Society News i \wlum \ hh.istkv, En erne • a list Of lovely thing . ..mi v mi's r iv 10 unlike Mine a ' ' (I I.v I. i. right. a 1 IV tT kissed By snn i- a n \ nv a Sp I k l* Of In■ iI> ’ ' '.V a- .ii y while now. Light- • ng | • tent, i fait' T ’ ;1‘ 'l I ill r 11 ■ • ,; s that glow Jew e • .i and e\<| . '• md | ;, ,, t. rare M ruing' aid • 'ei n.... ,;i |. ,n ~ ' V'.l I ’ ■. 1 i ‘ V \ , | . get. And I a I md w. \pnI: yon, Birsong an I \ 1 ;n . vn And ' My ' • . v Each w.i t : ,■ he n •. .uni . f.,: 1 an.; eiulm i Ei . ne \' Emails. Here I-ruin Florida. Elv d I ■ Heed, . 11 Sl 1 \ 11■: iij|. g Fl ■ i ting his t strr, Mrs ' Andrew J Harris, W jam t i . ■ Visiting in Washington. I). ('. Ml' M E i lire ■ Oil.I i . spend ag tv weeks ;n Was: ington I). (.. v ;fc. Mr- Nicholas 11. Chava-se. To H .I'hingtoii. Mr \\ lie: E M ike!y ana M -. Hu:iv 11 , : ( >\. ,r :. have c me t" W.i'i n::' n. I). 0 . wl'iei e they will visit friends and relate. es. Uric From Norfolk. 1.' and Mrs W W. Da\is. .1.-. of X rf .. ire spending evera days with Mr and Mis R K Tlv . pson at their hum.' n Y> ur.g ..venue. Visit llrrr. Mr M X Pond ant i ,i , . n- -. ot rtcidsv<■ ■•ft-.-. tmg M ", I M: - Clyde C: ml 1 7 I...way ' eet t the i t m Mrs K It.: t:11 is the ' >. - M.. C,I , !;• M mil IS I*. V Meeting M< f the B P U re.’i i ug n ■ hei t T:n‘sd.i> g- ■ at ■ ,e . ... : M: . ft ft ti • ' .it R to the game i ‘ ■ \ " \ . . n,| ftof.e. ’A ' • e pi. y.-.i ,t was dated lietiirns from New Yolk. Mi Hut C v hi h. - ■ turn, t ' New York City, where ten le 1 g i .a ex.- .. - ■: :• .• the C S X Of -e Ti uiing CenM t , I tin C. the ■’ S’ .1 : : ’a,. J r . .;.e (.n.ud Troop To Alert. Tw ■ snecia! meetings fo the new ly-. t g aired Guar • tr op .f the n ,\f” y a :!! he held ’nm j - row. C.i pt a m K trl i ,v .mn mured to day A "i rg of i i ■[. a I in In id at IS:It11 •’ . m l if eight .>V! .cl: a ptiii' i :na ig ..’ion .1 the tr on .... , arid. .■ • . Mm. Major FranIs 1. •:1i : i -, "akm he. i Meeting. The Shaw-Philathi la - the Fil'd ] tw;. - * ' ’ll! Id It 1 rgul O’ ill1 1 In:: M nda\ right at It o’el iek it thi < . t was m nounrrd t.«i iv I' o .. on c.m n i iMr. w I'! fi. r. o gr "! P a | ’ ' grin 11, d I' ’. . -' ' "d 11: 11 tar I irnir ■:. iinltai In" this m rtlag has !i.'rt j1 dp '.aril milrt mitrly Itutner Dance Tuesday, f; : i dr:'- or.' se" c.T '" rill Ml- ( I-'.I i;r If All."!. P III' 1 min. MoipI ' - • g'.h " ' .' r, •„ It :;n .mo ■' o'rlo. i: to no'. ! \ her • d the mi'"! rr ot ga l - ev. ' dr., to allend the d.lliee at tla S; " ' Arrn at Camp It .tnr: on Tuesday night, it w... taied to- 1 day. Biim-s W'il Ira Vr at Ii 1 > P n and girls who find they r um a at- ] trnii are expiated to notily Mr-. Allen immediately. j FLOWERS FOR EVERY OCCASION Phone 380 Day or Nl*hl BR1DGERS ^ riorU‘ - - 1 i Car Seats For Baby It's a well built seat of light but strong construc tion. Metal frame adjust able seat. Folds up when not in use. $2.95 $3.25 Marian Martin —Pattern— That soft fullness, gatiu fed in*, i 1 vi . Path n 9339. . e *y fiat ‘‘ring *o oi*. ty;ir- o: ; e~ ,* ,• . ; Ihnt fop of ho,-lire and bow’ are ali ini' piece So easy! P iltct n 9339 e t es in -..a - 14. 