I SOCIETY NEWS Ull I . S \. AM) ( AI.YAHV. (News item America... by ι<·4." ί ·; ■. . i > 111 od well over lll.UOO.OOi] η - . » : bltfod tu the Red Cross j; J Milnk.) nobly blind our njit :t m ! Γ lough wo walk ■ 1111 ■ paths and impiou , .nul lYs'.ament of tangible.-; and ■ eed anj Code, forever, when QU spirit rules our elay. No meas i.ed thought • t prompt.* Λ roi .·., y . :-i ~mg I il e to .-hattered 11 on :n fought ; , edom's light, and I : ■ > : ι : eign field chalice loi' 1:1 e .- elemeiilal a e give, nor do \\ e run: S mu unglimpsed, a . ac: f.,·,. 1 I'h : ne Who also knew a Nerd, a mute re 1 Τ „.lt we almo.it brmg, I) Lord, ι : orace; /, :i touch our tender hearts, our ι or blind face! .is O'Sullivan Barbv, in Weck-Knd in Danville. Mrs. Noel H. Hobgood has gone ·■· 1 >.,n\ die. Va., to spend the week end With relatives and friends. Sunbeam Band .Meeting. Sunbeam Band ■ ■ 1 I·'. ρ i; ■ : church will meet Sunday :ig at 11 o'clock rtti: ing the r ng worship service, it was .-tat i. t today. Claire Mills ( lass To Meet. The Claire Mills Phdathea class ι ; 'm· First Bapti-t eh ι cli w:!l aieet M ,;ulay evening at eight o'clock in ladies parlor of the church, it \\,ι - announced. Λ"i>iitiUK in Alabama. M. and Mrs. I. H. Wckery left • ; y for Opelika, Alabama, where • . \ ••ill \ isit then· s> m. 1 I. 11. V .ι·!.ν. Ίι.. who is stationed at : ι e ρ:·..·- iiier-oi-war camp m opehka. Sue Kelly ( lass Meeting. '. τ Sue Kelly I'h:! it:hm ...·· >.| • ι I·' st Baptist church ν.τΐί meet Μ .,ι.ιν night at 8 o'clock at the e ' f Mrs. Hugh Harden at AuiJ Zene street, with the hostesses be .: M.-s Sue Kelly and Mrs. .la,: es C.a.s It v, it was announced tovlav. Frida\ Part\ Gnen For Bridal Couple I'BBtiniiing a series of social af fair- that have been given in honor of Miss Elvira Cheatham, who be r.i ·.· ΐho {■>:·:·le ·· F.nsign Meredith Jones today at 12 o'clock at the Holy Innocents Episcopal church, Mrs. s "! 11 ;■ I ,cgg on GraniH· . cot i1': ■ lay owning at 7 o'clock. V blue and white na\ y inotii d aatcd the dor >ra ' .11. through ' hoine. The dining roam taPle : km util HI with is app·*: utments. i:i ! ome white lace cloth cover 1 the table which w.is contoroi .. large .silver .-hip 011 .1 blue ret'lectoi fI,.: 1 .a .1 by . ■ .délabra holding while burning ··· . Arrangements . ! ii! ν h.v 1 1 geas and wh te !:lie were la illy arranged ·η the table. V · .1 sixty guest s , 11.·; ad.ag I : ■ '. pa rty, member - ol the la 1 and out-of-town guests were 1 a '.crtained, l>ndal C]<>11 pic Is l· etcd At Luncheon < '.nplimentaig M.· Elvira Cheal ..aft Ensign John Meredith J 'ins. Jr., who were married at noon 1 y at Holy Innocents Episcopal " . Mi -, J. Allison C ...per v. 'ess at a luncheon at her home Ghulson avenue on Friday att ion at one o'clock. Πιο .lining loom table was cover 1 λ : 1 h a lace cloth and centered ' 1 an array of pink swectpeas and es m a pink china compote. I11 d lal tables were attractively ar ■ aged in the library, living room _ t Baby SLIPS White batiste and rayon. Sizes 1 to 14. 