e. it was ami· · a»-fd today. Miss Ho\ le I ο Wed William Mullins Mr. iiMfl Mrs. Ernest Edward Hoyle, Sharpe street, Burlii^t >n, formerly Henderson. " lav ... niiuni'i' the engagement daughter. liei th;i Mae. ' > I' aV First Class William B. Mullins, ol Heading. Ohio, and G > : North Carolina. The \vt ·. I ■ has been set for sometime ;n J.·.. Business (iirls Hostess I ο Joint Baptist Meeting Λ joint meet ι ne of \v ·η,<·< Missionary union, Business G rU cir î le. S ie Kelly circle, and Ν _ \\ - men's auxiliary of the I·' ' IΛ ι ; t,»' church was held i t the ladies parlor of the Mi - !.. Τ Ham.». \\ M ident, presided and tin opened with the hymn. King Eternal." followe by Mr-. Κ. \ Gardne After a short bus ne program I ir the even . ented by the Bu.»ine (; with Mrs. Graham Wi · gram chairman. A d< . ν glit was given by M. i Lassiter. "A Heritage of the I. topic of the prunch Majfirrtl Λ mi < en wlfd. In Om · Jtu to) ι» ι id hicit! il ilt il th..it one of S . ι H .nt, - · . « : »t « ·: Sai\«h • tied and *» 4» ".V* Γ Π Λ ΤQ ννίΑ Ι 5 Μα/·/? //αί ίο Match Li»vel\ liait c<';tt> in .:;ize> from : ]>; ;: · ; i: to two year. il ·· ι inmied in white, pink, blue and yellow. 0s Γ Γ r iù.L'J iet Ha Çen4 tjcu SàïnpleA of this Clean, Family Newspaper ^ The Christian Science Monitor ^ Free from crime and sensational news . . . Free from political bias . . . Free from "special interest' control . Free to tell you ,t.it7 of corre spondents bring you on-the-spot news and its meaning to you and your family. Each issue filled with unique seif-help features to clip and keep. The Christian Science Publishing Society One, Norway Street, Boston 15, Mass. Name Street □ Please s etui sample copies of 1 he Ch Montiur. Christian Science City Zone PB-3 w 'US Ρ η J a onc-irut ul subscription. I lose $ 1 COTTOM Cotton to Sun Buy a War Coud ! oday Γor I hat Man tii Uniiorm , %% ι ·*' I èf J "'a. bt/f .Junior sizes, printed cotton dresses, crisp, cool, to fïive you that fresh, cool look you crave on me 1 tine; days. Sizes !> to 1 ·"). ? ' λ t* ν -*v* Ψ: ?f ϋ*. i ϊ-"^£-·α r\ ν<γ A i'ew more l'icardy gladioli bulbs l'cr Dozen Ε. G. Davis & Sons Co.