Society News ( on Ml '(il N I’Oia ( I. MV j s - ,i! 1 till' ii'tisl Uiiir.Vi . • ■ ' 1 tin -4 upon the t*la\ . ,{h it '.i;l the -r. i n ii'. .! . the tli i\vci> and till i »eeeh ^ , , n ■* hell- the i U; r.n i lee*. \ . :»ie bu > . bn linu -1 eet. mo; e I an* t » think upon. i?(. , :: ,il the'.' Qt the i I xpected Stindax 1 !■ i Ml- l\oi ‘l i t II ■ . I A v , . v • t • .im■. e ; • • • ■ i Florid... to . • Mi \ p. i rent s, Ke\ anti M; . i :. • "■ r 'i" \t Nun's Itcdsidc yp , i M. .1 F N . i have ton-S ailed due * • tj.i c: die d ■ I I iii'. i" "ill. .1 "'.v. W r: '"II-S.iI.m !i.>-; ■ 'V l)i,,': In ( lull Closed Toniuht. ; ) >-In (d! .o .it t:ie II 1 v I • - • . : ; ■ enjj.i 1 ;Ki r, - a .. • ii -e A . 11 • -I i.hi nht. d \\ a- jnnoinn - • ■ ’ «■ ' 1 tdrd by re. ent r.» n-. I’m • pr i next Saturday . m a-a U-1 and member* are m • . : et ..rn then. (hi 1.c Cutting (ii\ en 1 nr Bridal Connie • •• , eh I d 11! dm Flea - , ' ,-d th,> ddo’mo.n. Mi and • i;i d eater* me I t::r a ■ . ' • • *.u A. • a k (- j. \ * he V ' ! • .'i ■\I i; i; (lie: n Ida- -tut'*' - .ve:« ’ e !’ v M / pp p. n . in • • , e m •: * . a , n d. ,i;.d .re r * am \\ . ' i;' :i, if -' i.. . • :e r •r ro; r.v i ’.are m the dm • M ’. ' i -1 4 i ' • ire Fn i e a :: i a i • > • • . (1. .•»*• - • write r ob, -ne t • • : e - a e: • i - j >ende i : r m die a r id.:i t bell at tin r1: ' it e: •'' 1 V ' t lUffht - d \ '• -a - , . rut 1 1 cake. : . ■ \ fifty d. : m.4 tar e\ e ling, Countn Gun i Fid Picnic On Fridax M. ■ .. !■- ... . W. , : 1. -.Iih.'ivii ,.t ,1 . ,y inuiii ... ..VI . •: ,i *. i. - - nit rt’tl ■m w.'i .■ '. iil l'll i - I •... 'I t I.’ nly I :; ,1 Illy, I ■ tl ■ y ' , t cn . : ... .I 1 1 All • ■ , :.i>■ l < v m (t. :.v Ml ' 1! (• 1,111 ..., 1. Mr, II ,' . .; a All. II ami Mi.. Iiu . .11 I’.i: ii.uii Marian Martin —Pattern— ' r ■ p tt* - 0432 Ma { -A ■’ tve ther Pa"' iiL’hj nn- • v- 2. I. •! and S v (> ,• , l y., .Is Set rVV EX t'Y rent ft, P ' '' ■ > Hi | . I 11 ■ W- i pt-h s-.. Xe v Y . . ::. X Y. ! SIZE. X ME. ADDS l-.Ss. STYLE XTM p.ei; F '' ■ hr.nL- V. i.i ‘hr n s i ' -PI '• IT X, J v\ |ji111>■ 1 iM the book! Ilfide-Llect Feted 'at Supper l luirsdax I ■ : v M . Am X: . . • • \ ; a* • • • r the - iM> 1- 'm;:. : th - .iMmi • ‘ ' i M• ‘ . • i: t : :v>. 1 . . .-’.at i a , T t • . a. • • • White ii ■ >e * "'• t ■’!'H*l * :u I It a A ■ ' ■ a ' >; a . rose-. ! i.iUKe.i av : 4 • - a. .. (va!r:v:l far l.ii.'c. A.,- laid El "Avar X 1.S w esentefi I «'! ’ i J • : i • I r : a ■ : ■ , M x ' M. f • P ■ . M; x.ri'ne [ A: I . i. Mi M L. \V . si. M I E V a ■ M A II P .. - | :1.i ■ , M I. i :::i .l.iiir C'f A'riv. Mi - E • l: M; : . M. s • i K.V White rid M.!;. ::.ird A 1)... . i t ir f x r it WITH THE COLORS ★ if if if it 'k if ' t Kt'rslcr I irlil. v J ". . i ■.. 11 i; u 11 .■:. i; ■ ■ i .1 . ,i! .ui led .i' K . i • - i , !•' i. ,\| . it .’ ... learned : - i > He i.- ndueled m Lie army .1 . ; id t.» At Vlartiiislnira Mart ui a. W Va.. July hi. - I", He- v M M.iemi uf 720 Eton reef. I i< .del... .n, ipivv at 111.' treat eut He served . .■ -e • 30 ui. >nt:s n! Vr.'i i. China, I:; .:a *i Hu a . a, :' a the Ja2inI I-a....' i i aid .'.a., the Asiatie 1 ’ : i K : >! - a Me! ire entering the A m> lie vv a- I a:| .v ed .! iiie To; - a • . 1 C! r;!; a: I tend, -an and he a■ i a ie i i: e I. ' usburg iiigh school in I. ... Bible School 10 Present Finals At l nion Sen ice C. ui mien, a a .