50ctu $2.29 Marian Martin —Pattern— —— τ*1/*" 2 *"Ά"' 9185 SIZES 34. sa Scalloped side-drape ar.d sleeves give a "special occasion" air 1.> a simple wraparound frock. Pattern 9185 w ill keep y >u flower-fresh all through the summer afternoons. Pattern ϋ 185 co i.es in s.zcs 34, 3ti, 38. 40. 42. 44. 4U. 48. 50. Sue 30 takes 3 3-4 y...ds 3D-::ich fabr.c. Se.id TWENTY CENTS in coins for this pattern · > The Henderson Daily D.spatr: . Pattern Dept., 232 West 18th St.. New York 11, Ν. Y. Print I'laiiilv SIZE, NAME, AD DRESS. STYLE NUMBER. J I'ST OUT! The Mar.an Martin Summer Pattern Book, a collection of all that's new and smart in wear ing apparel f : the family. FREE Nightgown Pattern printed in book. Send Fifteen Cents for your copy. and s;m ;■ ■ ' In the living r .·>::i ,i graret' ! . a· antique bowl held .: ι\ed s iinmer flower.-. A buffet ! .nchoim w a- si r\ Cii to 1 the following: Miss Cheatham, En Mgn .1 in··. Mr. and Mr.-. Joel Γ Cheatham, Miss Margaret Cheat ham, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Jolies, and Burton Jones, of Edenton, Mrs. B. W. Hathaway, of Edenton, Mrs. !.. j T. A', e; v. : Southern Pine.-. Mr. and Mrs. a. E. Clements. Mrs. It. ! E. Chavasse, Mrs. Herbert White, Miss I. a.lie White, Walter Alston. Mi, Be.-.-.e Lee Alston, Mrs. Alex Cooper, Mrs. A. A. Zollicoffer, Mrs. I Albert B.'i den. Jr.. Mis.- Helen Roy- ' -ter. M - Alice Rose, Mrs. John Trammel Church, Miss Ann Up- | church, Mrs Robert Benchotf, Rev.1 and Mrs. Ray Holder. Miss Mary ! Ann Cooper, Mrs. Waddell Ghol ■ Mr- S. D. Y . oig, of Grand ' lia; ai.-. Michigan, Μι.-s Elizabeth We.dy. ol Lllceda ■ Mi . -M Aline Hughes, of New York City. Mi.-s Del >ies Cheath.on, of Burling ton, and Alex Da\ : . of Baltimore. Mrs. Cotiin 1 las CI ass Récitais I iano students "I ΛΙHenrietta λ. I'··.'! I. have ui. their !'■<·)!..!> ! < >11 ·. ,\ - 0,1 M a ν ! (j at '·'· I·1·-· !,t l'.| >m Iu«h r-eiiool •'::l' Ma.v :! 4 /, :i Valu·»· high school. The programs consisted l'ian ι s ι lut ' . ' ' . .11(1 ch"r is Al t*.: - in *ne ι .'..is assisl»-d I>\ Edward i·' \. ; (Kami, with vocal solos. l'hose t....Ι!,Ο î1 a ι at K| is im \νι re Mary Bo.von. H l-i cil Ay-,·,»-. A η Weldon, .Iran Welder.. Dorothy Hat Collins. λ inn Xordlon.an. Jean • I n;.'!:.Han. Martha Frazier. I) irothy Smith. ! >ori - Aysci ·. Kdlia Karl Bovven, Annie Margaret Grissom, Pat.-y Fuller. Kmdy Eavs. Emogene lîowknd. Penny Smith. Sylvia Smith and Clyde M irphy. Jr. At Zeh V re the .-Vadents p;i it ici — patins were Haze! Ellington, Edith ίΐπ.-.-·Ί!. Huche! il. .·: an, Betsy Wi lls \V>··>dlief. I·!