16, 18. 20: 32. 34. 36. 38, 4o. 12. s./e Hi ‘•‘lie- 2 7-8 yards 39-inch fabric. Send Twenty cents in co:ns for bus pa* tern to Henderson Daily Dis- ; patch Pattern De: 22,2 West 18th *'*... New York i I. X Y Print plain ly s ze, nan e, a ldr< . styh number, Tost < Hit! The Marian Martin Summer Pattern Hook, a collection! of all that’s new ana smart in wear ing apparel f r the family. FREE Nghtgnwn Pattern printed in book. Send Fifteen Cents tor your copy. Miss I lushes Weds hdward J. Bnnkiex M Dorothy Castle Hu . n e fbe Hi de 0 Fob , r,; .1 ... . Brinkley quiet on m it ihi i t Baptist p • . Friday i : i.n ,1.1s li ,; 4 flii . • Re* F Nori'lee*. G 1 hi■ :'riffle is a pc]' I;i:: ■ rcss o: ’ ■ i reel heart l ely hue She used wiliti* ai ce-- >ries and v nament iring of ' 1 1 ■ . gilt ' • m She * re a sh' ‘ ddei rt i sage of r.d roses. Member' <,f fhe immedi ,te f.uni lies and a few elo.-e friends .1 th,: , couple attended the cerem ny. Immediately following the cere m my file c mple leit !im a '.mi ii g ' "i p 1 • the 'iinl a ms .a Y,.rth Car, I ':a and points m Yirgini,,. . ’r- Brmklev is tim daughter n! Mr. .and Mr.- \V. T. II mho-. ■ 11 ai ders' ii. She i- grad :ate : Ilenrier • high seh*" ' and Hender.- m H -: - ness C ,Jlege Fi r the I t live veai e ! eon i yed in the gen era ! "Mm, >: |; -. .a in ya. S:or. Mt Brinkley is the i >1 Mi ( ' \V Sin ,i i He g . . .,*'-> I ! . I lend,-1 ■ u a g1: oh ,,i v*j.) enti re,: file ., "id - 'TV ice i' ■ i ll'lll ||o h i . recent Ij been disi arged null . the :,oin* lys'e :' ■ ■ ■ * ■ A el se.! - He par! leipjted in the \ f r i e . Si ilia: . and ,\ .. d y in - . .isioiis and N mtliern France and -lennan ea mpa igns. BIRTHS j Birth of Daughter. Ml ml Mrs C iydo lo g ter. .!■ 'Iillniimv the OH ! ll , ,1 a da lighter, H"im e I Slue. . m .1 me 30 at (Iran- ] . i lie lu spit a I. (Kit nl. --— WITH THE SICK I.raves Hospital. Mrs. Minnie (Jill ha. ret ai ed I a j hi linn i- a tier living a patient C >r -n:i e 11 a:e a! Maria I' irliani U".-,pital. I'atirnt at Hospital. Mrs. (1. A. Farias, ni Wilmington, s reported tn lie imp: a ing satis- | Uiftnrily inllowmg an nperati"ii at Maria Parham hospital. *★★★★★ k WITH THE COLORS * k ★ ★ ★ + ★ On Leave Here. Ensign Preston Blue is home on i three-day leave visiting his par •ills. Mr. and Mrs. O. .1 Blue, allei ,\ hit'll he will report t > Fort Sehuy <i. X Y Leaves for States. I . I....' roi: e M. Murphy, vet - FJ months overseas ill the theatre ol operations, le'.l for the States on July 3 aht ard an Air Tiansp'il Command trail.— Atlantie plane lauding him at La Guardia Field, X. h .. according: to information received t >day. He plans to visit his father, George Murphy, n! 1 :iJO Walters :-treet. Pie. Murphy served as an infantry r.'.leman over seas and was awarded the Purple Heart, Good Conduct n.cual. F.'I <) ard two stars and American defense medal. _ CALL 3 6 6 LOI GHLIN CITI TAXI _ 24 Hour SerTloe Churches CONGRFGA I E |\AI. CHRISTIAN R .1 I- a'li. Aj j >. pastor Sunday !' ' S’:', . M -t '. ■ - ship. T ' . •'late (Elide I'.,-!