Headquarters For Control Of Germany To Open In Berlin Γο Those Who Died SALUTE FROM THE VALIANT to those ν■:.· ii'ii for the country's ilag in all the battles ' ί all our wars is ex ] ι π ssed in this Memorial Day pic i ire ol wounded Pvt. Albino Sa ^ 1 Trapping a soldier's tribute !, passing on Michigan I· ■ in Chicago. (International) U. S. Makes Protest To r« \i ' y* I i lie rrench I>c Gaulle Asked To Review Policy Over byria And Lebanon W .· : ι i UK' "il, ΛI ; » \ (AIM ! nitcil States has sent a I" ! 'l'allée tl rui, : y it to i'c I ' " ! ι \ * ν t.i\«. aril Syria I ·' 1 ι ' "Ι ι lu I aei 1 i ! ate a snln tion of the controversy there. A :n.u· See ret a r\ ιιΓ State ■' . ( ι ρ u >ai(I ! ιxlay t fiat '■ was delivered in Paris I'.v Amlias-adur .lef'fer 1 (all ei'y t" the I·" re η eh pro • ·· 1 -il ernnient. 11 ' " I i ii ' ■ ' · . 11111·; ι e'I 1' .'li 1111 ) > : ι ι : ! ι. n i 11 ( e11 ι ; t ! ι. r ■. ι1111 > . 111 ( I else ' . Fl'l 111 .111· u- inn . Svi .ι: ί l.eh. "li The 11 : ! ι ; 11 it*(i ; N' li : ! ι>■ I I hat .1 a tune )■ n-.r!, del - .te : . ii„. Le a·.-. v....- jι ·.-·■! i' 11114 I", 'he ••li! S.vi i.i i I .mull ■ v.'iii h. il accept ed, would ■ i.i·· · a S|)l'i ;;i I pi .-.ι I ion i . ι " " ' es. a french \\ arship iding fl esh arn.e.l :< iv -s at 1 · le j · ι I : ; ι ■< I <. : i t ta..I Ss lit i ί. ill aie ι i'i' '.mii/ed by ι'ί the United States as in ■ ' cua t.'it ..:nt lue:libel's n: ' ''(I Xa 11■ ■ ti i.portant that, at the very η the it.te. nati mal .security ' ..Ian is in pi ·«·«·.·» of being ■1 1 San Franc:-en.·' it went 1 .μ ι rdt ι' l·1 i.'Spire conti .·! its future, all nations, both ml · mall, ret rai η ! ι om any act wi might give rise to a suspicior ■' ι . e. unjnstitled that a mem ber nf the future organization may 1,1 t u.-uing a policy not in confor mity with the spirit and pri ciples that organization is being 1 islu it to defend." 1 : ■" said no reply has as yet beer lue.ved. AMERICANS. STRANDED IN I I HOPE, CAN COME IIOMI Washington, May 31. — (AP) — I · ·, Aa.erican stranded in Eu'opi !·'· ! e .. .a who wants to come honu Will have the chance to do so by thi (: the year, the State Depart "·« m ounced today. • eii. ans may bring close rela· ' 1 λ i t h them, the annoiincemt η addi d. 1 ;<· vote ran repatriate >n line '■"ipsholm has been assigned to tin 1 k and will Is.*, e New York to· 1 " "·'■ ι η her first trip since th< 1 <1 "I the war in Europe. SETTING EXAMPLE. ^ stiington, May 31. —(AP) '•'i' is a war b 'lid statement Iron 1,1 '■11 Gen. Lemuel C. Shepherd. Jr '1 aiinanding general of the sixtl ·*' Mue di\"isii n: "The Americai 1 ghting man is setting the examol l"i the home folks as a war boni Payroll saver. He will do his par in buyi· g extra war bonds in thi St·, enth War Loan." Agreement Believed Reached As Ί ο Zones For The Occupation Supreme Headquarters Allied j Kxpedil iniiary Force, Paris, j May .",1. ( ΛΡ) Moscow's disclosure yesterday that an : inter-Allied control council I'm Germany will meet within a few days was interpreted today a an indication the four powers had agreed on zones of occupa tion and were ready to carry oat details. There seemed π ason ! believe they wore l eadv to set up i ιn; r - < j te: . ι .bably in Berlin. , The Moscow announceme:.: s::i 1 ' the Russian represi utati\ e · the ι ommission would he Marsh..1 Grog ! ιu'% K. /Clmk >v. \ ii t<>r of Belli The ; American representative, the broad 1 east said, would be General Eisen I Lower; the British. F.