·islyn Van Dyke. Juanita Sr.v.th. M irv Ann I.assiter. Xellie Gray Kittrell. Jean Overtoil. Jean Ayscae, Maria Va ighan. Ann Stone. Sally Jo ghill, Margie Brown. la nise Sloan, and Mary Fra; res Kerley. There will be a recital at Tnwns villr. May 30, at 8:30 o'clock w th the following appearing on the pro Cr m: Flora Ed Riggan. Annie Hi te, I Nnncv Moddv, A nie Laarie Tingen. Dorothy Henderson, Bnrnell Mr Creight. Hazel Wilson, Panthea Capps, Mary Casey and Etta and Bruce Guerrart. Miss Hoyle In Dance Figure At Commencement Ball Miss Grace Hoyic participated in the figure at the commencement | ι » a 11 at the Woman's College, Greens boro. held last night in Alumnae louse. Her escort was Lt. John j Wagoner, of Gibsonville. Theme of the dajice was "As Time j Joes By." Music was by Doris Fun- j rterburk and her campns all-girl j •rchestra Spring flowers decorated •he Virginia hare room and out 'oor terraces of the house. Dance chairman for the annual irmal was Miss Lee Shcrrill, Hick •ry, and she and her escort. Major ι "iorman Tendal, Aberdeen Proving round, Md., and Miss Dianne ι ['age, senior class president, and Lt. t oh il Armfield, both of Greensboro, , ed the figure. Miss Hoyle was a member of the iance committee. j ι BPW Entertained At Dinner Part\ With el ib colors, yellow ,ιινί white. forming a lovely i>a.· >u al. Mr-. Dave Loughlin gave .1 dinrn-i ! >.ι : ' > at the Mote! Valu e Werlm-.1., v night. having as her guests about 40 nembi-rs of the Business ami Pro IV sion Women'.- Club. Λ f > ir-r lar. neal was served, after which K. (.'. Loughlm maie a talk on '.lie Λ i-ei ican circus, telling of its set-up and Μ ι η y of its traditions and super stitions. Miss Louise Nelson gave a toast to the club, which was organized 2.'i year.- ag i in the month ■>!' May Miss Grace Galbraith presented Mrs ; Loughlin with a piece of pottery in "io: uf her birthday. M;-· \e! Cray Kittroll, conducted a contest, η whrli Mrs. Isabelle Ha.' Kay iioi was the winner, Mr·. O'Lary. president of ι11·· ι■; : ι. appointed Mrs. Π. (ί. S. Davis and Mr- Floy Daniel as a committer to select workers for the Seven:· V ι Loan drive and to serve at the theatres during the week of J.me , 4 to 9th. Mi nature vases of panslcs marl·.:·.! the place of each guest and were :,· signaled as favors. Λ rising \.>·»· : < thanks was given at the end of :he evening for the hostess. I aineheon Is Given For Miss Cheatham M -- Klvira Young ('hi whose marriage to Ensign Meredith ■ .Jones. .1 γ.. was an even*. ··: nom today at the Holy Innocen'.· E: - c ipal church, was complimented at a bridge luncheon at one ,·: Wednesday afternoon by M:ss Myr:'.e White Alston an: M ■ Be - sie Lee Alston. Throughout the house λ m· at tractive arrangements ,.f .. mmer ■ flowers. Λ two-course luncheon \.ι- -e·■·.-d followed by several progre--a>ns if bridge. Miss Ann Upchurch was presented high score ,rvv.> 1 and Mrs. Straughan Watkins was given: low score prize. Miss Cheatham, ! 'lairee. was given a g a·-' gift by the hostesses. Invited guests for the n.