- " 1 e at Holy I:. noceilts H; copal church. FIRST Ml TH( >DIST. Res 11 K King, minister. Sunday 9 la Chu cho >1 .I4 W S.indci , supc: 'Pendent. II a ni Morning \v >r-Iiip Scr •■''.Cil" l ■ <> I' i VlctI - -' Youth Fell iw ship. 8 IT •' • ' Holy In nocenN Kpi.-j -pal church. Sermon hy Hi i K X. Gardner. Tue-day: 8 p H i : Ch:. • an I. I ora tion. ' 'I rv ROM) ME I H( HUNT, Ret .lame \Y. Sneeden, pa 'or. Sunday . In S uni iy -cho il. \Y T Ada a-, .-..pc: uicndcnl. I 1 a. a. M '. mug w n'ship. Ser mon topic. "I, lyalty.” I! 4a nr Y ith Fellovv-hip. Monday: H n. m. Bade study da begin and rontmiles through Friday. Tex*. G ■ ■ - pe a .Mi i: li. T i .-day 7:80 p, m. Sp.ritual Life meeting. WHITE MEMORIAL METHODIST. Rev. James W. Sneeden. pastor. S;m ay: Sunday school. J. W. T! . . - . sunei intendent. 8 p. m. Evening worship. Sermon bv pastor on ' The Quitter.” Thursday: 8 p. m. Hr. ye: service. FIRST BAPTIST. Rev. E. X a : lee; Gardner, pas’ >r, Sunday 9:4a a. a. S nday school. II ; ni Sun i'a111 band meetuig. II a. \1 uuvg wm sli.p Ser in ni '.a;a. A Les-on in Content* 6:45 : I'm; : 1 t Training union. 8 : . Ca ■ a -in ", ice at Holy In : ■ i.'tm' Fa ■ • .a d ch arch Scrm >n bv !!<■■ E Norfleet (lardner, T ipic, "Finding the Way Back." Mon; lay: 9-12.1. a Bade -chuul .-tarts. Will be held each norluug through Fri day. a p a. J a G A pictlic It K .nc' I >;. iglPei -' park Program <•': : all. V . g a: i Mor .*■ p. m Si.,,' Pbilathca c! meet ing 1. lii parlor. Hostesses, Me-d I - e W H He-tor. 1. IT Tin pett. K. B. W * .ins >m 8 :• .: Business girls . rcle meet - . ' 'at a - • a . of Mrs. C K. Page. or. Chestnut In ' Hostesses, Mi 1 Ne nd Virgin - Ayeo . 8 p. Bov Sc U tr mp meeting T.iia a.v. 8:45 j Juni • R A neeting at church. J.imia A. Crisp, ,-peakcr Wednc-d i.v 8 p. m. Prayi r service. Thursday ■1 p, m. Girl Scout troop ", neet 8 p a. lute mediate It. A. meet - tug. Friday: 8 p. m. Junior department offi cer and teachers meet at the home ■ Mr V. G. Va gh.i■ i. /. dlieotfcr aven :e. H< 'I ,Y JNN< H F.N rs KPISI 1 u AL r;p\ u v ii iiticr, ltvi >r I ! i |l \ ( •..:!•!! Illloll. 8 p. 111. Mon'- H ole das.-. I" .1 in. \|,i 'ii.; H :ivi• and sermon, 11 i \1 Holder w II preach " i "T i ■ loins ( 1 art or." i i • Ii.i a. st. John'.-, North 1 lender- m, 2 p m. Evening a edit item (broad -a -! U'HXC i. r, HU ; :r, Ev< its m service. Church of the II .!> 111Moci'iiIs, 8 p. m The Rev. E. X t eel Gardner will he the preacher. Monday. .July It: H y Scout Troup No. 31. Pari a House. 8 p. m. Tuesday. July HI; Meeting of the Vestry. 8 p. in. Thursday, .July 12: Intercessions for men in the arm ed Haves. Ii p. m. Saturday. .1 d.v 14' The Drop in Club, 9-11:31) p, m. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN. Rev. W I> Mclnnis. pastor. Sunday 9 4a a. ei Church school. II a. m M .riling worship. Ser mon ■ u;11e "What Is God Like'.'" 8 p Cn m sen ice at 1 Inly In nocents Ep -up.,: church. Rev. E. X. Gardner wi'.l preach. Monday 7:3u p m B y Sc mts of America. PEXTECt >ST \L HOLINESS, NORTH HENDERSON. Rev II F Dalton, pastor. S i n' 1 a y 9 i;> a u It: ■ over WHNC. 9 a5 a. m Sunday school. 