-.ld Marsha! ; Montgomery, and the French, Gen- j c rd 1 Jean de L ittl e tie Tassignv. j ι Point \ allies ()n Tomatoes, Spinach 1 ο Mount Monda\ Washington, May 31, — (AP)— Pouit caiue.- :i canned tomat >e .η ι spinach '.\'!li he higher, heginu: : Sunday 1 i · e\ er. the r.it :· >n co- : I tomat.ι juice and vegetable combinations will be trimmed. The ΟΡΑ announced this ·■!.. along with only minor changes in meat and other red point £ood values : or the new rat : ■ > η peri. .d. ·.·. ί ι : "ι runs from Sunday through June 30. The blue peint revision bees:., the value ef \e. 2 can. ol I mat" to 4(1 peints, up ten. while a can >! spinach of the sa re s:/.e will re quire 20 instead of ten points. Spin ach in No. 2 1-2 cans also will be up ten pointe to j Ten points will b :,v two can> ι tomato juice or vegetable juice com binations in containers through ι 'J 1-2, but the eurrc.it \ ai a· ■■■ ι ; ι. ί ut s pc: can i 11 c int i 11 lie t »r s ι . Igle purchases. In 46-ounce contain*· lei bet h kinds Ί π ' ce .11 liavi a value of ten po ·.*.·. d iwn 1": . ; twenty. Woman, 5 Children j killed I>\ lîomh In I Japanese Balloon Washington, M.in .'S I.— (ΛΙΊ —I nilrr Secretary of War I'at terson disclosed today that a woman and l ive children were killed In a bomb from one of the long-range Japanese liai- I loons sporadically attacking the western part of this country. Asked if lie had any further ' information on the balloons, I'atterson said lie cited the in cident of the woman and cliil dren to emphasize the need for precautions, lie said the si\ were killed in a western state, hut Save no names or other details except that the tragedy occur red during a fishing trip when one of the children bewail play- 1 ing with unexploded bombs dropped by one of the uiiman ned paper balloons. The wo man's husband and one child. Patterson said, were the only survivors. The army previously had re IMirted that no property damage has resulted from the balloon raids. I'KISONKKS WILL KK.MOVF AIINKFIKI.OS IN I I KOI'i: ! Palis, May 31. (AIM German; prisoners of war will remove the j remainder ol their minefields in Europe. This was disclosed today by l.t. Cel. Edgar Morris, 12(11) Belt Line j Boulevard, Columbia. S. C., follow· u g a ceremony in which American | and French engineering corps ex changed insignia. ' Haw-Haw Taken VITUPHRATIVC-TONGUED Joyce, known to the I *.ι i * " audience as "Lord Il.iw-11: his harangues from Cïen ,n the ai? "Vavôs, has Lh η ι I>y I'ritish 2nd Army ι ·::.·.·· , disclosed that he l.u -cai « . ( cil i/.cn some time rrv» a:·* ! ' makes it possible that he : be tried as traitor. (/ Ί.