-casinti ' were: Miss Cheatham. M - Luc lie White, Miss Ann Upchiu'ch, Miss Heien Rovster, Air- Ί .... . Crud up. Mrs. Straughan Watkins. Mrs. Allison Cooper, Mrs. H. K. Clements. Miss Katherine Macon. Mrs. Robert : Bench·iff. Mr-. Β >.vd Kinii .11. Jr.. Mrs. .Tool T. Cheatham. Mr.-. Η. Κ ' Chavasse, Mrs. K. L. Burton, Mrs. R. T. Upchurch. Mrs. Bennett Macon, Miss Dolores Cheatham, of Burlington, Mrs. Ellen Cooper, and Mis- Elizabeth Weldy, of Lueedale, Miss. Mrs. Cooper Fetes Miss ( "heatham M : .Mc\' C'iii'ht '.m lio-ies.-. i' a :iincheon :it lie: inniic on South ι W 1 mi street on Tli .rsday honor- ■ ing Miss Elvira Cheatham, who be ca ο the bride .■' Knsign John 1 Λΐΐ' ι- :lh Jones. I.'. S. I!. at noon :o'| y at tile irch of the Holy Inn icents. 'Γ1 c quests were well eti by Mr-. Cooper, Miss Cheatham, bridc eler'. Mr< .Joel T. Cheatham, moth e the bride, and Mrs. KrsUine Clements. I·':' ι ' ;i inch was served in tin· dr.r.\::m room and the quests were the". .-he red into the dining room where white eandles and an ar rangeaient ο! magnolias on the cen- ' ter table and in vases gave a bridal | effeet. Plaeecards were attached to' small bags of rice, carrying out the I bri.ial motif of green and white. I A two-course luncheon was ser ved. followed by coffee in the liv- * ing r. om. The hostess presented the guest of j honor, Miss Cheatham, with a gift tied in the colors o! St. Mary's i School and the University of North j Carolina, the alma maters of the bride and groom. Mrs. P>. H. Perry ! played songs of the two scho ils I while the guests .joined in singing, j There were forty guests present, j Miss Fa IL lier To (Graduate From W oman's College Miss Minerva Falkner, daughter of Mr. and Mr- K. O. Falkner, Young avenue. \v Ii receive her dip- ι loma at exercises .Monday morning at tin· Woman'.- College. Greens boro. receiving a degree of Bachelor of Science in Secretarial Adminis tration. Miss Falkner graduated in 1941 at Henderson high school and en tered Woman's College the follow ing school year. She has participat ed in many activities there. Her parents and brother? John Falkner. went to Greensboro yes terday to attend commencement ex ercises. Mr. Falkner escorted his laughter to the commencement ball leld last night and John Falkner .scorted her room mate. Miss Doro ;hy Deatty, of Elizabethtovvn. * * * * ★ T* * WITH THE COLORS * ****** I On Okinawa. Word has been received from Pfc. jlenn T. Ha rte. 44012753, Co. L. ,84th Infantry, U. S. Army, APO ', care of Postmaster, San Fran- ; •isco, Calif., stating that he is now I in Okinawa. Remember way back when com nunities had unoccupied houses? Churches FIRST PRESBYTERIAN. Rev, William D. Mclnnis, minister Sunday il 15 ;i. m. Church school. 11 a :n. Morning w ■ ■ : - : 11 ; <. Ser mon subject, "The Divinity ol Christ." 7 1Λ p. m. Young t\ «pie's Ve.-pers. 8 p. in. Evening wor.-hip. Sermon -abject. "The Uignily ol Man." Monday: 7 :îo p. ni. I5oy Scout- of America. Tues ay: 8 p. in. Religious Education Co.in cil. 7:45 p, in. Choir practice. HOLY INNOCENTS EPISCOPAL. Rev. Ray Holder, rector. Tr.mty Sunday, May -7: T!ie Holy Commun, ni. II a. in. Chinch school. 