11a Morning worship. Sub ject "1. umeh ( > it into the Deep." 7 p • p. II 7' S meeting. 7 i.i ji' i; Evening worship. Sub ject: "T . | lay His Preparation.” Thursday : 7.45 p. m. Prayer meeting. THE SALVATION ARMY. Sunday services: in a. m., Sunday school. 11 a. m.. Preaching service. 6- 30 p. m.. Y. P. L. Meeting. 7 p. m.. Open air meeting. 7- 30 p. m Salvation meeting. Why not go to ehurrh? ST PAUL’S CATHOLIC CHURCH Time of Masses: 1st, 3rd. and 5th Sunday 8 a. m 2nd and 4th Sunday, 10:30 a. m. Holy Days. 9 am. Novena devotions, Sundays, 7:45 p. m. Rev. .Tames H King, pastor. Revival at Flint llill. A r ■vi'-al will be held at Flint Hill National Reserve Church of God from Sunday through Friday, it was stated today. Different, preachers will speak each night. BARCLAY ON BRIDGE Tors not nf.(t:ss\r* MANY otl civ or gr.< .( pi vers still | " n ilizc ■ ■ ing to .s >me of the bidding r-| *t.• - mcnts proclaimed during th. earli est days of contract t.r; Ige. Among these is the fetish that a suit, to tie i ii able mu t have a certain amount of high card strength at its top Many player; witt not bid a fcur-card n suit unless it ha - "at 1. ist a trade at its top. and others will no’ hi 1 a five-cardet except \vh< • r t-i; a "quern or better" to J;. ri.i g When two l . r-tnpp( i i are oppi sit • e ac h ■ ’ In ' 11 , players may tin • away an c*a y game. A .! > 7 G 3 V :* A in 5 *A KJ'S 4 A 10 ^ Q n 4 '! r> d N tr K 1 7 fl A r; « 4 3 \Y E t 2 S 4 l< s 7 A 'J 1° t I— A •' 7 L’ A K !' I A A .( s J A A a Add (Prater: North Both sides vul nerable ) North Hast South West 1 o-s Pass tv I'a.-s 2 A I’a.-s- 2 NT Pas 3 NT What a painful experience it was to the kibitzer when he ob served both North and South get ting into a No Trump game arm never mer-ta-ang tt.eir spades If either partn-r had opened his rw. :th at .1' thi spade suit, game wen! I haw |„ .1 einrh to hid ■i 1 1 ik- li.' there they were, in *he v. 1 ■ They deserved to gi t t. .1: : tt.ev were set. West li nond 3 to th 5. K at A Ti my went South ■ " ' ■ the A > hi ' *’ 1 I>.• ■! 11 >aa ■■ teward his K rh< \ ; that and the dia T,;' " 1 2 cm- e i.,i. k to t.e won by t • .1 •* h v. !.e-h S .■ h overtook - 10 tier in-,- he ante ! the lead hand. Ht . - • ssfully J tso got ' 1ks and the A But Hit made only < in k ’ i h:m. Whet, lie lost a second spa ■■ to the Q. Hast re in:-.. -! Ins last diamond an ! West i - it the contra- t wi ll thn-i- more t r i * Its S. 'h tin .tit his K-9 a I r.tit e-ustitule 1 Migh top strength I 1 a sp. . |, and North tie.light .1 s n, sp.l .1 s If either ha-1 la id a different view, the r< ill a a 4-Sj .ole contract V 11 Id liavi brought the loss of inly tliiii- tn ks. two in trumps and one in diamonds. Your Week-Kill! Question Over a pre-emptive original Sait hid 1 f three in a major or four in a minor by your partner why is it usually better to raisi the first suit to game, when hold ing suihi lent strength, th in to bit vnur own suit in