τ,.,ι h r .m lio for over tired was an fact rial) As Premier; Soong Is in Greater Unity For China Is Expected; Chiang Still Leads ( i 111 η « * im;. May .'II \ Γ > — 'In nit1 Kai she,'ν resigned tod a ν a·» premier and turned tin· ed a- a sic!» toward Mdnhi,\ in«: China at ι linn· \\ iicn ·.!i< \liied na ti'.r.s an anphns·· iivmcnrous I it· «tire on Japan from all (j ι : a ι lei's. , _ 1 - · ι : ... ( Ίο: 1.1 .ill' ; : · · ι < I ■>! the ..·<· I It· . ι. : e: 11 :·· C ι τ i;. " gen • ■ · ι , - i la- ι ; op one, pos ibly ρ wing the t u t ea '. ι· i ·.* · ■ ■ ι at and the ι ' i;:: un:- : \" * a China. Soong's attitude toward the Com munists is known to be moderate. S. .t >\)i\ <-!e\.ιî ' · ' ·.· : .' ! ! pre 11 il ! r\e Vuan. as τ î ι e " Ίο ,muted in Cain;:. raided *..e · 'y that he .v o .lt! attend .· \ lorthc »ming meeting of the big live leaders of the l'nite \.,\ , s i.>n's pet w een the central government and ti.e C· ·η η misl> uf the n >rth to w :ue ι rule war again>t the .Jap no- e . ..de.. It v. ;tone. :u ' eved thill S ions». ;1 e · .ίο t.,:· ί:; ■·.«·.' the pre me;rs::i;'. η : .a' h t .i so ! .ιe t he poi't folio of ;.he t ν · ■ · nustrv fî'om ( ). Κ. Va:. Ίο ο .·- : ο .y a il* ht be made *he -ν a»e_i'..;t ' .r the recent gold sea : · ι! aiid the iailure to ar rest iη I !..*:· Iran Demand Aiso Poses U. S. Envoys Contend Organization Would Have Averted Strife San F ranci sen, May :!1. ( Λ I' ι - 1! I u ο (i y t'ijihtinjf in Syria put to its severest test ti.iia\ tin· π· i ltIi ι χ ) r policy • m which tin· United Nations arc seeking; tu i*r» e; a new worid league to keep peace. i upping .: :· :i ; ! ready be. π in exist eiice. ρ - oleni> such as the Levant ■. r·: . ' c ! rv-ially. probacy would ore e: . . ! y Λ , >eed 1> \ e · H ' < Sicrctary of State SMtinius threw 11 ; - niîlucare a;;ainst I· tling any cur rent i-sucs interfere with the work o! the conference. Officials appeared e n::dent that he wo Id succeed and I lcai;u. charter W"uld be pr > ( red e. rly in June. Stettin is wai drawn directly into i « Levant .-ituatu n when a group Λ rah de! ua'u.- protested to him . . . · ί : ι ; t Fren:·!, policy in Syria and Li i : ■1 · ■ ο: ι. Th«· t ii", ted a ! t er Senegalese reinlorcements arrived ir ;· e former French mandates and the c·Hintr:es claιui-.'fi a threat to their reeei.tly-won i»:, iepefjdence. Ti.t t'nite·i Siat< . Stettinius told the gr »up, stands firmly by its s ιρ- j i ,t im « ι ι heir inn'·; ■ci id· rice, but t. :· matter i -t im; handled by ι the State 1 )epartment in Washi g.t η ! I min ations were thai the United - : ·, ι mi I IJl'i! an , -ι |)i'i il est' .1 ·,Ιι«· | VI are ι m : 1 iiii :.n - I·· lighting. Ί ι Γ ι : ι'. -II s: ■ j.iI.- it II 111 - ihV ; ! ic 1 ii.ι! ter . 1 ' 1 - ' e w l'kei I -it il .■...'· t" 11.I· anil ;. 111 lei ι 1 ; Syria ami Lelr- j anon. It >· to dipl. matii· i .·· neh fear nl ! s mg prestige 11 she dues not gam βρε ι*.al privili gt . . an area where Kieneh j>· ··.»