-a I exe.a ; -e.s fir fin Di.iv oil Millie sehunl which luis Ueea. a: |u igrrss a! the First Baptist ea rch : >r tun week- will he held at the union service at that church tomorrow evening at eight o’clock, it \va> announced today. The program will open with a processional, billowed by quiet music and the call to worship. Students at the Bible sehunl will sing their school hymn, "Lord of Life." and give their motto. Salute ta tne American tlag. Christian flag and ILble \\ 11 be gi\ en. B u i.> ’.'ill be given by the individual departments ta c incl .de the p. a.mi. The beginner’s pro gram will be under direction ot Mrs. c;. \v Ka ’’: primary. Mrs. J C. Cl i. liner: j u: " . Mi's. \ . Cl. \ uug l.i . and .nte: nediatc, Rev. E. Nor fleet Gardne PORTER WILL PREACH AT FIRST METHODIST Kcv H. B. Farter, - ipenntcndent ol the Raleigh di-tric! "l the Moth- ; o list Church. will preach at tlu : First Methodist church tom rra\\ morning at eleven o clociv and will hold the third quarterly conference an nediately after the service, it was anno meet taday bv the pastor, Rev H. K K ng. Only one more visit will be made here by the distinct superintendent during tlu curreui can ter-.nice year, and it is expected that he will be heard by a large con * gregation tomorrow. I!ev Mr. Portei , f .n'nerly was pastor ot tne local 1 church tor taree years. , THE SMILE' RETURNS TO PARIS SACK FROM its wartime h ding , i.,a, Da Vinci’s famous M ma Lisa, |,:'c "! t:,u W<'|'*«1 * bf.-t known paintings, is restored to its <.!d place in the Livivro, Paris, while mien sted spectators look on. (International) Shock Chief Accident Danger Ry HERMAN N BUNDF.SEN. M I) | Fir:ST ai.l mean; tin giving of l Immediate treatment to erne, ne who has .iitTere l an aceid nt.nri suddenly ill. It is eiiu rgi ncy t reat ment, and is u.- indlv carried out by someone other than a doctor. It is imp.irtant that first aid he properly gi'am so that it may tie a: In ’.c-fieial as possible without further aggravating the disorder that is pre. ent. Chief Dangers One of the chief dangers in acci .lviits is ti.e development of shock or collapse. I a treating shock, it is important to keep the patient warm, with s' mat covering, the Use of li-.t r bottles if they \ are availed . , a. ,j a warm, drink. Tiio next t!u |,. think uhout is getting tta i t.. ■ t to a h -pital as fjuic'dy a- p - . !e. Hence, a '.u a-ii ' acted “in >t aider" wid hav. ■ • no ■ me • ad for an anibulai i a., date'.;., -,, that he will not lie pi i • •: in ti., end ,r ra -i'lg no- d , t w.,j; j... around with the pane! •. a f;er all tir-1 .id treatment is g e:i, until an am bulance can arrive to take the pa tient to a hospital. Broken Bones In the case of hi oken be: ■ s, the outstanding necessity is that the j patient mu t net tie moved until ! the affected part of the body has ir eii timily fixed, so that move- ! intuit will ne' cause f}„ s of l lie ■ bone to prutrmb througb the skin or In further injured. Tile pros • uiv -if n lo-oki ri '/one cun usual!} !h ur Is, of eoiii e, the fir t object is to st< p the bleed ing. Thi- may be accompli-bed by dir.