rest-mac ? Di5tnt'iitr'i T>v King Features Syndicate, Iar Simple Cure for Sprains By HERMAN N Bt'NDKSEN. M D. MOST all of us have had a sprain at some time or another and. since sprains are so common, many forms of treatment for this condition have been suggest'd. There used to be a time, and not so long ago either that when a >prain developed, the patient was pul at rest, and the sprained part kept from being moved. This form of treatment, however, has been dis carded in most eases. It would appear that, nowadays, it is considered important, when sprains and minor injuries occur and the skin is unbroken, to have the patient gently move about as soon as possible. However, such motion is painful. Hence Doctor Robert Bingham of the Medical Corps of the Army suggests that the sprained area be sprayed with a substance known as ethyl chlo ride which deadens pain and. then, active motion of the part encour aged at once. Recovery Rapid Strapping with adhesive tape and the use of plaster casts are not required. Doctor Bingham states that six to nine out of every ten patients recover rapidly with this form of treatment so that the period of disability may be less than three days. Acute sprains respond to this treatment better than those which have been present for a longer time. The relief of the symptoms is also greater when the tissues have not, been torn, and bleeding into the tissues has not occurred. Sprains of the ankle, knee and upper part of the spine responded to treatment best. Those of the shoulder and lower part of the spine were less respondent to treatment. I’sing Spray In using the spray, the container is held about two feet from the skin. The spraying is continued until the skin blanches or is cov ered with a tine frost. However, the spraying; is not continued until i the skin is frozen. The moment thf . -kin color changes, the spraying is stopped. I iie "be rt i f the spray i- to get rid of the i :.-at am of pain. When the spray is topped, t he frost I? wiped "if the kin and the patient is imp 1 to move the injured part through the full range of move ment. aim it once every second, gradually increasing the extent of the motion and the forcefulnc.-s of the exercise. After ten to twenty movements, the patient is asked to point out any new painful areas, and the treatment is reprated. Painfree Motion One or two sprayings and 1 0 to ] o minutes of act p - move a * tit will usually •st, n painfroc motion in the eases of mild injuries. More severe east - may take .‘JO to -JO nuriut' of exorcise and four to six appl at ins of the spray. A 1 tei t lie sjc a \ .ng is iii on tinned, the patit nt I ins* 1 let. 1 to repeat the niovuicuts tor live minutes every hour. if there is a gr at d. a! of swell ing. an clasti bandage may be put on, but the patient is allowed to be up and It the injured pait is stiiT anti painful the next morning, instruc tions are given to soak the area in cold water for a few minutes anil repeat the exercises every hour. Within two or three days complete recovery usually takes place. It would appear that this form of treatment is simple, yet effec tive. Ql ESTIONS AND ANSWERS W . A.:—My son is almost seven teen. For several months I have j been concerned because he has pimple.