9:45 a in. Men's Bible Cla-s. in a m Λ1 ■1 111111; prayer ant e non, II; a. m. Mr. Holder Will preach on ' Πιο Task 1 iciore 1 ' Young People's Service League, 7 « p. m. lam lay. May 31: Intercessions for men in the arm ed forces, (i p. m. Friday, June 1: The Holy Communion and pray- | ers for the sick and suffering, 111 a. 111. CONG Κ EC. ΑΊΊ ANAL - CHRISTIAN Rev. Frank Apple, pastor. S mday : 9:15 a. m. Church schooi. 11 a. in. Morning worship. Ser mon topic: "The Measurements of ■ :ne Christian's Life." 8 p. m. Evening worship. Sermon topic: "The Glory of tne Ordinary." ] Wednesday: 8 p. m. Choir practice . FIRST METHODIST. Rev. Hiram K. King, pastor. Sunday: 9:45 a. m. Church school, i I. W. Sanders, genera I superinten dent. 1 1 1 a. in. Morning worship. Ser- : lion subject: "Living Memorials." 5 p. ill. Youth Church Hour. Ann j iîose, presiding. Billy Collins, guest ' irganist. Message by Chaplain G. ι Η. Anderson, Camp Butner, recent y returned from the Southwest ' Pacific. (i ii. m. Youth Fellowship Supper. | Tuesday: 4 j). !iit Girl Scout Troop Ν >. 1. ι Thursday: 8 (ι. m. Senior Clio:.· rehearsal. | FIRST BAPTIST. Kev. K. Norl'leet Gardner, pastor. I hunduy: !):45 a. m. Church schoi,,. 11 a. m. Sunbeam Hand mooting. 11 a. m. Morning λ .rship. Topic: •Alibis." «."45 p. :i Baptist Tra ning Union. 7 p. m. Woman's missionary auxi- j lianes meet. V. W. A. will have pie lures of Kidgecrost shown. 8 p. m. Kvcning worship. Topie: ! "Vision." James A. Crisp, Jr., of Brevard, will be the speaker. Monday: 7 p. m. Baptist Training Union monthly supper meeting in the Junior department. H p. in. Boy Scout meeting in the Baraea room. ίί ρ. .ι . Claire Mills F'hilathea cla ι meeting in the ladies' parlor. Host esses: Mesdame He·· Averett, I·'.. (1 Glenn, J. K. -\ ■!'ιιι..n, and Ira Petty ii p. in. Sue Kelly class meetn;.; at the home of .M s Hugh 1). Iln den. 509 Zene street. Hoste e-: Mis- Sue Kelly . ,:,el Mrs. J a : ·· i rart'ley. We.inesday: (!:Hi) )i. m. 1' . ι ry Baraca ''la and Sunday sclio-il workers' council, at Kings' Daughter's Park. The Ha: i" .is are 1ι·>. ' Speaker, Jame A. Cr ji, Jr. Thursday: ■1 p. ni. G11 1 Si111 u t troop No. I! meeting. 7:!io p. ■!.. Sue Kelly circle meet ing in the ladies' parlor. Hostesses: Me. dames J. I. I·:.,-oil, John Milne, E. 15. Wilkinson. ,md M. I,. Wood. ΡΚλ'ΤΚΟ iS'l'AI, IK )I,I\KSS. Kev. H. F. Dalton, pastor. Sunday: 9:4ό a. in. S.nibiitn school. 11 a. in. λ 1 >: :. : ιworship serv - ice. Subject: "Second Coming." 7 p. m. P. Il V. S. meeting. 7:45 p. m Kvenmg worship serv ice. Subject: "Spiritual Wickednes in High Place Thursday: 7:45 p. m. Prayer meeting. ST. PAUL'S CATHOLIC CHURCH Time of Masses: 1st, 3rd, and 5th Sunday. S a. m 2nd and 4th Sunday, 10:30 a. m Holy Days, 9 a. m. Novena devotions, Sundays, 7:4f* Λ m. Rev. James H King, pastor. THE SALVATION ARMY. Sunday services: 10 a. in., Sunday school. 