·: It.in been pre dominant. ..t.» > French rivalry with Brita 11 1. ί inriiienee in Ihe .vl icicl !<■ I·... st. I Me I'.errh explana tion fur l'.a\ 1:1.4 tm p.- 1:1 the Levant i.> that ..Mil· .·.·. ei me. Is u itli Syria ..id I,ci u.i. μ. : 'ι . 1 .· is l e- p. lisible fur military ec; ilv in the 1«m ni,mtrv>. Ί he F eneli also argue that il liie\ i nut completely si line . ill:· ; 1 er w. >uld rc place them, l in ν : . . :i. e.-tnients in the count r\ w 11 · ■ y . ty need pro- ! tt et ii m. K... usine tlies.· . y rile plans I against Japa.i. Some Stocks Gain Ground ι Xew V· : .. \l .11 ( ΑΙ' 1 Scat ! tered sloes- e 4ed to edge for- 1 , ward t idav. , > 1 uh the market ! generally ;κ :.·,ι ttle fired afte. : the holiday. American Γ. .· nine louche ί ,ι • new t.ip in ; ,;··.··· reflection of the ! company's rc: nd 4 program. A.-k i ed fractionally were Chrysler, Scar. 1 Roebuck nui \\ e- linghousc. Occas ' i · 111 a I :ed U. S. Steel, ί I'. S Kuiii'i .1:1.1 vi 10!worth, j Bonds \\ι·:ν : .'d and comnioJ j it:cs steady. Ccttcn Uneven At The Finish New V · ... M a > :i I. (AI')- -C ·' ton lut.τι · opened 10 to 30 cents bale h 4:1e Χ · m values were 10 cent- .1 bale lowi· tu 10 cent.- high er. . 111 ! > 23.nl, October 22.02, De cember 22..">2. Pv. Close Open July . . . 23.00 23.02 Oc! lin'i 22.02 22 65 December . 22.34 22 .37 Much 22.48 22.52 [ Original Quisling HERE'S THE MAN whose name now serves as a synonym for treason and treachery — Vidkun Quisling. The Norwegian ο 'laberator is pic tured waiving about his fate as lie v; s a: '.ûgned as a traitor at Oslo in Norway. (International) Chinese Ciaim New Victory At ishan City Chungking M.,\ Ml ΛΡ)—C - nese front dij<;».·:» .·■ - tv >orted today that ChilKM· !··:· -es ha ι nvaptuivd lshan on the Κ .·... m.-.-Kwoiehow : ailway. 43 '.he . .1.: Ilea : ol I.: achi >,\ , ! > ner ite ο ! an important Λ ■ , :. ...· ίκ.-c. Another Chinese column, striking j northeastward from Indo-China, was reported wi'.n ;i le- ol l.;u chow. 1 lie new lhre.it : , : no : lame- 1 swept comm .meuiam.- i. .!> was dis- 1 closed by the Chinese high com-! mand. which reported the columns advancing from the ,-outhwest had bypassed Pynang, 60 miles above captured Xanning. Fight. ... \\a- in ; progrès.-. At the other end Ί :;.o spreading ' wedge, driven into the Japanese north-south corndu . the Chinese ι cached a point six'y miles south west of M aiming. The Chinese an nounced the southern bank oi t;ie Vuni; river has been complete!.'·' cleared ot enemy troops since Mon day. I ΗΙΛΤΙΙϋΚ FOIS NORTH ΓΛΚΟΙ.ΙΝΛ. Partly cloudy and continued warm tonislit. Friday, mnstb clouih and warm, with scatter ed thuiidi'rsliow cr* over north and west portions. Garrison Of Japs Almost Ringed Now Resistance Wanes Following Capture Of Shuri Fortress (inam. .May !. ( Λ Γ ) —First (livisiuii .Marines win; yesterday raised the American I'iajr in vic tory over Siinri cas:!··, pressed a ιlank attack today auainst t.he Nipponese Shuri tow η carrison. fanatically h > > ] d i 11 !. «mhî the wh lo Okinawa cam paign for weeks, was made mare py 1 't·s 11 d· iva li able 1 e ι it:; aruiy men not m the ι"γ· »n ι ' m ear : \ .ne. m i.i'.t ·rence, S. C.t iirst > cc ipied Shuri castle, a Ν wires.