- on his face. What should be done about it? Answer:—I have outlined some suggestions concerning pimples | and hlacklu mis which I shall be 1 glad to send :o yo i if you will write again enclosing a s. If addressed, stamped envelope. Your name will not be used. (Copyright, 1945. King Features Syndicate In** x * \ ' t i J i J 1 UUU Neves Of The Cliurelies Press Service of the North Carolina Council of Churches ( hurrh I dlow ship Sponsors I* lira I Workshop ( <»h»p : ■ >«, S ( A '■ k«h..p .n C otl\ «• llVif.fc* Will Hi held n\ tn< ’lyrroli (*«i.inty 1 • n.-j St h'iui here. July 1 .-i-ij.» Tht* I-• S ilT id i'll <*hll !.:!,< j 'Vilifi the project which will In • ■ ministers and ether i >\ workers who will seek ’ It j! u tht • . ' ! iif. P;u*1 of ciicli day . < U *•: * cm t(• t i.i •• c■ s and h ct .res, tin- res' V. ii! lit* i>.'In-!l! tt. ti.f . ’i • ; ‘id r.imnwmly where me m -sh >iis- ari held. I .o ki. rship for die . ■ include |)> iIon; v < ..rj.• i w <.» \.-v. I the ...- ■ cii f 'onumltcc • m tin Cmil. u ;m i Oki|. rat m-s I) Sol/ May. i ci'il ogi-t, Slat. ( "I!. :v Ralegh How.i d M. m i d .1* Cumpocl ( '■ i 'logo. Uni t'll'' . John Durkin, con ultant In Wr (irk. \ tl ' > B i'! antic.- and Rubin Win ' a:, i S. I’. Dean, princi; a! ' lit lynv C'i1 inty Tram.Ng Sc! The group will study . • •• pc ' philosophy, community pm era th net i.i I work tig of i » , i a: i vc i lading credit union . mi . visits I" neighboring pi rat projects. Missionary (o Africa Speaks to < hurdles Eh n College Miming • s head quarters hero at Klon Coilogo. D. Mo l.n W Enn •. i •: tt.o |iasl :t:> years a mission,i.y undo' the A > cri o..n Board (Ci iigregnti'mil-Chns ' . ■ i m EU Tide. Africa. - now on • , lec'ii.o tour speaking To C'ongrcg.'i ' in-C:ii :stian thi' .ugii 'i.i tins area. l... • .< oi .. Di Ennis i:i..ght the . lissn n co U'si■ at the loaui -o:, 1 .lining school tin Wgi (' ngroga tionai-Christian Chui hef at F liiitmi Instil l >r. Sunday lie preached at the F'i st Chi:.': . iImre!i i I Roidscille. wh .-e co l * gat ion 1 ecently lull support of two missi uinrio. thi mission ;'i ject -• • I y Di Enn.- i >:: Ti r-d:iy tht A! rican sii'iii.ry addressed the lias' ti: A.ii't:: Carolina Sunday s ol e n i at Epsi■ • and n S li > preach it he Unit< 1 Chui ! Raleigh. Ennis, whose chief i\ rv. ha- boon i .angell-t ;e. : i as a 1 SI I ;eei- . as an archts ingist and h: • ■ adi i nil signi f leant eiintrin ■ ' .- 1-■ t he Bn; is!. Museum and h '... ::i iseu : at Harvard University Nashv Ho, Te n.—A am ' ncoment bv Di D iit ! 1 N< :i. the rxcutive ('"mmittee , t the Si I it hern B .pt 1st Chorea, ha ap pm\ e.i new c.,mpaigu ; .. I 'U. . klh t.' Russia, dll appe.i! ' in i ado during July. August and Sep tember. '1 he campaign will be e.NTiob on in ro.-pi Use to a cabled ippoa! fr v. Russian Baptists sighed by Cuuir • in A. 1 Zhidk- and ud.ei Bap; i. • leader.'