11 a. m.. Preaching service. 6:30 p. m., Y. P. L. Meeting. 7 p. m., Open air meeting. 7:30 p. m. Salvation meeting. Why not ko to church? Chaplain Anderson At Methodist \ esper Service Chaplain G. H. Anderson, recently returned from the Southwest Pacific, s to be the speaker at the vesper service at the First Methodist church tomorrow at live o'clock, Rev. 11. Κ 1 King. pastii]·, announced today Chaplain Anderson will speak on The Church and Returning Service- | men." Τ hi; public is invited to attend ] This serv ice will also be the Youth ! Church hour for the month of May, I the pastor Mated, with the young icople participating in the service ' Miss Anne Rose will preside and Miss Ann Nichols will lead the irayer. Scripture will be read b\ Walter Ed. Hight, Jr. The young people's choir will sing .with Billy Collins serving as organist, and ,-oung men will serve as ushers. This *6 the last regular church 1 Junior-Senior Dance Is Had In High School Gym In the Hendi r η .··, .| gymnasium, : . · i ..it ·...·. - ly roof g;ii .ten. m > ■ . - of · ;·· senior class were honored at :-ie an nual junior-senior dance last nignt. Ha ,nbow tre.ι ι - - . pended across the ceil.ng formed a canopy under which about 150 member the two classes and guests danced. In the centei >' ' : <■ . ' :■ t· . ι . ( ;s were drawn 1: 14:. a hoop to drape o\ < ;· a ·.·.· -bins well, ar^.i.td which were entwined ivy and pin'v 1 ambler rose-. The dance f :· >->r w : 1 cl ey a white picket fence 1 ■ I ! ..ice - entered thr > 1 u■ 1 ivy .mil ···> . r I'd a rlii .ι . Λ : Ί.π ι·.) ' · ■ Ά ere .' " ΊΙ ' > η - - ■ ! 1 · Λ il tin : ο ' ι. ·_ interspersed \\ th pine . The i.iiii'e ,\ . d ■ ν figure by the I■ !!··.■.. ... · · the sophomore class: Misses Myrtle Alston. Mary Williams, Fannie Har ris. Dorothy Snead. Ann Langsl »n [ind Betsy Coker and C. D. Hamm, Burnett Perry, Bobby Slack, Char tes Jackson, Fuller Pace and C. G. Williams. Upon arrival at the dance, guests were presented colonial nosegays el mixed flowers and boutonnières. Spotlight dances were won bvi Miss Delia Dixon and Billy Mitchell, Miss Floi'ine Ingram and Bob Hunt, | Miss Marian Rowland and C*. (ί. Williams and M Su.-:c Π un and Bobby Hughe-· Ρ zc- were e .n* . Kited by Hi" . · me! .··. in' - At intcrmis . west- we:v inv.t »d into the ... ' cafete/n, where «upper plate .1 . es :. I punch were served. T1 e individual tables ivere covered ■ : : t e cloth.- and nixed sumtner flowers in pots cov ered with rn no 1 ' - ■ -'-d paper, flanked by taper- :: ·· ;. -:.<1 holders formed centerpic Presiding at the punch tabic were service to be ducted by the young people mti' ill. the minister said, as churches · .·· city will hold union services on Sunday eve nings during the next three months. Mrs. R. C Brake and Mrs. Clyde , Finch. The punch χ. λ . .v., ο .· η i I With i\y and pink r ! crystal 11(1 .vis al.- . ill-Id j.