- \\ a ch was the hmn·· oi the 1 (itli ce:;:a y Hyukyu and in reeent m. mus t: r headq .·■ - let's ol the J a s anes<. e· >ma;ane. >· · Okinawa. The invading leathernec vs found ι » η 1 y 1.1 ty . ; '.eu : r · > ρ >. which they killed and ; t » women and a Naby. Marine- . >1 t la· . : -1 d ;\ :m- »n h· · st - ed the col· rs at 1. Γ> , . m. yesterday, while leathernecks . ad iniantrya e threatened N> encn e Shuri town. Advance units <·: » ». >i\th Marine division on the we-: flank and the m. venth in iant rs . i : \ >n ■ > : lie e.;s* miles apart. Tin . ·. ·.; ccted juncture about a mile south < : Shuri will ring that second city of Okinawa and halt apparent Japanese efforts to with draw \ r»>« ps. BRITAIN ENTERS LEVANT ROW ★ ★★★ ★★★★★★★★★★*★ Syrian Crisis Tests League Withdrawal Of French Anglo-French Clash In Middle East Now Is Feared In London I'aris. Ma\ .'1.— ι \ I * — The ίondon innouii; ement that Bri tain is intervenini, in Swia sur prised the 1 rcnch government tocla> . and olhnal Quarters re lu sed all comments tor the lime being. Prim*· .Mini-ter ( hurt hill's message was delivered directly to (*eneral De (».uil!c who im mediate!,\ summoned a number oi key ministers lor consulta tion. Kai lier a responsible 1 reneh source declared tne sit uation held the potentialit> oi 'nrini;in.M Iiance into direct col lision with Britain. J.-mi ... .way :;i.— (ΑΓ) — Britain ordered her commander ii. the Middle East to intervene in the !ijilting' between French and Syrians today. Prime Min ister ( 'hurchill cai ed upon (ien eral De Gaulle to withdraw J· l'eneh troop- to tileir barracks to pl'e\etlt I 11 ft her bloodshed ill the strategic Le\ant. "In order to a\oid a collision between Ur.tisii and French force.-». \\e request you imme diately to order French troops to cease lire and to withdraw to their barracks," Churchill told 1 >e ( laulle. l!i ι - : . ι - : :.ι . t : λ ι, in Syria .-ιι ·.·<■ HM1. .·,··.· » tu·.· "itcl llu Free French knocked out German control. 'I'lie ac; : ; ; ani r > need in C ' ί ιν ... Si t rt '... y Λ : t lit·: ι \ E. tel ·. 11 lg 1 he th. ι d Cine: :;cn. \ on . : the Bl It'ill eat· met in 24 ι,··ιι..·. , ..... pre p.red : : .te m-eussions :,ι e ι:. L 1 ■ t:u me.-.-age to L>i G allé .·. . ted. Eden - : . ι ,:.i ! ΐι ι ' is h m inéstei in Da a ai.- ·. .;.- ■ · ' ed a ! urther grave dele. :· :.;ι■ ■ r. ·! '.he -dual ion. in vvhii .. 30<ι ι m,..re persons il ready hi.·, e ■ : l > : 1 \ e.- in 1 ight i;; , : · ι · " :· ·· F , and Syrians, and : . . -a ; re- .·. e. e burning i-i the ei.ni'.al. We ' u .til · i;r "\ ei - .. I] r> -· η αι.- : i:'y .-· · serious 1 hat ,·. e · : j ·.y . . ·'■ ' a ; ■ r stand by ond see a situation develop which -a. . : ;ail. I'alen toUi Γ m es. Eden spoke a iter a French spokes 11 :. ; .. . :d a-.-e: *.ed that a , .see· .· : e'.Wt ell K: allée alld I. --aile ,.ηιί tile Syrian mi i.