- ill Mo-eov Da -1 year S/iuther: Rapt: is sent 175,000 k it- to ID. .-i.i a tie appe a ling t. the churches for 100.000 Th< R - - sian leaders expressed groat grati tude I. ■!' the ki'.- . o ly : • , 'IN', o l and gave ass ranee that tin add 1 a•lUil kit- would i to Hi.. :i.N'ul" most ill m od of help. R ... ::m W.n Roliol. III"-., will oare for the 1 ip ping "f the kih- when they a:c i o idy Bennett Plans Ministers' School f Iroom- nor ' An u-' ling to oi m ■ 'iinoomont by Re\ 1! D C: • ko'' ot Bennett (w Jlogo. plan.- h eye n - • h hi C rovkctt A'.1.1- i /j*. dr- - »v - ! l oll (*.»111 -.»• -• , ; : r!- ’ r.i> * mu •. i, •«. I. ' t . t ■ ■ I i d 'hn Si . . . .A Nuw Y 'ir; City. l ocal ( Inin h Sponsors it*. Own ( .imp f Fellowship*’ bo. u e - mirm- A happy group ut‘ F' en * • t:!• > the 1 I uge ad tin- cult w« re ! rer. t- >. v. ith ' • I" ' .1 mg Mi,- Let i !>:i' -i - e<i as camp v. ’ ' c i'a- '"i 1 ! the . c Km. G ■ . j>. H'les, Bible School I o Ol )en At Baptist Church Mniukn Tin ann ; it V;a u. n liiMi ..-ho.-.I • • !■' -■ I' pen At nday ire miiing m nine o'clock ami nntimi, r,l ig F iy a- • ire. :1 u...- w eert n day .fames A ■ Jr.. .id - | a nr it a :. week's - : i .... a . ivjtt . held ■ i - . wi ik and handiwork a , i ■•cc h ,dmi:! 1 | > no.| will be held r ich d; V ciiarg” : All.-.- IV:. 15 irtholo mcv. a i Mis,- it . ! '. m . L’Oncl ,, i avi'". V M • \V V !' .1 la " ;: ,*i■ -' M -- Pc- m ! .i . -c g i"i, a M , - : ■ lc; : ' • .'• • Ah - .1 C G m b rci Primary it m< ni M V. G V.iug an. .1 ric;rtnient in : In K \ : f icef G, rci':< r. i nf < nn. di ce deparf mi' A number a other the le partmonts -i mi'ig the wee!--. .Musical Sunday. Tin re w I hr a d ; ■ gram • Spt ing S' cm Rmsi ,-f, rch Sundav 'imiif a: d >Yl""k. r was m m'lirc i • i IV Tb. G i Pc K" g, ■* It. • \y -v ; S' i K.":m' < 01. n 1 c-t ill appear oil tic p ai”r.i■: NOTICE ! Large sleek of high grade mnmmii nt.- on our y ard to se lect fr<mi AII mon nt' tilal work f 11! i.-li.'il I >\ ii ■ i of tin highest quality. i rompt .tin! courteous service. Henderson Granite 8c Marble Works I I i i' 1.11 o 11 e Si.t) -. ■ BEGINNING MONDAY O. P. A. 9:30 A. M.“ODD LOT” RELEASE Several Hundred Pairs Women’s Shoes! n * miAii rnrr And Reduced For This R ease .... f I RATION FREE these 0.1*. V j j use* Shoes in .«• i j windows. . /. / i *f\ | Those fine shot's are taken from this sca.ain’s heat known styles anti makes, included are white Tweetliea. j • /~v i /~\ hoot Rest, \ itality. and otht r good shoes that sold i rom Sorry! Only Une Pair lo Customer <♦» . nr . , nr j (O. P. A. Rule) $4.95 $7.95 8 ONE RACK NON-RATIONED WOMEN S 1 PLAY SHOES fl 1 hese sandals are odd and end sizes in some of summer’s best j, H styles. Values to $5.00. Reduced to only.- U positively TTrnnn»r* positively No Exchanges or Refunds 14/L* 43 43 No Exchanges or Refunds | j ALL SALES FINAL VV JOjLJLJ kj ALL SALES FINAL HENDERSON SHOE STORE “YOUR PATRONAGE APPRECIATED” tf3E2fi5S90HOflBBSfiB93HflRtSSE9I^K2H9BB2flHKBnSHHE9BKEE39BBHE5!nBB^K!EIK9ESS&B9HRHnB99mBHBSHHBHHIHB

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