-et pressure on the wound with a pad of gauze and bandage. If this does la a oil*'lice, a tourniquet may bi tpi a d. It is made lip of a piece of rid : • : tubing or some other ma tt-rial which can be wrapped up •;:■•! an arm or leg above the wound and then twisted until it is tight on ugh to check the flow of blood. However, a tourniquet can be h ft in place only for a short period of time. Obviously, cutting off the flow of blood too long may serve to produce permanent dam age to the tissues loading to the *b \ cioj.a , nt of gangrene or death of the tissues. {( "i>:- 1. . King IVatures Sjudic&ie, Inc.) GiS GET ICE CREAM-OR ELSE AN MP WITH A SUB-MACHINE GUN stands ;:uard as two soldiers load a track with iee cream fur the air ha at Scutt Field Mu. When a strike at the II. me Ice Cream plant tied up the supply, the air base com mandant unt over a party of officers and heavily-armed Alt’s to load the truck.- make sure that they would liansport the regular supply of ice cn an to the army post. .(.International Houndvhuio) “The Authority on Authorities” M \ | W \ I it! MI’S SHOW \ AN E\ I.N I'i WL ul le of a 1 suit eimt im t. by a player wlm passed a m u.lly T.’irn!i«-r of tin es. I thoiuili lie p.iiUn !• made sevt ral bids. IS likely I ■ be bnsml entirely on his bo1.1.ny in the frump suit. In sueh a ease, the move whieh usually would plfase .him the most, and whieh the declarer probably fears more than any other, is the had of a suit whieh the declarer tan ruff and the doubler afterward. That enables the defender to conserve his trumps, over-rufling if the de clarer ruffs low and dis.-ardii'.g from a wort: o’ - suit U the de clarer ruffs layli. * ’< 7 2 4 lotl.i ♦ s 5 4 A K 6 1 2 4 q .r 10 r.-4 x m. ■1 N 4 A <3 J b 4 K 8 \\ E 7 " 4 10 7 0 2 n ♦ A b 1 4 S3 ---J f 7 A A K Mi o 4 ;• i A K ft J 3 4 io 5 ( p. dl l’: Wot. Ilotll Side- Vlil n. rable.) West N irtli East South Pass 1 'ass 14 1 4 Pass 2 4 2 4 .”4 Pass Pass 1:4 Pass Pass 3 4 Pass Pass Dhl East overtook the heart K lead. iCOl'eil the Q and led the J South rutted with the spade S and West ovcr-ruCed with the 10. Thee h< led IE ill.t! :. ' tn tlie A. That in.n!.■ i!.' siik a • t.k." and East 111dii d In .a ■■ .' Iial he should lead ih xt. 1U i: t V a very had guess. Even with N ith now out of in ait-. so that S util Could get ft tuft aii-1 discard .t the suit were lid again. East .-tumid have de cided that a11> remaining tricks by his side n.u-t almost certainly have to come fiom West’s trumps. He should have read West for five trumps, as .Smith probably would have rehid the spades before showing I • - ‘bun ■■:.ds if he had as many six II East had reckoned West a- l:a\ i: e a!> lit the strength at the top oi -j ides that he did hn\ • . and li i icttimed a heart a it i r v..: :u: the diamond A. West would 1 iCi scored two more tricks and set the contract two trick.-. 1 hit ■; . E i t r< turned the dia 11• "ii i !' at th it tage This enabled South t end-pl ty West and limit h ui t' c i * .ore trick. South took tho spud.- A. three prompt dia hu ” i tucks and two club tops, then li! the spade 9. West won with the J. hut then had to give up the last two tricks by leading from the Q-o into the K-6. Thus the set was limited to one trick. * * * Your \\ cek-Eral Question What are the three main kinds of reasons why it can sometimes be advisable to run, as early as possible, all or most of the sure consecutive winners you have in varii us suits in your own declarer hand and the dummy? Churches I CONCrRFCA TJ< »N U CHRISTIAN Rev. .1 Frank Apple, puslui • Sunday I • 1 i .. r up. S • . >n Topic; 11 .e You Found Jt f . I f.