-ti.v j (ίι adLi.it< ■ I ' pi ·· c .. · Ί Rambler n.»e> · bankc! · three window- rn the caî'ete The sophomore- who [<> u; j ,..' i the waltz ligure ai-u u .: ·. :ng. G ne- ν iiii*! itli" I Si ' · : ι .nul Mrs. Κ. M. Rollins, mei bers ·: lilt' iity sehnoί board, 1 ;*« i.'\ bers, mascots "i the sen : . -. ; ! · : · y !l· !. ■ ι K. ans ·: ! - \ : cock, Jr., and their pa m M: Donald Evans and Mr. ai : M Gene Adcoek, Mrs, Ci C. .i Ku g han, and Mr . J. V. Pat >! h me Kemp Knight, >! Ra : erly îacuity member.-. Facility sponsors « »î ι are Miss Clyde H · . »! ί;.·.!:·'1! I'ittenger and M Gray. Miss Montein MeK sponsor oi the .^enior Gov. Cherr\ And Dr. I>ac\ Speakers At State 1· mais Raleigh, May 26.—Governor I! Gregg Cherry and Dr, Benjamin R. Lacy. J ι·, ι-ι >viiU nt ·: Γ .. ίι Ί ..ι·· logical Si inaiy. w il π· the ρ: ci pal speaker.·; ai X. C. Slate College's ôfith <·ι'M;1 : run"; ' lit j»r· ' ;. Sunday aiul M( nd; Dr. Lacy. .. n..·c e .·: Κ ί· . '.il: cieliver the baccaia ire.re .-· ruin Pull en Hall Sunday evennm o'clix k. Degree- v. i be awarded in g: .ci - atioli ex··: · ··■< in I'ulien 11 1 i : - day aftern··· η at 5 o'clock. Govern r Cherry will speak during the cere mony, and a farewell message wil* be g.1 ci. !·· '.he graduates by Dr. Fran!; P. Graham, preside:'! of the C'onsc dated University of Xnrti'. Carolina. Chancellor J. W. Harrelson II preside. Λρ; '(■ y . * !en4 will be ndidate> ι... derive A. . . D > a 1 .·.· ·.> held t ·ηη« ·*ι ·. ' ·■ ci re Mctims imposed 4 ·.< -i'iii.-i < »! large public Duke Awards 201 Degrees ! 11 \ ΓΙ'λΙ — :i-> con· 1111^4 "f inp« . c-ci " -ophv, ;id 135 ade up ;iîes. In οι will )f the • sident ·· the ed with ' u la ting them ni their u r a m MARRIAGE LICENSES GO TO TWO COUPLES w · > white co h pi < : : the register of de« ds offi e yesterd iy. Licenses -J M· * : .1· nc . »Kdenton, • · K!· ... V in., Che.i; . >m. <>l lfon der-on. Milton Currin nnd Ruby Rose, FLOWERS FOR EVERY OCl Λ S ION I'honp 38(1 Day or Night BRIDGERS The r,orU1 · » - - « ψ « · ·«· ΜΟΝΓΗΕΝΟ * ST.. &ϋ% P^âk. .Χ ί C" W-1: " j κ *, . > $ ■ ) SHEER BLOUSE DRESSES S-oo Sugar-spun sheer blouse inserts in crisp rhei k ginghams with gay full skirts I hex < rcatc the coolness of summer breezes—tliev have the spi< · and-span look that is cotton's charm! Sizes 'J-Ιό. FLOWER PRINT DRESSES Cool summer 4 colors in slim, flattering stvies! SPRING HATS 25c * 1,00 ΛΠ our siork df higher priced hats to >r<> at these low prices. REDUCED ! Ladies Rayon DRESSES 2.00 I ! r i μ· h 1 l'aymi l'ailles in smooth Γ i 1 t i n >r styles. Short sleeves. Mutton downs. New colors. Sixes 12-1-1. REDUCED! PURSES 50c 1 1.00 Meautil'ul hajrs in colors that will match your every dress or sport outfit this summer. SHADES 79c < "loth mar!'lue printed muslin shades in colors. ·".(> in. χ ■"> ft. in in. REDUCED ! RUGS 1.00 Larjre si/.c rhenille rups in assorted colors. Limited quantity. Remnants! Remnants! Remnants!