-lei in Paris had insisted· that • de : "ι : ·. ι :.: ι. η ce..id resolve Cha . 1. l)e ('.a die that 1-; ïι : (e ner : Sir Ber nard Paget, British c.-mii.ander in iiiieia ene had ; , , : · aid regret." The note said Britain's communi • , ■ a pa η arid 'In security ot the whole Middle ι . · . :, .· n; 1 > η ; t ;i ill's; eeiir.-e 1 aet ion iy . ' ' ι ι i' 'a·' La bor opposition in Britain's forthcom n s ni l e ν- I . ! ■ ··.·. .ι.ύ. the spread of street s'.ghtin,; from llama, the Arab center, to Hoins (1), where several outbreaks ot violence were reported. Sandbags were thrown up around public buildings in Damascus, at.;! Cairo reports ind;; a'.c-d that sections of Aleppo had been evacuated. As guarantors of I.c (2). the British are active in v. ■ >vcinents aimed at solving the difficult situation. The San Francisco Conference is show ing concern ovei the spread of the trouble (lnicrnaiionaU Yanks Enter Last Areas Of Japs in mes ΛΙ;ι:. ,. Μ : ι ν Ml - ; API Υ..'is ' ι- ι trois probed today into tin· Cagayan It valley, last important Japanese-held ! > area in tin- Philippines The appearance ni' .\,iu': ;ran 1'oro ' i in the valley, a narrow lowland area ( :ti northern Luzon, which : ns to ι the i.-landV 11·>rth . oast, was 'rade ι ν le Hlînd ,.i:d >th infantry ri - I I \ i.-ion troop.- cleared lip Japanese ι from hills around Santa Fe, The · 1 nearness of rains and time needed ι l'or consolidating positions at Santa Fe probably w ',1 delay the start >l the battle with the enemy aarri--o:i ι (hi M ndanao. ι -e quai ter light .ng flared between trapped Japan-ι • !> . . ■. ; · · :'4t!i iη— 11]' ; \ d , ι,· : re week * Id fight definitely was on the wane. T> >.la.\ ' > ' " i ί1 General »-»ua;a.> M \ ' : 1 : " ' ' ι i a M1 n a In ην ι u th rly 5th air oree Mitchell medium bombers, and aids ' !·!«· . 'Msial . ,i. '.lines of rrench Indo-China near Saig'in by ! >: ι * ': ι : ι : ι 4> 1. be 'ators. Approximately là" bombers and ighters of the 13th air force attaek ■d tin· ι..I center of Balikpan, Bui" îeo, the >a ne day. Anderson As Agriculture Head Okayed; Halt Wickard Washington, May 31.—(AP)—Ί lie • Senate Agriculture Committee unan imously approved today the nomi nation of Representative Clinton !'. Ai.derson to be secretary of agricul - ture. ι It order*! hearings Jure 1 1 on the nomination of Claude R. Wick i ard, present secretary of agriculture, ι ti> be rural electrification adminis ' trator. 1 Chairman Thomas said all the ! ι embers had been getting numerous - letters and telegrams from rural electric cooperatives opposing con l'irmali· η «Ί \\ .hard, "v,> wo decid ed t<> k*t Hum come in and malu their st:iΐ* ments " Both Aralerson and WicKard ap peared before the committee in l fiOMM · 1 Thomas said thei'e was great simi larity in the wording of all the tele· grams protesting against Wickard"; ι:·»*ι inati 1 η. ' .^pt aronîly somebody has been telling them what to say.' he said, adding that he undorstoo: Fail M .rley, m anas·, τ of an Indian r npt1 >tiw. h i hi ι ewnmunicat ing w:lh other co perativei.