\a: 'i. FIRST MKTHODIST. Re . II K K. • g. mm ei Sunday !l li t n ( ' r i * . ... .1 W Sande . general -upci .ntendent. II a, in. Morning v\ >\ i:o»i ) v Kc\ crend 11 I *. 1 ’• • a :. pc. .nteiidt n! : R • . . ed 1 i (i «i .■ ?i i y eonterenee. * d hst You ship. ii p. in. Cn.jn service a* Fast Bu FIRST I’RKSRYTKRIAN Re j* D Ahlniii- j!iim.'’e. Sunday !» I.) , -rl’M >! 11 a f W-.l-.~l. p. Se a eCt • ! ! | li p la I la i II el let Kl. t li;i|>- j j ti.-t Church. M ealav: 3'30 |). n C . tie.-, nice1, at tin | etiiu ch 4 p W A : \ :! - :y. 7 30 .■ 11, y s at.- lit Amcra i WHITE \ 11- \I< llilAI. M KT1K )1)IS I 11uva •- W SlU 'edc i pa tar. S.mday. 10 a. in S.mday .-el,,ml. 7 la 7 nut1-1 . i\v -:.i. I! p. :ii. E, e.. 1,. 1 )e-1, e i ! 11, ■ 11 . : . a . . .. v ... .i c. 11 a i.i | 114 ,-ervicc. i'hll: ,-ctay: 8 p. a. Player ei ec. CITY Rn.\D MKTHODIST He . . .1.. i i1 W Sr a -. ■, a "i. Sunday 1U a. a: Sari ,.v .-eiionl Pre-t.:: * I: 111 lie- : i ,4 Cll!'; ' . l ' : . 11 Mi . a iii'sti ,. C*>.i.- ' ii 1.7 7' ' Ki : T ■ -day 7:30 ii. meetin4. I I Ue, j !i P -... - ; 10 )I.Y IXN'I Ii I 1 rs EPISCt)PAL Rev. Hay lie. lei , eetnr Eighth San.i.iy : te. Trinity. July a a. r ie II Cl. ilia,a, 1! n. Men - limit- in-- In m. M ruing 11 yet and .-ei-m-m, 11 | a. a M H , n r, :. ; ireai a a "The Eteri ... I ■ . eidcrnbio-." Chorea .- :m 1 .ad evenmg Pl'ny ■ . st. j Evening Meditation lUTlXCi. 1 11:30 p. a . Union se it' tin Hondo: .-mi. 'me K.r-r I Jap' i t ear. i 8 p. m. Monday. 1 i y 23 Se , .: 1 ' . , X • r iil, I : i, ’ll.-, . i! p. 111. Wedne.- ay. .1 ;iy- 24' (S'. Janie-. Ap, i.-t !e 1' The Duly l'■ : a.,ei. 10 ... m. Thill'-, i ya J a iy 211. I nte : :a, the anti* : ed he re.-. 0 p a.. FIRST BAPTIST. Ki !•.. X n-fleet Clai due:. pa tar. I Sniidny: ! !l 45 a. .a. I Ii. de aril, ml. II a in. wor- iiip. Se: - ”M - ■ i and Their Me.miii.a" ii 15 j a Bap: I Traiiiin.; a a i a-.-eii:ij 1 y and W M U. .mxilia. e I meet. ii p n: Union ,-e:". ee Vaeal m Bible .eh,* 4 e, imtnelieei. ent Monday i! p. in. Boy Seoul troop meeting. \V, lay !i p. a Pi i.ver -ei", .ee. Thu -d. y: 4 p n . Girl Seoul t: --p t!> ee j .. ”4 1- i id iy 4 p. m. \'.e ' at 11 de ch iia-iiic at King’ D., a i'ia -' pari.. THE SALVATION ARMY. Sunday services: 10 a. m., Sunday school. 1 1 a. m.. Preaching service. 6:30 p. nu, Y. P. L. Meeting. 7 p. nu, Open au meeting. 1 7:30 p. in. Salvation meeting. Why not Eo to church? ST. PAUL'S CATHOLIC CHURCH ! Time of Masses: 1st, 3rd, and nth Sunday 6 a, m ! 2nd and 4th Sunday, 10:30 a. in ' Holy Days, 9 a. m. Novena devotions, Sundays, 7:4.' p. m. Rev. James H King, pastor Salvage Chief VETERAN of twenty years of ship salvage work, Capt. l.cbleus Curtis of Buffalo, N. Y., whose first big job salvaging the Pearl Harbor vessels, is shown during an inter view at Washington when he told reporters of the task faced by his “repair fleet'1 during Vie Okinawa campaign. In 57 days, this salvage officer of the Pacific fleet supervised repairs on 823 ships hit off Oki nawa. Navy photo. (.Intcrmtiovo'} Oniide WASHINGTON Fear Pan-Slavic Bloc From I Expect Ration Book No 5 Oder River to the Pacific | To Be Issued by January Si cist to J'tf s • WASHINGTON Pn klent , in 1 : first !1 ■g Tlirc- meeting -a," F’rlnx Mtru-1. r < hi ..• m It - Kia'.-i, An • n••■in arid British Fiservi rs f.. I • m> • rn .vi r ' ' • I. i\ may fake in tr, >tru< tt« • of l iur ; • One London • Xpert has soul that IF. lT V ft I: i in tlte full ttush of victory may p- • to t» . |..>igi j ,• , t • t th.- United Ktat. an 1 the Unit.-d Kin; ;<.m fiuth n' i. f on si. Fins-ia forming a pr SI ive h would , rs will uty upon S. cretary of Lib : Sm :• a. Fi i hi-!• rniziti n of th, . -r- '-of-liv ing in.tex Lot,or 1 mg has main) in. !! it • u • i; e l Premier Stalin t• i • ' I r i ■. ;ch intangibh th( isappearanci j • , quality cl. t.'l'iorati ! • Schw. Herd, . h n .-a is holding pr.-. '• ;••?.= . s \\ ,-b AFLi President William i ;•CIO Prc-si ■:? i Man y ,i:. United Mine Workers Clint John L Lewi : on th» :‘r • OP A IK WodtKINO a new r:r i 1» u.d late this year or »arly r.-xt y« ir It e-ill \v I 'it : k X 5 and the las' one—OP A !: p.-s that . ill - Ration V ok 4 is iu-• to run out ,-t t> • : r>■,i and blue foou stamp th s fall F'ntil tin n- !■■• i ... use probably will he n... of the green stamp- . m Xo. •». The new bock will l.e distributed at. s i l ., . . -, wcr>- the first ration books ever issued in this < u.- v • i the later books were mailed to consumers, but thi • sy. :s to b, at-an.toned for l*o. k Xo 5. Among charge.- in tin- n.-w F-. k will 1- . f numerals giving stamps eight five, two and on. -p--:r.t . , designa tions no long.-r tire needed sine.- all t. , . r.;*. now are worth 10 points regardless of the numeral print. n th r faces. * * * * • ARCHII ’ALI • M A Cl ETSH, former ltl r« Is . p.-.-ted to leave l.m prcs.-nt in tin- ‘ v ... -. Secre tary Byrnes g.-ts lu k fr m the P.-t. - u < ;• i many and begins i. .u ganization. But departnn-nt heads hope that one little pr • i in bus started will he carried on That is the holding of si . id ml at" parti, s by small..-!-state department fry who have d.-ali:... -. t.t, ,_n powers. Of course, fug wigs in the departm. nt nlv. ay- ! . •• ..a ! th.-ir .- .-c-ial functions, but not until MacL.-ish artiv.,1 .-.a.- B * extend.-d to lower level personnel and the foreign represent;.! .v. with whom ttu-y meet. Tin- plan worked so well an i had such ewell. nt t.-.- .its that a move is under way to make these social funders a j crmar.cnt policy. fr * * * • IT LOK'KK AS IP’ luvsi lent Traa .m u ill I av- t< ] at tie- heat on the Senate if In- wants a. tioii or. th. Hon . -a;.; ■ ■ . . ill making the II..I1S, sp. .it. r an,' Senate pr. t pro ten ; • v next in line as president m pl.'ie.- of th- i.ta-y Senators of state i Tin Hons,, heeding Mr Truman's request for -0W upper 1. hurriedly pass, d th, bill , : ! ■ dying la re- Presidency commendations and sent it to th. Senate When the bill reached that body, however, it \ teferre 1 to a sub-committee of the committci on privileg s at 1 el< lions without gny indication tliat action would be taken. Our Expert Styles! Will Be Here On Monday and Tuesday July 23 and 24 &&& ' ■» i '■) %? Men’s and Women’s NEWEST FABRICS and FASHIONS Correctly Fitted Made-to-Measure E. G. Davis & Sons Co. FLOWERS I FOR EVERT OCCASION I Fhonr SXO Ilay or Ninht I BRIDGERS The FlorU‘ I Pajamas Full for comfort. Small stitched for sturdy seams. Cotton crinkle crepe— 95c l" $1.59 Other cotton pajamas in stripes— $2.50 _